Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crop protection."" "subject:"drop protection.""
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Yield response of Fusarium infected maize seed treated with biological control agent formulationsGerber, Johan,1961- 11 1900 (has links)
Potential vegetative and reproductive increases in yield, as well as the biological efficacy against Fusarium verticillioides and F. proliferatum causing ear and stem rot in maize crops of commercially-formulated micro-organism formulation T-Gro (Trichoderma harzianum isolate DB103 WP) combined with Spartacus (Beauveria bassiana isolate DB 105 WP), T-Gro combined with Armenius (Bacillus subtilis isolate DB 109 WP), T-Gro combined with Maximus (Bacillus subtilis isolate DB 108 WP), T-Gro combined with Shelter (Bacillus subtilis isolate DB 101), T-Gro combined with Bismarck (Microbacterium maritypicum isolate DB 107 WP), as well as individual treatments of T-Gro, Armenius, Bismarck, Maximus and Shelter, were investigated when applied to maize seed and soil under field conditions. All the micro-organism treatments were compared with Thiram 750WP (750g/kg thiram WP) and an untreated control.
The micro-organism treatments showed an increase in vegetative as well as reproductive yields when compared to the reference product Thiram 750 WP and the untreated control. There were no observations of adverse effects on the germination of maize seed in all the treatments that were applied. The three isolates B. subtilis, T. harzianum, and M. maritypicum, showed a significant reduction in vascular tissue discolouration of the main and ear stems, indicating a potential to be used in the reduction and control of diseases caused by Fusarium spp. Results also showed poor to very good increases of stem and foliage biomass as well as cob yield per plant produced by the micro-organism treatments when compared to the untreated control. The highest cob yield per plant that differed significantly from the untreated control was produced by T-Gro and Shelter.
No phytotoxicity of any kind was observed with the application of the micro-organism formulations and they could therefore be deemed suitable to be used for the treatment of maize seed. The micro-organism formulations containing fungal and bacterial biological control agents have the potential to be used in commercial maize production to increase vegetative and reproductive yields and reduce the severity of ear and stem rot in maize. / Agriculture Animal Health and Human Ecology / M.Sc. (Agriculture)
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One of the major problems and difficulties in the production process is to monitor / predict the presence, intensity and abundance of these pathogens under field conditions in a timely manner to avoid significant damage to production. In this sense, the objective of this research was to characterize the changes in the spectral pattern correlated with the incidence of foliar diseases in wheat. The experimental design was a factorial (5x3) randomized blocks with five doses of nitrogen (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg N ha-1) applied at tillering and three management programs with fungicides in the shoot, the untreated control. Scores NDVI readings were performed with the optical sensor GreenSeeker Handheld Crop Sensor in six predetermined locations within each plot of 11 m2 (2,2mx5m). It is possible to detect the presence of Puccinia triticina Erikss from the readings with NDVI GreenSeeker sensor. Scores NDVI can demonstrate that there is a strong correlation between AUDPC and reduced productivity. The GreenSeeker sensor proved efficient in detecting spectral changes from signs and symptoms of Puccinia triticina Erikss. / Uma das grandes dificuldades dentro do processo produtivo é monitorar/prever a presença de patógenos em nível de campo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi caracterizar as alterações no padrão espectral correlacionando com a incidência de doenças foliares em trigo. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial (5x3) de blocos ao acaso com cinco doses de Nitrogênio (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg de N ha-1) aplicados no afilhamento e três programas de manejo com fungicidas na parte aérea, além da testemunha sem aplicação. As avaliações e leituras de NDVI foram realizadas com o sensor óptico GreenSeeker Handheld Crop Sensor, em seis pontos pré-determinados dentro de cada parcela de 11 m2 (2,2mx5m). As leituras do NDVI demonstraram alta correlação entre a AACPD e a redução da produtividade. O sensor GreenSeeker se mostrou eficiente na detecção de alterações espectrais provenientes de sinais e sintomas de Puccinia triticina Erikss.
