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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surveying the chromosomal supercoiling levels in rapidly growing wild type and gyrase mutant strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium with [gamma delta] resolvase-mediated recombination assay

Pang, Zhenhua. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed Feb. 15, 2008). Includes bibliographical references.

Artifizielle DNA - bindende Proteine

Naumann , Andreas 19 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Methoden zur direkten Detektion oder Anreicherung von doppelsträngiger DNA (dsDNA) bieten ein hohes Potential zum Einsatz in der molekularen Diagnostik. Bereits etablierte Methoden für die Nukleinsäure - Detektion (NAD) basieren in der Regel auf der Hybridisierung des komplementären Stranges gefolgt von der optischen Detektion oder enzymatischer Amplifikation. DNA - bindende oder organisierende Proteine (z.B. endogene Transkriptionsfaktoren) bieten im Kontrast zu den Hybridisierungsreaktionen eine überaus interessante Alternative um dsDNA direkt und zugleich spezifisch zu detektieren oder diese aus einem komplexen Gemisch heraus anzureichern. Im Rahmen der Entwicklung von neuartigen NAD - Assays zur direkten Detektion oder Anreicherung von Nukleinsäuren wurden vier DNA - bindende Proteine kloniert und in HEK293 und E. coli exprimiert. Der Cys2His2 - Zinkfinger (ZFD) vom humanen Transkriptionsfaktor Sp1 wurde mit MBP und 9×Lys - MBP fusioniert. Das MBP - Derivat 9×Lys - MBP ist eine erweiterte Variante mit neun aufeinanderfolgenden Lysinen im N - terminalen Bereich, welche eine regioselektive Immobilisierung ermöglichen soll. Der humane Sp3 - ZFD wurde mit EGFP fusioniert. Die Mitglieder der Sp - Familie binden spezifisch die Konsensussequenz 5’ - GGG GCG GGG - 3’ (GC - Box). Zusätzlich wurde die C - terminale DNA - bindende Domäne der E. coli DNA - Gyrase Untereinheit A (gyrA - CTD) ebenfalls mit MBP fusioniert. Die Domäne bindet spezifisch repetitive extragene Palindrome (REP), welche bislang nur auf bakteriellen Chromosomen vorkommen. Sämtliche MBP - Fusionsproteine liegen nach der Expression löslich vor und konnten über eine native Strategie aufgereinigt werden. Transiente Transfektionsexperimente in HEK293 zeigten einen destabilisierenden Effekt der Sp3 - ZFD und eine massive einhergehende Degradierung des EGFP - Fusionsproteins nach 120 h. Die Analyse der mRNA - Integrität nach Transfektion des Expressionsplasmids, sowie zellbiologische und proteinbiochemische Untersuchungen mit Durchflusszytometrie bzw. Western Blots deuten auf eine posttranslationale Modulierung von EGFP - Sp3 hin. Um die Hypothese der proteasomalen Degradierung von EGFP - Sp3 zu belegen, wurden transfizierte HEK293 mit dem reversiblen Proteasominhibitor MG132 behandelt. In Gegenwart von 1 µM MG132 konnte das zytosolische Fusionsprotein stabilisiert werden. Die hier präsentierten Daten offenbaren die humane Sp3 - ZFD als ein neues Substrat für das 26S - Proteasom. Lediglich die SUMOylierung von Wildtyp - Sp3 im Bereich der inhibitorischen Domäne (ID) ist bislang beschrieben worden. Die Funktionalität, Affinität und kinetische Parameter der mit MBP fusionierten Sp1 - ZFD und gyrA - CTD wurden anhand von Oberflächenplasmonresonanz (BIAcore) bzw. EMSAs analysiert. Sämtliche gewonnenen MBP - Fusionsproteine sind funktionell und interagieren mit dsDNA. Fusionsproteine mit Sp1 - Domäne zeigten in EMSAs ebenso eine Bindung an unspezifische dsDNA. In sensitiveren BIAcore - Assays mit immobilisierter dsDNA wurden (um den Faktor 2) geringere Assoziations (ka) - und Dissoziationsraten (kd) von MBP - Sp1 ermittelt, wenn bestimmte Basen innerhalb der GC - Box ausgetauscht wurden. Die Affinität (Kd) von MBP - Sp1 mit 4×10 - 9 M zur GC - Box und deren Derivate ist vergleichbar mit der Kd von nativem Sp1. Die EMSA - Experimente für MBP - gyrA zeigen eine deutliche Präferenz zum spezifischen dsDNA - Oligo in Gegenwart von humaner gDNA, eine interessante Eigenschaft die durchaus zur Anwendung in einem Assay zur Anreicherung von bakterieller DNA dienen kann. Nach der vorausgehenden Charakterisierung der MBP - Fusionsproteine wurden diese auf verschiedenen gängigen festen und semifesten Substraten über physische Adsorption, kovalent oder Affinität immobilisiert um das Konzept der direkten Detektion von dsDNA mit funktionellen Proteinen als neuartige Komponente in NAD - Assays umzusetzen. Lediglich MBP - Sp1 zeigte auf Glas und Polystyren - Mikrotiterplatten nach kovalenter oder adsorptiver Immobilisierung eine ausgeprägte Funktionalität hinsichtlich der Bindung von dsDNA. Die Immobilisierung von 9×Lys - MBP - Sp1 über identische Strategien führten zum massiven Verlust der ZFD - Funktion. Aus dieser Datenlage heraus wurde erfolgreich ein simples Lumineszenz - basiertes Mikrotiterplatten - Assay mit MBP - Sp1 entwickelt um PCR - Amplikons direkt aus einer analytischen PCR auf gDNA von S. aureus, welche die GC - Box beinhalten, nachzuweisen. Das spezifische Amplikon konnte mittels des simplen Assays in Gegenwart von 100fachem Überschuss an humaner gDNA nachgewiesen werden. Mit einem höheren Anteil an humaner gDNA wurde die PCR massiv inhibiert, ein negativer Effekt der bislang im Bereich der diagnostischen NAD - Assays nicht optimal adressiert wurde. Die magnetische Separation von bakterieller und humaner gDNA wurde dazu mit MBP - gyrA umgesetzt. Zunächst