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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The European project FLOMIX-R: Description of the slug mixing and buoyancy related experiments at the different test facilities(Final report on WP 2)

Toppila, Timo, Rohde, Ulrich, Hemström, Bengt, Bezrukov, Yuri, Kliem, Sören January 2005 (has links)
The goal of the work described in this report was the experimental investigation of the mixing of coolant with different quality (temperature, boron concentration) in nuclear reactors on the way from the cold leg through the downcomer and lower plenum to the core inlet in a systematic way. The obtained data were used for the clarification of the mixing mechanisms and form a data basis for the validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. For these purposes, experiments on slug mixing have been performed at two test facilities, modelling different reactor types in scale 1:5, the Rossendorf and Vattenfall test facilities. The corresponding accident scenario is the start-up of first main coolant pump (MCP) after formation of a slug of lower borated water during the reflux-condenser mode phase of a small break loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The matrices for the experiments were elaborated on the basis of the key phenomena, being responsible for the coolant mixing during pump start-up. Slug mixing tests have also been performed at the VVER-1000 facility of EDO Gidropress to meet the specifics of this reactor type. The mixing of slugs of water of different quality is also very important for pre-stressed thermal shock (PTS) situations. In emergency core cooling (ECC) situations after a LOCA, cold ECC water is injected into the hot water in the cold leg and downcomer. Due to the large temperature differences, thermal shocks are induced at the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) wall. Temperature distributions near the wall and temperature gradients in time are important to be known for the assessment of thermal stresses. One of the important phenomena in connection with PTS is thermal stratification, a flow condition with a vertical temperature profile in a horizontal pipe. Due to the fluctuating character of the flow, this may cause thermal fatigue in the pipe. Besides of thermal fatigue, a single thermal shock can also be relevant for structural integrity, if it is large enough, especially in the case, that the brittle fracture temperature of the RPV material is reduced due to radiation embrittlement. Therefore, additional to the investigations of slug mixing during re-start of coolant circulation, the mixing of slugs or streams of water with higher density with the ambient fluid in the RPV was investigated. The aim of these investigations was to study the process of turbulent mixing under the influence of buoyancy forces caused by the temperature differences. Heat transfer to the wall and thermal conductivity in the wall material have not been considered. Experiments on density driven mixing were carried out at the Rossendorf and the Fortum PTS facilities.

Разработка туристического web-сайта для города Екатеринбург : магистерская диссертация / Development of tourist web-site for city Ekaterinburg

Василевич, Я. Е., Vasilevich, Y. E. January 2023 (has links)
Цель исследования – разработать туристический сайт для г. Екатеринбург. В результате исследования разработан web-сайт, который можно использовать как сервис для поиска и выбора проведения досуга в городе Екатеринбург. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в туристическом развитии города. / The goal of work is development of tourist web-site for city Ekaterinburg. In the course of the study, a working web-site which may use for travels and excursions in Ekaterinburg city was developed. Practical goal of research consists of touristic extension of Ekaterinburg city.

Zur Entwicklung des tierärztlichen Berufsstandes in Deutschland seit dem Jahr 2000 - eine empirische Verbleibstudie mit Geschlechtervergleich