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Desempenho da cultura de milho (Zea mays L.) submetida a aplicação de herbicidas pós-emergentes, em diferentes situações de manejo. / Performance of the corn crop (Zea mays L.) submitted to application of post-emergence herbicides, in different management situations.Marcelo Nicolai 19 January 2005 (has links)
A aplicação de herbicidas pós-emergentes na cultura de milho é intensa, expondo a cultura às inumeras situações de manejo em coincidência com a utilização destes agroquímicos, podendo resultar em interações prejudiciais a cultura. Sendo assim, desenvolveu-se esta pesquisa, com o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade de interação entre esses herbicidas com inseticidas e adubos nitrogenados, bem como a eficácia dos herbicidas no controle de plantas daninhas. Foram instalados experimentos a campo e em casa-de-vegetação, nas dependências do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da ESALQ-USP. Foram três modalidades de experimentação, onde foi utilizado o delineamento estatístico de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. O primeiro experimento avaliou a interação entre os herbicidas pós-emergentes, mesotrione, nicosulfuron e iodosulfuron + foramsulfuron, e as fontes nitrogenadas, sulfato de amônia em cobertura e uréia incorporada. Após a analise dos resultados, foram observados alguns sintomas fitotóxicos causados pelos herbicidas. Tais sintomas evoluíram até o total desaparecimento, tornando-se imperceptíveis ao longo do ciclo da cultura, a qual apresentou altura de pendoamento semelhante a testemunha. Os rendimentos de grãos e o peso de mil grãos não indicam reduções de produtividade. Tanto para a uréia, quanto para o sulfato de amônio, não detectou-se sintomas de interatividade fitotóxica para o híbrido AGN 2012. O segundo, avaliou a interação entre herbicidas pós-emergentes, nicosulfuron e mesotrione em mistura com atrazina, e os inseticidas clorpirifós, lambdacyhalotrina, e thiamethoxan + lambdacyhalotrina, aplicados em mistura de tanque. Ocorreram injúrias fitotóxicas sinérgisticas para os tratamentos envolvendo o inseticida clorpirifós. Não ocorreram reduções de altura, rendimento e peso de 1000 grãos. Isso indica a capacidade do híbrido AGN 2012 em superar as fitotoxicidades, mas não isenta a mistura do risco de perda de rendimento em outras situações. A terceira, testou a eficácia dos herbicidas pós-emergentes mesotrione + atrazina, nicosulfuron + atrazina, nicosulfuron e iodosulfuron + foramsulfuron, no controle de Brachiaria plantaginea, Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Eleusine Indica, Ipomoea grandifolia e Bidens pilosa suscetível e resistente aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS. Foi observado que a planta daninha no estádio inicial de crescimento, é melhor controlada pelos herbicidas; as misturas de herbicidas são mais eficazes, permitindo controlar plantas em estádios de crescimento mais avançados; o Panicum maximum requer doses maiores dos herbicidas ou a mudança da estratégia de controle; o milho pode ser uma alternativa no controle de Bidens pilosa resistente aos inibidores da ALS, se cultivado como cultura de sucessão em um sistema de produção, com uso de herbicidas com alternativos mecanismos de ação. A pesquisa conclui que herbicidas pós-emergentes aplicados na cultura de milho, podem ter sua seletividade reduzida quando aplicado simultaneamente com inseticidas e adubos nitrogenados, porém as fitotoxicidades causadas por estas interações sinérgicas podem não reduzir a produtividade final como ocorreu neste trabalho, em função de combinações entre fatores climáticos e culturais. A eficácia desses herbicidas, estudada para plantas daninhas da cultura de milho, depende do estádio fenológico destas plantas, sendo que a mistura de mesotrione + atrazina é uma alternativa para o controle de B. pilosa resistente aos inibidores da ALS. / The application of post-emergence herbicides at corn crop is intense, exposing the crop to countless management situations in coincidence with the using of these agrochemicals that can result in damaging interactions to the crop. Therefore, this research was developed, with the objective of evaluating the possibility of interaction between these herbicides with insecticides and nitrogen fertilizers, as well the herbicides efficacy on weeds control. There were installed experiments in field and green-house, at Crop Science Department annexes, ESALQ/USP. There were three experimentation modalities, where it was used the statistical design of randomized blocks with four replicates. The first experiment evaluated de interaction between the post-emergence herbicides, mesotrione, nicosulfuron and iodosulfuron + foramsulfuron, and the nitrogen sources, ammonium sulfate in covering and incorporated urea. After the results analysis, there were