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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Χρήση του μοντέλου Izhikevich για προσομοίωση της νευροφυσιολογικής λειτουργίας του υποθαλαμικού πυρήνα με βάση δυναμικά τοπικού πεδίου

Παπαμιχάλης, Βασίλειος 27 December 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάμε τη μοντελοποίηση του υποθαλαμικού πυρήνα των βασικών γαγγλίων με χρήση του μαθηματικού νευρωνικού μοντέλου Izhikevich. Βάση της μελέτης μας αποτελούν μικροηλεκτροδιακές καταγραφές, που έχουν ληφθεί κατά τη διάρκεια νευροχειρουργικών επεμβάσεων εν τω βάθει εγκεφαλικής διέγερσης, για τη συμπτωματική θεραπεία της νόσου Πάρκινσον. Θα ξεκινήσουμε με μια εισαγωγή στην φυσιολογία του νευρικού κυττάρου και στην ανατομία των βασικών γαγγλίων. Θα αναλύσουμε τα βασικά ποιοτικά μοντέλα που ερμηνεύουν τη συμμετοχή των τελευταίων σε κινητικές διεργασίες, αλλά και την εμπλοκή τους στη νόσο Πάρκινσον. Μετά από μια σύντομη αναφορά στη μέθοδο της εν τω βάθει διέγερσης και στις μικροηλεκτροδιακές καταγραφές, θα εστιάσουμε στα δυναμικά τοπικού πεδίου και στη νευροφυσιολογική σημασία τους. Συνεχίζοντας, θα κάνουμε μια περιεκτική ανασκόπηση των βασικότερων μαθηματικών μοντέλων νευρώνων και ύστερα θα επικεντρωθούμε στον υποθαλαμικό πυρήνα, περιγράφοντας δύο πρόσφατα μοντέλα που έχουν κατασκευαστεί για την προσομοίωση των νευρώνων αυτού. Έπειτα, θα περάσουμε στην περιγραφή του μοντέλου Izhikevich και στην τροποποίησή του για την αναπαραγωγή των χαρακτηριστικών του νευρώνα του υποθαλαμικού πυρήνα. Κατόπιν, θα αναλύσουμε τη μεθοδολογία που ακολουθήσαμε στην παρούσα υλοποίηση και τις βασικές θεωρήσεις της μοντελοποίησης μας. Θα ολοκληρώσουμε με την παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων, το σχολιασμό αυτών και τις ιδέες για μελλοντική επέκταση της μεθόδου μας. / The main objective of this MSc thesis is the study of subthalamic nucleus, by using the Izhikevich neuron model. Microelectrode recordings, taken during deep brain stimulation operations for Parkinson’s disease, have been used for that purpose. In chapters 1-2, there is an introduction to the physiology of the neuron and the basal ganglia anatomy. In the two following chapters, we are analyzing the basic qualitative models that describe the involvement of the basal ganglia in movements and the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease. We are briefly discussing the method of deep brain stimulation, microelectrode recordings processing and the extraction of local field potentials. In chapter 5, the basic mathematical neuron models are discussed. We are focusing on the subthalamic nucleus and we are describing two recently developed mathematical models of the subthalamic neuron. In chapter 6, we are outlining Izhikevich neuron model and its modification in order to describe the subthalamic neuron. In addition, we are analyzing the methodology developed for the implementation of the modeling process and our basic considerations. In chapter 7, the results of the simulation are presented and discussed, so that our conclusions provide ideas for further research.

