Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dairy productionsection"" "subject:"dairy productionisation""
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Vers des modèles durables de transformation des systèmes d’élevage en Asie du Sud-Est : Application au cas du secteur laitier au Vietnam / Toward sustainable transitions of livestock sector in South-East Asia : case of dairy production in VietnamPham, Duy Khanh 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les exploitations laitières familiales sont confrontées à de nombreux défis pour durer, notamment dans le contexte d’un pays en transition comme le Vietnam, où les changements sont rapides. Afin de contribuer à la réflexion sur les modèles de fermes laitières à promouvoir (exploitations familiales ou grandes fermes), cette thèse a associé une analyse synchronique sur la diversité et la durabilité d’un large échantillon d’exploitations laitières et une analyse diachronique sur les trajectoires. 160 exploitations laitières ont été sélectionnées dans le District de Ba Vi situé en bordure de Hanoi, pour représenter la diversité des fermes présentes dans la zone. Des informations ont été recueillies lors d’entretiens directifs avec les éleveurs sur les divers types de capitaux disponibles sur l’exploitation, les pratiques d’élevage et de commercialisation du lait, et des indicateurs permettant d’évaluer les trois piliers de la durabilité. Une typologie des exploitations a été réalisée grâce à une Analyse Factorielle Multiple, basée sur la dotation en capitaux et sur les pratiques, suivie d’une classification ascendante hiérarchique. Dans une deuxième étape, une analyse des trajectoires de 25exploitations laitières, choisies à partir de l’échantillon large, et des facteurs internes et externes impactant ces évolutions, a été réalisée. En plus d’une ferme industrielle présente sur le district, 5 types d’exploitations laitières familiales ont été identifiées, qui se différencient surtout par le nombre d’activités agricoles et non agricoles pratiquées sur l’exploitation, la main-d’œuvre travaillant sur l’atelier laitier, et les équipements. Les indicateurs de performances des exploitations les plus intensives (spécialisées ou associant les cultures et l’élevage), révèlent une durabilité économique et sociale plus élevée que celle des exploitations de plus petites tailles et moins intensives. Cependant, les exploitations peu intensives ont également des atouts sur les plans économique (souplesse d’adaptation) et environnemental (autonomie fourragère), et elles présentent donc un intérêt pour le développement de la production laitière nationale. Quatre types de trajectoires des exploitations ont été identifiées, caractérisés par l’évolution du système d’activités agricoles au cours du temps, l’évolution de la taille de la production laitière, le niveau d’investissement dans le lait, l’évolution de la terre agricole et de la main-d’œuvre, les emprunts. Le maintien d’une diversité de modèles (méga fermes privées, fermes familiales spécialisées et de polyculture-élevage) semble à promouvoir, et la recherche de voies d’amélioration de leur durabilité doit être adaptée à chaque type. Des mesures politiques spécifiques pourraient être mises en place pour maintenir un tissu d’exploitations laitières diverses. / In Vietnam, dairy farms are faced with numerous challenges in terms ofsustainability in a context of a rapid transition of the economy and ecosystems. The mainquestion is whether future models for dairy production should be based on family farming orlarge-scale production. As a contribution to the discussions, this thesis has combined asynchronic analysis on the diversity and sustainability of a large sample of dairy farms and adiachronic analysis of farm trajectories. One hundred and sixty dairy farms were selected inthe peri-urban district of Ba Vi, in Hanoi, to represent the diversity of farms in the area.Information was collected during structured interviews with dairy farmers with regard to thediverse types of capital available on the farm, husbandry practices, milk marketing and theindicators to assess the three pillars of sustainability. A farm typology was conducted using amultiple factor analysis, based on capital endowment and practices, followed by an ascendinghierarchical classification. In the second stage, a trajectory analysis was carried out on 25dairy farms, chosen from a broad sample, and on the internal and external factors thatinfluence change. In the district, one industrial farm, in addition to five types of family dairyfarms were identified. The difference between farms was primarily linked to the number offarming and non-farming activities on-farm, the labour involved in dairy processing and theequipment. The performance indicators for the most intensive farms (specialized or withmixed crop and livestock production), suggest that they are more economically and sociallyviable than smaller less intensive farms. However, less intensive farms also have economicand environmental advantages (ease of adaptation and self-sufficiency in fodder,respectively). Therefore, they have potential in terms of the development of national dairyproduction. We identified four types of trajectory, characterized by the evolution in thefarming system over time, the changes in the scale of dairy production, the level of investmentin milk, the evolution in farmland and labour, and loans. It is important to maintain diversemodels (private mega farms, specialized family farms and mixed crop and livestock).Research on how to improve sustainability should be adapted to each farm type. Selectedpolicies measures could be implemented to maintain a diverse fabric of dairy farms.
