Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorsystem"" "subject:"aktorsystem""
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Using Augmented Reality to Increase a Heavy Vehicle Operator's Situational AwarenessPäivärinne, Kim January 2018 (has links)
While operating a vehicle it is important to pay close attention to things such asdriving environment, other vehicles and your own vehicle. Developing a high level ofsituational awareness can be very beneficial for driving safety as it helps with makingdecisions.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and explore how we can use augmentedreality to increase the situational awareness of a heavy vehicle operator. Our approachto solving this problem is to use the double diamond design method along with aliterary investigation in order to solve the correct problem, in the best way possible.For evaluation we did user testing and questionnaires to measure mental workloadand situational awareness. In this work we produced a prototype augmented realityapplication which we used in our tests. User feedback were almost entirely positive.
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Texture Classification by High Order Symmetry Derviatives of GaussiansPomwenger, Werner January 2003 (has links)
In this master thesis we propose high order symmetry derivatives of gaussians for texture classification. The symmetry derivative approach is applied to a multiresolutional pyramid structure, which finally results in a more dimensional feature space represented by high order complex moments. For visualization of results the features are presented to a image classification and segmentation algorithm using multidimensional clustering and orientation adaptive boundary refinement. Test images are generated to validate the functionality of symmetry derivatives for textures with multiple orientations and in this context we propose an extension of double angle representati onto visualize multiple local orientations. Further experiments with real texture images are carried out to improve the quality of the feature space byusing different methods for preprocessing and feature space dimensionality reduction.
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Resursoptimering i datacenter med utgångspunkt i serveroperativsystemOlsson, Kristofer, McKinnon Forsell, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Allt fler företag flyttar sina datorsystem från att nyttja lokal infrastruktur till att åtnjuta utlokaliserad och centraliserad drift och infrastruktur i datacenter. Detta ökar kraven på datacenteroperatörerna dels externt för att maximera tillgängliga resurser för varje kund och dels internt för att vinstmaximera. Genom optimering kan företag således frigöra så mycket resurser som möjligt per investering till slutkund. Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka om huruvida det går att identifiera några skillnader i hur effektivt Windows-baserade och Unix-lika operativsystem nyttjar tillgängliga resurser i datorsystem med utgångspunkt i rollen som webbserver. Projektet består av en kvantitativ undersökning av DebianGNU/Linux, Gentoo Linux och Microsoft Windows Server 2012 samt hur dessa tre operativsystem nyttjar tillgängliga resurser i ett serversystem beträffande programvara ofta förknippad med webbservrar; Apache HTTP, MicrosoftIIS och MySQL. Undersökningen visar att det är svårt att dra generella slutsatser och att det finns för- och nackdelar med respektive paradigm. Undersökningenvisar dock att Unix-lika system helt byggda från källkod (Gentoo Linux) erbjuder en mycket signifikant fördel ur prestandasynpunkt beträffande Apache HTTP och antalet simultana besökare systemet kan hantera. Undersökningen visar också att Windows Server 2012 är marginellt mer effektivt när det gäller prestanda i primärminnet. Dessutom visar undersökningen att Microsofts egen webbserver, IIS, presterar avsevärt bättre än Apache i Windows Server 2012-miljö. De resultat som presenteras i denna rapport är reproducerbara och kvantifierbara för att assistera framtida forskningsprojekt. / More and more companies move their computer systems from local infrastructure to enjoy the benefits of outsourced and centralised operations and infrastructure in data centres. This increases the demands on data centre operators, externally to maximise available resources for each customer, and internally to maximise profits by optimising resource consumption and thus free up as much resources as possible per investment to customers. The purpose of this project is to investigate whether or not there are differences in how effectively Windows-based and Unix-like operating systems utilise the available resources in computer systems on the basis of the role of a web server. The project consists of a quantitative survey of Debian GNU/Linux, Gentoo Linux, and Microsoft Windows Server 2012, and how these three operating systems utilise the available resources in a server system regarding software often associated with web servers; Apache HTTP, Microsoft IIS, and MySQL. The survey showsthat it is difficult to draw general conclusions, but there are advantages and disadvantages related to respective paradigm. The survey shows, however, that Unix-like system completely built from source code (Gentoo Linux) provide very significant advantages from a performance point of view regarding the Apache HTTP server, and the number of simultaneous requests the system can serve. The survey also shows that Windows Server 2012 is marginally more effective in primary memory performance. In addition, the survey shows that Microsoft’ sown web server, IIS, performs significantly better than Apache in a Windows Server 2012 environment. The results presented in this report are reproducible and quantifiable to aid future research projects.
