Spelling suggestions: "subject:"costeffective"" "subject:"mosteffective""
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Cost effective optimization of system safety and reliability / Konstandseffektiv optimering av systemsäkerhet och tillförlitlighetBergström, Joakim, Nilsson-Sundén, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
A method able to analyze and optimize subsystems could be useful to reduce project cost, increase subsystem reliability, improve overall aircraft safety and reduce subsystem weight. The earlier the optimization of development of an aircraft in the design phase can be performed, the better the yield of the optimization becomes. This master thesis was formed in order to construct an automatic analysis method, implementing a Matlab script, evaluating devices forming aircraft subsystems using a Genetic Algorithm. In addition to aircraft subsystems, the method constructed in the work is compatible with systems of various industries with minor modifications of the script.
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Promotion of a legal firm during recessionary times / Johannes Douglas RichardsRichards, Johannes Douglas January 2010 (has links)
Nearly 80 years earlier, Henry Ford advised during the 1930 depression that: "A
man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save
time". The purposes of this case study was to determine whether legal firms have
taken cognisance of these wise words and have refrained from cutting back on
expenses, and more particularly its promotional budget expenses during a down
turning economy.
It was discovered that, like nearly 80 years ago, costs today is still an important
issue when considering and exploreing promotional opportunities. Small legal
organisations have in general indicated that cost effectiveness is an important
factor to take into consideration when deciding which type of promotion to explore.
A further prerequisite was that the promotion should be target market orientated
and effective. Interestingly enough, more than 60% of the sample organisations
have failed to analyse their target market before commencing with any type of
promotion. This immediately raised the question whether costs have not been
wasted on wrong promotional efforts, rather than costs being an issue when
considering promotion?
It was concluded that small legal organisations have failed to properly analyse their
target market and hence was unaware of their client?s needs. Various types of
promotion were undertaken by the organisation, but in many instances were
ineffective and costly. Should organisations have properly analysed their target
markets they would have been in a better position to select an effective and less
costly type of promotion.
Limited recommendations were made in an attempt to assist small legal
organisations to firstly analyse their target market which will result in more cost
effective marketing and will enable them to address the needs of their target market
directly. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Promotion of a legal firm during recessionary times / Johannes Douglas RichardsRichards, Johannes Douglas January 2010 (has links)
Nearly 80 years earlier, Henry Ford advised during the 1930 depression that: "A
man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save
time". The purposes of this case study was to determine whether legal firms have
taken cognisance of these wise words and have refrained from cutting back on
expenses, and more particularly its promotional budget expenses during a down
turning economy.
It was discovered that, like nearly 80 years ago, costs today is still an important
issue when considering and exploreing promotional opportunities. Small legal
organisations have in general indicated that cost effectiveness is an important
factor to take into consideration when deciding which type of promotion to explore.
A further prerequisite was that the promotion should be target market orientated
and effective. Interestingly enough, more than 60% of the sample organisations
have failed to analyse their target market before commencing with any type of
promotion. This immediately raised the question whether costs have not been
wasted on wrong promotional efforts, rather than costs being an issue when
considering promotion?
It was concluded that small legal organisations have failed to properly analyse their
target market and hence was unaware of their client?s needs. Various types of
promotion were undertaken by the organisation, but in many instances were
ineffective and costly. Should organisations have properly analysed their target
markets they would have been in a better position to select an effective and less
costly type of promotion.
