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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low complexity lattice codes for communication networks

Ferdinand, N. S. (Nuwan Suresh) 15 January 2016 (has links)
Abstract Lattice codes achieve AWGN capacity and naturally fit in many multi-terminal networks because of their inherited structure. Although extensive information theoretic research has been done to prove the importance of lattice codes for these networks, the progress in finding practical low-complexity lattice schemes is limited. Hence, the motivation of this thesis is to develop several methods to make lattice codes practical for communication networks. First, we propose an efficient lattice coding scheme for real-valued, full-duplex one- and two-way relay channels. Lattice decomposition, superposition, and block Markov encoding are used to propose a simple, yet near capacity achieving encoding/decoding schemes for these relay channels. By using information theoretic tools, we prove the achievable rates of these schemes, which are equal to the best known rates. Then, we construct practical, low-complexity implementations of the proposed relay schemes using low-density lattice codes. Numerical evaluation is presented and they show that our schemes achieve performance as close as 2.5dB away from theoretical limits. The effect of shaping/coding loss on the performance of relay channels is studied. Then, we propose a low complexity lattice code construction that provides high shaping and coding gains. First, integer information is encoded to shaped integers. Two methods are proposed for this task: ''Voronoi integers'' and ''non uniform integers''. These shaped integers have shaping gains over the integer lattice. Then for the second step, we present a general framework to systematically encode these integers, using any high dimensional lattice with lower-triangular generator or parity check matrices, retaining the same shaping gain. The proposed scheme can be used to shape high dimensional lattices such as low density lattice codes, LDA-lattice, etc. Comprehensive analysis is presented using low density lattice codes. By using E8 and BW16 as shaping lattices, we numerically show the Voronoi integers result in the shaping gain of these lattices, that is, as much as 0.65dB and 0.86dB. It is numerically observed that non-uniform integers have shaping gains of up to 1.25dB. These shaping operations can be implemented with less complexity than previous low density lattice codes shaping approaches and shaping gains are higher than in previously reported cases, which are in the order of 0.4dB. Lastly, we propose a low complexity practical code construction for compute-and-forward. A novel code construction called ''mixed nested lattice code construction'' is developed. This code construction uses a pair of distinct nested lattices to encode the integers where shaping is provided by a small dimensional lattice with high shaping gain and coding is performed using a high coding gain and a high dimensional lattice. This construction keeps the shaping and the coding gains of respective shaping and coding lattices. Further, we prove an existence of an isomorphism in this construction such that linear combination of lattice codes can be mapped to a linear combination of integers over a finite field. Hence, this construction can be readily used for any compute-and-forward applications. A modified LDLC decoder is proposed to estimate a linear combination of messages. Performance is numerically evaluated. / Tiivistelmä Hilakoodit saavuttavat AWGN kapasiteetin ja sopivat luonnollisesti moniin