erfolgte die regioselektive Immobilisierung von MBP - gyrA auf Protein A - funktionalisierte magnetische Nanopartikel mittels MBP - Antikörper, wodurch die Funktionalität hinsichtlich der Bindung von dsDNA gewährleistet werden konnte. Dieses System eignet sich insbesondere für die Separation von bakterieller DNA (E. coli oder S. aureus) aus einem komplexen Gemisch mit bis zu 100fachem Überschuss an humaner gDNA. Die Kombination von MBP - gyrA - basierter magnetischer Separation mit NAD - Assays könnte deren Sensitivität signifikant erhöhen. Durch simple Verfahrensweise bietet das System einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verringerung des zeitlichen Aufwands für die Generierung therapierelevanter Resultate. / Methods for direct detection or enrichment of double - stranded DNA (dsDNA) possess tremendous potential for use in molecular diagnostics. Already established methods for nucleic acid detection (NAD) are generally based on the hybridization of two complementary strands followed by optical detection or enzymatic amplification. In contrast, DNA - binding or organizing proteins (e.g. endogenous transcriptions factors) are able to read the sequence information directly from dsDNA without prior denaturation of the double strand and subsequent hybridization. In order to develop novel NAD assays or assays for sample preparation, four artificial DNA - binding proteins were cloned, expressed and purified in HEK293 cells or E. coli. The Cys2His2 zinc finger domains (ZFD) from human Sp1 were fused to maltose binding protein (MBP) and its derivate 9×Lys - MBP, an extended variant with nine successive lysine residues in the N - terminal region of the protein to facilitate site - directed immobilization. The human Sp3 - ZFD was fused to green fluorescent protein (EGFP). The family of Sp - transcription factors was known to bind specifically the consensus sequence 5\' - GGG GCG GGG - 3 \'(GC - box). Moreover, the C - terminal DNA - binding domain of E. coli DNA Gyrase subunit A (gyrA - CTD) was fused to MBP. The CTD binds specifically repetitive extragenic palindromes (REP), which were only found on prokaryotic chromosomes. All MBP fusion proteins were soluble after expression and could be purified to homogeneity. Surprisingly, transient transfection experiments in HEK293 revealed a destabilizing effect of the Sp3 - ZFD accompanied by massive degradation of the EGFP fusion protein after 120 h post transfection. Analysis of mRNA integrity in combination with western blots indicates a posttranslational modulation of EGFP - Sp3. To confirm the hypothesis of proteasomal degradation of EGFP - Sp3, transfected cells were treated with the reversible proteasome inhibitor MG132. In the presence of 1µM MG132 the fusion protein could be stabilized. Taken together, the data presented here identified the human Sp3 - CTD as a new substrate for the 26S proteasome. Only SUMOylation of wild type human Sp3 within the inhibitory domain (ID) has been described so far. Initial EMSA experiments showed that purified MBP - ZFD fusion proteins were functional in terms of interacting with dsDNA containing the specific sequence motiv. However, all proteins bound to unspecific dsDNA as well. Therefore MBP - Sp1 was subjected to BIAcore analysis to determine the rate constants for association ka, dissociation kd and the dissociation constant Kd of the GC - Box - Protein complex as well as mutants of the GC - Box. The determined Kd (4 × 10 - 9 M) for MBP - Sp1 associated with GC - box or its derivatives were found to be comparable with the Kd of native Sp1, however the rate constants were reduced 2 fold in presence of the modified GC - boxes. EMSA experiments with MBP - gyrA revealed functionality and a clear preference for specific dsDNA in the presence of unspecific human genomic DNA (gDNA). After preliminary functional characterization, MBP fusion proteins were immobilized by physical adsorption, covalent or by affinity on various solid substrates or nanoscaled magnetic beads to implement the concept of direct detection of dsDNA or specific enrichment of bacterial DNA, respectively. MBP - Sp1 remains functional after adsorptive or covalent immobilization on different chemical modified glas surfaces. 9×Lys - MBP - Sp1 shows significantly reduced functionality after immobilization on the same glas substrates by similar strategies. Moreover, a simple NAD - assay with adsorptive immobilized MBP - Sp1 on polystyrene in microtiter format was established for direct detection of GC - boxes within PCR - products from S. aureus gDNA. By using the assay, specific PCR - products could be detected in presence up to 100 - fold excess of human gDNA in relation to 10 ng bacterial DNA. Separation of bacterial DNA from human DNA from clinical samples may have an important impact on downstream applications, involving NAD assays. To address this often underestimated technical problem, a new functional protein MBP - gyrA was introduced to overcome some limitations of already established methods. MBP - gyrA was site - directed coupled on nanoscaled magnetic beads by affinity. This system enabled the fast and specific separation of gDNA of E. coli or S.aureus from a huge background of human gDNA. The combination of MBP - gyrA - based magnetic separation with NAD assays could significantly increase the sensitivity and shorten the time for initiation of effective treatment.