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Lietuvos integracijos į Europos Sąjungą problemos pienininkystėje / Problems Lithuania integration into the European Union in the dairy sectorAndrikonytė, Edita 10 January 2007 (has links)
Pienininkystė Lietuvoje jau nuo seno yra gerai išplėtota veikla, garantuojanti didelės dalies
kaimo gyventoju pajamas ir itakojanti šalies bendro vidaus produkto apimti. Integracijos i Europos
Sajunga (ES) procesas iškėlė tam tikrus reikalavimus ir išryškino problemas šalies pieno gamybos ir
perdirbimo srityje. Sėkmingas pieno gamintoju ir perdirbėju dalyvavimas ES bendrojoje rinkoje
galimas turint išsamia problemu analize. Tai ir lemia šio magistrinio darbo aktualuma.
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti pieno gamybos ir perdirbimo sektoriaus integracijos
i ES salygotas problemas ir ju sprendimo budus. Atlikus minėta analize, paaiškėjo, kad pieno
gamybos pagrindinės problemos yra susijusios su neracionalia pieno ukiu struktura, žemu genetiniu
karviu bandos potencialu bei neišplėtota pieno gamintoju kooperacija. Visa tai mažina pieno
gamintoju pajamas, ju galimybes vykdyti prekine veikla.
Pieno pramonė - viena iš tu maisto pramonės šaku, kurios anksciausiai prisitaikė prie ES
keliamu rinkos ir produktu kokybės reikalavimu. Dėl pasiekto aukšto imoniu koncentracijos lygio ir
sėkmingo investavimo i gamybos technologiju modernizavima Lietuvos pieno pramonė užsitikrino
stabilias pozicijas užsienio rinkose. ES taikomos rinkos apsaugos priemonės didina perdirbėju
pajamas, nors bemuitis rėžimas žymiai padidino konkurencija vidaus rinkoje.
Sėkmingas problemu, kylanciu pieno gamybos ir perdirbimo sektoriuje, sprendimas
priklauso nuo efektyvaus ES finansinės paramos panaudojimo... [to full text] / The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze the main problems in the Lithuanian dairy Industry caused by the integration into EU and the main ways of solving it. The fulfilled analysis in this Graduation paper shows that the main problems of milk production sector are the irrational structure of dairy farms, the law genetic productivity of cows and the non-explicated cooperation. All these factors reduce the incomes of milk producers and their possibilities to be engaged in milk production. The milk industry is one of the branches of Lithuanians food industry, which was first adapted into EU’s trade policy and started producing high quality dairy products. The high level of concentration of the industrial enterprise and the successful use of the investment to the modernization of the technology caused Lithuanian dairy industrial enterprises to have a steady position in the foreign market. On the one hand, the market safeguard which is used in EU increases the incomes of the dairy industrial enterprises, but the free trade regime on the other hand encourages higher competition level in the home trade.
