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Interconnects for future technology generations - conventional CMOS with copper/low-k and beyondCeyhan, Ahmet 12 January 2015 (has links)
The limitations of the conventional Cu/low-k interconnect technology for use in future ultra-scaled integrated circuits down to 7 nm in the year 2020 are investigated from the power/performance point of view. Compact models are used to demonstrate the impacts of various interconnect process parameters, for instance, the interconnect barrier/liner bilayer thickness and aspect ratio, on the design and optimization of a multilevel interconnect network. A framework to perform a sensitivity analysis for the circuit behavior to interconnect process parameters is created for future FinFET CMOS technology nodes. Multiple predictive cell libraries down to the 7‒nm technology node are constructed to enable early investigation of the electronic chip performance using commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools with real chip information. Findings indicated new opportunities that arise for emerging novel interconnect technologies from the materials and process perspectives. These opportunities are evaluated based on potential benefits that are quantified with rigorous circuit-level simulations and requirements for key parameters are underlined. The impacts of various emerging interconnect technologies on the performances of emerging devices are analyzed to quantify the realistic circuit- and system-level benefits that these new switches can offer.
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Development of Spatially-Resolved FTIR – Gas Concentration Measurements inside a Monolith-Supported Selective Catalytic Reduction CatalystHou, Xuxian 04 June 2013 (has links)
The diesel engine is growing in popularity due to its energy efficiency and solving the emissions issues associated with diesel engine exhaust would clear the way for further growth. The key pollutants are NOx, particulate matter and unburned hydrocarbons. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysis is likely the best choice for NOx control. In SCR, NH3 selectively reacts with NOx to form N2 – the selectivity refers to NH3 reacting with NOx instead of the abundant O2. Urea is used as the NH3 source, being injected into the exhaust as an aqueous solution where the urea decomposes and NH3 is generated.
Spatial resolution characterization techniques have been gaining attention in the catalysis field because of the higher level of information provided. In this thesis, a new spatial resolution technique, called SpaciFTIR (spatially-resolved, capillary-inlet Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy), was developed, which overcomes the interference of water in the detection of NH3 in an earlier developed technique, SpaciMS (spatially-resolved, capillary-inlet mass spectrometry). With the new test method, three SCR topics were addressed.
First, the three key SCR reactions were spatially resolved. These are the standard SCR reaction (2NO + 2NH3 + 1/2O2 = 2N2 + 3H2O), the fast SCR reaction (NO + NO2 + 2NH3 = 2N2 + 3H2O), and NO2-SCR, (6NO2 + 8NH3 = 7N2 + 12H2O). Results show that in the presence of NO2, but at a NO2/NOx ratio < 0.5, the fast SCR reaction proceeds followed by the standard SCR reaction, i.e. in series. If the NO2/NOx ratio exceeds 0.5, the NO2-SCR and fast SCR reactions occur in parallel. Compared to the standard integral test method, this spatial resolution technique clearly showed such trends. Secondly, the spatial resolution technique was used to characterize the effects of thermal aging on catalyst performance. It was found that for a highly aged catalyst, there was a radial activity profile due to an inhomogeneous temperature distribution in the process of aging. Aging effects on various key SCR reactions, i.e. NO oxidation, NH3 oxidation, and the reduction reactions, were studied. Last but not least, for the purpose of passive SCR system development, transient NH3 storage profiles along the monolith channel were measured with SpaciFTIR. Passive SCR is a system where the NH3 is generated on an upstream catalyst, such as a three-way catalyst or lean-NOx trap, instead of via urea injection. In such a system, NH3 is therefore not constantly being fed to the SCR catalyst, but “arrives” in pulses. Factors such temperature, NH3 concentration, pulsing time, flow rate and thermal aging were investigated. For the first time, NH3 migration was observed and its effect on SCR reactions along the length of catalyst was studied.
