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Dhayam VR: Adapting a Traditional Board Game into a Virtual Reality ExperienceUnknown Date (has links)
Ancestral forms of entertainment were not only meant as a pastime but also to carry forward the cultural values and stories over generations. With the ease of access to the technologically advanced and immersive games, we do not necessarily opt for traditional board games that are a representation of our culture. Dhayam VR is an amalgamation of a traditional Indian board game and virtual reality technology. Inspired by the story of Mahabharata – a Hindu epic, it creates an expressive, educative, and entertaining experience. It provides an opportunity to contribute toward keeping traditional and cultural values alive, in a more expressive form using the latest technologies which are relatable to the current and future generations. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Assemblages de puissance innovants haute température - haute tension pour composants Si dédiés aux applications embarquées aéronautiques, automobiles et ferroviaires / Innovative power assemblies for high temperature - high voltage for Si components to aeronautic, automobile and train applications.Barrière, Maxime 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’électronique de puissance est un domaine en mutation. Les environnements et les conditions de fonctionnement des modules de puissance sont de plus en plus sévères : hautes températures, tension et courant élevés. De plus, le frittage d’argent a été introduit dans les modules, en remplacement des joints brasés principalement composés de plomb. C’est la combinaison de ces évolutions qui ont motivés nos travaux. Dans l’objectif d’améliorer la conception des modules de puissance, ces travaux proposent d’augmenter la dissipation des modules grâce aux structures verticales-3D. Un onduleur triphasé vertical-3D a été conçut avec des puces Si reportées par frittage d’argent. Des caractérisations électriques et thermiques ont été réalisées et ont permis de montrer l’apport de cette technologie. Cette étude est couplée à des simulations numériques thermiques et électrostatiques permettant de mettre en lumière les enjeux de cette méthode d’assemblage. / Power electronics is a changing field. The environments and operating conditions of power modules are more severe: higher temperature, higher voltage and higher current. In addition, silver sintering was introduced in power modules to replace solders composed by lead. The combinations of these developments have motivated our work. In order to improve the design of the power modules our researches purpose to increase the dissipation of power modules with a3D-vertical structure. A three-phase inverter with3D-vertical structure has been designed with a Si dice sintered. Thermal and electrical characterizations were performed and allowed to show the contribution of this technology. This study is coupled to thermal and electrostatic Finite Element Method simulations to highlight and improve the possible issues of this assembly.
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Animated 2D Visualization of Evolving Trees : A Temporal Treemap ApproachSvedhag, Carl January 2021 (has links)
Time-dependently changing hierarchical data structures are commonly visualized with animated treemaps. Changes in the data structure produce correlated changes in the animation. While previous treemap animations exclusively consider hierarchical data where only the size of the data points are time-dependently changing, we present a novel method for animating treemaps where the hierarchy of the data structure is also evolving. A change in the hierarchy is referred to as a topological event of the animated treemap. Furthermore, animation stability is a quantitative indicator as to the visual quality of treemap animations. With the proposed method, the stability of animated Slice-and-Dice treemaps is maximized during topological events. Thus, the method produces topologically evolving Slice-and-Dice treemap animations of high visual quality. Inspiration for the proposed method was largely drawn from Köpp and Weinkauf’s recent work on the ordered visualization of time-dependently evolving nested graphs. The research question regarded whether their treemap method for spatially ordering hierarchical data could be translated to the 2D treemap space, in order to optimize the stability of animated Slice-and-Dice layouts. This study does not only report on the development of the proposed method, but also present an accompanying experimental evaluation. While evidence show that the proposed method is incapable of entirely mitigating decreasing stability scores, caused by any possible topological event in an evolving Slice-and-Dice hierarchy, the success of the proposed method has been proven for the most frequent topological events. / Tidsberoende förändringar i hierarkiska datastrukturer visualiseras ofta med animerade trädkartor (efter engelskans treemap). Förändringar i datastrukturen producerar korrelerade förändringar i animationen. Medan tidigare trädkartsanimationer sett till hierarkisk data där endast storleken på datapunkterna förändras över tid, så presenterar vi en ny metod för animation av trädkartor där även datastrukturens hierarki förändras. En förändring av hierarkin kallas för en topologisk händelse i den animerade trädkartan. Animationsstabilitet är vidare en kvantitativ indikator för animerade trädkartors visuella kvalitet. Med den föreslagna metoden så har stabiliteten av animerade Slice-and-Dice-trädkartor optimerats under topologiska händelser. Metoden producerar följaktligen topologiskt föränderliga Slice-and-Dice-animationer med hög visuell kvalitet. Studien har huvudsakligen inspirerats av Köpp och Weinkaufs arbete med den sorterade visualiseringen av tidsföränderliga, nästlade grafer. Forskningsfrågan gällde huruvida deras metod för att ordna den hierarkiska datan kunde översättas till trädkartors tvådimensionella rymd, för att i ett vidare steg optimera stabiliteten av animerade Slice-and-Dice-trädkartor. Studien rapporterar ej enbart om utvecklingen av den föreslagna metoden, utan presenterar även en medföljande experimentell utvärdering. Medan man ur bevisen kan utläsa att metoden ej fullständigt kan mildra minskningar i animationsstabilitet, orsakat av alla de möjliga topologiska händelser som kan ske i en föränderlig Slice-and-Dice-hierarki, så har den föreslagna metoden varit framgångsrik i de mest frekventa fallen.