monen päätelaitteen verkkoihin niihin sisältyvän rakenteen vuoksi. Vaikka lukuisat informaatioteoreettiset tutkimustyöt todistavat hilakoodien tärkeyden näille verkoille, käytännössä alhaisen kompleksisuuden hilajärjestelmiä on vielä vähän. Näin ollen tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on kehittää useita metodeja, jotta hilakoodeista saadaan käytännöllisiä viestintäverkkoihin. Aluksi, ehdotamme tehokkaan hilakoodausjärjestelmän reaaliarvoisille, full duplexisille yksi- ja kaksisuuntaisille välittäjäkanaville. Käytämme hilan hajottamista, superpositiota ja lohko-Markov -koodausta ehdottaessamme yksinkertaiset ja siltikin kapasiteetin saavuttavat koodaus- ja dekoodausjärjestelmät näihin välityskanaviin. Käyttämällä informaatioteoreettisia työkaluja, osoitamme näiden järjestelmien saavutettavat nopeudet, jotka ovat yhtä suuret kuin parhaimmat tunnetut nopeudet. Sitten rakennamme käytännölliset ja alhaisen monimutkaisuuden toteutukset ehdotetuille välitysjärjestelmille käyttäen alhaisen tiheyden hilakoodeja. Esitämme näille järjestelmille numeeriset arvioinnit, jotka näyttävät että nämä toteutukset saavuttavat tehokkuuden, joka on 2.5dB:n päässä teoreettisista rajoista. Tutkimme muotoilu- ja koodaushäviön vaikutusta välityskanavien tehokkuuteen. Sitten, ehdotamme alhaisen monimutkaisuuden hilakoodirakenteen, joka tarjoaa korkean muotoilu- ja koodausvahvistuksen. Ensin, kokonaislukuinformaatio on koodattu muotoiltuihin kokonaislukuihin. Esitämme kaksi metodia tähän tehtävään; 'Voronoi kokonaisluvut' ja 'ei yhtenäiset kokonaisluvut'. Näillä muotoilluilla kokonaisluvuilla on muotoiluvahvistusta kokonaislukuhilalle. Toisena askeleena, esitämme yleiset puitteet systemaattiseen kokonaislukujen koodaukseen käyttäen korkeaulotteisia hiloja alhaisen kolmiogeneraattori- tai pariteettivarmistusmatriiseja, jotka säilyttävät samalla muotoiluvahvistuksen. Ehdotettua järjestelmää voidaan käyttää muotoilemaan korkeaulotteisia hiloja kuten alhaisen tiheyden hilakoodeja, LDA-hiloja, jne. Esitämme kattavan analyysin käyttäen alhaisen tiheyden hilakoodeja. Käyttämällä muotoiluhiloina E8aa ja BW16a, näytämme numeerisesti 'Voronoi kokonaislukujen' käyttämisen seurauksena saavutettavat hilojen muotoiluvahvistukset, jotka ovat jopa 0.65dB ja 0.86dB. Näytämme myös numeerisesti että 'ei yhtenäisillä kokonaisluvuilla' on muotoiluvahvistusta jopa 1.25dB. Nämä muotoiluoperaatiot voidaan toteuttaa alhaisemmalla monimutkaisuudella kuin aikaisemmat 'alhaisen tiheyden hilakoodien muotoilumenetelmät' ja muotoiluvahvistukset ovat suuremmat kuin aikaisemmin raportoidut tapaukset, jotka ovat suuruusluokaltaan 0.4dB. Viimeiseksi, ehdotamme käytännöllisen koodikonstruktion alhaisella monimutkaisuudella 'laske ja lähetä' -menetelmään. Kehitämme uuden koodikonstruktion, jota kutsumme 'sekoitetuksi sisäkkäiseksi hilakoodikonstruktioksi'. Tämä koodikonstruktio käyttää kahta eroteltavissa olevaa sisäkkäistä hilaa koodaamaan kokonaisluvut siellä, missä muotoilu tehdään pienen ulottuvuuden hiloilla korkean muotoiluvahvistuksella ja koodaus toteutetaan käyttäen korkean koodausvahvistuksen omaavaa korkeaulottuvuuksista hilaa. Tämä konstruktio säilyttää muotoilu- ja koodausvahvistukset kullekin muotoilu- ja koodaushilalle. Lisäksi, todistamme isomorfismin olemassaolon tässä konstruktiossa siten, että lineaarisen hilakoodien kombinaatio voidaan kuvata lineaarisena kokonaislukujen kombinaationa äärellisessä kunnassa. Näin ollen tätä konstruktiota voidaan helposti käyttää missä tahansa 'laske ja lähetä' -sovelluksessa. Esitämme muokatun LDLC dekooderin lineaarisen viestikombinaation estimointiin. Arvioimme tehon numeerisesti.