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Delamination Of Layered Materials Under Impact LoadingDinc, Dincer 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a cold worked tool steel and a low carbon steel ( St 37 ), which were joined by brazing, were subjected to impact and shear loading. The end product is used as paper cutting blades in the industry. Effects of different brazing filler metals on the delamination of the blades under impact loading and on the impact toughness of the blades were studied. The target is to achieve higher impact toughness values without delamination.
Impact toughness of the steels, joined by Cu, CuNi and BNi brazing filler metals and separation of brazed surfaces under shear loading were studied. The microstructures that were formed as a result of each application were studied by scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction.
The results indicate that brittle intermetallic compounds are formed in BNi brazing filler metal application. It is observed that CuNi alloy with 24% wt Ni form stronger bonds with the base metals than pure Cu and 10% wt Ni CuNi alloy.
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Creating the World of the Táin through the Remscéla: Prologemena to ReadingRetzlaff, Kay Lynn January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Estudio de la Evolución de la Microestructura y Dureza de Aleaciones Cu-Al y Cu-Al-ti Durante su Fabricación por Molienda Reactiva y ExtrusiónFigueroa González, Felipe Andrés January 2008 (has links)
El proceso de fabricación de aleaciones por molienda reactiva de polvos elementales es de interés
debido a su capacidad de crear aleaciones tanto con tamaño de grano y de dispersoides cerámicos nanométricos,
obteniéndose un material que posee propiedades mecánicas mejores que una aleación similar
fabricada bajo métodos convencionales, además de mantener dichas propiedades a altas temperaturas.
El presente trabajo es parte del proyecto FONDECYT Nº 1070294, el cuál tiene como finalidad estudiar
aleaciones de Cu fabricadas por éste método.
Los objetivos de este trabajo son: I) Estudiar y comprender la evolución de la microestructura de las
aleaciones Cu-5 %vAl2O3(binaria) y Cu-2.5 %vAl2O3-2.5 %vTiC(ternaria) fabricadas por molienda reactiva
de polvos elementales y posterior extrusión en caliente. II) Estudiar la influencia del tiempo de molienda
y la composición nominal de los polvos elementales de las aleaciones en su microestructura, tanto
después de la extrusión a 750[°C] como después de un posterior recocido a 600[°C], para evaluar su estabilidad
a altas temperaturas.
Las aleaciones binarias presentaron un tamaño de cristalita de entre 20 a 200[nm] (en forma de polvos),
que se observaron por Difracción de Rayos-X (DRX) y Microscopía de Transmisión (TEM). También,
se observó la presencia de dispersoides de Al2O3-α y CuO de entre 1 a 5[nm], mediante Difracción de
Electrones (DE) y TEM de Alta Resolución. Una vez extruídas, el tamaño de grano se observado por TEM
fue de entre 1 y 5 [µm], con subgranos internos de 100[nm], los dispersoides crecieron a aproximadamente
20[nm] y la dureza de la aleación fue medida entre 190 a 220[HV], con una baja de un 5 % aprox.
después del recocido. La dureza está dentro de los valores esperados, ya que es bastante superior a la
del Cu puro y concuerda con los resultados obtenidos en investigaciones anteriores. También se observó
una interfaz Cu/Al2O3-α semi-coherente mediante TEM de alta resolución.
Las aleaciones ternarias presentaron un tamaño de cristalita de entre 20 a 100[nm] (en forma de polvos),
que se observaron por DRX y TEM. También, se observó la presencia de dispersoides de Al2O3-α,
TiO y CuO de entre 1 a 10[nm], mediante DE y TEM de Alta Resolución. Una vez extruídas, el tamaño
de grano se observado por TEM fue de entre 1 y 3 [µm], con subgranos internos de 100[nm]. Los dispersoides
crecieron a aproximadamente 20[nm] y la dureza promedio medida fue entre 180 a 200[HV], con
una baja de un 5 % aprox. después del recocido, para las aleaciones ternarias de 10 y 30 horas. Por otro
lado, la aleación molida por 20 horas presentó una dureza de 290 y 260[HV] antes y después del recocido
respectivamente. La dureza de las aleaciones de 10 y 30 horas es mucho más baja de lo obtenido en estudios
anteriores debido a una formación excesiva de TiO, que aparte de impedir la formación de TiC, no
ayudan a detener la deformación plástica. La aleación de 20 horas no presentó un exceso de TiO, y una
presencia razonable de TiC, por lo que su dureza es mucho más alta que las demás aleaciones ternarias
acá fabricadas. También resultó ser más dura que todas las aleaciones binarias, debido a que posee dos
tipos de dispersoides, TiC(coherentes) y Al2O3-α(semi-coherentes) que actúan sobre dos mecanismos
distintos de deformación plástica, lo que es más efectivo que tener una fracción en volumen igual de
dispersoides, pero de un sólo tipo.
