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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


24 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Dispositivos opto-eletrônicos são elementos semicondutores que convertem radiações eletromagnéticas em corrente elétrica, e vice e versa. Os fotodetectores são dispositivos desse tipo, os quais possuem grande relevância na atualidade, devido a suas diversas aplicações. As pesquisas atuais se concentram no estudo de fotodetectores à base de poços quânticos para operar no infravermelho médio (2-20 m), mais especificamente em super-redes. No presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um fotodetector de duas cores baseado em super-redes assimétricas. O fotodetector construído possui uma rede com duas sessões. A primeira sessão tem cinco poços quânticos e cinco barreiras com 2 nm e 3.5 nm de espessura, respectivamente. A segunda sessão possui cinco poços quânticos e cinco barreiras de 2 nm e 7 nm de espessura, respectivamente. Entre as seções existe um poço quântico de 2.5 nm. O material que forma os poços quânticos é de InGaAs e o material das barreiras é de AlInAs. Esse dispositivo foi capaz de operar como um fotodetector de duas cores operando no modo fotovoltaico detectando radiações de 309 meV e 415 meV. O dispositivo foi capaz de operar em altas temperaturas. A temperatura máxima de operação foi de 245 K. Além disso, ao se aplicar tensões no dispositivo, é possível selecionar a radiação a ser detectada pelo fotodetector. Sendo elas 309 meV ou 415 meV. / [en] Opto-electronic devices are semiconductor elements that convert electromagnetic radiation in electric current. Photodetectors are devices of this type, which are the main relevant ones today due to their diverse applications. Current research focuses on the study of photodetectors based on quantum wells for operation in the medium infrared (2-20 m), more specifically with superlattices. In the present work a photodetector of two cores based on asymmetric superlattice was developed. The built-in photodetector had a superlattice with two sessions The first session had five quantum wells and five barriers with 2 nm and 3.5 nm of thickness, respectively. The second session had five quantum wells and five barriers of 2 nm and 7 nm thick, respectively. Between the sessions there is a 2.5 nm quantum well. The material that formed the quantum wells was InGaAs and the material of the barriers was AlInAs. This device was able to operate as a dual color photodetector operating in the photovoltaic mode detecting radiation of 309 meV and 415 meV. The device was able to operate at high temperatures. The maximum operating temperature was 245 K. In addition, when applying voltages to the device, it is possible to select the detection energy of the photodetector :309 meV or 415 meV.

Operating System Design and Implementation for Single-Chip cc-NUMA Many-Core / Conception et réalisation d’un système d’exploitation pour des processeurs many-cores

