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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planering av mejeriproduktion med diskret händelsesimulering / Planning of dairy production using discrete event simulation

Olsson, Philip, Bjelke, Carl-Johan January 2020 (has links)
A producer of dairy products intends to improve planning work by utilizing a simulation model. Dairy production has specific requirements that consequently means that planning is a complex task because of factors such as changeovers of production which limits production flexibility. The purpose of the thesis is thus to create a discrete event simulation for dairy production and to document the specific circumstances and approaches that the simulation project includes to support the producer's development of the planning work. To achieve the purpose, two questions have been formulated that aim to answer for the theoretical work as well as the practical work in establishing a simulation model. The project utilizes a conceptual model and follows a twelve-step model for work sequence. Theory intends to form the basis for answering questions and covers methodological approaches, discrete event simulation, programming methods based on continuous and discrete data and the meaning of stops and changeovers in production. The steps in the methodological approach are limited to problem formulation, setting a project plan and goals using the conceptual model, model building, data collection, coding, verification and validation. The work resulted in a theoretical methodological approach, a conceptual model and a partly verified simulation model for planning based on discrete event simulation. / En mejeriproducent ämnar förbättra sitt planeringsarbete med hjälp av en simuleringsmodell. Mejeriproduktion innebär särskilda krav som leder till att planeringsarbetet blir komplext på grund av omställningsvillkor vilket hämmar flexibiliteten av produktionen. Syftet med examensarbetet är därmed att upprätta en diskret händelsesimulering för mejeriproduktion och dokumentera de särskilda omständigheter och tillvägagångsätt som simuleringsprojektet innefattar för att stödja producentens utveckling av planeringsarbetet. För att uppnå syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats, vilka svarar dels för den teoretiska aspekten av att genomdriva ett sådant projekt, dels för hur en simuleringsmodell kan utformas i praktiken. Simuleringsmodellen upprättas med hjälp av en konceptuell modell samt ett metodologiskt tillvägagångsätt här omnämnt Banks metod. Teoriavsnittet avser att ligga till grund för besvarande av frågeställningar och innefattar metodologiska tillvägagångssätt, diskret händelsesimulering, programmeringsmetoder baserade på kontinuerliga och diskreta data samt innebörden av stopp och omställning i produktion. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet används i begränsad utsträckning. Projektet avgränsas till problemformulering, upprättande av projektplan och mål med hjälp av den konceptuella modellen, insamling av data, modellering och verifiering. Arbetet resulterade i ett teoretiskt metodologiskt tillvägagångssätt, en konceptuell modell samt en delvis verifierad simuleringsmodell för planering baserad på diskret händelsesimulering.

Au pied des collines montérégiennes, des robots : ethnographie de systèmes agricoles automatisés

Laugier, Manuel 05 1900 (has links)
La production laitière au Québec se distingue des autres régions d’Amérique du Nord par son organisation autour de fermes familiales de taille relativement restreinte. Cette réalité découle d’une histoire agricole particulière, marquée par l’aménagement du territoire hérité du modèle seigneurial ainsi que par la mise en place d’une gestion de l’offre couplée à un important protectionnisme fédéral et provincial. Néanmoins, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, le secteur laitier québécois fait face au défi de la libéralisation des accords commerciaux et aux questions d’éthique environnementale et animale. Dans ce contexte, le robot de traite est présenté par ses constructeurs et les pouvoirs publics, comme un moyen de résoudre ces défis. En effet, si plusieurs études concernant cette machine indiquent que de nombreux producteurs tirent certains bénéfices en termes de résultat économique et de qualité de vie, d’autres montrent également que son implantation et ses impacts fluctuent en fonction du contexte politique et socioculturel des régions étudiées. Cette recherche vise à approfondir l’étude de cet équipement agricole en prenant en compte ses dimensions symboliques à l’échelle de la région de la Montérégie. En adoptant une approche sociographique de la technique, l’objectif est de mettre en lumière les relations sociales et les enjeux de pouvoir qui se nouent autour de l’outil. L’étude montre notamment que le robot de traite permet de valoriser un certain ethos industriel mobilisé par les producteurs en vue de la transmission familiale de la ferme ainsi que dans la lutte symbolique face aux firmes industrielles dominant le secteur laitier québécois. Le concept de capital d’enracinement est notamment proposé afin d’aborder l’expression des sentiments de fierté et de responsabilité liés aux héritages familiaux et professionnels. Il en découle des tensions entre les aspirations d’ancrage local et de mobilité des acteurs, ainsi que parmi les différentes temporalités qui se manifestent autour de l’objet, principalement entre le désir d’optimisation permanente du système de production et les obligations, morales et financières, concernant le passé et l’avenir de ces familles. / Dairy production in Quebec differs from other parts of North America by its organization around relatively small family farms. This reality results from a particular agricultural history, marked by the territorial development inherited from the seigneurial system as well as the implementation of supply management coupled with significant federal and provincial protectionism. Nevertheless, since the end of the 20th century, the Quebec dairy sector has faced the challenge of liberalizing trade agreements and questions of animal and environmental ethics. In this context, the milking robot is presented by manufacturers and public authorities as a means of solving these issues. Indeed, if several studies concerning the milking robot indicate that many producers derive certain benefits from it in terms of economic results and quality of life, others also show that its implementation and its impacts fluctuate according to the political and sociocultural context of the regions studied. This research aims to deepen the study of this agricultural equipment by considering its symbolic dimensions at the scale of the Montérégie region. By adopting a sociographic approach to the technique, the objective is to shed light on the social relations and power issues that arise around the tool. In particular, the study shows that the milking robot makes it possible to valorize a certain industrial ethos of the producers mobilized around the family transmission of the farm as well as in the symbolic struggle against the industrial firms dominating the Quebec dairy sector. The concept of rooting capital is proposed in order to address the expression of feelings of pride and responsibility related to family and professional legacies. Tensions arise between the aspirations of local anchorage and mobility of the actors, as well as among the different temporalities that manifest themselves around the object, mainly between the desire for permanent optimization of the production system and the moral and financial obligations concerning the past and the future of these families.