Limited recommendations were made in an attempt to assist small legal
organisations to firstly analyse their target market which will result in more cost
effective marketing and will enable them to address the needs of their target market
directly. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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O custo do alimento seguro: um estudo de caso da produção de salgados / The cost of food safety: case study of finger food production lineMaria de Lourdes Ruivo Von Simson 21 October 2011 (has links)
Com o objetivo de estudar o custo da produção segura, de salgados, em uma fábrica localizada no munícipio de Jundiaí, São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo de caso por observação de processos e registros, em planilhas de Excel, dos custos da produção do alimento seguro com a execução das Boas Práticas de Fabricação referente ao período de agosto de 2010 a julho de 2011 e posteriormente retirados os custos pertinentes as Boas Práticas de Fabricação para comparação entre ambas às situações. Também foram levantados os custos das obrigações legais e sua influência no resultado final do preço unitário. Para identificar os custos diretos de uma produção que assegura a qualidade do alimento, mantendo-o inócuo, foram utilizados os conceitos de custos variáveis. As contas foram agrupadas segundo seu destino de utilização. Foram estudadas também as mudanças de hábitos alimentares devido à mudança de comportamento, especialmente das mulheres que tem crescente participação nas atividades remuneradas, fora do lar. O perfil de consumo das famílias está mudando e com este o aumento de ocorrências de doenças causadas por contaminação alimentar, que segundo os autores estudados acontece com maior frequência do que se tem registrado de fato. Para entender melhor esta relação foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a evolução do consumo, aumento da demanda de alimentos prontos para consumo, riscos de contaminação alimentar e doenças de origem alimentar, as normas técnicas, legislações e políticas públicas pertinentes à fabricação do alimento seguro que reúnem informações para melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos produzidos. Nos resultados encontrados os custos variáveis tiveram menor alteração em relação à simulação do não cumprimento das boas práticas de fabricação (BPF) e das obrigações legais, a maior influência foi sobre os custos fixos. A redução encontrada nos custos totais (soma dos custos variáveis com os fixos) para a situação onde os custos pertinentes ao cumprimento das BPF foram retirados foi de 5,8% e de 16,4% quando retirados os custos referentes às obrigações legais, que resulta na soma de 22,2% de diminuição dos custos, percentual este que favorece a produção caseira (informal), quando comparado com a produção formal. O resultado financeiro obtido quando cumpridas todas as exigências de BPF e obrigações legais foi negativo em 11,9% e na simulação da ausência destas práticas e exigências foi positivo em 17,5% (situação caseira e informal). Estes resultados estão relacionados com a utilização da capacidade produtiva instalada, que foi de 50%, equivalente a 43,9 t. e, portanto, existe ainda possibilidade de mudanças nos resultados ao atingir a capacidade ótima de produção. / With the aim of studying the cost of finger food safe production in a factory located in the municipality of Jundiaí, São Paulo, we conducted a case study by observation of processes and records, in Excel spreadsheets, of the cost of food safe production with the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices for the period from August 2010 to July 2011 and subsequently withdrawn the costs involved with Good Manufacturing Practices for comparison between the two situations. We also raised the costs of legal obligations and its influence on the final result of the unit price. To identify the direct costs of production, which ensures the quality of food, keeping it harmless, we used the concepts of variable costs. The accounts were grouped according to their destination of use. We also studied the changes in eating habits due to behavior change, especially women who have increased participation in paid work outside home. The profile of household consumption is changing and consequently increased occurrences of diseases caused by contaminated food, which according to the authors studied happens more frequently than thought. To better understand this relationship we conducted a search on consumption trends, rising demand for ready to eat foods, risks of food contamination and foodborne diseases, technical standards, legislation and public policy pertinent to the manufacture of safe food to gather information to improve the quality of food produced. In the results the variable costs had less changes in relation to the simulation of non-compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP) and legal obligations, the greatest influence was on the fixed costs. The reduction found in the total costs (sum of variable costs with fixed) where the costs pertaining to the enforcement of GMP were removed was 5.8% and 16.4% when taken out costs related to legal obligations, which sum results in a 22.2% decrease in costs, which favors home production (informal) when compared with the formal production. The financial result when met all the requirements of GMP and legal obligations was negative in 11.9% and in simulation and practical absence of these requirements was positive in 17.5% (homely and informal). These results are related to the utilization of the production capacity of 50%, equivalent to 43.9 tons, and therefore there is a possibility of changes in the results if optimum production is achieved.
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Combining IRAM2 with Cost-BenefitAnalysis for Risk Management : Creating a hybrid method with traditional and economic aspectsDehkhoda, Dorna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the risk methodology field by introducing a method that covers both economic and information security aspects. The aim is to provide a way for practitioners to get results that is enough for decision makers to make valid and well-grounded decisions. There are a lot of traditional risk assessment methods that focus on information security. There are also CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis) methods that are used to make sure investments are cost-effective and provide value for the organization. The aim of this thesis is to combine those and see if they can be merged to one risk assessment method to increase the value of the result. CBA will be added to a more traditional risk assessment method called IRAM2. The thesis will evaluate if they are suited to be used together and if it provides a more valuable result when combining them than only using one of them. The research method that has been used in this study is ADR. It has been used as a way of working when producing a new hybrid method together with some design principles regarding how to combine traditional risk management with economic equations.