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Similarity Estimation with Non-Transitive LSHLewis, Robert R. 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Ocean Economy - Implementing damages to marine sectors and ecosystems into the DICE model / Ocean Economy - Implementering av skador på marina sektorer och ekosystem i DICE-modellenGleim, Malte January 2023 (has links)
The oceans are a key element in our society, economy and environmental system.They cover over 70% of the worlds surface and contribute substantially to ecosystemservices such as climate management as well as to economic sectors such as foodproduction and tourism. While the importance of the oceans for climate changeand the society is generally acknowledged in science and literature, it is often notreflected in policy. Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) which are used to advicepolicy on carbon prices often systematically omit process and damages related tothe ocean such as ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity and changes in oceancurrents.The aim of this study is to give a more detailed perspective on ocean related processesand their role and importance for the economy under climate change and to testassumptions made in the development of IAMs - and more precisely the DynamicIntegrated Climate-Economy model also referred to as the DICE model. The initialresults of the DICE model resulted in a optimal temperature trajectory with amaximum of 4 ◦C contradicting the goals set with the Paris Agreement.This thesis is the first of its kind attempt in reviewing the most recentbiophysical evidence on climate change impacts with a focus on marine systemsand incorporating these damages to market and non-market sectors into the DICEmodel. The impacts from climate change are implemented into the DICE modelthrough economic valuation of the damages and an update of the damage function.The analysis is based on the damage function used in the original DICE2016R2model as well as the suggested update presented by Hänsel et al. (2020)The results show, that incorporating marine damages into the model yields in amajor increase in economic damages particularly in the temperature range up to 2◦C.These increased damages influence the results of the optimal temperature trajectoryand give a clear indication for a more stringent climate policy, drastically limitingthe maximum temperature increase compared to the original DICE model. / Haven är en viktig del av vårt samhälle, vår ekonomi och vårt miljösystem. De täcker över 70 % av jordens yta och bidrar väsentligt till ekosystemtjänster ekosystemtjänster som klimatstyrning samt till ekonomiska sektorer som livsmedels livsmedelsproduktion och turism. Havens betydelse för klimatförändringarna och samhället och samhället är allmänt erkänd inom vetenskap och litteratur, återspeglas den ofta inteåterspeglas ofta inte i politiken. Integrerade utvärderingsmodeller (IAM) som används för att geom koldioxidpriser utelämnar ofta systematiskt processer och skador relaterade tillhavet, t.ex. havsförsurning, förlust av biologisk mångfald och förändringar ihavsströmmar.Syftet med denna studie är att ge ett mer detaljerat perspektiv på havsrelaterade processeroch deras roll och betydelse för ekonomin under klimatförändringen samt att testaantaganden som gjorts i utvecklingen av IAM - och mer exakt den dynamiskaintegrerade klimat-ekonomimodellen, även kallad DICE-modellen. De förstaresultaten av DICE-modellen resulterade i en optimal temperaturbana med ettmaximalt 4 ◦C, vilket strider mot de mål som satts upp i Parisavtalet.Denna avhandling är den första i sitt slag som granskar de senastebiofysiska bevis på klimatförändringens effekter med fokus på marina systemoch införliva dessa skador på marknads- och icke-marknadssektorer i DICEmodellen. Effekterna av klimatförändringarna implementeras i DICE-modellengenom ekonomisk värdering av skadorna och en uppdatering av skadefunktionen.Analysen baseras på den skadefunktion som används i den ursprungliga DICE2016R2modellen samt den föreslagna uppdateringen som presenteras av Hänsel et al. (2020)Resultaten visar att införandet av marina skador i modellen leder till enstor ökning av de ekonomiska skadorna, särskilt i temperaturintervallet upp till 2◦C.Dessa ökade skador påverkar resultaten av den optimala temperaturbananoch ger en tydlig indikation på en mer stringent klimatpolitik, som drastiskt begränsarden maximala temperaturökningen jämfört med den ursprungliga DICE-modellen.
