Spelling suggestions: "subject:"criterion A"" "subject:"eriterion A""
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A questão da racionalidade jurídica em Hart e em Dworkin / The question of rationality of law in Hart and DworkinCarlos Ogawa Colontonio 28 April 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar o modelo racional jurídico elaborado por Hart e o modelo racional jurídico elaborado por Dworkin, assim como a crítica realizada por Dworkin em face do Conceito de Direito oferecido por Hart. O positivista, Herbert Hart, propõe que o direito é formado por um sistema de regras primárias e regras secundárias, sendo que uma regra de reconhecimento é responsável por identificar quais regras estão ou não incluídas em tal sistema. Caso seja apresentado um problema que não é resolvido por uma regra reconhecida pelo critério, deverá o julgador apelar para a discricionariedade. Dworkin, em um primeiro momento, criticará o conceito de Hart, alegando que o seu critério de demarcação entre o que é direito e o que não é direito é insatisfatório, por deixar de reconhecer vários elementos como jurídicos, uma vez que a regra de reconhecimento, sendo um teste de pedigree, não à capaz de captar princípios de direito não legislados e direitos e deveres controversos. Ademais, há um erro na teoria positivista de Hart, ao afirmar que os casos não claramente resolvidos por uma regra serão resolvidos a partir da arbitrariedade da autoridade estatal. Posteriormente, Dworkin oferecerá um modelo de direito que dê conta da realidade jurídica, em seu entendimento. Um modelo em que o jurista, a partir do equilíbrio reflexivo e do axioma da equidade poderá deduzir teorias possíveis para responder problemas do direito, identificando, dentre estas teorias, qual é a melhor resposta, sendo portanto a resposta exigível para a solução da lide concreta. / The objective of this research is to present the rational legal model presented by Hart and rational legal model presented by Dworkin as well as criticism made by Dworkin in the face of the Concept of Law offered by Hart. The positivist, Herbert Hart, proposes that the right is formed by a system of primary rules and secondary rules, and a rule of recognition is responsible for identifying what rules are or are not included in this system. If presented with a problem that is not resolved by a rule recognized by the criterion, the judge should resort to discretion. Dworkin, at first, criticize the concept of Hart, claiming that his criterion of demarcation between what is right and what is not right is unsatisfactory, for failing to recognize various elements such as legal, as a rule of recognition , being a test of pedigree, not able to capture the principles of law and not legislated rights and duties controversial. Furthermore, there is an error in the positivist theory of Hart, asserting that the cases do not clearly resolved by a rule will be resolved from the arbitrariness of state authority. Later, Dworkin offer a model law that embraces the legal reality in his mind. A model in which the lawyer from the reflective equilibrium and the axiom of justice may deduct possible theories to address problems of law, identifying, among these theories, what is the best answer, the answer is therefore required for the solution of the dispute concrete.
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Biaxial Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Untreated UHPC Waffle Slab Bridge Deck Design and TestingD'Alessandro, Kacie Caple 28 August 2013 (has links)
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) was evaluated as a potential material for future bridge deck designs. Material characterization tests took place to identify potential challenges in mixing, placing, and curing UHPC. Biaxial testing was performed to evaluate behavior of UHPC in combined tension and compression stress states. A UHPC bridge deck was designed to perform similarly to a conventional concrete bridge deck, and a single unit bridge deck section was tested to evaluate the design methods used for untreated UHPC.
Material tests identified challenges with placing UHPC. A specified compressive strength was determined for structural design using untreated UHPC, which was identified as a cost-effective alternative to steam treated UHPC.
UHPC was tested in biaxial tension-compression stress states. A biaxial test method was developed for UHPC to directly apply tension and compression. The influence of both curing method and fiber orientation were evaluated. The failure envelope developed for untreated UHPC with random fiber orientation was suggested as a conservative estimate for future analysis of UHPC. Digital image correlation was also evaluated as a means to estimate surface strains of UHPC, and recommendations are provided to improve consistency in future tests using DIC methods.
A preliminary bridge deck design was completed for untreated UHPC and using established material models. Prestressing steel was used as primary reinforcement in the transverse direction. Preliminary testing was used to evaluate three different placement scenarios, and results showed that fiber settling was a potential placement problem resulting in reduced tensile strength. The UHPC bridge deck was redesigned to incorporate preliminary test results, and two single unit bridge deck sections were tested to evaluate the incorporated design methods for both upside down and right-side up placement techniques. Test results showed that the applied design methods would be conservative for either placement method. / Ph. D.
