Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dairy bproducts"" "subject:"dairy byproducts""
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Impact of government regulation on the dairy industry in the United StatesVandegrift, Shia-Lu Chu 12 March 2009 (has links)
The U.S. dairy industry is heavily regulated. The federal government established the first milk regulation under the Agricultural Adjustment Act in 1933. Subsequently, Congress passed the Act of 1935, the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, and the Agricultural Act in 1949. The 1937 and 1949 pieces of legislation have been the basis for milk regulation until now.
The federal government regulates the dairy industry by two programs: (1) the federal milk marketing order program, and (2) the federal price support program. These two programs regulate prices received by farmers. Some states also regulate retail prices for milk.
This paper examines the retail milk markets in three areas: (1) the impact of government milk regulation on retail prices for both fluid and manufacturing milk; (2) the impact of government milk regulation on consumers’ surplus, producers' surplus, and deadweight loss; and (3) the support prices for surplus manufacturing milk.
It was found that government dairy regulation tends to contribute to: (1) providing market stability in terms of minimum price variability and sufficient milk supply for consumers; and (2) guaranteeing high and uniform income for dairy farmers. These benefits, however, are at the expense of the consumers and taxpayers who are paying higher than pure competitive prices for all milk products. Some welfare transfer from the taxpayers to social programs is taking place under current government regulation. Net consumers' surplus is uncertain.
This thesis provides evidence which supports aspects of both the capture theory and market failure theory of the dairy industry in the United States. / Master of Arts
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Assessment of antibiotic resistance phenotypic patern in some commensal bacteria isolated from meat and dairy productsMoyane, Jeremia Ntambama 18 February 2015 (has links)
Department of Food Science and Technology / MSCPNT
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Signal et information imparfaite : quelle efficacité pour les indications géographiques ? : une application aux fromages AOP d’Auvergne / Signal and imperfect information : what effectiveness for the geographical indications? : an application to Auvergne PDO cheesesNgoulma Tang, Jeannot Patrick 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les Indications Géographiques (IG), désignent un label particulier utilisé pour assurer la qualité, l’origine et protéger les produits de la contrefaçon. Elles lient la qualité et la réputation d’un produit à un térritoire et sont très présentes en Europe, notamment en France. A l’heure où les consommateurs demandent davantage de transparence et d’information sur l’origine des biens qu’ils consomment, la valorisation des produits locaux représente un enjeu important. Nous analysons dans cette thèse, le consentement à payer des consommateurs pour les produits sous indications géographiques à l’aide de la base de données Kantar WorldPanel, qui regroupe des données d’achats des ménages français. L’accent étant mis sur les fromages AOP d’Auvergne, nous travaillons sur la période 2008-2010 qui représente la période de réforme et de restructuration des acteurs des filières AOP fromagères auvergnates. Dans un premier temps nous réalisons une méta-analyse afin d’observer ce que les études nous disent sur le sujet. Sachant que le consentement à payer est une prime du prix, nous estimons la dispersion et les déterminants des prix des fromages AOP d’Auvergne dans un second temps. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, nous répondons à notre question de recherche principale en estimant les déterminants de choix et le consentement à payer (CAP) des consommateurs. De façon globale, nous trouvons que l’indication géographique joue un rôle important dans l’esprit des consommateurs durant les actes d’achats, mais pour qu’elle soit plus efficace, elle doit être accompagnée par des stratégies de promotion initiée par les distributeurs et producteurs. De même les attributs des produits et les conditions de distributions jouent un rôle plus important dans les décisions d’achats, par rapport aux caractéristiques propres aux consommateurs. Enfin, nous notons que les consommateurs ont des CAP très différents d’un fromage AOP d’Auvergne à l’autre, mais ces CAP convergent tous vers un prix unique, qui représente le prix espéré par les consommateurs pour ces produits. / Geographical Indications (GIs) designate a particular label used to ensure quality, origin and protect products from counterfeiting. They bind the quality and the reputation of a product to a territory and are very present in Europe, especially in France. At a time when consumers are demanding more transparency and informations about the origin of the goods they consume, valuing local products represents an important issue. In this thesis, we analyze consumers' willingness to pay for products under geographical indications by using the Kantar WorldPanel database, which includes data of purchases of French households. With a focus on Auvergne PDO cheeses, we work on the period 2008-2010, which represents the period of reform and restructuring of actors in the Auvergne PDO cheeses sector. In a first step, we carry out a meta-analysis in order to observe what the studies tell us about the subject. Knowing that the willingness to pay is a price premium, we estimate the dispersion and the price determinants of Auvergne PDO cheeses in a second step. Finally, in a third step, we answer to our main research question by estimating determinants of choices and the consumers' willingness to pay (WTP). Globally, we find that the geographical indication plays an important role in the minds of consumers during purchasing activities, but in order to be more effective, it must be accompanied by promotion strategies initiated by distributors and producers. Similarly attributes of product and conditions of distribution play a more important role in the decisions of purchases, with regard to, the characteristics of consumers. Finally, we note that consumers have WTPs very different from a PDO cheese from Auvergne to another, but all these WTPs converge towards a single price, which represents the expected price of consumers for these products.