Νευροφυσιολογική μελέτη της επίδρασης του εν τω βάθει του εγκεφάλου (DBS) στη λειτουργία του αυτόνομου νευρικού συστήματος (ΑΝΣ) σε ασθενείς με νόσο Parkinson

Τραχάνη, Ευτυχία 14 February 2012 (has links)
Σκοπός της μελέτης : H διερεύνηση της επίδρασης του εν τω βάθει εγκεφαλικού ερεθισμού στον υποθαλάμιο πυρήνα (STN-DBS) στη λειτουργία του Αυτόνομου Νευρικού Συστήματος (ΑΝΣ) σε ασθενείς με Νόσο Πάρκινσον. Μέθοδος-Υλικό: Στη μελέτη έλαβαν μέρος 24 ασθενείς με ιδιοπαθή νόσο Πάρκινσον και 24 υγιείς μάρτυρες με πλήρη αντιστοιχία ως προς το φύλο και την ηλικία (μέσος όρος ηλικίας± σταθερά απόκλιση, 62.1±9.4 έτη). Η εκτίμηση των ασθενών έγινε 3 μέρες προ χειρουργείου ενώ ελάμβαναν κανονικά την αγωγή τους και 6 μήνες μετά την επέμβαση σε “on DBS/ on medication” κατάσταση. Όλοι οι ασθενείς συμπλήρωσαν ένα ερωτηματολόγιο σχετικά με τα συμπτώματα από το ΑΝΣ και υπεβλήθησαν σε μέτρηση της Αρτηριακής Πίεσης (ΑΠ) σε ύπτια θέση καθώς και στο 1ο και 3ο λεπτό μετά από απότομη έγερση από ύπτια σε όρθια θέση. Η νευροφυσιολογική εκτίμηση ασθενών και μαρτύρων περιελάμβανε: α. μέτρηση της συμπαθητικής δερματικής απάντησης (ΣΔΑ) από την παλάμη και το πέλμα με ηλεκτρικό ερεθισμό, β. μελέτη της διακύμανσης του καρδιακού ρυθμού (ΚΡ) ως προς τον χρόνο στις φάσεις της ήρεμης και βαθιάς αναπνοής (Rest RR IV και DB RR IV), κατά τη δοκιμασία Valsalva (Valsalva ratio) και κατά το Τilt-test (Tilt ratio). Με τη φασματική ανάλυση της πεντάλεπτης καταγραφής του ΚΡ σε ηρεμία που πραγματοποιήθηκε αργότερα υπολογίστηκαν οι παράμετροι LF, HF, LFnorm, HF norm, TP και ο λόγος LF/HF. Αποτελέσματα: Το 45,8% των ασθενών είχαν ορθοστατική υπόταση πριν και 12,5% μετά την επέμβαση, αλλά κατά τη στατιστική ανάλυση των μετρήσεων αυτών δεν πρόεκυψε σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ των δύο ομάδων. Βρέθηκε σημαντική μείωση της συχνότητας των διαταραχών εφίδρωσης, της ακράτειας και της δυσκοιλιότητας στην μετεγχειρητική εκτίμηση (p<0,005). Στη ΣΔΑ μεταξύ των ασθενών πριν και μετά το STN-DBS δε βρέθηκαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές. Συνολικά 6 ασθενείς είχαν παθολογική ή απούσα ΣΔΑ πριν το χειρουργείο και 7 μετά (χ 2, p=0,114). Στις παραμέτρους Rest RR IV, DB RR IV, Valsalva ratio & Tilt ratio δε διαπιστώθηκε σημαντική διαφορά προ και μετά DBS (p>0.,050) και ήταν μάλιστα και προ- και μετεγχειρητικά μειωμένες στους ασθενείς απ’ ότι στους μάρτυρες (p <0,050). Σημαντική μείωση μόνο της παραμέτρου LF προέκυψε συγκρίνοντας τους ασθενείς πριν και μετά τη χειρουργική επέμβαση ενώ οι ασθενείς μετεγχειρητικά είχαν σημαντικά μειωμένες τιμές των LF, TP και LFnorm σε σχέση με τις αντίστοιχες τιμές των υγιών μαρτύρων. Δε βρέθηκε συσχέτιση (p >0,050) της κινητικής βελτίωσης λόγω DBS με τις ατομικές διαφορές των τιμών των παραμέτρων στον εκάστοτε ασθενή πριν και μετά το χειρουργείο. Συμπεράσματα: Είναι σαφής η θετική επίδραση του DBS στη μείωση της συχνότητας των διαταραχών εφίδρωσης, αλλά το χειρουργείο δεν έπαιξε αξιοσημείωτο ρόλο στις ΣΔΑ. Βρέθηκε μόνο μια μη στατιστικά σημαντική μείωση του ποσοστού των ασθενών με Ο.