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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insensato : um experimento em arte, ciência e educação

Mello, Jamer Guterres de January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de discussão sobre a questão dos métodos aplicados à pesquisa científica na área das ciências humanas. Buscou-se identificar os pontos de aproximação e distanciamento entre ciência e arte, para analisar de que forma a produção artística pode contribuir com a pesquisa, de que modo estes dois campos do saber dialogam e quais são as suas possíveis interseções. Mais especificamente, esta dissertação propõe o uso do método do cut-up, formulado por William Burroughs, e da estética dos fanzines como afirmação das potências do falso e do simulacro, conceitos da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. O trabalho se baseia também na noção de montagem cinematográfica e na sua relação com o cut-up, já que ambos podem operar como mecanismo articulador fundamental que justapõe imagens e textos para priorizar os efeitos de choque visual, de fragmentação, de imagens sujas e borradas que são comuns aos fanzines e a uma certa produção cinematográfica. / This work presents a discussion proposal for the question of the methods applied to scientific research in the human sciences field. The attempt was to identify the points of approach and distance between science and art, to analyze how artistic production may contribute to research, how this two fields of knowledge dialogue and which are their possible intersections. More specifically, this master thesis prompts the use of cut-up method, formulated by William Burroughs, and fanzines aesthetics, as an affirmation of the powers of the false and the simulacrum, concepts of the philoshophy of Gilles Deleuze. The work is also based on the notion of movie editing and its relation with cut-up, as both of them may operate as a prime joining mechanism which juxtaposes imagens and texts to stress visual impact, fragmentation, dirty and blurred image effects common to fanzines and a certain cinematographic production.
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Insensato : um experimento em arte, ciência e educação

Mello, Jamer Guterres de January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de discussão sobre a questão dos métodos aplicados à pesquisa científica na área das ciências humanas. Buscou-se identificar os pontos de aproximação e distanciamento entre ciência e arte, para analisar de que forma a produção artística pode contribuir com a pesquisa, de que modo estes dois campos do saber dialogam e quais são as suas possíveis interseções. Mais especificamente, esta dissertação propõe o uso do método do cut-up, formulado por William Burroughs, e da estética dos fanzines como afirmação das potências do falso e do simulacro, conceitos da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. O trabalho se baseia também na noção de montagem cinematográfica e na sua relação com o cut-up, já que ambos podem operar como mecanismo articulador fundamental que justapõe imagens e textos para priorizar os efeitos de choque visual, de fragmentação, de imagens sujas e borradas que são comuns aos fanzines e a uma certa produção cinematográfica. / This work presents a discussion proposal for the question of the methods applied to scientific research in the human sciences field. The attempt was to identify the points of approach and distance between science and art, to analyze how artistic production may contribute to research, how this two fields of knowledge dialogue and which are their possible intersections. More specifically, this master thesis prompts the use of cut-up method, formulated by William Burroughs, and fanzines aesthetics, as an affirmation of the powers of the false and the simulacrum, concepts of the philoshophy of Gilles Deleuze. The work is also based on the notion of movie editing and its relation with cut-up, as both of them may operate as a prime joining mechanism which juxtaposes imagens and texts to stress visual impact, fragmentation, dirty and blurred image effects common to fanzines and a certain cinematographic production.
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Insensato : um experimento em arte, ciência e educação

Mello, Jamer Guterres de January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de discussão sobre a questão dos métodos aplicados à pesquisa científica na área das ciências humanas. Buscou-se identificar os pontos de aproximação e distanciamento entre ciência e arte, para analisar de que forma a produção artística pode contribuir com a pesquisa, de que modo estes dois campos do saber dialogam e quais são as suas possíveis interseções. Mais especificamente, esta dissertação propõe o uso do método do cut-up, formulado por William Burroughs, e da estética dos fanzines como afirmação das potências do falso e do simulacro, conceitos da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. O trabalho se baseia também na noção de montagem cinematográfica e na sua relação com o cut-up, já que ambos podem operar como mecanismo articulador fundamental que justapõe imagens e textos para priorizar os efeitos de choque visual, de fragmentação, de imagens sujas e borradas que são comuns aos fanzines e a uma certa produção cinematográfica. / This work presents a discussion proposal for the question of the methods applied to scientific research in the human sciences field. The attempt was to identify the points of approach and distance between science and art, to analyze how artistic production may contribute to research, how this two fields of knowledge dialogue and which are their possible intersections. More specifically, this master thesis prompts the use of cut-up method, formulated by William Burroughs, and fanzines aesthetics, as an affirmation of the powers of the false and the simulacrum, concepts of the philoshophy of Gilles Deleuze. The work is also based on the notion of movie editing and its relation with cut-up, as both of them may operate as a prime joining mechanism which juxtaposes imagens and texts to stress visual impact, fragmentation, dirty and blurred image effects common to fanzines and a certain cinematographic production.
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Pratiques et poésies expérimentales de1960 à 1980 : enjeux esthétiques, éthiques et politiques : Julien Blaine, William S. Burroughs, Eugenio Miccini / Experimental poetry from 1960 to 1980 : aesthetic, ethical and political issues : Julien Blaine, William S. Burroughs and Eugenio Miccini

