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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktdesigns muligheder for at understøtte borgeres affaldssortering / The possibilities of Product Design in Supporting Citizens’ Waste Sorting

Arieli, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
Målgruppen er unge i alderen mellem 20-29 år, der bor i en etværelseslejlighed i Malmö og har flere udfordringer ved affaldssortering. Fuldsorteringen sker ikke altid korrekt og i overensstemmelse med eksisterende lovgivning. Arbejdet tager derfor udgangspunkt i problemformuleringen “Hvordan kan brugercentreret design bidrage til at kunne ændre den yngre generations attitude, når det kommer til at sortere affald i husstanden som et essentielt led i borgeres aktive deltagelse?”. I udforskningen af problemfeltet tages forskellige teorier i brug. Hovedteorien i arbejdet er brugercentreret design efterfulgt af design for holdbar udvikling og affaldssortering ud fra et klimapsykologisk perspektiv. Såvel undersøgende metoder som designmetoder anvendes med henblik på at foretage kvalitative undersøgelser af målgruppens udfordringer. De vigtigste anvendte metoder er designeksperiment, ekspertinterview og Co-design workshop. Afslutningsvis har metoderne resulteret i et designkoncept, hvor alle affaldsbeholderne samles ét sted under køkkenvasken, og med mulighed for at beholderne kan ekspanderes alt efter husstandens behov. Herved får målgruppen et tydeligt overblik over samtlige skraldespande og kan, med det in mente, foretage de korrekte og bedst kvalificerede beslutninger. Det betyder blandt andet, at hvis der mangler plads i en beholder, behøver husstanden ikke tage en ny pose frem, men kan i stedet ekspandere den eksisterende. / The target group is young people between the ages of 20-29 years who live in a one-room apartment in Malmö, Sweden, and have various challenges with waste sorting. The waste sorting is not always done correctly and in accordance with existing legislation. Therefore, the work is based on the research question “How can User-Centered Design contribute to changing the attitude of the younger generation on waste sorting in the household as an essential part of citizens’ active participation in society?”. When exploring the problem field, different theories are used. The main theory in the work is User-Centered Design followed by Design for Sustainable Development and Waste Sorting from a Climate Psychological perspective. Both investigative and design methods are used in order to carry out qualitative studies of the target group’s challenges. The main methods used are Design Experiment, Expert Interview and Co-design Workshop. The methods have resulted in a design concept where all waste containers are placed in the same place under the kitchen sink with the possibility of expanding the containers depending on the household’s needs. In this way, the target group gets a clear overview of all bins and with this in mind they can make the correct and best informed decisions. That means, inter alia, that if one of the bins lacks room the household does not need to take out a new bag, but may instead expand the existing one.

Právní úprava skládkování odpadů / Landfilling legislation

Černý, David January 2016 (has links)
Abstract AJ The goal of this thesis is to thoroughly chart the problem of waste management in Czech Republic and the European Union and to outline legal and economic situation in waste treatment and in its alternatives. This thesis deals with different types of landfills, their technical aspects and methods of depositing waste. The thesis also tries to point out material and energetic use of waste before landfilling. Recycling is considered to be important because it decreases the amount of waste stored in landfills. Composting and anaerobic digestion are the other methods of disposal. The thesis also describes the possibilities of usage of the landfill gasses with the help of cogeneration units. The thesis refers to current level of waste landfilling in the Czech Republic and in other countries of the European Union. Key words: waste management, landfilling, landfills, waste sorting, material recovery from waste, recycling, composting, energy recovery from waste, incineration,

Srovnání ekonomických a ekologických aspektů zpracování odpadů ve vybraných obcích různých velikostí / Comparison of economic and environmental aspects of waste management in selected municipalities of different sizes

HAVLOVÁ, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The industrial development of our society pushes waste management into becoming an important part of both the economy as well as the environmental protection. It is essential to reduce the amount of waste which is being deposited in landfills without any further use. In the next 10 years it is necessary to completely eliminate waste disposal of the reusable waste and especially of the mixed municipal waste. This thesis focuses on the waste management of various types of municipalities. It aims to provide optimization of waste management, in the connection with economical and technical possibilities of various types of municipalities. This thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the issue of waste management in the course of history. It shows the various methods of waste disposal and describes the economic and environmental aspects and impacts in general. It briefly summarizes the development of waste management legislation. The second part of this thesis is focused on the analysis of waste management in selected municipalities. Twelve towns in three groups of different sizes were chosen. A survey of waste disposal and the influence of the size of the town and its technical options on the waste management was conducted. The results showed that municipalities have substantial reserves in reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and also in the practical use of waste sorting. In the conclusion of this thesis suggestions to optimization of waste disposal are being presented.