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Utveckling av handhållen prototyp för mätning av EKG och fingerpuls / Development of Handheld Prototype for Measuring ECG and FingerpulseBorghäll, David, Lundström, Mathilda January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport representerar ett kandidatexamensarbete vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan(KTH), där målet var att skapa en handhållen prototyp. Funktionerna för prototypen var mätning av puls i ett finger med optiska sensorn TCRT1010 och elektrokardiografi(EKG) med bipolära extremitetsavledningar. Prototypen är skapad med målet att vara användarvänlig, kostnadseffektiv och billig för att kunna appliceras i utvecklingsländer som finns i Afrika och Asien. Anledningen är då det finns brist på billig och lätthanterlig medicinsk teknik i de områden. Arbetet utfördes genom utveckling av två kretsar givna av uppdragsgivaren, för att sedan designas på ett kretskort som tillverkades av ett svenskt företag. Samtliga komponenter löddes fast på kretskortet och monterades i en behållare med uttag och batterier. Den slutgiltiga prototypen består av en plastlåda som innehåller kretskortet med funktionen att mäta antingen pulsen i ett finger eller EKG, som användaren väljer med hjälp av en switch. Prototypen är även utrustad med avtagbart lock, två BNC kontakter för signalutskick till oscilloskop, en för vardera krets, tre labbhylsor för extremiteterna och ett 4-polig kontakt för den optiska sensorn. Signalerna som fås är ej brusfria men innehåller respektive signals viktigaste parametrar för kontroll om vidare diagnostisk behövs. Den framtagna prototypens kostnad slutade på 1815,5 SEK, vilket ej ansågs uppfylla målet för kostnadeffektivet men som anses kunna användas i utvecklingsländer då prototypen har en simpel design, med avtagbart lock som möjliggör lätta batteribyten, endast en switch och är kompakt som gör den lätt att utföra undersökningar med. Signalhanteringen är testad för att ge tydlig signal som möjliggör att vårdpersonal kan identifiera om vidare diagnostik behövs. Många framtida förbättringar identifierades, så som att minska kostnaden med byte till billigare komponenter och massbeställning av kretskort, göra prototypen trådlöst kopplad till mätinstrument eller minska brus ytterligare. / This report represents a bachelor thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology, where the goal was to create a handheld prototype. The functions of the prototype were measuring pulse in a finger using the optical sensor TCRT1010 and electrocardiogram(ECG) with bipolar limb-lead. In this thesis, the focus was put on trying to develop a user-friendly and cost-effective prototype for use in developing countries, that can be found in Africa and Asia. The reason is because there's a lack of cheap and easy to use medical equipment in those areas. The work was performed by developing two circuits, given by our employer, that was designed on a circuitboard and constructed by a Swedish circuitboard constructor. All components were soldered on the circuitboard and was mounted in a box with socket and batteries. The finished prototype consists of a plastic box containing one circuitboard with the function to measure either the puls of a finger or ECG, which the user can choose between using a switch. The prototype is also equipped with a removable lid, two BNC plugs for connecting an oscilloskope, one for each ciruit, three sockets for the limb lead for the ECG and finally a 4-pole socket for the optical sensor. The signals acquired are not free of noise but contains the most important parameters of the two signals for guidance if further medical diagnostic is needed. The prototypes final cost was 1815,5 SEK, which was not considered achieving the goal for cost-efficiency, was still believed to be useful in developing countries because of its simpel design with removable lid and easily to change batteries. It's equipped with only one switch and the compact size makes it easy to handle. The signal processing is tested to give a clear signal which enables the health professionals to identify if further diagnostics are needed. Several improvements was identified for future work, such as to reduce the cost by buying cheaper components or buying the circuitboard in greater numbers, making a wireless connection to the measuring equipment or further reducing the noise.