Defining a Simplified Pharmacophore for Simocyclinone D8 Inhibition of DNA Gyrase

Gaskell, Lauren 11 January 2013 (has links)
The type II topoisomerase subfamily of enzymes has been clinically targeted by the widely used, broad-spectrum quinolone class of antibacterials. Due to emerging drug-resistant strains of bacteria, the quinolones’ effectiveness is threatened. The natural product simocyclinone D8 (SD8) has shown the ability to inhibit the type II topoisomerase, DNA gyrase, even when mutated to be resistant to the quinolones. In order to determine the pharmacophore required for SD8 binding to DNA gyrase, 16 compounds were synthesized. These compounds were then tested by surface plasmon resonance for their ability to inhibit the DNA – DNA gyrase binding interaction. It was found that three compounds were able to inhibit the DNA – DNA gyrase binding interaction, while another showed partial inhibition of the interaction. From this data, a minimum pharmacophore was able to be determined. The pharmacophore required a coumarin scaffold bonded to a carboxylic acid group through an approximately 15 Å hydrocarbon linker. Functional supercoiling assays determined that while the compounds were able to bind the enzyme, the binding did not inhibit DNA gyrase’s ability to supercoil DNA.

Studies On DNA Gyrase From Mycobacteria : Insights Into Its Mechanism Of Action And Elucidation Of Its Interaction With The Transcription Machinery

Gupta, Richa 05 1900 (has links)
Packaging of genomic DNA by proteins and super coiling into chromatin and chromatin-like structures (in bacteria) influences nearly all nuclear process such as replication, transcription, repair, and recombination. A ubiquitous class of enzymes termed “DNA topoisomerases” pay key roles during these process. The reactions catalyzed by the members of the DNA topoisomerases family share a common chemistry, which involves phosphodiester bond breakage and re-joining, to bring about a change in the linking number of DNA. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms used by these enzymes differ significantly from another. Consequently, DNA topoisomerases are divided into type I and type II enzymes. The mechanism(s) by which DNA topoisomerases perform their functions, and act as targets for anti-bacterial and anti-neoplastic drugs, has attracted considerable interest. Based on these and other finding, I have chosen DNA gyrase from mycobacteria as the subject of my Ph.D. theses investigation. The prokaryotic enzyme, DNA gyrase, is unique amongst all topoisomerases being the only enzyme capable of introducing negative super coils in to duplex DNA. Since no equivalent enzymatic activity has been reported in humans, this essential enzyme has been exploited as a during target against many microbial infections including tuberculosis.DNA gyrase is a tetrameric protein, comprised of two pairs of subunits, encoded by gyrA and gyrB. Inhibitors of DNA gyrase know till date target either of the two subunits and are categorized broadly in to two class, viz. coumarins and quinolones. With the emergence of multiple-drug resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is a leading cause of death world-wide, there is a need to develops new lead molecules with novel mechanisms of inhibition. Towards this end, a new approach to inhibit the mycobacterial DNA gyrase using single-chain antibody has been explore in the present study. In addition to this, the differences in the catalytic properties of the subunits and assembly of the Mycobacterium smegmatis enzyme vis-à-vis Escherichia coli DNA gyrase have been examined. Further, the in vivo relationship of DNA gyrase with the transcription machinery of the cell has also been investigated, with an emphasis on the biology of mycobacteria.

Algorithmic developments for sequence analysis, structure modeling, and functional prediction of proteins

Qi, Yuan January 2006 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.) -- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 2006. / Vita. Bibliography: p.156-163

Bioactivity of selected medicinal plants used for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Mamba, Phiwokuhle Bongisile January 2017 (has links)
Background: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) have a major impact on sexual and reproductive health worldwide. Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 448 million new cases of curable STD's are diagnosed. The emergence of drug resistance in STD related microorganisms and potential side effects demand the discovery of newer drugs. The exploration of newer anti-microbial substances from natural sources may serve as promising alternatives. In this study, twelve medicinal plant species used traditionally in the treatment of STD's are investigated in this regard. Methods: Ethanol plant extracts and three flavonoids were evaluated for their antimicrobial properties against one fungi and three bacteria, through the micro-dilution assay. To determine the anti-inflammatory activities of the extracts and compounds, the inhibitory effect was measured on the pro-inflammatory enzyme lipoxygenase, 15-LOX. Extracts were further evaluated for their inhibitory effect on the supercoiling activity of bacterial DNA gyrase by using the DNA gyrase kit. The extracts and compounds were lastly investigated for their anti-HIV activities against recombinant HIV-1 enzyme using non-radioactive HIV-RT colorimetric assay. Results: Acacia karroo and Rhoicissus tridentata extracts showed good antimicrobial activity with MIC values ranging between 0.4 and 3.1 mg/ml. Extracts of Jasminum fluminense, Solanum tomentosum and flavonoid 2 and 3 had good anti-inflammatory activity with IC50 less than the positive control quercetin (IC50 = 48.86 ug/ml). Extracts of Diospyros mespiliformis, Peltophorum africanum, Rhoicissus tridentata and flavonoids 1 and 2 showed the best inhibitory activity against the bacterial DNA gyrase. A. karroo and flavonoid 3 exhibited moderate HIV RT inhibition activity of 66.8 and 63.7 % respectively. R. tridentata and Terminalia sericea had the best RT inhibition activity (75.7 and 100 %) compared to the positive control doxorubicin (96.5%) at 100 ug/ml concentration. Conclusion: The observed activities may lead to new multi-target drugs against sexually transmitted diseases. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Plant Science / MSc / Unrestricted

Artifizielle DNA - bindende Proteine: Herstellung und Charakterisierung von rekombinanten Proteinen zur gezielten Anwendung in der direkten Detektion oder Anreicherung von Nukleinsäuren