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Getting The Priorities Right: Stakeholder Involvement For A Holistic View Of Research And Extension Priorities In The Australian And Brazilian Dairy IndustriesTeixeira, Sergio Rustichelli Unknown Date (has links)
Globalisation causes continual change in the dairy industry, creating new opportunities and risks in countries, states, and regions. To survive and benefit from these changes, stakeholders from across each country's dairy industry need to co-operate to develop alternatives for their regions. The Australian and Brazilian dairy Research, Development and Extension (R,D&E) organisations recognise this need in their mission statements. They also have some initiatives for more effective interaction with the stakeholders in their dairy industries. In the 1990s Australia created Regional Dairy Programs, including a Subtropical Dairy Program (SDP) for tropical and subtropical areas of east Australia, to gather demands from the production regions in order to design R,D&E. To promote interaction between R,D&E efforts and agricultural industries the Australian government matches expenditure on R,D&E dollar for dollar. The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation for Dairy (Embrapa Dairy) developed the Platform Project, with the objective of identifying constraints on dairy development in Brazil's main dairy production regions. Embrapa Dairy has also moved researchers to those regions to establish a link between stakeholders and the head research station in the design of R&D. There remains room for improvement in both countries' methods. In Australia's SDP, priorities for R,D&E are identified by regional teams consisting mostly of farmers and R,D&E people, but an evaluation has recommended involving a broader range of stakeholders to increase the diversity of ideas. In Brazil, dairy R&D priorities are identified mostly through quantitative surveys with farmers or panels of experts who consider large regions (of more than three states), without deeper involvement of farmers. Models and approaches in extension and systems thinking offer ideas for more effective and comprehensive approaches. The objectives of this study were to: 1. Develop a strategy to: - Involve a broad set of stakeholders in a dairy community to obtain a holistic view of their priorities for R,D&E, and - Help R,D&E people to understand the dairy farms and the production realities of small regions. 2. Document and compare the R,D&E priorities of dairy stakeholders in one Australian and two Brazilian regions, including the views of different groups of stakeholders within each region. Regional studies were conducted in three dairy regions, one region in the north coast of New South Wales, Australia, and two regions in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The research method within each region studied combined three approaches, each involving a variety of stakeholders from across the production communities. These were familiarisation through staying on a farm and building trust; individual interviews with a diversity of stakeholders from farmers to off-farm enterprises and R,D&E staff, and focus group interviews with participants selected from those already interviewed individually. The focus groups verified and enlarged upon the findings of the individual interviews, and enabled convergence among the participants' views. The three approaches produced complementary results. The strategy for eliciting R,D&E priorities worked equally well in all three case studies. Across the three cases, the individual interviews pointed out previously unrecognised R,D&E priorities, going beyond production technologies into issues such as communication, farm management, labour and finance. Pasture issues also remained important. The results from the focus group interviews corroborated communication, farm management and finance as important priorities for R,D&E, while adding marketing, industry policy and organisation of farmers, issues which had not stood out originally in the individual interviews in any of the three regions studied. This suggests a number of things. In terms of strategy for developing R,D&E priorities, both individual interviews and group processes are valuable, and may provide somewhat different outcomes. Further, the primary information needs for the industry lie beyond the farm and production technologies. The results also show that stakeholders would like R,D&E people to work as their partners in improving the dairy industry. The involvement of a broader range of stakeholders brought a more holistic and integrated view of each region's dairy development needs. It was particularly useful to engage people from throughout the dairy community with R,D&E practitioners in identifying priorities, since this broadened the picture of needs and showed the relative importance of production technologies alongside other, previously unrecognised needs. The results also suggest that research organisations should include staff capable of taking a more systemic view of dairy production systems, on- and off-farm, and potentially other industries. The academic significance of this study lies in the combination of systems thinking, stakeholder analysis and participation with extension science, towards a practical need.
