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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The late holocene history of vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and Southern Kalimantan

Poliakova, Anastasia 24 September 2015 (has links)
(Bahasa Indonesia) Analisa yang terperinci mengenai lingkungan di masa lalu, iklim dan sejarah penggunaaan lahan di wilayah Indonesia sangat penting untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai hubungan manusia-lingkungan dan untuk mencegah ketidakpastian perkembangan wilayah tersebut di masa depan. Indonesia merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki keanekaragaman terbesar, dan pada saat yang bersamaan juga merupakan salah satu Negara yang mempunyai jumlah penduduk terpadat di dunia. Seiring dengan sejarah, pengaruh dari aktivitas manusia pada suatu daerah menjadi semakin kuat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengakses peranan manusia terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Penelitian kami difokuskan pada rekonstruksi pola vegetasi di masa lampau, perubahan lingkungan dan interaksi antara manusia dan lingkungan yang tercermin dalam sedimen laut di perairan Indonesia. Dua macam pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah: polen (serbuik sari), yang berasal dari darat dan diharapkan bisa memberikan informasi yang beragam tentang vegetasi dan dinamika penggunaan lahan, dan organic dinoflagelata yang berasal dari lingkungan laut dan merefleksikan perubahan parameter air secara kuantitatif (misal. SST, SSS) dan kualitatif (mis: kondisi tropic dilihat dari segi makro-elemen utama dan oksigen terlarut dalam air). Selain itu, arang mikro dipelajari untuk mendapatkan data mengenai sejarah kebakaran di wilayah tersebut dan untuk memperoleh data tambahan untuk interpretasi polen dan data dinoflagelata. Penelitian dilakukan di dua situs sebagai perbandingan: pertama, di wilayah Jawa yang padat penduduk dengan sejarah panjang dari dampak aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan lanskap pertanian yang luas, dan yang kedua, di wilayah Kalimantan Selatan dengan kepadatan penduduk yang tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak banyak perubahan akibat pengaruh aktivitas manusia dan masih merupakan vegetasi alami. Metode yang digunakan, palinologi laut memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam interpretasi data. Faktor pengendapan polen adalah sangat penting, terutama untuk daerah-daerah dengan pengaruh kuat dari angin dan arus laut seperti wilayah Indonesia dimana sistem iklim secara keseluruhan didorong sebagian oleh pergantian musim. Untuk mendapatkan beberapa pemikiran mengenai transportasi sedimen di wilayah ini, kami mempelajari dan membahas secara rinci perbedaan jumlah polen yang dikumpulkan pada kondisi musim hujan yang berbeda serta selama waktu perpindahan musim. Subyek manuskrip pertama kami adalah kemelimpahan dan komposisi taksa modern polen dan spora yang didapat dari sedimen yang terakumulasi di Samudera India sebelah barat daya Jawa. Hasil yang diperoleh digunakan untuk interpretasi lebih lanjut dari fosil polen laut. Sejarah intensifikasi penggunaan lahan dan perubahan vegetasi lebih dari 3500 tahun yang lalu yang diperoleh dari dinoflagelata dan kumpullan polen dari sedimen laut dipresentasikan dalam jurnal yang kedua. Studi ini didasarkan pada perbandingan dua core laut dari lepas Laut Jawa dekat Kalimantan Barat (Sungai Jelai) and bagian timur laut Jawa (Sungai/Bengavan Solo). Pada manuskrip yang ketiga, hasil ini diperbandingkan dengan sedimen core dari lepas pantai yang diambil dari bagian hulu sungai Pembuang. Studi ini membahas mengenai hasil analisa geokimia dan analisa dinoflagelata dalam cakupan paleoekologi dan paleoenvironment. Manuskrip kelima membahas tentang keragaman polen dalam core sedimen laut dari wilayah Indonesia. Studi ini merangkum pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama meneliti core sedimen dari Laut Jawa dan dari studi perangkap sedimen di Samudera Hindia. Dalam bentuk atlas polen, kami memberikan hasil analisis secara rinci dari daftar taksa polen dan dilengkapi dengan foto mikro pada tingkat fokus yang berbeda. Hasil keseluruhan dari penelitian ini akan memberikan kontribusi pada pengetahuan tentang dinamika ekosistem dan sejarah alam di wilayah Indonesia dan dapat membantu investigasi paleoekologi dan paleo-iklim di masa depan secara lebih rinci.