Almaless, Ghassan 27 February 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, des processeurs à mémoire partagée cohérente ayant jusqu’à 100 coresintégrés sur la même puce sont une réalité et des processeurs many-cores ayant plusieurs centaines, voire, un millier de cores sont à prévoir prochainement.Dans ces architectures, la question de la localité du trafic lié aux miss decaches L1 (data, instruction et TLB) est primordiale à la fois pour passer àl’échelle et pour réduire la consommation électrique (énergie consommée par bittransféré). Notre thèse est que : (i) la gestion de la localité des accès mémoiredoit être prise en compte au niveau du noyau du système d’exploitation et elle doitêtre effectuée d’une manière transparente aux applications utilisateur; et (ii) les noyaux monolithiques actuels sont incapables de renforcer la localité des accès mémoire des threads d’une même application parallèle, car la notion de threadsdans ces noyaux est intrinsèquement inadaptée pour les processeurs many-cores.Par conséquent, nous pensons que la démarche suivie jusqu’à présent pour faireévoluer les noyaux monolithiques n’est pas suffisante et qu’il est impératif demettre la question de la localité des accès mémoire au centre de cette évolution.Pour prouver notre thèse, nous avons conçu et réalisé ALMOS (Advanced Locality Management Operating System), un système d’exploitation expérimental à base de noyau monolithique distribué. ALMOS dispose d’un nouveau concept de thread, nommé Processus Hybrides. Il permet à son noyau de renforcer, d’une manière transparente, la localité des accès mémoire liés à l'exécution de chaque thread. La gestion des ressources (cores et mémoires physiques) dans le noyau d’ALMOS est distribuée renforçant la localité des accès mémoire lors de la réalisation des services systèmes. La prise de décision concernant l’allocation mémoire, le placement des tâches et l’équilibrage de charge dans le noyau d’ALMOS est décentralisée, multi-critères et sans prise de verrou. Elle repose sur une infrastructure distribuée coordonnant d’une manière scalable l’accès aux ressources.En utilisant le prototype virtuel précis au cycle et au bit près du processeur many-core TSAR, nous avons expérimentalement démontré que : (i) les performances(scalabilité et temps d’exécution) du schéma d'ordonnancement distribué du noyaud’ALMOS sur 256 cores dépassent celles des noyaux monolithiques existants; (ii) la réalisation répartie de l’appel système fork permet de passer à l’échellece service système sur 512 cores; (iii) le coût de la mise à jour de l’infrastructure distribué de prise de décisions du noyau d’ALMOS ne nécessiteque 0.05% de la puissance de calcul totale du processeur TSAR; (iv) les performances(scalabilité, temps d’exécution et trafic distant) de la stratégie d’affinitémémoire du noyau d’ALMOS, nommé Auto-Next-Touch, dépassent celles des deuxstratégies First-Touch et Interleave sur 64 cores; (v) le modèle de processushybrides d’ALMOS permet de passer à l’échelle deux applications hautementmulti-threads existantes sur 256 cores et une troisième sur 1024 cores; et enfin (vi) le couple ALMOS/TSAR (64 cores) offre systématiquement une bien meilleure scalabilité que le couple Linux/AMD (Interlagos 64 cores) pour 8 applications de classe HPC et traitement d’images. / Nowadays, single-chip cache-coherent many-core processors having up to 100 coresare a reality. Many-cores with hundreds or even a thousand of cores are planned in the near future. In theses architectures, the question of the locality of L1 cache-miss related traffic (data, instruction and TLB) is essential for both scalability and power consumption (energy by moved bit). Our thesis is that: (i) handling the locality of memory accesses should be done at kernel level of an operating system in a transparent manner to user applications; and (ii) the current monolithic kernels are not able to enforce the locality of memory accesses of multi-threaded applications, because the concept of thread in these kernels is inherently unsuitable for many-core processors. Therefore, we believe that the evolution approach of monolithic kernels undertaken until now is insufficient and it is imperative to put the question of the locality of memory accesses in the heart of this evolution.To prove our thesis, we designed and implemented ALMOS (Advanced Locality Management Operating System), an experimental operating system based on a distributed monolithic kernel. ALMOS has a new concept of thread, called Hybrid Process. It allows its kernel to enforce the locality of memory accesses of each thread. The resources (cores and physical memory) management in ALMOS's kernel is distributed enforcing the locality of memory accesses when performing system services. Decision making regarding memory allocation, tasks placement and load balancing in ALMOS's kernel is decentralized, multi-criteria and without locking. It is based on a distributed infrastructure coordinating, in a scalable manner, the accesses to resources.Using the cycle accurate and bit accurate virtual prototype of TSAR many-core processor, we experimentally demonstrated that: (i) performance (scalability and execution time) on 256 cores of the distributed scheduling scheme of ALMOS's kernel outperform those of the shared scheduling scheme found in existing monolithic kernels; (ii) distributed realization of the fork system call enables this system service to scale on 512 cores; (iii) updating the distrusted decision-making infrastructure of ALMOS's kernel costs just 0.05 % of the total computing power of TSAR processor; (iv) performance (scalability, execution time and remote traffic) of memory affinity strategy of ALMOS's kernel, called Auto-Next-Touch, outperform those of two existing strategies First-Touch and Interleave on 64 cores; (v) concept of Hybrid Process of ALMOS's kernel scales up two existing highly multi-threads applications on 256 cores and a third one on 1024 cores; and finally (vi) the couple ALMOS/TSAR (64 cores) gives systematically much better scalability than the couple Linux/AMD (Interlagos 64 cores) for 8 multi-threads applications belonging to HPC and image processing domains.

Couplages multi-physiques : évaluation des impacts méthodologiques lors de simulations de couplages neutronique/thermique/mécanique. / Multi-physics couplings : methodology impact evaluation for neutron transport /heat transfer /mechanics coupling simulations.