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A agricultura de rolador e a concentração produtiva : uma análise dos sistemas de produção de leiteTonin, Jeferson January 2018 (has links)
A produção de leite é uma das principais atividades geradoras de renda em regiões onde a agricultura familiar ocupa grande parte dos estabelecimentos familiares, como é o caso do município de Rolador-RS. Todavia, o universo de agricultores que produzem leite apresenta certa heterogeneidade e, por conta disso, configura-se diferentes sistemas de produção de leite. Essa diversidade de sistemas de produção de leite influencia de forma diferente a sociedade na qual estão inseridos. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise da agricultura de Rolador com foco na autonomia e na transferência de valor agregado dos sistemas de produção de leite. Para isso, utilizou-se da Teoria dos Sistemas Agrários como base teórica e metodológica. Como resultados, foram identificados dois sistemas de produção de leite com diferenças significativas entre si (Familiar Leite Mecanização Completa – FLMC – e Familiar Leite Mecanização Incompleta – FLMI). O primeiro é caracterizado por uma produção mais intensiva e especializada, enquanto o segundo possui características que o aproximam de uma produção mais extensiva. Além das diferenças técnicas, observou-se o que o FLMI é consideravelmente mais autônomo do que o FLMC, visto que utiliza mais sua própria base de recursos e está menos relacionado com o mercado do insumos e agentes externos. Além disso, tem ocorrido um intenso processo de concentração produtiva, que se traduz no incentivo, por parte das empresas, à sistemas de produção similares ao FLMC. De acordo com os dados deste trabalho, uma política com estas orientações é incoerente com uma noção de desenvolvimento rural baseada num processo equitativo e inclusivo. / The milk production is one of the main income generating activities in regions where family farming occupies a large part of family establishments, such as the case Rolador-RS municipality. However, the universe of theses farmers show some heterogeneity, and in reason of that, there are different configurations of milk production systems. This diversity of milk production system influences differently the community where are inserted. Therefore, the aim of this Master Thesis is conduct an analysis of Rolador agriculture focusing on autonomy and value transfer of milk production systems. For that, the methodology and theory used as study basis was the Theory of Agrarian Systems. As results, two milk production systems have identified with significant differences between each other (Family Milk Full Mechanization - FMFM - and Family Milk Incomplete Mechanization - FMIM). The first one characterizes per intense and specialized production, while the second has extensive production as a characteristic. In addition, to the technical differences, it has observed that the FMIM is considerably more autonomous than the FMFM, since this one uses more of its own resource base and is less related to the market of external inputs and agents. Moreover, there has been an intense process of productive concentration, which displays into the incentive by companies to production systems similar to FMFM. According to the data of this study, a policy with these guidelines is inconsistent with a notion of rural development based on an equitable and inclusive process.
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Práticas higiênico-sanitárias na ordenha de vacas e percepção de risco de produtores rurais no Estado de São PauloBaraldi, Marina Sanches Romano [UNESP] 07 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-09T12:28:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2013-03-07Bitstream added on 2015-04-09T12:48:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000814218.pdf: 142818 bytes, checksum: 897980be9fde8cff7d792e99a97feabe (MD5) / A total of 199 farmers of 116 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, whose main economic activity in 2011 was the dairy cattle were interviewed about hygienic and sanitary practices related to milking cows and related measures. The results revealed that the milking activity were performed by the owners themselves (59.0%), followed by staff and family members, that most producers had milking machine (64.9%) and performed the milking in the milking barn or corral covered (65.9%), or milking parlor (34.1%) with cemented floor ( 69.8%). Respondents also stated that had conditions for the hand hygiene in the places where they perform milking (71.8%) and used to wash their hands regularly (78.9%) using disinfectant (61.8%). The conventional practice of washing the teats with water (52.7%), to dry with a paper towel (52.7%) and the use of disinfectant (53.7%) before milking the cows also prevailed in answers of respondents. In this same focus, the majority of respondents stated they make the mug test before milking (51.7%), the daily removal of manure (82.9%) and wash the place of milking (52.7%) and utensils after use (95.9%). Producers also stated that the milk temperature reach ideal standards in safe period (67.8%) and the lighting and ventilation of the room's milk (82.9%) and milking (76.9%) would be appropriate. Similarly, 50.7% of respondents reported holding the milking line with some criteria and 135 (67.8%) stated that cows treated for mastitis or other diseases were milked in the same room or milking place, along with healthy animals. Moreover, the majority of respondents (59.8%) said they did not have the habit of using appropriate and clean clothes, not disinfect the teats after milking (62.8%) and do not make any test for the detection of subclinical mastitis (53.3%). In most production systems (61.8%) other animals would not have access to the milking room or milking place, whereas...
