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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behavior recording with the scoring program MouseClick : A study in cross platform and precise timing developing

Karlsson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
This thesis will deal with problems and solutions of cross-platform developing using MoNo framework as a replacement of Microsoft .NET framework on Linux and Mac OS-X platforms. It will take in account matters such as limitations in the filesystem to problems with deploying released programs. It will also deal with demands of precise timing and the need of efficient code on precise tasks to construct a program used for creating data from recordings of animals. These animals is set to perform a task, for example exploring a labyrinth or running on a rod, and it is all recorded on video. These videos are later reviewed by an observer which transcripts the recordings into data based on predefined behaviors and the time and frequency with which the animal is expressing them.

Behavior recording with the scoring program MouseClick : A study in cross platform and precise timing developing

Karlsson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
This thesis will deal with problems and solutions of cross-platform developing using MoNo framework as a replacement of Microsoft .NET framework on Linux and Mac OS-X platforms. It will take in account matters such as limitations in the filesystem to problems with deploying released programs. It will also deal with demands of precise timing and the need of efficient code on precise tasks to construct a program used for creating data from recordings of animals. These animals is set to perform a task, for example exploring a labyrinth or running on a rod, and it is all recorded on video. These videos are later reviewed by an observer which transcripts the recordings into data based on predefined behaviors and the time and frequency with which the animal is expressing them.

Cross-platform Development for Wearable Devices

Beck-Norén, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
The market for wearable devices is continuously growing and has seen an in- crease in interest and demand this past year, specifically smartwatch devices. With several big players entering and trying to take place in the market the number of devices and platforms grow. This leads to device and software fragmentation like the one seen in the world of smartphones. In this paper I discuss and compare the two smartwatch platforms Android Wear and Apple Watch in terms of possibilities, limitations and differences. Research is done to find cross-platform development possibilities for these platforms. Extensive theoretical background of both APIs is researched and presented. An app for both smartwatch platforms is developed with integration of the WebSocket protocol to function as a remote control for a Video-On-Demand web service. This is done to showcase the cross-platform possibilities and differences of the platforms. As a result the biggest differences are out- lined and a conclusion is made that cross-platform development for these platforms can be challenging but is possible on certain levels.

Cross-platform functionality in practice:exploring the influence of system composition on user experiences of personal exercise monitoring