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Detecção da origem das matérias graxas presentes em requeijões e similares encontrados no mercado / Detection of the origin of the fat ingredients in Brazilian soft cheeses (requeijões) and similar products from the local marketCancelliero, Ana Carolina 14 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi validar a aplicação da metodologia isotópica de identificação da origem dos gliceróis em gorduras presentes em requeijões e especialidades lácteas com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta de controle de qualidade, de fiscalização de mercado e detecção de fraudes. Para atingir esse objetivo, isolou-se o glicerol de compostos lácteos como requeijões, especialidades lácteas, leite e óleos vegetais (empregados como padrões de origem animal e vegetal, respectivamente) e aplicou-se a metodologia isotópica. O glicerol foi isolado através da centrifugação. Foram analisadas todas as marcas de requeijões e similares (28 marcas) disponíveis nos supermercados da cidade de Piracicaba, e depois, agrupadas conforme sua identificação: requeijão cremoso, especialidade láctea com requeijão cremoso, alimento à base de requeijão e creme vegetal, requeijão cremoso com amido e não identificado. Do total, cinco marcas apresentaram resultados com diferença significativa (p<0,05) quando comparados ao controle (padrão animal - leite). A metodologia isotópica permitiu identificar a origem do material analisado e detectar alterações nos padrões. Comprovou-se a eficácia da metodologia isotópica na identificação da origem da matéria graxa de requeijões e a aplicabilidade da técnica no controle de qualidade de lácteos, auxiliando tanto no recebimento de matéria-prima como de produto final. / The objective of this study was to validate the application of the isotopic methodology of identification of glycerol origin in the fat fraction of "requeijões" (Brazilian soft cheeses) and similar products aiming at the identification of a quality control instrument for market fiscalization and fraud detection. In order to pursue the specific objectives of this study, the glycerol was isolated from spreadable dairy products such as "requeijões" and others. Cow's milk and vegetable oils of known origins were adopted as standards. The isotopic methodology was applied to identify the origin of the carbon present in the glycerol molecule of the fats present in those foods. Glycerol was isolated according to a conventional based on centrifugation. Twenty-eight commercial brands of "requeijões" available in the supermarkets of Piracicaba city were classified according to the information provided in the lables and analyzed. Out of the total, 5 brands were significantly different (p<0,05) when compared to the control (animal pattern - milk), indicating absence of the milk fat in the formulation. The isotopic methodology allowed to identify the origin of the analyzed material and to detect alterations in the patterns. The effectiveness of the isotopic methodology in the identification of origin of the lipid constituents of "requeijão" was proven as well as the applicability of the technique in dairy industry quality control, both in the final product as well as in process supplies.