observed some phytotoxics symptoms caused by the herbicides. These symptoms evolved until the total disappearing, becoming imperceptible along the crop cycle, witch presented height at flowering similar to the check. The kernel yield and the weight of 1000 kernels did not presented productivity reduction. Each for urea or for ammonium sulfate, it was not detected symptoms of phytotoxic interactivity to the hybrid AGN 2012. The second experiment evaluated the interaction between the post-emergence herbicides, nicosulfuron and mesotrione in mixture with atrazine, and the insecticides clorpirifos, lambdacyhalotrin and thiamethoxan + lambdacyhalotrin, applied in tank mixture. It was observed synergistic phytotoxics injuries to the treatments involving the insecticide clorpirifos. Although, it was not observed height, yield or weight of 1000 kernels reductions. It indicates the capacity of the hybrid AGN 2012 in overcoming the phytotoxity, but it did not exempt the mixture of yield losses risk in other situations. The third experiment, tested the efficacy of the post-emergence herbicides mesotrione + atrazine, nicosulfuron + atrazine, nicosulfuron and iodosulfuron + foramsulfuron, on control of Brachiaria plantaginea, Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Eleusine Indica, Ipomoea grandifolia and Bidens pilosa susceptible and resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides. It was observed that the weeds are better controlled by herbicides at initial growth stage; the herbicides mixtures are more efficient, permitting to control plants in more developed growth stages; the weed Panicum maximum require upper herbicides rates or changings on control strategies; the corn may be an alternative crop to control Bidens pilosa resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, if conduced as a succession crop in the production system, using herbicides with alternative action mechanisms. This research concluded that post-emergence herbicides applied on corn crop may have its selectivity reduced when simultaneously applied with insecticides or nitrogen fertilizers, although the phytotoxity caused by these synergistic interactions may not reduce the final productivity, as occurred at this work, in function of combinations of climatic and crop factors. The efficacy of these herbicides, studied for weeds at corn crop, depends on weeds phenologic stage, and the mixture of mesotrione + atrazine is an alternative to control B. pilosa resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides.
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Intensification de l'agriculture biologique : conséquences sur la régulation des phytophages en vergers de pommiers / Intensification of organic farming : impact on the regulation of phytophagous in apple orchardsMarliac, Gaëlle 20 November 2014 (has links)
L’agriculture biologique (AB) est classiquement comparée à l’agriculture conventionnelle. Elle est alors souvent considérée comme plus favorable à la biodiversité que l’agriculture conventionnelle, même si certaines études montrent un effet négatif ou une absence d’effet de l’AB par rapport à l’agriculture conventionnelle pour certains taxons(Bengtsson et al. 2005; Garratt et al. 2011; Hole et al. 2005; Winqvist et al. 2011). Cela peut s’expliquer par le fait que l’AB ne se différencie pas seulement par le remplacement des produits phytosanitaires de synthèse par des produits autorisés en agriculture biologique mais aussi par la mise en œuvre d’autres pratiques comme l’implantation d’un couvert végétal.L’AB dispose d’une large gamme de pratiques visant à limiter les ravageurs et/ou à favoriser leur contrôle biologique via leurs ennemis naturels. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont :(i) d’établir un état des lieux de la diversité des stratégies de protection mises en place parles producteurs en AB pour lutter contre les deux ravageurs majeurs en vergers de pommiers,le carpocapse des pommes et le puceron cendré et d’identifier les pratiques permettant une diminution de l’usage des pesticides ;(ii) d’évaluer si ces pratiques ont un effet sur les communautés des prédateurs généralistes présentes dans la couronne ;(iii) d’estimer le rôle fonctionnel des prédateurs généralistes en mesurant la fonction de prédation en vergers de pommiers. En prenant comme cas d’étude les vergers de pommiers du Sud-Est de la France, nous avons dans un premier temps réalisé un état des lieux de la diversité des pratiques de protection mises en place en agriculture biologique à l’échelle de l’exploitation. Suite à une série d’enquêtes chez les producteurs, quatre stratégies de protection avec différentes combinaisons de pratiques ont été définies. Un suivi des ennemis naturels dans des parcelles types a permis de mettre en évidence des communautés d’ennemis naturels différentes selon les stratégies de protection.