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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] A consideração dos custos de transmissão associados a cada projeto é fundamental para que as comparações econômicas dos custos totais de geração entre tecnologia sejam realizadas corretamente. Os custos de transmissão tendem a ser elevados para usinas distantes dos centros de carga; ou reduzidos para usinas próximas dos centros de carga. O custo de transmissão de cada agente é calculado a partir de uma tarifa, cujo valor depende do ponto de conexão e deveria refletir o sinal locacional da parcela da rede efetivamente utilizada. As metodologias existentes têm limitações que atenuam consideravelmente o sinal locacional, e, consequentemente, necessitam de fatores de ajuste conhecidos como selo, que podem ser bastante significativos quando comparados com a parcela locacional. Uma limitação importante das metodologias existentes é não considerar múltiplos cenários de despacho, sobretudo em países com forte presença de hidrelétricas, podendo influenciar bastante a alocação e criar um problema de recuperação de custos. Outro tema abordado é o cálculo da tarifa de transmissão diferenciada por patamar de carga, cujo benefício é possibilitar que os consumidores respondam ao sinal econômico da tarifa de transmissão, aumentando a eficiência econômica. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia com base no esquema Aumann Shapley (AS) que incorpora o tema dos múltiplos cenários de despacho e cálculo da tarifa de transmissão diferenciada por patamar de carga. Para ilustrar a aplicação da metodologia proposta foi utilizado um sistema teste de 3 barras e o sistema elétrico da Bolívia. A metodologia proposta é comparada com as seguintes metodologias: (i) Participações Médias; (ii) Metodologia Nodal ou Custo Marginal de Longo Prazo (CMLP); e (iii) AS Original. Os resultados mostraram que a utilização da metodologia proposta melhorou significativamente o sinal locacional, reduzindo a necessidade complementação com a parcela selo da tarifa de transmissão. / [en] The consideration of transmission costs is essential for an isonomic economic valuation of generation projects due to the competition among different sources. The transmission costs tend to be greater for power plants located far from the load centers than for those that are closer. The transmission cost of each agent is calculated through a tariff, whose value depends on the point of connection and might reflect a locational signal of the transmission network s portion effectively used. The existing methodologies have limitations that greatly hinders the locational signal, therefore, is required a complementary charge known as postage stamp that can be quite significant when compared with the locational portion. The existing methodologies do not consider the multiple dispatch scenarios for allocation of the transmission costs, which is a very important issue and can greatly influence the allocation and create a cost recovery problem, especially in countries with a strong presence of hydroelectric plants. Another important issue to be considered in methodologies for allocation of transmission costs is the calculation of the transmission tariff varying in accordance with the load blocks, whose benefit is enable the consumers to respond to the transmission tariff s economic signal, increasing economic efficiency. This thesis presents a new methodology based on the AS scheme that incorporates the multiple dispatch scenarios and provides the calculation of the transmission tariff per load block. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, it was used a 3 bus test system and the Bolivian power system. The proposed methodology is compared with the following methods: (i) Average Participation Factors (APF); (ii) Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) and (iii) Original AS. The results showed that the use of the proposed methodology significantly improved the locational signal, reducing the need of the postage stamp portion of the transmission tariff.

Capacity allocation and rescheduling in supply chains

Liu, Zhixin 20 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Excluding Coalitions

Hiller, Tobias 04 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
One problem in cooperative game theory is to model situations when two players refuse to cooperate (or the problem of quarreling members in coalitions). One example of such exclusions is the coalition statements of parliamentary parties. Other situations in which incompatible players affect the outcome are teams in firms and markets, for example. To model these exclusions in cooperative game theory, the excluded coalitions value ( φE value) was introduced. This value is based on the Shapley value and takes into account that players exclude coalitions with other players. In this article, we deduce some properties of this new value. After some general results, we analyze the apex game that could be interpreted as a team situation and the glove game that models markets where sellers and buyers deal. For team situations, we show that all employees have a common interest for cooperation. On asymmetric markets, excluding coalitions affect the market players of the scarce side to a higher extent.

