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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do leito arterial distal em revascularização de membros inferiores: estudo comparativo entre ecografia-doppler, arteriografia e medidas diretas de fluxo no intra-operatório / Color-flow duplex hemodynamic assessment of runoff in ischemic lower limb revascularization: a comparative study among preoperative duplex scanning, arteriography and intraoperative direct out flow measurements

Fabio Henrique Rossi 22 September 2006 (has links)
A cirurgia de restauração circulatória arterial no paciente portador de isquemia crítica de membros inferiores apresenta indicações clínicas e técnica operatória já bastante estudadas e definidas. Ainda hoje, no entanto, um considerável número de enxertos evolui para oclusão. Entre as causas relacionadas à falência precoce, podemos destacar a resistência do leito distal receptor do enxerto. Interessou-nos estudar a existência de correlação hemodinâmica entre a Ecografia-Doppler, a Arteriografia pré-operatória, e medidas diretas intra-operatórias de resistência do leito arterial receptor do enxerto. Foram estudadas 68 operações de revascularização de membros inferiores portadores de isquemia crítica. A Ecografia-Doppler foi considerada tecnicamente satisfatória em 93,2%. Foi verificada a presença de correlação hemodinâmica positiva entre os métodos descritos acima (Teste de Pearson), particularmente para as artérias distais. Concluímos que a Ecografia-Doppler, além de definir as características anatômicas da artéria a ser revascularizada, pode auxiliar no estudo hemodinâmico do leito arterial receptor do enxerto e dessa forma auxiliar na definição do prognóstico do enxerto e no estabelecimento da melhor estratégia terapêutica a ser tomada ainda no período pré-operatório / The clinical indications and the surgical technique regarding arterial revascularization in patients with critical lower limb ischemia have been thoroughly studied and well determined in the literature. However, a considerable number of grafts evolutes to occlusion even nowadays. Among the factors known to contribute to early graft failure the resistance of the outflow arterial bed stands out. The purpose of this study is to verify Duplex Scanning hemodynamic correlation power with preoperative arteriography and direct intraoperative resistance measurements. Sixty-eight (68) lower limb revascularizations were studied. Preoperative Duplex Scanning was considered satisfactory in 93,2% of the cases. A positive hemodynamic correlation among the methods described above (Pearson\'s correlation test), particularly for distal arteries, has been verified. We conclude that preoperative Duplex Scanning, apart from defining the anatomic characteristics of the artery to be revascularized, can be helpful in the hemodynamic study of the arterial bed receiving the graft, making it easier to establish the graft prognosis and define the best therapeutic strategy to be adopted in the preoperative period.

Hot ductility of austenitic and duplex stainless steels under hot rolling conditions

Kömi, J. (Jukka) 09 November 2001 (has links)
Abstract The effects of restoration and certain elements, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium and Misch metal, on the hot ductility of austenitic, high-alloyed austenitic and duplex stainless steels have been investigated by means of hot rolling, hot tensile, hot bending and stress relaxation tests. The results of these different testing methods indicated that hot rolling experiments using stepped specimens is the most effective way to investigate the relationship between the softening and cracking phenomena under hot rolling conditions. For as-cast, high-alloyed and duplex stainless steels with a low impurity level, the cracking tendency was observed to increase with increasing pass strain and temperature, being minimal for the small strain of 0.1. No cracking occurred in these steels when rolled in the wrought condition. It could be concluded that the cracking problems are only exhibited by the cast structure with the hot ductility of even partially recrystallised steel being perfectly adequate. However, the recrystallisation kinetics of the high-alloyed austenitic stainless steels, determined by stress relaxation and double-pass rolling tests, were found to be so slow that only partial softening can be expected to occur between roughing passes under normal rolling conditions. In the duplex steel, the restoration is fairly fast so that complete softening can occur within typical interpass times in hot rolling, while certain changes in the phase structure take place as well. Sulphur was found to be an extremely harmful element in duplex stainless steel with regard to their hot ductility so that severe cracking can take place with sulphur content above 30 ppm. However, the effect of sulphur can be eliminated by reducing its content and by calcium or Misch metal treatments that significantly increase the number and decrease the average size of the inclusions. It seems that the desulphurisation capacity of an element is the most important property for assessing its usefulness in reducing the detrimental influence of sulphur. The hot ductility of type 316L stainless steel determined by tensile tests was found to be better for nitrogen content of 0.05 wt-% than 0.02%, while in double-hit tensile tests the hot ductility values were identical. The mechanism whereby nitrogen affects hot ductility remains unclear but a retarding effect on static recrystallisation was observed.