Hübner, Sarah 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Zur Zeit gibt es keinen quantitativen Gesamtüberblick und keinen bundesweiten Vergleich der Zahlen von Studienanfängern, Absolventen mit abgelegter Tierärztlichen Prüfung (TP), Tierärzten mit Approbation sowie Kammermitgliedschaften. Es wird untersucht, wie sich das Verhältnis zwischen der Anzahl der von den veterinärmedizinischen Bildungsstätten erteilten TP zur Anzahl der in Deutschland erteilten Approbationen und diese wiederum zu den bestehenden Pflichtmitgliedschaften in den Landestierärztekammern für den Untersuchungszeitraum der Abschlussjahrgänge 2000 bis 2010 darstellt. Es wurde Datenmaterial der Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung, der fünf veterinärmedizinischen Bildungsstätten, des Deutschen Tierärzteblattes, der Approbationsbehörden und der Zentralen Tierärztedatei Dresden genutzt. Anschließend wurden die Daten mittels Recherche in öffentlichen Medien ergänzt. Insgesamt wurden n = 8036 Personen zur Untersuchung herangezogen, wovon n = 6715 (84 %) auswertbar waren, dabei lag der Frauenanteil stets bei durchschnittlich 82 %. Es zeigte sich, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit (92 %) der auswertbaren Personen ihre Approbation innerhalb der ersten drei Monate nach Bestehen der TP erhielt. 84 % ließen nur maximal drei Monate zwischen Approbationserhalt und Kammerbeitritt vergehen. 75 % der Absolventen bleiben ihrem Ausbildungsland treu bzw. kehren dorthin zurück, eine veterinärmedizinische Hochschule bzw. Fakultät hat somit einen fachkräftebindenden Effekt für das jeweilige Bundesland. Im Bereich der Haupttätigkeitsfelder geht der Trend nach wie vor in Richtung „Praktiker“ (52 %). Personen ohne Berufsausübung bzw. Doktoranden nehmen den zweitgrößten Anteil (17 %) der Tätigkeitsfelder ein. Dabei steht die Einstufung der Doktoranden der Tiermedizin in tierärztlich „Tätige“ oder „nicht Tätige“ zur Diskussion, da diese in Deutschland noch in einer rechtlichen Grauzone liegt. Das Anmeldesystem ausgehend von der Approbationsbeantragung bis zur Kammermitgliedschaft bei den Tierärzten in Deutschland, mit weniger als 3 % nicht registrierter Kammermitgliedschaften sowie weniger als 1 % niemals beantragter Approbationen, funktioniert recht gut. Dies scheint in erster Linie am starken Pflichtbewusstsein der deutschen Tierärzte zu liegen. Lücken in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Approbationsbehörden und Landestierärztekammern bzw. Fehlerquellen bei der Datenübermittlung fielen bisher nicht auf und die rechtliche Verfolgung von Versäumnissen einzelner Tierärzte spielt in der Kammerverwaltung eine untergeordnete bis gar keine Rolle, da rechtliche Vergehen tatsächlich Ausnahmen darstellen. Dennoch sollten die Datenbasis und auch der Datenfluss zwischen den beteiligten Institutionen vereinheitlicht, verifiziert und auch regelmäßig ausgewertet werden, denn ohne die Anwendung von Kontroll- und Sanktionsmaßnahmen ist die rechtsverbindliche Pflichtmitgliedschaft de facto eine reine Selbstverpflichtung. Eine einheitliche Stellungnahme zum Status der Doktoranden seitens der berufspolitischen Organe ist dringend notwendig. Doktoranden sollten zur Gruppe der tierärztlich „Tätigen“ zählen und der Nachweis der Approbation für alle mit der Promotion einhergehenden Arbeitsschritte Pflicht sein. In Anbetracht einer diesbezüglich bisher fehlenden bundeseinheitlichen Regelung, ist die Frage, ob man in Deutschland ohne Probleme mit fehlender Approbation tierärztlich tätig werden kann, eindeutig mit „ja“ zu beantworten.

PROGRESS – prospective observational study on hospitalized community acquired pneumonia

Ahnert, Peter, Creutz, Petra, Scholz, Markus, Schütte, Hartwig, Engel, Christoph, Hossain, Hamid, Chakraborty, Trinad, Bauer, Michael, Kiehntopf, Michael, Völker, Uwe, Hammerschmidt, Sven, Löffler, Markus, Suttorp, Norbert 05 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a high incidence disease resulting in about 260,000 hospital admissions per year in Germany, more than myocardial infarction or stroke. Worldwide, CAP is the most frequent infectious disease with high lethality ranging from 1.2 % in those 20–29 years old to over 10 % in patients older than 70 years, even in industrial nations. CAP poses numerous medical challenges, which the PROGRESS (Pneumonia Research Network on Genetic Resistance and Susceptibility for the Evolution of Severe Sepsis) network aims to tackle: Operationalization of disease severity throughout the course of disease, outcome prediction for hospitalized patients and prediction of transitions from uncomplicated CAP to severe CAP, and finally, to CAP with sepsis and organ failure as a life-threatening condition. It is a major aim of PROGRESS to understand and predict patient heterogeneity regarding outcome in the hospital and to develop novel treatment concepts. Methods: PROGRESS was designed as a clinical, observational, multi-center study of patients with CAP requiring hospitalization. More than 1600 patients selected for low burden of co-morbidities have been enrolled, aiming at a total of 3000. Course of disease, along with therapy, was closely monitored by daily assessments and long-term follow-up. Daily blood samples allow in depth molecular-genetic characterization of patients. We established a well-organized workflow for sample logistics and a comprehensive data management system to collect and manage data from more than 50 study centers in Germany and Austria. Samples are stored in a central biobank and clinical data are stored in a central data base which also integrates all data from molecular assessments. Discussion: With the PROGRESS study, we established a comprehensive data base of high quality clinical and molecular data allowing investigation of pressing research questions regarding CAP. In-depth molecular characterization will contribute to the discovery of disease mechanisms and establishment of diagnostic and predictive biomarkers. A strength of PROGRESS is the focus on younger patients with low burden of co-morbidities, allowing a more direct look at host biology with less confounding. As a resulting limitation, insights from PROGRESS will require validation in representative patient cohorts to assess clinical utility. Trial registration: The PROGRESS study was retrospectively registered on May 24th, 2016 with ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02782013