On the performance analysis of full-duplex networks

Alves, H. (Hirley) 17 March 2015 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis we study Full-Duplex (FD) cooperative networks from different perspectives, using concepts of information theory, communication theory and applied statistics. We provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative communications systems operating with FD relays. We demonstrate that FD relaying is feasible even when experiencing strong self-interference, and we show its application under different scenarios. More importantly, the results attained through this work serve as a benchmark for design as well as deployment of current and future wireless communications technologies. Our first contribution is a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art on FD communications, more specifically on FD relaying, and we revisit some of the main properties of cooperative schemes. Another contribution comes from an extensive analysis of outage probability, throughput and energy efficiency of FD relaying over Rayleigh fading channels. Besides the mathematical framework introduced herein, we also show that in some cases cooperative Half-Duplex (HD) schemes achieve better performance than FD relaying with self-interference. Therefore, we draw a discussion on the trade-offs between HD and FD schemes as well as between throughput and energy efficiency. Then, we investigate the performance of FD relaying protocols under general fading settings, namely Nakagami-m fading. Our findings allow a better understanding of effects of the residual self-interference and line-of-sight on a FD relaying setup. Our final contribution lies on the performance analysis of secure cooperative networks relying on information theoretical metrics to provide enhanced privacy and confidentiality to wireless networks. Thus, we provide a comprehensive mathematical framework for composite fading channels. Even though experiencing strong self-interference, we demonstrate that FD relaying is feasible also under secrecy constraints, thus perfect secrecy can be achieved. / Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä tutkitaan kaksisuuntaisia (Full-Duplex, FD) yhteistoiminnallisia verkkoja informaatioteorian, tietoliikenneteorian ja sovelletun tilastotieteen näkökulmista. Työssä suoritetaan kattava suorityskykyarviointi yhteistoiminnallisten FD-välittimien muodostamassa tietoliikenneverkossa. FD-releointi osoitetaan toimintakelpoiseksi useissa toimintaympäristöissä ja sovelluksissa jopa voimakkaan omahäiriön vallitessa. Mikä tärkeintä, työssä saavutetut tulokset muodostavat vertailukohdan sekä nykyisten että tulevien langattomien verkkoteknologioiden suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Aluksi esitetään perusteellinen katsaus uusimpiin FD-tiedonsiirtomenetelmiin, etenkin FD-välitykseen, sekä kerrataan yhteistoiminnallisten tekniikoiden pääpiirteet. Seuraavaksi analysoidaan laajasti FD-välitinyhteyden luotettavuutta sekä spektrinkäyttö- ja energiatehokkuutta Rayleigh-häipyvissä radiokanavissa. Matemaattisen viitekehyksen lisäksi osoitetaan myös, että joissain tapauksissa yhteistoiminnalliset vuorosuuntaiset (Half-Duplex, HD) menetelmät ovat parempia kuin FD-releointi omahäiriön vallitessa. Niinpä työssä käydään keskustelua kaupankäynnistä HD- ja FD -menetelmien kesken kuten myös spektrinkäyttö- ja energiatehokkuuden kesken. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan FD-releoinnin suorityskykyä yleistetymmässä häipymäympäristössä eli Nakagami-m -kanavassa. Saavutetut tulokset auttavat ymmärtämään paremmin jäljelle jäävän omahäiriön ja näköyhteyslinkkien vuorovaikutussuhteet FD-välitinjärjestelmän suunnittelussa. Lopuksi käsitellään tietoturvattuja yhteistoiminnallisia verkkoja informaatioteoreettisin mittarein, joilla pyritään tarjoamaan langattomien verkkojen käyttäjille parempaa yksityisyyden suojaa ja luottamuksellisuutta. Tätä varten työssä esitetään perusteelliset matemaattiset puitteet yhdistettyjen häipyvien kanavien tutkimiseen. Tuloksena osoitetaan, että myös salassapitokriteerien kannalta on mahdollista käyttää voimakkaan omahäiriön kokemaa FD-releointia vahvan salauksen saavuttamiseen.

Efeito do Nióbio na Microestrutura e nas Propriedades Mecânicas do Aço Inoxidável Superduplex Fundido SEW 410 W.Nr. 1.4517 / Effect of niobium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of cast super duplex stainless steel SEW 410 W. Nr.1.4517