Analyse de l’air piégé dans les carottes de glace de Dôme C et Talos Dôme pour mieux contraindre le rôle du forçage orbital et des gaz à effet de serre dans les variations glaciaire-interglaciaire / Isotopic composition of air trapped in EPICA Dome C and Talos Dome ice cores in order to constrain the influence of orbital forcing and greenhouse gases on glacial–interglacial variations

Bazin, Lucie 29 January 2015 (has links)
Afin d’étudier les variations climatiques enregistrées par les carottes de glace, il est nécessaire d’avoir des datations précises à la fois pour les phases gaz et glace. Le but de ce travail de thèse a été d’améliorer les chronologies des carottes de glace, couvrant les derniers 800 000 ans, au travers de nouvelles mesures de la composition isotopique de l’air (δ15N, δ18Oatm et δO2/N2) piégé dans la glace d’EPICA Dôme C (EDC) et de l’utilisation de l’outil de datation "Datice". Le premier résultat important de cette thèse a été la production de la chronologie cohérente pour les carottes de glace ("Antarctic Ice Core Chronology", AICC2012) pour EDC, Vostok, EPICA Droning Maud Land (EDML), TALos Dôme ICE core (TALDICE) et NorthGRIP. Sur cette nouvelle chronologie la théorie du see-saw bipolaire reste valable. AICC2012 donne un âge pour la Terminaison II en accord avec les autres archives climatiques. De plus, les durées des périodes interglaciaires restent inchangées par rapport à la chronologie EDC3. Lors de la construction d’AICC2012 nous avons mis en évidence plusieurs points nécessitant des améliorations. Nous avons donc procédé à l’amélioration de Datice dans le but d’intégrer correctement les contraintes issues du comptage des couches annuelles et leurs erreurs. Ces améliorations conduisent à des chronologies cohérentes tout en respectant les hypothèses sous-jacentes à Datice. Nous proposons aussi une nouvelle formulation de l’erreur associée à la fonction d’amincissement à partir de l’analyse des propriétés mécaniques de la glace dans le cas d’EDC. Pour finir, les nouvelles mesures du δO2/N2 et du δ18Oatm effectuées sur de la glace bien conservée d’EDC nous ont permis de définir de nouvelles contraintes d’âge. La comparaison de ces traceurs mesurés à Vostok, EDC et Dôme F sur le MIS 5 a permis de mettre en évidence une possible influence de paramètres climatiques locaux sur le δO2/N2. L’analyse du retard entre le δ18Oatm et la précession sur les derniers 800 ka montre des variations de ce dernier. Nous suggérons que ce retard est augmenté par l’occurence d’évènements de Heinrich à certaines périodes. Les résultats de cette thèse sont à prendre en compte pour le prochain exercice de datation cohérente pour les carottes de glace. / In order to study the climate variations recorded by ice cores, it is necessary to have precise chronologies for the ice and gas phases. The aim of this work has been to improve ice cores chronologies, covering the last 800 000 years, through new measurements of the isotopic composition of the air δ15N, δ18Oatm et δO2/N2) trapped in EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core and the use of the Datice dating tool.The first important result of this PhD has been the production of the Antarctic Ice Core Chronology (AICC2012), common for EDC, Vostok, EPICA Droning Maud Land (EDML), TALos Dome ICE core (TALDICE) and NorthGRIP ice cores. The bipolar see-saw theory is still valid on the new chronology. The AICC2012 chronology gives an age for Termination II in good agreement with other climate archives. Moreover, the duration of interglacial periods is unchanged compared to EDC3. While building the AICC2012 chronology, we have pointed out several limitations. Since then, we have improved Datice in order to correctly integrate constraints deduced from layer counting and their associated uncertainties. These improvements permit to build coherent chronologies respecting the underlying hypotheses of Datice. Moreover, we propose a new parameterization of the uncertainty associated with the background thinning function based on ice mechanical properties of EDC ice core. Finally, we were able to deduce new age constraints thanks to the new measurements of δO2/N2 and δ18Oatm performed on well-conserved ice from EDC. A multi-proxy comparison of Vostok, EDC and Dome F ice cores over MIS 5 has highlighted a possible influence of local climatic parameters on δO2/N2. The analysis of the delay between δ18Oatm and precession shows some variability over the last 800 ka. We propose that the delay between δ18Oatm and precession is increased during periods associated with Heinrich events. The results obtained during this PhD should be used for the next ice core coherent chronology.