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Energy Modeling and Management for Data Services in Multi-Tier Mobile Cloud ArchitecturesXu, Zichen 21 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) : a study using Chlamydia trachomatis as a model infectionNovak, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
Despite the current preventive strategies sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rising. This thesis presents a model with the aim of improving the prevention of STIs. Chlamydia being the most common STI in Sweden serves as a model infection. The presented model is based on five performed studies. First we evaluated the feasibility of taking a urine sample at home and sending it with mail for Chlamydia analysis. Postal screening was thereafter analyzed for cost effectiveness estimating the cost per prevented sequel and the prevalence threshold. A population based study of all the 22-year old men in Umeå tested the feasibility of the Internet as a tool in facilitating Chlamydia testing and also attempted to engage men who often have low participation in Chlamydia screening programs. A questionnaire to all 18-year old youths in four northern Swedish cities was analysed concerning condom use. Finally, ordering home a Chlamydia test from the Internet was tested as method for self-selective screening. The studies showed that it was both feasible and acceptable by the population to send in urine samples with mail for Chlamydia analysis. Large-scale postal screening would be cost-effective in a female population if the C. trachomatis prevalence exceeds 5% and cost effective in a male population if the C. trachomatis prevalence exceeds 12.3%. Using the Internet as a tool in Chlamydia testing proved feasible and almost 38% of all the 22-year old men in Umeå participated. Condom usage being the most important STI preventive measure during a sexual intercourse proved to be dependent on more male factors than female factors, where the use of oral contraceptives was the strongest factor associated with non-condom use. Ordering a test on the Internet proved to be a feasible self-selective screening method. Condom use should continuously be promoted to sexually active people especially if oral contraception is used. Success and cost effectiveness in controlling STI transmission is likely to depend on achieving consistent and regular coverage of testing and partner notification among both women and men. The suggested model uses the Internet as a tool in communicating preventive STI information and allowing a self-selective screening, which may be used as an adjunct to regular recruitment in striving for improving the STI prevention. Key words: STI, prevention, Chlamydia, postal screening, cost effective, condom, Internet, self-selective screening.
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Energieffektivisering av en 1960-talsvilla / Energy efficiency of a house from the 1960sStålheim, Victoria, Roth, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Miljöfrågor är i dagsläget ett ämne som intresserar och engagerar mångamänniskor på olika plan och inom olika ämnesområden. Kraven från vår regeringoch från EU blir allt stramare och inom området byggteknik finns idag krav på enbyggnads specifika energianvändning vid nybyggnation. Problemet är att det intefinns något specifikt krav på det befintliga beståndet och dessa byggnader har oftahög energiförbrukning. Möjligheten att det inom en snar framtid kommer kommakrav på det befintliga beståndet, likt det som finns för nybyggnation, är inteorimligt. Det är därför viktigt att redan nu se på vilka åtgärder det finns att vidtaför att sänka energiförbrukningen hos äldre byggnader och som riktlinje strävaefter att nå det krav som ställs på nybyggnation. Det finns många möjligheter och tillvägagångssätt till att energieffektivisera detäldre beståndet av bostäder. För att uppnå kvalitet i arbetet har en avgränsninggjorts till att endast studera 1960-talshus och se vilka åtgärder det finns att vidtasamt dess lönsamhet. För att kunna ge ett svar har tre frågeställningar tagits framsom behandlar energideklarationer för 1960-talshus inom Jönköpings kommun,samt en fallstudie av ett 1960-talshus. Studien av energideklarationerna gav kunskap om de vanligaste energibovarna ochvilka kostnadseffektiva åtgärder som kommunen rekommenderar. De vanligasteenergibovarna konstaterades vara köldbryggor, självdragventilation,varmvattenförluster samt värmeförluster via öppen spis. Kommunensrekommenderade kostnadseffektiva åtgärder visade sig som förväntat hautgångspunkt i de vanligaste energibovarna och är vattenbesparingsprodukter, nyregleringsteknik för inomhustemperaturen, fönsteråtgärder, tilläggsisolering avvind samt installation av kassett i öppen spis. Fallstudien med dessenergiberäkningar av 1960-talshuset visade på samma energibovar som varvanligast enligt energideklarationerna. För att förbättra byggnaden urenergisynpunkt togs olika totalrenoveringsförslag för energieffektivisering avbyggnaden fram, och de olika förslagens lönsamhet beräknades.Renoveringsförslagen består av byte av uppvärmningskälla, tilläggsisolering avfasad, vind och grund, byte av fönster samt vilken effekt solfångare bidrar med.För att få fram lönsamheten ställs energiårskostnaden för de olikatotalrenoveringsförslagen mot det ursprungliga oljeuppvärmda husets årligaenergikostnad. De framtagna