Mécanisme de collaboration dans la collaboration logistique horizontale / Collaboration Mechanism in the Horizontal Logistics Collaboration

Xu, Xiaozhou 16 December 2013 (has links)
À cause des stratégies de production et de marketing de plus en plus ambitieuses tellesque le Juste-À-Temps et la production adaptée au client, les approches de collaboration logistique verticale qui sont courantes atteignent une limite d'efficacité notamment en transport. La collaboration logistique horizontale (CLH) et plus particulièrement la mutualisation, dont l'efficacité a été prouvée dans la littérature et dans les cas réels, a attiré l'attention des chercheurs ainsi que des praticiens. Cependatn, un des obstacles principaux à la mise en œuvre des CLHs est l'absence d'un mécanisme de collaboration raisonné, en particulier un mécanisme de partage des gains. Nous identifions deux formes d'organisation des CLHs : centralisée limité en pratique à de petites coalitions et décentralisée pouvant comprendre de nombreux participants. Pour des CLHs centralisées, nous proposons un modèle de collaboration qui est un processus de conduite qui intègre les outils d'aide à la décision. Nous développons également un mécanisme de partage par la théorie des jeux. Ce mécanisme est applicable aux différentes catégories des CLHs centralisées, qui peuvent être modélisées par des jeux coopératifs super-additif et non-super-additifs. Afin de proposer un plan de partage crédible aux collaborateurs, ce mécanisme de partage prend en compte la contribution de chacun des collaborateurs, la stabilité de la coalition et leur pouvoir de négociation. Ce cadre est illustré par des exemples numériques issus de cas logistiques. Pour la mise en œuvre des CLHs décentralisées, nous proposons un cadre de travail de logistique collaborative qui est ouvert aux participants potentiels, et avons conçu des protocoles fondés sur le mécanisme d'enchère combinatoire, qui spécifient l'allocation de demande de livraison et la détermination de paiement pour faciliter les collaborations. Cette dernière partie s'appuie sur la théorie dite de Mechanism design. / As the result of the more and more ambitious production and marketing strategies,such as Just-In-Time and increasing customization of products, the current vertical logistics collaboration approaches based on single supply chain seems insufficient to achieve further improvements in transportation efficiency. The horizontal logistics collaboration (HLC), which has been proved an effective approach to efficiency improvement, has attracted both academics and practitioners. One of the main barriers to the implementation of HLCs is the lack of feasible collaboration mechanism, in particular the gain sharing mechanism. We identify two organizational forms of HLCs: the centralized and decentralized ones. For centralized HLCs, we propose a collaboration model that is a collaboration conducting process integrating decision-aiding tools to guide the implementation of the collaboration. We also develop a generally applicable game-theoretic sharing mechanism for different categories of centralized HLCs modeled as super-additive and non-super-additive cooperative games. This sharing mechanism takes into account the collaborators' contribution, the coalition stability, and the bargaining power to propose a credible sharing scheme for collaborators. The approach is illustrated by numerical example taken from logistics cases. For the implementation of the decentralized HLCs, we propose an open collaborative logistics framework, and design the system protocols as the collaboration mechanism that specifies the combinatorial-auction-based request allocation and payment determination to foster the collaborations.

Four essays on the axiomatic method : cooperative game theory and scientometrics / Quatre essais sur la méthode axiomatique : théorie des jeux coopératifs et scientométrie