Methane flux in the Doñana wetlands : Waterbird guano addition and benthicinvertebrate effects / Metangasflöden i Doñanas våtmarker : Effekter av vattenlevande fåglars guano och bottenlevande evertebrater

Ratia, Noa January 2019 (has links)
Wetlands are globally important biogeochemical hotspots, and their roles as either significant sources of greenhouse gas or carbon sinks are strongly controlled by environmental drivers such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus availability, which can stimulate emission of three greenhouse gases: nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Mounting evidence suggests that aquatic invertebrate activity can enhance wetland greenhouse gas flux, through bioturbation and bioirrigation of surrounding sediments. However, waterbirds reduce the density of aquatic invertebrates, which could potentially reduce greenhouse gas flux. Alternatively, the nutrient contents of waterbird guano may stimulate microbial activity responsible for these gas fluxes. The research project FLAMMINGGOS (Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation) aims to test the relative strength of top-down and bottom-up effects of predatory waterbirds on wetland greenhouse gas fluxes. This study is a part of the FLAMMINGGOS project and studied the bottom-up stimuli effects of methane flux, through addition of waterbird guano to sediment cores sampled from three sites in Doñana, Spain. Guano did not enhance methane flux; on the contrary, the overall flux rates decreased after guano addition for one site. There was also a positive correlation between methane flux and the presence of benthic invertebrates. This suggests that the top-down gas-stimuli effects of waterbirds may be stronger than the bottom-up; benthivorous waterbirds, such as flamingos, may lessen the emissions of CH4 through predation on benthic invertebrates. Further research is however required to fully understand these interactions and gas flux stimuli effects. / FLAMMINGGOS

Circulação venosa fetal em gestações gemelares monocoriônicas com insuficiência placentária / Fetal venous circulation in monochorionic twin pregnancies with placental insufficiency