Naumann, Andreas 05 September 2013 (has links)
Methoden zur direkten Detektion oder Anreicherung von doppelsträngiger DNA (dsDNA) bieten ein hohes Potential zum Einsatz in der molekularen Diagnostik. Bereits etablierte Methoden für die Nukleinsäure - Detektion (NAD) basieren in der Regel auf der Hybridisierung des komplementären Stranges gefolgt von der optischen Detektion oder enzymatischer Amplifikation. DNA - bindende oder organisierende Proteine (z.B. endogene Transkriptionsfaktoren) bieten im Kontrast zu den Hybridisierungsreaktionen eine überaus interessante Alternative um dsDNA direkt und zugleich spezifisch zu detektieren oder diese aus einem komplexen Gemisch heraus anzureichern. Im Rahmen der Entwicklung von neuartigen NAD - Assays zur direkten Detektion oder Anreicherung von Nukleinsäuren wurden vier DNA - bindende Proteine kloniert und in HEK293 und E. coli exprimiert. Der Cys2His2 - Zinkfinger (ZFD) vom humanen Transkriptionsfaktor Sp1 wurde mit MBP und 9×Lys - MBP fusioniert. Das MBP - Derivat 9×Lys - MBP ist eine erweiterte Variante mit neun aufeinanderfolgenden Lysinen im N - terminalen Bereich, welche eine regioselektive Immobilisierung ermöglichen soll. Der humane Sp3 - ZFD wurde mit EGFP fusioniert. Die Mitglieder der Sp - Familie binden spezifisch die Konsensussequenz 5’ - GGG GCG GGG - 3’ (GC - Box). Zusätzlich wurde die C - terminale DNA - bindende Domäne der E. coli DNA - Gyrase Untereinheit A (gyrA - CTD) ebenfalls mit MBP fusioniert. Die Domäne bindet spezifisch repetitive extragene Palindrome (REP), welche bislang nur auf bakteriellen Chromosomen vorkommen. Sämtliche MBP - Fusionsproteine liegen nach der Expression löslich vor und konnten über eine native Strategie aufgereinigt werden. Transiente Transfektionsexperimente in HEK293 zeigten einen destabilisierenden Effekt der Sp3 - ZFD und eine massive einhergehende Degradierung des EGFP - Fusionsproteins nach 120 h. Die Analyse der mRNA - Integrität nach Transfektion des Expressionsplasmids, sowie zellbiologische und proteinbiochemische Untersuchungen mit Durchflusszytometrie bzw. Western Blots deuten auf eine posttranslationale Modulierung von EGFP - Sp3 hin. Um die Hypothese der proteasomalen Degradierung von EGFP - Sp3 zu belegen, wurden transfizierte HEK293 mit dem reversiblen Proteasominhibitor MG132 behandelt. In Gegenwart von 1 µM MG132 konnte das zytosolische Fusionsprotein stabilisiert werden. Die hier präsentierten Daten offenbaren die humane Sp3 - ZFD als ein neues Substrat für das 26S - Proteasom. Lediglich die SUMOylierung von Wildtyp - Sp3 im Bereich der inhibitorischen Domäne (ID) ist bislang beschrieben worden. Die Funktionalität, Affinität und kinetische Parameter der mit MBP fusionierten Sp1 - ZFD und gyrA - CTD wurden anhand von Oberflächenplasmonresonanz (BIAcore) bzw. EMSAs analysiert. Sämtliche gewonnenen MBP - Fusionsproteine sind funktionell und interagieren mit dsDNA. Fusionsproteine mit Sp1 - Domäne zeigten in EMSAs ebenso eine Bindung an unspezifische dsDNA. In sensitiveren BIAcore - Assays mit immobilisierter dsDNA wurden (um den Faktor 2) geringere Assoziations (ka) - und Dissoziationsraten (kd) von MBP - Sp1 ermittelt, wenn bestimmte Basen innerhalb der GC - Box ausgetauscht wurden. Die Affinität (Kd) von MBP - Sp1 mit 4×10 - 9 M zur GC - Box und deren Derivate ist vergleichbar mit der Kd von nativem Sp1. Die EMSA - Experimente für MBP - gyrA zeigen eine deutliche Präferenz zum spezifischen dsDNA - Oligo in Gegenwart von humaner gDNA, eine interessante Eigenschaft die durchaus zur Anwendung in einem Assay zur Anreicherung von bakterieller DNA dienen kann. Nach der vorausgehenden Charakterisierung der MBP - Fusionsproteine wurden diese auf verschiedenen gängigen festen und semifesten Substraten über physische Adsorption, kovalent oder Affinität immobilisiert um das Konzept der direkten Detektion von dsDNA mit funktionellen Proteinen als neuartige Komponente in NAD - Assays umzusetzen. Lediglich MBP - Sp1 zeigte auf Glas und Polystyren - Mikrotiterplatten nach kovalenter oder adsorptiver Immobilisierung eine ausgeprägte Funktionalität hinsichtlich der Bindung von dsDNA. Die Immobilisierung von 9×Lys - MBP - Sp1 über identische Strategien führten zum massiven Verlust der ZFD - Funktion. Aus dieser Datenlage heraus wurde erfolgreich ein simples Lumineszenz - basiertes Mikrotiterplatten - Assay mit MBP - Sp1 entwickelt um PCR - Amplikons direkt aus einer analytischen PCR auf gDNA von S. aureus, welche die GC - Box beinhalten, nachzuweisen. Das spezifische Amplikon konnte mittels des simplen Assays in Gegenwart von 100fachem Überschuss an humaner gDNA nachgewiesen werden. Mit einem höheren Anteil an humaner gDNA wurde die PCR massiv inhibiert, ein negativer Effekt der bislang im Bereich der diagnostischen NAD - Assays nicht optimal adressiert wurde. Die magnetische Separation von bakterieller und humaner gDNA wurde dazu mit MBP - gyrA umgesetzt. Zunächst erfolgte die regioselektive Immobilisierung von MBP - gyrA auf Protein A - funktionalisierte magnetische Nanopartikel mittels MBP - Antikörper, wodurch die Funktionalität hinsichtlich der Bindung von dsDNA gewährleistet werden konnte. Dieses System