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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimulação na creche: efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento e comportamento da criança / Stimulation in Day Care Center: effects on the development and behavior of children

Patricia de Souza Almeida 29 May 2009 (has links)
Os primeiros anos da infância são primordiais para que a criança esteja em um ambiente estimulador, prazeroso e lúdico, com oportunidades para desenvolver seus sentidos e habilidades. A criança quando estimulada se torna mais ativa, dinâmica, criativa, emocionalmente equilibrada e saudável, e passa a realizar melhor as atividades propostas, a encontrar soluções e a apresentar uma boa socialização. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: verificar, em crianças de creche, o efeito da estimulação ambiental e voltada para as necessidades específicas individuais sobre o desenvolvimento psicomotor e mental, bem como sobre o comportamento, avaliados segundo as Escalas Bayley do Desenvolvimento Infantil Segunda Edição (1993); comparar os grupos com ganhos e perdas nos índices apurados, de acordo com as variáveis consideradas como fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento; analisar a correlação entre os índices do desenvolvimento e o comportamento. A amostra foi constituída por 50 crianças de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária entre 4 e 42 meses, que freqüentavam duas creches do município de Ribeirão Preto. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com os pais ou responsáveis e as crianças foram submetidas à avaliação do desenvolvimento infantil, utilizando-se as Escalas Bayley de Desenvolvimento Infantil, em duas fases: antes (Fase I) e após (Fase II) um período de estimulação do desenvolvimento implementado em uma das creches. Os valores médios do Índice de Desenvolvimento Mental (IDM) e do Índice de Desenvolvimento Psicomotor (IDP), de ambos os grupos Estimulado (E) e Não Estimulado (NE), encontravam-se na classificação de desenvolvimento normal, nas Fases I e II. Na Fase I, o IDP médio do Grupo NE foi significativamente maior do que o do Grupo E. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o valor médio de IDP na Fase I e na Fase II do Grupo E (I < II). Maior tempo de amamentação e idade da criança apresentaram correlação com aumento dos índices na avaliação do desenvolvimento mental; e carência nutricional com diminuição, no Grupo E. Maior peso ao nascimento e menor idade ao engatinhar apresentaram correlação com aumento dos índices de desenvolvimento psicomotor no Grupo NE. Não foi possível comparações dado o pequeno número com redução no IDP. Com relação à Avaliação do Comportamento (BRS Behavior Rating Scale), houve diferença significativa entre Fase I e II para o Grupo Estimulado nos Fatores Controle Emocional e Qualidade Motora. Comparando-se os valores de BRS, IDM e IDP, obteve-se que os valores maiores da BRS foram nos grupos com ganhos, principalmente entre os estimulados, embora sem diferença estatisticamente significativa, porém com tendência (p=0,06) em IDM. Os dados obtidos sugerem para a amostra estudada que baixa renda familiar, má alimentação materna e uso de tabaco durante a gestação, más condições de alimentação e saúde atual das crianças, problemas de relacionamento pai-criança e entre os pais mostraram-se potenciais fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento. Por outro lado, idade e escolaridade dos pais, melhores condições de saneamento e moradia, pré-natal adequado, parto normal, peso e tamanho adequados ao nascimento, desenvolvimento postural dentro da normalidade, mostraram-se potenciais fatores de proteção ao desenvolvimento. Conclui-se que estimulação ambiental e voltada para as necessidades específicas individuais pode auxiliar o desenvolvimento psicomotor e a qualidade do comportamento. / The first years of childhood are essential to the child, is an environment stimulating, pleasurable and fun, with opportunities to develop their senses and abilities. When stimulated, the child becomes more active, dynamic, creative, emotionally balanced and healthy, and will perform better the proposed activities, to find solutions and make a good socialization. The objectives of this study were: to determine, in children from day care, the effect of environmental stimulation and toward the specific needs of individual mental and psychomotor development as well as behavior, evaluated according to the Bayley Scales of Infant Development - Second edition (1993); compare the groups with gains and losses recorded in the indices, according to the variables considered as risk factors for development; analyze the correlation between the indices of development MDI (Mental Development Index) and PDI (Psychomotor Development Index), and behavior (BRS Behavior Rating Scale), established by the Bayley Scales of Infant Development - Second Edition (1993). The sample consisted of 50 children of both sexes, aged between 4 and 42 months, who attended two day care centers in the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil. Individual interviews were conducted with parents or guardians and the children were submitted to evaluation of development, using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, in two phases: before (Phase I) and after (Phase II) a period stimulation of the development implemented in one of the day care centers. The average values of MDI and PDI of both groups - Stimulated (E) and Non-Stimulated (NE), were in the classification of normal development in Phases I and II. In Phase I, the average PDI of Group NE was significantly higher than that of Group E (p =0,002). There was a statistically significant difference between the average value of PDI in Phase I and Phase II of Group E, higher in the phase II (p=0,002). Longer breast-feeding and child\'s age also correlated with increases in indices in the assessment of mental development; and nutritional status with a decrease in Group E. Higher birth weight and lower the age creep showed correlation with increased indices of psychomotor development in Group NE. None of the variables of personal history, family and environmental analysis also correlated with an increase or decrease of the indices in the assessment of psychomotor development of the Group E, which may suggest that the increase in PDI is the result of stimulation implemented with this group. Regarding the Assessment of Behavior, there was significant difference between Phase I and II for the Group Stimulated in Emotional Control and Motor Quality Factors. Comparing the values of BRS, MDI and PDI, it was obtained that the higher values of BRS were the groups with gains, particularly among stimulated, but no statistically significant difference, but with a tendency (p = 0.06) for gains in MDI. The data suggest for the sample studied that low-income family, poor maternal nutrition and smoking during pregnancy; poor conditions of nutrition and health of children today; problems of relationship between parent-child and the parents seemed to be potential factors for risk to development. While, higher age and parents\' education; better sanitation and housing conditions; adequate prenatal care; normal delivery; weight and size appropriate for the birth; postural development within the normal range, were potential protective factors to development. It is concluded that environmental stimulation and toward the individual needs can assist the psychomotor development and quality of behavior.

