Spelling suggestions: "subject:"czech anguage"" "subject:"czech 1anguage""
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Role neslyšícího asistenta a neslyšícího pedagoga na základní škole pro žáky se sluchovým postižením v hodinách českého jazyka / Role of a Deaf Assistant and a Deaf Teacher in Primary Schools for Pupils with Hearing Impairment in Czech Language LessonsPrzeczková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the roles of the deaf assistant and deaf teacher in a primary school for pupils with hearing impairment in the Czech language lessons. It can be notionally divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical education of the deaf, mainly to presentation of bilingual education and its application in contemporary education in our country and abroad. Thesis discusses the Czech sign language and the differences between it and the Czech language in the context of teaching Czech as a second language for the deaf. Adequate space is devoted to deaf assistant and deaf teacher and their work in the classroom in cooperation with hearing teacher. The second notional part contains analyzed data and results interpretation of the research, which was carried out through questionnaires and participant observation in classrooms. The outputs of the research showed that from view of respondents is presence of deaf teaching staff important for many different reasons. Involvement of deaf teacher in the learning process emerged almost equal as the participation of a hearing teacher. Participation of deaf assistant depends more on the individual agreement with the hearing teacher. The pairs had divided competencies in different ways.
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"Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" Šimona Lomnického z Budče / "Instrukcí neb Krátké naučení mladému hospodáři" ("A Short Instruction for a Young Farmer") by Šimon Lomnický z BudčeHeřmanská, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The abstract The main aim of the thesis is preparation of the edition of an educational text by Simon Lomnicky from Budeč. My work is aimed on the adaptation and analyse of a moralizing text by Lomnicky. I have analysed his book, Instruction or The short eduction for young hundsman, her evolution during three centuries, differences among editions from 16th, 18th and 19th century and her dependence on source book, The sentences and educations of the great philosophes. The reflection of Lomnicky's life has been changing very fast and dramatically, I have tried to find out reasons of peremptory changes.
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Příprava žáků ZŠ ke zkouškám na SŠ / Elementary school pupilsś preparation for the secondary school enterance examinationŠvarcová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we have tried to analyse 35 different tests, which make our entrance examination specimen sets for Year 5, 7 and 9. Some schools use the services of the 'Scio' company thus these tasks represent 52 written examinations from the subject of Czech language and literature. According to our findings the main emphasis of the tests is put on the lingual parts of the curriculum, especially on orthography. The applicants distinguish the sentences, in which there are (or are not) orthographic errors. They proof to have managed the lexical, morphological and syntactic orthography in simple and complex sentences well, primarily by correction and doing filling-in exercises. Apart from that, the tasks where the applicants have to work with text are used very often. They primarily decide whether the information given results from the particular passage, they examine the verity of the submitted statements about an article, etc. From the linguistic curriculum, the word class and the sentence constituents occur abundantly. Very often the applicant's competence regarding grammatically correct word forms are being tested - the pupils might create or recognize them or complete a part of the text. In many tests, we can find tasks in which the applicants search for synonyms (or antonyms) of Czech originated or...
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Program RWCT a výuka Českého jazyka a literatury na prvním stupni ZŠ / Program RWCT and Education of Czech language and literature in primary schoolBachová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá programem RWCT v souvislosti s výukou českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ. Teoretická část zpracovává informace z odborné literatury. Tyto informace se týkají trendů v oblasti základního vzdělávání, konkrétněji pak trendů ve výuce českému jazyku a literatuře. Zabývá se východisky a základní charakteristikou programu RWCT a významem tohoto programu pro výuku českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ. Praktická část má za úkol provázat teoretická východiska s praxí a popisuje konkrétní výuku metodami RWCT a další postupy ve výuce. Sledováné postupy analyzuje v naplňování vybraných vzdělávacích cílů. Klíčová slova - klíčové kompetence, předmět Český jazyk a literatura, model evokace - uvědomění si významu - reflexe, metody RWCT, školní vzdělávací program Anotation This thesis deals with the RWCT program in connection with teaching of Czech language for first stages of primary schools. The theoretical part covers information from specialized literature. This information applies to trends in primary education and particularly to trends in teaching of Czech language and literature. It deals with bases and characteristics of the RWCT program, and, finally, it discusses the importance of this program for teaching Czech language in first stages of primary schools. The practical part links...
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Formy hodnocení a jejich využitelnost při práci s chybou v hodinách ČJ / Forms of evaluation and their efficiency while working with mistake in Czech lessonsŠmídová, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the serviceability analysis of the various evaluation forms regarding the work with mistake of pupils during the Czech language classes. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the advantages and disadvantages of the different evaluation forms. It also covers with the various ways of interest of the varied evaluation forms in the pupils mistake together with its serviceability for another work. The practical part of the thesis deals with the serviceability analysis of the self-made evaluation papers. These papers concern evaluation and self-evaluation work of pupils at the work with mistake during the Czech language classes. This analysis is based on the results acquired from the testing of the papers in practise. The goal of the research was to get know the extent of serviceability of the papers as the instrument of the natural way of learning at the work with mistake.
