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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets des apprentissages de la langue écrite effectués par la typologie textuelle dans l’apprentissage multilingue (le coréen, l’anglais et le français) chez l’apprenant coréen

Kim, Hyun-Jung 05 1900 (has links)
On s’accorde aujourd’hui sur la nécessité de la dimension textuelle dans l’enseignement de la langue écrite. L’objectif de notre recherche est de mettre à l’essai une démarche pédagogique visant à enseigner la compréhension/expression écrite en prenant appui sur la typologie textuelle et en adoptant une approche stratégique. Compte tenu que les Coréens apprennent le français comme deuxième langue étrangère après l’apprentissage de l’anglais, nous menons notre recherche dans un contexte d’apprentissage multilingue (le coréen, le français et l’anglais). Nous effectuons notre recherche à Montréal. Nous sélectionnons vingt- et-un apprenants coréens âgés de 14 à 15 ans en passant des entrevues sur les caractéristiques de leurs expériences scolaires et leurs apprentissages des langues. Ils possèdent tous un bagage éducatif solide en anglais mais leurs niveaux de français sont variés (i.e. sept sujets débutants, sept intermédiaires et sept avancés). Notre recherche se base sur trois expérimentations. Dans la première, nous nous intéressons notamment au rôle de la typologie textuelle auprès des débutants, dont les caractéristiques sont représentatives des apprenants coréens qui sont grammaticalement et lexicalement faibles en français. Nous mobilisons les connaissances textuelles par le biais des textes en anglais puis nous mesurons si les participants peuvent les utiliser dans les textes en français. Nous vérifions cette utilisation en comparant les résultats de la perception du fonctionnement de l’écrit en français avant et après la mobilisation des connaissances textuelles. Les donnés empiriques révèlent que les apprenants coréens qui n’ont pas encore maîtrisé les compétences de base réussissent à percevoir le fonctionnement de l’écrit en français grâce à leurs connaissances textuelles préalablement mobilisées en anglais.Dans notre deuxième expérimentation, nous examinons l’effet de l’enseignement de la typologie textuelle sur la lecture stratégique dans l’apprentissage multilingue. Nous offrons le cours de lecture stratégique avec un texte en français et examinons l’effet de cette pratique. En comparant les résultats de la compréhension avant et après le cours, nous vérifions que le cours de lecture stratégique est efficace non seulement sur la perception du fonctionnement de l’écrit, mais également sur l’apprentissage de la grammaire et du vocabulaire. Nous vérifions également l’influence translinguistique du français vers l’anglais. Dans la troisième expérimentation, nous examinons l’effet de l’enseignement de la typologie textuelle sur le processus de production écrite en français. Nous recueillons les productions des participants avant et après le cours de l’écriture. Nous les analysons avec les mêmes grilles de codage concernant la forme typologique et le sens culturel. Nous observons que les scripteurs qui ont l’occasion de mobiliser explicitement leurs connaissances textuelles peuvent obtenir des performances plus élevées concernant la forme typologique ainsi que le sens culturel après le processus de production. Nous en concluons que la didactique effectuée à partir de la typologie textuelle a toute sa pertinence dans l’apprentissage multilingue et que l’approche stratégique peut stimuler la mise en place de la typologie textuelle pour appréhender la langue écrite au niveau textuel tant en lecture qu’en écriture. / The concept of text-level organization is required in French literacy education for Korean learners. The major objective of this study was to explore a strategic approach which emphasizes the concept of textual typology on text-level language learning, as well as its cognitive and cultural dimensions of transfer, particularly in relation to French literacy education in multilingual learning (Korean, French and English). The textual typology which is deeply embedded in the empirical traditions of French literacy education has been a useful educational tool not only for teaching rhetorical conventions but also for practicing lexical and grammatical usage. Data were obtained from 21 Korean aged 14 to 15 years who study in English-French multilingual learning environments in Montreal. For comparative purposes, the results of the reading activity of three groups of seven students with elementary, intermediate and advanced competence in French as a second foreign language were analyzed. Our empirical research focuses on three issues. The first issue deals with whether the textual typology facilitates access to the text-level meaning as a useful pedagogical tool especially for low French level learners who have a limited vocabulary and grammar. We mobilized students’ background knowledge using English texts and we verified if they use it when they read French texts. The Post hoc contrasts showed that the textual typology is a profitable tool especially for beginners. The second issue is concerned with the practice of the strategic reading approach using a textual typology. The post-hoc about reading comprehension provided empirical support for the positive effects of reading strategies, not only for learning rhetorical conventions but also for understanding lexical and grammatical usage. And the results indicate crosslinguistic influence effects as well. The third issue focuses on the writing process with emphasis on the rhetorical norm in French writing. An analysis of students’ written texts showed that the rhetorical pattern of textual typology guided effectively to well formed writings in rhetorical and cultural dimension. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that the participants could effectively use the textual typology as well-developed networks of relevant prior knowledge in multilingual learning. And the strategic approach could stimulate the practice of the textual typology in textual comprehension and composition during reading and writing process.