Qualidade do atendimento de creches: análise de uma escala de avaliação / Quality of day care centers: analysis of a scale of assessment

Scheila Machado da Silveira 21 August 2009 (has links)
No momento em que a creche integrou o sistema educativo brasileiro, o Estado depara-se com o desafio de estabelecer parâmetros de qualidade e critérios de avaliação do atendimento oferecido às crianças de 0-6 anos. Desta maneira, uma avaliação instrumentalizada da qualidade de ambientes de creches poderia auxiliar nesta tarefa. Dada a inexistência de instrumentos brasileiros, esta pesquisa objetivou verificar a adequabilidade para o nosso contexto da versão traduzida da escala norte-americana Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale Revised Edition, utilizada internacionalmente para avaliar a qualidade do atendimento oferecido para crianças de 0-30 meses. Essa escala é composta por 39 itens agrupados em sete subescalas, que contemplam diversas dimensões do ambiente de creches: Espaço e mobiliário (5 itens); Rotinas de cuidado pessoal (6); Falar e compreender (3); Atividades (10); Interação (4); Estrutura do programa (4); Pais e equipe (7). Tais itens servem de guia para observações feitas nas várias áreas da creche, durante atividades rotineiras de uma turma de crianças e sua(s) educadora(s); com base nas condições observadas e nas descrições dos indicadores de qualidade da escala, o avaliador atribui pontuação de 1 (inadequado) a 7 (excelente) para cada item. Esta pesquisa englobou quatro etapas: (1)análise semântica; (2)treinamento e familiarização com a escala; (3)verificação da discriminabilidade; (4)verificação da concordância entre aplicadores treinados. Na Etapa 1, seis participantes avaliaram se as sentenças escritas nos indicadores de qualidade da escala expressavam claramente o que deveria ser observado. Dos 466 indicadores, 80% foram considerados compreensíveis por todas as participantes; os 93 indicadores considerados com dificuldades de compreensão semântica passaram por revisão e 57% foram reescritos. Na Etapa 2 (treino através de vídeo e aplicação da escala em três turmas, uma de creche universitária e duas de creche filantrópica), o índice de acordo obtido entre dois aplicadores na terceira turma (82%) permitiu encerrar o treinamento. Na Etapa 3, a escala foi aplicada em quatro turmas de creches com tipos diferentes de gestão (universitária, municipal, filantrópica e particular) a escala discriminou níveis diferentes de qualidade, conforme o escore total obtido (E.T.): as turmas Universitária (E.T.=4,97) e Municipal (E.T.=3,33) apresentaram nível de qualidade suficiente e as turmas Filantrópica (E.T.=2,7) e Particular (E.T.=1,57), nível de má qualidade. Na Etapa 4, dois aplicadores treinados avaliaram, simultânea e independentemente, duas turmas, uma de creche municipal e outra universitária; o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse indicou uma concordância quase perfeita (0,83) e substancial (0,66), respectivamente para cada turma; a análise de concordância sugeriu um nível satisfatório de precisão da escala. As avaliações realizadas identificaram, em cada turma, aspectos positivos da qualidade do atendimento e aspectos que necessitam de melhorias, os quais foram apresentados às coordenadoras das creches, favorecendo reflexões/discussões sobre qualidade do atendimento e oferecendo a elas subsídios para trabalhar com as educadoras; pois, para promover um ambiente institucional de qualidade é importante que a equipe discuta e reflita sobre aspectos positivos já presentes e aqueles que necessitam de planejamento para serem implantados. Desta maneira, a escala pode ser um instrumento útil na promoção de qualidade do atendimento infantil em creches brasileiras. / At