Troin-Guis, Marie Anysia 11 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de dégager les enjeux esthétiques, éthiques et politiques des poésies et pratiques expérimentales de 1960 à 1980, à partir de l’étude des œuvres de J. Blaine, W. S. Burroughs et E. Miccini. Ce travail développe une réflexion sur les expérimentations poétiques qui ont lieu durant une période de fortes mutations sociétales, économiques et médiatiques. Après la mise en place d’une généalogie des pratiques expérimentales que sont le collage et le montage, il s’agit d’inscrire ces poésies expérimentales, généralement occultées des histoires littéraires, dans un modèle néo-avant-gardiste, qui implique une réévaluation de pratiques héritées du début du XXe siècle et un fonctionnement en réseau, faisant dialoguer l’individuel et le collectif. Dès lors, la thèse démontre que le renouvellement du poétique qui s’opère à l’ère d’une société de l’image est tributaire de l’évolution technique : il s’agit de créer avec et contre le livre. Le nouveau rapport entre création poétique et livresque et problématiques de la reproductibilité, favorisée principalement par l’offset, engendre une mise en perspective de l’œuvre avec la notion d’empreinte. L’empreinte constitue ainsi un nouveau paradigme entérinant le statut ontologique instable d’une œuvre qui travaille la matérialité de son support et qui altère une traditionnelle dimension uniquement verbale. La résistance aux formes traditionnelles implique ainsi un engagement, dans la forme et dans le fond : différentes stratégies sont alors développées par les auteurs, permettant d’établir des politiques esthétiques dont l’objectif est de proposer au lecteur/spectateur une expérience esthétique formatrice et éthique. / This thesis aims to identify the aesthetic, ethical and political issues of experimental poetry from 1960 to 1980. It deals with the works of J. Blaine, W. S. Burroughs and E. Miccini. This work offers a reflection upon the poetic experiments taking place during a period of strong societal, economic and media switch. After the establishment of a genealogy of the experimental practices of collage and montage, it is now about placing this experimental poetry in a neo-avant-garde model, which involves a re-evaluation of practices inherited from the beginning of the twentieth century and a functioning in a network, making the individual and the collective dialogue. Henceforth, the thesis shows that the renewal of the poetics that takes place in the era of a society of the image relies on on technical evolution : it is about creating with and against the book. The new relationship between poetic. The new relationship between poetic and book-based creation and issues of reproducibility, mainly by offset, creates a perspective of the work with the notions of imprint and ruin. Thus, the imprint constitutes a new paradigm which endorses the unstable ontological status of a work which works on the materiality of its support and which alters a traditional, only verbal dimension. Resistance to traditional forms implies a commitment, in form and substance : different strategies are then developed by the authors, which allow to establish aesthetic policies of which the aim is to make the reader / spectator access a formative and ethical aesthetic experience.
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Bernard Heidsieck & Cie : une fabrique du poétique