Υ., ενώ καμία επίδραση δεν υπήρξε στις παθολογικές τιμές του Κ.Ρ. των ασθενών. H φασματική ανάλυση του Καρδιακού Ρυθμού δεν έδειξε αλλαγή στην ισορροπία μεταξύ συμπαθητικής και παρασυμπαθητικής λειτουργίας λόγω DBS. Γενικό συμπέρασμα είναι ότι STN-DBS ωφελεί σημαντικά την κινητική βελτίωση, αλλά δεν έχει αξιόλογη, θετική ή αρνητική, επίδραση στη ρύθμιση της λειτουργίας του ΑΝΣ. / Purpose: To assess the impact of subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) on the autonomic nervous system function in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). Material- Methods: Twenty-four patients with idiopathic PD (mean age±SD, 62.1±9.4 years old) were examined 3 days before and 6 months after DBS, “on medication” state both times. Each examination session included registration of autonomic symptoms by means of a semi-structural questionnaire, blood pressure (BP) recording at supine position and at the first and third minute after sudden change from supine to standing position and a neurophysiological assessment. The neurophysiological examination included: a. recording of sympathetic skin response (SSR) from both palms and a sole, b. time domain analysis of RR interval variation during normal and deep breathing, during Valsalva manoeuvre and during tilt test. By off-line performed frequency domain analysis of heart rate variation the Total Power, the Low Frequency band, the High Frequency band and their normalized units were estimated. The neurophysiological measurements were compared to those of 24 healthy controls matched for age and sex. Results: Orthostatic hypotension was present in 45.8% of the patients preoperatively and 12.5% postoperatively, whereas statistical analysis showed no significant difference in BP measurements between pre- and post DBS studies. A statistical significant reduction in the frequency of autonomic symptoms such as constipation, sweating disturbances and urgency was established after implantation. In SSR measurements no change was found between patients before and after DBS. Six out of 24 patients has abnormal or absent SSR before surgery and 7 afterwards (χ 2, p =0.114). The values of time domain variables were both pre and postoperatively lower in patients than in controls. A significant reduction was found in LF band after the implantation. There was no correlation between individual, deep brain stimulation-related changes of motor function and corresponding neurophysiological measurements. Conclusions: The positive effect of STN-DBS on the sweating disturbances reported by patients is established, whereas no influence was found on SSR measurements. Subthalamic stimulation had no effect on the abnormal heart rate regulation of the patients, but a non significant reduction in orthostatic hypotension was noticed. Finally through spectral analysis no effect on the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic function was found. Overall, despite its clear benefit on motor performance, STN-DBS had no considerable, positive or negative, impact on the autonomic regulation.

