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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A leitura da tira de quadrinhos: para uma gramática contrastiva do não verbal com o verbal / The process of reading comic strips: to create a contrastive grammar of the non verbal departing from the grammar of the verbal

Suely Shibao 23 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese foi sugerir à prática didática subsídios que possam contribuir com a condução da leitura de Tiras de Quadrinhos. Promove-se a ideia de que é possível elaborar uma gramática contrastiva do não verbal a partir da gramática do verbal, na consideração de que a leitura da imagem deve estar maciçamente atrelada à vivência diária do ser humano. Perspectivas da Linguística textual, da Semiótica peirceana e da Gramática tradicional foram entrelaçadas para obter-se um suporte teórico julgado eficaz na sustentação da hipótese de que a leitura multifacetada oferecida pela Tira de Quadrinhos é promissora quanto à formação de leitores proficientes. Fazem parte dessa conjuntura a Análise da conversação, a Organicidade do tópico discursivo, a Iconicidade diagramática e focalizações fonéticas, morfológicas e sintáticas envolvidas pelo semântico. No amálgama da tradição com a modernidade, sugeriram-se análises e interpretações da imagem no contexto linguístico-textual. O corpus é constituído de Tiras de Quadrinhos, publicadas diariamente no jornal O Globo, referentemente ao período de cinco anos, de 2005 a 2009 / The objective presented herein was to provide elements to support the didactic practice in a way that they would contribute to the process of reading comic strips. The idea that it is possible to create a contrastive grammar of the non verbal departing from the grammar of the verbal is promoted here, considering that the reading of the image should be broadly linked to mans daily living. Perspectives of the Text Linguistics, of the Peircean Semiotics and of the Traditional Grammar were interwoven in order to achieve a theoretical support judged to be effective in the sustaining of the hypothesis that the multifaceted reading of comic strips brings promising perspectives to the formation of proficient readers. The Conversational Analysis, the Organicity of the discursive topic, the Diagrammatic Iconicity and phonetic, morphological and syntactic focusing comprised by the semantic aspect are part of this context of analysis. In the amalgam of the tradition with the modernity, some instances of analysis and interpretation of the image in the linguistic-text context were suggested. The corpus is constituted of comic strips, published in O Globo, a daily newspaper, concerning the period of five years, from 2005 to 2009

A leitura da tira de quadrinhos: para uma gramática contrastiva do não verbal com o verbal / The process of reading comic strips: to create a contrastive grammar of the non verbal departing from the grammar of the verbal

Suely Shibao 23 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese foi sugerir à prática didática subsídios que possam contribuir com a condução da leitura de Tiras de Quadrinhos. Promove-se a ideia de que é possível elaborar uma gramática contrastiva do não verbal a partir da gramática do verbal, na consideração de que a leitura da imagem deve estar maciçamente atrelada à vivência diária do ser humano. Perspectivas da Linguística textual, da Semiótica peirceana e da Gramática tradicional foram entrelaçadas para obter-se um suporte teórico julgado eficaz na sustentação da hipótese de que a leitura multifacetada oferecida pela Tira de Quadrinhos é promissora quanto à formação de leitores proficientes. Fazem parte dessa conjuntura a Análise da conversação, a Organicidade do tópico discursivo, a Iconicidade diagramática e focalizações fonéticas, morfológicas e sintáticas envolvidas pelo semântico. No amálgama da tradição com a modernidade, sugeriram-se análises e interpretações da imagem no contexto linguístico-textual. O corpus é constituído de Tiras de Quadrinhos, publicadas diariamente no jornal O Globo, referentemente ao período de cinco anos, de 2005 a 2009 / The objective presented herein was to provide elements to support the didactic practice in a way that they would contribute to the process of reading comic strips. The idea that it is possible to create a contrastive grammar of the non verbal departing from the grammar of the verbal is promoted here, considering that the reading of the image should be broadly linked to mans daily living. Perspectives of the Text Linguistics, of the Peircean Semiotics and of the Traditional Grammar were interwoven in order to achieve a theoretical support judged to be effective in the sustaining of the hypothesis that the multifaceted reading of comic strips brings promising perspectives to the formation of proficient readers. The Conversational Analysis, the Organicity of the discursive topic, the Diagrammatic Iconicity and phonetic, morphological and syntactic focusing comprised by the semantic aspect are part of this context of analysis. In the amalgam of the tradition with the modernity, some instances of analysis and interpretation of the image in the linguistic-text context were suggested. The corpus is constituted of comic strips, published in O Globo, a daily newspaper, concerning the period of five years, from 2005 to 2009