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié le lien entre la diversité des prédateurs généralistes et la régulation biologique (ici, la prédation des œufs de carpocapse). Cette étude a été réalisée sur 20 parcelles en AB caractérisées par différents usages de pesticides biologiques. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence des taux de prédation différents et une variabilité des communautés d’ennemis naturels selon les parcelles et d’identifier les ennemis naturels corrélés à la prédation des œufs. Dans un troisième temps, notre étude s'est portée sur une modification particulière de l'habitat, l’enherbement de l’inter-rang, une pratique mise en place par les producteurs et facile à gérer, notamment via l'intensité de fauche. Nous avons voulu déterminer, à l’aide d’une approche expérimentale en verger, si cette modification était un levier efficace pour augmenter l'abondance et la diversité des ennemis naturels et donc la régulation, soit au niveau de la canopée (prédation des œufs de carpocapse) soit au niveau du sol (prédation des larves de carpocapse). La communauté d’ennemis naturels dans l’arbre est apparue peu impactée par la hauteur d’enherbement ; seul Forficula pubescens est plus abondant lorsque le couvert végétal est haut (1m20). La prédation des œufs est quant à elle plus forte, aux mois de juillet et août, lorsque le couvert végétal est ras (5cm). La prédation des larves n’est pas différente selon la hauteur du couvert végétal.Cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence une diversité des stratégies de protection en vergers de pommiers en AB. Elle a montré une variabilité des communautés d’ennemis naturels au sein de l’AB. Elle illustre la complexité du lien entre pratiques agricoles, ennemis naturels et prédation des bioagresseurs. / Organic agriculture is assumed to achieve more sustainable practices by reducing the negativeenvironmental impacts of intensive agriculture, such as biodiversity decline. While positivelinks between organic agriculture and natural enemy abundance and/or diversity have oftenbeen reported, this was not always the case (little or no difference between the systems, orsometimes in favor of the conventional system) and it appears to be variable depending on thespecies considered (Bengtsson et al. 2005; Garratt et al. 2011; Hole et al. 2005; Winqvist et al.2011). The benefits to biodiversity from organic agriculture are likely to stem primarily fromprohibition of synthetic chemicals but also from the adoption of various other managementpractices (cultural practices, ground cover management, presence of hedgerows). Indeed,organic management strategies are thus defined by a combination of different practices(Zehnder et al. 2007) that can have a different effect on the natural enemy community (Hole etal. 2005; Simon et al. 2007).The objectifs of this thesis are :(i) caracterized the diversity of crop protection strategies on organic agriculture andidentifed the practices led to reduced pesticide usage;(ii) investigated whether these practices have an impact on the natural enemy abundanceand diversity in the canopy;(iii) assess the natural enemy predation activity in apple orchard.First, we identified four crop protection strategies, which were characterized by aspecific combination of different types of practices. We showed that natural enemycommunities and their efficacy were influenced by these strategies.Second, we examined the relationships between the abundance of generalist predatorsand the level of pest control under natural conditions (predation of codling moth eggs). Weused a set of organically farmed commercial orchards with various protection strategies andshowed that the predation rate and the natural enemy communities were different but variableamong the organic apple orchard. We identified the natural enemy correlated with thepredation rate.!Finally, we managed the ground cover and compared the effect of three heights, tall(no cutting), medium (mean height of 20 cm) and short (mean height of 5 cm), of aspontaneous grass cover in an experimental orchard on natural enemy abundance andpredation rates on the canopy (predation of codling moth egg) and on the ground (predation ofcodling moth larvae). The natural enemy community on the canopy was little impact by theheight of the ground cover ; only Forficula pubescens was more abundant in the no cuttingthan in the short ground cover. The egg predation was higher in the short ground cover than inthe two other modalities. The larvae predation was not impacted by the ground cover height.We caracterized a diversity of crop protection strategy on organic agriculture in appleorchard. We identified a variability of the natural enemy communyties on organic appleorchard. This thesis illustrated the complexity of the relationship between agriculturalpractices, natural enemies and predation of pests.