the moment that day care center was incorporated to Brazilian educational system, the State come across with the challenge of establishing quality parameters and criteria for evaluation of services provided to children of 0-6 years. Thus, assessment the environmental quality of day care center by an instrument could help in this task. Because of the nonexistence of Brazilian instruments, this research aimed to verify the suitability for our context of translated version of the North American scale Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale - Revised Edition, used internationally to assess the quality of services offered for children of 0-30 months. This scale consists of 39 items grouped into seven subscales, which include various dimensions of day care center environment: Space and furnishings (5 items), Personal care routines (6); Speaking and understanding (3) Activities (10); Interaction (4) Program structure (4) Parents and staff (7). These items serve as a guide for observations made in various areas of day care center, during routine activities of a group of children and their teacher(s); based on observed conditions and descriptions of quality indicators of the scale, the evaluator assigns scores of 1 (inadequate) to 7 (excellent) for each item. This study included four phases: (1) semantic analysis, (2) training and familiarization with the scale, (3) verification of the scales discrimination, (4) verification of agreement between trained evaluators. In the Phase 1, six participants judged if the written phrases of quality indicators of the scale expressed clearly what should be observed. Of the 466 indicators, 80% were considered understandable by all participants, the 93 indicators considered not understandable underwent revision and 57% have been rewritten. In the Phase 2 (training through video and application of scale in three playrooms, a playroom of an university day care center and two playrooms of a philanthropic day care center), the agreement between two evaluators in the third playroom (82%) allowed finishing the training. In Phase 3, the scale was applied in four playrooms of day care centers with different types of management (university, public, private and philanthropic) - the scale discriminated different levels of quality, according to the total score obtained (T.S.): the playrooms University (T.S. = 4.97) and Public (T.S.= 3.33) had sufficient level of quality and the playrooms Philanthropic (T.S.= 2.7) and Private (T.S.= 1.57), level of poor quality. In Phase 4, two trained evaluators assessed, at the same time and independently, two playrooms, a playroom of a public day care center and another university; the intraclass correlation coefficient indicated an almost perfect correlation (0.83) and substantial agreement (0.66), respectively for each class, the analysis of agreement suggested a satisfactory level of accuracy of the scale. The evaluations identified, in each class, the positive aspects of quality of service and aspects that need improvement, which were presented to the day care centers coordinators, encouraging reflections and discussions about quality of service and offering them subsidies for working with educators; because, to promote the quality of institutional environments is important that the team discuss and reflect on positive aspects already present and those that require planning to be implemented. Thus, the scale may be a useful tool in promoting quality of service provided to children in Brazilians day care centers.

Formação de professores e professoras de educação infantil no curso de pedagogia : estágio e pesquisa / Teacher training and teachers of child education the course of pedagogy : internship and research