I complementi preposizionali dei verbi francesi e italiani. Problemi teorici e studi contrastivi / Les compléments prépositionnels des verbes français et italiens. Problèmes théoriques et études contrastives / Prepositional Complements of French and Italian Verbs theoretical Problems and Contrastive Studies

BRAMATI, ALBERTO GIORDANO 24 April 2008 (has links)
La tesi è divisa in tre parti: la prima parte offre un panorama delle principali teorie della valenza sviluppate in Francia e in Italia, con particolare attenzione allo statuto sintattico dei complementi preposizionali (argomenti o aggiuntivi); la seconda parte presenta lo studio contrastivo di 103 verbi francesi tratti dal "Dictionnaire de la Complémentation Verbale" di Salkoff-Valli (in preparazione); la terza parte presenta lo studio contrastivo di due gruppi preposizionali francesi di particolare interesse traduttivo: "de N" con valore di causa e "contre N". / This Thesis is divided into three parts : the first one gives an overview of the main valency theories, which have been developed in France and Italy, particularly paying attention to the problem of prepositional complements ambiguity (objects or modifiers of the verb) ; second part proposes a contrastive study of 103 French verbs, taken from Dictionnaire de la Complémentation verbale of Salkoff-Valli (in progress); third part proposes a contrastive study of two French prepositional phrases "de N" indicating a cause, and "contre N", object or specific modifier of the verb , very interesting topic under the point of view of the translation into Italian.

Sobre las semejanzas sintácticas entre el español y el francés y su aprovechamiento en el aula

