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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hard QCD Processes in the Nuclear Medium

Freese, Adam 29 March 2016 (has links)
The environment inside the atomic nucleus is one of the most fascinating arenas for the study of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The strongly-interacting nature of the nuclear medium affects the nature of both QCD processes and the quark-gluon structure of hadrons, allowing several unique aspects of the strong nuclear force to be investigated in reactions involving nuclear targets. The research presented in this dissertation explores two aspects of nuclear QCD: firstly, the partonic structure of the nucleus itself; and secondly, the use of the nucleus as a micro-laboratory in which QCD processes can be studied. The partonic structure of the nucleus is calculated in this work by deriving and utilizing a convolution formula. The hadronic structure of the nucleus and the quark-gluon structure of its constituent nucleons are taken together to determine the nuclear partonic structure. Light cone descriptions of short range correlations, in terms of both hadronic and partonic structure, are derived and taken into account. Medium modifications of the bound nucleons are accounted for using the color screening model, and QCD evolution is used to connect nuclear partonic structure at vastly different energy scales. The formalism developed for calculating nuclear partonic structure is applied to inclusive dijet production from proton-nucleus collisions at LHC kinematics, and novel predictions are calculated and presented for the dijet cross section. The nucleus is investigated as a micro-laboratory in vector meson photoproduction reactions. In particular, the deuteron is studied in the break-up reaction γd → Vpn, for both the ϕ(1020) and J/ψ vector mesons. The generalized eikonal approximation is utilized, allowing unambiguous separation of the impulse approximation and final state interactions (FSIs). Two peaks or valleys are seen in the angular distribution of the reaction cross section, each of which is due to an FSI between either the proton and neutron, or the produced vector meson and the spectator nucleon. The presence and size of the latter FSI valley/peak contains information about the meson-nucleon interaction, and it is shown that several models of this interaction can be distinguished by measuring the angular distribution for the deuteron breakup reaction.

Essays in Open Economy Macroeconomics

Gonzalez Hernandez, Ramon Antonio 01 April 2008 (has links)
Research macroeconomists have witnessed remarkable methodological developments in mathematical, statistical, and computational tools during the last two decades. The three essays in this dissertation took advantage of these advances to analyze important macroeconomic issues. The first essay, “ Habit Formation, Adjustments Costs, and International Business Cycle Puzzles” analyzes the extent to which incorporating habit formation and adjustment costs in investment in a one-good two-country general equilibrium model would help overcome some of the international business cycle puzzles. Unlike standard results in the literature, the model generates persistent, cyclical adjustment paths in response to shocks. It also yields positive cross-country correlations in consumption, employment, investment, and output. Cross-country correlations in output are higher than the ones in consumption. This is qualitatively consistent with the stylized facts. These results are particularly striking given the predicted negative correlations in investment, employment, and output that are typically found in the literature. The second essay, “Comparison Utility, Endogenous Time Preference, and Economic Growth,” uses World War II as a natural experiment to analyze the degree to which a model where consumers' preferences exhibit comparison-based utility and endogenous discounting is able to improve upon existing models in mimicking the transitional dynamics of an economy after a shock that destroys part of its capital stock. The model outperforms existing ones in replicating the behavior of the saving rate (both on impact and along the transient paths) after this historical event. This result brings additional support to the endogenous rate of time preference being a crucial element in growth models. The last essay, “Monetary Policy under Fear of Floating: Modeling the Dominican Economy,” presents a small scale macroeconomic model for a country (Dominican Republic) characterized by a strong presence of fear of floating (reluctance to have a flexible exchange rate regime) in the conduct of monetary policy. The dynamic responses of this economy to external shocks that are of interest for monetary policy purposes are analyzed under two alternative interest rate policy rules: One being the standard Taylor rule and another that responds explicitly to deviations of the exchange rate with respect to its long-term trend.