eignet sich insbesondere für die Separation von bakterieller DNA (E. coli oder S. aureus) aus einem komplexen Gemisch mit bis zu 100fachem Überschuss an humaner gDNA. Die Kombination von MBP - gyrA - basierter magnetischer Separation mit NAD - Assays könnte deren Sensitivität signifikant erhöhen. Durch simple Verfahrensweise bietet das System einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verringerung des zeitlichen Aufwands für die Generierung therapierelevanter Resultate. / Methods for direct detection or enrichment of double - stranded DNA (dsDNA) possess tremendous potential for use in molecular diagnostics. Already established methods for nucleic acid detection (NAD) are generally based on the hybridization of two complementary strands followed by optical detection or enzymatic amplification. In contrast, DNA - binding or organizing proteins (e.g. endogenous transcriptions factors) are able to read the sequence information directly from dsDNA without prior denaturation of the double strand and subsequent hybridization. In order to develop novel NAD assays or assays for sample preparation, four artificial DNA - binding proteins were cloned, expressed and purified in HEK293 cells or E. coli. The Cys2His2 zinc finger domains (ZFD) from human Sp1 were fused to maltose binding protein (MBP) and its derivate 9×Lys - MBP, an extended variant with nine successive lysine residues in the N - terminal region of the protein to facilitate site - directed immobilization. The human Sp3 - ZFD was fused to green fluorescent protein (EGFP). The family of Sp - transcription factors was known to bind specifically the consensus sequence 5\'' - GGG GCG GGG - 3 \''(GC - box). Moreover, the C - terminal DNA - binding domain of E. coli DNA Gyrase subunit A (gyrA - CTD) was fused to MBP. The CTD binds specifically repetitive extragenic palindromes (REP), which were only found on prokaryotic chromosomes. All MBP fusion proteins were soluble after expression and could be purified to homogeneity. Surprisingly, transient transfection experiments in HEK293 revealed a destabilizing effect of the Sp3 - ZFD accompanied by massive degradation of the EGFP fusion protein after 120 h post transfection. Analysis of mRNA integrity in combination with western blots indicates a posttranslational modulation of EGFP - Sp3. To confirm the hypothesis of proteasomal degradation of EGFP - Sp3, transfected cells were treated with the reversible proteasome inhibitor MG132. In the presence of 1µM MG132 the fusion protein could be stabilized. Taken together, the data presented here identified the human Sp3 - CTD as a new substrate for the 26S proteasome. Only SUMOylation of wild type human Sp3 within the inhibitory domain (ID) has been described so far. Initial EMSA experiments showed that purified MBP - ZFD fusion proteins were functional in terms of interacting with dsDNA containing the specific sequence motiv. However, all proteins bound to unspecific dsDNA as well. Therefore MBP - Sp1 was subjected to BIAcore analysis to determine the rate constants for association ka, dissociation kd and the dissociation constant Kd of the GC - Box - Protein complex as well as mutants of the GC - Box. The determined Kd (4 × 10 - 9 M) for MBP - Sp1 associated with GC - box or its derivatives were found to be comparable with the Kd of native Sp1, however the rate constants were reduced 2 fold in presence of the modified GC - boxes. EMSA experiments with MBP - gyrA revealed functionality and a clear preference for specific dsDNA in the presence of unspecific human genomic DNA (gDNA). After preliminary functional characterization, MBP fusion proteins were immobilized by physical adsorption, covalent or by affinity on various solid substrates or nanoscaled magnetic beads to implement the concept of direct detection of dsDNA or specific enrichment of bacterial DNA, respectively. MBP - Sp1 remains functional after adsorptive or covalent immobilization on different chemical modified glas surfaces. 9×Lys - MBP - Sp1 shows significantly reduced functionality after immobilization on the same glas substrates by similar strategies. Moreover, a simple NAD - assay with adsorptive immobilized MBP - Sp1 on polystyrene in microtiter format was established for direct detection of GC - boxes within PCR - products from S. aureus gDNA. By using the assay, specific PCR - products could be detected in presence up to 100 - fold excess of human gDNA in relation to 10 ng bacterial DNA. Separation of bacterial DNA from human DNA from clinical samples may have an important impact on downstream applications, involving NAD assays. To address this often underestimated technical problem, a new functional protein MBP - gyrA was introduced to overcome some limitations of already established methods. MBP - gyrA was site - directed coupled on nanoscaled magnetic beads by affinity. This system enabled the fast and specific separation of gDNA of E. coli or S.aureus from a huge background of human gDNA. The combination of MBP - gyrA - based magnetic separation with NAD assays could significantly increase the sensitivity and shorten the time for initiation of effective treatment.