Segerståhl, K. (Katarina) 02 December 2011 (has links)
Abstract Cross-platform configurations—systems and services employing multiple devices and applications in concert—increasingly penetrate a variety of personal and recreational domains, such as entertainment, photography and physical exercise. Supporting regular physical exercise is important in reducing health threats such as obesity and heart disease. Many personal exercise monitoring solutions employ a cross-platform configuration. This work is positioned at the intersection of two streams of research: 1) cross-platform systems and 2) technology-mediated physical exercise. The key question is: How does composition—the manner by which roles, functionality and content are allocated across system components—influence use and user experience. This thesis investigates how composition works and functionality and content may be allocated efficiently. This work takes on a qualitative case study approach, featuring a heart rate monitoring system comprising a wearable heart rate monitor and a web service. The findings reveal that the composition of cross-platform systems essentially influences user experiences. Cross-platform systems may support different ways of carrying out activities through role-based and modular organization of components. Complementary allocation of functionality may reduce the complexity on individual devices and increase components’ fit for purpose. Several challenges in combinatorial use, such as the limited functionality of specific devices or the redundancy of functionality, could be overcome by strategic allocation. Despite the challenges, cross-platform systems may effectively support cross-contextual activities. In exercise monitoring, the role of the interactive mobile device was particularly central for motivation, learning and controlling target behavior. Conventional exercise diaries or non-interactive solutions based on sensors may benefit from the inclusion of “runtime” interactivity. This study identifies composition as a designable characteristic of cross-platform systems constituted by structure of roles, distribution of functionality and content and functional modularity. This conceptualization proposes new directions for the study and design of cross-platform systems. The thesis discusses ways to allocate roles effectively. It also suggests guidelines for cross-platform composition. / Tiivistelmä Tämä työ käsittelee monikanavaisia järjestelmiä, jotka muodostuvat useiden eri päätelaitteiden ja sovellusten yhdistelmistä. Kuluttajasektorilla ne ovat yleistyneet esimerkiksi viihteessä, valokuvauksessa ja liikkumisen tukena. Säännöllisen liikunnan tukeminen on keskeistä muun muassa ylipainon sekä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien ehkäisyssä. Suuri osa liikuntaa tukevista ratkaisuista yhdistelee useita eri teknologioita ja sovelluksia. Tämä työ asemoituu kahden tutkimusalueen risteykseen: 1) monikanavaiset järjestelmät ja 2) teknologia liikunnan tukena. Tutkimuksen perimmäisenä tarkoituksena on edistää monikanavaisten järjestelmien tilannelähtöistä suunnittelua. Keskeinen kysymys on, kuinka järjestelmän toiminnallisuudet ja sisältö voidaan tehokkaasti jakaa eri osasovellusten, kuten mobiilisovelluksen ja verkkopalvelun kesken. Tässä työssä kyseistä allokaation problematiikkaa tarkastellaan laadullisen tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään sykemittarin ja verkkopalvelun muodostaman esimerkkijärjestelmän toimintaan keskittyen loppukäyttäjien kokemuksiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että monikanavaisen järjestelmän kompositio määrittää keskeisesti käyttäjäkokemusta ja järjestelmän tuomaa lisäarvoa käyttäjälle. Monikanavaiset järjestelmät voivat tehokkaasti tukea erilaisia käyttötapoja erikoistuneiden ja (tietyssä määrin) itsenäisten osasovellustensa kautta. Onnistuneella kompositiolla voidaan yksinkertaistaa laitteita ja palveluita sekä lisätä niiden soveltuvuutta käyttötarkoitukseensa. Monikanavaisten järjestelmien käyttöön liittyviä ongelmia, kuten sisältöjen päällekkäisyyttä ja rajoitteita osasovellusten toiminnallisuudessa, voidaan ratkoa strategisen allokaation keinoin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että liikunnan tukena sykemittari on keskeisessä roolissa motivoiden käyttäjiä ja tehostaen harjoittelua välittömän palautteen avulla. Liikunnan aikainen palaute on keskeistä, mikä tulisi huomioida urheilupäiväkirjoihin ja passiivisiin sensoreihin perustuvissa ratkaisuissa. Kompositio on monikanavaisten järjestelmien keskeinen piirre, johon voidaan vaikuttaa suunnittelussa roolien allokaatiolla, toiminnallisuuden ja sisällön jakamisella sekä osasovellusten itsenäisyyden asteella. Tämä tutkimus ohjaa monikanavaisten järjestelmien suunnittelua ja tutkimusta sekä esittää ohjenuoria tehokkaalle allokaatiolle.

Srovnání přístupů multiplatformního vývoje mobilních aplikací / Comparison of cross-platform mobile development

Zikmund, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the development of cross-platform mobile applications and compares cross-platform development frameworks. First the mobile devices market is defined and its dominant platforms are described. The main objective is to compare the frameworks with defined criteria. The theoretical part analyzes the mobile market and defines the different types of mobile devices. Further, describes the various mobile platforms, including its architecture and de-velopment environment. Subsequently, the approaches to cross-platform development are described with their individual frameworks. In the practical part the selected frameworks are compared to defined criteria and subse-quently evaluated.

Využití frameworku IONIC pro vývoj multiplatformní mobilní aplikace / Usage of the IONIC framework for development cross-platform mobile application

Gruda, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse framework IONIC and determine the suitability of this framework for cross-platform mobile development. The intent of the theoretical part is to analyse the current market, introduction to the mobile development and a description of the framework IONIC and related technologies. The practical part deals with the analysis and design mobile application PowerFLOW, describing the implemented mobile application and sample code. The last part is about framework IONIC evaluation based on set criteria. The evaluation rating was determined on the experience gained during the implementation of mobile application PowerFLOW. There are also listed personal experience of the implementation. Based on this thesis the IONIC can be recommended as the framework for cross-platform mobile development.