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Geología, Alteración Hidrotermal y Mineralización en el Prospecto Cuprífero Cerro Oveja, Comuna de Isla de Maipo, Región MetropolitanaSurján Arellano, Marcelo José Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
El Prospecto Cerro Oveja se encuentra en la Región Metropolitana de Chile, en la
comuna de Isla de Maipo, inmediatamente al SSE del poblado de San Antonio de Naltagua,
aproximadamente a 77 km de Santiago.
Las características del Prospecto Cerro Oveja son afines con un sistema de
mineralización de Cu Estratoligado hospedado en ricas volcánicas y calizas. Se caracteriza
por chimeneas de brechas ígneo-hidrotermales y mantos hospedados en calizas. El centro
de una chimenea de brecha presenta una zona de alteración potásica, caracterizada por la
asociación de feldespato potásico – cuarzo – biotita, la cual está rodeada por una alteración
propilítica caracterizada por la asociación de cuarzo-clorita-epidota-calcita diseminada y en
vetillas en la totalidad del prospecto.
En superficie el prospecto posee un nivel lixiviado, de aproximadamente 50 cm a 1
m, el que presenta minerales como goetita, limonita y hematita. Bajo este nivel, presenta
mineralización supérgena, caracterizada por malaquita – azurita – crisocola – calcosina, y
luego una mineralización hipógena, caracterizada por calcopirita – bornita – digenita.
Los recursos inferidos de este prospecto se han estimado en 34.8 millones de
toneladas de brechas ígneo-hidrotermales mineralizada con leyes promedio de 1,07% Cu y
de 11 g/ton Ag. Mientras que los mantos de calizas mineralizadas, alcanzan la cantidad de
1,5 millones de toneladas, con una ley promedio de 3,7% Cu, y 26,4 g/ton Ag.
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Influencia de la Adición de Cr en el Endurecimiento por Precipitación en Aleaciones de Cu-Ti.Elgueta Ponce, Iván Andrés January 2008 (has links)
El cobre es uno de los materiales metálicos más utilizados hoy en día debido a sus
excelentes propiedades eléctricas y térmicas, sin embargo, la baja resistencia mecánica que
exhibe, ha llevado a alearlo con otros elementos como el Ti, con el cual se han logrado notables
mejoras en las propiedades mecánicas luego de realizarle tratamientos de envejecimiento.
El presente trabajo de título pretende analizar la influencia de la adición de una pequeña
concentración de Cr en el endurecimiento por precipitación de aleaciones binarias de Cu-Ti.
Con esta finalidad, sobre una aleación ternaria de Cu-5%wt.Ti-0.5%wt.Cr, se realizaron
análisis calorimétricos (DSC), ensayos de microdureza Vickers y análisis TEM. El análisis
energético y cinético de las curvas calorimétricas, fue realizado mediante los modelos de
Kissinger modificado y Mehl-Johnson-Avrami (MJA), respectivamente. Los ensayos de dureza y
el análisis TEM, fueron realizados para distintos tratamientos de envejecimiento, cada uno de
ellos asociado a los diferentes procesos de transformación de fase presentados por el material.