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SFI-elevers syntaktiska utveckling från C- till D-nivå : En jämförelse med processbarhetsteorin som analysmodellFredriksson, Ann Margaretha January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att utvärdera hur elever på SFI utvecklar de syntaktiska kunskaperna i det svenska språket. Utifrån ett skriftligt nationellt prov jämfördes 15 elever på C-nivå med 15 elever på D-nivå. Texternas syntax analyserades med fokus på ordföljd vid topikaliserade huvudsatser samt bisatser. Jag använde mig av processbarhetsteorin som analysverktyg. Processbarhetsteorin är utarbetad av Pienemann och teorin har två grammatiska delar, en morfologisk del och en syntaktisk del. Teorins syfte är att, med hjälp av dess implikationella inlärningsgångar, beskriva var en inlärare befinner sig och vad som kommer härnäst i utvecklingen (Flymann, Mattsson & Håkansson 2010 s. 15). Resultatet visade att D-eleverna använde bisatser i mycket högre utsträckning än C-eleverna. På grund av det ringa antalet satsadverbial gick det dock inte att fastställa att inlärarna gjorde skillnad på huvudsats- och bisatsordföljd. Resultatet av studien visade vidare att C-eleverna, med knapp marginal, topikaliserade sina huvudsatser i högre utsträckning. Osäkerheten kring faktorer som t.ex. skrivämnets påverkan gjorde att det inte gick att dra någon slutats i huruvida C-eleverna faktiskt hade mer kunskap gällande omvänd ordföljd. Studiens resultat visade att för att kunna göra en jämförelse med god validitet av elevernas syntax, hade det krävts ett kompletterande material till skrivningarna för att locka fram mer ovanliga grammatiska strukturer. Studiens resultat visade också att processbarhetsteorins inlärningsgångar stämmer väl med elevernas inlärningsgångar. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-06-04</p>
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Segmentace mluvčích s využitím statistických metod klasifikace / Speaker Segmentation using statistical methods of classificationAdamský, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis discusses in detail some concepts of speech and prosody that can contribute to build a speech corpus for the speaker segmentation purpose. Moreover, the Elan multimedia annotator used for labeling is described. The theoretical part highlights some frequently used speech features such as MFCC, PLP and LPC and deals with currently most popular speech segmentation methods. Some classification algorithms are also mentioned. The practical part describes implementation of Bayesian information criterium algorithm in system for automatic speaker segmentation. For classification of speaker change point in speech, were used different speech features. The results of tests were evaluated by the graphic method of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and his quantitative indices. As the best speech features for this system were provided MFCC and HFCC.
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Výběr IS/ICT pro kulturní klub s restaurací / Choice of IS/ICT for Cultural Club with RestaurantŠpaček, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
There are an analysis of main business processes, inner and outer spheres of business where IS/ICT could be a merit in the thesis. Suitable information and communication technologies are chosen to support running a company which deals with cultural events organizing and restaurant activities.
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Silové účinky proudu s volnou hladinou na usměrňovací prvek / Effect of free surface flow forces on the rectifying elementHöll, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the research of the effect of free surface flow forces on the rectifying element and consists of several parts. The first part processes and evaluates the measured values from a physical model. In the next part measurement is checked according to hydraulic laws. In the third part comparison of both methods is created.
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Vliv optimalizace uspořádání montážních pracovišť na ekonomické, logistické a procesní parametry výrobního systému ve firmě Automotive Lighting / Optimal layout of assembly workplaces and its effect on economical, logistic and procedural parameters of the manufacturing systems at an Automotive Lighting companyProcházka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis deals with layout optimizing of pre-assembly workplaces in company Automotive Lighting Jihlava. Identification of actual status and analysis of defects was provided. Based of this investigation two versions of future ordering were compared. One of them was chosen by multi-criterion evaluation and detail plan was plotted. Ergonomic analysis by software simulation and economic balance were done too.
