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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tectono-metamorphic relationships between Hercynian continental basement and the Eoalpine Schistes lustres nappes of NE Corsica

Waters, C. N. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Issues of identity and transformation in the revival of traditional song in 20th century Corsica : #O that my voice would pierce through every mountain!'

Bithell, Caroline January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, population dynamics and feeding biology in a conifer forest

Smith, Deborah Frances Elizabeth January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Fungal deterioration of sawn softwood lumber

Strong, Neil January 1999 (has links)
The colonisation of freshly sawn Corsican pine lumber by sapstain and mould fungi was investigated at a sawmill in Hampshire, UK. Three repeat trials encompassing the different seasons of the year were carried out over two years. Results show that fungal colonisation of sawn lumber is dependent on the effect of time of year. Sawlogs were stored for different intervals up to 16 weeks before conversion to boards. Boards were then stored for up to 12 weeks after milling and sampled every 4 weeks to determine the effect of timber ageing on fungal colonisation up to 28 weeks after felling. The metabolic activity of wood cells over the period after felling of the original tree was also measured. It was evident that the defacement of boards reached maximum levels after 12 weeks exposure irrespective of seasonal influences. Initial levels of fungal growth on lumber were reduced if the boards were milled from logs stored for a period prior to conversion. Investigations into the metabolic activity of the wood cells revealed significant levels of respiration taking place up to 28 weeks after felling of the original tree including 12 weeks post-conversion into boards. Boards were used to make a nested stack arrangement allowing plastic tanks top be placed in the centre. The tanks contained a sub-sample of the full-size boards in order to investigate insect activity and effects of gammairradiation. A total of 115 insect species representing 16 of the 34 British orders were collected during the trials. Seventy-two percent of these insects were collected from within the stacks of lumber and investigations using sealed tanks containing boards showed that the insects could influence the fungal colonisation of sawn lumber. Despite the relatively short length of the trials, a succession of insect colonisation from fungivores through to predators and detritivores was recorded. Boards, which were sterilised by gamma-irradiation, were preferentially colonised by mould fungi and subsequent internal staining was confined to the outer surface. Trials with short-length billets allowed the wood-colonising ability of selected sapstain fungi to be investigated under controlled conditions following sterilisation by gamma-irradiation or autoclaving, and storage at 30°C and 20°C. Lesion formation in gamma-irradiated tissue was solely due to the fungus potentially conditioning the wood for colonisation. Colonisation studies also revealed that different fungi exhibit different strategies enabling them to infect timber. Pathogenic species demonstrated a relatively fast initial growth rate to establish themselves before triggering any host anti-fungal responses in the wood. The characteristic lesions created in the billets were investigated using light and electron microscopy to reveal hyphal invasion and or/ wood cell modifications. Respiratory activity of the lesions was elucidated using radioactively labelled glucose allowing the metabolic pathways to be ascertained and demonstrated that wood tissue in the apparently healthy regions adjacent to the lesions reacted as if infected. Future work considers the possibility of biocontrol, using insects in combination with gamma-irradiation of sawn lumber and also further investigations into the reaction zones produced by the fungus growing in the wood.

Policy, planning and perceptions in the European Union : a comparative perspective on minority language vitality