Sergio Mazzer Rossitti 29 February 2000 (has links)
A produção economicamente viável dos aços inoxidáveis duplex, pressupõe a utilização de sucatas e retornos de ligas contendo altos teores de elementos como Cr, Ni e Mo. O aproveitamento destes materiais pode entretanto, introduzir na composição química outros elementos não previstos pela norma do material sendo produzido. Este trabalho estudou a influência do Nb na microestrutura e nas propriedades mecânicas do aço inoxidável superduplex fundido SEW 410 W. Nr. 1.4517, bem como sobre as etapas de fabricação de um produto fundido. Os teores de Nb estudados foram 0%, 0,2%, 0,5% e 1,5% (% em peso). Foi dado ênfase às microestruturas e propriedades no estado bruto de fundição, após tratamento térmico de solubilização e finalmente, após envelhecimento das amostras solubilizadas. Foram utilizadas diversas técnicas de avaliação microestrutural: microscopia ótica, metalografia quantitativa, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão, análise química de microregiões com microssonda eletrônica, ensaios magnéticos via ferritoscópio e ensaios dilatométricos. Os ensaios mecânicos realizados foram: dureza, ensaio de tração e ensaio Charpy. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que o Nb causou uma sensível alteração na microestrutura e nas propriedades mecânicas da liga, dificultando o processo de produção de uma peça fundida. / To produce duplex stainless steel in an economic way it is necessary to use scrap and process returns containing high Cr, Ni and Mo contents. This procedure can result in an unexpected alloy chemical composition with some elements not included in the material standard. This work studied the Nb influence on the microstructure and mechanical properties of cast super duplex stainless steel SEW 410 W. Nr. 1.4517, as well as the influence over the fabrication process of a casting. The Nb contents studied were 0%, 0,2%, 0,5% and 1,5% (weight %). Emphasis was given to the microstructures and mechanical properties in as cast condition, after solution heat treatment and finally after aging of previous solution heat treated samples. Several microstructural analysis techniques were used: optical microscopy, quantitative metallography, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, chemical microanalysis using energy dispersive spectrometry, magnetic phase detection using feritscope and dilatometry. The mechanical testing realized were hardness testing, tension testing and Charpy impact testing. Results analysis demonstrated that Nb caused an appreciable change on microstructure and mechanical properties of the material, making difficult the fabrication process of a casting.

Improper Gaussian Signaling in Interference-Limited Systems

Gaafar, Mohamed 05 1900 (has links)
In the last decade, wireless applications have witnessed a tremendous growth. This can be envisioned in the surge of smart devices which became almost in everyone's possession, demand for high speed connection and the internet of things (IoT) along with its enabling technologies. Hence, the multiuser interference became the main limiting factor in wireless communications. Moreover, just like diamonds and emeralds, the electromagnetic spectrum is limited and precious. Therefore, the high data rate application may not be satisfied by our current technologies. In order to solve this spectrum scarcity problem, researchers have steered their focus to develop new techniques such as cognitive radio (CR) and in-band full-duplex (FD). However, these systems suffer from the interference problem that can dramatically impede their quality-of-service (QoS). Therefore, investigating communication techniques/systems that can relieve the interference adverse signature becomes imperative. Improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) has been recently shown to outperform the traditional proper Gaussian signaling (PGS) in several interference-limited systems. In this thesis, we use IGS in order to mitigate the interference issue in three different communication settings. IGS has the ability to control the interference signal dimension, and hence, it can be considered as one form of interference alignment. In the first part, we investigate an underlay CR system with in-band FD primary users (PUs) and one-way communication for the secondary user (SU). IGS is employed to alleviate the interference introduced by the SU on the PUs. First, we derive a closed form expression and an upper bound for the SU and PUs outage probabilities, respectively. Second, we optimize the SU signal parameters, represented in its power and the circularity coefficient, to achieve the design objectives of the SU while satisfying certain QoS constraints for the PU under instantaneous, average and partial channel state information (CSI). Finally, we provide some numerical results that demonstrate the advantages that can be reaped by using IGS to access the spectrum of the FD PUs. Specifically, with the existence of week PU direct channels and/or strong SU interference channels, PGS tends to use less transmit power while IGS uses more power along with increasing the signal impropriety. Part 2 studies the potential employment of IGS in FD cooperative settings with non-negligible residual self-interference (RSI). In this part, IGS is used in an attempt to alleviate the RSI adverse effect in full-duplex relaying (FDR). To this end, we derive a tight upper bound expression for the end-to-end outage probability in terms of the relay signal parameters. We further show that the derived upper bound is either monotonic or unimodal in the relay's circularity coefficient. This result allows for easily locating the global optimal point using known numerical methods. Based on the analysis, IGS allows FDR systems to operate even with high RSI. It is shown that, while the communication totally fails with PGS as the RSI increases, the IGS outage probability approaches a fixed value that depends on the channel statistics and target rate. The obtained results show that IGS can leverage higher relay power budgets than PGS to improve the performance, meanwhile it relieves its RSI impact via tuning the signal impropriety. In part 3, we investigate the potential benefits of adopting IGS in a two-hop alternate relaying (AR) system. Given the known benefits of using IGS in interference-limited networks, we propose to use IGS to relieve the inter-relay interference (IRI) impact on the AR system assuming no CSI is available at the source. In this regard, we assume that the two relays use IGS and the source uses PGS. Then, we optimize the degree of impropriety of the relays signal, measured by the circularity coefficient, to maximize the total achievable rate. Simulation results show that using IGS yields a significant performance improvement over PGS, especially when the first hop is a bottleneck due to weak source-relay channel gains and/or strong IRI.

