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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatigue et corrosion d’alliages de cuivre pour applications ferroviaires / Fatigue and corrosion of copper alloys for railway applications

Delbove, Maxime 28 February 2017 (has links)
Utilisés pour leur bon compromis entre propriétés mécaniques, thermiques et électriques, les alliages Cu-Ni-Si à durcissement structural par précipitation sont notamment employés pour la maintenance ferroviaire. Ils sont donc soumis aux passages des trains et aux effets d’environnement. C’est pourquoi la résistance d’un alliage CuNi2Si a été étudiée en fatigue oligocyclique, en corrosion aqueuse et en fatigue-corrosion. Le but est de relier les propriétés macroscopiques aux mécanismes microstructuraux. Les essais de fatigue ont montré un durcissement initial de l’alliage, suivi d’un adoucissement continu jusqu’à la rupture. À l’aide des microscopies électroniques en transmission (MET) et à balayage (MEB), notamment en ECCI (Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging) et en EBSD (Electron BackScattered Diffraction), une formation initiale de cellules de dislocations a été identifiée, ces dernières disparaissant au profil de la formation de bandes dénuées de précipités suite à la dissolution mécanique des précipités δ-Ni2Si. Ceci constitue le mécanisme d’accommodation de la déformation cyclique. L’avancée de la formation de ces bandes explique les différents régimes observés sur le diagramme de Manson-Coffin. L’alliage présente en milieu NaCl à 50 g.L1 un mécanisme de corrosion intergranulaire. La spectroscopie d’impédance électrochimique (SIE) semble indiquer la présente d’un film passif compact en surface de l’alliage. Enfin, une sensibilité à la fatigue-corrosion apparaît, notamment aux plus hauts niveaux de déformation où la durée de vie est réduite d’un tiers. De plus, un faciès de rupture semblable à ceux observés en corrosion sous contrainte est constaté. / Employed for their good balance between mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, precipitation hardened Cu-Ni-Si alloys are used for various purposes, including railway maintenance. In the latter case, they are submitted to train traffic and environmental effects. This is why the low cycle fatigue (LCF), the wet corrosion and the fatigue-corrosion behaviours of a CuNi2Si alloy have been studied. The aim of the present work is to relate the macroscopic properties to the microstructural behaviour. The fatigue life of the alloy is composed of an initial hardening step, followed by a continuous softening until fracture. Thanks to the combination of transmission and scanning electron microscopies (respectively TEM and SEM), including ECCI (Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging) in addition to EBSD (Electron BackScattered Diffraction), the formation of dislocation cells has been identified, which ones are then consumed by the formation of precipitate free bands after the mechanical dissolution of the δ-Ni2Si precipitates. This sequence describes the cyclic strain accommodation mechanism. The progress in the formation of these bands explains the different regimes observed into the Manson-Coffin diagram. The alloy exhibits intergranular corrosion in 50 g.L-1 NaCl solution. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) indicates the formation of a compact passive film at the surface of the alloy. Finally, the alloy seems to be sensible to fatigue-corrosion, especially at high strain range where the number of cycle to failure is reduced by a third. Moreover, a fracture surface similar to a stress corrosion cracking surface is also observed.


