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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics of the Novel Combination of BEZ235, PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor, and Everolimus, mTOR Inhibitor: Phase I Clinical Studies and Non-clinical Mechanistic Assessment

Moorthy, Ganesh 11 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Validation et criblage de nouvelles molécules anti-infectieuses sur microarray : applications à Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Validation and screening of new anti-infective molecules on microarray : applications to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Dupin, Lucie 30 May 2016 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) est la troisième bactérie impliquée dans les maladies nosocomiales et est la principale cause de mortalité des patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. PA est résistante à la plupart des traitements antibiotiques. Trouver de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques est devenu un enjeu majeur de santé publique, l’une d’entre elles est l’inhibition de facteurs de virulence. Parmi ceux-ci, les lectines sont des protéines impliquées dans l’adhésion et la formation de biofilm via des interactions avec des sucres (PA-IL, PA- IIL, FliC, FliD, PilA, PilY1 et CupB6).Le but de ce travail est donc de trouver des leurres moléculaires ayant une forte affinité pour ces lectines. Ceux-ci sont des motifs saccharidiques présentés de façon multivalente : glycoclusters. De part leur grande diversité structurale et leur faible quantité, un outil de criblage innovant a été développé qui consiste en une lame de verre microstructurée : le glycocluster-microarray. Les glycoclusters sont immobilisés de manière ordonnée par DNA Directed Immobilization (DDI). Deux méthodes de criblage ont été développées grâce à cet outils : 1) le criblage en solution et par compétition d’une bibliothèque de motifs saccharidiques et 2) le criblage d’une bibliothèque de glycoclusters immobilisés sur le microarray. Avec cet outil, des protocoles de mesures d’IC50 et de Kd ont aussi été fiabilisés pour caractériser les meilleurs candidats inhibiteurs des lectines. Le glycocluster- microarray présente l’avantage de n’utiliser qu’une très faible quantité de matériel (quelques picomoles) et permet de réaliser diverses analyses en parallèle.Afin de valider cet outil, une étude sur l’impact de la densité de surface en glycocluster a été menée. Le criblage de plus de 150 motifs saccharidiques a permis de sélectionner ceux ayant une forte affinité pour les lectines. L’analyse sur microarray complétée par de la modélisation moléculaire d’une bibliothèque de glycoclusters, possédant ces motifs et différentes topologies, valences et propriétés (aromaticité, charge,…), a permis d’identifier les paramètres clés dirigeant les relations structure-affinité. Une activité anti-biofilm chez PA a été démontrée avec les meilleurs glycoclusters ciblant PA-IL.Tester l’activité in vivo, chez l’animal, des meilleurs candidats est une voie à explorer. Cibler d’autres lectines comme celles présentes sur le flagelle et les pili de PA et notamment impliquées dans son adhésion précoce est aussi une voie à développer. Pour cela, des tests préliminaires ont été présentés et d’autres sont en cours faisant appel à l’utilisation de bactéries entières ainsi qu’à une détection sans marquage des lectines. / Summary: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is the third pathogen involved in nosocomial diseases and the major cause of mortality of cystic fibrosis patients. PA develops resistance to antibiotics treatments. And so, developing new therapeutic strategies is a public health issue. One of the promising strategies is to inhibit virulence factors involved in the adhesion and the biofilm formation of PA. Some of these virulence factors are lectins which interact with sugars (PA-IL, PA-IIL, FliC, FliD, PilA, PilY1 and CupB6).The goal of this work is to find molecular decoys which have a strong affinity for these lectins. These are saccharidic units with a multivalent display: glycoclusters. An innovative screening tool has been developed: the glycocluster-microarray, to study lectin/glycocluster interactions. It is a microstructured glass slide where glycoclusters are immobilized by DNA Directed Immobilization (DDI). Two screening methods have been developed with this microarray: 1) the screening in solution and by competition of a saccharidic units library and2) the screening of a glycoclusters library immobilized on the microarray. Protocols of IC50 and Kd measurements have also been developed with this tool to characterize the best lectins inhibitors. This tool allows to use few amount of material (few picomoles) and to do parallel analysis.To validate the microarray, a study of the impact of glycoclusters surface density has been done. The screening of more than 150 saccharidic units allowed the selection of the ones that display the best affinity forlectins. The analysis, on microarray and molecular simulations, of the glycoclusters library displaying thesesaccharidic units and several topologies, valences and properties (aromaticity, charge,…) enable to identify key parameters of structure-affinity relationships. An anti-biofilm activity has been observed for the best glycoclusters targeting PA-IL.Testing in vivo activity of these best candidates will be explored. Targeting others lectins such as the ones on the flagella and pili of PA and involved in the early adhesion needs also to be developed. To this end, preliminary tests have been showed and some are in progress.