Computational Analysis of Clinical Brain Sub-cortical Structures from Ultrahigh-Field MRI

Kim, Jinyoung January 2015 (has links)
<p>Volumetric segmentation of brain sub-cortical structures within the basal ganglia and thalamus from Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) is necessary for non-invasive diagnosis and neurosurgery planning. This is a challenging problem due in part to limited boundary information between structures, similar intensity profiles across the different structures, and low contrast data. With recent advances in ultrahigh-field MR technology, direct identification and clear visualization of such brain sub-cortical structures are facilitated. This dissertation first presents a semi-automatic segmentation system exploiting the visual benefits of ultrahigh-field MRI. The proposed approach utilizes the complementary edge information in the multiple structural MRI modalities. It combines optimally selected two modalities from susceptibility-weighted, T2-weighted, and diffusion MRI, and introduces a tailored new edge indicator function. In addition to this, prior shape and configuration knowledge of the sub-cortical structures are employed in order to guide the evolution of geometric active surfaces. Neighboring structures are segmented iteratively, constraining over-segmentation at their borders with a non-overlapping penalty. Experiments with data acquired on a 7 Tesla (T) MRI scanner demonstrate the feasibility and power of the approach for the segmentation of basal ganglia components critical for neurosurgery applications such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery. </p><p>DBS surgery on brain sub-cortical regions within the Basal ganglia and thalamus is an effective treatment to alleviate symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases. Particularly, the DBS of subthalamic nucleus (STN) has shown important clinical efficacy for Parkinson’s disease (PD). While accurate localization of the STN and its substructures is critical for precise DBS electrode placement, direct visualization of the STN in current standard clinical MR imaging (e.g., 1.5-3T) is still elusive. Therefore, to locate the target, DBS surgeons today often rely on consensus coordinates, lengthy and risky micro-electrode recording (MER), and patient’s behavioral feedback. Recently, ultrahigh-field MR imaging allows direct visualization of brain sub-cortical structures. However, such high fields are not clinically available in practice. This dissertation also introduces a non-invasive automatic localization method of the STN which is one of the critical targets for DBS surgery in a standard clinical scenario (1.5T MRI). The spatial dependency between the STN and potential predictor structures from 7T MR training data is first learned using the regression models in a bagging way. Then, given automatically detected such predictors on the clinical patient data, the complete region of the STN is predicted as a probability map using learned high quality information from 7T. Furthermore, a robust framework is proposed to properly weight different training subsets, estimating their influence in the prediction accuracy. The STN prediction on the clinical 1.5T MR datasets from 15 PD patients is performed within the proposed approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the developed framework enables accurate prediction of the STN, closely matching the 7T ground truth.</p> / Dissertation

Váhové změny u pacientů s Pakinsonovou nemocí, kteří byli léčeni hlubokou mozkovou stimulací. / Weight changes in patients with Parkinson's disease treated with Deep Brain Stimulation.

Undus, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract Body weight changes have been described in the course of Parkinson's disease (PD) as well as following bilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN DBS) performed in advanced PD. According to the literature weight changes occur in 50-100% of patients who undergo STN DBS. In the last 15 years extensive efforts have been put in understanding the underlying mechanisms behind the weight changes following STN DBS in advanced PD patients however many sources still report conflicting evidence. Improved motor status, reduction in dyskinesias, decrease in energy expenditure, dopaminergic medication reduction, modification of food intake, hormonal factors, regional effects of stimulation were all speculated to cause this weight gain. We hypothesized that patients who underwent STN DBS procedure in our center would gain weight as reported in the literature (study 1, study 2). The etiology of post STN DBS weight gain has not been fully elucidated up to date, in our second study we further hypothesized that the weight changes are due to dysregulation of food related hormones and parameters (study 2). In the third study we hypothesized that weight gain is associated with position of active electrode contact (study 3). Aims of the study: The primary aims of our studies were to assess body...

IRM fonctionnelle chez le rat : défis méthodologiques / Functional MRI of the rat : a Methodological Challenge