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Práticas higiênico-sanitárias na ordenha de vacas e percepção de risco de produtores rurais no Estado de São Paulo /Baraldi, Marina Sanches Romano. January 2013 (has links)
Resumo:Foram entrevistados 199 produtores rurais de 116 municípios do estado de São Paulo, cuja atividade econômica principal, em 2011, era a bovinocultura de leite, sobre práticas higiênico-sanitárias relacionadas à ordenha das vacas e medidas correlatas. Os resultados revelaram que eram os próprios proprietários (59,0%) que ordenhavam seus animais, seguidos de funcionários e de membros da família, que a maioria dos produtores dispunha de ordenhadeira mecânica (64,9%) e realizava a ordenha no curral ou em estábulo coberto (65,9%), ou sala de ordenha (34,1%), com piso cimentado (69,8%). Os entrevistados declararam ainda que apresentavam condições para a higienização das mãos nos locais onde realizam a ordenha (71,8%) e lavavam as mãos regularmente (78,9%) com o uso e desinfetante (61,8%). As práticas convencionais de lavar as tetas das vacas antes da ordenha com água corrente (52,7%), enxugar com toalha de papel (52,7%) e usar desinfetante (53,7%) também predominaram nas repostas dos entrevistados. Nesse mesmo enfoque, a maioria dos respondentes declararam que faziam o teste da caneca antes da ordenha (51,7%), a remoção diária do esterco (82,9%) e lavavam o local da ordenha (52,7%) e os utensílios após o uso (95,9%). Os produtores declararam ainda que a temperatura do leite atingiria os padrões ideais no período seguro (67,8%) e que a iluminação e ventilação da sala do leite (82,9%) e da ordenha (76,9%) seriam adequadas. Da mesma forma, 50,7% dos entrevistados afirmaram realizar a linha de ordenha com algum critério e 135 (67,8%) declararam que as vacas em tratamento contra mastite ou outras enfermidades eram ordenhadas na sala ou no mesmo local da ordenha, junto dos animais sadios. Por outro lado, a maioria dos entrevistados (59,8%) declarou não ter o hábito de usar vestimenta apropriada e limpa, não fazer a desinfecção das tetas após a ordenha...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract:A total of 199 farmers of 116 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, whose main economic activity in 2011 was the dairy cattle were interviewed about hygienic and sanitary practices related to milking cows and related measures. The results revealed that the milking activity were performed by the owners themselves (59.0%), followed by staff and family members, that most producers had milking machine (64.9%) and performed the milking in the milking barn or corral covered (65.9%), or milking parlor (34.1%) with cemented floor ( 69.8%). Respondents also stated that had conditions for the hand hygiene in the places where they perform milking (71.8%) and used to wash their hands regularly (78.9%) using disinfectant (61.8%). The conventional practice of washing the teats with water (52.7%), to dry with a paper towel (52.7%) and the use of disinfectant (53.7%) before milking the cows also prevailed in answers of respondents. In this same focus, the majority of respondents stated they make the mug test before milking (51.7%), the daily removal of manure (82.9%) and wash the place of milking (52.7%) and utensils after use (95.9%). Producers also stated that the milk temperature reach ideal standards in safe period (67.8%) and the lighting and ventilation of the room's milk (82.9%) and milking (76.9%) would be appropriate. Similarly, 50.7% of respondents reported holding the milking line with some criteria and 135 (67.8%) stated that cows treated for mastitis or other diseases were milked in the same room or milking place, along with healthy animals. Moreover, the majority of respondents (59.8%) said they did not have the habit of using appropriate and clean clothes, not disinfect the teats after milking (62.8%) and do not make any test for the detection of subclinical mastitis (53.3%). In most production systems (61.8%) other animals would not have access to the milking room or milking place, whereas... / Orientador: Iveraldo dos Santos Dutra / Banca: Vera Claudia Lorenzetti Magalhães Curci / Banca: Cecílio Viega Soares Filho / Mestre
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A agricultura de rolador e a concentração produtiva : uma análise dos sistemas de produção de leiteTonin, Jeferson January 2018 (has links)
A produção de leite é uma das principais atividades geradoras de renda em regiões onde a agricultura familiar ocupa grande parte dos estabelecimentos familiares, como é o caso do município de Rolador-RS. Todavia, o universo de agricultores que produzem leite apresenta certa heterogeneidade e, por conta disso, configura-se diferentes sistemas de produção de leite. Essa diversidade de sistemas de produção de leite influencia de forma diferente a sociedade na qual estão inseridos. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise da agricultura de Rolador com foco na autonomia e na transferência de valor agregado dos sistemas de produção de leite. Para isso, utilizou-se da Teoria dos Sistemas Agrários como base teórica e metodológica. Como resultados, foram identificados dois sistemas de produção de leite com diferenças significativas entre si (Familiar Leite Mecanização Completa – FLMC – e Familiar Leite Mecanização Incompleta – FLMI). O primeiro é caracterizado por uma produção mais intensiva e especializada, enquanto o segundo possui características que o aproximam de uma produção mais extensiva. Além das diferenças técnicas, observou-se o que o FLMI é consideravelmente mais autônomo do que o FLMC, visto que utiliza mais sua própria base de recursos e está menos relacionado com o mercado do insumos e agentes externos. Além disso, tem ocorrido um intenso processo de concentração produtiva, que se traduz no incentivo, por parte das empresas, à sistemas de produção similares ao FLMC. De acordo com os dados deste trabalho, uma política com estas orientações é incoerente com uma noção de desenvolvimento rural baseada num processo equitativo e inclusivo. / The milk production is one of the main income generating activities in regions where family farming occupies a large part of family establishments, such as the case Rolador-RS municipality. However, the universe of theses farmers show some heterogeneity, and in reason of that, there are different configurations of milk production systems. This diversity of milk production system influences differently the community where are inserted. Therefore, the aim of this Master Thesis is conduct an analysis of Rolador agriculture focusing on autonomy and value transfer of milk production systems. For that, the methodology and theory used as study basis was the Theory of Agrarian Systems. As results, two milk production systems have identified with significant differences between each other (Family Milk Full Mechanization - FMFM - and Family Milk Incomplete Mechanization - FMIM). The first one characterizes per intense and specialized production, while the second has extensive production as a characteristic. In addition, to the technical differences, it has observed that the FMIM is considerably more autonomous than the FMFM, since this one uses more of its own resource base and is less related to the market of external inputs and agents. Moreover, there has been an intense process of productive concentration, which displays into the incentive by companies to production systems similar to FMFM. According to the data of this study, a policy with these guidelines is inconsistent with a notion of rural development based on an equitable and inclusive process.
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Gestão financeira de sistemas leiteiros na região oeste do Paraná / Financial management of dairy systems in western Paraná regionZimpel, Roney 26 September 2014 (has links)
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Roney_Zimpel.pdf: 1394007 bytes, checksum: 43ddd7892b748fec438aa036237d2ab0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-09-26 / The objective of the present study was to identify producers who adopt financial management practices in Dairy Production Systems (SPL's) according to socioeconomic and productive variables. Additionally, those were compared with dairy farmers who do not adopt financial management practices. In order to that 55 semi-structured questionnaires were applied to the milk producers in the Western region of Paraná State. The questionnaires were conducted between September 2013 and April 2014. Data were tabulated and submitted to descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis. The techniques of clustering and exploratory factor analysis were employed. Two groups were defined from variables related to the practice of financial management. The first one was formed by dairy farmers who do not adopt financial management practices in SPL's (N= 49) and the second one by producers who adopt financial management practices in SPL's (N= 6). Between the groups ignificant statistical difference (p<0.05) was found among the variables that defined them: The use of tools for financial control; use of software for financial control and cash flow realization. In a second step, the mean test was performed and equal ratio test for a set of socio-productive variables. For those, no statistical difference between groups was found. In the following analysis, from the socioeconomic and productive variables, three factors by AFE were defined. The first factor was defined by structural variables (F1); the second by socioeconomic variables (F2) and the third by variable information (F3). The first factor explained 26% of the total variance, being therefore the one that most differentiate producers analyzed. From these factors, producer groups defined by cluster analysis were plotted on graphics with two dimensions. It could be concluded that producers who perform financial management practices (Group 2) own lower productive structures, lower value for social variables and greater financial management information SPL / Objetivou-se, com o presente estudo, caracterizar os produtores socioprodutivamente e distinguir os produtores que adotam práticas de gestão financeira em Sistemas Produtivos Leiteiros (SPL s) segundo as variáveis socioeconômicas e produtivas. Adicionalmente, esses foram comparados com produtores de leite que não adotam práticas de gestão financeira. Para realização do mesmo, foram