Projektovanje baza podataka u oblasti obrazovnog računarskog softvera / Data base projecting in the field of education computer software

Radulović Biljana 10 February 1998 (has links)
<p>U radu su definisane teorijske postavke povezivanja koncepata otvorenog i zatvorenog sveta u jedinstven sistem za rukovanje bazom podataka u režimu otvorenog, zatvorenog i otvorenog/zatvorenog sveta. Opisan je konkretan programski sistem BASELOG, koji je razvijen na datim teoretskim postavkama. Opisan je postupak projektovanja baza podataka u oblasti obrazovnog softvera, koji je zasnovan na BASELOG-sistemu.</p> / <p>In this work theoretical bases of connecting concept open and closed world in one data base management system which works through open, closed and open/closed world are defined. BASELOG-program system is descripted and developed on given theoretical bases. There is also descripted process of data base projecting in the field of education software which is based on BASELOG-system.</p>

Cultes et identités en France au XVIIe siècle : étude des calendriers et des livres liturgiques / Cults and indentities in 17th century France : study of liturgical books and calendars

D'hour, Thomas 28 June 2014 (has links)
Le XVIIe siècle est généralement considéré comme un moment de romanisation des liturgies diocésaines françaises, sur le modèle des ouvrages romains réformés à la fin du XVIe siècle par Pie V (le nouveau Bréviaire romain est imprimé en 1568). Toutefois, force est de constater que chaque diocèse conserve une certaine marge de manœuvre, notamment pour la conservation d’usages particuliers s’ils sont en pratique depuis deux cents ans, ainsi que le prévoit la bulle Quod a Nobis.Ce travail s’intéresse, par le prisme des calendriers liturgiques diocésains et des livres qui les contiennent, aux conséquences de ce mouvement de romanisation sur les cultes et l’identité des diocèses. Pour l’essentiel, la méthode choisie consiste à saisir cent trente-cinq calendriers, imprimés entre 1570 et 1680 par soixante-dix diocèses, sous la forme d’une base de données et à les interroger en série. Plus particulièrement, les calendriers sont l’objet dans les premières années du XVIIe siècle de profondes réformes, tant dans leur structure que dans leur contenu. Ainsi, le calendrier romain et les offices de saints contenus dans le Bréviaire ne sont pas adoptés de la même manière dans l’ensemble des diocèses du royaume de France. Il est alors possible de construire une cartographie des différents degrés d’adoption du modèle romain et d’identifier des espaces. De même, tous les diocèses ne font pas état d’autant d’usages propres les uns que les autres, notamment au regard du nombre de saints.Enfin, ces cultes particuliers peuvent également être partagés entre plusieurs diocèses, dessinant alors de nouveaux espaces de dévotions à certains saints, à l’échelle de la France / Usually, the seventeenth century is considered as a time of romanisation of dioceses liturgy, following the model of Roman works that were reformed at the end of the 16th century by the pope Pie V (Roman breviary is printed in 1568). However, one has to come to the conclusion that each diocese keeps a certain margin especially concerning the conservation of particular uses if they had been in use for two hundred years, as scheduled by the bull Quod a Nobis.This study choses to show the consequences of the Roman reform on the identity and the worship of diocese through the prism of diocesan liturgic calendars and the books that contain them. Foremost, the chosen method consists in entering one hundred and thirty-five calendars, printed between 1570 and 1680 by seventy dioceses, in a data base and questionning them in series.More particularly, the calendars are the object in the early seventeenth century of deep reforms, in their structure as well as in their content. Hence, the Roman calendar and the saints services contained in the Breviary have not been adopted in the same way in all the dioceses of the French relm. It is then possible to build a cartography of the different degrees of adoption of the Roman model and identify spaces. In the same way, every diocese didn't mention as many particular uses as the others, especially in regard to the number of their own saints.Finally, these particular worships can be shared by several dioceses, defining new spaces of devotion to specific saints, on the French scale.