Kronenthal, Melissa January 2007 (has links)
Over the last few decades, minority language issues have been attracting increasing attention in the media, among academics, and in the affairs of national governments and international organizations. Nowhere has this been truer than in the European Union, where concern over the ‘endangered languages crisis’ has led to an increasing awareness of Europe’s small languages and of the challenges they face in a globalised, English-dominated linguistic marketplace. A more tangible outcome of this concern has been a growth in rhetoric within EU institutions advocating a general respect for multilingualism and linguistic diversity, and a series of support measures and resolutions designed to guarantee this. Despite the widespread rhetoric of concern and support, however, in terms of concrete legislation there is still a wide gap between debate and policy in Europe, and until now it has been left unclear to what extent this gap is actually affecting the vitality and prospects of individual minority languages. This dissertation addresses this question by analysing how the European Union, both in the by-products of the integration process and in its deliberate rhetoric of support, is impacting the vitality of three specific minority language communities: Galician in Spain, Corsican in France and Sorbian in Germany. Drawing upon research collected via sociolinguistic surveys in these communities, it attempts to gauge whether Europe as an integrated entity is positively or negatively affecting the prospects of minority languages within its borders; if member state policies toward their minorities have been positively swayed by European rhetoric; if minority language speakers themselves see a positive effect on language use from European policy and promotion; and whether the role of English as a necessary lingua franca inside and outside Europe is eroding the position of the minority languages as the second language of choice. Quantitative and qualitative analysis on the survey results indicate that unfortunately, despite the amount of attention these minority languages receive from both government and media, language decline seems to show no sign of abating in any of these communities, and indeed the actions of the EU are apparently having very little impact on individual language situations. In addition, the survey indicates that hostile or indifferent member state policy is continuing to be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to minority language maintenance in Europe. From this perspective it seems reasonable to assess that the EU has in effect failed at what it claims to be trying to achieve, namely to provide a social and political climate that is favourable to minority language maintenance, and to assume that if this is the case in these three communities it is likely to be the case across Europe. With this in mind, the study concludes with the recommendation that the EU reconsider its involvement in language matters across the board, particularly in its current working-language structure and the reluctance to put some force of law behind its minority language support, and cautions that without this, the EU will likely face the imminent erosion of much of the very diversity upon which it has been built.

L’enseignement de la procédure criminelle et du droit pénal au XVIIIème siècle en Italie, en France et en Corse / The teaching of criminal procedure and criminal law in the eighteenth century in Italy, France and Corsica

Leporati, Antoine Benjamin 21 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’enseignement du droit pénal et de la procédure criminelle dans le Royaume de France, différentes Etats italiens et le Royaume de Corse au XVIIIème siècle.Sa problématique a été inspirée par l’appréciation de Diderot qui expliquait la déficience de la justice criminelle en France par le fait que les futurs magistrats n’avaient pas reçu d’enseignements de droit pénal au cours de leurs études ;Un premier titre introductif présente un panorama sommaire du droit pénal dans et de la procédure criminelle dans les différents Etats. Il est ensuite présenté un inventaire des enseignements de droit pénal et de procédure criminelle dans plusieurs universités françaises et italiennes ainsi qu’à l’éphémère Université de Corse (1764-1769). Sont aussi évoqués les ouvrages destinés à l’initiation à ses disciples. Dans le dernier titre, sont comparés les contenus et les méthodes d’enseignements universitaires du droit et de la procédure.Cette thèse met en évidence des différences quant à l’importance accordée au droit pénal dans les universités st surtout, l’infériorité des universités françaises en la matière. / This thesis studies the way criminal law and procedure were taught in the Kingdom of France, different Italian States and the Kingdom of Corsica during the XVIII century.Inspiration for the topic comes from Diderot’s assessment that the deficiency of criminal justice in France could be explained by the lack of instruction in criminal law to future judges during their studies;The preliminary section provides a panoramic summary of criminal law and procedure in the different States. The following section presents an inventory of criminal law and procedure instruction at several French and Italian universities as well as at the University of Corsica during its brief existence (1764-1769). The textbooks designed to initiate students to the subject are also mentioned. The closing section is devoted to a comparative study of the contents and methods of academic instruction in procedural law.This thesis reveals the differences in the importance accorded to criminal law in universities and above all, the inferiority of French universities in this regard.