DNA Gyrase And Topo NM From Mycobacteria : Insights into Mechanism And Drug Action

Kumar, Rupesh January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Maintenance of a topological homeostasis by introduction and removal of the supercoils to relieve excessive strain on the DNA is a hallmark of topoisomerase function in the cell. The requirement of the topoisomerases during DNA transaction processes marks a ubiquitous presence of the enzymes in all the life forms. Different reactions carried out by the enzymes include relaxation of positive and negative supercoils required majorly during DNA replication and transcription, decatenation at the end of DNA replication to separate the daughter chromosomes and removal of lethal knots generated in the circular chromosome. In eubacteria, the enzymes introduce negative supercoils to facilitate easier strand separation for DNA transaction processes. However, in thermophiles, a different enzyme maintains the genome in a positively supercoiled form to protect from denaturation by excessive heat. These varied functions are carried out by different topoisomerases. Therefore, each organism maintains a minimum required set of the enzymes and the absence of a certain enzyme may be compensated for by topoisomerases with dual functions. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and many other slow growing mycobacteria do not possess topoisomerase IV or its homologs. In these organisms, the DNA gyrase is suggested to carry out both negative supercoiling and decatenation reactions. Therefore, the mycobacterial DNA gyrase must be able to manage between both the functions in vivo. In contrast, Mycobacterium smegmatis and few other mycobacteria contain an additional type II topoisomerase which does not resemble any known type II enzyme but could catalyze relaxation and decatenation reactions. Importantly, the enzyme displays a unique ability to introduce limited positive supercoils and may have certain functions inside the cell which remains to be studied. Owing to the indispensability for bacterial survival topoisomerases present themselves as important drug targets. A large number of inhibitors have been found to inhibit the enzyme and thereby killing the bacterial. Among these, quinolones are successfully being used as broad spectrum antibacterial drugs. Although the commonly used quinolones inhibit many bacterial pathogens, a reduced susceptibility is exhibited by some of the pathogens e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To circumvent the lower efficacy of existing drugs, new and modified quinolones have been developed which are highly effective against mycobacteria. The difference in the susceptibility may be conferred by a difference in the chemical property of the drug and the interacting residues present in the enzyme. In the present thesis efforts have been made to understand the mechanism of the type II topoisomerases from mycobacteria and drug action on these enzymes. The thesis is divided into four chapters. In Chapter I of the thesis an introduction is provided on the topoisomerases, their classification and different reactions catalyzed by these enzymes. As the work in present thesis has been carried out with type II topoisomerases, introduction of type II enzymes, their structure and mechanisms is elaborated. DNA gyrase, its mechanism of reaction and in vitro and in vivo functions are explained in great detail. DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV are targeted by a range of different inhibitors. These different classes of inhibitors and their mechanism of action are described. Finally, the mechanism of mycobacterial DNA gyrase with structural information and the current understanding of quinolone action on the enzyme are explained. The chapter ends with the objective of the study in the present thesis. In chapter II, the studies are aimed at understanding the molecular basis for decatenation carried out by mycobacterial DNA gyrase. Previous work from the laboratory showed that the enzyme can carry out decatenation more efficiently than its homolog from E. coli. It was shown that the mycobacterial enzyme binds two DNA molecules in trans in a length dependent manner. The ability to bind the second DNA is conferred upon the holoenzyme by ATPase subunit (GyrB) subunit which alone can bind DNA. Similar studies using topo IV from E. coli, the strongest known decatenase showed binding of two DNA molecules and the second DNA binding by ATPase (ParE) subunit. However, GyrB subunit from E. coli DNA gyrase, a weaker decatenase, does not bind second DNA molecule efficiently. The results provide a general mechanism for decatenation by type II enzymes in which efficient binding of second DNA is important. In Chapter III, studies have been carried out using topo NM, an atypical type II topoisomerase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. The enzyme has been characterized previously in the laboratory. In addition to efficient decatenation and relaxation, the enzyme exhibits a unique ability to introduce positive supercoils into the DNA. As demonstrated for the mycobacterial DNA gyrase and topo IV in the Chapter II, the ATPase subunit (Topo N) of topo NM, binds second DNA efficiently. The binding of both gate and transport segments increases with the length of the DNA. Binding of two DNA molecules by the holoenzyme appears to be a cumulative effect of DNA binding to individual subunits. In the absence of any inhibitor, the enzyme accumulates cleaved DNA products with shorter DNA but not with larger DNA. The cleavage of the shorter DNA is supported only in the presence of Mg2+ and Mn2+. Another important property of the enzyme is to introduce positive supercoils which appears to be due to its efficient utilization of ATP and a high rate of reaction. Chapter IV deals with the interaction of mycobacterial gyrase with fluoroquinolones (FQs). Although DNA gyrase is the sole target of the FQs in M. tuberculosis, the lower susceptibility to commonly used FQs have led to the studies to find out more effective quinolones. Previous studies from the laboratory showed a lower susceptibility of the mycobacterial gyrase to ciprofloxacin, but moxifloxacin could inhibit the enzyme efficiently. The better inhibition by moxifloxacin appears to be due to efficient trapping of the enzyme-DNA covalent complex. Both ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin bind the DNA gyrase from mycobacteria, E. coli and E. coli topo IV, independent of DNA. The extent of binding also correlates with the inhibition potential of the drug against a given enzyme. A general model of quinolone enzyme interaction is provided wherein the quinolones are shown to interact with GyrA subunit or holoenzyme or the enzyme- DNA complex which would finally result in the trapping of the covalent complex.

