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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posúdenie úverovej schopnosti podniku bankou pomocou finančnej analýzy s dôrazom na Cash flow / Evaluation of corporate credit ability using financial analysis with emphasis on cash flow.

Valášková, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Focus of the thesis is financial analysis in credit analysis process. It evaluates a relevance of liquidity and ability of a company to generate cash flow to repay its debt and interests. It shows financial analysis of a company, cash flow analysis and the meaning of finantial rations from the bank point of view. It describes Erste Group Bank methodology and aplies to Telefonica O2 Business Solutions ltd.

Financování farmaceutické společnosti bankou / Bank financing of pharmaceutical company

Drexlerová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to propose a financing structure for the selected company and then process the credit application. The first part is focused on the strategy of the bank, lending products and the risks that the bank undertakes. Also contains a description of the credit process - the calculation of a credit rating, financing structuring, collateral, covenants determination and processing of credit application. The thesis analyses the specifics of the pharmaceutical industry. Theoretical knowledge is applied to the example of financing of pharmaceutical company and the preparation of a credit application.

An overview of the relationship between the South Africa banking sector and the South African wine industry

Du Toit, Johannes Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study shows that a close relationship exists between the South African wine industry and South African financial institutions. Research indicated a need to understand the characteristics and complexity of the wine industry, as well as that of credit assessment. This is important for both industries to further develop and strengthen their relationships. SA WIS provides statistics about various aspects of the South African wine industry. The wine industry is characterised by a fragmented basis. To strategically focus the industry, the South African Wine and Brandy Company (SAWB) was established in 2002. In the application for finance it is important for the applicant to know how credit is evaluated by financial institutions, and which aspects are of importance in the application. One cannot predict the future. The credit assessor therefore bases his credit decision on historical financial data, with the assumption that the trend will continue unless there are indications to the contrary. A specific wine industry credit application and evaluation process is discussed in the study. The final decision is only as good as the analysis, and the analysis is only as good as the information gathered. This study thus provides evidence that with a better understanding of the South African wine industry, financial institutions will be able to assess credit risks better. Similarly, the wine industry will benefit by a better understanding of credit assessment when applying for finance. A detail SWOT analysis was done on this industry. A summary was done of the most important finance needs of the South Afican wine industry, compared to the financial products offered by the South African banking industry and the information required to do the credit assessment. The additional information that the wine industry can supply to help the assessor to assess the application, is also listed. The study closes with proposals to the South African wine and banking industries on what to implement, in an effort to achieve a better relationship. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie toon dat 'n verwantskap bestaan tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse wynindustrie en Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele instellings. Navorsing toon aan dat daar 'n behoefte bestaan om die karaktereienskappe en kompleksiteit van die wynindustrie te verstaan, sowel as die van krediet keuring. 'n Beter verstandhouding is nodig om die twee industriee se verwantskap te versterk. SAWIS verskaf statistieke oor 'n verskeidenheid van die wynindustrie se aktiwiteite. Die wynindustrie het 'n gefragmenteerde basis. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Wyn en Brandewyn Maatskappy (SAWB) is in 2002 gestig, juis ten doel om die bedryf strategies te fokus. Dit is belangrik vir 'n aansoeker van krediet om te verstaan hoe die finansiele instelling kredietaansoeke evalueer, asook watter aspekte belangrik is om aan te spreek in 'n kredietaansoek. Die toekoms kan nie met sekerheid bepaal word nie. Die kredietkeurder baseer dus sy kredietkeuring op historiese data, met die aanname dat die tendens sal aanhou, tensy daar aanduidings is van die teendeel. 'n Spesifieke wynindustrie kredietaansoek en evaluasieproses word bespreek in die studie. Die finale krediet besluit is slegs soos goed soos die analise en die analise op sy beurt is weer net so goed soos die inligting wat versamel is. Die studie bewys dus dat met 'n beter begrip van die Suid-Afrikaanse wynindustrie, finansiele instellings 'n beter kredietanalise evaluasie sal kan doen. Terselfdertyd sal die wynindustrie bevoordeel word deur beter te verstaan hoe kredietaansoeke geevalueer word wanneer vir finansiering aansoek gedoen word. 'n Detail SWOT-analise is op die bedryf gedoen. 'n Opsomming word gedoen van die mees algemene finansieringsbehoeftes in die wynbedryf, gemeet teenoor die finansiele produkte aangebied en inligting vereis deur die finansiele instellings. Addisionele inligting wat die wynbedryf kan bied ten einde die kredietkeurder te help om die aansoek beter te kan evalueer, word ook gelys. Die studie sluit af met voorstelle aan die Suid Afrikaanse wyn- en bank industriee wat geimplimenteer kan word teneinde 'n beter verhouding te bewerkstellig.

