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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a recommender mechanism for supporting mobile content reuse

Shevtsov, Stepan January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays people got used to short text answers, likes and shares. Anyone can feel it by entering popular forums or social networks. Modern platforms such as Twitter or Facebook contribute to this situation with their symbols per message limitations. The quality of content produced in such conditions is not high. According to Knight and Burn (2005): “The rapid growth of the Internet and the lack of enforceable standards regarding the information it contains has led to numerous information quality problems.” The possible solution to this problem is called mobile digital storytelling. It replaces traditional communication mechanisms (text, photos) with a digital narrative, thus making a stronger impact on user. Besides, it allows creating interesting content at any location with the help of mobile phone. However, it is hard to make a high quality story from scratch without prior experience. Viewing through previously created high quality content provides such experience. At the same time, reusing this content would allow creating story by combining and rearranging instead of producing from scratch. But state of the art mobile digital storytelling applications don’t provide any possibilities for content reuse. In addition, the influence of content reuse on the story creation process was not studied. Hence, in this work the researcher will explore and try to develop alternative ways to support content reuse in mobile digital storytelling (mDS). For this purpose a mechanism called RecSM (a recommendation system using content from Social Media) is introduced. The main goal of development is to create RecSM for mobile digital storytelling application. The influence of RecSM on mobile content reuse as well as the influence of reuse on storytelling process is the main study goals. The thesis is based on research conducted in Linnaeus University, Sweden. The research is divided into two main parts: gathering requirements for RecSM and the case study. 10 users are involved in both activities. Initial requirements for RecSM are defined after conducting research in the topic but final requirements are determined with the help of users. Based on them the RecSM is developed and added to a mobile digital storytelling application. A case study in Teleborg Castle (Vaxjo, Sweden) follows afterwards. Participants create stories about their castle experience with the help of mDS or mDS-RecSM application. The data for further research is retrieved through field notes, personal interviews and a survey. Then stories and answers of people that used mDS with and without recommender are compared and analyzed. Based on the study outcomes it is concluded that developed RecSM supports content reuse in mobile digital storytelling.
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Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών σε κοινωνικά συστήματα του διαδικτύου

Μαρούδας, Αναστάσιος 31 May 2012 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή εκτός από το θέμα της, μπορούμε να πούμε ότι χαρακτηρίζεται από τον τίτλο «Κοινωνικά εργαλεία του διαδικτύου: Δημιουργία περιεχομένου για χώρο-ευαίσθητα παιχνίδια από τελικούς χρήστες». Εξετάζει λοιπόν τη χρήση των κοινωνικών δικτύων και των εργαλείων τους ως μέσα για την συνεργατική δημιουργία περιεχομένου για χωρο-ευαίσθητα φορητά παιχνίδια. Τα παιχνίδια αυτά διεξάγονται στον πραγματικό κόσμο και περιλαμβάνουν αλληλεπίδραση των παικτών με αντικείμενα του φυσικού πραγματικού χώρου μέσω φορητών συσκευών. Τα παιχνίδια αυτά ενδείκνυνται για εγκαθιδρυμένη και άτυπη μάθηση. Η δημιουργία περιεχομένου για τις αντίστοιχες εφαρμογές είναι μια διαδικασία που χρειάζεται να συμπεριλάβει ενεργά ανθρώπους όπως εκπαιδευτικούς - παιδαγωγούς και ειδήμονες στην εκάστοτε θεματική του παιχνιδιού, οι οποίοι δρουν ως συντάκτες περιεχομένου για τα παιχνίδια αυτά. Καθίσταται λοιπόν απαραίτητο να υπάρχουν εργαλεία υποστήριξης για χρήστες που δεν έχουν τεχνικές γνώσεις ή δεν είναι σχεδιαστές παιχνιδιών. Στην εργασία αυτή εξετάζεται η κατασκευή ενός εργαλείου, το οποίο μέσω μιας φιλικής διεπιφάνειας δίνει τη δυνατότητα στους συντάκτες περιεχομένου να δημιουργήσουν με συνεργατικό τρόπο, εύκολα και γρήγορα ένα ή και περισσότερα σενάρια παιχνιδιού. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η εργασία εστιάζει στη συγγραφή περιεχομένου για ένα παιχνίδι που λαμβάνει τόπο στο κέντρο μιας πόλης. Η εφαρμογή συνεργατικής συγγραφής έχει σχεδιαστεί και αναπτύσσεται κάνοντας χρήση δύο βασικών τεχνολογιών: της πλατφόρμας κοινωνικής αλλά και συνεργατικής δικτύωσης στεκιών Google+ καθώς επίσης και την πλατφόρμα παροχής χαρτών Google maps. / In this thesis we discuss the use of social media as tools for collaboratively creating content for location-sensitive mobile educational games. These games are conducted in the real world and include the players interact with objects in the real physical space with the use of mobile devices. Creating content for the respective applications is a process that needs to actively include people like teachers - educators and experts in a particular topic of the game, who act as editorial content for these games. Consequently, it seems necessary to have support tools for users without any technical knowledge. The thesis also examines the development of a tool, which through a friendly interface enables content authors to create in a collaborative way, easily and quickly one or more game scenarios. More specifically, the work focuses on writing content for a game that takes place in the center of a city. The collaborative authoring application designed and developed with the use of two technologies: the platform of collaborative social networking Google+ Hangouts and the Google maps platform.
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Influencia de factores de usabilidad en la intención de compra de ropa casual en línea