Patricot, Cyril 22 March 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est l’étude des méthodes de couplage entre neutronique, thermique et mécanique. Après une revue générale des techniques de couplage, on s’est intéressé à la prise en compte de déformations mécaniques dans les simulations neutroniques. Les codes actuels de neutronique utilisant des méthodes déterministes ne sont généralement pas capables de traiter une géométrie déformée. Ce type de calcul a pourtant un intérêt fort pour la filière rapide et est un prérequis indispensable pour l’étude du couplage envisagée.Deux approches ont été identifiées et implémentées pour répondre à cette problématique, selon que l’on utilise un maillage de calcul mobile ou fixe. Elles ont été testées et confrontées sur les essais de gerbage du réacteur Phénix. Le couplage a été étudié ensuite, avec l’approche à maillage mobile, sur l’expérience Godiva qui présente un couplage à la fois conceptuellement simple et fort entre les physiques qui nous intéressent. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en avant l’utilisation de la méthode de factorisation quasi-statique en neutronique qui permet de coupler efficacement un solveur de neutronique cinétique avec une autre discipline. Travail plus amont, le développement d’un solveur directement multiphysique a également été exploré. L’utilisation de l’algorithme de Newton sur les formes discrétisées des équations couplées a donné de bons résultats et semble être une approche généralisable à d’autres couplages.Cette thèse débouche ainsi à la fois sur une meilleure compréhension de la physique des cœurs déformés et sur des outils opérationnels pour leur simulation, mais aussi sur des recommandations très générales pour la mise en œuvre de calculs couplés. / The objective of this thesis is to study coupling techniques between neutron transport, heat transfer and mechanics. First, a very general review of coupling techniques in the literature was done. Then we worked on neutron transport simulations in wrapped cores. Most of current deterministic codes for neutron transport are not able to deal with deformed geometry. This kind of computations is however of special interest for fast neutrons reactors and is a prerequisite for our planned coupling study.Two approaches were identified and implemented to take into account core deformations, using respectively mobile and fixed meshing. They were tested and compared on the flowering tests of the reactor Phenix. The coupling itself was studied afterwards, on the Godiva experiment. It was chosen because of the direct, strong and time-dependent coupling it involves. On this case, the “quasi-static” factorization of neutron flux was shown to be an effective way to couple a space- and time-dependent neutron transport solver with another discipline. We also investigated the development of a unique multiphysics solver. The well-known Newton algorithm applied to the discretized forms of the coupled equations was shown to be an efficient tool, which could be generalized to other couplings.This thesis therefore leads, on the one hand, to a better understanding of the physics of deformed cores and to operational tools to simulate these effects, and on the other hand, to very general advices for multiphysics calculations.

Spatial and Temporal Trends of Trace Elements in Tree Cores Along the Industrial Mahoning River, Northeast Ohio

Campana, Dalton January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Marine Geology and Holocene Paleoceanographyof the Southern Quark, Baltic Sea / Maringeologi och Holocen Paleoceanografi i Södra Kvarken, Östersjön

Wagner, Anton January 2022 (has links)
The Understen-Märket trench is located in the Southern Quark and is the only deep-water connection between the Baltic Propper and the Gulf of Bothnia. Bathymetric mapping reveals a number of eroded channels and drift deposits exists on the seafloor, indicating that the area is heavily affected by current activity. Bottom current behavior in the area is not thoroughly understood, but generally in the BalticBasin, there is southward flowing fresh surface waters compensated by denser northward-flowing more saline bottom waters. The dominant direction of flow for bottom waters in the Southern Quark is northward. Northward speeds often exceed the threshold required to erode fine material on the seafloor. Using geophysical data and marine sediment cores, this study shows that current eroded channels and drift deposits in the Understen-Märket trench were initially formed in the late Holocene between 3 – 4kyr BP, during the transition from the Littorina to the Post Littorina stages of the Baltic Sea. Application of the sortable silt (SS) proxy for current sorting show three distinct regimes that closely match the assigned lithologic units (LU) based on core descriptions. Downcore grain size analysis of three marine sediment cores reveals a gradual boundary to sandy sediments that caps two of the cores recovered from an eroded channel. The third core was recovered from the drift deposit which mostly consists of silt. The progressive coarsening suggests that the current activity has increased during the late Holocene. A simplified model is presented that shows how moderate (20-50 m) shallowing of the sill, which has occurred in response to isostatic rebound between 8 and 4 kyr BP, could have generated the higher current speeds seen today. However, this should be explored using more advanced paleo-circulation models.

A Hardware Framework for Yield and Reliability Enhancement in Chip Multiprocessors

Pan, Abhisek 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Device reliability and manufacturability have emerged as dominant concerns in end-of-road CMOS devices. Today an increasing number of hardware failures are attributed to device reliability problems that cause partial system failure or shutdown. Also maintaining an acceptable manufacturing yield is seen as challenge because of smaller feature sizes, process variation, and reduced headroom for burn-in tests. In this project we investigate a hardware-based scheme for improving yield and reliability of a homogeneous chip multiprocessor (CMP). The proposed solution involves a hardware framework that enables us to utilize the redundancies inherent in a multi-core system to keep the system operational in face of partial failures due to hard faults (faults due to manufacturing defects or permanent faults developed during system lifetime). A micro-architectural modification allows a faulty core in a multiprocessor system to use another core as a coprocessor to service any instruction that the former cannot execute correctly by itself. This service is accessed to improve yield and reliability, but at the cost of some loss of performance. In order to quantify this loss we have used a cycle-accurate architectural simulator to simulate the performance of dual-core and quad-core systems with one or more cores sustaining partial failure. Simulation studies indicate that when a large and sparingly-used unit such as a floating point unit fails in a core, even for a floating point intensive benchmark, we can continue to run the faulty core with as little as 10% performance impact and minimal area overhead. Incorporating this recovery mechanism entails some modifications in the microprocessor micro-architecture. The modifications are also described here through a simplified model of a superscalar processor.