Simultant flerspråkiga barns narrativa förmågor : Referensdata för svensk-engelsktalande barn

Leback, Annika, Nilsson, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Det saknas logopediskt bedömningsmaterial normerat för flerspråkiga barn, och kunskapen om dessa barns typiska tal- och språkutveckling är begränsad hos logopeder i Sverige. Detta leder till över- och underdiagnostisering av språkstörning. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka svensk-engelsktalande barns narrativer (berättelser). Dessa analyseras kvantitativt och kvalitativt, både makrostrukturellt (story grammar) och mikrostrukturellt (lingvistiska mått). Även narrativ förståelse undersöks och jämförs med produktion. Studiens deltagare är 16 simultant flerspråkiga svensk-engelsktalande barn i åldern 6-7 år, som går i förskoleklass eller i första klass. Narrativerna eliciteras med hjälp av två bildsekvenser ur ett bedömningsmaterial framtaget av en forskningsgrupp inom COST Action IS0804. Bedömningsmaterialet innehåller även förståelsefrågor till bildsekvenserna, och bakgrundsfrågor för vårdnadshavare att fylla i. Resultaten visar inga skillnader i makrostruktur mellan svenska och engelska, vilket tyder på att narrativ förmåga inte nödvändigtvis är språkbunden. Jämförelser mellan förståelse och produktion av utvalda story grammar-komponenter visar dock en tydlig skillnad. Förståelsen för en karaktärs mål (story grammar-komponenten goal), vad karaktären vill uppnå, är etablerad hos de flesta deltagarna trots att produktionen av goal är begränsad. Till skillnad från makrostrukturen, skiljer sig mikrostrukturen åt i narrativerna. De engelska narrativerna är både längre och mer komplexa än de svenska. Skillnaderna mellan barn i förskoleklass och i första klass är dessutom stor, både makro- och mikrostrukturellt. Detta tyder på att mycket händer i barns språkliga och narrativa utveckling i tidig skolålder. Tvärspråkligt inflytande förefaller vara en naturlig del av den typiska språkutvecklingen hos simultant flerspråkiga barn. / There are no standardised tests for assessing bilingual children’s speech and language development, and the knowledge about these children’s typical language development is limited amongst speech and language therapists in Sweden. Studies have shown that this can lead to misdiagnosis of language impairment in these children. The aim of this study is to investigate the narratives of Swedish-English speaking children. Analysis is made, both quantitatively and qualitatively, regarding the macrostructure (story grammar) and the microstructure (linguistic measurements) of the narratives. Narrative comprehension is also examined, and compared with the produced narratives. The participants are 16 simultaneously bilingual Swedish-English speaking children, aged 6-7 years and either attending preschool class or first grade in the Swedish education system. The narratives are elicited using two different sets of pictures from an assessment material designed by a research group within COST Action IS0804. The assessment material also contains comprehension questions and a form for carers to fill in, regarding the children’s linguistic backgrounds. The results in this study show no macrostructural differences between the Swedish and the English narratives, which indicates that narrative ability is not necessarily language dependent. There is a clear difference between the comprehension and production of selected story grammar components. Despite the limited production of characters’ goals in the narratives, the participants appear to have established the comprehension of this story grammar component. The microstructural analysis of the narratives shows that the English narratives are both longer and more complex than the Swedish ones. There are differences between participants attending Swedish preschool class and participants attending Swedish first grade, with regards to both macrostructure and microstructure. The differences indicate that language and narrative ability is increasing between the ages of 6 and 7. Crosslinguistic influence appears to be a natural part of typical language development in simultaneously bilingual children.

Source Language of Lexical Transfer in Multilingual Learners : A Mixed Methods Approach

Neuser, Hannah January 2017 (has links)
The study reported in this thesis investigates the source language of lexical transfer in multilingual learners using a mixed methods approach. Previous research has shown that the source language of crosslinguistic influence can be related to factors such as proficiency, recency/exposure, psychotypology, the L2 status, and item-specific transferability. The present study employed a mixed methods approach in order to best serve the particularities of each of the five factors under investigation. Multinomial logistic regression was emloyed to test the predictive power of the first four factors, thereby addressing the issue of confounding variables found in previous studies. A more exploratory qualitative analysis was used to investigate item-specific transferability due to the lack of prior empirical studies focusing on this aspect. Both oral and written data were collected, offering an analysis of modal differences in direct comparison. The results show a significant effect of proficiency and exposure, but inconsistent patterns for psychotypology. Most importantly, in this study of lexical transfer, a significant L1 status effect was found, rather than an L2 status effect. In addition, the statistical model predicted the source language of transfer better in the spoken than in the written mode. Finally, learners were found to assess, as well as actively improve, an item’s transferability in relation to target language norms and constraints. All of these findings contribute to our understanding of lexical organization, activation, and access in the multilingual mind.

