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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carriers' liabilities in sea/land multimodal transport

Zhang, Zhiqing January 1995 (has links)
No description available.


January 2017 (has links)
acase@tulane.edu / The Qatari Maritime Law No. 15 was enacted in 1980. Since then, no amendment has been made to it. It is recommended that this law be revisited in view of the developments that have taken place in the maritime industry. At the national level, the Qatari maritime sector has undergone substantial changes. More importantly, the introduction of a new International Convention on Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partially by Sea (“The Rotterdam Rules”) in 2008 is a second reason for revisiting the Qatari Maritime Law. This is because, such a convention reflects recent advancements in the international shipping industry. This dissertation compares the Qatari Maritime Law provisions of the contract of the carriage of goods by sea to those of international seaborne carriage conventions namely the Hague Rules, the Hamburg Rules, and the Rotterdam Rules. Where relevant, the perspectives of the U.S. and the U.K. will also be examined. There are four major topics analyzed within this dissertation: 1) background information about the State of Qatar in order to set the context, 2) the scope of the application of the rules involved in the comparison, 3) the carrier’s obligations, and 4) liabilities. The main objective of the dissertation is to examine how the Qatari maritime law should be developed in light of the international conventions on carriage of goods by sea. The investigation ends by making some recommendations to the Qatari legislature on how to reform the Qatari Maritime Law so that it is sufficiently robust to cope with modern maritime practice. / 1 / Muna Al-Marzouqi

Práva a povinnost cestujících ve veřejné osobní přepravě / Rights and duties of passengers in public transport

Barták, Milan January 2014 (has links)
Rights and Duties of Passengers in Public Transport The topic of this thesis is the issue of passenger's rights and duties in public transport. Despite the fact that contract of carriage passengers belongs to one of the most commonly stipulated contract types, governed by the provisions of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and also rights of passengers arising out of entering into this contract are - as one of the branches of the customer law - the subject of considerable European union legislation, the contract of carriage passengers and its related issues remains unaddressed in the legal doctrine. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the rights and duties of passengers arising out of the contract of carriage in the most common types of public transport in The Czech republic, and also to categorize and include them into the legal context, because - as mentioned above - this undoubtedly live issue has not been completely discussed. With regard to complexity of the thesis are also mentioned rules of International and European law, focusing on directly applied secondary european legislation. The thesis is composed of introduction, four chapters divided into subchapters of two different levels, and summary, whereas the principal focus of the thesis is from chapter two to four....

Smlouva o přepravě věci / A contract for carriage of goods

Čapek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Contract for carriage of goods This thesis deals with the contract for carriage of goods. Its main objective is a legal analysis of this contract and demonstration of the wide scope of its use. Dynamic development of transport and the still growing volume of goods being transported showed us the need of good quality legal regulations. The largest part of the thesis deals with the czech legal regulations on the contract for carriage of goods; however the thesis considers also international regulations. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first one shows historic development of transport as such, but namely development of legal regulations governing contracts of carriage. It also elaborates on the regulations immediately preceding to regulations contained in the new civil code. The second chapter is the introduction to the current issues of contracts of carriage. Besides that, this chapter contains the comparison with a forwarding contract, for which, the contract for carriage of goods is sometimes mistakenly taken. The broadest third chapter deals with the details of the czech legislation on the contract for carriage of goods contained in the civil code. It is divided into eight sub-chapters. It contains significant requirements for the contents of the contract. It closely...

Práva cestujícího v letecké dopravě / Rights of passengers in air transport

Škorík, Martin January 2018 (has links)
75 Resume in English Name of the thesis: Rights of passengers in air transport The thesis deals with the legal regulation regarding the rights of the passenger in air transport, including the general regulation of the concluded contract of carriage and the practical possibilities of a passengers to apply their rights in specific situations. In addition to the legal regulation, a significant part of this work represents the judicature not only of Czech courts, but also of the Court of Justice of the European Union, and to a lesser extent, of German courts. In terms of the thesis, the legal regulation is analyzed and identified (in the rage of contract of carriage also comparised with the German legal order), and its problematic aspects are determined and de lege ferenda are presented possibilities for their solution. The main aim of the thesis is to elaborate the current practical and theoretical themes of "transport law" with emphasis on the person's air transport and then to analyze and systematically include concrete rights of a passenger in individual contexts. The thesis is split into four chapters, divided into other subchapters, whereat the first chapter defines basic terms for "transport law", categorizes the transport itself and defines the legal regulation for national, international and European...

Práva cestujícího při přepravě po železnici / Rights of a passenger in railway transport

Maginec, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Rights of a passenger in railway transport The contract of carriage represents one of the most frequent contracts and its legal basis is based on Art. 2550 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. The contracting parties of the contract of carriage are a transporter and a passenger. The transporter is contracted to carry the passenger to the final destination and the passenger pays the fare for the service. The passenger is in the position of the consumer and weaker party. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the rights of passengers that are based not only on the provisions of Civil Code, but also on the rules of carriage and on the general conditions of the transporter. This thesis focuses on the description, classification, evaluation and comparison of these rights in Czech and French legal orders. Integral part of the thesis is also the legislation of the European Union and visions to the future, as well as the proposals de lege ferenda. The thesis is divided into seven chapters with the introduction as the chapter one and the conclusion as the chapter seven. The second chapter points out the definition of terms and notions that are bound to the railway transportation. This chapter also includes the incorporation of the railway transport in the context of the transport in general and the classification...