Las curvas calorimétricas muestran la presencia de dos procesos exotérmicos, seguidos de
una reacción endotérmica y una última exotérmica, las que fueron observadas para todas las
velocidades de calentamiento utilizadas. Los procesos exotérmicos pueden ser asociados a la
formación de las fases Cu4Ti, Cr2Ti y Cu3Ti, respectivamente, mientras que el endotérmico
corresponde a la disolución parcial de alguna de las dos primeras fases formadas, Cu4Ti o Cr2Ti.
Se puede afirmar que los procesos de transformación y crecimiento son gobernados por difusión.
Las energías de activación obtenidas en los procesos exotérmicos fueron de 120, 93 y 179
[kJ/mol] para el Cu4Ti, Cr2Ti y Cu3Ti, respectivamente. Los bajos valores obtenidos para los dos
primeros procesos pueden atribuirse a la contribución de las vacancias introducidas por el temple.
Para el proceso de disolución se obtuvo una energía de activación de 211 [kJ/mol].
Los resultados cinéticos establecen que el Cr2Ti precipita por nucleación y crecimiento,
mientras que el Cu3Ti precipita en los bordes de grano.
El análisis TEM permitió observar una descomposición espinodal con fluctuaciones de la
concentración de Ti, correspondiente a la precipitación continua de la fase metaestable Cu4Ti.
Los resultados de la microdureza determinaron que la aleación es predominantemente
reforzada por mecanismos de endurecimiento por precipitación, observándose un incremento de
dureza de 171 HV, desde la condición templada, al peak de dureza alcanzado. Estos incrementos
de dureza obtenidos, establecen una mejora en las propiedades mecánicas de la aleación ternaria
con respecto a los presentados por la aleación binaria, donde el mayor reforzamiento de la matriz
está asociado a la precipitación de partículas de Cu4Ti.
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Etude du procédé de fabrication de noyaux ferrimagnétiques complexes par mise en forme isostatique : application aux transformateurs intercellulaires / Study of the manufacturing process of complex ferrimagnetic cores by isostatic forming : application to intercellular transformersLe, Trong Trung 01 July 2016 (has links)
Les besoins actuels en électronique de puissance concernent principalement la fiabilité et l'augmentation de la densité de puissance. Dans les deux cas, ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler l'intégration de puissance constitue une solution. Les problèmes de fiabilité peuvent être résolus par la diminution du nombre d'interconnexions et par la maitrise complète de la réalisation des convertisseurs et, ceux liés à la densité de puissance, par la réduction des dimensions et par la mutualisation d'un certain nombre de fonctions: intégration des passifs, substrats fonctionnalisés, composants de couplage... Ceci passe nécessairement par une stratégie de choix de structures de conversion permettant de répondre à ces questions. Les convertisseurs multi-niveaux, multicellulaires entrelacés sont un exemple de structure permettant de réduire la taille et le volume des composants magnétiques. Le point clé de ces structures réside dans le partage des flux magnétiques entre les différentes phases du convertisseur via un transformateur intercellulaire (ICT). Ce type de composant permet l'entrelacement de nombreuses cellules de commutation. Il consiste en un noyau magnétique de forme spécifique et souvent complexe. Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse concernent le développement de technologies permettant la réalisation de composants magnétiques de type ICT en vue de leur intégration. Les principales propriétés du matériau (magnétiques et diélectriques) nécessaires à la réalisation de ce type de composant nous ont conduits à choisir une ferrite de type Ni0,30Zn0,57Cu0,15Fe2O4 susceptible de s'adapter tant aux fréquences de fonctionnement qu'à la gamme de puissance envisagée. Différents procédés de mise en œuvre (et les paramètres qui leur sont associés) ont été étudiés. Il s'agit soit du formage, via l'utilisation de moules souples ou encore du pressage isostatique, et de l'usinage soit à cru soit après frittage. Concernant l'usinage, deux systèmes distincts nous ont permis la mise en forme des noyaux complexes soit en 2 D soit en 3D. Les résultats de cette démarche tant en termes d'objet que de propriétés du composant, sont présentés. L'influence des différents paramètres utilisés lors de la réalisation (température de frittage, pression,...) sur les caractéristiques finales est aussi étudiée. / Current issues in power electronics are mainly related to the reliability and the increase in the power density. In both cases, what is called power integration is proposed as the solution. Reliability issues can be solved by reducing