Ferrières, Sylvain 25 November 2016 (has links)
La thèse propose quatre contributions sur la méthode axiomatique. Les trois premiers chapitres utilisent le formalisme des jeux coopératifs à utilité transférable. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, une étude systématique de l'opération de nullification est menée. Les axiomes de retraits sont transformés en axiomes de nullification. Des caractérisations existantes de règles d’allocation sont revisitées, et des résultats totalement neufs sont présentés. Le troisième chapitre introduit et caractérise une valeur de Shapley proportionnelle, où les dividendes d’Harsanyi sont partagés en proportion des capacités des singletons concernés. Le quatrième chapitre propose une variante multi-dimensionnelle de l’indice de Hirsch. Une caractérisation axiomatique et une application aux classements sportifs sont fournies. / The dissertation provides four contributions on the axiomatic method. The first three chapters deal with cooperative games with transferable utility. In the first two chapters, a systematic study of the nullification operation is done. The removal axioms are translated into their nullified counterparts. Some existing characterizations are revisited, and completely new results are presented. The third chapter introduces and characterizes a proportional Shapley value in which the Harsanyi dividends are shared in proportion to the stand-alone worths of the concerned players. The fourth chapter proposes a multi-dimensional variant of the Hirsch index. An axiomatic characterization and an application to sports rankings are provided.

The Effects of Excluding Coalitions

Hiller, Tobias 04 June 2018 (has links)
One problem in cooperative game theory is to model situations when two players refuse to cooperate (or the problem of quarreling members in coalitions). One example of such exclusions is the coalition statements of parliamentary parties. Other situations in which incompatible players affect the outcome are teams in firms and markets, for example. To model these exclusions in cooperative game theory, the excluded coalitions value ( φE value) was introduced. This value is based on the Shapley value and takes into account that players exclude coalitions with other players. In this article, we deduce some properties of this new value. After some general results, we analyze the apex game that could be interpreted as a team situation and the glove game that models markets where sellers and buyers deal. For team situations, we show that all employees have a common interest for cooperation. On asymmetric markets, excluding coalitions affect the market players of the scarce side to a higher extent.

Modèles de théorie des jeux pour la formation de réseaux / Game theoretic Models of network Formation

Cesari, Giulia 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’analyse théorique et l’application d’une nouvelle famille de jeux coopératifs, où la valeur de chaque coalition peut être calculée à partir des contributions des joueurs par un opérateur additif qui décrit comme les capacités individuelles interagissent au sein de groupes. Précisément, on introduit une grande classe de jeux, les Generalized Additive Games, qui embrasse plusieurs classes de jeux coopératifs dans la littérature, et en particulier de graph games, où un réseau décrit les restrictions des possibilités d’interaction entre les joueurs. Des propriétés et solutions pour cette classe de jeux sont étudiées, avec l’objectif de fournir des outils pour l’analyse de classes de jeux connues, ainsi que pour la construction de nouvelles classes de jeux avec des propriétés intéressantes d’un point de vue théorique. De plus, on introduit une classe de solutions pour les communication situations, où la formation d’un réseau est décrite par un mécanisme additif, et dans la dernière partie de cette thèse on présente des approches avec notre modèle à des problèmes réels modélisés par des graph games, dans les domaines de la théorie de l’argumentation et de la biomédecine. / This thesis deals with the theoretical analysis and the application of a new family of cooperative games, where the worth of each coalition can be computed from the contributions of single players via an additive operator describing how the individual abilities interact within groups. Specifically, we introduce a large class of games, namely the Generalized Additive Games, which encompasses several classes of cooperative games from the literature, and in particular of graph games, where a network describes the restriction of the interaction possibilities among players. Some properties and solutions of such class of games are studied, with the objective of providing useful tools for the analysis of known classes of games, as well as for the construction of new classes of games with interesting properties from a theoretic point of view. Moreover, we introduce a class of solution concepts for communication situations, where the formation of a network is described by means of an additive pattern, and in the last part of the thesis we present two approaches using our model to real-world problems described by graph games, in the fields of Argumentation Theory and Biomedicine.