FABIAN DE JESUS OROZCO MARTINEZ 29 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] As ligas metálicas têm sido amplamente estudadas, visando atender aplicações onde propriedades físicas e químicas diferenciadas se fazem necessárias. Nesse sentido, merecem destaque as ligas voltadas ao recobrimento de substratos metálicos, tendo-se como objetivo a proteção do substrato em ambientes corrosivos. Sendo assim, a presente pesquisa propõe abordar um método de síntese de ligas de Cu-Ni em substratos de cobre através da decomposição térmica do nitrato de níquel, e subsequentemente a redução do óxido NiO formado, mediante redução com H2 a 350 graus Celsius e tratamento térmico na mesma atmosfera a 800 graus Celsius, com tempos variados (3, 4 e 5h), para estimular a difusão do níquel produzido no interior da matriz de Cu. Os filmes serão caracterizados via microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), tanto em sessões transversais, quanto panorâmico, além da difração de raios-x (DRX) com incidência rasante, visando-se identificar a liga Cu-Ni produzida. Os resultados sugerem que o processo proposto foi bem-sucedido, permitindo um amplo recobrimento do substrato e a subsequente difusão do Ni produzido, o que permitiu a identificação, em todas as amostras, da liga de interesse. As amostras selecionadas serão futuramente utilizadas para ensaios de microdureza, bem como de eletro-corrosão, sendo o comportamento medido comparando-se com o substrato puro. Espera-se que a presença do recobrimento eleve a resistência à abrasão, bem como dificultar a corrosão do cobre presente. / [en] Metal alloys has been extensively studied to light upon applications where differentiated physical and chemical properties are required. In this context, its value highlighting the alloys for the coating of metallic substrates with the objective of protecting the substrate in corrosive environments. The present work proposes to approach a method of synthesis of Cu-Ni alloys in copper substrates through the thermal decomposition of nickel nitrate and subsequently to discount the NiO oxide formed by reduction with H2 at 350 degrees Celsius and heat treatment in the same atmosphere at 800 degrees Celsius with (3, 4 and 5h) to stimulate the diffusion of the nickel produced inside the Cu matrix. The films were then characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in both cross-sectional and panoramic sessions, in addition to X-ray diffraction (XRD) with low incidence, aiming to identify Cu-Ni alloy produced. The results suggest that the proposed process was successful, allowing a wide coating of the substrate and subsequent diffusion of Ni produced, which allowed the identification in all samples of the alloy of interest. Selected samples will be used in the future for microhardness tests, as well as for electro-corrosion, and the measured behavior is compared to that observed for pure substrate. The presence of the coating is expected to raise the abrasion resistance as well as to hinder the corrosion of the copper present.

Étude métallurgique et optimisation de la fabrication d'alliages à base de cuivre coulés en continu : analyse de la ségrégation et des phénomènes de précipitation dans les alliages CuNi15Sn8, CuNi6Si1.8Cr, CuTi3Al2 et CuTi3Sn2.75

Lebreton, Valérie 29 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les alliages de cuivre au béryllium, caractérisés par un durcissement structural, sont de par leurs propriétés mécaniques proches de certains aciers (Rm#1230MPa, Re0.2#1060MPa, A%#6.5 à l'état trempé écroui revenu). D'autre part, ils présentent de hautes conductivités thermiques et électriques (22%I.A.C.S), une bonne résistance à l'usure et à la corrosion, et ils sont amagnétiques. La conjugaison de ces différentes propriétés permet aux alliages de Cu-Be d'accéder à une large une gamme d'applications (disques de frein pour les avions, électrodes de soudage, ressort Bourdon de la source pour manomètre, cordes de guitare etc.).Cependant, en plus du coût élevé du béryllium, le principal inconvénient de ces alliages est la présence d'oxyde de béryllium qui est nocif lorsqu'il est inhalé sous forme de poudre ou de vapeur. Malgré toutes les précautions qui peuvent être prises pendant l'élaboration de ces matériaux, le risque demeure. En conséquence, pour préserver des conditions environnementales saines, une politique de recherche d'alliages de substitution possédant des propriétés physiques et mécaniques aussi remarquable que les alliages de Cu-Be a été menée. Au terme d'une étude bibliographique deux principales familles d'alliages riches en cuivre se sont distinguées pour leurs propriétés mécaniques comparables à celles développées par les alliages Cu-Be riches en cuivre : les systèmes Cu-Ni-X (X=Sn, Si) et Cu-Ti-X(X=Al,Sn) dans le coin riche en cuivre. Néanmoins, ces alliages ne sont pas exempts de problème. Par exemple, l'étain a tendance à ségréger lors de la solidification des alliages du système Cu-Ni-Sn élaboré en coulée continue, sans compter que ces mêmes alliages présentent un faible allongement à rupture après revenu. Un autre exemple est la faible conductivité électrique des alliages Cu-Ti (<8%I.A.C.S) en comparaison avec le CuBe2. Donc, pour améliorer ces performances, une optimisation des compositions chimiques et des traitements thermiques s'est avérée nécessaire. A cette fin quatre premiers alliages ont été retenus : le CuNi15Sn8, le CuNi6Si1.8Cr, le CuTi3Al2 et le CuTi3Sn2.75. Les travaux de recherche ont débutés par une analyse microstructurale de la ségrégation et des états filés trempés de ces matériaux dans le but d'appréhender les difficultés pouvant être rencontrées lors de leur élaboration. La deuxième partie s'est axée sur les phénomènes de précipitation lors des revenus durcissants où la relation propriétés mécaniques/électriques et microstructure a été établie dans la mesure des connaissances actuelles. Le projet a ensuite été réorienté par les résultats obtenus sur chacun des alliages de référence. Ainsi, l'influence des éléments mineurs a complété l'étude du CuNi15Sn8 tandis l'affinement de la composition en éléments majeurs des alliages CuNi6Si1.8Cr, CuTi3Al2 et CuTi3Sn2.75 a été privilégié. Des alliages sont ainsi proposés pour une validation semi-industrielle avec un programme de caractérisation plus complet.


