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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politické divadlo Falka Richtera v postdramatickém kontextu / Political theatre of Falk Richter in post-dramatic context

Chvátalová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
(Anglicky) This diploma thesis conducts a survey of dramatic and theatre work of contemporary German dramatist and director Falk Richter (born 1969) in the context of German political theatre of 20th century, thus primarily Brecht and Piscator tradition. At the same time, the concepts of political and post-dramatic theatre are defined and elaborated. The work points out that the current political function of theatre and its chance to directly influence social reality is understood differently than in the case of both pre-war and post-war epic drama by Erwin Piscator and Bertolt Brecht, or in the documentary drama of the 1960s. The key goal of the thesis is to analyze and interpret chosen Richter's dramatic writings and mainly the project Trust, which was created in collaboration with Dutch choreographer Anouk van Dijk. The project can be perceived as a current form of Richter's poetry, which gradually deviates from the "drama" theatre and inclines to motion drama with dance and performance elements. It is showed how the authors deal with present social and personal issues, which are transformed into theatre expression, motion and dance. At last, the thesis examines in what consists the politics of this project.

Obraz nemoci a smrti v současné německy psané literatuře pro děti a mládež (Analýza a didaktická adaptace vybraných děl v kontextu světové literatury) / Picture of illness and death in contemporary German literature for children and youth (The analysis and didactic adaptation in the context of selected works of world literature)

Stavjaníčková, Kamila January 2011 (has links)
TITLE: Picture of illness and death in contemporary German literature for children and youth (The analysis and didactic adaptation in the context of selected works of world literature) SUMMARY:Presented thesis deals with literary reflections on illness and death in contemporary German literature for children and youth. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts such as illness, death, child and developmental stages of childhood, literature and literature for children and youth. These themes are then further processed. In more detail is the work devoted to analyzing literary works with that theme. The works are examined in terms of literary aesthetic and thematic components, composition and language components. In the practical part, the work focuses on the students perception of researched topic and work with specific literary texts. The final section compares the aspects of reception on illness and death of students of Czech and Austrian schools at the age of 14 to 19 years based on questionnaires filled in by those students which were used as the main research material. KEYWORDS: illness, death, contemporary German literature for children and youth, Jutta Treiber, Sigrid Zeevaert, Petr Pohl, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, intercultural aspects

Poetika vybraných her Ronalda Schimmelpfenniga uvedených na českých scénách v kontextu současného německojazyčného divadla / The poetics of selected plays by Roland Schimmelpfennig performed on Czech theatre stages in the context of the contemporary German-speaking theatre

Celárková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the work of a contemporary German playwright Roland Schimmelpfennig in a wider context. In the main chapter, the author focuses on the analysis of five Schimmelpfennig's plays that have been performed also on Czech theatre stages. The analysis emphasizes the elements of a dramatic structure that Schimmelpfennig uses in an innovative way: epization of texts, unrealistic treatment of dramatic time, elements of magic realism etc. The author also pays attention to a general characteristic of a contemporary German-speaking theatre with respect to the topics that it deals with. A significant part of the work is devoted to classifying Roland Schimmelpfennig's work in the historical and theoretical context of a contemporary German-speaking theatre. A book called Die Rückkehr der Helden by a German author Nikolaus Frei, which questions some opinion on the recent development of theatre presented in a book Postdramatisches Theater by Hans Thiese Lehmann, has become a crucial source for this thesis. Nikolaus Frei copes with the question of animateness/inanimateness of theatre and by using extracts from particular dramatic texts by contemporary authors proves a possible continuity of mimesis, realistic acting and conflicts on the stage until the 21st century. In conclusion, it is possible...

Changement des normes communicatives en allemand contemporain : mots et discours / Change of communicative norms in contemporary german : words and speech

Gautherot, Laure 13 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse sur le changement des normes communicatives en allemand contemporain se positionne dans le paradigme explicatif du changement linguistique par Rudi Keller, connu sous le nom de « théorie de la main invisible ». L’objectif de recherche est de montrer par l’analyse de cinq faits « variants » que le changement des normes communicatives a lieu sous l’impulsion d’un désir des locuteurs germanophones contemporains de plus d’authenticité et de respect de l’autre. Cette mentalité communicative, héritée de la remise en cause sociétale par les mouvements contestataires de la fin des années 1960, conditionne les attentes des locuteurs germanophones dans la réception des discours publics en terme d’ethos et de positionnement éthique. Au corpus sur lequel sont effectuées les analyses linguistiques des cinq faits variants – les « mots à charge négative » (ou « belastete Wörter »), les néologismes euphémistiques, la neutralisation du genre, l’ethos des locuteurs politiques, le tutoiement d’adresse – composé de documents prescriptifs universitaires, de discours politiques, et de supports publicitaires de l’espace public allemand, s’ajoute un corpus de réception relevant du type épilinguistique, composé de métacommentaires de locuteurs non-spécialistes. L’étude révèle la parole des locuteurs ordinaires comme signe annonçant et accompagnant le changement linguistique. / This PhD dissertation focuses upon the change of communicative norms in contemporary German and positions itself on the explanatory paradigm of language change by Rudi Keller,also known as “the theory of the invisible hand”. My research aims at pointing out – through the analysis of five “variant” facts – that the change of communicative norms is driven by the desire of contemporary German native speakers for more authenticity as well as respect for the other. The communicative mentality inherited from the counter-culture movements in the late 1960’s that challenged society order influences German native speakers’ expectations towards the reception of public discourses in terms of ethos and ethical positioning. In addition to the corpus upon which the linguistic analyses of the five variant facts are carriedout – the “negative words” (or “belastete Wörter”), euphemistic neologisms, gender neutralisation, the ethos of politicians, being on first name terms with someone – which consists of prescriptive college documents, political discourses and the advertising supports ofthe German public space – , there is a reception corpus that amounts to epilinguistic type and is composed of metacomments from non-specialist speakers. The study brings the speech ofordinary speakers to the fore as a sign that announces and goes along with language change.