Social Media und Banken – Die Reaktionen von Facebook-Nutzern auf Kreditanalysen mit Social Media Daten / Social Media and Banks – Facebook Users Reactions to Meta Data Based Credit Analysis

Thießen, Friedrich, Brenger, Jan Justus, Kühn, Annemarie, Gliem, Georg, Nake, Marianne, Neuber, Markus, Wulf, Daniel 14 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Trend zur Auswertung aller nur möglichen Datenbestände für kommerzielle Zwecke ist eine nicht mehr aufzuhaltende Entwicklung. Auch für die Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung wird überlegt, Daten aus Sozialen Netzwerken einzusetzen. Die Forschungsfrage entsteht, wie die Nutzer dieser Netzwerke reagieren, wenn Banken ihre privaten Profile durchsuchen. Mit Hilfe einer Befragung von 271 Probanden wurde dieses Problem erforscht. Die Ergebnisse sind wie folgt: Die betroffenen Bürger sehen die Entwicklung mit Sorge. Sie begreifen ganz rational die neuen Geschäftsmodelle und ihre Logik und erkennen die Vorteile. Sie stehen dem Big-Data-Ansatz nicht vollkommen ablehnend gegenüber. Abgelehnt wird es aber, wenn sich Daten aus sozialen Medien negativ für eine Person auswirken. Wenn man schon sein Facebook-Profil einer Bank öffnet, dann will man einen Vorteil davon haben, keinen Nachteil. Ein Teil der Gesellschaft lehnt das Schnüffeln in privaten Daten strikt ab. Insgesamt sind die Antworten deutlich linksschief verteilt mit einem sehr dicken Ende im ablehnenden Bereich. Das Schnüffeln in privaten Daten wird als unethisch und unfair empfunden. Die Menschen fühlen sich im Gegenzug berechtigt, ihre Facebook-Daten zu manipulieren. Eine wie-Du-mir-so-ich-Dir-Mentalität ist festzustellen. Wer kommerziell ausgeschnüffelt wird, der antwortet kommerziell mit Manipulationen seiner Daten. Insgesamt ist Banken zu raten, nicht Vorreiter der Entwicklung zu sein, sondern abzuwarten, welche Erfahrungen Fintechs machen. Banken haben zu hohe Opportunitätskosten in Form des Verlustes von Kundenvertrauen. / The trend to analyze all conceivable data sets for commercial purposes is unstoppable. Banks and fintechs try to use social media data to assess the creditworthiness of potential customers. The research question is how social media users react when they realize that their bank evaluates personal social media profiles. An inquiry among 271 test persons has been performed to analyze this problem. The results are as follows: The persons are able to rationally reflect the reasons for the development and the logic behind big data analyses. They realize the advantages, but also see risks. Opening social media profiles to banks should not lead to individual disadvantages. Instead, people expect an advantage from opening their profiles voluntarily. This is a moral attitude. An important minority of 20 to 30 % argues strictly against the commercial use of social media data. When people realize that they cannot prevent the commercial use of private data, they start to manipulate them. Manipulation becomes more extensive when test persons learn about critical details of big data analyses. Those who realize that their private data are used commercially think it would be fair to answer in the same style. So the whole society moves into a commercial direction. To sum up, banks should be reluctant and careful in analyzing private client big data. Instead, banks should give the lead to fintechs as they have fewer opportunity costs, because they do not depend on good customer relations for related products.

Řízení úvěrového rizika v českých bankách / The credit risk management in the Czech banks

Čedíková, Gabriela January 2010 (has links)
Subject of my thesis is a credit risk in the czech banking environment. It consists of five chapters. First one contains description of basic risks banks are exposed to. The next one addresses the credit risk itself and its management, including determination of credit policy and the process of credit granting. Related to this topic is hedging, in broader sense also including provisioning and reserves creation. Third chapter is about credit derivatives, via which the credit risk can be reduced. Closely related to this topic is a securitisation process and it's products. Fourth chapter deals with regulation, which is an essential part of the banking sector nowadays. I focus primarily on Basel II and its credit risk part. In the final chapter I describe credit risk management of one of the biggest czech banks, Ceska sporitelna, which granted most credits in 2010.