14 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os materiais nanoestruturados têm sido estudados ao longo das últimas décadas, por apresentarem propriedades particulares, promissoras propriedades térmicas, mecânicas e catalíticas, que muitas vezes não estão presentes no material não manométrico. Alguns avanços recentes têm mostrado que estas propriedades podem ser reforçadas pela inclusão de materiais com propriedades diferentes na sua estrutura, formando assim nanocompósitos. Por exemplo, as ligas de CuNi são muito dúcteis, mas a presença de nanopartículas de Al2O3 depositadas na matriz pode melhorar consideravelmente a dureza do material. Tal nanocompósito pode ser obtido, por exemplo, através de decomposição térmica nitratos, seguido por redução seletiva com hidrogênio. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como foco a síntese de ligas de CuNi e CuNi com adição de nanoparticulas de Al2O3, baseados na redução seletiva de CuO e de NiO com H2, e óxidos coformados com o óxido de alumínio por meio da decomposição térmica de seus nitratos metálicos. Cálculos termodinâmicos mostraram que a redução de Cu e Ni pode ser realizada a temperaturas relativamente baixas (400 mais ou menos 5 Graus C), e também que o processo se desenvolve seletivamente (apenas os óxidos de Ni e de Cu reagem nas condições impostas), resultando em compósitos de CuNi/Al2O3, que consiste na formação de uma liga CuNi contendo 1 por cento de Al2O3 como finas nanopartículas distribuídas homogeneamente. Precursores e amostras reduzidas foram caracterizados por difração de raios x (DRX) para determinar a natureza das fases individuais presentes (óxidos e ligas), microscopia electrónica de varredura (MEV) como uma primeira aproximação da morfologia das partículas e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Os resultados obtidos indicam que a via química proposta resultou satisfatória para a elaboração das ligas CuNi contendo nanopartículas de Al2O3 homogeneamente distribuídas. Os resultados obtidos também indicam que, para as condições experimentais impostas tanto a decomposição dos nitratos como as reações de redução alcançaram conversões de 100 por cento. / [en] Materials containing nanostructured particles have been studied over the last decades in order to take advantage of their promising thermal, mechanical and catalytic properties. Some recent progress has shown that these properties can be further enhanced by the inclusion of materials with different properties in their structure, thereby forming nanocomposites. For instance, Ni-Cu alloys are highly ductile, but the presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles deposited inside the alloy matrix can considerably improve the material s hardness. Such a nanocomposite can be obtained, for example, through nitrate solutions thermal decomposition followed by selective reduction with hydrogen. In this context, the present work focuses on the synthesis of CuNi alloys and CuNi/Al2O3 composites based on the selective reduction of copper and nickel oxides with pure H2, co-formed with aluminum oxide through thermal decomposition of aqueous solutions of their metal nitrates. Thermodynamic computations showed that the Cu and Ni reduction can be accomplished at relatively low temperatures (400 plus or minus 5 C degrees), and also that the process develops selectively (only the oxides of Ni and Cu react at the imposed conditions), resulting in Cu-Ni-Al2O3 composites, consisting in a Cu-Ni alloy crystals containing 1 percent of Al2O3 as fine homogeneously distributed nanoparticles. Both the original (co-formed) and reduced oxide samples were characterized using x ray diffraction (XRD) for determining the nature of the individual phases present (oxides and alloys) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as a first approach to the investigation of the morphology of the particles. The results indicate that the proposed chemical route resulted in composite materials containing CuNi alloy and Al2O3 particles of controllable composition and homogeneously distributed among the samples. The achieved results also suggest that for the imposed experimental conditions both the nitrate decomposition as well as the reduction reactions could be conducted to 100 percent conversion.