aplicados 55 questionários semiestruturados junto a produtores de leite da região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. Os questionários foram aplicados entre os meses de setembro de 2013 e abril de 2014. Inicialmente, os dados foram tabulados e foi realizada a análise descritiva dos dados, em que foram dispostos os dados socioprodutivos dos entrevistados e posteriormente foram submetidos à análise estatística multivariada. Foram empregadas as técnicas de formação de clusters e análise fatorial exploratória. A partir de variáveis relativas às práticas de gestão financeira, foram definidos dois grupos. O primeiro formado por produtores de leite que não adotam práticas de gestão financeira nos SPL´s (N=49) e o segundo, por produtores que adotam práticas de gestão financeira nos SPL´s (N=6). Entre os grupos foi constatada diferença estatística (p<0,05) para as variáveis que os definiram: utilização de ferramenta para controle financeiro; utilização de software para controle financeiro e realização de fluxo de caixa. Em uma segunda etapa, foi realizado teste de média e teste de igualdade de proporção para um conjunto de variáveis socioprodutivas. Para essas, não foi constatada diferença estatística entre os grupos. Em análise seguinte, a partir de variáveis socioeconômicas e produtivas e da técnica de análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) foram definidos três fatores. O primeiro fator foi definido por variáveis estruturais (F1); o segundo por variáveis socioeconômicas (F2) e o terceiro por variáveis de informação (F3). O primeiro fator explicou 26% da variância total, sendo, portanto, aquele que mais diferencia os produtores analisados. A partir destes fatores, os grupos de produtores definidos pela análise de cluster foram plotados em gráficos com duas dimensões. Pôde-se concluir que produtores que realizam práticas de gestão financeira (Grupo 2) possuem menor estrutura produtiva, menor valor para variáveis sociais e maior informação sobre gestão financeira do SPL
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Mezipodnikové srovnání / Intercompany comparisonVančura, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with financial analysis and comparison of the biggest dairy producers in the Czech republic between years 2001 and 2007. The comparison is done every year separately when using both single-criteria and multi-criteria methods. The aim of the comparison is to provide the management of MADETA, a.s. with relevant data for its decision-making. The comparison includes these companies: Danone, Mlékárna Hlinsko, Mlékárna Kunín, Moravia Lacto a Olma, a.s..
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Transformation des systèmes bovins laitiers en Indonésie : évaluation de la durabilité et des trajectoires des exploitations / Transformation of dairy production systems in Indonesia : assessing sustainability and long term trajectories of farmsSembada, Pria 11 July 2018 (has links)
En Indonésie, la croissance économique rapide et la sensibilisation à la consommation d'aliments nutritifs sont des facteurs importants qui stimulent la consommation d'aliments d'origine animale, y compris laitiers.Le PIB de l'élevage a ainsi augmenté de plus de 56% entre 2011 et 2015. Même si elle reste relativement faible par rapport aux autres pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, la demande de produits laitiers n’est pas couverte par la production nationale. Celle-ci ne représentait qu'environ 835 000 tonnes en 2015, produites principalement par des petites exploitations familiales.Les petites exploitations représentent la grande majorité des fermes laitières en Indonésie. Avec seulement 4 vaches et moins de 1 ha de terres cultivées par ménage en moyenne, les activités laitières jouent un rôle important dans la sécurisation des moyens de subsistance de ces petites exploitations. Cependant, ces fermes font face à plusieurs contraintes qui empêchent leur durabilité. Dans ce contexte, nous souhaitions rechercher «dans quelle mesure les petites exploitations laitières peuvent-elles être plus durables ?».Notre approche visait à évaluer la durabilité des petites exploitations et à apprécier la dynamique et les changements dans les systèmes de production laitière dans la province de Java Ouest. La première phase (2014) consistait à identifier le rôle d'un projet de développement laitier local et les besoins des fermes laitières. Nous avons recueilli des données auprès de 61 fermes à travers une enquête formelle et auprès de la coopérative laitière. La deuxième phase (2015-2016) consistait à évaluer la durabilité des petites exploitations familiales. Après une revue de bibliographie, nous avons mené des entretiens avec des experts et des acteurs locaux (chercheurs, experts, gouvernement, coopérative, ONG, agriculteurs) afin de proposer six indicateurs de durabilité. Nous avons ensuite mené une enquête formelle auprès de 355 agriculteurs, ce qui nous a permis de quantifier ces indicateurs. La troisième phase (2016-2017) consistait à comprendre la dynamique des systèmes de production laitière. Sur la base des résultats de l'enquête formelle de 355 agriculteurs, nous avons construit une typologie agricole et caractérisé chaque