A study on failure prediction models as enhancements to the credit evaluation procedure in a South African corporate bank.

Reeves, Jonathan Douglas. January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (MBA)-University of Natal, Durban, 2001.

Etude de la pertinence des normes IFRS au regard de l’analyse crédit bancaire des entreprises / Study of IFRS relevance to corporate credit analysis

Boukari, Mariam 18 February 2014 (has links)
Les normes IFRS, de part leur affiliation directe au modèle comptable anglo-saxon, soulèvent la question de la pertinence de leur mise en application au sein de l’Europe Continentale.Cette recherche tente d’éclairer cette question, en présentant, à partir d’une étude de cas de l’activité de cotation crédit Banque de France (BdF), les incidences du passage aux IFRS sur leur méthodologie d’analyse financière et sur le diagnostic crédit des groupes français.Cette recherche fait état d’un effet favorable des normes IFRS sur le diagnostic du risque de crédit des groupes français.Cet effet favorable passe aussi bien par un gain informatif des normes IFRS que par l’adaptation sélective et prudentielle de la méthodologie d’analyse financière BdF aux conventions IFRS. / IFRS, by their direct affiliation to the Anglo-Saxon accounting model, raise the question of their relevance to the Continental Europe context.This study aims to shed light on this question by highlighting, from a practical case study of the French Central Bank credit rating system, the implications of IFRS adoption in France for the methodology of financial statement analysis and credit rating of French groups.Results show a positive effect of new standards regarding the credit risk of non financial groups. They point out also that this effect can be equally attributed to the gain of transparency occasioned by the IFRS but also to the selective and conservative approach of the French Central Bank Credit Methodology.

Análise quantitativa das relações entre usuários no twitter

Oliveira, Roberto Felicio de 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3044613 bytes, checksum: ac6f232fbaffeef51a820cf84e776ebe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Under the aspect of social beings, humans seek relentlessly interact with each other, in various occasions. This reality, expanded to the virtual world, which allows communication without borders through the Internet between people anywhere in the world. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze quantitatively the relationships among Twitter users, through the use of Social Media monitoring tools combined with the techniques of Social Network Analysis, aiming to define the profile relationship of individuals within the scenario of which the same is inserted either in education or credit. Studies show that by applying the metrics degree of centrality, brokerage and centrality centrality proximity is possible to define the profile of collaborative people in a particular group, and any flaws in the dissemination of information on the same. It should be noted also, that this research presents a way to define participation and affinity of people in a given context. The results show that it is possible to correlate the data of users on Twitter, with their indices regarding the application of the metrics data with social network analysis and credit companies in order to quantitatively analyze the relationship of these users on various aspects rated the credit crunch. / Sob o aspecto de seres sociais, os seres humanos procuram incessantemente interagir uns com os outros, nas mais variadas ocasiões. Realidade esta, expandida ao mundo virtual, ao qual permite uma comunicação sem fronteiras através da Internet entre as pessoas de qualquer parte do mundo. Desta maneira, a presente dissertação visa analisar quantitativamente os relacionamentos entre usuários do Twitter, através da utilização de ferramentas de monitoramento de Redes Sociais aliados à técnicas de Análise de Rede Sociais, objetivando definir o perfil de relacionamento dos indivíduos dentro do cenário ao qual o mesmo encontra-se inserido quer na área de educação ou crédito. Os estudos realizados revelam que através da aplicação das métricas grau de centralidade, centralidade de intermediação e centralidade de proximidade é possível definir o perfil colaborativo das pessoas dentro de um determinado grupo e eventuais falhas na disseminação de informações no mesmo. Salienta-se também, que a referida pesquisa apresenta uma forma de definir a participação e a afinidade de pessoas em um determinado contexto. Os resultados obtidos mostram que é possível correlacionar os dados dos usuários no Twitter, com seus índices referente a aplicação das métricas de análise de redes sociais e com dados de empresas de crédito, a fim de analisar quantitativamente o relacionamento destes usuários em diversos aspectos votados à restrição de crédito.