Ökad återvinning med en ny design av miljöhus / Increased recycling using a new design of recycling house

Harrysson, Jacob, Strandman, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete visar ett utformningsförslag på ett modernt miljöhus som skall underlätta källsortering av returförpackningar i samhället, baserat på arkitektoniska och tekniska funktioner. Arbetet grundar sig i de växande miljöproblemen som planeten jorden utsätts för, där källsortering och återvinning är två viktiga faktorer som måste utvecklas ytterligare för att kunna bidra till en förminskad klimatförändring. Studien baseras på tidigare framtagna teorier, observationer, enkätundersökningar och intervjuer med sakkunniga. Resultaten visar att ett miljöhus utformat utan fram- eller baksida och utan ingång, underlättar för sortering av avfall. / This work shows a design proposal of a modern recycling house, which is developed to ease waste sorting in a community, based on architectural och technical functions. The work is based on the constantly growing environmental issues that affects planet earth. Waste sorting och recycling are two important factors that have to be further developed to contribute to a reduced climate change. The study is based on previous produced theories, observations, surveys and interviews with experts in different areas. The results shows that a recycling house with no front or back and without entrance, makes it easier for people to engage in waste sorting.


ISABELA DA ROCHA SANTOS V MUNIZ 18 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] A preocupação com a gestão e gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos sólidos é uma questão de grande importância para a manutenção da qualidade de vida e de um meio ambiente saudável. É essencial que a conscientização em relação a este tema nasça da responsabilidade da população em parceria imprescindível e indispensável do Poder Público em todas as suas esferas e das empresas privadas. A partir de 2010, com a aprovação das leis federais n. 11.445 (Política Nacional de Saneamento Básico) e 12.305 (Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos), e com a definição de programas e metas visando à universalização dos serviços, o tema resíduos sólidos ganhou mais poder e visibilidade e vem sendo amplamente discutido. Entretanto, ainda é evidente que, na maioria dos municípios brasileiros, a gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos estão muito aquém de atingir resultados desejados e satisfatórios. Este trabalho avalia especificamente o Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos para o município de Paty do Alferes, localizado no estado do Rio de Janeiro, e analisa a operacionalidade da Unidade de Triagem e Compostagem instalada neste município. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões bibliográficas, visitas de campo, coletas de dados e entrevistas com pessoas envolvidas neste processo. Como resultados obtiveram-se matrizes de análise que poderão ser aplicadas a outros municípios possibilitando a identificação de pontos fracos e fortes no Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos e nas estruturas e operação de uma UTC, bem como sua utilização como apoio para elaboração do Plano Municipal de Resíduos Sólidos. Conclui-se que ainda é enorme a deficiência dos municípios brasileiros na gestão e gerenciamento de seus resíduos, demonstrando a necessidade de conscientização da população e de grandes investimentos em capacitação e infraestrutura por parte dos poderes públicos e privados. / [en] The integrated management of urban solid waste is of great importance to maintaining public health and the environment. The setting of policies suitable for the local reality ensures efficient performance of services, right choice of type of treatment and environmentally appropriate final disposal. Since 2010, with the regulation of Federal Law no. 11.445 (National Policy for Basic Sanitation) and Federal Law no. 12.305 (National Policy for Solid Waste), the guidelines concerning solid waste management and the responsibilities of its generators and the government became clearly defined, providing extensive discussions and the implementation of classes and seminars all over the country. The National Policy for Solid Waste provides for the goals, instruments and guidelines regarding solid waste management, both its generators and the government s responsibilities and the applicable economic instruments. Among the goals presented in the above-mentioned law, it s important to point out: Reduction of waste consumption and generation, encouragement towards recycling, reutilization, treatment and appropriate disposal of refuse; Support to the recycling industry, inciting the use of products made of recyclable raw materials; Perfecting of technical team for working with solid waste; and Promotion of the engagement of scavengers and associations in actions that involve shared responsibility for the products life cycle. This law also reaffirms that social participation is mandatory and essential in all steps of the elaboration process of solid waste plans (national, state and municipal), thus intending for the programs and plans to represent the real local and the people s need, in addition to determining that these plans be publicized in all social spheres.