Casella Azañedo, Gianella Alexandra, Laveriano Borda, Sheraly Deysi 18 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo se ha realizado con el propósito de conocer las variables influyentes en la intención de compra de ropa en línea teniendo como población de la muestra a 400 consumidores entre 20 y 40 años de Lima Metropolitana en el Perú. Así pues, se explica la relación entre las variables calidad de sitio web, calidad de contenido y privacidad, confianza e intención de compra, las cuales son factores con mayor relevancia en las compras en línea. Además, se formularon las hipótesis y se planteó el modelo de investigación. Para recopilar información de los consumidores, se utilizó la encuesta como método cuantitativo. De este modo, a través del análisis de resultados PLS-SEM, se verifica la validez del modelo y finalmente, se discute la relación entre las variables dependientes e independientes y se concluye que calidad de sitio web y calidad contenido son las variables más influyentes en la intención de compra. Este estudio permite a los nuevos negocios en línea, identificar estas variables en su sitio web y mejorar la experiencia de compra a sus clientes. / The present work has been carried out with the purpose of knowing the influential variables in the intention to buy clothes online having a population of the sample 400 consumers between 20 and 40 years of Metropolitan Lima in Peru. Thus, the relationship between the variables website quality, content quality and privacy, trust and purchase intention, which are factors with greater relevance in online purchases, is explained. In addition, with the research model the hypotheses were formulated. To collect information from consumers, the survey was used as a quantitative method. In this way, through the analysis of PLS-SEM results, the validity of the model is verified and finally, the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is discussed and it is concluded that website quality and content quality are the most influential variables in the purchase intention. This study allows new online businesses to identify these variables on their website and improve the shopping experience for their customers. / Tesis / PE
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Hardware-Accelerated Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces : A study of real-time editing and rendering of implicit surfaces