Dynamique des gaz quantiques ultrafroids dans des milieux aléatoires corrélés / Dynamics of ultracold quantum gases in correlated disordered potentials

Alamir, Ardavan 17 December 2013 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse est l'étude de la localisation d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein confiné harmoniquement et quasi-1D à travers lequel différents potentiels désordonnés sont transportés. Cette problématique qui se veut pleinement pertinente pour les expérimentalistes est à priori difficile à traiter. Cela est dû au caractère non-linéaire, inhomogène et hors-équilibre du système. De ce fait, la plage des vitesses du désordre est limitée d'une part par la vitesse critique de superfluidité et d'autre part par la configuration inhomogène du système. Des notions habituelles de localisation telles que transmission ou exposant de Lyapunov ne sont plus applicables. Donc, il a fallu apporter une nouvelle mesure de localisation pour notre problématique: le ratio du déplacement du centre de masse du condensat au déplacement du désordre qu'on a identifié à la fraction d'atomes localisés. De plus, nous avons des corrélations dans le désordre qui introduisent l'effet d'un comportement non-monotone de l'efficacité de la localisation du potentiel désordonné en fonction de l'énergie. Ainsi, les corrélations peuvent être un moyen pour mettre en évidence la nature quantique de la localisation. Chose que nous avont fait dans un premier temps avec du désordre de type Modèle d'Edwards et dans une seconde partie avec du désordre de type speckle, qu'on nomme le Random Dimer speckle. Pour ce deuxième cas, nous avons proposé une procédure pour contrôler les corrélations et introduire un pic de localisation dans une certaine région énergétique. Cette configuration pourrait être vérifié dans les expériences à l'aide d'un modulateur spatial de lumière. / The topic of this thesis is the study of localization of a quasi-one-dimensional and harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate through which various disordered potentials are transported. This problem, which wants itself to be fully relevant to experimenters, is a priori difficult to deal with. This is due to the non-linear, inhomhogeneous and out-of-equilibrium nature of the system. Because of this, the range of speeds of disorder is limited on one side by the critical speed of superfluidity and on the other side by the inhomogeneous setting of the system. Usual notions of localization like transmission and Lyapunov exponent are no longer applicable. Thus, we had to introduce a novel measure of localization for our problem: the ratio of the distance moved by the condensate center of mass to the distance moved by the disordered potential that we identify as the fraction of localized atoms. Furthermore, we have correlations in the disorder that introduce the effect of non-monotonic behavior of the localization efficiency of the disordered potential as a function of energy. A a result, correlations can be used as a tool to point the quantum nature of the localization. We did this in a first part with Edwards Model type disorders and in a second part with speckle type disorders, a new one that we call the Random Dimer speckle. For this second part, we propose a scheme to control the correlations and introduce a localization peak in a certain energy region. This device can be verified in experiments with the help of a Spatial Light Modulator.

Využití opční metodologie při oceňování ručení / Application of the Option Methodology to Guarantee Valuation

Hruboň, Lukaš January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on guarantees with a special emphasis on the option method of guarantee valuation. The existing domestic and international literature does not present a comprehensive debate on guarantee valuation with a sufficient discussion of the role of the guarantor. In addition, a minimal number of sources are devoted to the option valuation of guarantees applied to non-traded companies (and their structures) typical for the Czech Republic, which might inter alia have led to the marginal practical experience of the Czech valuation experts with the method. Following the identified blind spots of the current knowledge, the thesis primarily (i) presents coherent theoretical underpinnings of guarantee valuation, (ii) provides a proposed option valuation approach to guarantee valuation and (iii) demonstrates through a case study of the HAME holding an application of the proposed approach, including an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. Based on an analysis and synthesis of the domestic and international literature, a poll among the Czech valuation institutes and a numerical application on the historic HAME holding case, the author observes the following main findings: (i) on a theoretical bases, the option guarantee valuation method presents a plausible way of analysis, (ii) the proposed option valuation approach is applicable in the Czech praxis. Despite these positive prima facie findings, the option valuation approach shall be subject to further testing, comparisons with competing methods and improvements resulting from an increased number of its practical applications.

Spectroscopic imaging of novel correlated electronic phases

Guevara Parra, Jose Maria 14 January 2021 (has links)
This works studies novel emergent quantum phases. Here, the local electronic structure of a spin-orbit assisted Mott insulator, Sr₂IrO₄ and of the member of the iron-based superconductors (IBS), Li doped NaFeAs, are investigated using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S).