SGBD open-source pour historisation de données et impact des mémoires flash / Open-source DBMS for data historization and impact of flash memories

Chardin, Brice 07 December 2011 (has links)
L'archivage de données industrielles est un problème complexe : il s'agit de stocker un grand nombre de données sur plusieurs décennies, tout en supportant la charge des insertions temps réel et des requêtes d'extraction et d'analyse. Pour ce type d'application, des produits « de niche » se sont spécialisés pour ce segment du marché : les progiciels d'historisation. Il s'agit de solutions propriétaires avec des coûts de licence de l'ordre de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'euros, et dont le fonctionnement interne n'est pas dévoilé. Nous avons donc dans un premier temps mis en évidence les spécificités de ces progiciels d'historisation, tant au niveau des fonctionnalités que des performances. Néanmoins, l'archivage de données industrielles peut s'appliquer à des contexte très différents. L'IGCBox par exemple est un mini PC industriel utilisant MySQL pour l'archivage à court terme des données de production des centrales hydrauliques d'EDF. Ce matériel présente quelques spécificités, la principale étant son système de mémoire non volatile basé uniquement sur la technologie flash, pour sa fiabilité importante en milieu industriel et sa faible consommation d'énergie. Les SGBD possèdent pour des raisons historiques de nombreuses optimisations spécifiques aux disques durs, et le manque d'optimisation adaptée aux mémoires flash peut dégrader significativement les performances. Le choix de ce type de mémoire a donc eu des répercussions notables sur les performances pour l'insertion, avec une dégradation importante par rapport aux disques durs. Nous avons donc proposé Chronos, un SGBD dédié à l'historisation de données sur mémoires flash. Pour cela, nous avons en particulier identifié un algorithme d'écriture « quasi-séquentiel » efficace pour accéder à la mémoire, ainsi que des mécanismes de bufferisation et de mise à jour d'index optimisés pour les charges typiques de l'historisation. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent un gain significatif pour les insertions par rapport à des solutions équivalentes, d'un facteur 20 à 54. Chronos est donc une solution compétitive lorsque les insertions correspondent à une proportion importante de la charge soumise au SGBD. En particulier pour les charges typiques des IGCBox, Chronos se distingue en proposant des performances globales améliorées d'un facteur 4 à 18 par rapport aux autres solutions. / Archiving industrial data is a complex issue: a large volume of data has to be stored for several decades while meeting performance requirements for real-time insertions, along with retrieval and analysis queries. For these applications, niche products have specialized in this market segment: data historians. Data historians are proprietary solutions, with license fees of tens of thousands of dollars, and whose internal mechanisms are not documented. Therefore, we first emphasized data historian specificities, with regards to functionalities as much as performance. However, archiving industrial data can occur in very different contexts. IGCBoxes for example are industrial mini PCs using MySQL for short-term data archiving in hydroelectric power stations at EDF. These equipments expose distinctive features, mainly on their storage system based exclusively on flash memory, for its reliability in an industrial environment and its low energy consumption. For historical reasons, DBMS include many hard disk drive-oriented optimizations, and the lack of adjustment for flash memories can significantly decrease performance. This type of memory thus had notable consequences on insert performance, with a substantial drop compared with hard disk drives. We therefore designed Chronos, a DBMS for historization data management on flash memories. For that purpose, we especially identified an efficient “quasi-sequential” write pattern on flash memories, along with buffer and index management techniques optimized for historization typical workloads. Experimental results demonstrate improved performance for insertions over different solutions, by a factor of 20 to 54. Chronos is therefore competitive when insertions make up an extensive part of the workload. For instance, Chronos stands out with the typical workload of IGCBoxes, with global performance improved by a factor of 4 to 18 compared with other solutions.