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Gestion des bio-agresseurs et réduction des pesticides en culture de laitue sous abris froids : apports croisés d’expérimentations factorielles et systémiques / Pesticide reduction and management of lettuce pests and pathogensBarrière, Virginie 06 March 2015 (has links)
La réduction de la dépendance aux pesticides des systèmes de culture de laitue constitue un objectif à relativement court terme, partagé par les pouvoirs publics et les acteurs de la filière de production. Atteindre cet objectif suppose de disposer de moyens techniques permettant de substituer aux pesticides d’autres méthodes limitant les dégâts de bio-agresseurs de la laitue.Ces techniques peuvent être destinées à minimiser l’entrée d’inoculum dans les parcelles, à limiter la propagation des bio-agresseurs, à diminuer la sensibilité des plantes, ou à éradiquer les bio-agresseurs présents sur les cultures. L’évolution des systèmes de culture repose sur la démonstration de l’efficacité, en termes de protection des plantes, de ces techniques alternatives aux pesticides lorsqu’elles sont intégrées et combinées dans les itinéraires techniques. Elle dépend aussi de l’impact socio-économique et environnemental des itinéraires techniques alternatifs, dans un contexte commercial et réglementaire exigeant. L’objet de cette thèse a été de développer des stratégies alternatives de gestion des bio-agresseurs de la laitue d’hiver cultivée sous abri froid,plus économes en pesticides, et d’évaluer leurs performances agronomiques, économiques et environnementales,garantes de la durabilité des systèmes de production.Sur la base des techniques déjà disponibles, deux stratégies alternatives, nommées stratégie intermédiaire et stratégie bas-intrant ont été conçues, et testées dans deux exploitations agricoles et un domaine expérimental de l’INRA pendant deux hivers, en comparaison avec une stratégie conventionnelle, représentative des pratiques actuelles. Les stratégies intermédiaire et bas-intrant ont permis de réduire de 32% et 48% l’usage des pesticides, respectivement, et ont été suffisamment efficaces pour obtenir une qualité visuelle et des rendements équivalents à la stratégie conventionnelle. Le bénéfice environnemental de leur mise en oeuvre a également été démontré. La mise en place de ces stratégies a cependant entrainé un surcoût de production,essentiellement lié à la lutte biologique, d’environ 10 à 13%. Parallèlement, deux orientations techniques originales, dont l’efficacité n’était pas caractérisée, ont été explorées. Une première série d’essais expérimentaux a porté sur l’influence du génotype de l’hôte et de l’environnement de la plante sur sa sensibilité à deux champignons pathogènes d’importance majeure, Botrytis cinerea et Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Il a été montré que le choix d’un génotype moins sensible couplé à une optimisation du rapport fructose : saccharose de la plante diminuait les symptômes observés après inoculation. Une deuxième démarche expérimentale, portant sur la lutte biologique contre le puceron Nasonovia ribisnigri, a révélé l’incapacité de parasitoïdes du genre Aphidius à contrôler les pucerons en fin de culture, lorsque la structure du couvert végétal devient trop complexe.En plus d’inscrire ces travaux de recherche dans un processus d’amélioration continue de l’efficacité et des performances des stratégies alternatives aux pesticides, la démarche scientifique utilisée, articulant approche analytique et approche intégrative, a permis d’étudier des techniques ayant potentiellement un impact sur plusieurs bio-agresseurs, telles que la réduction de la fertilisation azotée ou l’optimisation de l’espacement entre les laitues, qui pourraient permettre une meilleure gestion des pathogènes responsables de la pourriture du collet et des pucerons. / The reduction of pesticide reliance in lettuce cropping systems is a short term objective sharedby public authorities and by the stakeholders of lettuce market. Reaching this goal implies thesubstitution of pesticides by others techniques which may limit pest and pathogen damage. Thesetechniques can be intended to mitigate pest and pathogen invasion or propagation, to increaseplant defenses or to remove pests and pathogens from the crop. The improvement of currentcropping systems relies on i) the demonstration of the ability of alternative techniques to managediseases and pests when they are combined and integrated during the crop cycle; ii) theassessment of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of alternative strategies in a stringentcommercial and regulatory context. The objective of this thesis was to design alternativestrategies for pest and pathogen management of lettuce grown in winter under shelter, with fewerpesticide applications, and to assess their agronomic, economic and environmental performancesso as to ensure the