Mesure des propriétés des jets dans les collisions pp et Pb-Pb a 5.02 TeV avec l'expérience ALICE auprès du LHC / Measurement of jet properties in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC

Hosokawa, Ritsuya 29 March 2019 (has links)
Les jets sont les signatures expérimentales des quarks et des gluons émergeant des diffusions dures produites lors des interactions hadroniques. La section efficace de production de jets se calcule dans la cadre de la ChromoDynamique Quantique perturbative (pCDQ), faisant des mesures de jets un test sévère des prédictions de la pCDQ. En collisions d'ions lourds ultrarelativistes, les jets constituent des sondes bien étalonnées du Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons (PQG). Dans des conditions extrêmes de température et de pression, les partons se déconfinent pour former une matière QCD en interaction forte. Les partons émis dans les collisions dures perdent de l'énergie à la traversée de ce milieu par perte d'énergie radiative et collisionnelle. Les propriétés des jets sont alors modifiées par rapport au vide, phénomène appelé étouffement des jets. Les propriétés de transport du PGQ peuvent être étudiées par la mesure de l'étouffement des jets.Les sections efficaces de production de jets chargés en collisions proton-proton (pp) aux énergies de 2.76 TeV et 7 TeV ont été mesurées par l'expérience ALICE puis comparées aux prédiction de la pCDQ à l'ordre dominant. En collisions Pb-Pb, l'intensité de la suppression des jets, inclusive et en fonction de la longueur de parcours dans le milieu, a été évaluée par la mesure des facteurs de modification nucléaire ($R_{mathrm{AA}}$) aux énergies de 2.76 TeV et 5.02 TeV. Le flot elliptique $v_{2}$, défini comme la distribution azitmutale par rapport au plan de réaction du deuxième ordre, qui est une grandeur sensible à la longueur de parcours des partons dans le milieu selon ou hors du plan de réaction, a été mesuré à l'énergie de 2.76 TeV. Cette mesure pour les collisions semi-centrales est en accord avec les prédictions théoriques. La réponse du milieu a été étudiée par l'intermédiaire des correlations jet-trace en fonction de la centralité de la collisionà l'énergie de 2.76 TeV. Les résultats obtenus suggérant une redistribution de l'énergie à grand angle par rapport à l'axe du jet. Ces résultats sont correctement décrits par des calculs phénoménologiques incluant l'évolution hydrodynamique du milieu.Dans cette thèse, deux aspects complémentaires de la mesure des jets à l'aide du détecteur ALICE ont été étudiés. D'une part, l'amélioration du système de déclenchement calorimétrique de l'expérience ALICE est présentée. Le Calorimètre Di-jet (DCal) a été installé pendant le premier arrêt long du LHC (LS1) afin d'étendre la couverture azimutale de l'existant Calorimètre ElectroMagnétique (EMCal) et Spectromètre à PHOtons (PHOS). Cette mise à jour a consisté à tenir compte de cette nouvelle configuration des détecteurs. Un nouveau micrologiciel de la carte électronique Summary Trigger Unit (STU) du sytème de déclenchement calorimétrique implementant un algorithme original combinant les informations des trois calorimètres a été développé. D'autre part, la mesure de la section efficace de production de jets chargés reconstruits avec différentes résolutions $R=0.2$, $0.3$, $0.4$ et $0.6$ en collisions pp à l'energie de 5.02 TeV est présentée. La comparaison de la section efficace mesurée avec les prédictions de la pCDQ à l'ordre sous-dominant (NLO) montre une bonne adéquation dans la région $10 < p_{mathrm{T},text{jet}}^{text{ch}} < 100 mathrm{GeV}/c$. La mesure du $v_{2}$ des jets chargés dans les collisions Pb-Pb semi-centrales (30-50%) à l'energie de 5.02 TeV est également exposée dans cette thèse. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à une simulation rapide basée sur le modèle de Glauber tenant compte de la dépendance de la suppression des jets selon leur longueur de parcours dans le milieu. Enfin, la mesure des corrélations entres jets chargés et hadrons dans les collisions Pb-Pb semi-centrales (30-50%) à l'energie de 5.02 TeV est présentée dans le but d'étudier la dépendance de la modification des jets en fonction de la géométrie de la collisions Pb-Pb. / Jets, defined as collimated sprays of high-momentum particles, are experimental signatures of hard-scattered quarks and gluons produced in hadronic interactions. The jet production cross section is calculable within perturbative Quantum ChromoDynamics (pQCD), and therefore jet measurements provide stringent tests of pQCD predictions. In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, jets are well calibrated probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Under extreme conditions of temperature and/or pressure, partons are deconfined and form a strongly interacting QCD medium. The initial hard scattered partons lose energy while traversing this medium due to radiative and collisional energy loss. Consequently, jet properties get modified in comparison with the vacuum case, phenomenon named jet quenching. QGP transport properties can be studied by measuring jet quenching.The charged jet production cross sections in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 2.76 mathrm{TeV}$ and $sqrt{s} = 7 mathrm{TeV}$ were measured by the ALICE experiment and compared to Leading-Order (LO) pQCD predictions. In Pb-Pb collisions, the strength of jet suppression was quantitatively assessed at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 mathrm{TeV}$ and $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 mathrm{TeV}$ via the measurement of the nuclear modification factors ($R_{mathrm{AA}}$). The strength of charged jet suppression was quantified as a function of in-medium parton path-length based on the measured $R_{mathrm{AA}}$. The jet elliptic flow $v_{2}$, defined as the jet azimuthal distribution relative to the $2^{nd}$ order event plane, which is sensitive to the difference of the in-medium parton path-length in-plane and out-of-plane, was measured at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 mathrm{TeV}$. The measured jet $v_{2}$ in mid-central Pb-Pb collisions was consistent with model predictions. The medium response has been studied through jet-track correlations at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 mathrm{TeV}$ as a function of centrality. The result suggested that the in-medium suppressed energy was re-distributed to large angles with respect to the jet axis. The phenomenon was described by a phenomenological calculation taking into account hydrodynamical evolution of the medium.In this thesis, two complementary aspects of jet measurements with the ALICE detector at the LHC were studied. First, the upgrade of the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter trigger system is presented. The Di-jet Calorimeter (DCal) has been installed during LHC Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) to extend the azimuthal coverage of the existing ElectroMagnetic Calorimeter (EMCal) and PHOton Spectrometer (PHOS). The trigger system has been upgraded to account for this new detector configuration. The firmware for the Summary Trigger Unit (STU), which is the electronics of the trigger system, was upgraded to implement a brand new algorithm combining information from the calorimeters. Second, the measurement of the production cross section of charged jets reconstructed with cone resolution parameter $R=0.2$, $0.3$, $0.4$, and $0.6$ in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 5.02 mathrm{TeV}$ is outlined. A comparison of the production cross section to LO and Next-Leading-Order (NLO) pQCD predictions is shown. Good agreement of the production cross section with NLO pQCD calculations is found for $10 < p_{mathrm{T},text{jet}}^{text{ch}} < 100 mathrm{GeV}/c$. The measurement of charged jet $v_{2}$ in mid-central (30-50%) Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 mathrm{TeV}$ is also presented. The results are compared with a toy-model Glauber simulation based on the measured path-length dependence of jet suppression. Finally, the measurement of charged jet-hadron correlations in mid-central (30-50%) Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 mathrm{TeV}$ with respect to the $2^{nd}$ order event plane is also presented in order to study initial collision geometry dependence of jet modification in Pb-Pb collisions.