Bypass Surgery for Lower Extremity Artery Disease: Quality Assessment of Outcome, Ultrasound Surveillance,and Follow-up

Rönkkö, Veera January 2021 (has links)
Introduction Bypass surgery for infrainguinal disease is indicated when a patient presents with chronic (disabling claudication or chronic limb-threatening ischaemia) or acute ischemia. Duplex ultrasound surveillance can be used in the follow-up period to detect grafts in risk of failure. If detected before occlusion occurs an intervention can prolong patency. Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of the procedure, whether there are factors associated with no improvement, and to elucidate the value of routine ultrasound surveillance. Methods Patients who underwent lower extremity bypass surgery at Falu hospital between 2010 and 2020 were identified from the national registry Swedvasc. Clinical outcome was based on change in the Rutherford classification. Duplex ultrasound measured peak systolic velocities. A significant stenosis was defined as a 2-3.5-fold increase in ratio of adjacent velocities in the bypass. For a non-significant stenosis, the ratio had to be increased but by less than 2 times. Results 114 patients underwent bypass surgery. Mean age was 70 years. Postoperative surveillance was carried out for 78 patients. Of these, 40 (51.3%) presented with an abnormality and further 30 of them (75%) received further intervention. There was a correlation between cardiac risk and outcome at the 30-day follow-up. For the majority of the not-surveilled, a major adverse event occurred within 1 year. Conclusions Bypass surgery was beneficial for the majority. Cardiac risk was a negative predictor for outcome. Most patients attending the surveillance benefited from early detection of risk of graft failure. To improve its value and efficacy, guidelines are needed within the clinic.

Penzion v Ostrožské Nové Vsi / Pension in Ostrožská Nová Ves.

Baný, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
The project deals with pension in Ostrožská Nová Ves. Duplex apartment is a part of the building. The building is a partially basement, it has three floors. It is situated by slightly (nearly flat) terrain. There are storage and boiler room in the basement. The first floor is used for operating purposes and there are accommodation units which are situated at second floor, too. There are two flats at third floor.

Konstrukce německé paralaktické montáže astronomického dalekohledu / Construction of German Equatorial Mount

Jančařík, Julius January 2011 (has links)
Purpose of this master´s thesis is a construction proposal of German Equatorial Mount capable to load capacity to 20kg inclusive both shaft-actuators. The solution contains design options of actuators of mount, design proposal of partial systems and parts and calcualtions. More is contain drafts of overal assembly, motor pinion and shaft.

Mechanické a technologické vlastnosti duplexních ocelí v závislosti na hodnotě PREN / Mechanical and technological properties of duplex steels depending on PREN values

Nejedlý, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with stainless austenitic-ferritic (duplex) steels and their mechanical and technological properties. The first part focuses on introducing these high-alloy materials. The second part describes the influence of chemical composition on the mechanical properties, technological properties and steel structure. There was also observed the effect of heat treatment and steel melting under reduced pressure.

Managing Radio Frequency Interference in Vehicular Multi-Antenna Transceivers

Kunzler, Jakob W. 03 March 2022 (has links)
Radio frequency interference is an ever growing problem in the wireless community. This dissertation presents methods to reduce interference for vehicular multi-antenna devices. This document is organized into two parts: the main chapters and the appendices. The main chapters present research conducted primarily by the author. These deserve the reader's primary attention. The appendices showcase contributions made by the author serving in a supporting role to projects led by others and/or do not fit the vehicular theme. These should receive secondary attention. The main chapter contributions are summarized as follows. A device was created that provides over 105 dB of transmit to receive isolation in a full duplex printed circuit board radio. This technology can improve the effective range of vehicular radar systems and increase the bandwidth of full duplex communication schemes for vehicles. The technologies involved are compatible with existing circuit board topologies and are mindful of the size and weight requirements for vehicular use. This isolation performance pushes the state of the art for printed circuit board designs and provides greater capability for these kinds of devices. Recent system on chip computing architectures are opening new pathways for integrating phased array technologies into a single chip. The computer engineering required to configure these devices is beyond the capabilities of many vehicle systems engineers, inviting the author to use one to implement a 16 antenna adaptive beamformer for GPS. The adaptive beamformer can combat multipath bounces and malicious spoofing from ground sources. The high rate analog conversion architecture eliminates the local oscillator distribution to simplify the analog front end to an active antenna. This allows vehicular phased arrays to use smaller footprints and suggests that multi-antenna beamforming devices may be easier to deploy on small to midsized vehicles. Bench tests of the beamformer indicate it can adapt to the environment and increase the received signal strength suggesting it can improve GPS quality for active deployments. The bank of subspace projection beamformers is a popular choice for mitigating interference in digital phased array receivers. A method was discovered that maps that matrix operator into a circuit topology that is simple to implement in an analog circuit and cancels across the entire bandwidth simultaneously. This can offload computational interference mitigation from the signal processor while still allowing secondary multi-pixel digital beamforming downstream. This beamformer was analytically connected to the body of phased array literature and studied to estimate practical error bounds and design methods of calibration.