L1 transfer effects in L2 grammatical gender processing of late bilinguals

Renner, Anna 07 May 2014 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht Transfereffekte aus der Muttersprache (L1) in der Verarbeitung von grammatischem Genus in der Zweitsprache (L2) bei Spätbilingualen. „Spätbilinguale“ lernen eine Zweitsprache nach der Kindheit, im Gegensatz zu „Frühbilingualen“. Forschungsergebnisse zeigten, dass der L2-Erwerb nach der Kindheit weniger erfolgreich ist als während der Kindheit und dass einige Strukturen, wie z.B. grammatisches Genus, besonders stark von Alterseffekten beeinträchtigt sind. Eine Erklärung für L2-Verarbeitungsschwierigkeiten ist negativer L1-Transfer. Deshalb konzentriert sich diese Dissertation auf L1-Transfereffekte in der Genusverarbeitung. Transfer tritt auf, weil alle Sprachen eines Sprechers aktiviert sind und im Wettbewerb um Selektion stehen. Ein Ziel dieser Dissertation ist, zu beschreiben, welche Faktoren Genustransfer beeinflussen. Für die L2-Genusverarbeitung wurde gezeigt, dass verschiedene Faktoren die Leistung beeinflussen, z.B. die L2-Kompetenz der Probanden, Aufgabenanforderungen und die syntaktische Distanz der übereinstimmenden Elemente. Genustransfer wird durch Faktoren wie Charakteristiken des L1-Genussystems, Transparenz des L2-Genussystems und Formähnlichkeit der Nomen in L1 und L2 beeinflusst. Außerdem könnte Genustransfer von der L2-Kompetenz und der Komplexität des L2-Genussystems abhängen. Es wurden ein behaviorales und ein EKP-Experiment durchgeführt. Genustransfer wurde über verschiedene Sprachpaare mit Genussystemen von unterschiedlicher Komplexität und Transparenz hinweg untersucht. Die experimentellen Aufgaben unterschieden sich bezüglich der Aufgabenanforderungen und syntaktische Strukturen mit unterschiedlicher struktureller Distanz wurden verwendet. Der Leistungsstand der Probanden wurde manipuliert. Anhand meiner Ergebnisse konnte ich identifizieren, welche (Kombination von) Faktoren Genustransfer erhöhen oder verringern und Genustransfer als das Ergebnis eines komplexen Wechselspiels von Faktoren beschreiben. / This thesis investigates first language (L1) transfer effects in second language (L2) grammatical gender processing of late bilinguals. “Late bilinguals” learn an L2 after childhood, in contrast to “early bilinguals”. Research has shown that L2 acquisition after childhood is usually less successful than during childhood and that some aspects of a language are more affected by age than others. One of the structures especially affected is grammatical gender. A possible explanation for L2 processing difficulties in late bilinguals is negative transfer from the L1. Therefore, this thesis focuses on L1 transfer effects in L2 gender processing of late bilinguals. Transfer arises because all languages of a speaker are activated and compete for selection. One aim of this thesis is to describe which (combination of) factors influence L1 gender transfer. Regarding L2 gender processing in general, different factors have been shown to affect performance, e.g., language proficiency of the subjects, task demands, and syntactic distance of the agreeing elements. Gender transfer is affected by factors such as characteristics of the L1 gender system, transparency of the L2 gender system, and form similarities of nouns in L1 and L2 (cognates vs. noncognates). Besides this, gender transfer might be mediated by L2 proficiency and the complexity of the L2 gender system. In this thesis, a behavioral and an ERP experiment were conducted. Gender transfer was investigated across different language pairs with gender systems of varying complexity and transparency. Experimental tasks differed in task demands and syntactic structures with varying agreement distances were used. Language proficiency of subjects was also manipulated. Based on my findings, I was able to identify which factors and which combination of factors increase or decrease gender transfer and to describe gender transfer as the result of a complex interplay of a combination of various factors.

Bidirekcionální transfer u mluvčích hindštiny/urdštiny s češtinou jako druhým jazykem / Bidirectional transfer in Hindi/Urdu speakers with Czech as a Second Language

Melnikova, Nora January 2019 (has links)
Bidirectional transfer in Hindi/Urdu speakers with Czech as a Second Language Nora Melnikova Abstract The aim of this project is to examine the influence of Hindi/Urdu on Czech in advanced Hindi L1 speakers of Czech as a Second Language, as well as the influence of Czech on their respective L1. This is the first project of its kind. So far, there has been no research on Hindi/Urdu L1 speakers of Czech, in spite of the fact that dozens Hindi/Urdu L1-speakers enroll in Czech language courses in India every year and thousands of Hindi/Urdu L1-speakers are permanent or long-term residents of the Czech Republic and have acquired Czech at various levels of proficiency. The practical objective of this thesis is to provide first empirically based insights for teachers of Czech as a Foreign/Second Language to Hindi/Urdu L1-speakers in India and in the Czech Republic, as well as for teachers of other Slavic languages. The study analyzes the language production of 10 Hindi/Urdu L1 speakers who have lived in the Czech Republic for at least 5 years. The analysis is based on recordings of informal conversations. The obtained linguistic data was compared with standard grammatical descriptions of Hindi/Urdu and Czech in order to perform error analysis. With the help of contrastive analysis, errors caused by language...

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