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Développement de la méthodologie analytique et surveillance des contaminants dans le panier de la ménagère au Liban / Analytical methods development and survey of selected contaminants in a Lebanese food basketBou Khouzam, Rola 12 December 2011 (has links)
L’objectif du travail est d’évaluer le niveau des contaminants (éléments à l’état de traces et pesticides) dans quatre types de produits alimentaires (pain, fromage, végétaux et fruits) et eau potable considérés parmi les produits les plus consommés par les Libanais suivant l’étude du panier de la ménagère faite en 2006. Une méthode analytique pour l’analyse multi élémentaire a été optimisée pour augmenter la sensibilité et réduire les interférences polyatomiques en utilisant la technique de spectrométrie de masse de haute résolution par plasma induit pour la détermination de 20 éléments mineurs et à l’état de trace afin d’évaluer la valeur nutritive et le niveau de contamination. Pour l’analyse des résidus de pesticides, une méthode analytique a été développé pour la détermination des résidus dans des fromages riches en matières grasses (2-25%). La détermination des résidus de pesticides dans le pain, les végétaux et les fruits a été accomplie suivant la méthode QuEChERS. La surveillance du taux des contaminants a été faite sur des échantillons collectés dans des marches de cinq régions géographiques au Liban durant les saisons humide et sèches. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the level of food contaminants, trace elements and pesticides residues, in four types of commodities bread, white cheese, vegetables and fruits, and drinking water considered as the most consumed by the Lebanese population based on the Food Basket Study on 2006. A multielemental method was optimized in terms of sensitivity and inference elimination by using high resolution sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR ICP/MS) for the determination of 20 minor and trace elements in the selected foods to assess the nutritional contribution and the level of contamination. For pesticides residues analysis, an analytical method was developed for the quantification of residues in cheese (2-25% fat). Bread, vegetables and fruit were analysed according to the QuEChERS method. For the monitoring study, the samples were collected during two seasons, wet and dry, from five geographical regions in Lebanon.
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Ferramenta para maximização do lucro de laticínios pelo planejamento do mix ótimo de produtos lácteos e precificação dos componentes do leite cru / Tool for maximizing profit of dairies by planning of the optimal mix of dairy products and by pricing the raw milk componentsMeneghini, Rafael Cedric Möller 21 February 2014 (has links)
Pequenos e médios laticínios têm grandes dificuldades no planejamento da produção para maximizar o lucro. Além disso, a forma atual de precificar o leite cru no Brasil desestimula o produtor a melhorar sua qualidade, pois valoriza mais seu volume do que seus componentes sólidos. A composição do leite cru é muito importante para os laticínios, pois ela afeta diretamente o rendimento de produção e a qualidade dos produtos lácteos. Técnicas de otimização, como programação linear (PL), ajudam a resolver problemas relacionados à decisão do mix de produtos, além de fazer análise econômica dos recursos. Em razão disso, foi desenvolvido em PL um modelo para maximização da margem de contribuição total (MCT = receita total das vendas - custos e despesas diretas totais) e precificação do leite cru através da determinação do mix ótimo de produtos lácteos. O modelo foi simulado em cenários diários de alta (Janeiro) e baixa (Julho) disponibilidade de matéria prima comparando as soluções ótimas com resultados reais de um laticínio do sudeste do Brasil. Foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade dos componentes nutritivos de dois tipos de leite cru de diferentes composições (LC1, leite cru proveniente de um fornecedor, e LC50, leite cru proveniente de 50 fornecedores) para determinar seus preços-sombra. Foram observados preços-sombra para o quilograma da caseína em Janeiro e Julho e para o litro do LC50 em Julho. A MCT ótima e os preços calculados de ambos os tipos de leite cru foram maiores em Janeiro devido à maior disponibilidade de matéria prima. Em ambos os cenários, os preços calculados de ambos os tipos de leite cru foram maiores que os praticados pelo laticínio e o lucro antes de juros, impostos, depreciação e amortização (LAJIDA) diário real foi maior que o ótimo. A embaladora foi um recurso limitante atuante na produção do queijo Minas Frescal nos mixes ótimos. A relação entre margem de contribuição unitária (MCU = preço unitário de venda - custo e despesa diretos unitários) e quantidade necessária de matéria prima por unidade de produto e a disponibilidade de recursos são determinantes na definição do mix de produtos lácteos e da MCT do laticínio. A precificação do leite cru pelo modelo proposto remunera o produtor em função da quantidade de seus componentes. O laticínio pode maximizar seu LAJIDA planejando melhor seu mix de produtos com PL e remunerando melhor seus fornecedores em função da qualidade do leite cru. / Small and medium-sized dairies face great difficulties in production planning to maximize profit. In addition, the current way of pricing the raw milk in Brazil discourages producers to improve its quality because its volume values more than its solid components. The raw milk composition is very important for the dairies because it directly affects the yield and quality of dairy products. Optimization techniques, such as linear programming (LP), aid solve problems related to the decision of the product mix and perform economic analyzes of resources. For this reason, a model was developed in LP to maximizing total contribution margin (TCM = total sales revenues - total variable costs and expenses) and pricing the raw milk by determining the optimal mix of dairy products. The model was simulated in two daily scenarios of high (January) and low (July) availability of raw material comparing the optimal solutions with actual results from a dairy plant in Southeastern Brazil. Sensitivity analyzes of the nutritional components of two kinds of raw milk of different compositions (RM1 and RM50) were performed to determine their shadow-prices. Shadow-prices were observed for the kilogram of casein in January and July and for the liter of RM50 in July. The optimal TCM and the calculated prices of both types of raw milk were higher in January due the increased availability of raw materials. In both scenarios, the calculated prices of both types of raw milk were higher than those paid by the dairy plant and the actual daily earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were greater than the optimum ones. The wrapper was an active limiting resource in the production of Frescal Minas cheese in optimal mixes. The relationship between unit contribution margin (UCM = unit sales price - unit variable cost and expense) and required amount of raw material per unit of output and resource availability are crucial in defining the mix of dairy products and the dairy TCM. The proposed raw milk pricing model pays the producer by the quantity of its components. The dairies can maximize their EBITDA planning their product mixes with LP and remunerating their suppliers based on the quality of raw milk.
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Ferramenta para maximização do lucro de laticínios pelo planejamento do mix ótimo de produtos lácteos e precificação dos componentes do leite cru / Tool for maximizing profit of dairies by planning of the optimal mix of dairy products and by pricing the raw milk componentsRafael Cedric Möller Meneghini 21 February 2014 (has links)
Pequenos e médios laticínios têm grandes dificuldades no planejamento da produção para maximizar o lucro. Além disso, a forma atual de precificar o leite cru no Brasil desestimula o produtor a melhorar sua qualidade, pois valoriza mais seu volume do que seus componentes sólidos. A composição do leite cru é muito importante para os laticínios, pois ela afeta diretamente o rendimento de produção e a qualidade dos produtos lácteos. Técnicas de otimização, como programação linear (PL), ajudam a resolver problemas relacionados à decisão do mix de produtos, além de fazer análise econômica dos recursos. Em razão disso, foi desenvolvido em PL um modelo para maximização da margem de contribuição total (MCT = receita total das vendas - custos e despesas diretas totais) e precificação do leite cru através da determinação do mix ótimo de produtos lácteos. O modelo foi simulado em cenários diários de alta (Janeiro) e baixa (Julho) disponibilidade de matéria prima comparando as soluções ótimas com resultados reais de um laticínio do sudeste do Brasil. Foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade dos componentes nutritivos de dois tipos de leite cru de diferentes composições (LC1, leite cru proveniente de um fornecedor, e LC50, leite cru proveniente de 50 fornecedores) para determinar seus preços-sombra. Foram observados preços-sombra para o quilograma da caseína em Janeiro e Julho e para o litro do LC50 em Julho. A MCT ótima e os preços calculados de ambos os tipos de leite cru foram maiores em Janeiro devido à maior disponibilidade de matéria prima. Em ambos os cenários, os preços calculados de ambos os tipos de leite cru foram