Reyt, Sébastien 09 November 2012 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf ) permet de détecter sur le cerveau entier des activations neuronales en réponse à un stimulus, par le biais de l'observation des modifications hémodynamiques occasionnées. En particulier, l'IRMf est un outil de choix pour l'étude des mécanismes de la stimulation cérébrale profonde et de la stimulation du nerf vague qui sont encore mal connus. Cependant, cette technique n'est pas facilement utilisable chez l'homme en raison des problèmes de sécurité vis-à-vis de l'action des champs magnétiques intenses utilisés en IRM au niveau des électrodes implantées. Les développements méthodologiques chez l'animal sont donc nécessaires. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'étude des mécanismes à distance de la stimulation du système nerveux central et périphérique par IRMf chez le rat. Nous présentons dans un premier temps les séquences IRM rapides utilisées en IRMf, comme l'Echo-Planar Imaging multishot, permettant d'imager le cerveau entier en 1 à 2 secondes seulement, ainsi que les différents problèmes posés par l'utilisation de ces séquences, comme les artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique. Le couplage des séquences développées durant cette thèse avec des mesures électrophysiologiques a notamment permis l'imagerie des réseaux épileptiques chez le rat. Dans un second temps, nous développons les problèmes posés par la préparation animale, particulière en IRMf de par le fait que le couplage neurovasculaire doit être préservé sous anesthésie afin de préserver les activations neuronales. Après comparaison avec les anesthésies à l'isoflurane et la kétamine, nous avons déduit que la médétomidine constituait un anesthésique de choix pour l'IRMf du rongeur, et précisons le protocole de préparation animale utilisé pour l'imagerie. De plus, les électrodes utilisées en stimulation intracérébrale induisent des artefacts importants en imagerie, et des électrodes constituées de matériaux amagnétiques sont nécessaires. Nous expliquons pourquoi nous avons choisi des électrodes en carbone, et présentons le protocole de fabrication utilisé. Nous avons ensuite validé ces développements méthodologiques par des expériences d'IRMf de challenges hypercapniques et de stimulation de la patte chez le rat. Puis nous avons conduit une étude IRMf approfondie des mécanismes d'action de la stimulation du nerf vague, en s'intéressant à la distinction entre activations neuronales et effets cardiovasculaires confondants par modélisation causale dynamique. Nous présentons aussi des résultats en IRMf de la stimulation électrique intracérébrale chez le rat. Plusieurs cibles ont été stimulées (noyau géniculé dorso-latéral, gyrus dentelé, striatum et thalamus), et des activations ont été obtenues à distance de l'électrode, conformément aux connaissances actuelles sur les connexions neuroanatomiques de ces noyaux. Ainsi, nous avons mis au point et validé l'IRMf du rat et son application à la stimulation électrique du système nerveux périphérique et central. / Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can detect neuronal activations in the entire brain, in response to a stimulus, through the observation of subsequent hemodynamic changes. In particular, fMRI is a good tool for studying the mechanisms of deep brain stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation, which are still poorly understood. However, this technique is not readily usable in humans because of safety concerns towards the action of the strong magnetic fields used in MRI on implanted electrodes. Indeed, methodological developments in animals are needed. The main goal of this thesis is to study the mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous system stimulation in rats by fMRI. First, fast MRI sequences used in fMRI are exposed, such as multishot Echo-Planar Imaging, allowing to image the entire brain in a couple of seconds. Various imaging problems posed by these sequences, such as magnetic susceptibility artifacts, are also presented. These sequences, developed during this thesis, associated with electrophysiological measurements, allowed imaging of epileptic networks in the rat. Secondly, animal preparation is developped, as it is peculiar in fMRI : neuronal activations, as well as neurovascular coupling, must be preserved under anesthesia. Compared to anesthesia by isoflurane and ketamine, it was concluded that medetomidine was an anesthetic of choice for fMRI of the rodent, and the protocol used for animal preparation for imaging is specified. Furthermore, the electrodes used in deep brain stimulation induce significant artifacts in MRI images, and electrodes made of amagnetic materials are needed. Our choice of carbon electrodes is explained, and the manufacturing protocol used is exposed. These methodological developments were then validated in fMRI experiments of hypercapnic challenges and forepaw stimulation. Finally, an fMRI experiment studying mechanisms of action of vagus nerve stimulation was conducted, focusing on the distinction between neuronal activations and confounding cardiovascular effects by dynamic causal modeling. Also, results on fMRI of deep brain stimulation in rats are presented. Several targets were stimulated (dorsolateral geniculate nucleus, dentate gyrus, striatum and thalamus), and activations were obtained at a distance from the electrode. Results were in accordance with current knowledge on neuroanatomical connections of these nuclei. Thus, we developed and validated fMRI of the rat and its application to electrical stimulation of peripheral and central nervous system.