sustainability of production.Based on currently available techniques, two alternative strategies, called intermediate andlow-input, were designed, and tested in two farms and an INRA experimental station duringtwo winters and compared to a conventional strategy representing current practices. The alternativestrategies enabled to reduce pesticide applications by 32% and 48% respectively. Theywere efficient enough to obtain similar yield and quality as compared to the conventional strategy.The environmental benefits of their implementation were also demonstrated. However, thesestrategies required a 10-13% extra production costs, almost exclusively due to biological controlproducts.In parallel, two original technical orientations, which efficacy had not been previously described,were examined. In a first set of experiments, the impact of lettuce genotype and growthconditions on plant susceptibility to two major pathogens, Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,was investigated. The use of a genotype displaying low susceptibility to these fungi,associated with an optimization of the ratio of fructose : sucrose in plants, appeared to reducethe symptoms after inoculation. A second experimental approach, dealing with biological controlagainst the aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri, highlighted the inability of Aphidius parasitoids tocontrol aphid populations at the end of the crop cycle, when the canopy structure becomes toocomplex.In addition to a contribution to cropping systems improvement, the scientific method used,combining analytical and integrative approaches enabled us to highlight the effect of techniquesacting on several pests and/or pathogens, such as the reduction of nitrogen fertilization or theoptimization of plant spacing, which could improve the management of fungi causing basal rotas well as aphids.
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Food security effects of multinational brands crop protection products: Evidence from cotton-wheat zone Punjab, PakistanBilal, Muhammad 10 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Les microalgues : nouvelles sources de molécules élicitrices pour la santé et la defense des plantes. / Phaeodactylum tricornutum : new source of eliciting molecules for plant defense and healthChuberre, Coralie 04 October 2019 (has links)
La protection intégrée, qui vise à réduire l’usage des pesticides, est un défi majeur pour l’agriculture du XXIème siècle. Le développement de nouvelles approches agronomiques qui concilient environnement et agriculture est une condition indispensable pour l’agriculture de demain. Dans ce contexte, l’utilisation d’éliciteurs capables de mimer une attaque pathogène et de promouvoir un état de résistance chez les plantes face à des maladies représente une alternative naturelle à la lutte chimique. Ces éliciteurs sont nommés les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP). Ils peuvent provenir de différentes sources et être extraits à partir de macroalgues comme c’est le cas des SDP à base de polysaccharides d’algues tels que la laminarine utilisée pour stimuler l’immunité de plantes agronomiques. Toutefois, l’exploitation de ces ressources dans leur milieu naturel et les difficultés de production liées à leur cycle de développement constituent des freins à leur utilisation. La valorisation des microalgues comme source de SDP pourrait permettre de s’affranchir de ces contraintes. Cependant la recherche et de molécules SDP chez les microalgues est encore peu abordée. Au cours de ce travail, le potentiel d’une culture de microalgue, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, à induire des réactions de défense chez les plantes a été évalué. Un broyat cellulaire a été appliqué sur des plantules d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Le caractère éliciteur de ce broyat a été testé et caractérisé par des approches microscopiques, physiologiques et moléculaires. Les résultats ont montré que les plantes traitées présentaient des niveaux d’expression des gènes PR-1, PAD3, ACS6 et WRKY40 et un niveau de protection contre la bactérie Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 (Pst) plus élevés que les plantes non traitées. De plus, un effet bactéricide in vitro sur la bactérie Pst a été observé. Ces résultats offrent de nouvelles perspectives pour le développement de produits SDP d’origine naturelle capables de protéger les cultures. / Integrated plant protection, which aims to reduce the use of pesticide, is a major challenge for the agriculture of the 21st century. The development and application of new agronomic approaches is a prerequisite for crop protection in a sustainable agriculture system. In this context, the use of elicitors capable of mimicking a pathogenic attack and promoting a plant resistance state against diseases is a natural alternative to the use of agro-chemicals. These