Návrh technologie a ověření výroby malých ocelových ingotů / Design of a technology and checking the production of small steel ingots

Jakubčíková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of ingots from duplex (austenitic-ferritic) stainless steels in terms of minimal occurrence of axial porosity. The optimal shape and dimension of the ingot and the casting conditions are determined based on numerical simulations. The resulting internal quality of the realized ingot is evaluated. The presence of shrinkage porosity is determined by penetrant testing. The degree of chemical heterogeneity, the extent of macrosegregation, of selected elements in given ingot locations is measured by an optical emission spectrometer. Segregation values are compared with simulation results. The micro-purity of the ingot is assessed on the basis of metallographic samples.

Příprava struktur duplexního typu cestou mechanického legování a SPS / Duplex microstructures preparation by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering

Neboha, Oksana January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis focuses on duplex microstructures preparation by powder metallurgy. A hybrid material can be created by combining two or more existing materials in different geometries, and thus the newly formed composite can provide a superposition of the properties of the starting materials (powders). This means that it will have an improved combination of the required properties. The theoretical part describes in detail the hybrid materials and the architectured materials that contain highly controlled structures. Structure control allows to change the variety of possible geometries and opens up a number of other useful properties. Therefore, this thesis also deals with the mechanical alloying and SPS. The experimental part describes procedures of preparation of four samples of composites with a duplex structure from a powder of a significantly tough alloy (austenitic steel 316L) in combination with a powder of a significantly strong alloy (titanium carbonitride). A crucial part of this thesis is characterization of these four samples by electron microscopy methods (SEM, TEM, EDS) and supported by hardness measuring.

Výroba odlitků z austeniticko-feritických hyperduplexních korozivzdorných ocelích / Production of castings from austenitic-ferritic hyperduplex stainless steels

Kaněra, Miloš January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with hyper duplex stainless austenitic-ferritic steels and their mechanical and castability properties. The evaluation of resistance to pitting corrosion is divided by PRE values. Steels with a PRE value higher than 48 belong to the group of hyper duplex steels. The theoretical part contains an introduction to the chemical composition, structure and properties of these steels. The practical part is focused on the conditions of tendency to crack castings during solidification and cooling. Furthermore, there is evaluated influence of intermetallic phases on mechanical properties.

BIKEZONE.cz - Cykloprodejna s bytovými jednotkami / BIKEZONE.cz - A bike shop with apartments

Černín, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
A freestanding multi-functional building in Opava. Basement of the object designed for parking cars of the residents. First and second floor designed as a bike shop. Third, fourth and fifth floor designed as flats of different types and sizes, determined for permanent housing. The object is covered by single-layer roof.