Criação de um banco de dados dinâmico e análise de medições Lidar em formato Web do Laboratório de Aplicações Ambientais a Laser do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares / Creation of a dynamic database and analysis of LIDAR measurements in web format at the laboratory of environmental laser applications at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Pozzetti, Lucila Maria Viola 21 June 2006 (has links)
O Laboratório de Aplicações Ambientais a Laser, situado no Centro de Lasers e Aplicações no IPEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares), efetua medidas das concentrações de aerossóis atmosféricos, enviando um feixe de laser à atmosfera e coletando a luz retroespalhada. Tal sistema fornece um grande número de parâmetros físicos que devem ser administrados de forma ágil para a obtenção de análises resultantes. Em conseqüência disso, a implementação de um banco de dados tornou-se imprescindível como instrumento de comunicação e visualização gráfica das medidas coletadas. Um critério de classificação destas valiosas informações foi adotado, estabelecendo níveis de armazenamento definidos a partir de características específicas aos tipos de dados determinados. A compilação e automação destas medidas promoverá a integração entre dados, análise e retorno otimizado de resultados das propriedades da atmosfera, propiciando futuras pesquisas e análise de dados. / The LIDAR system (Light Detection and Ranging) laser remote sensing at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute Laboratory of Environmental Laser Applications allows on line measurements of variations in the concentrations of atmospheric aerosols by sending a laser beam to the atmosphere and collecting the backscattered light. Such a system supplies a great number of physical parameters that must be managed in an agile form to the attainment of a real time analysis. Database implementation therefore becomes an important toll of communication and graphical visualization of measurements. A criterion for classification of this valuable information was adopted, establishing defined levels of storage from specific characteristics of the determined data types. The compilation and automation of these measurements will promote optimized integration between data, analysis and retrieval of the resulting properties and of the atmosphere, improving future research and data analysis.


Almeida, Jonas Garcia de 26 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-08-18T13:03:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jonas Garcia de Almeida.pdf: 3226956 bytes, checksum: 9d13dc0a531d222433b4267892b08ac2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T13:03:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jonas Garcia de Almeida.pdf: 3226956 bytes, checksum: 9d13dc0a531d222433b4267892b08ac2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-26 / For human identification purposes in Forence area, the United States created the database (DB) of DNA Index System Combined (CODIS), containing 13 loci: CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, VWA, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51 and D21S11. Then the DBs of the markers of the Y-STR X-STRs haplotypes were created. Comparison of the obtained data was conducted from allele frequencies (AF), paternity index (PI) by marker and paternity probabilities (PPs) obtained from nine BD population, one of those national (BR), using 241 cases containing the PP 99.99 using 13 loci STRs (CODIS) and 2 more STRs markers of Penta D- and E, granted by the BDs of Núcleo de Pesquisas Replicon, of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC - GO) and LaGene, Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública (SES - GO). 241 cases were analyzed in Trio (alleged father, son and progenitor) and Duo (alleged father and son) situations, using 13 STRs markers (CODIS) by Bayes theorem and the Likelihood Ratio (LR). The results were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis, chi-square, Spearman correlation and Fishers exact tests and SPSS software (2010). Static analysis of RV cases containing the Trio resulted in 1,148 results PPs 99.99% and 21 results PPs <99.99%, and in a position to Duo 1686 results with PPs 99.99% and 483 results PPs <99.99%. The analysis of the IP average of each marker showed the D21S11 of STRs markers and FGA with the highest power of inclusion and TH01 and D3S1358 with the lowest power of inclusion. The PPs did not show significantly different, containing mostly positive correlation, of moderate to strong, between 8 BDs compared to the BR population databases. This study demonstrated the statistics interference that each allele frequencies DB can have in PP calculations using only 13 loci of genetic, thus making it more significant in cases Duo situation. According to the information available in databases of gene frequencies of the different geographical regions of Brazil, it became possible to conclude that the allele frequencies obtained and the IPs per marker and PPs obtained, suggest strong similarities to those found in the national database. / Para fins de identificação humana na área forense os Estados Unidos criou o Banco de Dados (BD) do Sistema de Índice de DNA Combinado (CODIS), contendo 13 loci: CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX, VWA, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51 e D21S11. Foi realizado no presente estudo, a comparação dos dados obtidos das frequências alélicas (FA), índices de paternidade (IP) por marcador e probabilidades de paternidade (PPs) obtidas a partir de 9 BD populacionais, sendo 1 nacional (BR), utilizando 241 casos contendo a PP 99,99 com o uso de 13 loci STRs (CODIS) e mais 2 marcadores STRs do Penta-D e E, cedidos pelos BDs do Núcleo de Pesquisa Replicon, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO) e do LaGene, Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública (SES-GO). Os 241 casos foram analisados nas situações de Trio (suposto pai, filho e genitora) e Duo (suposto pai e filho) usando 13 marcadores STRs (CODIS) através do teorema de Bayes e pela Razão de Verossimilhança (RV). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes de Kruskal-Wallis, Qui-quadrado, Correlação de Spearman e Exato de Fisher usando o software SPSS (2010). As análises estáticas da RV dos casos contendo o Trio resultaram em 1.148 resultados com PPs 99,99% e 21 resultados com PPs < 99,99%, e em situação de Duo 1.686 resultados com PPs 99,99% e 483 resultados com PPs < 99,99%. As análises das médias dos IPs de cada marcador demonstraram os marcadores STRs do D21S11 e FGA com os maiores poder de inclusão e TH01 juntamente com o D3S1358 os menores poderes de inclusão. As PPs não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas contendo em sua maioria correlações positivas de moderadas a fortes entre os 8 BDs comparados ao BDs populacional do BR. Este estudo demonstrou as interferências estatísticas que cada BDs de frequências alélicas pode exercer nos cálculos de PP quando se utiliza apenas 13 loci para confirmação de vínculo genético, tornando-se assim mais significativas nos casos em situação de Duo. De acordo as informações disponíveis nos BDs de frequências alélicas das diferentes regiões geográficas do Brasil, tornou-se possível concluir, que as frequências alélicas obtidas, bem como os IPs por marcador e as PPs obtidas, sugerem fortes similaridades às encontradas no banco de dados nacional.