Naccache, Marion 05 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
De même que le ready-made, il y a maintenant presque un siècle, avait transformé la question " qu'est-ce que l'art " en son contraire (" comment faire pour que quelque chose ne soit pas de l'art ?", ne soit pas transformé en objet d'art puisqu'une simple parole d'artiste, fiat ars, suffisait ainsi à transfigurer tout élément du réel), de même, il devient difficile aujourd'hui de repérer ce qui ne pourrait être, jamais ou par essence, un objet poétique. Devant l'œuvre poétique et plastique de Bernard Heidsieck, il convient de mettre en place une série de critères permettant de distinguer la poéticité d'un " art total ". Nelson Goodman apporte des éléments de réponse en soulignant l'importance d'un paramètre rarement pris en compte : le contexte. La question essentialiste " qu'est-ce que l'art "/ " qu'est-ce qu'un poème " pouvant être remplacée par une autre plus pragmatique " quand y a-t-il art/poème ? " De ce point de vue pragmatiste, la notion de " contexte " permet ainsi de faire jouer à la fois l'espace (le lieu où s'exécute l'œuvre d'art) et le temps (les circonstances dans lesquelles l'œuvre s'exécute). Ainsi, un même objet ou une même action pourrait, à la fois, être ou ne pas être de l'art, c'est finalement une question de contexte et d'intention initiale. Dans le cas de nos recherches, la question du contexte est primordiale puisque l'inscription d'objets poétiques non exclusivement textuels en poésie et non en arts plastiques, repose en partie, sur leur appartenance aux champs de diffusion (éditoriaux et institutionnels) de la poésie. Cependant, des productions poétiques telles que celles de Heidsieck dont certaines facettes n'appartiennent pas au poétique n'en deviennent pas pour autant " poèmes " du fait de leur présence dans un festival de poésie. Notre projet de recherche a pour horizon une redéfinition du champ " poésie " et de ses outils d'analyse, une tentative de mise en place d'une poétique permettant de prendre en charge de façon féconde les " objets poétiques complexes " _c'est-à-dire hétérogènes du fait de leur appartenance à différents types de régimes esthétiques_ de Bernard Heidsieck.
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Du collage au cut-up (1912-1959) Procédures de collage et formes de transmédiation dans la poésie d'avant-garde

Dumoulin, Gilles 19 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le collage et le cut-up sont deux " procédés " apparus, comme pratique et comme concept, dans le courant du XXe siècle : dans la première décennie pour ce qui est du collage et, pour le cutup, à la fin des années cinquante. Le terme de collage est issu des arts plastiques, et des pratiques qui ont succédé aux expérimentations des " papiers collés " de Georges Braque et Pablo Picasso à partir de 1912, tandis que celui de cut-up est emprunté à l'écrivain américain Brion Gysin expérimentant cette technique, avec William Burroughs, en 1959. Une cinquantaine d'années sépare les deux " procédés ", qui ne recouvrent pas exactement les mêmes pratiques, comme le notait Brion Gysin : " L'écriture a cinquante ans de retard sur la peinture ", en entendant par là appliquer à la lettre - et à la littérature - la pratique même des " papiers collés " des expérimentations cubistes. Cinquante ans de retard ? Rien n'est moins sûr en réalité, si l'on examine l'histoire de la pratique dans la littérature, notamment à travers les expérimentations des premiers courants d'avant-garde, puisque se mettent en place, dès 1912-1913, des procédures de transmédiation qui font progressivement glisser l'esthétique du collage des arts plastiques à la poésie. C'est sur l'histoire de ces cinquante années " de retard " que voudrait revenir cette étude, pour examiner les différentes formes que prend cette transmédiation de l'esthétique du collage dans les courants d'avant-garde, jusqu'à l'invention du cut-up.
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Poetry is for everyone : A comparative analysis of the cut-up technique, Magnetic poetry and the casual word game Words of Oz

Ryding, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Language is a system that fundamentally influences us as human beings. There are numerous schools of thought critiquing our use of language and celebrating attempts to break free of the control it has over our lives. In that perspective a transformative play with language can be seen as critical play, and a game design approach supporting this kind of play can be defined as critical. The cut-up technique is an aleatory literary technique invented by the Dadaists in the 1920s. It was the fundamental lack of belief in society and language that gave birth to the cut-up method. Mary Flanagan includes it in her book “Critical Play: Radical Game Design” as part of the critical game-design paradigm. The singer-songwriter Dave Kapell invented Magnetic Poetry in the early 90s inspired by the cut-up technique and how artists such as William Burroughs and David Bowie used in their work. I am a co-founder of Ozma Games – a game studio based in Malmö, Sweden. In Ozma we are working on a social word game called Words of Oz. Magnetic Poetry inspired us in the design of Words of Oz, as we wanted to make a casual game that could evoke players’ creativity. The Dadaists clearly wanted to challenge the way we use language. In this essay I will compare the Dadaist cut-up method with its later adaptations Magnetic Poetry and Words of Oz. My question is whether the critical design approach is sustained in Magnetic Poetry and Words of Oz or if the change in technology and framing has limited the subversive potential from which they originated.
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