Flexible duplexing and resource optimization in small cell networks

Elbamby, M. S. (Mohammed S.) 22 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract The next-generation networks are set to support a high data rate, low latency, high reliability, and diverse types of services and use cases. These requirements come at the expense of a more complex network management, and asymmetric and time-varying traffic dynamics. Accordingly, future networks will operate at different duplexing modes and with multiple access techniques. This thesis proposes novel transmission strategies and methodologies to dynamically optimize the duplexing modes and allocate resources for small cell based cellular networks. The first part of the thesis studies dynamic time-division-duplex (TDD) operation in dynamic and asymmetric uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) traffic conditions. In this regard, we propose a dynamic TDD framework that optimizes the UL and DL frame configuration and power allocation. Due to the high interference coupling between neighboring small cells, we propose a load-aware clustering method that groups the small cell base stations (SBSs) based on their spatial and load similarities. To balance the UL and DL loads within each cluster, we study the potential of load-based UL/DL decoupled user association in balancing the traffic loads within clusters. In the second part, we study the problem of half-duplex (HD)/full-duplex (FD) mode selection and UL/DL resource and power optimization in small cell networks. Therein, SBSs operate in non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in both UL and DL to schedule multiple users at the same time-frequency resource. The goal of the study is therefore to select the optimal duplexing and multiple access scheme, based on the traffic load and interference conditions, such that users’ data rates are maximized, while stabilizing traffic queues. Finally, the last part of the thesis looks beyond rate maximization and focuses on ensuring low latency and high reliability in small cell networks providing edge computing services. The problem of distributing wireless resources to users requesting edge computing tasks is cast as a delay minimization problem under stringent reliability constraints. The study investigates the role of proactive computing in ensuring low latency edge computing, while the concept of hedged requests is presented as an enabler for computing service reliability. / Tiivistelmä Seuraavan sukupolven verkot suunnitellaan tukemaan suuria tiedonsiirtonopeuksia, pientä latenssia, erinomaista luotettavuutta ja monentyyppisiä palveluja ja käyttötapauksia. Näiden vaatimusten täyttämisen kääntöpuolena ovat entistä monimutkaisemmat verkonhallintatoiminnot sekä epäsymmetrinen ja ajallisesti muuttuva dataliikenteen dynamiikka. Verkot toimivat tulevaisuudessa eri dupleksointitiloissa hyödyntämällä useita eri liittymätekniikoita. Tässä tutkielmassa ehdotetaan uusia siirtostrategioita ja menetelmiä dupleksointitilojen dynaamista optimointia ja resurssien allokointia varten piensoluperustaisissa solukkoverkoissa. Tutkielman alkuosassa tarkastellaan dynaamisen aikajakodupleksin (TDD) toimintaa dataliikenneympäristöissä, joissa on käytössä dynaaminen ja epäsymmetrinen lähetysyhteys (UL) ja laskeva siirtotie (DL). Ehdotamme tältä osin dynaamista TDD-kehystä, joka optimoi UL- ja DL-kehyksen konfiguroinnin ja tehon allokoinnin. Vierekkäisten pienten solujen välisten kytkösten suuren interferenssin takia ehdotamme kuormituksen huomioivaa klusterointimenetelmää, jossa piensolutukiasemat (SBS) ryhmitellään niiden tilallisten ja kuormitusominaisuuksien yhteneväisyyden perusteella. Tutkimme UL- ja DL-kuormitusten tasapainottamista kussakin klusterissa tarkastelemalla UL/DL-yhteyksistä irti kytketyn, kuormitukseen perustuvan käyttäjän yhdistämisen mahdollisuuksia dataliikennekuormituksen tasapainottamisessa. Tutkielman toisessa osassa tarkastellaan puolidupleksi (HD)- ja kaksisuuntaisen (FD) -tilan valinnan ongelmaa ja UL-/DL-resurssien ja tehon optimointia piensoluverkoissa. Siinä piensolutukiasemat toimivat ei-ortogonaalisessa moniliittymässä (NOMA) sekä UL- että DL-yhteyksissä useiden käyttäjien ajoittamiseksi samalle aika-taajuusresurssille. Tutkielman tavoitteena on siten valita optimaalinen dupleksointi- ja moniliittymäkaavio dataliikenteen kuormituksen ja interferenssin perusteella siten, että käyttäjän tiedonsiirtonopeudet voidaan maksimoida ja dataliikennejonot tasata. Lopuksi tutkielman viimeisessä osassa tarkastellaan tiedonsiirtonopeuden maksimoinnin lisäksi pienen latenssin ja suuren luotettavuuden varmistamista piensoluverkoissa, jotka tuottavat reunalaskentapalveluja. Langattomien resurssien jakelemista käyttäjille, jotka vaativat reunalaskentatehtäviä, käsitellään viiveen minimoinnin ongelmana soveltamalla tiukkoja luotettavuusrajoituksia. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan proaktiivisen tietojenkäsittelyn roolia pienen latenssin reunalaskennassa.

Innovative Duplex Filter for Hydraulic Applications

Mössinger, Klaus January 2016 (has links)
For decades, duplex filters have been put to use virtually unmodified. Technologies, handling and use of materials show enormous potential for improvement. Filter element emoval/replacement is performed according to a complex process sequence. With the newly developed Duplex Filter, the market demands concerning simple filter element removal/replacement, as well as weight and pressure loss reduction are fully met.