Toksične cijanobakterije sa teritorije Republike Srbije / Toxic cyanobacteria from the territory of the Republic of Serbia

Tokodi Nada 28 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Ispitano je prisustvo toksičnih cijanobakterija u različitim ekosistemima sa teritorije&nbsp;Republike Srbije i analizirane su negativne posledice koje mogu da prouzrokuju ovi&nbsp;mikroorganizmi. Formirana je Baza podataka cijanobakterija u Srbiji koja prilaže veliki broj bitnih&nbsp; i korisnih informacija iz preko 70 literaturnih izvora o prostiranju i učestalosti pojave cijanobakterija i njihovih toksina u periodu od 130 godina, kao i njihovih efekata na živi svet u vodenim ekosistemima, ali i &scaron;ire. Istraživana su 64 vodena ekosistema, uključujući reke, jezera, bare, kanale, ribnjake, akumulacije za navodnjavanje, akumulacije za snabdevanje vodom za piće i akumulacije sa drugom namenom, gde je najče&scaron;će cvetalo pet vrsta cijanobakterija i to:&nbsp;<em> Microcystis aeruginosa,&nbsp; Aphanizomenon flos-aquae</em>,&nbsp; <em>Planktothrix agardhii,&nbsp; Microcystis flos-aquae</em>&nbsp; i<em>&nbsp; Planktothrix rubescens</em>&nbsp; koje ujedno i &scaron;ire svoj areal rasprostranjenja na teritoriji Republike Srbije. U brojnim vodenim telima detektovani su mikrocistini i to u visokim koncentracijama.</p><p>Istraživanje vodenog ekosistema Ludo&scaron; sa teritorije Republike Srbije vr&scaron;eno je da bi se ustanovilo prisustvo i uticaj cijanobakterija i cijanotoksina na druge biljne i životinjske organizme u prirodnim uslovima. Trofički status jezera Ludo&scaron; najče&scaron;će je eutrofan, a cvetanje cijanobakterija kontinuirano jo&scaron; od 1970. godine. Tokom 2011. i 2012. godine&nbsp; vrste<em> Limnothrix&nbsp; redekei&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp;<em> Pseudanabaena&nbsp; limnetica</em>&nbsp; nađene&nbsp; u&nbsp; cvetanju. Detektovano je i prisustvo mikrocistina/nodularina i saksitoksina u biomasi i vodi, a mikrocistini su detektovani i u tkivu vodenih biljaka (trske&nbsp;<em> Phragmites communis</em>, rogoza&nbsp; <em>Typha latifolia</em>&nbsp; i ljubičastog lokvanja<em> Nymphaea elegans</em>) i ribi (<em>Carassius gibelio</em>) iz jezera Ludo&scaron;. Histolo&scaron;kim pregledom tkiva ribe&nbsp; pronađene su naizraženije promene u jetri, bubrezima i &scaron;krgama, a primećene su i na crevima.</p><p>Testiranjem biolo&scaron;kih lesnih pokorica sa teritorije Vojvodine nisu detektovani&nbsp;mikrocistini/nodularini, a nije detektovana ni toksičnost uzoraka. Pretpostavlja se da su koncentracije cijanotoksina ispod granica detekcije ili ih nema u testiranim biolo&scaron;kim lesnim pokoricama. Razvojem novih metoda i optimizacijom postojećih za detekciju cijanotoksina u biolo&scaron;kim lesnim pokoricama i drugim terestričnim ekosistemima potrebno je proveriti dobijene rezultate.</p><p>Proučavanjem svojstva 84 soja cijanobakterija iz NSCCC, koji potiču iz terestričnih i&nbsp;vodenih ekosistema sa teritorije Republike Srbije, dobijena je intracelularna toksičnost u eksponencijalnoj i stacionarnoj fazi rasta, kao i ekstracelularna toksičnost &nbsp;kod jednog soja koji potiče sa terestričnog ekosistema. Dobijeni su i pozitivni rezultati &nbsp;na prisustvo mikrocistina, nodularina ili/i saksitoksina kod 34,1% terestričnih i 55,5% vodenih sojeva koji potiču sa teritorije Republike Srbije. Rezultati ukazuju na&nbsp; potencijalnu opasnost pojave ovih&nbsp; mikroorganizama i njihovih toksičnih metabolita u različitim ekosistemima sa teritorije Republike Srbije.