Gestão do risco de crédito das cooperativas de crédito na região sudoeste do Paraná

Monteiro, Marcelino Armindo 18 July 2014 (has links)
PEC-PG. CNPq / As cooperativas de crédito são regidas pelos mesmos princípios cooperativistas, mas agregam funções financeiras como os bancos tradicionais. A solidariedade na área financeira permite que as cooperativas de crédito levem aos seus cooperados os fundos poupados ou repassando os de desenvolvimento governamental das políticas públicas em forma de crédito. É evidente, no entanto, que nem sempre os “apoios” são devolvidos da mesma maneira como foram recebidos, neste mundo de muita perfeição e de alta competitividade. Assim, integra o elemento estranho no meio onde se imagina seu difícil acesso, a falta de confiança no cumprimento do contrato de crédito contraído pelos credores (cooperados). É conhecido como Risco de Crédito ou de um eventual não pagamento das dívidas contraídas pelos cooperados, o principal fator para processo de Gestão de Risco de Crédito nas instituições cooperativas do mundo. Desse modo, se insere o problema da pesquisa, sendo nova a gestão de risco nas cooperativas de crédito e num mercado assombrado pelas crises financeiras, e com isso se questiona: em que medida ou em que ponto o cumprimento das normas da gestão de risco de crédito nessas instituições vem sendo atendido? Com base nessa preocupação, traçaram-se os objetivos, que apontam em avaliar as práticas de gestão de risco em cooperativas de crédito do Sudoeste do Paraná (PR) de acordo com as resoluções do Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN). Para isso, tem-se como objetivos específicos: listar as práticas de gestão de risco necessárias para a concessão de crédito; identificar de que forma estão sendo abordadas as práticas de gestão de risco de crédito, considerando-se normas de CMN; verificar qual é o impacto da gestão de risco percebido pelos gestores nas cooperativas de crédito; levantar em termos quantitativos quanto essas cooperativas perdem anualmente em inadimplência (default); comparar as práticas das cooperativas pesquisadas entre si e com as resoluções do CMN. O trabalho se justifica pela importância do processo de gestão de risco para as instituições cooperativas, para a academia e pela contribuição no reforço àquilo que o CMN vem recomendado nas suas resoluções. Para se atingir os resultados pretendidos, foi aplicado um estudo de caso múltiplo nas cooperativas CRESOL, SICOOB e SICREDI/PR, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, em parte com dados secundários e primários. Os dados secundários foram levantados por meio da revisão da literatura referente às áreas de cooperativismo em geral e de crédito, a gestão de risco de crédito e normas e as resoluções do CMN sobre o tema, além de informações nos Relatórios Financeiros das três cooperativas. Os dados primários foram levantados por meio de aplicação de questionário nessas instituições, sendo entrevistados os Gerentes de Crédito, o Assessor Sênior da Controladoria e o Assessor e Supervisor de Crédito. Os dados levantados foram comparados entre as informações dos entrevistados da mesma instituição e depois com as outras, sendo que, na análise dos dados, os nomes das mesmas (instituições) deixaram de ser citadas e foi atribuído o nome de CASO (CASO1, CASO2, e 3 ). Foi identificada uma preocupação com a gestão de risco nessas instituições. Também se percebeu que o crédito só é liberado quando passa por análise de, no mínimo, três pessoas. Existem procedimentos de análise de crédito que seguem todas as alçadas necessárias para que a proposta seja deferida e também são avaliados de acordo com a renda do proponente e as cooperativas singulares são classificadas de acordo com seus patrimônios de Referências (PR) e Patrimônios de Referências exigidas (PRE), para receberem crédito das suas centrais e até para liberarem crédito aos seus cooperados Pessoa Jurídica, caso existam. Mesmo assim, foram localizadas as perdas (prejuízos), algumas mais acentuadas do que outras. Percebe-se que ainda existem reduzidos estudos sobre gestão de risco nas cooperativas de crédito, dada à situação em que se encontravam as mesmas, mas atualmente vale reforçar as pesquisas para conhecer como essas instituições lidam com a gestão de risco de crédito e outros riscos. / Credit unions are governed by the same cooperative principles but add financial functions as traditional banks. Solidarity in the financial area allows credit unions to take to their members or transferring funds spared government development of public policy in the form of credit. But it is not always clear that the "support" are returned the same way they were received, in this world of too much perfection and high competitiveness. Integrates the foreign element in the middle where you think its difficult access, lack of confidence in the fulfillment of the credit agreement contracted by creditors (cooperative). Known as credit risk or a possible non-payment of debts contracted by the cooperatives the main factor for Credit Risk Management process in cooperative institutions in the world. Thus falls the research problem, and new risk management in credit unions and a market haunted by financial crises, and if it asks: To what extent or at what point the compliance of the management of credit risk these institutions has been met? Based on this concern were traced objectives, which aim to assess the practices of risk management in credit unions Southwest of Paraná (PR) according to the resolutions of the National Monetary Council (CMN). For this, one has the following specific objectives: List the risk management practices needed to grant credit; Identify how they are being addressed management practices of credit risk considering CMN standard; Ascertain the impact of the management of risk perceived by managers in credit unions; Rise in quantitative terms as these cooperatives lost annually in default; Compare practices of cooperatives surveyed each other and with the resolutions of the CMN. The work is justified by the importance of the risk management process for cooperative institutions, academia and the contribution to the reinforcement to what the CMN has been recommended in its resolutions. And to achieve the desired results a study of multiple case was applied in cooperative CRESOL, SICOOB and SICREDI / PR, with qualitative and quantitative approach in part with secondary and primary data. The secondary data were collected by reviewing the literature pertaining to the areas of cooperative movement in general and credit risk management and credit standards and CMN resolutions on the topic, also collected in the Financial Reports of the three Credit unions. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire in these institutions, being interviewed Managers of Credit, Senior Advisor of the Comptroller, Assessor and Supervisor of Credit. And the data obtained were compared to the information of the respondents from the same institution and then with the other, in the data analysis of the same names (institutions) are no longer quoted and was assigned the name of CASE (case1 case2 and 3). A concern with risk management in these institutions was identified. Also noticed that credit is only been released when passing by analysis of at least three people. There are procedures for credit analysis that follows all the necessary limits for the proposal to be granted and are evaluated according to the income of the applicant and the individual cooperatives are classified according to their Wealth of References (PR in Portuguese) and Heritage References Required (PRE in Portuguese), to receive credit of their plants and up to release credit to their members Corporations if any. Yet losses were located some steeper others do not. Realize that there are still smaller studies on risk management in credit unions, given the situation they were in the same, but is currently worth strengthen research to know how these institutions deal with the management of credit risk and other risks. / 5000