La place de Venise dans le parcours militaire et politiques de notables ruraux corses au XVIIIe siècle. / The place of Venice in the military and political careers of Corsican notables in the XVIIIth century

Giappiconi, Thierry 17 December 2010 (has links)
En 1729, la Corse débute quarante ans de révolte militairement organisée, justifiée par des arguments historiques, juridiques et théologiques contre la République de Gênes. L’instabilité d’une île de la Méditerranée occidentale occupant une position stratégique de première importance pour le commerce et la guerre maritimes, devient un enjeu dans les rivalités des monarchies occidentales. Sous l’impulsion de Luigi Giafferi, capitaine à Venise lors de la première guerre de Morée, porte-parole des Nobles XII, le mouvement s’appuie sur un réseau de notables de la côte orientale de la Corse et d’officiers corses résidant dans les États de Venise : le lieutenant colonel Giafferi, frère de Luigi, les colonels Giappiconi et Zicavo, au service de la République, et le brigadier général Boeri, ancien colonel vénitien passé au service de la Cour de Parme puis de l’Espagne. A partir de sources originales d’archives, cette thèse rétablit le rôle central des prédécesseurs de Pascal Paoli, illustre quelques aspects mal connus de la complexité des rivalités internationales autour de la Corse, et met en lumière le rôle des entrepreneurs de guerre corses dans l’orientation et le financement de l’insurrection. / In 1729, Corsica entered a forty year period of militarily organised revolt against the Republic of Genoa, justified by historical, legal and theological arguments. The instability of this western Mediterranean island, situated as it was at a strategic position of prime importance for commerce and naval warfare, made it an important factor in the rivalries between Western monarchies. Under the leadership of Luigi Giafferi, a captain in the Venetian army during the first Morean War and the representative of the “Noble Twelve”, the movement was supported by a group of clan leaders from the East coast of Corsica and Corsican officers based in the Venetian States: Lieutenant Colonel Giafferi, the brother of Luigi, Colonels Giappiconi and Zicavo, in the service of the Venetian republic, and the Brigadier General Boeri, a former colonel in the Venetian army who had gone on to serve at the courts of Parma and of Spain. Based on original archival sources, this thesis reconstructs the central role played by the predecessors of Pascal Paoli, sheds light on some lesser known aspects of the complex international rivalries over Corsica and underlines the role of Corsican “entrepreneurs de guerre” in financing and influencing the direction of the insurrection.

La vigne et l'olivier en Corse : études de géolinguistique et de sémantique lexicale / The vine and the olive tree in corsica : studies in geolinguistic and lexical semantics