New methods for the ab-initio simulation of correlated systems

Schade, Robert 29 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Elektronová struktura a magnetické vlastnosti materiálů se silně korelovanými elektrony / Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the materials with strong electron-electron correlation

Kozub, Agnieszka Lidia January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we summarize the material-specific theories of strongly correlated systems and apply them to selected materials. We describe and apply the corre- lated band theory methods: the local density approximation plus Coulomb U, and the density functional theory plus exact diagonalization of single impurity An- derson model. First, we investigate the systems containing impurity atoms: cobalt impurity located in the bulk copper and samarium, and neodymium adatoms on the surface of graphene. We present the spectral densities and study the magnetism of those compounds. Afterwards, we analyze three Np-based compounds: NpPt2In7, Np2Ni17 and NpBC. For all three compounds we analyze the spin, orbital and to- tal magnetic moments and the total density of states, as well as its projections for selected orbitals and spins. Moreover, for NpPt2In7 and NpBC we perform the to- tal energy analysis between different magnetic moment arrangements on the Np atoms.


Mora, Jose Angel 01 December 2019 (has links)
As the demand for freshwater resources increases due to increasing human populations, degradation of available resources, and climatic changes it will become increasingly important to understand the factors that impact the physicochemical characteristics of surface water resources over space and time. This study assessed a headwater stream over the course of a year in the San Bernardino National Forest that serves as both surface and groundwater resources for the Santa Ana River Watershed region, the largest and most populated watershed in Southern California. Streams were monitored bi-weekly during dry periods and weekly during wet periods from April 2018 through April 2019 for dissolved oxygen (DO), flow rate, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH, nitrate (NO3-), and ammonium (NH4+) with additional lab assessments for total dissolved solids (TDS), E. Coli (EC), and total coliform (TC). Findings illustrated that across the study sites NO3-, NH4+, and TDS exceeded federal and regional water quality standards for a majority of the sampling events (>60 percent). Additionally, NO3-, DO, and flow rates were elevated in the wet season, while conductivity, NH4+, TDS, pH, TC, and EC were elevated during the dry season.

Classical & quantum dynamics of information and entanglement properties of fermion systems

Zander, Claudia 13 February 2012 (has links)
Due to their great importance, both from the fundamental and from the practical points of view, it is imperative that the various facets of the concepts of information and entanglement are explored systematically in connection with diverse physical systems and processes. These concepts are at the core of the emerging field of the Physics of Information. In this Thesis I investigate some aspects of the dynamics of information in both classical and quantum mechanical systems and then move on to explore entanglement in fermion systems by searching for novel ways to classify and quantify entanglement in fermionic systems. In Chapter 1 a brief review of the different information and entropic measures as well as of the main evolution equations of classical dynamical and quantum mechanical systems is given. The conservation of information as a fundamental principle both at the classical and quantum levels, and the implications of Landauer's theorem are discussed in brief. An alternative and more intuitive proof of the no-broadcasting theorem is also provided. Chapter 2 is a background chapter on quantum entanglement, where the differences between the concept of entanglement in systems consisting of distinguishable subsystems and the corresponding concept in systems of identical fermions are emphasized. Different measures of entanglement and relevant techniques such as majorization, are introduced. To illustrate some of the concepts reviewed here I discuss the entanglement properties of an exactly soluble many-body model which was studied in paper (E) of the publication list corresponding to the present Thesis. An alternative approach to the characterization of quantum correlations, based on perturbations under local measurements, is also briefly reviewed. The use of uncertainty relations as entanglement indicators in composite systems having distinguishable subsystems is then examined in some detail. Chapter 3 is based on papers (A) and (B) of the list of publications. Extended Landauer-like principles are developed, based amongst others on the conservation of information of divergenceless dynamical systems. Conservation of information within the framework of general probabilistic theories, which include the classical and quantum mechanical probabilities as particular instances, is explored. Furthermore, Zurek's information transfer theorem and the no-deleting theorem are generalized. Chapter 4 is based on articles (C) and (D) mentioned in the publication list, and investigates several separability criteria for fermions. Criteria for the detection of entanglement are developed based either on the violation of appropriate uncertainty relations or on inequalities involving entropic measures. Chapter 5 introduces an approach for the characterization of quantum correlations (going beyond entanglement) in fermion systems based upon the state disturbances generated by the measurement of local observables. Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions drawn in the previous chapters. The work leading up to this Thesis has resulted in five publications in peer reviewed science research journals. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Physics / unrestricted

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