Attitudes, valeurs et pratiques autour du tri sélectif et de la gestion des déchets à Marseille et ses environs : les politiques environnementales à l’épreuve des comportements des usagers / Attitudes, values and practices around the sorting and waste management in Marseille and the surrounding areas : environmental policy tested by the user behavior

Dupeuble, Sandrine 26 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse d’anthropologie a pour ambition d’explorer un objet peu étudié par la discipline. Elle porte un regard critique sur les déchets recyclables dans un contexte spécifique, celui d’un dispositif de tri sélectif en France, à Marseille. Moins étudié que d’autres catégories de déchets à l’instar des déchets organiques, industriels ou énergétiques… cette thèse s’intéressera plus particulièrement aux dimensions sociales et culturelles du déchet recyclable en le reliant et le comparant à celui de l’ensemble des autres déchets domestiques (déchets organiques, toxiques, encombrants…). L’objectif étant de révéler les représentations et pratiques rattachées à ces différents types de déchets, les jeux et logiques des acteurs face au dispositif de collecte en place ainsi que les trajectoires et les mises à distance spatio-temporelles suivies par ces déchets en fonction de leur catégorie. / This thesis Anthropology aims to explore a little-studied subject matter in this field. It takes a critical look at the recyclable waste in a specific context: the sorting device system in Marseille, France. Less studied than other waste categories like organic waste, industrial or energy ... this thesis will focus on the social and cultural dimensions of recyclable waste by connecting and comparing it with all other domestic waste (organic waste, toxic, cumbersome ...). The aim is to reveal the representations and practices associated with these different types of waste; the games and actors’ logic facing the collection device in place; the paths and spatiotemporal storing areas followed by the waste according to their category.

Formulation de mélanges de polyoléfines à l’aide d’une extrudeuse à très haute vitesse : Application à la dispersion de particules de traceurs, détectables par fluorescence X ou UV, en vue du tri de déchets polymères post-consommation / Formulation of polyolefin blends using high shear extruder : Application of this technique to the dispersion of particles of tracers detectable by X or UV fluorescence for sorting polymers from post-consumer waste

Louizi, Molka 04 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR Eco-Tech TRIPTIC, a eu comme objectif de contribuer au tri industriel en cadence de polymères contenant des traceurs détectables grâce à leurs propriétés en fluorescence X ou UV. Dans un premier temps, étant donné que le coût des traceurs choisis pour l’étude TRIPTIC est assez élevé, nous avons réalisé une étude préliminaire, avec des particules modèles de silice, visant à optimiser la dispersion de charges dans une matrice polypropylène/éthylène propylène rubber (PP/EPR). Nous avons montré que l’extrusion à taux de cisaillement élevé est une technologie efficace permettant une dispersion homogène de charges de tailles micro ou nanométriques. Dans un deuxième temps, après optimisation des conditions de dispersion, nous avons extrapolé nos résultats à la dispersion de particules de traceurs UV dans différentes matrices thermoplastiques. Nous avons montré que la dispersion de 1000 ppm de particules de traceurs, de tailles micrométriques, dans des matrices polypropylènes, en extrusion à haute vitesse (N= 800 rpm), n’a pas d’impact sur les propriétés mécaniques et physico-chimiques des mélanges tracés, ainsi que sur la photo-dégradation sous rayonnement UV. Cette fine dispersion a non seulement permis la conservation des propriétés des polymères tracés mais aussi une bonne détection dynamique, tant en fluorescence X qu’UV, sur un prototype conçu par des partenaires du projet (Pellenc Selective Technologies, CEA-LITT et ENSAM- LCPI). Enfin, nous avons validé l’extrusion à haute vitesse pour compatibiliser des mélanges de polymères ternaires (PP/EPR)/PE (polyéthylène) pouvant correspondre à la valorisation de polymères post-consommation, par exemple dans l’hypothèse où on souhaite recycler (PP/EPR) et PE ensembles. Les propriétés prometteuses des mélanges obtenus doivent leur permettre de trouver des applications dans l’industrie automobile, par exemple. Cette voie est d’un grand intérêt pour les applications industrielles, car elle permet d’envisager des propriétés mécaniques élevées pour les polymères recyclés. Elle ouvre aussi de nouvelles perspectives pour l’élaboration de matériaux allégés, obtenus à partir de matières vierges ou recyclées. / This thesis, which is part of the ANR Eco-Tech TRIPTIC project, had the objective of contributing to industrial sorting rate of polymers containing tracers detectable by their fluorescence X or UV properties. At first, given that the cost of tracers selected for TRIPTIC study is quite high, a preliminary study is conducted with models of silica particles to optimize the dispersion of fillers in polypropylene / ethylene-propylene rubber (PP / EPR) matrix. It was found that processing under high shear rate is an effective technology for accomplishing a homogeneous dispersion of micro or nanoscale fillers. In a second step, after optimization of dispersion conditions, our results are extrapolated to the dispersion of UV tracer in different thermoplastic matrices. It was shown that the dispersion of 1000 ppm of micrometer tracer particles, in polypropylene matrices, extruded at high shear rates (N = 800 rpm), has no impact on the mechanical and physico-chemical properties as well as in the photo-degradation of the polymer after UV irradiation exposure. This fine dispersion was beneficial not only for the conservation of the properties of traced polymers but also for achieving a good dynamic detection of UV or X tracers using a prototype developed by the project partners ( Pellenc Selective Technologies , CEA- LITT and ENSAM - RPI ). Finally, high shear processing has successfully used to the compatibilization of ternary blends ( PP / EPR ) / PE (polyethylene) which may correspond to the post-consumer polymers. This technique has proved to be an effective method to produce polymer blends with unique mechanical properties. This novel strategy of compatibilization is of a particular interest, especially for industrial application prospects. It also opens new perspectives for materials lightening as well as “high shear recycling” of immiscible polymers.