maiores que os praticados pelo laticínio e o lucro antes de juros, impostos, depreciação e amortização (LAJIDA) diário real foi maior que o ótimo. A embaladora foi um recurso limitante atuante na produção do queijo Minas Frescal nos mixes ótimos. A relação entre margem de contribuição unitária (MCU = preço unitário de venda - custo e despesa diretos unitários) e quantidade necessária de matéria prima por unidade de produto e a disponibilidade de recursos são determinantes na definição do mix de produtos lácteos e da MCT do laticínio. A precificação do leite cru pelo modelo proposto remunera o produtor em função da quantidade de seus componentes. O laticínio pode maximizar seu LAJIDA planejando melhor seu mix de produtos com PL e remunerando melhor seus fornecedores em função da qualidade do leite cru. / Small and medium-sized dairies face great difficulties in production planning to maximize profit. In addition, the current way of pricing the raw milk in Brazil discourages producers to improve its quality because its volume values more than its solid components. The raw milk composition is very important for the dairies because it directly affects the yield and quality of dairy products. Optimization techniques, such as linear programming (LP), aid solve problems related to the decision of the product mix and perform economic analyzes of resources. For this reason, a model was developed in LP to maximizing total contribution margin (TCM = total sales revenues - total variable costs and expenses) and pricing the raw milk by determining the optimal mix of dairy products. The model was simulated in two daily scenarios of high (January) and low (July) availability of raw material comparing the optimal solutions with actual results from a dairy plant in Southeastern Brazil. Sensitivity analyzes of the nutritional components of two kinds of raw milk of different compositions (RM1 and RM50) were performed to determine their shadow-prices. Shadow-prices were observed for the kilogram of casein in January and July and for the liter of RM50 in July. The optimal TCM and the calculated prices of both types of raw milk were higher in January due the increased availability of raw materials. In both scenarios, the calculated prices of both types of raw milk were higher than those paid by the dairy plant and the actual daily earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were greater than the optimum ones. The wrapper was an active limiting resource in the production of Frescal Minas cheese in optimal mixes. The relationship between unit contribution margin (UCM = unit sales price - unit variable cost and expense) and required amount of raw material per unit of output and resource availability are crucial in defining the mix of dairy products and the dairy TCM. The proposed raw milk pricing model pays the producer by the quantity of its components. The dairies can maximize their EBITDA planning their product mixes with LP and remunerating their suppliers based on the quality of raw milk.
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Sélection de bactéries probiotiques et amélioration de la survie et de la fonctionnalité d'une bactérie modèle, Bifidobacterium bifidum, par modification du potentiel d'oxydoréduction par bullage de gaz / Selection of probiotic strains and improving the survival and functionality of an academic strain, Bifidobacterium bifidum, by changing the redox potential by gas bubblingEbel, Bruno 28 September 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était de sélectionner de manière rationnelle une bactérie probiotique par la mise en place d'un crible ainsi que d'étudier et de comprendre l'impact du potentiel d'oxydoréduction (Eh) et du bullage de gaz sur la survie de Bifidobacterium bifidum dans un produit laitier fermenté. Nous avons tout d’abord développé des techniques de sélection des bactéries sur des critères de viabilité / vitalité (analyse par cytométrie en flux) ainsi que sur des critères de fonctionnalité (pouvoir antioxydant). Nous avons pu sélectionner des souches d'intérêt industriel ainsi qu'une souche d'étude académique, Bifidobacterium bifidum.Nous avons ensuite étudié l'effet de la modification du Eh par bullage de gaz sur la survie de B. bifidum dans un produit laitier fermenté. Les laits fermentés conditionnés sous atmosphère anaérobie (Azote) et/ou réductrice (Azote-Hydrogène) permettent une meilleure survie de la souche au cours du stockage (28 jours – 4 °C) par rapport au Contrôle. Puis, nous avons analysé l'effet d'une croissance sous différents Eh sur la viabilité en milieu modèle et la fonctionnalité de B. bifidum. Une croissance en condition anaérobie et/ou réductrice permet d’améliorer à la fois la résistance aux stress (stress oxydant d’ordre