Tognotti, Aurelia Ghjacumina 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le programme Nouvel Atlas Linguistique de la Corse et Banque de Données Linguistiques Corses et plus particulièrement dans la préparation du quatrième volume consacré à l’agriculture. A partir d’une collecte sur le terrain du lexique et des techniques relatifs à l’oléiculture et à la viticulture, une étude de géolinguistique et de sémantique lexicale est réalisée, à partir du corpus oral comprenant les données de la BDLC et d’enquêtes personnelles. L’examen de la répartition géolinguistique porte sur l’ensemble des variétés dialectales insulaires et est accompagné de commentaires étymologiques et sémantiques de chaque terme correspondant aux thèmes abordés. Pour conduire ce travail, nous nous sommes en particulier appuyés sur les travaux réalisés dans le reste du domaine italo-roman, notamment à travers un dépouillement systématique de dictionnaires étymologiques, historiques et dialectaux ; ce qui permet de donner une dimension comparatiste à notre étude. Cette recherche propose un développement de deux principaux axes : d’une part, l’évaluation de la diversité linguistique et la mise en évidence des rapports avec les aires voisines à la Corse et d’autre part, établir les processus de formation lexicale permettant, outre de retracer le cheminement de la langue, d’observer les caractéristiques des lexiques oléicole et viticole (lexique spécifique vs lexique général ; lexique hérité vs constructions motivées ; les analogies et les différences). / This thesisis part of the Program calledNew Linguistic Atlas of Corsica and LinguisticCorsican Data Bank and more specifically in the preparation of the fourth volume devoted to agriculture. From a field collection of vocabulary and techniques related to the viticulture and winegrowing, a study of geo-linguistic and lexical semantics has been done, from the spoken corpus data includingBLDC and personalsurveys. Examination of the distribution geolinguisticcovers all the islanddialects and isaccompanied by etymological and semanticcommentseachtermcorresponding to the topicdiscussed. To conductthiswork, weparticularlyrelied on the workdone in the rest of the Italian-Roman field -, includingthrough a systematicanalysis of etymologicaldictionaries, historical and dialectological ,whichallows to give a comparative dimension to ourstudy.This research proposes a development of two main areas: first, evaluate the linguisticdiversity and highlightrelationshipswithneighboring areas to Corsica and secondly, establishprocesses for lexical training, also to trace the language, observe the characteristics of the wine and olive lexicons (specificlexicon vs. generallexicon; lexiconinherited vs motivated constructions and the similarities and differences). / S’iscriviistatesi in u prugrammaNouvel Atlas Linguistique de la Corse è Banque de Données Linguistiques Corses è più particularmenti in a priparazioni di u quartuvulumu à prò di l’agricultura. À partasi di unaracoltaannant’àlocu è di u lessicu è di i tecnichi di a vigna è di l’alivu, hèfattuunustudiu di geolinguistica è di semanticalessicale, à partasi di un corpus uralichìcunteni i dati di a BDLC è di inchiestiparsunali. L’esamini di a ripartizionigeoliguisticatratta di l’insemi di i varietàdialettaliisulani è ghjèaccumpagnata di cummentietimulogichi è semantichi d’ugniterminicurrispundanti à i temaammintati. Da stradàistutravaddu, ci simuaiutatipà u più di i travaddirializatiind’è u restu di u duminiuitalorumanzu, in particularicù un spoddusistematicu di dizziunariaetimulogichi, storichi et dialettali ; ciòchìparmetti di dàuna misura cumparatista à u nosciustudiu. Istaricercapruponaunusviluppu di duiiassiprincipali : d’un cantu, a valutazioni di a diversitàlinguistica è a messa in luci di i leiaincù l’aghjivicini à a Corsica et d’un altrucantu, stabiliscia i prucessi di furmazionilessicalichìparmettani, aldilà di ritraccià l’andatura di a lingua, di fidighjà i caratteristichi di i lessichi di l’alivu è di a vigna (lessicuspecificu vs lessicughjinirali ; lessicueridatu vs custruzzionimutivati ; l’analugii è i sfarenzi).Parollichjavi : dialettulugia, geografialinguistica, corsica, aliva, vigna, etimulugia, semantisimu.

L’histoire de l’olivier et de l’huile d’olive en Corse de la fin du XVIème siècle au début du XXème siècle – Economie – Société – Aspects culturels / The history of olive and olive oil in Corsica from the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century – Economy – Society – Cultural Aspects