Liao, Tatiana Bernath 12 June 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: A finalidade deste estudo foi avaliar o Doppler venoso em gestações gemelares monocoriônicas (MC) com insuficiência placentária e a relação do fluxo sanguíneo venoso com a acidemia no nascimento ou óbito fetal. Método: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu 18 gestações gemelares MC com insuficiência placentária. Os critérios de inclusão foram: gestação gemelar MC e diamniótica, dopplervelocimetria da artéria umbilical (AU) alterada, membranas integras e ausência de defeitos congênitos fetais. Casos que apresentassem a síndrome de transfusão feto- fetal foram excluídos. Os seguintes parâmetros de Doppler foram avaliados: índice de pulsatilidade (IP) da AU, índice de pulsatilidade para veias (IPV) do ducto venoso (DV), IP e velocidade sistólica máxima (Vmax) da artéria cerebral média (ACM), a média da velocidade máxima (TAMxV) da veia umbilical (VU) e a TAMxV da veia portal esquerda (VPE). Os parâmetros dopplervelocimétricos foram transformados em escore zeta (desvios padrão da média) ou múltiplos da mediana (MoM), de acordo com os valores de referência. Amostras de sangue do cordão umbilical foram obtidas imediatamente após o parto para a mensuração do pH da artéria umbilical no nascimento. Resultado: O pH < 7,20 ocorreu em nove recém nascidos (25%), pH< 7,15 em quatro (11,1%) e em quatro (11,1%) casos houve óbito intrauterino. Os escores zeta da TAMxV da VU e da VPE foram significativamente menores no grupo com pH < 7,2 ou óbito intrauterino (respectivamente: -1,79 vs. - 1,22, p=0,006; -2,26 vs. -1,13, p=0,04). Nos casos com pH< 7,15 ou óbito intrauterino a pulsação da VU foi mais frequente (50% vs. 10,7%, p=0,03) e a TAMxV da VU foi significativamente mais baixa (-1,89 vs. -1,26, p= 0,003). A análise de regressão logística demonstrou que o escore zeta da TAMxV da VU prediz significativamente acidemia com pH< 7,20 ou óbito intrauterino (p=0,019). O parâmetro de Doppler que prediz significativamente pH< 7,15 ou óbito intrauterino foi a pulsação da VU (p=0,023). Conclusão: Os parâmetros de Doppler da VU podem predizer a acidemia no nascimento ou o óbito fetal em gestações gemelares MC complicadas por insuficiência placentária / Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate fetal venous Doppler in monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency and the relationship between fetal venous flow and acidemia at birth or intrauterine fetal death. Methods: This was a prospective study of 18 MC twin pregnancies with placental insufficiency. Inclusion criteria were MC diamniotic twin pregnancies, abnormal umbilical artery (UA) Doppler, intact membranes, and absence of fetal congenital abnormalities. The twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome cases were excluded. The following Doppler measurements were studied: UA pulsatility index (PI), ductus venosus (DV) pulsatility index for veins (PIV), middle cerebral artery (MCA) PI and peak systolic velocity (PSV), intra-abdominal umbilical vein (UV) timeaveraged maximum velocity (TAMxV), and left portal vein (LPV) TAMxV. Doppler parameters were transformed into z-scores (SD values from the mean) or multiples of median (MoM) according to normative references. Blood samples were obtained from the umbilical cord immediately after delivery to measure the pH of the umbilical artery at birth. Results: pH<7.20 occurred in 9 newborns (25%), pH<7.15 in 4 (11.1%), and intrauterine fetal death in 4 (11.1%). The UV-TAMxV and the LPVTAMxV z-scores were significantly lower in the group presenting pH <7.20 or intrauterine fetal death (respectively: -1.79 vs. -1.22, p=0.006; -2.26 vs. -1.13, p=0.04). In cases with pH <7.15 or intrauterine fetal death, UV pulsations were more frequent (50% vs. 10.7%, p=0.03) and the UV-TAMxV z-score was significantly lower (-1.89 vs. -1.26, p=0.003). Logistic regression demonstrated that the UVTAMxV z-score significantly predicted pH at birth <7.20 or intrauterine fetal death (p=0.019). The Doppler parameter which independently predicted pH < 7.15 or intrauterine fetal death was the presence of pulsation in the umbilical vein (p=0.023). Conclusion: UV Doppler parameters may predict acidemia at birth or intrauterine fetal death in MC twins complicated by placental insufficiency

Avaliação de visão de cores em um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp (Cebus sp) / Evaluation of the color vision in an albino subject of Sapajus sp (Cebus sp)