physiologique, stress aux sels biliaires et stress côlon), le pouvoir réducteur (sels de tétrazolium), le pouvoir antioxydant (test KRL et test des comètes) et l’adhérence par rapport au Contrôle. Une modulation des propriétés biochimiques membranaires sous Azote et sous Azote-Hydrogène pourraient expliquer ces phénomènes. L’augmentation des composés thiols exofaciaux et l’augmentation des acides gras insaturés à longues chaines est observée pour des cellules produites sous conditions Azote et Azote-Hydrogène. Ainsi ces conditions de croissance présentent une amélioration majeure de l’effet probiotique de B. bifidum, à la fois d’un point de vue de sa résistance aux stress que d’un point de vue de sa fonctionnalité / The aim of this work was to select rationally a probiotic strain by setting up a screening method as well as study and understand the impact of the redox potential (Eh) and gas bubbling on the survival of Bifidobacterium bifidum in a fermented dairy product. In a first time, we have developed selection techniques of probiotic bacteria on the criteria of viability / vitality (flow cytometry analysis) and on the criteria of functionality (antioxidant). We were able to select strains of industrial interest as well as an academic strain, Bifidobacterium bifidum.Secondly, we have studied effect of modifying redox potential by gas bubbling on the survival of B. bifidum in a fermented dairy product. Thus, fermented milk manufactured under anaerobic condition (Nitrogen,) and/or under reducing one (Nitrogen-Hydrogen) allow a better survival of the probiotic strain during the storage (28 days) at 4 °C compared with the Control fermented milk. Yogurt starter strains are not impacted. Then, we have analysed the effect of a growth under various Eh on the viability in model medium and the functionality of B. bifidum. A growth under anaerobic and/or reducing condition thus improved resistance to stress (physiological oxidative stress, bile salts and intestinal stress) the reducing power (tetrazolium salts) and the antioxidant power (KRL test and comet assay) compared with the Control. The adhesion to Caco-2 cells under these conditions is also improvedModulation of biochemical membrane properties under Azote and Azote-Hydrogen conditions could explain these phenomena. An increase in the proportion of exofacial thiol groups and in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids with long chain was observed for cells produced under Nitrogen and Nitrogen-Hydrogen. These growth conditions present a major improvement for the probiotic effect of B. bifidum, regarding its resistance to stress and its functionality
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Compréhension et caractérisation des mécanismes physiologiques impliqués dans l'activité réductrice de Lactococcus Lactis / Understanding and characterization of physiological mechanisms involved in Lactococcus Lactis reducing activitiesMichelon, Damien 15 June 2010 (has links)
Parmi les bactéries lactiques, Lactococcus lactis est la plus utilisée en fabrication fromagère. Actuellement, les ferments lactiques sont majoritairement choisis pour leurs propriétés acidifiantes, protéolytiques et aromatiques. Un autre paramètre majeur est le potentiel redox (Eh). En effet, un Eh réducteur est souvent associé à une bonne qualité aromatique. L’activité réductrice de L. lactis pourrait donc être un nouveau paramètre à prendre en compte dans la maitrise du Eh dans la fabrication des produits laitiers fermentés. Néanmoins, les mécanismes impliqués dans l’activité réductrice de L. lactis demeurent encore inconnus. L’objectif de ce présent travail de thèse a été de les découvrir. Tout d’abord, nous avons développé des milieux de culture gélosé de discrimination redox utilisant des sels de tétrazolium pour cribler une banque de mutants aléatoires de L. lactis. Ceci a permis de démontrer la participation partielle de la chaine de transport d’électrons (Ménaquinones) dans l’activité réductrice de L. lactis. Ensuite, l’approche biochimique nous a permis de déterminer les composés biochimiques principaux contribuant à la diminution du Eh vers des valeurs très réductrices. La présence de groupements thiols exofaciaux est responsable du Eh réducteur atteint par L. lactis. Enfin, l’analyse protéomique utilisant un marquage spécifique des protéines thiols de surface a mis en évidence la présence d’une dizaine de protéines exposant des groupements thiols exofaciaux potentiellement impliquées dans l’activité réductrice de L. lactis. Les thiols sont connus pour être de très puissants antioxydants ce qui confère à L. lactis un intérêt supplémentaire à prendre en considération dans l’élaboration des produits laitiers fermentés. / Among the Lactic Acid Bacteria, Lactococcus