Investigation of Hot Ductility Gradients in Duplex Stainless Steel in the Beginning of the Continuous Casting Proces

Björn, Linnéa January 2014 (has links)
The steel quality is deteriorated at a continuous casting start. Therefore, material from the first cast slab is cut off and re-melted in the melt shop. If too little is discarded, the inferior quality in the retained length can cause defects like edge cracks during subsequent hot rolling. This means that manufacturing resources are wasted on processing inferior material which has to be re-melted anyways at a later stage. On the other hand, if an excessive length of the first slab is re-melted, good material is wasted. In either case, optimizing the length of the start-scrap material is both economically and environmentally beneficial. Edge cracks are more common in the beginning of the first slab, even though a part is cut off. It is likely that the edge cracks arise due to reduced hot ductility in the first cast material. The purpose of this project is to optimize where the cut should be made in order to achieve the best yield. The hot ductility was investigated by performing hot tensile- and bending tests. The hot tensile tests indicate high hot ductility for the investigated specimens. The area reduction, which is correlated to the hot ductility, is above 70 % for all the investigated specimens. When considering the average area reduction while neglecting possible differences between the heats, the specimens from one meter tend to have a lower hot ductility compared to the other specimens. However, the differences are small. No difference can be seen between edge and middle specimens when only looking at the tensile tests. The bending tests did not crack without notches, even though the maximum load and a test temperature of 750 °C was used. That strongly indicates high hot ductility as well. By using notches, the bending tests cracked and it was shown that edge specimens and specimens from one meter cracked the most. No edge cracks were found, after hot rolling, on the first cast slabs from the investigated heats. / Vid en stränggjutstart är kvalitén på första slaben sämre. På grund av detta så skärs en bit, av det först gjutna slabet av och smälts om i stålverket. Om för lite material kapas av kan det leda till defekter, såsom kantbrakor, under den efterföljande varmvalsningen. Detta innebär att resurser används i onödan för att tillverka material av otillräcklig kvalitet som sedan ändå måste smältas om i ett senare steg. Skärs istället för mycket material bort så smälts prima material om i onödan. Att optimera startskrotlängden är följaktligen positivt både för miljön och rent ekonomiskt. Under varmvalsningen kan defekten kantbrakor, det vill säga sprickor vid kanterna, uppstå. Trots att en bit av det första gjutna slabet skärs av, så är det första slabet fortfarande mest utsatt för kantbrakor. Detta tros bero på nedsatt varmduktilitet i det första gjutna materialet. Syftet med detta projekt är att optimera längden på startskrotet för att spara så mycket användbart material som möjligt. Varmduktiliteten undersöktes genom drag- och bockprovning. Dragproven indikerar hög varmduktilitet för de undersökta proven. Areakontraktionen, som är ett mått på varmduktiliteten, är över 70 % för alla undersökta prov. Medelareakontraktionen, när man bortser från eventuella skillnader mellan chargerna, visar att prov från en meter generellt har något lägre varmduktilitet än de övriga proven. Det är endast små skillnader som uppfattas. Ingen skillnad kan ses mellan kant- och mittenprov när man enbart tittar på dragprovsresultaten. Bockproven sprack inte trots att maximal last användes och att testtemperaturen var 750 °C. Detta tyder också på hög varmduktilitet. Genom att skapa anvisningar kunde man få bockproven att spricka och det visade sig att kantprov och prov från en meter sprack mest. Inga kantbrakor hade uppstått på de första gjutna slabsen under varmvalsningen av försökschargerna.

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