Drumond, Viviane, 1970- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T14:51:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Drumond_Viviane_D.pdf: 2194101 bytes, checksum: 538b3598e1e630d48671961b2ead286b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa de doutorado investiga a formação de professores(as) de Educação Infantil no Curso de Pedagogia e tem como objetivo central analisar uma experiência de estágio na Educação Infantil, com uma turma de estudantes-estagiárias da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus de Miracema. Busca também problematizar as políticas públicas de formação de professores(as) para a primeira etapa da Educação Básica, na articulação com os movimentos sociais e feministas. Os cadernos de campo foram utilizados como principal ferramenta para o registro das observações do estágio e analisados com base nas categorias: professor(a)-família; professor(a)-professor(a); professor(a)-criança (políticas); professor(a)-crianças (pedagogia); criança-criança, com o olhar voltado para o espaço físico, as relações de gênero e étnico-raciais e as brincadeiras infantis. Além disso, aplicou-se um questionário e realizaram-se entrevistas com as estagiárias. O estudo aborda os saberes e os fazeres nas creches e nas pré-escolas e aprofunda e destaca a especificidade da docência com crianças pequenas, à medida que guarda distanciamentos com relação ao ensino escolar. A partir do olhar das ciências sociais, as crianças são vistas como protagonistas do próprio processo de formação, com direito de coletivamente produzir as culturas infantis. As análises evidenciam as lacunas presentes no projeto pedagógico curricular do curso de Pedagogia e permitem propor a arte ao lado das outras ciências da educação, para a formação de professores(as) de crianças pequenas. O estudo, que permitiu às estagiárias conhecer mais sobre as crianças e descrever e analisar o cotidiano das creches e das pré-escolas, destaca a importância dos estágios na formação de docentes e pretende contribuir com a formação de professores(as) de crianças da Educação Infantil e dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, na construção da Pedagogia da Infância de 0 a 10 anos / Abstract: This doctoral research investigates the training of Early Childhood Education teachers in the Course of Pedagogy and has the main purpose of analyzing an experience of internship in Early Childhood Education, among a class of female students/interns from the Federal University of Tocantins, campus of Miracema. It also seeks to problematize the public policies of teacher education for the first stage of Basic Education, in articulation with the social and feminist movements. The fieldwork notebooks, main tool used to write down the observations, were analyzed on the basis of the following categories: teacher-family; teacher-teacher; teacher-child (policies); teacher-children (pedagogy); child-child, taking a look at the physical ambience, gender and ethnic/racial relations and children at play. In addition, a questionnaire was applied and interviews were conducted with the female interns. The study deals with the teacher's knowledge and doing in the day-care centers and pre-schools, and also highlights and goes deep into the specific aspects of teaching aimed at young children, as it keeps a distance in relation to regular schooled teaching. From the perspective of the social science, children are seen as protagonists of their own formation process, with the right to collectively produce the so called children's cultures. The analyses make it clear that there are gaps in the pedagogical-curricular project of the Course of Pedagogy and they also allow the use of art, together with other sciences of education, in the training of teachers who will work with young children. The study, which allowed the female interns to get to know more about children and describe and analyze the everyday routine of day-care centers and preschools, is intended to contribute with the formation of Early Childhood Education teachers and the first years of regular schooling, in the construction of the Pedagogy of Childhood from zero to 10 years / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais na Educação / Doutora em Educação