W.G. Sebald, Die Ausgewanderten : radiographie d'une écriture de l'exil / A radiography of exile writing in W. G. Sebald's "The Emigrants"

Savaton, Christine 15 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse consacrée à Die Ausgewanderten de W.G. Sebald (1992) procède à une étude microscopique et détaillée de l’écriture dans sa singularité, une radiographie du texte et de sa matérialité hétérogène. L’étude montre la structure binaire sous-jacente de l’ouvrage, la complexité des stratégies stylistiques et narratives, la manière dont le signifiant se soumet à l’impératif catégorique du signifié mais aussi la prééminence de signes tangentiels et obliques ; elle s’intéresse également à la singularité de l’enchaînement des discours rapportés et met en lumière le geste mélancolique du narrateur sébaldien. Il apparaît que l’intertextualité revêt une spécificité particulière puisque la polyphonie sébaldienne est orientée différemment de celle envisagée par M. Bakhtine. La deuxième partie s’attache à étudier la critique de la civilisation (Kulturkritik) dans une œuvre fortement marquée par la constellation idéologique de l’École de Francfort et plus précisément par « La Dialectique de la Raison » de Horkheimer et d’Adorno. La prose allemande muséale de l’auteur, qui rappelle celle d’Adalbert Stifter mais aussi, par ses emboîtements narratifs, emprunte la virtuosité bernhardienne, est incrustée de « moments » de bonheur ou de beauté qui mettent en évidence et soulignent l’inouï du monde concentrationnaire. Les thématiques de l’exil et du pays natal sont au centre des intérêts de la troisième partie. L’étude s’attache à montrer que l’ouvrage réécrit en quelque sorte une littérature de l’exil que l’auteur, professeur de littérature de langue allemande, a eu l’occasion de fréquenter mais aussi d’analyser. C’est un « chœur d’exilés » qui se fait entendre dans Die Ausgewanderten et qui manifeste la tragédie de l’homme moderne. / This thesis on The Emigrants by W.G. Sebald (1992) focuses on a microscopic and detailed study of Sebald’s writing in its specificity, a radiography of the text and of its heterogeneous materiality. The study pays attention to the binary structure of the work, the complexity ot the stylistic and narrative strategies, the way the signifier obeys the categorical imperative of the signified and the primacy of tangential and oblique signs ; it also deals with the singular linking of reported speech and underlines the melancholic gesture of the narrator. It appears that intertextuality owns a particuliar specificity because the polyphony it creates differs from the Bakhtinian model. The second part deals with cultural criticism (Kulturkritik) which owes a lot to the ideological model of the Frankfurt School and to Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment in particular. The museum-like German prose of the author, which recalls that of Adalbert Stifter, but also, thanks to narrative nesting, emulates the virtuosity of Thomas Bernhard, is embellished with happy or beautiful “moments” which underline and emphasize the unprecedentedness of the extermination camps. The third part will set out the themes of exile and the native country. The study underlines that The Emigrants reconstructs a literature of exile that the author, a professor of German literature, has perused, studied and analysed. The chorus of emigrants that can be heard imparts what the tragedy of modern man amounts to. / Diese Dissertation über Die Ausgewanderten von W.G. Sebald (1992) führt eine mikroskopische Untersuchung der Schreibweise, ein “Röntgenbild” des Textes und dessen heterogener Materialität durch. Die Studie legt die binäre Struktur des Werks an den Tag, beschreibt die Vielschichtigkeit der stilistischen und narrativen Strategien, die Unterordnung des Signifikanten unter den kategorischen Imperativ des Signifikaten, aber auch den Vorrang des tangentialen und indirekten Zeichens. Sie kommentiert ebenfalls die sonderbare Einschachtelung der direkten Rede und den melancholischen Gestus des Erzählers, und arbeitet die eigenartige Dimension der Intertextualität im Rahmen der vom Bachtinschen Modell stark abweichenden sebaldischen Polyphonie heraus. Der zweite Teil geht auf die kulturkritische Dimension ein, die durch die ideologische Konstellation der Frankfurter Schule, beziehungsweise durch die Dialektik der Aufklärung von Horkheimer und Adorno tief geprägt ist. Die museale deutsche Prosa des Schriftstellers, die an diejenige Adalbert Stifters, infolge der narrativen Einschachtelungen aber auch an die Virtuosität Thomas Bernhards erinnert, ist mit Glücks- oder Schönheitsmomenten verziert, die das Unerhörte der Shoah umso mehr unterstreichen. Im dritten Teil steht die Thematik von Exil und Heimat im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Es wird deutlich, dass W.G. Sebald eine Literatur des Exils umschreibt, mit der er Umgang und geistigen Austausch gepflegt hat, die er erforscht und kommentiert hat. Hier ist ein “Chor von Ausgewanderten” zu hören, der die Tragödie des modernen Menschen zum Ausdruck bringt

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