Développement d'une plateforme de criblage pour la recherche de nouvelles molécules anti-infectieuses : applications à Pseudomonas aeruginosa. / Glycoarray technology development for new anti-infective molecules discovering : applications to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Goudot, Alice 24 September 2013 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) est l’un des principaux germes impliqués dans les maladies nosocomiales et est aussi la principale cause de mortalité et morbidité des patients atteints de la mucoviscidose malgré l’utilisation massive d’antibiotiques. Dans la lutte contre PA, une alternative aux antibiotiques est l’inhibition de ses facteurs de virulence notamment ceux impliqués dans l’adhésion et la formation du biofilm via des interactions de type sucres/protéines. Ces protéines sont appelées lectines (PA-IL, PA-IIL, FliD). L’objectif de ce travail est la recherche de molécules inhibitrices (glycoclusters) de ces lectines impliquées dans la virulence de PA. Compte tenu du grand nombre de glycoclusters à tester et des faibles quantités de matériels biologiques disponibles, un outil de criblage innovant a été développé (glycoarray) à partir d’une lame de verre microstructurée et fonctionnalisée chimiquement afin d’immobiliser de manière organisée et ordonnée les glycoclusters. La méthode d’immobilisation choisie est la méthode d’immobilisation spécifique par hybridation de l’ADN appelée DDI : DNA Directed Immobilization. Sur ces glycoarrays, 3 méthodes indépendantes (lecture de fluorescence directe, IC50 et Kd) de mesure des interactions glycoclusters/lectines ont été mises au point et validées par une étude comparative donnant un classement similaire des glycoclusters pour leur affinité vis-à-vis des lectines Il faut noter que ces mesures faites sur glycoarrays ne consomment que quelques picomoles de glycoclusters comparées aux méthodes classiques (ITC, ELLA, RMN, …) qui nécessitent des micromoles de produits. A l’aide de ces glycoarrays, un criblage d’une bibliothèque d’une centaine de glycoclusters multivalents, de différentes topologies, charges et linkers a permis d’identifier deux structures montrant une très forte affinité vis-à-vis des lectines de PA. Ces glycoclusters sont actuellement en test in vitro et in vivo. Ces études d’interactions sur DDI-glycoarray ont été étendues à d’autres agents pathogènes tels que les bactéries Burkholderia ambifaria, Viscum album ou contre le virus de la grippe. Dans le futur, pour mieux appréhender les mécanismes d’interactions sucres/protéines, il serait intéressant de pouvoir suivre en temps réel ces interactions en utilisant des systèmes de détection sans marquage tel que, par exemple, la résonance plasmonique de surface. Aussi, le dernier chapitre donne les prémices d’une adaptation de la méthode DDI sur glycoarray sur surface d’or. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is one of the predominant bacterium encountered in nosocomial infections. PA infections often lead to chronic inflammation and eventually to death despite aggressive antibiotic therapy. A promising approach is to inhibit the virulence factors of PA such as PA-IL, PA-IIL, FliD (lectins). Therefore, there is a great interest for studying carbohydrate/lectin interactions in order to design new treatments. The goal of this work is the research for inhibitory molecules (glycoclusters ) of these lectins involved in the virulence of PA. An innovative screening tool for studying carbohydrate/lectin interactions has been developed (glycoarray). Glycoarray are microstructured glass-slides, chemically functionalized in order to immobilize, organized and orderly, glycoclusters at the surface. The immobilization method is the specific immobilization method based on DNA hybridization called DDI (DNA Directed Immobilization). This miniaturized analytical biosystem allows multiplex test performed in one single microwell. Moreover, three independent methods of affinity measurement (direct fluorescence read-out, IC50 and Kd) have been developed and validated by a comparative study giving a similar ranking of glycoclusters for their affinity towards PA-IL. These measurements on glycoarrays consume only a few picomoles glycoclusters compared to conventional methods (ITC, ELLA...) that require micromoles of products. Using these glycoarrays, the screening of a library of hundreds of glycoclusters presenting different topologies, multivalencies, charges and linkers led to the identification of two structures showing a very strong affinity for PA lectins. These glycoclusters are currently in vitro assay and in vivo. These interaction studies on DDI-glycoarray were extended to other pathogens such as Burkholderia ambifaria bacteria, Viscum album or against the influenza virus. In the future, to better understand the mechanisms of sugar / protein interactions, it would be interesting to monitor in real time the interactions using label-free detection systems such as, for example, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Also, the last chapter gives the beginnings of an adaptation of the method of DDI glycoarray on gold surface