Effets de la stimulation cérébrale profonde dans l'épilepsie focale motrice / Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on control of focal motor epilepsy

Prabhu, Shivadatta 28 January 2013 (has links)
Les crises d'épilepsie proviennent d'une synchronisation pathologique de réseaux neuronaux du cortex. Les crises motrices, générées à partir du cortex moteur primaire, sont souvent pharmaco-résistantes. La résection neurochirurgicale du foyer épileptique est rarement l'option thérapeutique de choix au regard des risques de deficits moteurs potentiellement induits par la résection. Les ganglions de la base ont un rôle important dans la propagation des crises. Des enregistrements par micro-électrode réalisés dans une précédente étude ont montré que les activités des structures d'entrée des ganglions de la base telles que le Putamen, le noyau caudé et le noyau sous-thalamique (NST) sont fortement modifiées pendant des crises motrices. Le taux de décharge moyen des neurones du NST et du Putamen augmente et le pourcentage de neurones oscillants synchronisés avec l'EEG durant la période ictale est plus élevé durant les crises que pendant la période inter-ictale. Des études pilotes chez l'humain ont montré un effet bénéfique potentiel de la stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) chronique du NST pour traiter les crises motrices pharmaco-résistantes. Le but de notre étude est d'évaluer les effets thérapeutiques de la SCP des structures d'entrée des ganglions de la base. Nous avons dans un premier temps développé un modèle primate de crise d'épilepsie motrice focale stable et reproductible par injection intra-corticale de pénicilline. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé la pharmaco-résistance du modèle. Nous avons implanté stéréotactiquement des électrodes de SCP dans le NST et le Putamen. Le stimulateur a été placé sous la peau dans le dos de l'animal. Un protocole de stimulation à 130 Hz à un voltage inférieur à l'apparition d'effets secondaires a été réalisé dans le NST. Le stimulateur était mis en marche au moment de l'injection de la pénicilline. Un protocole de stimulation à 0 volt a été réalisé comme condition contrôle. Chaque primate étant son propre contrôle. L'apparition des crises, leur nombre et leur durée ont été comparés par période de 1 heure entre la condition stimulée et non stimulée. Chaque session expérimentale a été menée sur une durée de plus de six heures. Nous avons évalué l'effet préventif de la SCP à haute fréquence (130 Hz) du NST sur les crises motrices. Nous avons également étudié l'effet préventif de la SCP à basse fréquence (5-20 Hz) du Putamen sur ce même modèle. Enfin, sur un autre primate, nous avons étudié l'effet combiné de la SCP du NST à haute fréquence et du Putamen à basse fréquence sur les crises motrices. Résultats : Les effets de la SCP chronique du NST à haute fréquence ont été analysés à partir de 1572 crises apparues au cours de 30 sessions expérimentales chez 3 primates. Les effets de la SCP préventive du NST ont été évalués sur 454 crises motrices durant 10 sessions expérimentales chez un primate. L'effet de la SCP du Putamen à basse fréquence a été analysé sur 289 crises durant 14 sessions chez 2 primates. Enfin l'effet combiné de la SCP du NST et du Putamen a été évalué sur 477 crises durant 10 sessions. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus par SCP chronique du NST. L'apparition de la première crise était significativement retardée lorsque le primate était stimulé. Le temps total passé en situation de crise motrice était diminué en moyenne d'environ 69 % (p ≤0.05) par rapport à la condition non-stimulé au regard de la diminution significative du nombre de crises particulièrement durant les 3 heures après le début de la stimulation. La durée de chaque crise était modérément réduite. Les modes de stimulation mono-polaire ou bi-polaire avaient une efficacité similaire. La SCP préventive du NST n'a pas eu d'effet supérieur à la stimulation chronique du NST. La SCP chronique du Putamen à basse fréquence avait un effet positif mais principalement durant les deux premières heures de stimulation. L'effet combiné de la SCP du NST et du Putamen était inférieur à la SCP chronique du NST ou du Putamen. / Epileptic seizures arise from pathological synchronization of neuronal ensemble.Seizures originating from primary motor cortex are often pharmacoresistant, and many times unsuitable for respective surgery because of location of epileptic focus in eloquent area. Basal ganglia play important role in seizure propagation. Micro electrode recordings performed during previous studies indicated that input structures of basal ganglia such as GPe, Putamen and Subthalamic nucleus (STN) are strongly modified during seizures. For example the mean firing rate of neurons of the STN and Putamen increased and the percentage of oscillatory neurons synchronized with the ictal EEG was higher during seizures as compared to interictal periods. Pilot studies in humans have shown the possible beneficial effect of chronic DBS applied to STN in treatment of pharmacoresistant motor seizures. Our study was aimed at studying the therapeutic effect of electrical stimulation of input structures of basal ganglia . We first developed a stable, predictable primate model of focal motor epilepsy by intracortical injection of penicillin and we documented it's pharmacoresistence. We then stereotactically implanted DBS electrodes in the STN and Putamen. The stimulator was embedded at the back of the animals. Subthreshold electrical stimulations at 130 Hz were applied to STN. Stimulator was turned ON when penicillin was injected. Sham stimulation at 0 volt was used as a control situation, each monkey being its own control. The time course, number and duration of seizures occurring in each epochs of 1 h were compared during ON and sham stimulation periods. Each experimental session lasted uptoo 6 hours,We also studied preventive high frequency stimulation of STN and subthershold low frequency stimulation of Putamen with 5 Hz and 20 Hz in the same model .Finally we studied combined effects of high frequency STN and low frequency Putamen stimulation in one monkey Results: Data was analysed from 1572 seizures in 30 experiments in three monkeys for chronic STN stimulation , 454 seizures in 10 experiments in one moneky during preventive STN stimulation ,289 seizures from 14 experiments in two monkeys during LFS putamen stimulation and 477 seizures from 10 sessions during combined STN and Putamen stimulation in one monkey The best results were observed during chronic STN stimulation The occurrence of first seizure was significantly delayed as compared to sham situation. Total time spent in focal seizures was significantly reduced by ≥69% on an average (p ≤0.05) after STN stimulation, due to a significant decrease in the number of seizures especially so during the first 3 hours after stimulation. The duration of individual seizures reduced moderately. Bipolar and monopolar stimulation modes were equally effective Preventive HFS STN (in one specimen) was not found to be superior to acute stimulation. LFS Putamen alone was effective but mainly in first two hours of stimulation .In a combined HFS STN and LFS Putamen stimulation the effect of stimulation in terms of seizure control was modest and poor compared to HFS STN alone or LFS Putamen alone. This study provides original data in primates showing the potential therapeutic effect of chronic HFS-STN DBS to treat focal motor seizures . A discussion explaining these results and comparison with STN DBS in human motor seizures as well as future translational perspective in human therapeutics is provided.