Effects of electric field, surface alignment and guest materials in cholesteric liquid crystals

Zola, Rafael S. 22 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Glacial Lake Ojibway, lacustrine stratigraphy and implications for drainage

Stroup, Justin Sirico 14 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of Mixed Manufacturing Methods in Sand Casting Using 3D Sand Printing and FDM Pattern-making Based on Cost and Time

Gullapalli, Ram A. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Fastställande av lineamentens karaktär med avseende på bergkvalitet enligt Qbas och RMRbas inför tunnel-konstruktion i Solna, Stockholm samt kvalitetsutvärdering av Astrock hyperdata report / Determining the Characteristics of the Lineaments in Terms of Rock Quality According to Qbase and RMRbase Prior to Tunnel Construction in Solna, Stockholm, and Quality Evaluation of Astrock Hyperdata Report

Burefalk Strauss, Martin, Rosko, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Sweden's population is increasing every year, which means that cities must adapt their infrastructure to be able to follow the demographic trend. In the current situation, Stockholm plans a major expansion of its metro network where evaluating the bedrock quality is of paramount importance. For the new SL metro connection project Gula linjen that stretches between Odenplan and Arenastaden in Solna, the company WSP has previously done quality surveys of the bedrock in the area and dimensioning of the reinforcements in the planned tunnels. Previous survey of the lineaments and weakness zones in the area has been done by means of core drilling and observations in the field. This study examines if the lineaments in the area are associated to any structures below ground surface in the bedrock by examining rock samples from drill cores. A digital presentation tool called Astrock hyperdata report is evaluated in this study by comparing manual measurements of the orientation of the joints in drill cores and the software´s measurements. The studied bedrock in the drill cores varies in quality from very poor to very good. Further examinations of zones of particularly poor rock quality done in this study suggest that the two identified lineaments have different characteristics. The north-west/south-east lineament which runs parallel to the planned metro route is indicated to represent the surface trace of a water-bearing fracture zone in the bedrock. The lineament with the E/W direction is dominated by structures and fault rocks, such as fault gouge and crushed rock in the drill cores, which indicates a brittle deformation zone. For the Gula linjen project, this information becomes useful as the underground reinforcements such as bolting and grouting have to / Sveriges befolkning ökar varje år, vilket gör att städer måste anpassas och expandera för att kunna följa den demografiska utvecklingen. I Stockholm planeras i dagsläget en stor utbyggnad av dess tunnelbanenätverk där det sker mycket arbete kring utvärdering av berggrunden för att göra detta möjligt. För Stockholms lokaltrafiks (SL) tunnelbaneprojektet Gula linjen som ska gå mellan Odenplan och Solna har företaget WSP tidigare gjort kvalitetsundersökningar av berggrunden i området samt dimensioneringar av förstärkningar i de planerade tunnlarna. Studier av svaghetzoner och lineamenten i området har gjorts med hjälp av kärnborrning och fältobservationer. Denna studie undersöker om lineamenten som finns i området är kopplade till strukturer längre ner i berggrunden genom att undersöka bergprov i form av borrkärnor. Som komplement har det digitala redovisningsverktyget Astrock hyperdata report använts för att kunna jämföra strukturer i berget med de egna mätningarna i studien. Programmet kommer även att utvärderas i studien. De erhållna värdena från undersökningen på borrkärnorna varierar i kvalitet från väldigt dålig till väldigt bra. Närmare studier på zoner av särskilt dålig kvalitet tyder på att de båda lineamenten karaktäriseras av olika typer av strukturer. Det nordväst-/sydöstliga lineamentet, som går parallellt med den planerade tunnelbanesträckan, domineras av strukturer som tyder på att lineamentet representerar en vattenförande sprickzon under markytan. I lineamentet med öst-västlig riktning dominerar strukturer som tyder på förekomsten av en förkastningszon. För projektet Gula linjen blir denna information användbar då den vattenförande sprickzonen kan innebära att tunnelförstärkning med injektering måste göras för ytterligare skydd mot vatteninträngning.

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