Ambulance CPR Application : Using cross-platform mobile development / Ambulance CPR Application : Using cross-platform mobile development

Alfakir, Omar, Larsson, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to develop a cross-platform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) application mainly for iOS and Android devices. This application aims to guide healthcare workers in the different processes and expected medication during cardiac arrest, which can often be a fast-paced and stressful scenario. The application will need to provide time-based and previous action-based recommendations for following medication and steps. Each step taken as well as at what time it was performed will also need to be documented automatically through the usage of the application.  This application is implemented using the framework React Native. Facebook developed React Native in 2015 targeting mobile application development. The base structure of React Native is based on React, a JavaScript library released in 2013 used to build web interfaces. React Native allows creation of mobile applications that can run on iOS and Android devices with a single codebase.  This project resulted in a mobile application capable of running on both iOS and Android platforms. The application has enough functionality to be used in a simulation for the CPR procedure during a cardiac arrest rescue scenario. / Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en cross-platform HLR (hjärt- och lungräddnings) applikation främst för iOS och Android enheter. Syftet med denna applikation är att hänvisa sjukvårdspersonal genom de olika processer och den förväntade medicineringen vid hjärtstopp, vilket ofta kan vara ett väldigt hög tempo och stressfyllt scenario. Applikationen kommer behöva ge tidsbaserade och tidigare åtgärds baserade rekommendationer för följande medicinering och steg. Varje steg  som tas samt när de tas kommer även behöva dokumenteras automatiskt genom användandet av applikationen.  Denna applikation implementeras med hjälp av ramverket React Native. Facebook utvecklade React Native 2015 med inriktning på mobilapplikationsutveckling. Bas strukturen hos React Native är baserad på React, ett JavaScript bibliotek släppt 2013 som används till att bygga webbgränssnitt. React Native tillåter skapande av mobilapplikationer som kan användas på iOS och Android enheter med en enda kodbas.  Detta projekt resulterade i en mobilapplikation kapabel att köras på både iOS och Android plattformar. Denna applikation har tillräcklig funktionalitet att användas i en simulering för HLR proceduren under ett hjärtstopps scenario.

Consumer Behavior Analysis and Repeat Buyer Prediction for E-commerce

Zhao, Bo 02 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Smartphoneutveckling förflera plattformar / Smartphone Development for Multiple Platforms

Andersson, Magnus, Andreasson, Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Marknaden för de allt populärare smarta telefonerna är splittrad. Detta innebär nya utmaningar för utvecklare. Vill man vara säker på att nå mer än hälften av sin målgrupp med en mobilapplikation så måste man utveckla för minst två plattformar, något som kostar både tid och pengar. Ett antal så kallade multiplattformsverktyg har tagits fram för att lösa detta problem. Dessa låter utvecklare använda en och samma kodbas för flera olika plattformar. Därmed slipper man dubbel- eller trippelarbetet som följer med native-utveckling. Men håller multiplattformsverktygen måttet? Denna granskning visar att prestandan och upplevelsen vid användning blir sämre, men tidsvinsten är potentiellt stor. För små och mellanstora projekt där prestandan är underordnad utvecklingstid, kostnad och räckvidd kan hybridverktyg vara ett lämpligt alternativ. / Smartphones are becoming more and more popular every day, but the market is divided. With this come new challenges for developers. To reach more then half the user base, you have to develop for at least two platforms, something that costs time and money. A number of multiplatform tools have been developed to try and offset this issue, and allows developers to code once, and deploy to many different types of systems. This could potentially mean that the extra work of creating native applications for multiple platforms could be avoided. But do these tools really live up to what they claim? This survey shows that the usage of these tools render the applications performance and user-experience lackluster, however, the potential time savings could be quite substantial. For small and mid-sized projects where performance is subordinate to the time of development, cost and user-base reach, these tools could be a suitable alternative.

Building Blocks: Utilizing Component-Based Software Engineering in Developing Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Oskar, Andersson January 2014 (has links)
Contemporary approaches to cross-platform mobile application development, such as hybrid apps from PhoneGap and generated native apps from Xamarin, show promise in reducing development time towards Android, iOS and other platforms. At the same time, studies show that there are various problems associated with these approaches, including suffering user experiences and codebases that are difficult to maintain and test properly. In this thesis, a novel prototype framework called Building Blocks was developed with the purpose of investigating the feasibility of utilizing component-based software engineering in solving this problem. The prototype was developed towards Android along with a web interface that allowed users to assemble an Android app using software components. The report concludes that component-based software engineering can be – and already is – utilized successfully to improve cross-platform mobile app development with special regards to user experience. Qualitative data indicate that Building Blocks as a concept is flexible and shows promise for mobile app development in which functionality is often reused, such as enterprise apps. Rapid prototyping using the web-based visual editing tool was another promising area. However, future use of Building Blocks would require further work on the prototype to improve its ease of use.

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