Genotoxizitätsprüfung ausgewählter nukleosidanaloger Reverse Transkriptase Hemmer mittels Micronucleustest am angebrüteten Hühnerei

Bogdanow, Katharina 20 August 2010 (has links)
Als Prüfung auf das genotoxische Potenzial einer Substanz ist die Entstehung von Micronuclei in proliferierendem Gewebe als genetischer Endpunkt wissenschaftlich und behördlich anerkannt. Zugrunde liegendes Experimentalmodell für diesen Test sind zumeist Mäuse und Ratten, deren Knochenmark das Zielgewebe dieses Tests darstellt. Dieses Testmodell geht mit dem Tod der verwendeten Tiere einher. Die vorliegende Arbeit greift den von Wolf & Lüpke (1997) sowie Wolf (1999) vorgestellten HET-MN (Hen’s Egg Test for MicroNucleus induction) auf, der angebrütete Hühnereier als Experimentalmodell verwendet (Bebrütungsdauer 11 Tage, d11). Zielorgan ist das periphere Blut der extraembryonalen Membranen. Das entnommene Blut wurde nach modifizierten hämatologischen Standard-verfahren angefärbt und die Zellen im Hellfeld-Durchlicht-Mikroskop bei 1000-facher Vergrößerung ausgezählt. Anhand der nucleosidanalogen Reverse Transkriptase Hemmer Zidovudin, Stavudin, Zalcitabin, Lamivudin und Didanosin fand ein Abgleich mit den durch Tierversuche gewonnenen Daten statt. In den versuchsreihen zu Zidovudin, Stavudin Zalcitabin, Didanosin und in den Kombinationsversuchen mit Zidovudin und Didanosin konnten die Daten aus der Literatur reproduzierbar bestätigt werden; wobei der HET-MN sensitiver reagierte als das Testmodell am Tier. Für Lamivudin konnte reproduzierbar eine biologisch und statistisch relevante, dosisabhängige Erhöhung der Micronucleusfrequenz erzielt werden. Damit steht der HET-MN in Kontrast zu den in der Literatur verfügbaren Informationen. Die im HET-MN gewonnenen Daten ließen in allen Versuchsreihen auf vergleichbare oder höhere Sensitivität als im Micronucleustest an Nagern schließen. Damit stellt der HET-MN eine kostengünstige und methodisch leicht durchführbare Alternative zum Tierversuch dar und wird trotz seiner hohen Komplexität und den damit verbundenen in-vivo-ähnlichen Bedingungen allen Belangen des Tierschutzes gerecht.

Application of a New Approach Methodology (NAM)-based Strategy for Genotoxicity Assessment of Data-poor Compounds