DANIELA DE OLIVEIRA GUIMARAES 17 September 2008 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da tese foi conhecer e compreender as relações dos adultos com as crianças e das crianças entre si, numa creche pública da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Tendo como base a história das creches no Brasil, a perspectiva médica e sanitarista nestas instituições, o viés higienista dos contatos entre adultos e crianças na creche é discutido e o seu desdobramento numa perspectiva do cuidado como ato instrumental e mecânico. No contraponto, a tese traz a visão de Foucault acerca do cuidado (a partir do seu estudo da cultura greco-romana), compreendido como cuidado de si, exigindo um trabalho permanente sobre si, questionamento de si mesmo, numa dimensão ética e humanitária. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no berçário de uma creche pública do Rio de Janeiro. A perspectiva etnográfica orientou a permanência no campo, onde foram realizadas descrições densas das interações e práticas, fotografias e entrevistas com as profissionais envolvidas diretamente com os bebês, as recreadoras. Tendo como base os estudos de Marcel Mauss sobre as técnicas corporais, a pesquisa mapeou a funcionalidade e utilidade do corpo das crianças no dia a dia, assim como diferentes modalidades de cuidado que emergiram (automático, disciplinar, e como atenção a si e às crianças). Dispositivos de poder presentes no cotidiano foram analisados, tais como os berços, cadeiras de alimentação e os trabalhinhos. A pesquisa evidenciou tanto a forma através da qual os corpos são modelados e as crianças experimentam-se como guiadas pelos adultos, como as estratégias das crianças, invenções de novos modos de relação e contato delas entre si e delas com os objetos. Assim, os berços tornam-se mediadores de trocas e as cadeiras de alimentação transformam-se em esconderijos. O conceito de ato e atitude responsiva de Bakhtin abriu mais uma via para identificar expressão e vida entre as crianças nas ofertas de objeto, imitações e no gesto de apontar movimentos criadores e iniciadores de contato. A fotografia - recurso metodológico da pesquisa, deu visibilidade aos movimentos das crianças. A análise e observação das fotos durante as entrevistas com as profissionais lhes permitiu (re)ver o seu trabalho e os bebês de novas maneiras. / [en] adults and children, and also among the children, in a public daycare of Rio de Janeiro city. Based on the daycares history in Brazil, the medical and sanitation perspectives in those institutions, and the hygienical bias of adults and children within the daycare are discussed, as well as its consequences under the perspective of care as an instrumental and mechanical act. As a counterpoint, the study brings Foucault`s point of view about care (from his greco-roman culture study), understood as taking care of oneself, requiring a permanent work about oneself, questioning oneself, in an ethical and humanitarian dimension. The field research was made in a nursery inside a daycare in Rio de Janeiro. The ethnographic perspective guided the permanency on the field, where deep descriptions about interactions and practices, and pictures and interviews with professionals directly involved with the babies were made. Based on Marcel Mauss studies about corporal techniques, the research mapped the children`s bodies capabilities and utilities day by day, as well as different modalities of care (automatic, disciplinary, and as attention to oneself and the children) which were arisen. Power devices present every day were reviewed, as cribs, high chairs, and the kids tasks. The research has emphasized the way the bodies are modeled and the children`s tries when conducted by the adults, as well as the children`s strategies, inventions of new relationship modes, and contacts among them and with the objects. Thus, the cribs become mediators of exchanges, and the high chairs are turned into concealment. Bakhtin`s concept of act and responsive attitude opened another way to identify the expression and life among the kids in the object offers, imitation, and in the gesture of pointing movements that create and start contact. The photography - methodological resource of the research - , provided visibility to the children`s movements. The review and observation of pictures during the interviews with professionals made it possible for them to see their new work and the babies in new ways.

Caregivers in nonprofit and private child care centers: a qualitative analysis of perceptions of auspice and job satisfaction

Clark, Kathryn Anne Mack 11 1900 (has links)
This study focused on two factors, auspice and job satisfaction, which have been shown to impact on the quality of child care programs. However, while research has indicated that auspice, job satisfaction, and program quality are intertwined, there is a lack of research which explores these factors qualitatively. There is also a dearth of research which has considered auspice from the caregivers' perspectives. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the meaning that caregivers give to auspice in their work in nonprofit and for-profit child care centers. As well, this study sought to examine the relationship between auspice and job satisfaction from the caregiver's point of view, paying close attention to differences in job satisfaction that existed between staff employed in nonprofit centers and staff who worked in private or for-profit centers. A series of qualitative, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight child care workers from the Vancouver Metropolitan area. Four of the participants were employed in or owned private centers and four of the participants worked in nonprofit centers. Positive and negative perceptions of both nonprofit and private auspice emerged. In particular, the nonprofit participants believed that child care should be operated as a service and not a business. They perceived that the motive to make a profit in child care lead for-profit centers to sacrifice quality in order to cut costs and maximize profits. On the other hand, the for- profit participants perceived that their centers provided high quality care and were dedicated to putting the needs of children and staff first. In general, the participants'' perceptions of factors that influenced their job satisfaction were similar across auspices. The nature of child care work and supportive relationships with co-workers were factors which positively influenced job satisfaction while the perceived lack of status in the eyes of society negatively affected satisfaction. Differences in job satisfaction according to auspice were found on several factors, such as government policies and a perceived lack of enough time to accomplish job duties. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate

Adult versus peer input : Differences in the language of six-year-olds who have been to day care centres versus those who have been at home with an adult

Bergelin Lavesson, Melindah January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find out if there were any detectable differences in the language and language use between children who had been at home with an adult, versus children who had been at day care regularly before they started school. Eight six-year-olds, four from each group, were interviewed and their answers compared to each other. The results pointed to a slight difference in word choices and sentence structure and also a greater difference in the past tense verb forms. Children with a day care background tended to discuss and interact more with their peers, though with simpler sentences and several incorrect verb forms, while the stay-at-home children used more complex sentences and had a higher rate of correct past tense verb forms. The conclusion from this study suggests that children need both adult and peer input to develop correct language and the necessary skills for interaction.