type de fermes. Nous avons ensuite sélectionné 20 fermes qui représentaient chaque type de ferme pour des entretiens approfondis afin de comprendre leurs trajectoires.Nous voulons souligner 3 résultats principaux. Nous montrons l'importance de fournir des formations et un soutien technique pour le développement des moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs. Nous notons que le niveau de capital et la diversification des activités à la ferme jouent un rôle important dans la durabilité des exploitations agricoles. Enfin, si les systèmes mixtes agriculture-élevage restent stables en termes de production laitière, les exploitations spécialisées disposant d'une dotation en capital plus importante ont rapidement augmenté leur taille de troupeau.En conclusion, les agriculteurs ayant une activité diversifiée affichent de meilleures performances en matière de durabilité, mais leur contribution à la production nationale augmente plus lentement. Les fermes spécialisées pourraient jouer un rôle clé pour soutenir la production nationale en raison de l'augmentation rapide du cheptel laitier. Néanmoins, dans une politique de développement laitier il ne serait pas pertinent de se concentrer uniquement sur ces exploitations spécialisées. En raison de leur nombre élevé, les petites exploitations jouent un rôle important dans la réduction de la pauvreté, la création d'emploi, l'alimentation et la fourniture d'un marché national. À l'avenir, les politiques laitières devraient mettre davantage l'accent sur les formations et les programmes de crédit des petits exploitants et fournir des stratégies pertinentes tenant compte du type de ferme, du modèle de durabilité, des trajectoires agricoles afin d'assurer un développement durable. / In Indonesia, rapid economic growth and awareness to consume nutritious food boost animal source foods, consumption, including dairy. As consequence, GDP from livestock sub-sector shows an enhancement to more than 56 percent during five years (2011-2015). Even though, it remains relatively low compared to other South East Asian countries, the demand of dairy products could not be covered by national production. The national production accounted for only around 835.000 tons in 2015 which is produced mostly by smallholder farms.Smallholder farms represent the vast majority of dairy cattle farms in Indonesia. With only 4 cows and less than 1 ha of cultivated land per household on average, dairy activities play an important role in securing the livelihoods of those smallholder farms. However, those farms face several constraints that preclude their sustainability. In that context, we wanted to research “in what condition smallholder dairy farms are more sustainable”.Our approach aimed at evaluating the sustainability of smallholder farms and assessing the dynamics and changes in milk production systems, in West Java Province. The first phase of our study (2014) was to identify the role of a local dairy development project and the needs of the dairy farms. We collected data from 61 farms through formal survey and from milk cooperative The second phase (2015-2016) was to evaluate the sustainability of smallholder dairy farms. After an extensive literature review, we carried out in-depth interviews with experts and local stakeholders (researchers, lecturers, government, cooperative, NGO, farmers) in order to propose six main indicators of sustainability scoring from 0 to 100. We then conducted a formal survey of 355 farmers that allowed us to quantify those indicators. The third phase (2016-2017) was to understand the dynamics of dairy farming systems. Based on the results of the formal survey of 355 farmers, we built a farm typology and characterized each type of farm. We then selected 20 farms which represented each type of farm for in-depth interviews to understand their farm trajectories.From our study, we want to underline 3 main results. First, we show the importance of providing trainings and technical support for the development of farmers’ livelihoods. Second, we note that the level of capital and the diversification of the activities on farm both play important roles in the sustainability of the farms. Third, if mixed crop-livestock systems remain stable in terms of milk production, specialized farms with higher capital endowment increased their herd size rapidly.To conclude, farmers with diversified activity show better sustainability performances than specialized ones, but their contribution to national production increases more slowly. Specialized farm might play a key role to support national production due to rapid increase of the dairy herd. Nevertheless, in a dairy development policy to supply national market, to focus only on those specialized farms could not be relevant. Due to the high number, small-scale farms are important to reducing poverty, to opening job opportunity, to ensuring nutrition and to providing national market. In the future, dairy policies should give more emphasis to smallholders’ trainings and credit programs and to provide relevant strategies considering the farm type, the sustainability pattern, the farm trajectories in order to have sustainable development.
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