Fortin, Anne-Marie 06 December 2022 (has links)
The conventional battery for genotoxicity testing is not well-suited to assessing the large number of chemicals needing evaluation. Traditional in vitro tests lack throughput capacity, provide little mechanistic information, and have poor specificity in predicting in vivo genotoxicity. The Health Canada GeneTox21 research program is developing a multi-endpoint platform for modernized in vitro genotoxicity assessment. The GeneTox21 assays include the TGx-DDI transcriptomic biomarker (i.e., 64-gene expression signature to identify DNA damage-inducing (DDI) substances), the MicroFlow® assay (i.e., a flow cytometry-based micronucleus (MN) test), and the MultiFlow® assay (i.e., a multiplexed flow cytometry-based reporter assay that yields mechanism-of-action (MoA) information). As part of GeneTox21 development, the objective of this study was to investigate the utility of the TGx-DDI transcriptomic biomarker, multiplexed with the MicroFlow® and MultiFlow® assays, as an integrated testing strategy for screening data-poor substances prioritized by Health Canada’s New Substances Assessment and Control Bureau. Human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells were exposed to 3 control and 10 data-poor substances, using a 6-point concentration range. Cells were exposed for 4 hours with or without exogenous metabolic activation. Gene expression profiling was conducted using the targeted TempO-SeqTM assay, and the TGx-DDI classifier was applied to the dataset. Classifications were compared with those based on the MicroFlow® and MultiFlow® assays. Benchmark Concentration (BMC) modeling was used for potency ranking. The results of the integrated hazard calls indicate that five data-poor compounds are genotoxic in vitro, causing DNA damage via a clastogenic MoA, and one is positive via a pan-genotoxic MoA. Two compounds are likely irrelevant positives in the MN test; two are considered possibly genotoxic causing DNA damage via an ambiguous MoA. From quantitative analyses of concentration-response data, we observed nearly identical potency rankings for each assay with two main potency groups being observed. This ranking was maintained when all endpoint BMCs were converted into a single score using the Toxicological Prioritization (ToxPi) approach. Overall, this study contributes to the establishment of a modernized approach for effective genotoxicity assessment and chemical prioritization for further regulatory scrutiny. We conclude that integration of the TGx-DDI biomarker with other GeneTox21 assays is an effective NAM-based strategy for genotoxicity assessment of data-poor compounds.

Influência do EPP-AF® na atividade da glicoproteína P e do citocromo P450 em voluntários sadios usando coquetel de marcadores / Effect of EPP-AF® on cytochrome P450 and P-glycoprotein activity in healthy subjects using the cocktail approach