totalrenoveringsalternativen ger alla en lägre årligenergikostnad jämfört med det oljeuppvärmda ursprungshuset, och inom 20 år harman tjänat in renoveringen. Enligt beräkningar är det mest lönsammatotalrenoveringsalternativet att efter 15 år ha valt putsad fasad medpelletsuppvärmning, och efter 20 år har det varit mest lönsamt att välja putsadfasad med kombinerad sol- och pelletsuppvärmning. Nackdelen med totalrenoveringsförslagen är att alla inte har möjligheten att utföraallt, men att exempelvis enbart byta värmekälla och tilläggsisolera vinden kan göraen skillnad för plånbok och miljö. / Environmental issues are in the current situation a subject of interest and concernto many people at various levels and in different subject areas. The demands fromour government and the EU is becoming increasingly tight and the study ofconstruction technology available today requires a building's specific energyconsumption in new buildings. The problem is that there is no specificrequirement for existing buildings and these buildings often have high energyconsumption. The possibility that in the near future there will come demands forthe existing population, like the demands which exists for new construction, is notunreasonable. It is therefore important that we now look at what action that ispossible to take to reduce energy consumption in older buildings and as aguideline strive to achieve the requirements for new construction. There are many possibilities and approaches to energy efficiency of the olderpopulation of housing. In order to achieve quality of work has a boundary madeto only study house from the 1960s and see what actions it is possible to take andits profitability. In order to give an answer, three questions were presented dealingwith energy declarations for buildings from the 1960s in the municipality ofJönköping, and a case study of a 1960s building. The study of energy declarations gave knowledge of the most common energyleaks and the cost-effective measures that the municipality is recommended. Themost common energy leaks were found to be thermal bridges, natural ventilation,water loss and heat loss through the fireplace. The cost-effective measures that themunicipality’s recommended proved to be, as expected, based on the mostcommon energy leaks and are water saving products, new adjustment techniquesfor indoor temperature, window measures, supplementary insulation of the atticand an installation of a cassette in the fireplace. The case study with its energycalculations of the house from the 1960s showed the same energy villains whowere most common according to the energy declarations. In order to improve thebuilding from an energy perspective was different complete renovation proposalsfor improving energy efficiency of building raised, and the various proposalsprofitability was calculated. Renovation proposals consist of replacing the heatingsource, additional insulation of facade, wind and ground, the replacement ofwindows as well as solar power contribute to. To obtain profitability is annualenergy cost for the complete renovation proposals compared to the originaloil-heated house's annual energy costs. All the designed renovation options gives alower annual energy costs compared to the original oil-heated house, and within20 years it has earned the renovation. According to estimates, the most profitablecomplete renovation proposal after 15 years is to have chosen plaster façade withpellet heating, and after 20 years it has been most profitable to choose plasterfaçade with combined solar and pellet heating. The disadvantage of the complete renovation proposals is that not everyone hasthe ability to accomplish everything, but for example to only change the source ofheat and can make a difference both for his wallet and the environment.
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Fabrication and characterisation of SWCNT-PMMA and charcoal-PMMA composites with superior electrical conductivity and surface hardness propertiesMada, Mykanth Reddy, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Fabrication of SWCNT-PMMA and Activated Charcoal- PMMA composites was carried out by the compression moulding technique. Then Mechanical and Electrical properties of the composites were investigated. The morphological studies of composites showed a) good dispersion of fillers and b) good interaction between fillers and matrix. Electrical conductivity of SWCNT-PMMA composites was increased by 9 orders of magnitude (at 0.8 % volume fraction of SWCNT) and that of AC-PMMA composites increased by 16 orders of magnitude (at 17 % volume fraction of AC). The percolation threshold of both composites turned out to be lower compared to the theoretical values. A significant improvement in mechanical properties was obtained ??? particularly in AC-PMMA composites which showed a 400 % improvement in Vickers microhardness ??? raising the polymer matrix abrasion property literally to that of Aluminium alloys (Dobrazanski et al 2006). In conclusion, it is to be noted that Activated Charcoal - PMMA composites have a great potential for cost effective conducting polymer composite production by the use of cheap filler: In addition, the compression moulding technique shows good potential for cost effective fabricating technique for amorphous polymers with high electrical and mechanical properties.
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