Couplages matériaux procédés pour les alliages de cuivre du transport ferroviaire / Materials-processes couplings for the copper alloys in rail transport

Chalon, Julie 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les raccords et connexions de caténaires ont un rôle important dans l’intégrité électrique et mécanique des caténaires. Ces pièces sont pour la plupart constituées d’un alliage de cuivre Cu-Ni-Si mis en forme par forgeage à chaud. Dans un contexte de fiabilisation du réseau ferroviaire, l’amélioration de leurs performances et de leurs procédés de fabrication est recherchée. Ces travaux se concentrent sur l’étape de mise en forme de ces pièces, et ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre les couplages matériaux-procédés des alliages Cu-Ni-Si.Une campagne expérimentale de compression est menée. Elle permet de développer un modèle rhéologique à base physique décrivant le comportement d’un alliage Cu-Ni-Si dans les gammes de température 800 - 950 °C et de vitesse de déformation 0.1 - 10 s−1. Il tient compte des phénomènes d’adoucissement par restauration et recristallisation dynamiques. Le modèle ainsi créé est ensuite implémenté dans un logiciel éléments finis.Un nouvel essai de formabilité est proposé. Il permet de reproduire les sollicitations mécaniques rencontrées lors d’un procédé de forgeage et vise à déterminer les conditions limites de formabilité d’un matériau. La mise en forme d’une pièce de référence est étudiée par le biais de cet essai. Sa caractérisation précise en matière de champ de déformations et de contraintes permet d’identifier les paramètres expérimentaux. Les résultats identifient une température limite de forgeage en-deçà de laquelle des fissures sont prédites dans la pièce. / Contact wire splices play a leading role in the electric and mechanical integrity of the catenary systems. Most of these parts are made of Cu-Ni-Si alloys and manufactured by a hot forging process. With the aim of increasing the reliability of the railway network, the improvement of their performances and their manufacturing processes is sought. This work is focused on the forming stage of these parts and aims to give a better understanding of the materials-processes couplings for the Cu-Ni-Si alloys.An experimental campaign including compression tests is conducted. It allows the development of a physically-based model to describe the rheological behavior of a Cu-Ni-Si alloy deformed in the temperature range between 800 °C and 950 °C, at strain rates in the range of 0.1 - 10 s−1. It takes into account the work-softening implied by dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization. The model thus created is then implemented in a finite element software.A new workability test is proposed. Its purpose is to reproduce the mechanical conditions encountered in a forming process and to determine the critical conditions of workability related to a material. The forging process of a reference part is studied by means of this test. An accurate characterization of the process in terms of strain magnitude and stress field allows the identification of the experimental parameters. The results lead to the identification of a limit temperature of workability below which fractures are predicted in the part.

Caracterização das propriedades físicas e termoelétricas de filmes Cu-Ni-P obtidos por deposição química sobre silício. / Characterization of the physical and thermoelectric properties of Cu-Ni-P films obtained by chemical deposition on silicon.

