Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural relations."" "subject:"accultural relations.""
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Regards croisés franco-allemands sur les musiciennes : Tome 3Waschbüsch, Viviane, Schröder, Gesine, Seca, Jean-Marie, Deutsch, Catherine 12 June 2024 (has links)
Komponistinnen, Interpretinnen, Klangkünstlerinnen, Improvisatorinnen, Musikologinnen oder Musiktheoretikerinnen, die während der letzten ungefähr zwei Jahrhunderte in französisch- und deutschsprachigen Gebieten tätig waren: Ihren Aktivitäten war ein Forschungsprojekt mit zehn 2017–2019 in Paris, Leipzig, Berlin und Wien durchgeführten Arbeitstreffen gewidmet. Die drei Bände 12.1–3 der Reihe Schriften online: Musikwissenschaft dokumentieren im Wesentlichen die dort gehaltenen Vorträge. / Women composers, performers, sound artists, improvisers, musicologists and music theorists who have been active in French and German speaking regions over the last two centuries. The research project was dedicated to their activities with ten conferences held in Paris, Leipzig, Berlin and Vienna in 2017-2019. The three volumes 12.1-3 of the series Schriften online: Musikwissenschaft essentially document the lectures held there. / Compositrices, interprètes, artistes sonores, improvisatrices, musicologues ou théoriciennes de la musique qui ont été actives dans les régions francophones et germanophones au cours des deux derniers siècles environ. Le projet de recherche a été consacré à leurs activités, avec dix conférences organisées entre 2017 et 2019 à Paris, Leipzig, Berlin et Vienne. Les trois volumes 12.1-3 de la série Schriften online : Musikwissenschaft documentent les conférences qui y ont été présentées.
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Les relations culturelles franco-roumaines de 1878 à 1965 / The Franco-Rumanian cultural relations between 1878 and 1965Ciszek, Océane 11 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de recherches dans divers centres d‟archives (Paris, Nantes, Bucarest, Genève) réalise une synthèse des relations culturelles franco-roumaines de 1878 à 1965. Il s‟agit de comprendre, comment la France affaiblie après 1870 est plus que jamais considérée par l‟élite roumaine comme sa « grande soeur latine ». Puis, forte de cette reconnaissance, comment elle institutionnalise sa propagande culturelle dans la Grande Roumanie (1919-1939) pour oeuvrer aux côtés des Roumains à la latinisation des territoires annexés, et parvient à la signature de l‟accord culturel de mars 1939 dans l‟environnement hostile des régimes fasciste et nazi. La dernière période de 1940 à 1965 traite des aléas de ces relations : maintien difficile des OEuvres françaises durant la guerre, renouveau espéré des échanges de 1944 à 1947, jusqu‟à la dénonciation de l‟accord en 1948 par la Roumanie sous tutelle soviétique. Suit une traversée du désert qui aboutit avec peine au nouvel accord de 1965. Tout au long de cette période, la culture française s‟enrichie au contact des intellectuels et artistes roumains dont les oeuvres entrent dans le patrimoine français. L‟auteure de la thèse fait découvrir son trisaïeul roumain, le peintre Mihai Simonidi (1872-1933), à partir des archives familiales. Arrivé en France en 1892, il acquiert une certaine renommée auprès du Tout-Paris à l‟occasion de l‟Exposition Universelle de 1900 ainsi qu‟auprès de l‟élite bucarestoise. Peintre de nus, de marines et de fresques magistrales dont certaines décorent encore l‟intérieur de bâtiments bucarestois, il réalise également des portraits de célébrités françaises du monde artistique et littéraire et de politiques roumains. / This study of Franco-Rumanian cultural relations between 1878 and 1965 is the fruit of research carried out in a number of archive centres (Paris, Nantes, Bucharest and Geneva). Its objective is to understand why France, in its weakened state after the 1870 war, was nevertheless considered by the Romanian elite as its „older sister‟. The author then examines how France used its position to institutionalise its cultural propaganda in „Grand Romania‟ (1919-1939), working alongside Romanians to spread its influence to the annexed territories, and how a cultural agreement was signed in March 1939 despite the hostile environment created by the fascist and Nazi regimes. Relations were unsettled during the final period (1940 to 1965), with the struggle to retain French works of art during the war, the promising exchanges in the immediate after-war years, and the termination of the agreement in 1948 by Soviet-controlled Romania. After a barren period a new agreement was signed in 1965. Throughout the period French culture was enriched by its contact with Romanian intellectuals and artists whose works were integrated into France‟s cultural heritage. The author uses family records to tell the story of her Romanian ancestor, the artist Mihai Simonidi (1872-1933). After arriving in France in 1892, he exhibited at the Universal Exhibition of 1900 and gained a certain reputation amongst the Paris and Bucharest elite. Well-known for his nudes, marine scenes and murals, some of which can still be seen in buildings in Bucharest, he also painted the portraits of famous French artists and writers and Romanian politicians of the time.