García Álvarez, Yansulier 08 1900 (has links)
Ce travail se concentre sur la description de certaines des similitudes syntaxiques —similarités dans la structure grammaticale ou l’ordre des mots au sein des syntagmes et des phrases— entre l’espagnol et le français actuels. Partant du constat que les similitudes syntaxiques ont été peu reflétées dans des études antérieures, il s’agit de compiler et de présenter les informations fournies par les grammaires récentes des deux langues. L’analyse des structures est complétée par des exemples provenant du Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES) et de textes en ligne, afin d’offrir une vision aussi précise, claire et synchronique que possible des coïncidences syntaxiques entre ces langues. Le mémoire comprend cinq chapitres. Dans l’introduction, on présente l’approche générale du travail, un bref état de la question, les objectifs et les questions de recherche. Ensuite, on développe le cadre théorique et méthodologique, où sont définis le champ d’étude et les unités d’observation et d’analyse (classes de mots, groupes de mots, phrases et fonctions syntaxiques), on passe en revue les études précédentes sur les similitudes entre l’espagnol et le français, et on aborde la didactique des langues étrangères et les matériels didactiques, en mettant en évidence le rôle de la grammaire et l’importance du transfert positif dans l’apprentissage des langues. Le troisième chapitre est exclusivement consacré aux similitudes syntaxiques, en détaillant chaque groupe de mots (nominal, adjectival, verbal, adverbial, prépositionnel, conjonctif et interjectif) et les types et formes de phrases (prototypique, transformée, déclarative, interrogative, exclamative, impérative, négative, passive, emphatique, impersonnelle, simple et composée). Enfin, pour relier théorie et pratique, trois propositions didactiques sont présentées pour différents niveaux de compétence (A2, B2 et C2), dans le but de favoriser les transferts syntaxiques positifs dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et du français comme langue étrangère (FLE). Ces séquences d’activités visent non seulement à faciliter l’apprentissage de la grammaire, en le liant au développement de la compétence communicative, mais aussi à motiver les apprenants grâce à une approche pratique et appliquée. Le mémoire se termine par une synthèse générale, les contributions du travail au domaine de la connaissance et quelques considérations finales. / This work focuses on the description of some of the syntactic similarities— similarities in grammatical structure or word order within groups of words and sentences— between contemporary Spanish and French. Based on the observation that syntactic similarities have been scarcely reflected in previous studies, this work aims to compile and present the information provided by recent grammars of both languages. The analysis of the structures is complemented by examples from the Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES) and online texts, to offer as precise, clear, and synchronic a view as possible of the syntactic similarities between these languages. The paper consists of five chapters. The introduction presents the general approach of the work, a brief state of the art, the objectives, and the research questions. Next, the theoretical-methodological framework is developed, where the field of study and the units of observation and analysis (word classes, word groups, sentences, and syntactic functions) are defined, previous studies on similarities between Spanish and French are reviewed, and the didactics of foreign languages and teaching materials are addressed, highlighting the role of grammar and the importance of positive transfer in language learning. The third chapter is exclusively dedicated to syntactic similarities, breaking down each word group (nominal, adjectival, verbal, adverbial, prepositional, conjunctive, and interjective) and the types and forms of sentences (prototypical, transformed, declarative, interrogative, exclamative, imperative, negative, passive, emphatic, impersonal, simple, and compound). Finally, to link theory and practice, three didactic proposals aimed at different levels of proficiency (A2, B2, and C2) are presented, with the objective of promoting positive syntactic transfers in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) and French as a Foreign Language (FLE). These activity sequences not only aim to facilitate the learning of grammar by linking it to the development of communicative competence but also seek to motivate learners through a practical and applied approach. The paper concludes with a general synthesis, the contributions of the work to the field of knowledge, and some final considerations. / Este trabajo se centra en la descripción de algunas de las semejanzas sintácticas —semejanzas en la estructura gramatical o el orden de las palabras en el seno de los sintagmas y oraciones— entre el español y el francés actuales. A partir de la constatación de que las semejanzas sintácticas han sido escasamente reflejadas en estudios anteriores, se procede a recopilar y presentar la información que suministran las gramáticas recientes de ambas lenguas. El análisis de las estructuras se complementa con ejemplos procedentes del Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES) y de textos en línea, para ofrecer así una visión lo más precisa, clara y sincrónica posible de las coincidencias sintácticas entre estos idiomas. La memoria consta de cinco capítulos. En la introducción se presenta el planteamiento general del trabajo, un breve estado de la cuestión, los objetivos y las preguntas de investigación. A continuación, se desarrolla el marco teórico-metodológico, donde se definen el campo de estudio y las unidades de observación y análisis (clases de palabras, grupos de palabras, oraciones y funciones sintácticas), se revisan los estudios previos sobre las semejanzas entre el español y el francés, y se aborda la didáctica de lenguas extranjeras y los materiales didácticos, destacando el rol de la gramática y la importancia de la transferencia positiva en el aprendizaje de lenguas. El tercer capítulo se dedica exclusivamente a las semejanzas sintácticas, desglosando cada grupo de palabras (nominal, adjetival, verbal, adverbial, preposicional, conjuntivo e interjectivo) y los tipos y formas de las oraciones (prototípica, transformada, declarativa, interrogativa, exclamativa, imperativa, negativa, pasiva, enfática, impersonal, simple y compuesta). Finalmente, para vincular teoría y práctica, se presentan tres propuestas didácticas dirigidas a distintos niveles de competencia (A2, B2 y C2), con el objetivo de propiciar las transferencias sintácticas positivas en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) y del francés como lengua extranjera (FLE). Estas secuencias de actividades no solo buscan facilitar el aprendizaje de la gramática, vinculándolo al desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa, sino que también pretenden motivar a los aprendientes mediante un enfoque práctico y aplicado. La memoria concluye con una síntesis general, los aportes del trabajo al área de conocimiento y unas consideraciones finales.

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