Siqueira, Felipe Tomachevski 04 September 2017 (has links)
Superfícies de silício (100) foram inicialmente pré-ativadas em uma solução diluída de ácido fluorídrico contendo PdCl2. Após essa etapa, filmes finos de Cu-Ni-P foram quimicamente depositados utilizando-se um banho químico contendo 15g/l NiSO4.6H2O; 0.2 g/l CuSO4.5H2O; 15 g/l Na2HPO2.H2O e 60 g/l Na3C6H5O7.2H2O na temperatura de 80ºC onde foi adicionado NH4OH até que o pH da solução atingisse 8,0. Foi observado que as porcentagens estequiométricas de Ni e Cu variaram substancialmente no intervalo de 1 a 3min, e se tornaram praticamente estáveis em 50% e 35%, respectivamente, quando o tempo de deposição foi superior a 3min. Além disso, a porcentagem de P permaneceu quase constante em torno de 17-18% para todos os tempos de deposição. A distribuição de alturas nas imagens FE-SEM resultou bimodal para tempos na faixa de 1 e 3min onde a predominância do modo de maior altura aumentou substancialmente para o tempo de 3min. Tal fato serviu para corroborar a evolução da morfologia superficial de grãos menores com diâmetros na faixa de 0,02 a 0,1µm, predominantemente compostos de Ni, para grãos maiores, na faixa de 0,1 a 0,3µm e predominantemente compostos de Cu. Após um recozimento a 100oC durante 10min em ambiente 20%O2+80%N2, observou-se uma mudança na morfologia superficial em que os aglomerados de fósforo (Po) desapareceram enquanto que os grãos que compunham a imagem não mudaram substancialmente de tamanho após o recozimento. Apesar do desaparecimento dos aglomerados, a concentração de fósforo ainda apresentou valor semelhante ao valor de antes do recozimento (~17-18%). As análises de difração de raios X (XRD) indicaram o aparecimento de um pico de difração alargado ao redor de 22,6º característico de óxido de fósforo (P2O5) com estrutura vítrea amorfa significando que o fósforo em estado puro foi transformado na sua forma oxidada. Por outro lado, picos substancialmente menos intensos de NiO, Ni3P e Si5P6O25 foram observados. Verificou-se também para os filmes recozidos em N2+O2 que a resistividade aumentou para todos os tempos de deposição e o poder termoelétrico medido resultou quase independente do tempo de deposição e, portanto, foi quase independente da espessura do filme para as diferentes temperaturas medidas na faixa de 40 a 120ºC. / Silicon surfaces (100) were initially pre-activated in a diluted hydrofluoric acid solution containing PdCl2. After this step, Cu-Ni-P thin films were chemically deposited using a chemical bath containing 15g/l NiSO4.6H2O; 0.2 g/l CuSO4.5H2O; 15 g/l Na2HPO2.H2O e 60 g/l Na3C6H5O7.2H2O at the temperature of 80°C where NH4OH was added until the pH of the solution reached 8.0. It was observed that the stoichiometric percentages of Ni and Cu varied substantially for deposition time in the range of 1 to 3min, and became practically invariant at 50% and 35%, respectively, when the deposition time was greater than 3min. In addition, the percentage of P remained almost constant at around 17-18% for all the deposition times. The distribution of heights in the FE-SEM images resulted bimodal for times in the range of 1 and 3min where the predominance of the higher average height mode increased substantially for the time of 3min. This fact allowed one to corroborate the superficial morphology passing from smaller grains with diameters in the range of 0.02 to 0.1µm, predominantly composed of Ni to larger grains in the range of 0.1 to 0.3µm with Cu predominant composition. After an annealing at 100°C for 10min in a 20%O2+80%N2 environment, the phosphorus (Po) agglomerates disappeared while the size of the grains did not change substantially after the annealing. Despite the disappearance of the agglomerates, the phosphorus concentration still remained unchanged (~ 17-18%). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed a broad diffraction peak around 22.6º, which is characteristic of an amorphous vitreous structure (P2O5). In addition, substantially less intense peaks showing small amounts of NiO, Ni3P and Si5P6O25 were observed. It was also verified for the N2+O2 annealed films that the resistivity increased for practically all the deposition times and the measured thermoelectric power was almost independent of the deposition time and, therefore, was also independent of the film thickness for the various temperatures in the range from 40 to 120ºC.