Henriques, Leonardo Dutra 30 July 2013 (has links)
O albinismo é um conjunto de alterações fenotípicas caracterizadas pela incapacidade de produzir melanina, fazendo com que a pigmentação de alguns órgãos seja reduzida ou ausente. Discutem-se quais efeitos esta redução ou ausência de pigmentação, na retina, poderia ter sobre a capacidade visual do indivíduo. A visão de cores apresenta um papel muito importante para a sobrevivência e desenvolvimento de primatas. A capacidade de discriminar visualmente o alvo de um fundo apenas pela diferença de matiz pode ser o diferencial tanto para a busca de alimentos, como para a fuga de predadores. Estudos sobre a visão de cores auxiliam a fazer inferências sobre suas bases biológicas e utilidade funcional. Pretendeu-se com esse estudo elucidar a discriminação de cores de um indivíduo albino de Sapajus sp, por meio de uma avaliação psicofísica utilizando-se de uma versão modificada do teste computadorizado Cambridge Colour Test (CCT), e uma análise genética de DNA, para identificar os genes que codificam as opsinas. Os arranjos genótipo/fenótipo inferidos do indivíduo a partir das elipses foram comparados à composição dos genes que codificam opsina, obtida por análise independente de DNA. Buscou-se, assim, identificar possíveis prejuízos à visão de cores causados pelo albinismo, em relação a Sapajus normais. Apesar dos vários problemas decorrentes do albinismo, o sujeito experimental aprendeu a tarefa com sucesso e apresentou, nos testes, limiares de discriminação de cores característicos de dicromacia do tipo deuterânope com valores dentro dos esperados para o gênero Sapajus. Os resultados comportamentais foram condizentes com o fenótipo inferido a partir da análise genética / São Paulo Albinism is a set of phenotypic traits, characterized by the inability to produce melanin, that way the pigmentation of some organs are either reduced or absent. There is no consent on what effects this lower or none pigmentation on retina could lead on subject vision. The color vision represents a major role on primates survival and development. The capacity of visually discriminate targets only by hue differences from the background can be used either to search for food or to avoid predators. Studies on color vision help to make inference on their biological bases and functional utility. This study aimed to elucidate the color vision discrimination of an albino subject of Sapajus sp, through a psychophysical evaluation using a modified version of Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) and a genetic analyses of DNA in order to identify genes that codify the opsin. The correlation between genotype and phenotype were inferred by comparison between discrimination ellipses and genetic composition of genes that code opsin. Thus seeking to identify possible color vision losses caused by albinism comparing those analyses with healthy Sapajus. Despite many problems associated to albinism, the test subject successfully learn the task and his test showed color discrimination thresholds of a deuteranope dichromacy with values within the expected to subjects of Sapajus genera. Those behavioral results where consistent with the phenotype predicted by the genetic analyses

A cor do milagre: o advento da tv em cores no Brasil do regime militar / The color of miracle: the advent of color TV in the Brazil of military regime

Tostes, Octavio Hermanny 03 September 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investiga a implantação da televisão analógica em cores no Brasil durante o regime militar em 1972, na perspectiva das relações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Analisa as justificativas e consequências políticas, econômicas e técnicas da opção pelo sistema PAL alemão, adaptado às condições de telecomunicações no Brasil, resultando no padrão PAL-M. Relata a chegada da televisão ao país, no pré-Segunda Guerra Mundial, em ação conjunta de propaganda política do Estado Novo de Vargas e o III Reich de Hitler. Registra os marcos principais do desenvolvimento do meio no Brasil e suas relações com o poder político: a inauguração da TV Tupi no início da segunda era Vargas e o lançamento do Jornal Nacional da TV Globo no auge da repressão do regime militar. Descreve as propriedades físicas da cor, sua formação no cérebro humano, pelos processos de adição e subtração das cores primárias, e a discussão de filosofia da ciência travada após Goethe contestar a Teoria das Cores de Newton. Registra o nascimento e a evolução da televisão, de especulação científica no século XIX à condição de meio de comunicação global no século XX, quando pousou na Lua. Descreve os padrões de TV analógica em cores e relata o processo de comparação entre eles e a implantação do sistema PAL-M no Brasil. / This research investigates the deployment of analogical color TV in Brazil, under military rule in 1972, in a Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach. Analyzes the reasons and the political and economic consequences of the option for German PAL color TV system, adapted to the Brazils telecommunications conditions, resulting in the standard PAL-M. Reports the arrival of television to the country in pre-World War II, in a political propaganda act sponsored by both Varga´s New State and Hitler\'s Third Reich. Records the major milestones of the development of the medium in Brazil and its connections with political power: the inauguration of TV Tupi early in the second Vargas era and the launch of TV Globo\'s Jornal Nacional at the height of the repression of the military regime. Describes the physical properties of color, its formation in the human brain by processes of addition and subtraction of the primary colors and the discussion of the philosophy of science after Goethe\'s contest of Newton´s Theory of Colors. Records the birth and evolution of television, from a scientific speculation in the nineteenth century to the global communications medium in the twentieth century, when landed on the moon. Describes the analog color TV standards and the process of comparison between them and the deployment of PAL-M in Brazil.