</p><p>Eksperimentalno je potvrđena akumulacija mikrocistina u račiću<em>&nbsp; Daphnia pulex&nbsp; </em>usled ishrane toksičnim sojem iz NSCCC, zbog čega upotreba ove vrste račića u izvođenju biolo&scaron;kih testova za testiranje prisustva cijanotoksina treba da se preispita.&nbsp; &Scaron;tavi&scaron;e, veliki broj jedinki dafnija (92,2%) koristio je istraživane sojeve iz NSCCC za ishranu, odnosno ishrana je bila moguća sa svim vodenim i sa gotovo 90% terestričnih sojeva, &scaron;to može poslužiti kao osnov za dalja istraživanja prevencije cvetanja.</p><p>S obzirom na mogućnost ishrane račića&nbsp;<em> Daphnia&nbsp; sp</em>. cijanobakterijama, kompleks&nbsp;<br />ribnjaka sa teritorije Republike Srbije kori&scaron;ćen je za istraživanje potencijalnog načina&nbsp;<br />prevencije pojave i cvetanja cijanobakterija u zavisnosti od pravovremenog uno&scaron;enja&nbsp;<br />pomenutog račića. Na osnovu koncentracije hlorofila&nbsp; a&nbsp; i trofičkog statusa,&nbsp; kvalitativne i kvantitativne analize cijanobakterija, toksičnosti vode&nbsp; i prisustva cijanotoksina mikrocistina/nodularina i saksitoksina, potvrđeno je smanjenje cvetanja cijanobakterija i drugih negativnih efekata u eksperimentalnim jezerima u odnosu na kontrolna. Ukoliko pak dođe do cvetanja i proizvodnje toksina&nbsp; ijanobakterija u vodenim ekosistemima, zbog ozbiljnost pojave i mogućih negativnih posledica po zdravlje ljudi, neohodno je uvesti postupke eliminacije ćelija&nbsp; cijanobakterija i njihovih &nbsp;toksina u praksu pri obradi&nbsp; otpadnih voda i preči&scaron;ćavanja vode iz povr&scaron;inskih akumulacija u Republici Srbiji.</p> / <p>The presence of toxic&nbsp; cyanobacteria in different ecosystems from the territory of the Republic of Serbia was analyzed as well as the negative consequences that may be causeed by these microorganisms. Serbian Cyanobacterial Data Base was formed where great number of important and useful information from over 70 literary sources regarding the distribution and frequency of cyanobacteria and their toxins over a period of 130 years, as well as their effects on wildlife in aquatic ecosystems, and beyond was presented. The study consisted of 64 aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, ponds, canals, irrigation reservoirs, reservoirs for drinking water supply and reservoirs with other purpose, where five species of cyanobacteria <em>Microcystis aeruginosa,&nbsp; Aphanizomenon flos-aquae,&nbsp; Planktothrix agardhii,&nbsp; Microcystis flosaquae&nbsp;</em> and&nbsp; <em>Planktothrix rubescens</em>&nbsp; frequently bloomed, and also expanded their area of distribution on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In many water bodies microcystins were detected in high concentrations.</p><p>Research into aquatic ecosystem Ludo&scaron;, located on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, was performed in order to determine the presence and effect of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins on other plant and animal organisms in natural conditions. Trophic status of&nbsp; the lake Ludo&scaron; was usually eutrophic, and cyanobacteria bloom is constant since 1970. During 2011 and 2012, the species <em>Limnothrix&nbsp; redekei</em>&nbsp; and&nbsp; <em>Pseudanabaena&nbsp; limnetica&nbsp;</em> were found in blooming. Presence of microcystins/nodularin and saxitoxin was detected in&nbsp; biomass and water, and microcystins were detected in tissues of aquatic plants (reed <em>Phragmites communis,</em> cattail&nbsp;<em>Typha latifolia&nbsp;</em>and royalblue waterlily&nbsp; <em>Nymphaea elegans</em>) and fish (<em>Carassius gibelio</em>) from the lake Ludo&scaron;. Histological examination of tissue showed most prominent changes in liver, kidney and gills, and alterations were also observed in the intestine.