Gestão do risco de crédito das cooperativas de crédito na região sudoeste do Paraná

Monteiro, Marcelino Armindo 18 July 2014 (has links)
PEC-PG. CNPq / As cooperativas de crédito são regidas pelos mesmos princípios cooperativistas, mas agregam funções financeiras como os bancos tradicionais. A solidariedade na área financeira permite que as cooperativas de crédito levem aos seus cooperados os fundos poupados ou repassando os de desenvolvimento governamental das políticas públicas em forma de crédito. É evidente, no entanto, que nem sempre os “apoios” são devolvidos da mesma maneira como foram recebidos, neste mundo de muita perfeição e de alta competitividade. Assim, integra o elemento estranho no meio onde se imagina seu difícil acesso, a falta de confiança no cumprimento do contrato de crédito contraído pelos credores (cooperados). É conhecido como Risco de Crédito ou de um eventual não pagamento das dívidas contraídas pelos cooperados, o principal fator para processo de Gestão de Risco de Crédito nas instituições cooperativas do mundo. Desse modo, se insere o problema da pesquisa, sendo nova a gestão de risco nas cooperativas de crédito e num mercado assombrado pelas crises financeiras, e com isso se questiona: em que medida ou em que ponto o cumprimento das normas da gestão de risco de crédito nessas instituições vem sendo atendido? Com base nessa preocupação, traçaram-se os objetivos, que apontam em avaliar as práticas de gestão de risco em cooperativas de crédito do Sudoeste do Paraná (PR) de acordo com as resoluções do Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN). Para isso, tem-se como objetivos específicos: listar as práticas de gestão de risco necessárias para a concessão de crédito; identificar de que forma estão sendo abordadas as práticas de gestão de risco de crédito, considerando-se normas de CMN; verificar qual é o impacto da gestão de risco percebido pelos gestores nas cooperativas de crédito; levantar em termos quantitativos quanto essas cooperativas perdem anualmente em inadimplência (default); comparar as práticas das cooperativas pesquisadas entre si e com as resoluções do CMN. O trabalho se justifica pela importância do processo de gestão de risco para as instituições cooperativas, para a academia e pela contribuição no reforço àquilo que o CMN vem recomendado nas suas resoluções. Para se atingir os resultados pretendidos, foi aplicado um estudo de caso múltiplo nas cooperativas CRESOL, SICOOB e SICREDI/PR, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, em parte com dados secundários e primários. Os dados secundários foram levantados por meio da revisão da literatura referente às áreas de cooperativismo em geral e de crédito, a gestão de risco de crédito e normas e as resoluções do CMN sobre o tema, além de informações nos Relatórios Financeiros das três cooperativas. Os dados primários foram levantados por meio de aplicação de questionário nessas instituições, sendo entrevistados os Gerentes de Crédito, o Assessor Sênior da Controladoria e o Assessor e Supervisor de Crédito. Os dados levantados foram comparados entre as informações dos entrevistados da mesma instituição e depois com as outras, sendo que, na análise dos dados, os nomes das mesmas (instituições) deixaram de ser citadas e foi atribuído o nome de CASO (CASO1, CASO2, e 3 ). Foi identificada uma preocupação com a gestão de risco nessas instituições. Também se percebeu que o crédito só é liberado quando passa por análise de, no mínimo, três pessoas. Existem procedimentos de análise de crédito que seguem todas as alçadas necessárias para que a proposta seja deferida e também são avaliados de acordo com a renda do proponente e as cooperativas singulares são classificadas de acordo com seus patrimônios de Referências (PR) e Patrimônios de Referências exigidas (PRE), para receberem crédito das suas centrais e até para liberarem crédito aos seus cooperados Pessoa Jurídica, caso existam. Mesmo assim, foram localizadas as perdas (prejuízos), algumas mais acentuadas do que outras. Percebe-se que ainda