Avaliação ecoDopplercardiográfica da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos pré e pós cirurgia bariátrica / EchoDopplercardiographic analysis of left ventricular diastolic function in severe and morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery

Okawa, Rogerio Toshiro Passos 10 March 2006 (has links)
A obesidade tem sido associada com a insuficiência cardíaca, e indivíduos obesos apresentam uma forma de cardiomiopatia caracterizada por dilatação ventricular esquerda, e hipertrofia ecêntrica, atribuída à sobrecarga volêmica. A disfunção ventricular tem sido descrita, sendo que a maioria dos estudos descrevem anormalidades da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo. O presente estudo foi desenhado para se determinar o efeito da obesidade sobre a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo e o impacto da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica sobre esta função.104 pacientes agendados para cirurgia bariátrica foram incluídos, 74 mulheres e 30 homens. Idade média de 38,8 ± 11,44 anos. Oitenta e um pacientes eram obesos mórbidos ( IMC maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) e 23 pacientes eram obesos graves ( IMC entre 35 e 39,99 kg/m²) com pelo menos duas co- morbidades associadas. A análise ecoDopplercardiográfica estrutural e funcional foi realizada previamente e após 6 meses do procedimento cirúrgico. Encontramos que indivíduos obesos tinham aumento da espessura septal do ventrículo esquerdo, do diâmetro atrial esquerdo e da massa ventricular esquerda. Além disso, apresentavam uma incidência maior de disfunção diastólica no pré-operatório. Observamos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica causou impacto nas velocidades do fluxo mitral, nas velocidades do fluxo de veia pulmonar e no Doppler tissular, mas não causou impacto nos outros parâmetros ecoDopplercardiográficos de análise da função diastólica. Como conclusões, obtemos que a perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica melhora a função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo em indivíduos obesos. O fato do paciente ser hipertenso, diabético ou ser portador de outras co- morbidades, não esteve relacionado a uma maior incidência de disfunção diastólica. Os parâmetros ecoDopplercardiograficos de análise da função diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo devem ser utilizados em associação para uma melhor avaliação desta função. / Obesity has been associated with heart failure, and individuals with severe obesity have been recognized to have a form of cardiomiopathy attributed to chronic volume overload, characterized by left ventricular dilation, and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Impairment of cardiac function has been reported, with most studies reporting abnormal diastolic function.The present study was designed to determinate the effect of obesity on left ventricular diastolic function and the impact of weight loss after bariatric surgery on this function. One hundred and four patients scheduled for bariatric surgery were enrolled, 74 women and 30 men. Baseline mean age was 38.8 ± 11.44 years. Eighty- one patients were morbid obese (B.M.I. maior ou igual 40 kg/m²) and 23 were severe obese (B.M.I from 35 to 39.99 kg/m²), with at least two associated co-morbidities. Structural and functional echoDopplercardiographic analysis were performed before and 6 months after the bariatric surgery. We found that obese individuals had higher septal wall thickness, left atrial diameter, left ventricular mass and a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction before the surgery than after. It was observed that weight loss had an impact on mitral flow velocities, on pulmonary vein flow velocities, and on tissue Doppler imaging, but had no impact on the other diastolic echocardiographic parameters. Weight loss after bariatric surgery had improved cardiac diastolic function. Being hypertensive, diabetic or having another associated co-morbidity was not related to a higher incidence of diastolic dysfunction. The diastolic echoDopplercardiographic parameters should be used in combination for a better diastolic evaluation.