Vikten av våra älskade husdjur : En studie i produktionen och konsumtionen av animalprodukter i Västergarn på Gotland under sen vikingatid och tidig medeltid / The importance of our beloved pets : A study of the production and consumption of animal products in Västergarn on Gotland during the late Viking Age and early Middle Ages

Renmarker, Emmi January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar att utröna om indikationer på produktion av animalprodukter kan observeras i det osteologiska materialet från fastigheten Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. Dessa produktioner kan vara kött-, mejeri- eller ullproduktion. Undersökningen ämnar även ge en inblick i den dåtida ekonomin genom handeln med animalprodukter. I den osteologiska analysen används ålders- och könsbedömningar samt artidentifiering för att skapa en bild av fördelningen i materialet. Resultaten från analysen har sedan tolkats ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv för att dra slutsatser kring handeln med och betydelsen av animalprodukter. Resultaten visade att nötkreaturen sannolikt har använts för både mejeri- och köttproduktion. Fåren har troligtvis främst använts för produktion av ull, men även kött. Svinen har enbart fötts upp för sitt kött. Utöver detta dras slutsatsen att varupengar sannolikt varit en viktig del av ekonomin på platsen. Slutligen konstateras det att denna typ av undersökningar ger en unik inblick i det dåtida vardagslivet genom kosthållning och sysselsättning. / This thesis aims to deduce whether indications of the production of animal products can be observed in the osteological material from the property Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland. These productions can consist of meat-, dairy- or wool production. It also aims to provide an insight into ancient economy through the trade in animal products. In the osteological analysis age and sex assessment as well as species identification are used to establish a pattern of distribution. The results from the analysis have then been interpreted from an economic perspective to draw conclusions about the trade in and importance of animal products. The results showed that the cattle have likely been used for both dairy and meat production. The sheep were probably mainly used to produce wool, but also meat. The pigs were raised solely for their meat. In addition to this, it’s concluded that commodity money likely was an important part of the economy at the site. Lastly, it’s stated that this type of research provides a unique insight into everyday life through dietary choices and occupation.

Combiner Analyse du Cycle de Vie et modèles économiques pour l’évaluation ex-ante d’instruments de politiques publiques – Application au secteur laitier français / Combining Life Cycle Assessment and economic modelling for ex-ante assessment of public policies instruments – Application to French dairy production.

Salou, Thibault 02 February 2017 (has links)
L’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) est une méthode d’évaluation multicritère des impacts environnementaux des biens et services. A ces débuts, l’ACV, dite Attributionnelle (ACVA), s’est attachée à analyser les impacts environnementaux dans des situations statiques pour la réalisation d’études comparatives, la communication environnementale et le développement de produits. De récents développements méthodologiques ont vu l’émergence de l’ACV Conséquentielle (ACVC) qui vise à quantifier les impacts directs et indirects de changements, via les mécanismes de marchés, permettant ainsi l’évaluation de politiques publiques. Cette thèse vise à proposer un cadre méthodologique pour l’évaluation d’instruments de politiques publiques dans le secteur de l’élevage laitier en combinant ACV et modèles économiquesElle s’articule autour de trois axes : i) identification et caractérisation des performances environnementale de technologies de production laitières par ACVA ; ii) adaptation du modèle économique MATSIM-LUCA pour les besoins de la thèse ; iii) évaluation par ACVC des impacts environnementaux de la suppression des quotas laitiers et de l’introduction d’une prime à l’herbe en Europe. Les travaux réalisés fournissent : i) une première proposition méthodologique pour l’évaluation d’instruments de politiques publiques par ACVC dans le secteur de l’élevage et ii) plusieurs pistes d’amélioration nécessaires pour rendre la méthode opérationnelle pour les décideurs publics. / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a multicriteria method to assess environmental impacts of goods and services. In its early stages, LCA, known as Attributional (ALCA), was used to assess environmental impacts in a status-quo situation for benchmarking, environmental communication and product development. Recent methodological developments led to Consequential LCA (CLCA), which aims to quantify direct and indirect impacts of changes, through market mechanisms, allowing for public policy assessment. The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to develop a methodological framework to assess public policy instruments in the livestock sector by combining LCA and economic modellingThis thesis is organized into three axes: i) identification and characterization of environmental performances of dairy production technologies through ALCA; ii) adaptation of MATSIM-LUCA economic model to the needs of the thesis; iii) environmental impact assessment through CLCA of dairy quota removal and implementation of a grass premium in the European Union. This work provides i) initial development of a methodological framework for assessing public policy instruments in the livestock sector and ii) identification of several improvements needed to make the method operational for stakeholders.

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