Útulek pro bezdomovce / Homeless shelter

Špirková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
ŠPIRKOVÁ, Veronika: "Homeless shelter" [Diploma Thesis]. Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Philosophy; Department of Ethnology. Thesis supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Marek Jakoubek, Ph.D., Degree of Qualification: Master. Prague: FFUK, 2017. ?? p. The diploma thesis deals with the socio-spatial aspects of the social service of the day center and the dormitory designed for people without a roof. It presents its current state of affairs with regard to the clientele, the function of the shelter, the principles of affiliation in it, but also the reflection of the homeless people and the employees on the necessity of change. The aim of the thesis is to visualize the living space, opinions and values of the clients of the shelter and their relation to the place, mediated by their statements and everyday practices. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Thematically they describe previous investigation of issue, theoretical basis, methodics of research, goals, etics and auto- ethnographic experience. They describes also clients of the shelter, its purpose and values, rules, habits that are in the shelter, and last but not least its possible reconceptualization. The conclusion of the thesis summarizes the findings of research and their possible usage in future research. Diploma thesis is elaborated on...

A survey study of entry transition practices used by teachers of infants and toddlers.

Fernandez, Mary Elizabeth Poteet 12 1900 (has links)
This study identified transition practices used by teachers and/or primary caregivers of infants and toddlers when entering child care programs across Dallas , TX . Participants completed the Program Entry Transition Practices Survey regarding their use of transition practices in fall 2003 and perceived barriers to entry transition practices. Results show frequency tallies, percentages of use for each transition practice, and the mean number of practices used for the entire sample and with the sample split according to participants from profit and non-profit programs. Results were also organized into four subscales based on the type of practice used. Results supported the hypothesis that teachers and caregivers would report more transition practices occurring after beginning care and directed towards a group than those occurring before beginning care and directed towards an individual. In response to the broader research question regarding barriers: Teachers and caregivers from profit and non-profit centers reported similar barriers to implementing transition practices.

Development of a proposed toddler caregiver training program for South Korea.

Kim, So-Yeon 05 1900 (has links)
Based on the survey results of 150 South Korea toddler caregivers about training needs, I developed a relationship-based approach for a toddler caregiver training program. The training program was modified using suggestions provided by 6 South Korean professors, who were asked to review the program. Survey findings revealed that: (a) All participants (toddler caregivers) perceived that it is necessary for caregivers to attend training. However, most (72.2%) found that it was difficult to attend training programs more than 1 time per year because it was hard to find a substitute teacher (64%). Participants desired to attend training programs on toddler care because of the lack of in-service education (26%), curriculum (24%), and training programs (15.3%); (b) Caregivers who had the third-degree caregiver certification preferred to learn parent education more than child development. However, caregivers who had a higher degree of caregiver certification preferred to learn child development more than parent education; and (c) Caregivers who had more than 5 years of teaching experience preferred to learn about the teacher's role more than caregivers who had fewer than 4 years of teaching experience. Future studies need to evaluate the effect of this relationship-based training program for toddler caregivers in relation to improvement in the quality of child care and interaction between caregivers and toddlers. A large-scale study would increase the generalizability of research findings. A larger sample size from different cities in South Korea and random sampling would generate more reliable findings.

Langfristige Anmietung und kommunaler Eigenbau von Kitas in Leipzig im Vergleich: Investitionsrechnung

Günther, Niklas 13 June 2019 (has links)
Das Kinderförderungsgesetz (KiföG) des Bundes aus dem Jahr 2008 statuiert einen Rechtsanspruch auf einen Betreuungsplatz ab dem 1. August 2013 für alle Kinder vom vollendeten ersten bis zum vollendeten dritten Lebensjahr. Somit steht die Stadt Leipzig, die seit Jahren einen stetigen Bevölkerungszuwachs erlebt, unter Handlungs-druck. Für die kommenden Jahre werden eine hohe Geburtenzahl und Zuzüge junger Erwachsener prognostiziert. Daraus folgt eine erhöhte Nachfrage nach Betreuungs-plätzen, der mit Erweiterungs- und Neubauten von Kindertagesstätten begegnet werden muss.

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