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The Role of the Forest in Climate PolicyEriksson, Mathilda January 2016 (has links)
Abstract In Paper [I], I develop the FOR-DICE model to analyze optimal global forest carbon management. The FOR-DICE is a simple framework for assessing the role of the boreal, tropical, and temperate forests as both a source of renewable energy and a resource to sequester and store carbon. I find that forests play an important role in reducing global emissions, especially under ambitious climate targets. At the global level, efforts should focus on increasing the stock of forest biomass rather than increasing the use of the forest for bioenergy production. The results also highlight the important role of reducing tropical deforestation to reduce climate change. In Paper [II], I develop the FRICE to investigate the role of two key efforts to increase the stock of forest biomass, namely, afforestation and avoided deforestation. FRICE is a multi-regional integrated assessment model that captures the dynamics of forest carbon sequestration in a transparent way and allows me to investigate the allocation of these actions across space and time. I find that global climate policy can benefit considerably from afforestation and avoided deforestation in tropical regions, and in particular in Africa. Avoided deforestation is particularly effective in the short run while afforestation provides the largest emissions reductions in the medium run. This paper also highlights the importance of not solely relying on avoided deforestation as its capacity to reduce emissions is more limited than afforestation, especially under more stringent temperature targets. In Paper [III], we investigate how uncertainties linked to the forest affect the optimal climate policy. We incorporate parameter uncertainty on the intrinsic growth rate and climate effects on the forest by using the state-contingent approach. Our results show that forest uncertainty matters. We find that the importance of including forest in climate policy increases when the forest is subject to uncertainty. This occurs because optimal forest response allows us to reduce the costs associated with uncertainty. In Paper [IV], we explore the implications of asymmetries in climate policy arising from not recognizing forest carbon emissions and sequestration in the decision-making process. We show that not fully including carbon values associated with the forest will have large effects on different forest controls and lead to an increase in emissions, higher carbon prices, and lower welfare. We further find, by investigating the relative importance of forest emissions compared to sequestration, that recognizing forest emissions from bioenergy and deforestation is especially important for climate policy.
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The Opportunity Cost of Climate Policy: A Question of ReferenceRezai, Armon January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The cost of climate policy depends on the no-policy alternative without which the opportunity cost of climate action cannot be determined. This reference path has to reflect the current failure in the market for carbon emissions: due to a negative externality, private
investment decisions do not consider the climate damage they entail; agents overinvest in conventional capital and underinvest in climate capital. Internalization of climate damage lowers the private return to capital; agents reduce investment in favor of mitigation and consumption. Optimal climate mitigation increases welfare of the present and
the future. Simulation of the inefficient no-policy scenario in DICE-07 confirms that this point numerically. (author's abstract)
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Středověké hry pohledem dětí 21. století / Medieval games in the eyes of children in the 21st centuryFEJTKOVÁ, Ludmila January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the approach of today's elementary school pupils to medieval games. The theoretical part of the thesis characterizes the period of the Middle Ages and the representation of the game in the life of medieval people. It is about the importance of the game, the most famous classification of games are described and the play is described in the school-age pupils. The practical part of the thesis presents the course and results of the research aimed at determining the familiarity of students of school age with medieval games. Partial goals were to analyze the representation of medieval games in the school-age pupils' life and to determine how these pupils look at medieval games, even in the context of today's games. The research file consisted of 282 pupils of the 4th and 7th grades of elementary school. Three research assumptions have been formulated and verified by chi-quadrate. The results found point to the importance of medieval games in the lives of today's children, and the research concept itself offers suggestions for pedagogical activities in the context of the education of primary school pupils, in which the game has an irreplaceable role.
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Complexity, Fun, and RobotsWarmke, Daniel A. 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Sumarizace českých textů z více zdrojů / Multi-source Text Summarization for CzechBrus, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on the summarization task for a set of articles on the same topic. It discusses several possible ways of summarizations and ways to assess their final quality. The implementation of the described algorithms and their application to selected texts constitutes a part of this work. The input texts come from several Czech news servers and they are represented as deep syntactic trees (the so called tectogrammatical layer).
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