the number of interconnections and by the full design and elaboration of converters; and those related to the power density are addressed by reducing the dimensions and the mutualization of a number of functions: integration of passive components, embedded substrates, coupling components... This necessarily involves the choice of a strategy for converting structures. Multilevel converters, interleaved multicellular converters are an example of structures that reduce the size and volume of magnetic components. The key point of these structures is the sharing of magnetic flux between the different phases of the converter via an intercellular transformer (ICT). This type of component allows interleaving many switching cells. It consists of a magnetic core of specific, often complex and shape. The work done in this thesis concerns the development of technologies for the realization of ICT magnetic components for their integration. The main material properties (magnetic and dielectric) necessary for the implementation of this type of component oriented us towards a ferrite Ni0,30Zn0,57Cu0,15Fe2O4 able to work at the proposed operating frequencies and power range. Various elaboration processes (and the parameters associated with them) were studied. It is either forming, through the use of flexible molds or by isostatic pressing, and machining either raw or after sintering. By machining, two separate systems have enabled us obtaining complex magnetic cores either in 2D or in 3D. The results of this approach in terms of object and component properties are presented. The influence of various parameters used during the production (sintering temperature, pressure,...) on the final characteristics is also investigated.
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Verificação da adição de cinza leve no composto ferro-cobre-grafite para fabricação de anéis de selos mecânicos pelo processo de metalurgia do pó convencionalMotta, Clayton André Oliveira da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho possui como objetivo analisar as propriedades do composto que apresenta em sua composição Fe-Cu-C com adição da cinza leve em percentuais de 4,8% classificado como composto A; 9,8% classificado como composto B; e 14.8% classificado como composto C, processados por metalurgia do pó convencional. Outro objetivo foi analisar o percentual desses compostos e compará-los a liga Fe-Cu-C, classificado como composto Sem Cinza (SC), que não apresenta cinza em sua composição. O composto que não apresenta cinza é utilizado na fabricação de anéis de selos mecânicos. Buscou-se nesse trabalho a melhor condição de cinza em balanço como sendo uma possível alternativa na fabricação desses componentes. A cinza leve foi adicionada ao composto SC já citado (Fe-Cu-C). O carbono presente no composto sem cinza, que tem por finalidade apresentar uma melhor condição de lubrificação nos anéis de selos mecânicos, foi mantido e balanceado junto aos três novos que apresentaram a adição de cinza. Foi analisada no microscópio eletrônico de varredura a distribuição dos elementos ferro, cobre, grafite e cinza leve após a sinterização. Já o tamanho das partículas dos constituintes dos compostos, foram analisados ainda em estado pulvurulento. Determinou-se a massa específica aparente, a curva de compressibilidade e foram compactadas as amostras dos compostos Fe-Cu-C com e sem cinza. Foi realizada a sinterização em atmosfera controlada por argônio em temperatura de 1150ºC com taxa de resfriamento constante. Para a análise da eficiência da mistura, foram realizados ensaios de densidade das amostras sinterizadas, dureza, microdureza e metalografia. Ensaio de micrografia, Dispersão de Energia por Espectroscopia (EDS), ensaio de desgaste pelo método tribológico, análise perfilométrica 2D e 3D e análise dimensional (variações de altura e diâmetro). Foi realizada também a análise da resistividade elétrica dos compostos balanceados com cinza e sem cinza. Para mensurar a possibilidade do uso dos compostos com cinza foram avaliados os resultados obtidos e comparados com os resultados do composto Fe-Cu-C sem adição de cinza. Os resultados indicaram a possiblidade do emprego do composto A (4,8% de cinza) para fabricação de anéis de selo mecânico. / This work aims to analyze the properties of the compound having in its composition Fe-Cu-C with the addition of fly ash in 4,8% percentage classified as compound A, 9,8% classified as compound B, and 14,8% classified as compound C, processed by conventional powder metallurgy. Another objective was to analyze the percentage of these compounds and compare them to Fe-Cu-C, classified as compound No fly ash (SC), which has no gray in their composition. The