Análise não linear geométrica e física de núcleos rígidos de edifícios altos em concreto armado / Nonlinear geometrical and physical analysis of cores of reinforced concrete tall buildings

Corelhano, Angelo Giovanni Bonfim 20 April 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho são abordados os aspectos inerentes à análise não linear física e geométrica de núcleos rígidos pertencentes a estruturas de contraventamento de edifícios altos em concreto armado. O trabalho foca a análise estrutural dos núcleos através do uso de uma ferramenta computacional capaz de realizar uma análise não linear rigorosa, estudando modelos usuais com o emprego do método dos elementos finitos. São avaliadas as reduções de inércia que ocorrem nas paredes que compõem os núcleos, dimensionados de forma a apresentarem três taxas de armadura, uma próxima à mínima, uma média e uma próxima à máquina permitida pela NBR 6118. São estabelecidas estimativas simplificadas para os efeitos da não linearidade física sobre esses elementos, que possam ser utilizadas em projetos usuais de maneira simples e prática. / This work deals with nonlinear geometrical and physical analysis of structural cores that take part in the bracing system of multistory reinforced concrete buildings. The study depicts the structural behavior of concrete cores by using a computational tool that performs a strict non-linear analysis, coping with usual models based on the Finite Element Method. The work evaluates the inertia reduction of concrete core\'s walls, considering minimum, medium and maximum geometrical reinforcement ratio prescribed by NBR 6118. Estimations of the physical nonlinearity of those elements are provided aiming at the practical use in actual structural design.

Segmentação de imagens por classificação de cores: uma abordagem neural. / Image segmentation by color classification: a neural approach.

Simões, Alexandre da Silva 02 June 2000 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda a segmentação de imagens coloridas através do processo de classificação de cores, isto é, a segmentação de imagens baseada no atributo cor dos pixels. O problema a ser tratado diz respeito à obtenção de uma classificação de cores tão próxima à humana quanto o possível. Em outros termos, busca-se uma classificação robusta à variação de grandezas como a iluminação ou brilho da cor, além de ser tolerante a erros no processo de amostragem. Tal problemática é encontrada em diversas situações práticas que sofram influência do ambiente, sobretudo no domínio de aplicação: o futebol de robôs. Com relação a tal problema, diversas questões permanecem abertas, tais como a forma de representação de cores e o tipo de classificador capaz de maximizar o desempenho da classificação. As modelagens clássicas, de forma geral, têm se mostrado inadequadas nesse contexto, estimulando-nos a buscar novas soluções. Assim sendo, apresentamos um classificador utilizando uma das técnicas que tem mostrado grande aplicabilidade nesse âmbito: as redes neurais artificiais. A aplicabilidade da técnica esbarra na obtenção de uma generalização adequada por parte da rede para o problema proposto, o que implica na necessidade de uma metodologia para o fornecimento de exemplos na fase de treinamento da rede. Desta forma, além da modelagem e implementação do classificador, buscamos proceder uma investigação a cerca de sua generalização em contextos diversos para situações não presentes no universo de treinamento, visando determinar o conjunto de fatores (sistema de representação de cores, metodologia de fornecimento de exemplos e arquitetura de rede) que maximizem o desempenho do classificador. / The present work approaches the segmentation of colored images through the process of color classification, i.e., the segmentation of images based on the color attribute of pixels. We look for a color classification as close as possible of human classification. In other words, we look for a robust classification with respect to the variation of illumination and color brightness, which tries to be tolerant to errors in the sampling process. We may find such kind of problems is various practical situations, for instance, situations that is influenced from the environment in the application domain: the robotic soccer. With regard to this problem, there are still diverse questions that remain unsolved, such as color representation form and type of classifier which maximizes the classification performance. In fact, classic models have shown to be inadequate in this context, in general, stimulating us to investigate new solutions. In our work, we present a classifier using one technique that has shown great applicability in this scope: the artificial neural networks. In order to obtain a correct generalization in the network, we faced the necessity to build a methodology to supply examples in the training phase of the network. In short, we model and implement a classifier, while searching to asses about its generalization power in different contexts and in the universe of training, so as to determine the set of factors (system of representation of colors, methodology of supply of examples and architecture of network) that maximizes its performance.