elicitors are also called plant defense stimulators (PDS). These can be obtained from different sources including macroalgae as it the case for the polysaccharide-based PDS laminarin that is currently used for the protection of a number of crops. However, the exploitation of these natural resources and the difficulties of their production due to their development cycle do hamper their use at a large scale. One of the possibilities to overcome these difficulties is the use of microalgae as a source of PDS. But this possibility and the potential of microalgaederived PDS for crop protection are currently under investigated. In the present work, we have used a cell extract from the microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum and assessed its defense response-eliciting activities on Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings by using microscopic, physiological and molecular approaches. The results show that treated plants exhibit higher levels of expression of the PR-1, PAD3, ACS6 and WRKY40 genes and a higher level of protection against the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 (Pst) than nontreated plants. An In vitro antibacterial activity on the Pst bacteria was also observed. Our findings suggest that P. tricornutum cell extracts are able to activate plant immune responses and offer new perspectives for the development of novel plant defense stimulators.
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Detection of Spotted-wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in Indiana blueberry orchards using degree-day models and molecular assaysZihan Hong (14212145) 09 December 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD), <em>Drosophila suzukii</em> (Matsumura), is an economically-important pest of small fruits worldwide. Currently, timing of management is based on morphological identification of adult flies captured in baited monitoring traps; however, distinguishing SWD from other native drosophilids in traps is a time-consuming process that requires magnification. And a degree-day model that could help small fruit growers understand and predict the seasonal activity of this pest has not been developed for Indiana. Due to the low tolerance for maggots in fruit market, most small fruit growers rely on intensive, insecticide applications on a calendar-based schedule without guidance on the activity levels of SWD. </p>
<p>A total of 6,051 SWD adults were monitored weekly using commercial Scentry traps at three highbush blueberry orchards during May to August. I applied the published SWD developmental thresholds of 7.2 °C (lower) and 31.5 °C (upper) and the single-sine method to calculate accumulated degree days in the year of 2021 and 2022. A predictive model from two years of data at three locations exhibited an S-shaped curve, with 5%, 25%, and 50% of adults detected at ~907, 1,293, and 1,523 CDD, respectively. By examining infestations in three varieties, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Blueray’, and ‘Elliot’, I found that blueberry infestation rate increased as the trap captures increased. The use of early-ripening highbush blueberry varieties can reduce infestation and regardless of variety, as berries became softer, the number of SWD egg scars in berries increased.</p>
<p>DNA-based diagnostic methods, like loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), have the potential to improve SWD detection by replacing morphological identification with DNA-based identification. Positive results of the LAMP assay are based on a visible color change from pink to yellow when focal DNA is present. I tested the reliability of LAMP results using SWD DNA and then evaluated the sensitivity of LAMP in discriminating between SWD and two native drosophilids common captured in monitoring traps in Indiana, <em>Drosophila affinis</em> and <em>D. simulans</em>. I found the LAMP assay can quickly and accurately identify SWD with as little as 0.1 ng/μl of DNA. Following optimization, the assay also suggested success in discriminating between SWD and these two native species: it only requires an individual fly, DNA extraction is not necessary. </p>
<p>By better predicting seasonal SWD activity and optimizing DNA-based diagnostics for this pest, this study can help improve the timely detection of SWD and the management in small fruit systems. </p>
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Quantifying Asiatic garden beetle (<i>Maladera castanea</i>) populations and their impacts on commercial mint productionConnor Eric Sturr (17583585), Doug richmond (17583727), Elizabeth Y. Long (17583733), Christian Krupke (17583735) 07 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The Asiatic garden beetle (AGB), in its larval stage, has become an increasingly detrimental to the health of commercially grown mint in northern Indiana by feeding on their roots. In my research, I have optimized a method to quantify populations by determining the proper sample size to maintain accurate and precise estimates, determining the best sampling method and sampling scheme. Additionally, I established the relationship between AGB larval feeding and mint performance and have established a threshold of the average number of larvae required to cause significant yield loss. </p>