Úloha nákladního listu CMR v přepravních službách / The Role of Waybill CMR in Transportation Services

Vacek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The first part of this thesis is devoted to the General Convention of CMR, CMR consignment note, obligatory data which are necessary to write in and to the parties acting on the transport market. The second part will focus on the carrier's liability as same as liability of other parties, insurance carrier's liability for loss, damage or destruction of the consignment, lapse, complaint and insurance. This issue will be demonstrated and will discuss with the court decisions. The next section will be described and analyzed electronic CMR. This section tries to evaluate the positives and negatives of its use in practice and its future. In particular, this part will be engaged in research which has implemented among members by the International Road Transport Union.

Odpovědnost dopravce v silniční přepravě zboží / The liability of the carrier in road carriage of goods

Glazunov, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The liability of the carrier in road carriage of goods Abstract This dissertation deals with contractual relations and liabilities between parties of carriage and freight forwarding contracts in domestic and international road carriage of goods.The work offers detailed analysis of current legislation (up to 31. 12. 2018) and examines judicial and doctrinal outcomes in national and international - namely German, Austrian and Slovakian - context. The first part answers selected questions of freight forwarding contracts as set forth in the civil code. A special focus is given to freight forwarder's liability for loss and damage of forwarded goods, and other damages caused by a breach of contract. The work also looks at the change of legal and liability status of the freight forwarder enabled by their right to act as a carrier or failing to meet their obligations toward the principal. In offering a comparison between freight forwarding and carriage contracts, this work stresses the common practice of mixing up their obligations, answering questions of legal interpretation and offering a framework for practical application of the contracts. The work further offers a thorough analysis of transport regulation as set forth in the civil code as well as the CMR Convention. It focuses specifically on receiving and...

Le prix dans le contrat de transport de marchandises / No English title available

Bobongo, Louis Chrysos 24 June 2016 (has links)
Imaginez une économie sans transport de marchandises! C'est la paralysie. Le transport joue, donc, un rôle déterminant et incontournable dans le circuit économique. Or, ce qui fait le transport c'est le prix . Ce prix doit être payé par les cocontractants du transporteur: expéditeur et destinataire. Car, de son paiement dépendent les intérêts de ce dernier, la pérennité de son activité et son rôle dans la chaîne économique. Le paiement du prix du transport conditionne, ainsi, les transports nationaux et internationaux de marchandises. Pourtant le transporteur de marchandises rencontre de nombreuses difficultés pour le paiement du prix du transport effectué au point d'être, parfois, obligé de recourir aux Tribunaux. En effet, si, en théorie, le transporteur doit être payé comptant, en pratique, il fournit des prestations à crédit. Il effectue d'abord le déplacement et la livraison de la marchandise, pour faire valoir, ensuite, son droit au paiement Cette pratique l'expose à des risques de défaut de paiement pouvant entraîner la cessation de son activité avec de graves répercussions sur la machine économique. Aussi le législateur français a-t-il prévu le privilège, le droit de rétention, l'action directe en paiement, comme des garanties au service du transporteur pour le paiement de sa créance. Mais ces garanties légales qui, sont tributaires de la volonté du débiteur et dont la mise en œuvre entraîne parfois de lourdes conséquences pour le transporteur, de notre point de vue, ne le protègent pas suffisamment. La nécessité économique et sociale du paiement du prix du transport exige que le transporteur puisse disposer des garanties conventionnelles lui assurant une protection plus efficace quant au paiement du fret. Dans cette perspective, le gage de la marchandise transportée, la garantie autonome, l'assurance fret, ou la création d'un fonds de garantie transport, nous paraissent comme des mécanismes juridiques qui garantissent mieux au transporteur le paiement du prix du transport en tout état de cause. / No English summary available.

Etude comparative du contrat de transport maritime de marchandises en droit francais et en droit chinois