EDUARDO MAURO BAPTISTA BOLONHEZ 25 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Minerar bitcoins é uma atividade incerta, e para realizá-la, os participantes competem em um processo chamado Proof-Of-Work. Cada participante pode passar meses ou até anos sem fluxos positivos de caixa, enquanto os custos se mantém. Isto pode afastá-los da tecnologia e a saída de membros afeta a própria rede, que não sobrevive sem a presença de mineradores. Este trabalho propõe estudar o compartilhamento de recompensas em estruturas já existentes na rede: mineradores se juntando em pools de mineração e dividindo receitas e custos, assim diminuindo a variabilidade e gerando fluxos positivos de caixa mais constantes. A receita e custos são modelados, e um modelo de programação estocástica é proposto para encontrar as alocações ótimas que garantem a permanência dos membros no pool. Este grupo de é caracterizado por uma coalizão, estudado através de Teoria dos Jogos. O comportamento dos jogadores também é de estudo neste trabalho, e uma medida monetária de risco, na forma de CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) é usada para representar o perfil de risco do minerador e as consequências para as alocações ótimas. Embora não haja benefício estrito em fazer parte do pool para um único período de análise, há ganho financeiro quando se analisa em múltiplos períodos, e o tempo médio para se acertar um hash diminui quando os participantes se juntam em um pool. Um ganho na probabilidade de mineração ao fazer parte de um pool aumentaria a receita média da coalizão, trazendo ganhos financeiros mesmo em um único período de análise. Divisões intuitivas de recursos, como por poder computacional ou igualitária podem não garantir estabilidade do pool, principalmente considerando períodos longos de tempo. Tal estabilidade é possível em um futuro sem receitas fixas de mineração, se ocorrerem também mudanças nas receitas variáveis e custos. Três funções objetivo diferentes representando três idéias de partilha de recompensa são comparadas e uma metodologia é proposta para uso conjunto de pelo menos duas destas, com objetivo de aumentar a justiça na divisão das recompensas. / [en] Mining Bitcoins is an uncertain activity, and to perform it, players must compete in a process known as Proof-Of-Work. A miner may spend months or even years without positive cash flows on this process, while still incurring in the associated costs. This outcome has the possibility to drive them away from the technology, and the departure of members affects the network itself, as it cannot survive without the presence of miners. This work proposes to study the sharing of rewards in structures already presented in the network: miners joining forces and taking place in mining pools, sharing revenues and costs, thus having positive cash flows more often, reducing variability in gains. The revenues and costs are modeled, and a stochastic optimization model is proposed to find the optimal allocations that guarantee that all members stay within the pool. This group of miners is characterized by a coalition, studied through Game Theory. The behavior of the players is also subject of this study, and a monetary risk measure, by the form of CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) is used to represent the miner s risk profile and consequences to the optimal allocations. While there is no strict benefit from being part of a pool for a single block, there is financial gain when looking at multi-period, and the average time to correctly guess a hash decreases when players join forces in a pool. A gain in mining probability by being in the pool would raise the average reward of the coalition and allow for financial benefit even in single period.We observe that intuitive sharing allocations such as through computational power and equally dividing rewards may not guarantee the stability of the pool, mainly when longer periods of time are considered. Said stability is possible in the future without fixed incomes, but with changes to the variable rewards and the costs of mining. Lastly, three different objective functions representing three ideas to share the rewards within the nucleolus are compared and a method is proposed to collectively use at least two of them, aiming increased fairness in the sharing of rewards.

Mixed-integer programming representation for symmetrical partition function form games