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Understanding the metabolic changes activated by volatile organic compounds in grapevine leaves against downy mildewAvesani, Sara 01 October 2024 (has links)
Plants can produce a wide variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are mediators of plant responses against stresses. Abiotic and biotic factors can modulate VOC emission dynamics from plants, suggesting a key role of these compounds in plant defense processes. Although grapevine VOCs responsible for wine aroma and plant-insect communications are well characterized, the functional properties of VOCs produced in response to phytopathogens were less studied. The aims of this work were i) to summarize the information available in the literature on emission patterns and possible biological functions of VOCs produced by grapevine plants in response to abiotic and biotic factors, ii) to investigate the defense mechanisms activated by volatile linalool in grapevine leaves against downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola, and iii) to identify metabolic changes associated with VOC-induced resistance activated by 2-phenylethanol and β-cyclocitral against downy mildew. The first chapter includes an introduction to VOCs in plant communication and analytical methods for metabolic detections, while the second chapter defines the aims of the project. In the third chapter, the literature on grapevine VOCs was reviewed and volatile molecules emitted in response to the exogenous stimuli were discussed. The key findings of this chapter are that specific VOC emission patterns can be stimulated by phytopathogens, resistance inducers, beneficial microorganisms, and abiotic factors, suggesting the precise involvement of airborne signals in grapevine responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. In particular, VOCs with inhibitory activities against grapevine pathogens are known to be emitted mainly by resistant grapevine genotypes upon pathogen inoculation, and some of these VOCs were proposed as biomarkers of grapevine resistance traits. In the fourth chapter, defense responses activated by volatile linalool in grapevine leaves were analyzed. Linalool treatment reduced downy mildew severity on leaf disks of susceptible grapevines (cultivar Pinot noir) and stimulated callose deposition at the sites of P. viticola infection. Moreover, the upregulation of defense-related genes was found in linalool-treated leaf disks, indicating the activation of grapevine defense mechanisms related to salicylic acid and jasmonic acid pathways. By ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-high-resolution quadrupole time of flight-mass spectrometry it was demonstrated that linalool treatment caused changes in the leaf metabolome of mock-inoculated and P. viticola-inoculated samples at one and six days post inoculation (dpi).
In the fifth chapter, a deep metabolomic analysis of VOC-induced grapevine resistance was carried out by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-heated electrospray ionization-high-resolution Orbitrap-mass spectrometry, which allowed accurate mass detection, fragment and isotope pattern matching, and metabolite annotation. In this study, 2-phenylethanol and β-cyclocitral treatment reduced downy mildew severity on leaf disks of susceptible grapevines (cultivar Pinot noir) causing complex changes in the leaf metabolome of mock-inoculated and P. viticola-inoculated samples at 1 dpi and 6 dpi. Metabolic features with significant increases in abundance in 2-phenylethanol- and β-cyclocitral-treated samples mainly belonged to putative carbohydrates and conjugates, carboxylic acids and derivates, carbonyl compounds, phenylpropanoids, and terpenoids, including molecules possibly associated with plant defense against pathogens. Thus, the chemical classification of annotated compounds revealed that VOCs treatments can activate specific metabolic responses in grapevine leaves that include the accumulation of defense-related compounds.
These results demonstrated that linalool, 2-phenylethanol, and β-cyclocitral induce grapevine resistance against downy mildew, acting as volatile signaling molecules for plant resistance induction. Although further studies on formulation and efficacy under controlled and field conditions are required, these VOCs have great potential for the further development of sustainable products for downy mildew control.
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