Cell Survival Strategies : Role Of Gyrase Modulatory Proteins

Sengupta, Sugopa 01 1900 (has links)
A steady state level of negative supercoiling is essential for chromosome condensation, initiation of replication and subsequent elongation step. DNA gyrase, found in every eubacteria, serves the essential housekeeping function of maintenance of the negative supercoiling status of the genome. The functional holoenzyme is a heterotetramer, comprising of two GyrA and two GyrB subunits. DNA gyrase is an indispensable enzyme and serves as a readily susceptible target for natural antibacterial agents. The enzymatic steps of topoisomerisation by gyrase involve transient double strand break and rejoining of the strands after intact duplex transfer. Corruption of its catalytic cycle can lead to the generation of cytotoxic double-strand DNA breaks. Most of the anti-gyrase agents achieve their objective by targeting the vulnerable step of the reaction cycle i.e. DNA cleavage step. Bacteria on their part must have evolved and adopted strategies to counter the action of external agents and prevent the generation of double strand breaks thereby safeguarding their genome. In the present thesis, attempts have been made to understand the role of three endogenous gyrase interacting proteins in gyrase modulation and cellular defense against anti-gyrase agents. The thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the wonder enzymes “DNA topoisomerases” starting with a brief classification of these enzymes and their physiological functions. In the next section, DNA gyrase has been discussed in greater detail. The structural aspects as well as the mechanism of the topoisomerisation reaction catalyzed by gyrase have been discussed. Final section gives an overview of different gyrase modulators known till date focusing on their source, structure and mode of action. The scope and objectives of the present study is presented at the end of this chapter. In Chapter 2 is aimed at understanding the physiological role of GyrI. GyrI, originally identified in Escherichia coli as an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, has been previously shown in the laboratory to render protection against gyrase poisons and also various other DNA damaging agents (mitomycin C, MNNG). Abolishing GyrI expression renders the cell hypersensitive to these cytotoxic agents. Interestingly, GyrI exhibits contrasting behavior towards two plasmid encoded proteinaceous poisons of DNA gyrase. It reduces microcin B17-mediated double-strand breaks in vivo, imparting protection to the cells against the toxin. However, a positive cooperation between GyrI and F plasmid encoded toxin CcdB, results in enhanced DNA damage and cell death. These results suggest a more complex functional interplay and physiological role for GyrI. Search for other chromosomally encoded gyrase inhibitors led to YacG, a small zinc finger protein (7.3kDa) from E. coli, shown to be a member of DNA gyrase interactome, in a protein-protein interaction network described recently. Chapter 3 deals with the detailed characterization of YacG. It is shown that YacG inhibits DNA gyrase by binding to GyrB subunit and preventing DNA binding activity of the enzyme. More importantly, it protects against the cytotoxic effects of other gyrase inhibitors like ciprofloxacin, novobiocin, microcin B17 and CcdB. Further investigations revealed that YacG and its homologues are found only in proteobacteria. Hence, it appears to be a defense strategy developed by gram-negative bacteria to fight against the gyrase targeting cytotoxic agents. Inhibition by YacG appears to be specific to E. coli gyrase as mycobacterial enzyme is refractile to YacG action. GyrB, only in gram-negative organisms, possesses extra stretch of 165 amino acids, indispensable for DNA binding. Biochemical experiments with the truncated GyrB lacking the extra stretch reveal the importance of this stretch for stable YacG-GyrB interaction. E. coli topoisomerase IV is also resistant to YacG mediated inhibition, probably due to the absence of the extra stretch in ParE subunit, which is otherwise highly similar to GyrB. Further, YacG homologues from other proteobacterial members (Sinorhizobium meliloti and Haemophilus influenzae homologues sharing 35% and 63 % identity with E. coli YacG respectively ) also inhibits E. coli DNA gyrase at comparable levels. YacG thus emerges as a proteobacteria specific inhibitor of DNA gyrase. The occurrence of both YacG and the gyrase extra stretch only in proteobacteria, suggest co-evolution of interacting partners in proteobacteria. In Chapter 4, the study of endogenous gyrase modulators is extended to Mycobacterium sp. glutamate racemase (MurI) from E. coli has been shown earlier to be an inhibitor of DNA gyrase. However, nothing much was known about its mode of action. MurI is an important enzyme in the cell wall biosynthesis pathway, which catalyses the conversion of L-glutamate to D-glutamate, an integral component of the bacterial cell wall. In this chapter, it is demonstrated that M. tuberculosis MurI inhibits DNA gyrase activity, in addition to its precursor independent racemization function. The inhibition is not species specific as E. coli gyrase is also inhibited. However, it is gyrase specific as topoisomerase I activity remains unaltered. The mechanism of inhibition by MurI has been elucidated for the first time and it is shown that MurI binds to GyrA subunit of the enzyme leading to a decrease in DNA binding of the holoenzyme. The sequestration of the gyrase by MurI results in inhibition of all reactions catalyzed by DNA gyrase. Chapter 5 is the extension of the studies on glutamate racemase into another species, i.e. Mycobacterium smegmatis. DNA gyrase inhibition seems to be an additional attribute of some of the glutamate racemases, but not all, as Glr isozyme from B. subtilis has no effect on gyrase activity in spite of sharing a high degree of similarity with the gyrase inhibitory glutamate racemases. It is shown that like the M. tuberculosis MurI, M. smegmatis enzyme is also a bifunctional enzyme. It inhibits DNA gyrase in addition to its racemization activity. Further, overexpression of the enzyme in M. smegmatis provides protection to the organism against fluoroquinolones. DNA gyrase inhibitory property thus appears to be a typical characteristic of these MurI and seems to have evolved to either modulate the function of the essential housekeeping enzyme or to provide protection to gyrase against gyrase inhibitors, which cause double strand breaks in the genome. In the above chapters, it is shown that besides its crucial role in cell wall biosynthesis, mycobacterial MurI moon lights as DNA gyrase inhibitor. That the two activities exhibited by M. tuberculosis MurI are unlinked and independent of each other is demonstrated in Chapter 6. Racemization function of MurI is not essential for its gyrase inhibitory property as mutants compromised in racemization activity retain gyrase inhibition property. MurI- DNA gyrase interaction influences gyrase activity but has no effect on racemization activity of MurI. MurI expression in mycobacterial cells provides protection against the action of ciprofloxacin, thereby suggesting a role of MurI in countering external agents targeting DNA gyrase. Further M. tuberculosis MurI overexpressed in near homologous expression system of M. smegmatis yields highly soluble enzyme which can be further used for structural and functional studies. In conclusion, the studies reveal that the endogenous inhibitors essentially influence the enzyme activity by sequestering the enzyme away from DNA. None of them cause cytotoxicity, which usually arises as a result of DNA damage caused by accumulation of gyrase-DNA covalent intermediate. On the contrary they provide protection against such gyrase poisons. Comparative analysis of these proteinaceous inhibitors, however, does not reveal a common motif or structural fold, required for their ability to inhibit DNA gyrase. Based on these studies, it can be proposed that these endogenous proteins exist to serve as cellular defense strategies against external abuse and also to modulate the intracellular activity of DNA gyrase as and when required, for accurate division, functioning and survival of the cells.