</p><p>Testing of the biological loess crust from Vojvodina showed no presence of microcystins/nodularin and toxicity of samples was not detected as well. It is assumed that cyanotoxin concentrations were below detection limit or are absent from the tested biological loess crusts. The development of new methods and optimization of existing ones for detection of cyanotoxins in biological loess crustsand&nbsp; other terrestrial ecosystems is necessary in order to revise obtained results.</p><p>Research of the properties from 84 strains of cyanobacteria from NSCCC originating&nbsp;from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems from the territory of the Republic of &nbsp;Serbia, resulte d inintracellular toxicity in exponential and stationary growth phase, as &nbsp;well as extracellular toxicity of a strain originating from terrestrial ecosystems. The obtained results were positive for the presence of microcystins, nodularin and/or saxitoxin&nbsp; for 34.1% terrestrial and 55.5% aquatic strains originating from the territory of the Republic of Serbia. These results demonstrate the potential risk of occurrence of these microorganisms and their metabolites in different ecosystems from the territory of the Republic of Serbia.</p><p>Accumulation of microcystins in shrimp <em>Daphnia pulex</em>&nbsp;after feeding with toxic strain&nbsp;from NSCCC was experimentally confirmed, indicating that the use of this species of shrimp in biological tests which determine the presence of cyanotoxins needs to be revisited. Moreover, a large number of&nbsp;<em>Daphnia&nbsp; individuals </em>(92.2%) used the investigated strains of NSCCC for food, and the feeding was possible with all &nbsp;the water strains and nearly 90% of terrestrial strains, which can serve as a basis for further research of bloom prevention.</p><p>With regard to the possibility shrimp <em>Daphnia&nbsp;</em>sp. feeding with cyanobacteria, a&nbsp;complex of ponds from the territory of the Republic of Serbia was used to explore &nbsp;potential ways of prevention the occurrence and blooming of cyanobacteria, depending on the timely introduction of the aforementioned shrimp. Based on the concentrations of chlorophyll&nbsp; a&nbsp; and trophic status, qualitative and quantitative analysis of cyanobacteria, the toxicity of water and the presence of&nbsp; cyanotoxins microcystins/nodularin and saxitoxin, reduction in blooming cyanobacteria and other negative effects in the experimental lakes when compared to the control lakes was confirmed. If the blooming regardless occurres as well as production of cyanobacterial &nbsp;toxins in aquatic ecosystems, due to the seriousness of the phenomenon and the possible negative consequences for human health, it would be necessary to introduce &nbsp;procedures for the elimination of cells of cyanobacteria and their toxins into practice in waste water treatment and purification of water from surface reservoirs in the Republic of Serbia.</p>

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