Cusinato, Diego Alberto Ciscato 24 August 2017 (has links)
O EPP-AF® é um extrato padronizado de própolis quimicamente caracterizado e com eficácia e segurança pré-clínica estabelecidas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi realizar um ensaio clínico de segurança para avaliar a influência do EPP-AF® na atividade da P-gp e das principais isoformas CYP, através de um teste in vivo tipo coquetel de fármacos marcadores administrados em doses subterapêuticas. Foram investigados 16 voluntários adultos sadios antes e após a exposição a 375 mg de EPP-AF® por via oral durante 15 dias. As amostras seriadas de sangue foram colhidas até 12 h após a administração do coquetel contendo midazolam (0,2 mg), cafeína (10 mg), omeprazol (2 mg), metoprolol (10 mg), losartana (2 mg) e fexofenadina (10 mg). Foram desenvolvidos e validados três métodos analíticos empregando LC-MS/MS para quantificar as concentrações plasmáticas de fexofenadina, losartana, E-3174 (método 1), omeprazol, 5-OH-omeprazol, midazolam, metoprolol, ?-OHmetoprolol (método 2) e cafeína (método 3). Os métodos não apresentaram efeito matriz ou efeito residual e mostraram-se lineares para os analitos nos intervalos de 0,05-20 ng/mL (fexofenadina); 0,03 - 5 ng/mL (losartana e E31-74); 0,1 - 50 ng/mL (omeprazol), 0,3 - 50 ng/mL (5-OH-omeprazol), 0,01 - 10 ng/mL (midazolam), 0,05 - 50 ng/mL (metoprolol e ?- OH-metoprolol) e 5 - 1000 ng/mL (cafeína). Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos dos compostos foram calculados com base nas curvas de concentração plasmática versus tempo (AUC) empregando o programa Phoenix® WinNonlin®. Os valores das razões das AUC0-t e Cmax após e antes da exposição ao EPP-AF®, apresentados como média geométrica (IC90%) foram de 0,74 (0,62 - 0,89) e 0,90 (0,76 - 1,07) para fexofenadina; 0,88 (0,80 - 0,97) e 0,86 (0,76 - 0,98) para losartana; 0,96 (0,83 - 1,11) e 0,91 (0,79 - 1,04) para E-3174; 1,18 (0,91 - 1,54) e 1,21 (0,87- 1,70) para omeprazol; 1,12 (0,95 - 1,31) e 1,22 (0,95 - 1,67) para 5-OHomeprazol; 1,14 (1,03 - 1,28) e 1,21 (1,00 - 1,46) para o midazolam; 1,04 (0,92 - 1,18) e 0,94 (0,80 - 1,12) para o metoprolol; 1,05 (0,99 - 1,12) e 0,99 (0,88 - 1,12) para ?-OH-metoprolol; 0,97 (0,77 - 1,21) e 0,87 (0,69 - 1,11) para a cafeína. Quando observadas as razões metabólicas das AUC0-t E3174/losartana, 5-OH-omeprazol/omeprazol e ?-OHmetoprolol/ metoprolol encontramos, respectivamente, 1,11 (0,98 - 1,25); 0,94 (0,81 - 1,10) e 1,01 (0,88 - 1,16), indicando que, com exceção do CYP2D6, a administração de EPP-AF® nas condições estudadas apresenta potencial para inibição das isoformas CYP2C19 e CYP3A4 e indução das enzimas CYP1A2, CYP2C9 e do transportador de efluxo P-gp, embora as suas magnitudes encontram-se abaixo dos limites definidos pelos órgãos reguladores e portanto não apresentam relevância clínica / EPP-AF® is a standardized extract of propolis chemically characterized and with established pre-clinical efficacy and safety. The main objective of this work was to perform a clinical trial to evaluate the effect of EPP-AF® on P-gp and the major CYP isoforms activity, through an in vivo assay using the cocktail approach with sub-therapeutic doses. Sixteen healthy adult volunteers were investigated before and after exposure to orally administered 375 mg/day of EPP-AF® for 15 days. Serum blood samples were collected up to 12 h after the administration of midazolam (0.2 mg), caffeine (10 mg), omeprazole (2 mg), metoprolol (10 mg), losartan (2 mg) and fexofenadine (10 mg). Three analytical methods were developed and validated applying LC-MS/MS to quantify plasma concentrations of fexofenadine, losartan, E-3174 (method 1), omeprazole, 5-OH-omeprazole, midazolam, metoprolol, ?-OH-metoprolol (method 2), and caffeine (Method 3). Neither matrix effect nor carryover effect were observed. The methods were linear for the analytes in the ranges of 0.05 - 20 ng/mL (fexofenadine); 0.03 - 5 ng/ml (losartan and E-3174); 0.1 - 50 ng/mL (omeprazole), 0.3 - 50 ng/mL (5-OH-omeprazole), 0.01 - 10 ng/mL (midazolam), 0.05 - 50 ng/mL (metoprolol and ?-OH-metoprolol) and 5 - 1000 ng/mL (caffeine). The pharmacokinetic parameters of the compounds were calculated based on plasma concentration versus time (AUC) curves applying Phoenix® WinNonlin® software. AUC0-t and Cmax ratios after and before the EPPAF ® exposure, presented as geometric mean (CI 90%) were 0.74 (0.62 - 0.89) and 0.90 (0.76 - 1.07) for fexofenadine, 0.88 (0.80 - 0.97) and 0.86 (0.76 - 0.98) for losartan, 0.96 (0.83 - 1.11) and 0.91 (0.79 - 1.04) for E-3174, 1.18 (0.91 - 1.54) and 1.21 (0.87 - 1.70) for omeprazole; 1.12 (0.95 - 1.31) and 1.22 (0.95 - 1.67) for 5-OH-omeprazole, 1.14 (1.03 - 1.28) and 1.21 (1.00 - 1.46) for midazolam, 1.04 (0.92 - 1.18) and 0.94 (0.80 - 1.12) for metoprolol, 1.05 (0.99 - 1.12) and 0.99 (0.88 - 1.12) for ?-OH-metoprolol, 0.97 (0.77 - 1.21) and 0.87 (0.69 - 1.11) for caffeine. AUC0-t metabolic ratios of E3174/losartan, 5-OH-omeprazole/omeprazole and ?-OH-metoprolol/metoprolol we found to be, respectively, 1.11 (0.98 - 1.25), 0.94 (0.81 - 1.10 ) and 1.01 (0.88 - 1.16), indicating that, with the exception of CYP2D6, the administration of EPP-AF® under the conditions studied shows potential for CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 inhibition and CYP1A2, CYP2C9 and P-gp induction, although their magnitudes are below the limits defined by the regulatory agencies and therefore exhibit no clinical relevance

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