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Virtual reality and input devices: The habit of gamingLundmark, Simon January 2017 (has links)
With the huge rise in popularity for Virtual Reality headsets, the market has become a bit of a wild-west situation where the technology is being explored for strengths, weaknesses and possible uses. Though, VR headsets have also opened up the possibility to explore and use alternate input and output devices to give a more realistic feeling. The boom has also opened up the doors for the use of Virtual Reality within education. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there is a difference between people that play video games and people who don’t when using Virtual Reality. This thesis was tested in a five minute experience using Unreal Engine 4. As hardware, the HTC Vive and Leap Motion were used. / Med den stora ökningen i popularitet för Virtual Reality headsets har marknaden blivit lite av en vilda västern situation där teknologin utforskas för att hitta styrkor, svagheter och användningsområden. VR headsets har också öppnat upp för möjligheten att utforska och använda alternativa gränssnitt för att ge en mer realistisk känsla. Ökningen har också öppnat dörrar för att använda Virtual Reality inom utbildning. Målet med denna uppsats är att utreda om det finns en skillnad mellan folk som spelar datorspel och folk som inte gör det när Virtual Reality används. Denna undersökning gjordes i en fem minuters lång upplevelse skapad med hjälp av Unreal Engine 4. Som hårdvara användes HTC Vive och Leap Motion.
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Efficient database management based on complex association rulesZhang, Heng January 2017 (has links)
The large amount of data accumulated by applications is stored in a database. Because of the large amount, name conflicts or missing values sometimes occur. This prevents certain types of analysis. In this work, we solve the name conflict problem by comparing the similarity of the data, and changing the test data into the form of a given template dataset. Studies on data use many methods to discover knowledge from a given dataset. One popular method is association rules mining, which can find associations between items. This study unifies the incomplete data based on association rules. However, most rules based on traditional association rules mining are item-to-item rules, which is a less than perfect solution to the problem. The data recovery system is based on complex association rules able to find two more types of association rules, prefix pattern-to-item, and suffix pattern-to-item rules. Using complex association rules, several missing values are filled in. In order to find the frequent prefixes and frequent suffixes, this system used FP-tree to reduce the time, cost and redundancy. The segment phrases method can also be used for this system, which is a method based on the viscosity of two words to split a sentence into several phrases. Additionally, methods like data compression and hash map were used to speed up the search.
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Autolab : Ett automatiskt laborationsrättningssystem / Autolab : An automated laboratory work correction systemNorström, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Användningen av automatiserade system är en vanlig lösning för att underlätta en manuell arbetsbörda inom många områden. Autolab är en prototyp av ett automatiskt laborationsrättningssystem avsett att kunna användas som ett hjälpmedel inom undervisning för att reducera arbetsbördan för lärare. Examensarbetet har inneburit att skapa och integrera ny funktionalitet till systemet. Bland annat att skapa en enklare plagiatkontroll baserad på strängmatchning för att upptäcka och förhoppningsvis förbygga fusk mellan studenters inlämnade laborationer. För att underlätta förståelsen till användare för hur Autolab fungerar skapades dokumentation över hur systemet används som både lärare och student. Efter att analyserat vad som implementerats till Autolab ges förslag på vad som kan förbättras i systemet till framtiden.
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Site to Cloud lösning i Microsoft Azure / Site to Cloud solution in Microsoft AzureBirgersson, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
I dagens samhälle så blir vi allt mer och mer beroende av den teknik vi utvecklar, därför är det av större vikt att vi alltid skall ha tillgång till den information som vi behöver för att kunna göra våra dagliga sysslor. Detta lägger större press på att de system som utvecklas skall fungera felfritt och man skall ha snabba responstider för att allt ska flyta på så bra som möjligt och om det så skulle bli en kritisk systemkrasch så skall inte informationen gå helt förlorad. Därför har det blivit populärt att ändra från att ha personliga servrar till att köra allt mer och mer applikationer och information i det så kallade ”molnet”. Därför är det av allt större intresse att ha koll på några av de större leverantörerna av molntjänster och hur man kan använda dessa för att få en bättre verksamhet. Därför kommer denna rapport att handla om hur ett arbete utförts på TeamNorrs begäran för att göra en jämförelse mellan Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform och Amazon Web Services. Den kommer även gå igenom hur responstiderna ser ut till några av världens datacenter med en utgångspunkt från TeamNorrs huvudkontor i Umeå. Rapporten går även igenom hur man själv kan testa på Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform och Amazon Web Services, och hur man i Microsoft Azure kan göra en så kallad ”Site to Cloud” lösning med en VPN tunnel för att kunna skapa en MSSQL backup i molnet. Sedan diskuteras för och nackdelar med det arbete som utförts, samt vilka förbättringar som skulle kunna vara aktuella i framtiden. / In todays society we become more and more dependent on the technology we develop, so it is of greater importance that we always have access to the information we need to do our daily tasks. It is more pressing than ever that the developed systems should work well and that you should have quick response times for everything to flow as smooth as possible and if there would be a critical system crash, the information should not be completely lost. Therefore, it has become more popular to go from, having personal servers to use more and more applications and information in the so-called "cloud". That´s why it is becoming increasingly important to keep track of some of the major cloud service providers and how to use them to archive a better business. This report will be about how a work was done at TeamNorrs request to make a comparison between Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. It will also review the response times to some of the worlds data centers with a starting point from TeamNorrs headquarters in Umeå. It also describe how you can put up your own environment to test Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, and how to do a so-called "Site to Cloud" solution with a Virtual Private Network tunnel in Microsoft Azure, where it will also show you how you can create an MSSQL backup in the cloud. Then discusses the pros and cons of the work done and what improvements could be relevant for the future.