Hansson Söderlund, Herman January 2021 (has links)
Background. Rasterization of triangle geometry has been the dominating rendering technique in the real-time rendering industry for many years. However, triangles are not always easy to work with for content creators. With the introduction of hardware-accelerated ray tracing, rasterization-based lighting techniques have been steadily replaced by ray tracing techniques. This shift may signify the opportunity of exploring other, more easily manipulated, geometry-type alternatives compared to triangle geometry. One such geometry type is implicit surfaces. Objectives. This thesis investigates the rendering speed, editing speed, and image quality of different implicit surface rendering techniques using a state-of-the-art, hardware-accelerated, path tracing implementation. Furthermore, it investigates how implicit surfaces may be edited in real time and how editing affects rendering. Methods. A baseline direct sphere tracing algorithm is implemented to render implicit surfaces. Additionally, dense and narrow band discretization algorithms that sphere trace a discretization of the implicit surface are implemented. For each technique, two variations that provide potential benefits in rendering speed are also tested. Additionally, a real-time implicit surface editor that can utilize all the mentioned rendering techniques is created. Rendering speed, editing speed, and image quality metrics are captured for all techniques using different scenes created with the editor and an existing hardware-accelerated path tracing solution. Image quality differences are measured using mean squared error and the image difference evaluator FLIP. Results. Direct sphere tracing achieves the best image quality results but has the slowest rendering speed. Dense discretization achieves the best rendering speed in most tests and achieves better image quality results compared to narrow band discretization. Narrow band discretization achieves significantly better editing speed than both direct sphere tracing and dense discretization. All variations of each algorithm achieve better or equal rendering and editing speed compared to their standard implementation. All algorithms achieve real-time rendering and editing performance. However, only discretized methods display real-time rendering performance for all scenes, and only narrow band discretization displays real-time editing performance for a larger number of primitives. Conclusions. Implicit surfaces can be rendered and edited in real time while using a state-of-the-art, hardware-accelerated, path tracing algorithm. Direct sphere tracing degrades in performance when the implicit surface has an increased number of primitives, whereas discretization techniques perform independently of this. Furthermore, narrow band discretization is fast enough so that editing can be performed in real time even for implicit surfaces with a large number of primitives, which is not the case for direct sphere tracing or dense discretization. / Bakgrund. Triangelrastrering har varit den dominerande renderingstekniken inom realtidsgrafik i flera år. Trianglar är dock inte alltid lätta att jobba med för skapare av grafiska modeller. Med introduktionen av hårdvaruaccelererad strålspårning har rastreringsbaserade ljussättningstekniker stadigt ersatts av strålspårningstekniker. Detta skifte innebär att det kan finnas möjlighet för att utforska andra, mer lättredigerade geometrityper jämfört med triangelgeometri, exempelvis implicita ytor. Syfte. Detta examensarbete undersöker rendering- och redigeringshastigheten, samt bildkvaliteten av olika renderingstekniker för implicita ytor tillsammans med en spjutspetsalgoritm för hårdvaruaccelererad strålföljning. Den undersöker även hur implicita ytor kan redigeras i realtid och hur det påverkar rendering. Metod. En direkt sfärspårningsalgoritm implementeras som baslinje för att rendera implicita ytor. Även algoritmer som utför sfärstrålning över en kompakt- och smalbandsdiskretisering av den implicita ytan implementeras. För varje teknik implementeras även två variationer som potentiellt kan ge bättre prestanda. Utöver dessa renderingstekniker skapas även ett redigeringsverktyg för implicita ytor. Renderingshastighet, redigeringshastighet, och bildkvalité mäts för alla tekniker över flera olika scener som har skapats med redigeringsverktyget tillsammans med en hårdvaruaccelererad strålföljningsalgoritm. Skillnader i bildkvalité utvärderas med hjälp av mean squared error och evalueringsverktyget för bildskillnader som heter FLIP. Resultat. Direkt sfärspårning åstadkommer bäst bildkvalité, men har den långsammaste renderingshastigheten. Kompakt diskretisering renderar snabbast i de flesta tester och åstadkommer bättre bildkvalité än vad smalbandsdiskretisering gör. Smalbandsdiskretisering åstadkommer betydligt bättre redigeringshastighet än både direkt sfärspårning och kompakt diskretisering. Variationerna för respektive algoritm presterar alla lika bra eller bättre än standardvarianten för respektive algoritm. Alla algoritmer uppnår realtidsprestanda inom rendering och redigering. Endast diskretiseringsmetoderna uppnår dock realtidsprestanda för rendering med alla scener och endast smalbandsdiskretisering uppnår realtidsprestanda för redigering med ett större antal primitiver. Slutsatser. Implicita ytor kan renderas och redigeras i realtid tillsammans med en spjutspetsalgoritm för hårdvaruaccelererad strålföljning. Vid användning av direkt sfärstrålning minskar renderingshastigheten när den ytan består av ett stort antal primitiver. Diskretiseringstekniker har dock en renderingshastighet som är oberoende av antalet primitiver. Smalbandsdiskretisering är tillräckligt snabb för att redigering ska kunna ske i realtid även för implicita ytor som består stora antal primitiver.
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“I Learned About This Online:” The Role of Indian Digital Feminist Activism as Public Pedagogy

Sharma, Riddhima 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

How an AI colleague affect the experiance of content creation

Larsson, Gustaf, Lindecrantz, Valter January 2023 (has links)
The consumers of today have become used to a constant flow of new content. Whether the content being music, film and series, games or other forms of media. This has created a strain on the developers and creators, to create new and original content for an ever demanding audience. Creating original content can be a costly and time consuming process. Today there are tools to help in this process, many that build on the idea of procedurally generated content. But with these tools alone it can be hard for the creator to leave their mark on the content, since most of it will look all the same from the same tool.  We propose CLAPPY, or Collaborative Learning Algorithm for Predicting Personal Yield. The AI colleague that will learn the patterns of the creator, and help them express themselves in their content, regardless of the tool.  Controlled experiments were conducted where subjects were given a content creation tool in the form of a terrain generator for games. The thesis then compares the results of the content creation tool when the subjects used it on their own and with an AI-collaborator.

The Pleasure in Paradox: The Negotiation Between Agency and Admiration in the Disney Fan Community

Butler, Alissa Nicole 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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