Développement d’une méthode stochastique de propagation des incertitudes neutroniques associées aux grands coeurs de centrales nucléaires : application aux réacteurs de génération III / Development of a neutronics uncertainty propagation stochastic method associated to large cores : application to GEN-III nuclear power plants

Volat, Ludovic 10 October 2018 (has links)
Les réacteurs nucléaires de génération III s'inscrivent dans la continuité des réacteurs à eau sous pression actuels, tout en présentant un certain nombre d'améliorations en terme de sûreté, de rendement et d'environnement.Parmi les caractéristiques de ces réacteurs, la taille importante du coeur et l'utilisation d'un réflecteur lourd se traduisent par une meilleure efficacité neutronique et une meilleure protection de la cuve.Du fait de leur grande taille, le risque de basculement de la nappe de puissance neutronique est exacerbé. Le basculement est donc un paramètre d'intérêt à prendre en compte dans les études de sûreté. Par ailleurs, le calcul de l'incertitude associée à la nappe de puissance neutronique est difficilement atteignable par les méthodes déterministes actuellement implémentées dans les codes de neutronique.Ce travail de thèse a donc porté sur le développement d'une méthode stochastique innovante de propagation des incertitudes neutroniques. Tout en étant basée sur des résultats probabilistes, elle tire parti de la puissance croissante des moyens de calcul informatique afin de parcourir tous les états du réacteur statistiquement prévus.Après avoir été validée, cette méthode a été appliquée à un benchmark de grand coeur de l'OCDE/AEN avec des valeurs de covariances issues d'une analyse critique. Ainsi, pour ce système, l'incertitude associée au facteur de multiplication effectif des neutrons keff $(1\sigma)$ vaut 638 pcm . Par ailleurs, le basculement total vaut 8.8 \% $(1\sigma)$, et l'incertitude maximale associée à l'insertion d'un groupe de barres absorbantes utilisées pour son pilotage vaut 11~\% $(1\sigma)$. / Generation III Light Water Reactors undoubtedly follow design guidelines comparable to those of current PWRs. Furthermore, they take advantage of enhanced features in terms of safety, energy efficiency, radiation protection and environment. Then, we talk about an evolutionary approach. Amongst those improvements, the significant size and the use of a heavy reflector translate into a better neutronics efficacy, leading to intrinsic enrichment benefits then to natural uranium profits. They contribute to the core vessel preservation as well.Because of their large dimensions, the neutronic bulge of this kind of reactors is emphasized. Therefore, it is a parameter of interest in the reactor safety studies. Nevertheless, the uncertainty related to the radial power map is hardly reachable by using the numerical methods implemented in the neutronics codes.Given the above, this PhD work aims to develop an innovative stochastic neutronics uncertainties propagation method. By using recent probabilistic results, it makes good use of the growing calculation means in order to explore all the physical states of the reactor statiscally foreseen.After being validated , our method has been applied to a reactor proposed in the framework of a large core OECD/NEA international benchmark with carefully chosen covariances values. Thus, for this system, the uncertainties related to the keff reaches 638~pcm $(1\sigma)$. What is more, the total bulge equals 8.8~\% $(1\sigma)$ and the maximal uncertainty related to the insertion of a group of control rods reaches 11~\% $(1\sigma)$.

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