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On Pre-deployment Assessment and Security Bootstrapping of Industrial Communication NetworksRay, Apala January 2017 (has links)
The severity of cyber threats towards existing and future industrial systems has resulted in an increase of security awareness in the industrial automation domain. Compared to traditional information systems, industrial communication systems have different performance and reliability requirements. The safety and availability requirements can also sometimes conflict with the system security design of plants. For instance, it is not acceptable to create a secure system that may take up additional time to establish security and as a consequence disrupt the production in plants. Similarly, a system that requires authentication and authorization procedures before an emergency action may not be suitable in industrial plants. On the other hand, lack of security can hamper safety of a plant. Therefore, there is a need for improvement of the security workflow in industrial plants, so that the practical realization of security can be achieved. This includes secure device deployment and secure data communication inside the industrial plants. Furthermore, the industrial plant networks are heterogeneous in terms of hardware, software, and protocols. This complicates security assessment of industrial networks. In this thesis, the focus is on achieving a secured communication infrastructure for heterogeneous industrial networks. The initial trust establishment is the starting point for enabling a secure communication infrastructure. A framework for the initial trust establishment for industrial devices that can support key management using the existing trust of employees in a plant is proposed. With the help of a proof-of-concept implementation and security analysis, it is shown that the proposed framework is feasible to implement and satisfies the security objectives. After establishing initial trust within industrial devices, assessing heterogeneous security properties based on the network architecture is another focus of this thesis. A model to estimate the security assurance of nodes in a heterogeneous network, where all devices are not having the same level of security mechanisms, is given. Along with cyber security requirements of industrial plants, it is also necessary to consider other important requirements of plants in terms of network performance. In this thesis, identification of an optimized path between two systems in a heterogeneous network in terms of the network performance and the network security is explored. The applicability of this balancing approach has been demonstrated in a specific case of smart grid application where security, network capacity and reachability need to be optimal for successful network operation.
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Analysis of a Bitcoin debit card : Design of a novel Bitcoin payment system / Analys av ett Bitcoinbetalkort : Design av ett nytt betalsystem som använder BitcoinLövhall, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
This thesis introduces a debit card based payment system that aims to provide fast in-store payments using Bitcoin. The system introduces physical constraints to Bitcoin payments to enable stores to accept payments before they are in a block.The proposed system was tested in a proof of concept model to estimate the time itwould take to pay with the system on the real Bitcoin network. A security analysis was performed to validate system security and to point out potential problems. The security analysis was done by interviewing five experts from different organizations to receive different views on the system. The analysis of the system indicated that it could potentially be fast enough to be used in stores, however security problems exist and need to be considered.
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Utveckling av system förkommunikation med chattbottar / Development of a chatbot communication systemJonsson Lindahl, Nils January 2017 (has links)
Chattbottar har den senaste tiden, genom snabbmeddelandetjänsternas stora tillväxt, blivitallt populärare. Chattbottar används idag till allt från automatisk kundtjänst tillnöjesinriktade ändamål. Numera finns flera olika ramverk för att skapa chattbottar med olikaegenskaper.Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur chattbottar kan integreras i existerandesnabbmeddelandetjänster på ett underhållbart och flexibelt sätt. En prototyplösning förmeddelandetjänsten Briteback skapades med opensource-ramverken React, Node.js och Deepstream. Rapporten beskriver för- och nackdelar med den valda lösningen specielltavseende flexibilitet och underhåll.
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