La déchetterie, espace de concurrence entre recyclage et récupération. Approche ethnopragmatique du rapport des hommes aux déchets / The dump area of competition between recycling and recovery. Ethnopragmatique approach the ratio of men to waste

Pacreau-Hervouette, Fanny 13 December 2013 (has links)
À l’heure du recyclage et du tri, les déchetteries, outils de leur mise en œuvre, sont investies par nombre d’acteurs en quête d’objets à récupérer. Cette recherche, sollicitée par une collectivité territoriale considérant qu’une gestion optimisée des déchets implique la prise en compte de facteurs humains, s’inscrit dans le champ de la demande sociale. L’exploration anthropologique de l’univers des déchets permet de compléter les analyses techniques et scientifiques plus anciennes. Ce travail rend compte de la nécessité d’appréhender par une démarche ethnopragmatique les discours sur les pratiques instituées à la déchetterie et celles qui s’y sont spontanément greffées, les pratiques informelles. Abordant les enjeux de légitimité et ontologiques qui ont prévalu à la mise en concurrence de pratiques vouées à un même objectif, celui de donner une seconde vie aux déchets, cette recherche repose sur un examen attentif de l’ordinaire d’une déchetterie et sur une étude du langage écrit ou oral des acteurs concernés. Elle se focalise aussi sur le sens donné, dans l’ordinaire des acteurs mais dans un contexte plus large de crise environnementale et de critique de la société de consommation, à l’acte de jeter et à celui de réhabiliter. Elle expérimente tant dans l’investigation que dans la manière d’en rendre compte, la mise en présence d’expériences de terrains d’enquête différenciés. Elle propose ainsi une mise en abyme des cadres de définition et de pensée circonscrits par le terrain d’enquête initial. Elle approfondit les connaissances sur les comportements individuels, les jeux d’acteurs en lien avec les déchets. Elle affine la compréhension des organisations publiques et privées, de leurs stratégies, de processus de décision, de la capacité de changement en matière de politique déchet. / At the time of recycling and sorting , waste sorting , tools implementation , are invested by many actors in search of items to collect . This research, requested by a local authority whereas optimized waste management involves consideration of human factors, is in the field of social demand. The anthropological exploration of the universe of waste can complete the technical and scientific older analyzes . This work reflects the need to understand the process by ethnopragmatique discourse practices established for disposal and those that are spontaneously grafted informal practices . Addressing issues of legitimacy and ontological that prevailed in the competition practice dedicated to the same goal , that of giving a second life to waste , this research is based on a careful examination of the ordinary and dumped on a study of written or spoken language stakeholders. It also focuses on the meaning given in the ordinary players, but in a broader context of environmental crisis and critique of consumer society, the act of throwing and than rehabilitate . She experimented both in the investigation in the way of realizing it, the bringing together experiences of differentiated land survey . It proposes a formal definition abyss frames and thought circumscribed by the initial field survey. It extends the knowledge on individual behavior , games players in connection with the waste. It refines the understanding of public and private organizations, their strategies, decision-making, the ability to change in waste policy.

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