Caracterização das propriedades físicas e termoelétricas de filmes Cu-Ni-P obtidos por deposição química sobre silício. / Characterization of the physical and thermoelectric properties of Cu-Ni-P films obtained by chemical deposition on silicon.

Felipe Tomachevski Siqueira 04 September 2017 (has links)
Superfícies de silício (100) foram inicialmente pré-ativadas em uma solução diluída de ácido fluorídrico contendo PdCl2. Após essa etapa, filmes finos de Cu-Ni-P foram quimicamente depositados utilizando-se um banho químico contendo 15g/l NiSO4.6H2O; 0.2 g/l CuSO4.5H2O; 15 g/l Na2HPO2.H2O e 60 g/l Na3C6H5O7.2H2O na temperatura de 80ºC onde foi adicionado NH4OH até que o pH da solução atingisse 8,0. Foi observado que as porcentagens estequiométricas de Ni e Cu variaram substancialmente no intervalo de 1 a 3min, e se tornaram praticamente estáveis em 50% e 35%, respectivamente, quando o tempo de deposição foi superior a 3min. Além disso, a porcentagem de P permaneceu quase constante em torno de 17-18% para todos os tempos de deposição. A distribuição de alturas nas imagens FE-SEM resultou bimodal para tempos na faixa de 1 e 3min onde a predominância do modo de maior altura aumentou substancialmente para o tempo de 3min. Tal fato serviu para corroborar a evolução da morfologia superficial de grãos menores com diâmetros na faixa de 0,02 a 0,1µm, predominantemente compostos de Ni, para grãos maiores, na faixa de 0,1 a 0,3µm e predominantemente compostos de Cu. Após um recozimento a 100oC durante 10min em ambiente 20%O2+80%N2, observou-se uma mudança na morfologia superficial em que os aglomerados de fósforo (Po) desapareceram enquanto que os grãos que compunham a imagem não mudaram substancialmente de tamanho após o recozimento. Apesar do desaparecimento dos aglomerados, a concentração de fósforo ainda apresentou valor semelhante ao valor de antes do recozimento (~17-18%). As análises de difração de raios X (XRD) indicaram o aparecimento de um pico de difração alargado ao redor de 22,6º característico de óxido de fósforo (P2O5) com estrutura vítrea amorfa significando que o fósforo em estado puro foi transformado na sua forma oxidada. Por outro lado, picos substancialmente menos intensos de NiO, Ni3P e Si5P6O25 foram observados. Verificou-se também para os filmes recozidos em N2+O2 que a resistividade aumentou para todos os tempos de deposição e o poder termoelétrico medido resultou quase independente do tempo de deposição e, portanto, foi quase independente da espessura do filme para as diferentes temperaturas medidas na faixa de 40 a 120ºC. / Silicon surfaces (100) were initially pre-activated in a diluted hydrofluoric acid solution containing PdCl2. After this step, Cu-Ni-P thin films were chemically deposited using a chemical bath containing 15g/l NiSO4.6H2O; 0.2 g/l CuSO4.5H2O; 15 g/l Na2HPO2.H2O e 60 g/l Na3C6H5O7.2H2O at the temperature of 80°C where NH4OH was added until the pH of the solution reached 8.0. It was observed that the stoichiometric percentages of Ni and Cu varied substantially for deposition time in the range of 1 to 3min, and became practically invariant at 50% and 35%, respectively, when the deposition time was greater than 3min. In addition, the percentage of P remained almost constant at around 17-18% for all the deposition times. The distribution of heights in the FE-SEM images resulted bimodal for times in the range of 1 and 3min where the predominance of the higher average height mode increased substantially for the time of 3min. This fact allowed one to corroborate the superficial morphology passing from smaller grains with diameters in the range of 0.02 to 0.1µm, predominantly composed of Ni to larger grains in the range of 0.1 to 0.3µm with Cu predominant composition. After an annealing at 100°C for 10min in a 20%O2+80%N2 environment, the phosphorus (Po) agglomerates disappeared while the size of the grains did not change substantially after the annealing. Despite the disappearance of the agglomerates, the phosphorus concentration still remained unchanged (~ 17-18%). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed a broad diffraction peak around 22.6º, which is characteristic of an amorphous vitreous structure (P2O5). In addition, substantially less intense peaks showing small amounts of NiO, Ni3P and Si5P6O25 were observed. It was also verified for the N2+O2 annealed films that the resistivity increased for practically all the deposition times and the measured thermoelectric power was almost independent of the deposition time and, therefore, was also independent of the film thickness for the various temperatures in the range from 40 to 120ºC.