Pepin, Justine 11 1900 (has links)
In contexts involving multiple agents (players), determining how they can cooperate through the formation of coalitions and how they can share surplus benefits coming from the collaboration is crucial. This can provide decision-aid to players and analysis tools for policy makers regulating economic markets. Such settings belong to the field of cooperative game theory. A critical element in this area has been the size of the representation of these games: for each possible partition of players, the value of each coalition on it must be provided. Symmetric partition function form games (SPFGs) belong to a class of cooperative games with two important characteristics. First, they account for externalities provoked by any group of players joining forces or splitting into subsets on the remaining coalitions of players. Second, they consider that players are indistinct, meaning that only the number of players in each coalition is relevant for the SPFG. Using mixed-integer programming, we present the first representation of SPFGs that is polynomial on the number of players in the game. We also characterize the family of SPFGs that we can represent. In particular, the representation is able to encode exactly all SPFGs with five players or less. Furthermore, we provide a compact representation approximating SPFGs when there are six players or more and the SPFG cannot be represented exactly. We also introduce a flexible framework that uses stability methods inspired from the literature to identify a stable social-welfare maximizing game outcome using our representation. We showcase the value of our compact (approximated) representation and approach to determine a stable partition and payoff allocation to a competitive market from the literature. / Dans tout contexte impliquant plusieurs agents (joueurs), il est impératif de déterminer comment les agents coopéreront par la formation de coalitions et comment ils partageront les bénéfices supplémentaires issus de la collaboration. Ceci peut fournir une aide à la décision aux joueurs, ou encore des outils d'analyse pour les responsables en charge de réguler les marchés économiques. De telles situations relèvent de la théorie des jeux coopérative. Un élément crucial de ce domaine est la taille de la représentation de ces jeux : pour chaque partition de joueurs possible, la valeur de chaque coalition qu'on y retrouve doit être donnée. Les jeux symétriques à fonction de partition (SPFG) appartiennent à une classe de jeux coopératifs possédant deux caractéristiques principales. Premièrement, ils sont sensibles aux externalités, provoquées par n'importe quel groupe de joueurs qui s'allient ou défont leurs alliances, qui sont ressenties par les autres coalitions de joueurs. Deuxièmement, ils considèrent que les joueurs sont indistincts, et donc que seul le nombre de joueurs dans chaque coalition est à retenir pour représenter un SPFG. Par l'utilisation d'outils de programmation mixte en nombres entiers, nous présentons la première représentation de SPFG qui est polynomiale en nombre de joueurs dans le jeu. De surcroît, nous caractérisons la famille des SPFG qu'il est possible de représenter, qui inclut notamment tous les SPFG de cinq joueurs ou moins. De plus, elle dispose d'une approximation compacte pour le cas où, dans un jeu à six joueurs ou plus, le SPFG ne peut pas être représenté de façon exacte. Également, nous introduisons un cadre flexible qui utilise des méthodes visant la stabilité inspirées par la littérature pour identifier, à l'aide de notre représentation, une issue stable qui maximise le bien-être social des joueurs. Nous démontrons la valeur de notre représentation (approximée) compacte et de notre approche pour sélectionner une partition stable et une allocation des profits dans une application de marché compétitif provenant de la littérature.

Weak core solution for the non-transferable utility kidney exchange game

Collette, Raphaël 08 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs pays possèdent des programmes de don croisé de rein (PDCR). Le but de ces programmes est d’aider les patients ayant un donneur incompatible à obtenir une greffe, en échangeant les donneurs incompatibles entre les patients. Pour pouvoir obtenir des bassins de paires incompatibles de plus grande taille, il est possible d’élargir les PDCR pour y inclure plusieurs pays ou hôpitaux. Par contre, on doit s’attendre à ce que ces derniers agissent de façon stratégique pour maximiser le nombre de leurs patients obtenant une greffe. Avec ce cadre, on peut définir le problème de don croisé de rein à plusieurs agents. Dans ce mémoire, nous modélisons ce problème comme un jeu coopératif à utilité non- transférable et nous présentons le noyau faible comme solution à ce jeu. Nous étudions empiriquement notre solution sur des exemples basés sur des données réelles et montrons qu’elle est atteignable en pratique. Nous comparons aussi le noyau faible à une autre solution présente dans la littérature: les couplages résistants aux rejets. / In various countries, kidney paired donation programs (KPDs) are implemented. These programs aim to help patients with an incompatible donor to obtain a transplant by swapping the donors between the patients. In order to increase the size of the pool of incompatible patient-donor pairs and potentially enhance patient benefits, KPDs can be extended to include multiple countries or hospitals. However, unlike existing nationwide KPDs, strategic behaviour from these entities (agents) is to be expected. This gives rise to the multi-agent kidney exchange problem. In this work, we model for the first time this problem as a non-transferable utility game. We also propose and argue in favour of the use of the weak core as a solution concept for the game. Using integer programming tools, we empirically study our solution concept on instances from the literature, which are derived from real-world data, and show that it is attainable in practice. We also compare the weak core to another recently presented solution concept from the literature, the rejection-proof matching.

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