Zhang, Liu Feng 18 November 2011 (has links)
Notre intention est d’effectuer une étude comparative du contrat de transport de marchandises en droit français et en droit chinois, principalement entre le droit positif français et le droit positif chinois en matière maritime, sans omettre les nombreuses interférences des Conventions internationales en vigueur dans ce domaine. Le contrat de transport maritime de marchandises est conclu entre le chargeur et le transporteur qui va assurer leur acheminement au moyen d’un navire sur un élément naturel non exempt de dangers, la mer, l’objet du contrat étant l’acte de transport. Ce contrat est généralement couvert par un type spécifique, le connaissement, mais il n’est pas un document unique. Parmi les spécificités du connaissement, la clause Paramount, la clause de compétence et la clause compromissoire insérées dans le document seront examinées car elles forment le socle juridique du transport maritime.L’exécution de ce contrat dépend des droits et des obligations de chaque partie que nous détaillerons. La mise du navire en état de navigabilité, l’accomplissement du voyage et la livraison sont à la charge du transporteur qui recevra en contrepartie le paiement du fret de la part du chargeur. Cependant les risques spécifiques de la navigation en mer génèrent certains problèmes qui recevront des réponses particulières. Ainsi par exemple, la responsabilité du transporteur pleine ou partielle, les cas exceptés, la limitation à l’indemnisation des dommages, etc. L’exécution de ce contrat entraîne parfois des litiges. Pour chaque affaire, il y a lieu de déterminer qui est la partie responsable du dommage subi par la marchandise. En fait, il n’est pas toujours simple de définir la responsabilité de chacun. Il est fait parfois appel à l’arbitrage international ou il sera parfois nécessaire d’avoir recours à la justice.Or s’agissant souvent de contentieux mettant en présence plusieurs entreprises (armateur, gestionnaire du navire, chargeur, transporteur, destinataire, assureur, banquier, etc.) relevant de divers États avec des systèmes juridiques différents, plusieurs questions complexes devront être résolues : les conditions de recevabilité de l’action, la compétence du tribunal, la loi applicable, etc.Parmi les particularités, nous observerons que la France a ratifié la Convention de Bruxelles, et les Protocoles modificatifs de 1968 et 1979, tandis que la Chine n’a ratifié aucun de ces textes. En droit international, la France applique le système moniste selon lequel les Conventions internationales ratifiées s’appliquent immédiatement en droit interne, alors que selon le dualisme, les Conventions n'acquièrent de force juridique qu'après avoir été transposées en droit interne. La Chine n’applique ni le système moniste, ni le système dualiste, tout en donnant à la Convention internationale une force supérieure à la loi interne, mais sous certaines conditions.Avec les moyens modernes de fabrication et de communication, la planète est devenue un village dont les membres échangent sans cesse des biens et des services. Dans cette évolution, le commerce international en général et le transport des marchandises par mer en particulier ont beaucoup progressé. L’étude comparative du contrat de transport maritime en France, pays de droit ancien du vieux continent, et en Chine, riche d’un passé culturel et d’une économie contemporaine florissante, nous est apparue intéressante et utile : outre sa participation aux échanges culturels entre ces deux pays, force est de constater que se poursuivent la mondialisation de l’économie et la progression concomitante des échanges internationaux de marchandises par mer. / The purpose of this dissertation is to carry out a comparative study of the contract for the carriage of goods by sea in French law and in Chinese law, principally between French positive maritime law and Chinese positive maritime law, taking into consideration as well the numerous influences which international Conventions currently in force bear on this issue.The contract for the carriage of goods by sea is concluded between a shipper and a carrier. The transportation of the goods by the carrier involves the navigation of a ship through water, a natural element which is not without danger; the act of the transportation of the goods therefore involves certain risks, and it is this act of transportation which is the object of the contract.This contract is generally modelled after the standard form of a Bill of Lading, though that is not the only document which is used. Among the specific elements of a Bill of Lading, the Paramount clause, the jurisdiction clause and the arbitration clause inserted in the document will each be examined, because they form the legal base of maritime transport.The execution of the contract, considering the rights and obligations of each of the parties, will be examined in detail. Assuring that the ship is in sound navigating condition, carrying out the voyage and accomplishing the delivery of the cargo are the responsibilities of the carrier, who in return will receive payment for these services from the shipper.However, the particular risks inherent in sea travel engender particular problems which will be specifically addressed – for example, the exact extent of responsibility of the carrier; the cases in which an exception might be made; amount limitations to the indemnities for damages, etc.The practical application of the contract to a specific situation will sometimes lead to disputes. In each case it needs to be determined which is the party that is responsible for the damage to the cargo. In fact, it is not always easy to define the responsibilities of each party. Sometimes appeal is made to international arbitration, and at other times it will be necessary to appeal in a court of law.Since the disputes often involve several separate enterprises (the ship owner, the ship manager, the shipper, the carrier, the recipient, insurance companies, bankers, etc.) coming from diverse countries with judicial systems which differ from one another, a number of complex legal issues must be resolved: the conditions of admissibility of the action, the jurisdiction of court, applicable law, etc.Among the particularities, we observe that France ratified the Brussels Convention and the modifying Protocols of 1968 and 1979, whereas China did not ratify any of these documents. In international law, France applies the monist system, according to which the ratified International Conventions are immediately applied in internal law, although according to dualism, the Conventions do not acquire legal force until after having been transposed into internal law. China applies neither the monist system nor the dualist system, while granting to the International Convention a superior authority over internal law, though only under certain conditions.With modern means of production and communication, the planet has become a global village whose members continually exchange goods and services. This development has led to significant growth in international commerce in general, and to significant growth in the transport of merchandise by sea in particular; hence the importance of this study.

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