Jouffroy, Denis 09 April 2013 (has links)
L’histoire de l’olivier et de l’huile d’olive est indissociable de l’histoire de l’agriculture corse. La réalité historique de la culture de l’olivier et de la production d’huile a été appréhendée à partir de la fin du XVIe siècle jusqu’à la veille de la première guerre mondiale. Le paysage oléicole a connu un grand développement à l’époque moderne sous l’impulsion de la Sérénissime République de Gênes ; il s’est poursuivi au XIXe siècle sous l’autorité de l’administration française. L’étude de l’ensemble des microrégions de l‘île a mis en évidence le rôle majeur joué par les communautés dans l’économie oléicole insulaire. On parle d’une diversité et non d’une unicité de l’olivier en Corse : diversité des variétés, des pratiques culturales, des modes d’extraction de l’huile, des paysages… L’impact économique de cette culture durant la période étudiée a été très important pour la Corse. L’olivier est au cœur des préoccupations des hommes, il a transformé partiellement l’agriculture, les paysages, les infrastructures de transports, l’architecture rurale et a participé à l’émergence d’une société microrégionale originale. / The olive tree and olive oil's history is inseparable from the History of the Corsican agriculture. The real nature of the culture of the olive tree and the production of the olive oil have been comprehended from the end of the XVIth century to the eve of the first world war. The olive landscape knew a great development during the modern age with the Serene highness Republic of Genoa; it pursuded on the XIXth century under the authority of the French administration. The study on the whole microregions of the island higlights the main part played by the comunities in the oleicol economy of the island. Concerning the olive tree in Corsica we notice an important diversity of trees not an uniquiness: diversity of the sorts of trees, of the cultural pratices, of ways to extract the oil, of landscapes... the economic impact of this culture during the era studied had been really important for Corsica. The olive tree is at the heart of the humans' concerns, it partially transformed the agriculture, the landscapes and the substructure of the transports, the rural architecture and took part in the emergence of an original regional micro society. / A storia di l'alivu è di l'oliu d'aliva hè propiu ligata à a storia di l'agricultura corsa. A realità storica di a cultura di l'olivu è di a produzzione d'oliu hè stata studiata da a fine di u XVIe seculu finu à a prima guerra mundiale. U paisaghju d'alivi hà cunnisciutu un grande sviluppu durante l'epica muderna per via di l'abbrivu datu da a Republica di Genuva. S'hè perseguitu durante u XIXe seculu sottu à l'autorità di l'admministrazione francesa. U studiu di l'inseme di a rughjoni di l'isula hà dimustratu a funzione maestra di e communità in l'ecunumia à partesi di a cultura di l'alivi. Si parla d'una diversità è micca d'un'unicità di l'alivu in Corsica : diversità di e varietà, di e pratiche culturale, di e manere per fragne l'alive, di i paisaghji... U pesu ecunomicu di sta cultura durante u periodu studiatu hè statu assai impurtante per a Corsica. L'alivu face parte di e riflessione di l'omi. Hà cuntribuitu à transfurmà l'agricultura, i paisaghji, l'infrastrutture di i trasporti, l'architettura campagnola è hà participatu ancu à a nascita d'una sucetà micro regiunale originale.

Savoirs naturalistes médicinaux relatifs à la flore de la Corse et patrimoine : des savoirs et usages traditionnels aux pratiques actuelles

Franchi-Querci, Marie-Ange 07 December 2011 (has links)
Cette étude traite des savoirs et pratiques naturalistes relatifs à la flore aromatique et médicinale de la Corse et de leur mise en patrimoine. La pharmacopée traditionnelle et les croyances qui y sont associées sont étudiées dans un but de conservation et de valorisation puis mises en regard avec les pratiques actuelles d’utilisation de la flore (production d’huiles essentielles et de produits dérivés) afin d’étudier le processus de patrimonialisation des savoirs. Ce travail vise à contribuer à la conservation et à la valorisation d’un patrimoine associant le biologique et le culturel ainsi qu’à une meilleure compréhension de la relation de la société corse au végétal au cours du temps. Il s’inscrit également de manière plus générale, dans une perspective d’étude de l’espace insulaire comme lieu de compréhension de la conservation de la diversité culturelle et biologique. / This study deals with naturalist knowledge and practical experience about aromatic and medicinal flora from Corsica and their entering the heritage. Traditional pharmacopeia and the beliefs which are connected to it, are studied with the intention of conservation and promotion. Then they are compared with the present use of flora/the plants (production of essential oils and by-products) in order to examine the heritage recognition of that knowledge. That work is aimed at contributing to the conservation and promotion of a legacy combining both the organic and cultural aspects as well as a better understanding of the interest of the Corsican society in the knowledge of plants in the course of time. More generally it also follows a prospect to study how Corsica is outstanding to understand the conservation of cultural and organic diversity.

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