compound that has no ash is used in the manufacture of mechanical seals rings. We sought in this work the best condition of gray balance as a possible alternative in the manufacture of these components. The fly ash was added to the compound SC (Fe-Cu-C). The addition of carbon in the compounds was to reduce the friction in process compression. Was examined in a scanning electron microscope the distribution of the elements iron, copper, graphite, and fly ash after sintering. The size of the compounds particles were analyzed in powdery state. It was determined the apparent density, compressibility curve of the compounds Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu-C with fly ash. Sintering was performed in a controlled atmosphere with argon at a temperature of 1150 ° C with a constant rate of cooling. To analyze the efficiency of mixing of test samples of sintered density, hardness, hardness and metallography were performed. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), tribological wear test method, analysis perfilométrica 2D and 3D dimensional analysis (variations in height and diameter). Analysis of the electrical resistivity of the compounds with and without fly ash was also performed. To measure the possible use of the compounds with fly ash, results were evaluated and compared with results of the compound Fe-Cu-C without adding ash. The results indicated the possibility of employment of compound A (4,8% ash) for the manufacture of mechanical seal rings.
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Sulfur poisoning and regeneration of copper zeolites for NH3-SCR : Effect of SO2/SO3 ratioHögström, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
The road transportation is a big source for the release of NOx emissions. NOx has been confirmed to cause negative affect on the air-quality especially in the urban areas, there are therefore regulations for allowed released amount from vehicles. The most adopted technology used for the reduction of these NOx emissions from the diesel exhaust gas is the ammonium selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR) using a Cu-zeolite as the catalyst in the system. The SCR catalyst can be deactivated through different mechanism, whereas poisoning by sulfur has been documented to be an important factor for the deactivation. The degree of deactivation of the catalyst has been suggested to vary depending on the catalytic material and which sulfur conditions the catalyst is exposed to, where SO3 has been indicated to cause more sever deactivation compared to SO2. The aim of this project has been to investigate the deactivation mechanism of Cu-zeolites at different SOx conditions and evaluate potential regeneration mechanism. The project was carried out by evaluating the catalysts, Cu-BEA and Cu-SSZ-13, over different reactions that occurs in the SCR system, investigating the deactivation effect caused by SO2 poisoning and the regeneration potential. The project was then continued with the focus on the Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst investigating different SOx poisoning and regeneration conditions were investigated. In order to investigate the SO3 poisoning a generator using oxidation of SO2 to SO3 was successfully build during this project. A kinetic model over the Cu-SSZ-13 NH3-SCR reactions was also built based on literature studies and the experimental data obtained. The results from the sulfur poisoning of Cu-BEA are based on the master thesis by Maria Arvanitidou. The fresh samples Cu-Beta and Cu-SSZ-13 exhibited similar activity, with the exception of the high formation of N2O observed over Cu-Beta under SCR conditions. The SO2 causes deactivation, especially at low temperatures. Cu-SSZ-13 exhibited more loss in activity but was able to recover more through the elevated SCR regeneration steps than the Cu-Beta. When SO2 exposure was performed together with NH3, larger deactivation was observed, likely due to ammonium sulfate species formed on the surface. The ammonium sulfate species were less thermally stable than copper sulfates, making it easier to recover the loss of activity in the Cu-SSZ-13. SO3 caused a much more sever deactivation of the SCR reactions than that of the SO2 poisoning and continued to show the lowest NOx removal activity after the regeneration process. A difference in initial deactivation and recovery of activity between standard and fast SCR reactions was observed, indicating that the different mechanisms used are affected differently by the poisoning. The kinetic model for NH3-SCR over the Cu-SSZ-13 was successfully created when compared to the experimentally obtained data.
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