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Biologické kritérium nepříčetnosti a otázka trestní odpovědnosti pachatele / The biological criterion of insanity and the issue of criminal liability of the offenderHubáčková, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
1 Summary The presented thesis deals with mental disorders and their meaning in criminal law in general, not only from the law point of view, but even from the point of view of the psychiatry. It also deals with the insanity emphasized the biological criterion of insanity. It discusses in detail the legislation of the Czech republic and also the legislation in global. The definition of insanity doesn't exist in legislative, but the judicature and law theory work with the concept of two criterions of insanity - the biological and the juristic. The biological criterion of insanity means the mental disorder. Professionals use the International classification of diseases MKN - 10th revision as the correct explanation of the mental disorders. This classification system is neccessary for the determination of the right diagnosis. The classification consist of the scale from F0 to F99. There are groups of specific mental disorders like mental, behavioural and mood disorders (affective disorders) etc. The forensic importance of some mental disorders is higher than the others, therefore I mention only the some of them. In the description of the specific mental disorder are also used real cases. To determine the sanity of the offenders are used the certificated experts. Education, research, preventive treatment and...
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Information Content in Data Sets: A Review of Methods for Interrogation and Model ComparisonBanks, H. Thomas, Joyner, Michele L. 01 January 2018 (has links)
In this reviewwe discuss methodology to ascertain the amount of information in given data sets with respect to determination of model parameters with desired levels of uncertainty.We do this in the context of least squares (ordinary,weighted, iterative reweightedweighted or "generalized", etc.) based inverse problem formulations. The ideas are illustrated with several examples of interest in the biological and environmental sciences.
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Thermophilic proteins : stability and function / Les protéines thermophiles : stabilité et fonctionKatava, Marina 14 October 2016 (has links)
La température est un paramètre crucial dans le fonctionnement du monde vivant, notamment de la machinerie moléculaire (les protéines) dont la stabilité et l’activité en dépendent sensiblement. Celles-ci sont souvent considérées comme étant équivalentes : si une protéine fonctionne, c’est qu’elle est stable, et vice-versa. Cependant, les protéines des organismes thermophiles, qui prolifèrent dans de températures élevées, sont stables à température ambiante, mais y présentent une faible activité. Cette dernière est optimale à la température de croissance de l’organisme hôte. Lorsqu’on parle de stabilité et d’activité protéique, la rigidité mécanique est souvent utilisée comme paramètre pertinent, offrant une explication simple et attractive à la fois pour la stabilité thermodynamique à haute température et au manque d’activité à des températures plus modérés. La réalité s’avère souvent plus complexe, et les mécanismes moléculaires reliant rigidité/flexibilité avec la stabilité et l’activité sont encore mal compris. Dans ce travail, nous abordons le problème au travers de trois systèmes. Nous avons examiné l’activation thermique des modes fonctionnels du domaine G de la protéine EF ainsi que les homologues mésophiles et thermophiles de la déshydrogénase Lactate/Malate. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence l’existence d’un paramètre unique (la moyenne des fluctuations atomiques) permettant d’expliquer la dynamique de la protéine lysozyme près de son point de fusion, et ce quelle que soit la nature de l’environnement autour de la protéine (qui décale le point de fusion). Nos conclusions se basent principalement sur une approche in silico où la dynamique moléculaire et des techniques d’échantillonnage améliorées sont utilisées et sont complémentées par des expériences de diffraction de neutrons / Temperature is one of the major factors governing life as demonstrated by the fine tuning of stability and activity of the molecular machinery, proteins in particular. The structural stability and activity of proteins have been often presented as equivalent. However, the thermophilic proteins are stable at ambient condition, but lack activity, the latter recovered only when the temperature increases to match that of the optimal growth condition for the hosting organism. In discussing the protein stability and activity, mechanical rigidity is often used as a relevant parameter, offering a simple and appealing explanation of both the extreme thermodynamic stability and the lack of activity at low temperature. The reality, however, illustrates the complexity of the rigidity/flexibility trade off in ensuring stability and activity through intricate thermodynamic and molecular mechanisms. Here we investigate the problem by studying three study cases. These are used to relate the thermal effects on mechanical properties and the stability and activity of the proteins. For instance, we have probed the thermal activation of functional modes in EF G-domain and Lactate/Malate dehydrogenase mesophilic and thermophilic homologues and verified a “universal” scaling of atomistic fluctuation of the Lysozyme approaching the melting in different environmental conditions. Our conclusions largely rest on an in silico approach, where molecular dynamics and enhanced sampling techniques are utilized, and are often complemented with neutron scattering experiments
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