Peptídeos sintéticos no estudo do sistema toxina-antitoxina ParE/ParD / Synthetic peptides in the study of the toxin-antitoxine system ParE/ParD

Benites, Thais Azevedo [UNESP] 27 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by THAIS AZEVEDO BENITES null (thaisbenites41@gmail.com) on 2017-07-13T19:32:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Versão Final com ficha.pdf: 2302078 bytes, checksum: 5eac655fca415ba73063a8e7ee7f4537 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-14T18:24:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 benites_ta_me_araiq.pdf: 2302078 bytes, checksum: 5eac655fca415ba73063a8e7ee7f4537 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-14T18:24:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 benites_ta_me_araiq.pdf: 2302078 bytes, checksum: 5eac655fca415ba73063a8e7ee7f4537 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O sistema ParE-ParD é um sistema Toxina-Antitoxina (TA) do tipo II (composto por duas proteínas) encontrado no plasmídeo RK2 de uma gama de bactérias. A antitoxina ParD (9kDa) é capaz de neutralizar a citotoxicidade da toxina ParE, pela formação de um complexo estável, e também é eficaz na auto-repressão do operon parDE. A toxina (12kDa) apresenta atividade citotóxica no processo de replicação do DNA por interferir diretamente na ação da DNA girase. Estudos prévios sugeriram que a região C-terminal da antitoxina é responsável pelo processo de interação com ParE. Embora esta toxina possa ser encontrada em um grande número de microrganismos, ainda apresenta mecanismos de citotoxicidade e funções celulares a serem elucidadas. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo a tentativa de expressão das duas proteínas ParE e ParD, bem como o design e a síntese de peptídeos análogos da antitoxina, para a realização de estudos de interação molecular, a fim de encontrar uma estrutura mínima de ParD capaz de inativar a função toxica de ParE. Com base nas informações estruturais, obtidas por modelagem e dinâmica molecular, quatro sequências peptídicas análogas de ParD foram projetadas e sintetizadas pela metodologia da fase sólida. As sequências foram analisadas e purificadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e caracterizadas por espectrometria de massas. Os estudos de interação foram realizados através de ensaios de cromatografia de afinidade e supressão de fluorescência. A fluorescência intrínseca de ParEAC2 foi suprimida pelos análogos de ParD (ParDTB1, ParDTB3, ParDTB5 e ParDTB6), evidenciando a formação de complexos estáveis entre as espécies, resultados confirmados pelos ensaios de cromatografia de afinidade. Resultados semelhantes foram obtidos empregando a proteína ParD obtida por expressão heteróloga. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que o análogo ParDTB1 representa uma estrutura peptídica mínima com potencial para neutralizar o efeito da toxina ParE. / The ParE-ParD system is a toxin-antitoxin (TA) type II module (composed of two proteins) of the plasmid RK2 of a range of bacteria. The ParD antitoxin (9 kDa) is able to neutralize the cytotoxicity of the ParE toxin by forming a stable complex and is effective in the auto repression of the parDE operon. The toxin (12 kDa) exhibits cytotoxic activity by blocking DNA replication, acting directly in the DNA gyrase action. Previous studies have been suggest that the C-terminal region of the antitoxin is responsible for the interaction process with ParE. Although this toxin can be find in a large number of microorganisms, still have cytotoxicity mechanisms and cellular functions to be elucidate. In this context, this work aimed at the expression of ParE and ParD proteins, as well as the design and synthesis of antitoxin analog peptides, to perform molecular interaction studies in order to find a minimum ParD structure able to inactivate the toxic function of ParE. Based on the structural information obtained by modeling and molecular dynamics, four analogous peptide sequences of ParD were designed and synthesized by the solid phase methodology. The peptide sequences were analyzed and purified by high performance liquid chromatography and characterized by mass spectrometry. Interaction studies were performed by affinity chromatography and fluorescence suppression assays. The intrinsic fluorescence of ParEAC2 was suppressed by ParD analogs (ParDTB1, ParDTB3, ParDTB5 and ParDTB6) addition, evidencing the formation of stable complexes between the species, results confirmed by the affinity chromatography assays. Similar results were obtained using ParD protein obtained by heterologous expression. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the ParDTB1 analog represents a minimal peptide structure with potential to neutralize the effect of the ParE toxin.

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