Influence of multiple welding cycles on microstructure and corrosion resistance of a super duplex stainless steel

Hosseini, Vahid January 2016 (has links)
Super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) has found a wide use in demanding applications such as offshore, chemical and petrochemical industries thanks to its excellent combination of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Welding of SDSS, however, is associated with the risk of precipitation of secondary phases and formation of excessive amounts of ferrite in the weld metal and heat affected zone. The present study was therefore aimed at gaining knowledge about the effect of multiple welding thermal cycles on the microstructure and possible sensitization to corrosion of welds in SDSS.Controlled and repeatable thermal cycles were produced by robotic welding. Oneto four autogenous TIG-remelting passes were applied on 2507 type SDSS plates using low or high heat inputs with pure argon as shielding gas. Thermal cycles were recorded using several thermocouples attached to the plates. Thermodynamic calculations and temperature field modelling were performed in order to understand the microstructural development and to predict the pitting corrosion resistance. Etching revealed the formation of different zones with characteristic microstructures: the fused weld zone (WZ) and the heat affected zone composed of the fusion boundary zone (FBZ), next to the fusion boundary, and further out Zone 1 (Z1) and Zone 2 (Z2). The WZ had a high content of ferrite and often nitrides which increased with increasing number of passes and decreasing heati nput. Nitrogen content of the WZ decreased from 0.28 wt.% to 0.17 wt.% after four passes of low heat input and to 0.10 wt.% after four passes of high heatinput. The FBZ was reheated to high peak temperatures (near melting point) and contained equiaxed ferrite grains with austenite and nitrides. Zone 1 was free from precipitates and the ferrite content was similar to that of the unaffected base material. Sigma phase precipitated only in zone 2, which was heated to peak temperatures in the range of approximately 828°C to 1028°C. The content of sigma phase increased with the number of passes and increasing heat input.  All locations, except Z1, were susceptible to local corrosion after multiplere heating. Thermodynamic calculations predicted that a post weld heat treatment could restore the corrosion resistance of the FBZ and Z2. However, the pitting resistance of the WZ cannot be improved significantly due to the nitrogen loss. Steady state and linear fitting approaches were therefore employed to predict nitrogen loss in autogenous TIG welding with argon as shielding gas. Two practical formulas were derived giving nitrogen loss as functions of initial nitrogen content and arc energy both predicting a larger loss for higher heat input and higher base material nitrogen content. A practical recommendation based on the present study is that it is beneficial to perform welding with a minimum number of passes even if this results in a higherheat input as multiple reheating strongly promotes formation of deleterious phases.

Green Housing / Grönt bostadshus

Johnson Eriksson, Christian January 2014 (has links)
The Building is a combination of a green house and multi familyhousing building. The building´s courtyard is transformed in to a winter garden and creates an climate controlled environment with exotic vegitation blooming all year around. The courtyard is working as an extra livingroom with nice public walks in different levels were people can relax, exercise and socialise. The heat generated from the winter garden can be reused and recycled in to the floor slabs. It can also be deposited into the ground under the garden creating a climate smart heating system. One important aspect when drawing the plans was to give all the apartments a private space inside the wintergarden. I created plans where the allocation of the garden is equal. the private space is located on the second floor in the duplex apartments but some apartments only consist of one level and some extra care went in to making a private space for them too. The winter garden not only allows people to watch the trees and plants it also gives them the possibility to grow there own food on the private balcony and  just outside the kitchen window. Having plants outside the kitchen blocks the view from people passing by on the public promenade. / Byggnaden är en kombination av ett växthus och ett flerbostadshus. Byggnadens innergår har ett glastak som som möjliggör ett controllerat climat med växter som blommar året runt. innergården fungerar som ett extra vardagsrum med trevliga promenader i olika nivåer där människor kan träna, socialisera eller bara slapna av och njuta naturen. Värmen som genereras av den inglasade gården kan återanvändas och pupmas in i bjälklagen och marken under gården vilket skapar ett klimatsmart uppvärmningssystem.  en viktig aspekt när jag ritade planerna var att ge alla lägenheter ett privat rum inne i gården. Jag skapade planer där anspråket av gården var så lika som möjligt. Det privata rummet är placerat på övervåningen i etage lägenheterna men några lägenheter har bara ett plan vilket ledde till några special lösningar för att skapa ett avgränsat rum för dem också. Den ingalsade gården erbjuder inte bara en vacker miljö med växter och träd, det finns även möjlighet att odla sia egna frukter och grönsaker på den privata balkongen samt utanför köksfönstret. Planteringen av högre växter utanför fönstret kan skydda insynen från grannar som går förbi på den publika prommenaden.

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