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Dienende Leiterschaft im interkultureller Spannung / Servant leadership in intercultural tensionKlassen, Eldon August 05 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird die dienende und interkulturelle Leiterschaft aus schriftlichen Quellen ausgearbeitet, um zu überprüfen, ob die dienende Leiterschaft in einem interkulturellen Kontext, in dem Leiterschaft stattfindet, anwendbar ist.
Aus dieser erarbeiteten Lage und dem Versuch ihrer Implementierung wird dann auf mögliche Spannungen hingewiesen, die in der Anwendung der dienenden Leiterschaft im interkulturellen Kontext vorkommen können.
In einer Fallstudie wird die Geschichte der MBG Volendam unter dem Aspekt
„Leiterschaft und interkulturelle missionarische Arbeit“ dargestellt. In dieser Fallstudie wird weiter aufgezeigt, wie dienende Leiterschaft in der Gemeinde und ihrer missionarischen Tätigkeit implementiert wurde. Diese Umsetzung der dienenden Leiterschaft in Gemeinde- und interkulturellen Kontext wird dann anhand ausgewählter Interviews überprüft.
Anhand dieser Darstellung aus Literatur und der Fallstudie und ihrer Auswertung werden umsetzbare Richtlinien für die Anwendung der dienenden Leiterschaft im interkulturellen Kontext aufgeführt.
Diese Forschungsarbeit will einen Beitrag zur Einsetzung der dienenden Leiterschaft im interkulturellen Kontext leisten. Gleichzeitig zeigt sie auf, wie dieses im christlichen Gemeindekontext und in ihrer interkulturellen Mission funktioniert hat. / This research defines a servant and intercultural leadership. Written materials has been gathered, studied and compared, so that they prove their mutual compatibility.
From this developed position and their comparison, some possible tensions have been appointed that occur in a cross-cultural context which may be implicated in a servant and intercultural leadership.
In the case study, the history of the MBG Volendam is displayed under the aspects of leadership and cross-cultural missionary work. This case study shows how the servant leadership was implemented in a church and its missionary activity. Finally, this implementation of a servant leadership in church and in an intercultural context was evaluated.
Based on this research in literature, the case study and its evaluation, some guidelines have been listed for the application of a servant leadership in an intercultural context.
This research aims to contribute to establish a servant leadership in an intercultural context. At the same time it shows how this has worked in the context of a Christian community and their intercultural mission. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Theological ethics (Christian leadership))
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Československo a Francie 1948-1968. Československo-francouzské diplomatické a kulturní vztahy v letech 1948-1968 / Czechoslovakia and France 1948-1968. Czechoslovak-French diplomatic and cultural relations between 1948 and 1968Motejlková, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
The Fourth Republic fell sort of expectations of French nation. The institutional system based on predominance of political parties could guarantee neither inner stability nor the return of France to the world political power. Weaknesses of French governments and their inability to cope with the serious political and economic issues resulted in collapse of the Fourth Republic in spring 1958. Some months later a new political system was established. It enabled to give France back its grandeur and independence. The first decade of the Fifth Republic, closely connected with the personality of President Charles de Gaulle, was greatly affected by the Algerian War of Independence in consequence of which all social and political spheres of the country were impacted. The Evian Agreements of March 1962 established an independent Algeria and enabled Charles de Gaulle to carry out his own political conception, including greater openness to the Soviet Union and its satellites. Czechoslovak-French diplomatic and cultural relations in the years 1948-1968 correspond to large extent extent to the evolution of international policy with its alternation of easing and tightening of the geopolitical tension and they also reflect the changes in domectic political situation in both countries. Since 1948 the Czechoslovak...
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