Fundamental electrochemical behaviour of pentlandite

Marape, Gertrude 17 September 2010 (has links)
Previous research indicates compositional variation of pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)9S8] and the effect this variation may have on the electrochemical behaviour of pentlandite is poorly understood. Pentlandite is the primary source of nickel and an important base metal sulfide (BMS) in the platinum industry. It hosts significant amounts of PGEs especially palladium and rhodium when compared to chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. The aim of the project was to investigate the possible compositional variations of natural pentlandite and the effect of these variations on the electrochemical behavior thereof. To study possible compositional variations, single pentlandite particles - in the order of 100μm in size from flotation concentrates (PGM deposits) and massive samples (massive ore bodies) - from various sources were employed. Electron microprobe analysis indicated a compositional variation of the pentlandite particles hand-picked from the flotation concentrate samples. Variation was observed in the cobalt, iron and nickel content and this was independent of the deposit. A slight compositional variation was observed from the massive pentlandite samples. The effect the compositional variation may have on the electrochemical reactivity of pentlandite was investigated using electrochemical techniques, i.e. measurement of the polarisation resistance and mixed potential as well as performing linear anodic voltammetry, current density–transients and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (i.e. capacitance). Poor electrochemical response of the pentlandite microelectrodes was observed. Pre–existing pores, deep pores, cracks and the brittle nature of pentlandite microelectrodes may have contributed to the poor electrochemical response of natural pentlandite particles hand-picked from the flotation concentrate. Slight compositional variations of the massive pentlandite sample influenced the electrochemical behaviour. In aerated solutions, iron enriched pentlandites were less reactive after progressive oxidation. The lower reactivity of the electrodes was a result of thick oxide films formed. This was illustrated by polarisation resistance and capacitance measurements. The lower reactivity of the electrodes was also related to the mechanism of the reduction of oxygen at oxidised passive electrode surfaces. It is however difficult to distinguish if the differences in the reactivity was a result of the Fe/Ni ratio or the influence of cobalt. Current density transients confirmed that the reactivity of a pentlandite electrode to be time dependent. The reactivity of the electrode decreased during oxidation. A variation in the electronic properties of the formed oxide film was observed. Slight compositional variation of pentlandite did not have a significant effect on the rest potential values as do changes in the type of sulfides (e.g. pyrite vs. pentlandite). This was confirmed by similar rest potential values of various pentlandite electrodes. The oxidation of synthetic pentlandite may be influenced by the chemical composition. In de-aerated solutions, anodic oxidation (as indicated by the linear anodic voltammogram) of synthetic pentlandite started at a potential lower than of the natural electrodes. In aerated solutions, the synthetic pentlandite was less reactive and formed thicker oxide films. Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Heat Treatment Effects on Mechanical Behavior of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Produced via Powder Metallurgy

Caris, Joshua 18 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Estimates of Interfacial Properties in Cu/Ni Multilayer Thin Films using Hardness and Internal Stress Data

Carpenter, John Stuart 02 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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