lactis is the most used in cheese making. Nowadays, starters are used mainly for their acidifying, proteolytic and flavor properties. Another important parameter is the redox potential (Eh). Indeed, reducing Eh is often related to good flavor properties. The reducing activity of L.lactis should be therefore a new parameter to take into account in the monitoring of Eh during dairy fermented products making. Nevertheless, the mechanisms involved in the reducing activity of L.lactis are still unknown. The aim of this work was to understand them. First of all, we have developed tetrazolium salts agar plate media in order to screen a random bank of mutants of L. lactis on their redox capacities. These media allowed us to demonstrate the partial implication of the electron transport chain (Menaquinone) in the reducing activities of L. lactis. Secondly, we have determined the biochemical compounds involved in the decrease of Eh to very reducing values thanks to a biochemical approach. Exofacial thiol groups are mainly responsible for the reducing Eh reached by L.lactis. Lastly, a proteomical analysis using a specific staining of thiols surface proteins revealed the presence of about ten proteins displaying thiols exofacials groups. These proteins might be involved in the reducing activity of L.lactis. Thiols are known to be very strong antioxidants which confer to L. lactis an additional interest to consider in dairy products making.
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Detecção da origem das matérias graxas presentes em requeijões e similares encontrados no mercado / Detection of the origin of the fat ingredients in Brazilian soft cheeses (requeijões) and similar products from the local marketAna Carolina Cancelliero 14 September 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi validar a aplicação da metodologia isotópica de identificação da origem dos gliceróis em gorduras presentes em requeijões e especialidades lácteas com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta de controle de qualidade, de fiscalização de mercado e detecção de fraudes. Para atingir esse objetivo, isolou-se o glicerol de compostos lácteos como requeijões, especialidades lácteas, leite e óleos vegetais (empregados como padrões de origem animal e vegetal, respectivamente) e aplicou-se a metodologia isotópica. O glicerol foi isolado através da centrifugação. Foram analisadas todas as marcas de requeijões e similares (28 marcas) disponíveis nos supermercados da cidade de Piracicaba, e depois, agrupadas conforme sua identificação: requeijão cremoso, especialidade láctea com requeijão cremoso, alimento à base de requeijão e creme vegetal, requeijão cremoso com amido e não identificado. Do total, cinco marcas apresentaram resultados com diferença significativa (p<0,05) quando comparados ao controle (padrão animal leite). A metodologia isotópica permitiu identificar a origem do material analisado e detectar alterações nos padrões. Comprovou-se a eficácia da metodologia isotópica na identificação da origem da matéria graxa de requeijões e a aplicabilidade da técnica no controle de qualidade de lácteos, auxiliando tanto no recebimento de matéria-prima como de produto final. / The objective of this study was to validate the application of the isotopic methodology of identification of glycerol origin in the fat fraction of "requeijões" (Brazilian soft cheeses) and similar products aiming at the identification of a quality control instrument for market fiscalization and fraud detection. In order to pursue the specific objectives of this study, the glycerol was isolated from spreadable dairy products such as "requeijões" and others. Cow's milk and vegetable oils of known origins were adopted as standards. The isotopic methodology was applied to identify the origin of the carbon present in the glycerol molecule of the fats present in those foods. Glycerol was isolated according to a conventional based on centrifugation. Twenty-eight commercial brands of "requeijões" available in the supermarkets of Piracicaba city were classified according to the information provided in the lables and analyzed. Out of the total, 5 brands were significantly different (p<0,05) when compared to the control (animal pattern - milk), indicating absence of the milk fat in the formulation. The isotopic methodology allowed to identify the origin of the analyzed material and to detect alterations in the patterns. The effectiveness of the isotopic methodology in the identification of origin of the lipid constituents of "requeijão" was proven as well as the applicability of the technique in dairy industry quality control, both in the final product as well as in process supplies.
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