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Vyučovací cíle v předmětu český jazyk na základních školách - analýza aktuálního stavu / Teaching objekts in the Czech language - examining the current stateDlasková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title Teaching objekts in the Czech language is theoretical work which compares realizations of targets in syntax area at elementaries schools. It observes realization of targets included in basic curriculum document of Czech Republic (the Framework Educational Program, theFEP)in school educational programs. It observes realization of targets included in the General Educational Program, the GEP by didactictextbooks. First part of this diploma thesis compares targets of the FEP and some documents which can inspirate teachers at teaching about syntax. These documents are the best-selling textbooks published at Alter, SPN and Fraus publishers and lessons about syntax published at metodical web by GEP (by web www.ceskeskolstvi.czfrom 1st of October 2012). There is an assumptioncreated on the base of their significance that their targets are the same as GEP's targets. Second part analyses schools educational programs at selected school sat North Bohemia. We talk about 29 schools. Because of competition at municipal and rurals chools we compare documents from both of these areas. Municipalschools are choosenfrom Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou. This diploma works on the assumption that the school educational programs fulfill requests of the GEP and they give the same...
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František Trávníček, osobnost a dílo ( se zvláštním přihlédnutím k jeho aktivitám lingvodidaktickým ) / František Trávníček, his personality and works ( with a particular focus on his linguisticmethodological activities )Doležalová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
Résumé This thesis deals with the personality and also with the work of Frantisek Travnicek, an important Czech linguist living between the years 1888 and 1961. Firstly, his life is briefly outlined, secondly this personality is introduced as an influential linguist of Czech Studies, as well as a long-time university official and teacher. His post-war political activities in the Communist Party are also mentioned. The thesis is focused on the works of Travnicek with a particular respect to his linguodidactic activities. One part is dedicated to his scientific writings and takes the cultural and historical context into account. This part summarises his considerably extensive and thematically varied work. Five essential areas of linguistics were defined (grammar, historical grammar, phonetics, phonology, word-formation and dialectology) which were much enriched by Travnicek. Nevertheless, there is a mention of some work which is of the kind that is impossible to label with any category listed, or the work which is represented in each category just by several writings. Finally, the influence on Travnicek's scientific activity is touched upon. The last and crucial part of the thesis tackles Travnicek's linguodidactic activities with respect to the context of the particular period. Concerning the topics of the...
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Postava Jidáše Iškariotského prizmatem médií a veřejnosti v 21. století v kontextu státních maturit a současné populární kultury / The figure of Judas Iscariot through the prism of the media and the public in the 21st century in the context of state leaving exam and contemporary pop cultureDostálová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis, The Judas Iscariot figure, as seen by media and the public, in the 21st century in the context of the state graduation exam and contemporary pop culture, deals with the biblical figure who has betrayed Jesus Christ. The apostle, whose name has become a synonym for betrayal, was mentioned in one of the questions of the didactical test regarding Czech language and literature in the state graduation exam in the Czech Republic in 2015. The pupils were supposed to recognize Judas with help of his cognomen and other hints. Many students have complained about this task, saying that it was too difficult, while others have claimed that the question was not related to the subject. The complaint became an issue frequented in all the significant media and heavily discussed in society. The first chapters of the thesis describe the official requirements for the state graduation exam and the study plans for secondary schools, where the Bible is listed. The following chapters highlight and discuss the media coverage of the affair in the printed and online media, as well as in the radio and TV stations. Additionally, the student's opinions about the issue are mentioned, together with the jokes related to the topic, reactions of the experts and internet users commenting the topic under the internet...
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Využití deskových her pro výuku českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using board games in the Czech language lessons in primary schoolHyklová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
My diploma thesis on the Using board games in the Czech language lesson in primary school is divided into two parts. The first part deals with theoretical starting points based on experiential and constructivist pedagogy. It focuses on the game from several points of view - as a free activity and joy during life and as a didactic method in which pupils' education is realized, a class climate is formed and a board game is applied. Further there are described places where you can play board games outside the school environment. The second part is devoted to the production of my own board games and their subsequent use in the teaching of the Czech language in the fourth year of primary school. In conclusion, I reflect on their suitability for teaching, highlight their advantages, possible pitfalls and suitable variations and forms of gradation. KEYWORDS Game, board game, Czech language, experiential pedagogy, constructivist pedagogy, activation methods, pupil, teaching, primary school, own experience and enjoyment
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Čtení knih u žáků se sluchovým postižením / Reading books in pupils with hearing impairmentGötzová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the reading of pupils with hearing impairment, popularity of reading books at the 2nd level of primary school for the hearing impaired based on their specifics, which arise from their disability. Firstly, the thesis is devoted to reading literacy and reading in general, its anchoring in education and the view of hearing impairment in two disciplines. The thesis also describes the best-known research on reading literacy and reading. After that, reading and reading literacy topics are closely focused on pupils with hearing impairment, which is also closely related to the issue of acquiring the language of the majority among people with hearing impairment also due to the differences between Czech language and Czech sign language. Furthermore, the analysis of data and interpretation of the results of the research carried out at primary schools for the hearing impaired by means of questionnaires for pupils and their teachers is included. Some of the specifics typical for deaf pupils in relation to reading can be deduced from the outcomes of the research, but also the same elements that were found when compared with the research of reading by the hearing pupils in the Czech Republic.
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