existem reduzidos estudos sobre gestão de risco nas cooperativas de crédito, dada à situação em que se encontravam as mesmas, mas atualmente vale reforçar as pesquisas para conhecer como essas instituições lidam com a gestão de risco de crédito e outros riscos. / Credit unions are governed by the same cooperative principles but add financial functions as traditional banks. Solidarity in the financial area allows credit unions to take to their members or transferring funds spared government development of public policy in the form of credit. But it is not always clear that the "support" are returned the same way they were received, in this world of too much perfection and high competitiveness. Integrates the foreign element in the middle where you think its difficult access, lack of confidence in the fulfillment of the credit agreement contracted by creditors (cooperative). Known as credit risk or a possible non-payment of debts contracted by the cooperatives the main factor for Credit Risk Management process in cooperative institutions in the world. Thus falls the research problem, and new risk management in credit unions and a market haunted by financial crises, and if it asks: To what extent or at what point the compliance of the management of credit risk these institutions has been met? Based on this concern were traced objectives, which aim to assess the practices of risk management in credit unions Southwest of Paraná (PR) according to the resolutions of the National Monetary Council (CMN). For this, one has the following specific objectives: List the risk management practices needed to grant credit; Identify how they are being addressed management practices of credit risk considering CMN standard; Ascertain the impact of the management of risk perceived by managers in credit unions; Rise in quantitative terms as these cooperatives lost annually in default; Compare practices of cooperatives surveyed each other and with the resolutions of the CMN. The work is justified by the importance of the risk management process for cooperative institutions, academia and the contribution to the reinforcement to what the CMN has been recommended in its resolutions. And to achieve the desired results a study of multiple case was applied in cooperative CRESOL, SICOOB and SICREDI / PR, with qualitative and quantitative approach in part with secondary and primary data. The secondary data were collected by reviewing the literature pertaining to the areas of cooperative movement in general and credit risk management and credit standards and CMN resolutions on the topic, also collected in the Financial Reports of the three Credit unions. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire in these institutions, being interviewed Managers of Credit, Senior Advisor of the Comptroller, Assessor and Supervisor of Credit. And the data obtained were compared to the information of the respondents from the same institution and then with the other, in the data analysis of the same names (institutions) are no longer quoted and was assigned the name of CASE (case1 case2 and 3). A concern with risk management in these institutions was identified. Also noticed that credit is only been released when passing by analysis of at least three people. There are procedures for credit analysis that follows all the necessary limits for the proposal to be granted and are evaluated according to the income of the applicant and the individual cooperatives are classified according to their Wealth of References (PR in Portuguese) and Heritage References Required (PRE in Portuguese), to receive credit of their plants and up to release credit to their members Corporations if any. Yet losses were located some steeper others do not. Realize that there are still smaller studies on risk management in credit unions, given the situation they were in the same, but is currently worth strengthen research to know how these institutions deal with the management of credit risk and other risks. / 5000

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