Efeitos adversos produzidos pela estimulação cerebral profunda aguda do núcleo subtalâmico e suas correlações com características neuroanatômicas, localização do eletrodo e parâmetros de estimulação / Side effects produced by acute deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus and their correlations with neuroanatomic characteristics, electrode location and stimulation parameters

Caio César Marconato Simões Matias 01 July 2016 (has links)
A estimulação cerebral profunda do núcleo subtalâmico (NST) é um tratamento bem estabelecido para os sintomas refratários à medicação em paciente com doença de Parkinson avançada. Além do procedimento de implante, a programação dos eletrodos é uma etapa fundamental para atingir os resultados desejados. A primeira etapa da programação é estabelecer os limiares para efeitos adversos. Contudo, a correlação entre a localização do eletrodo e o limiar para efeitos adversos associados à estimulacao das estruturas adjacentes ainda não é bem estabelecida. Características neuroanatômicas e a localização dos eletrodos foram identificadas utilizando-se um programa de planejamento de cirurgia estereotáxica, enquanto os parâmetros de estimulação e os efeitos adversos foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos. As correlações entre estas variáveis foram testadas através de análises univariadas e análises multivariadas. Estimulação monopolar produziu efeitos adversos capsulares (EA-C) em 208 dos 316 contatos (65,8%) e efeitos adversos não-capsulares (EA-NC) em 223 dos 316 contatos (70,6%). A ocorrência de EA-C esteve associada com o número do contato (p = 0,009) e com a coordenada \"Z\" (p = 0,03), enquanto o limiar de voltagem para EA-C esteve correlacionado com o ângulo da cápsula interna (p = 0,035). A ocorrência de EA-NC esteve associada com o número do contato (p = 0,005), \"X\" (p = 0,03), \"Y\" (p = 0,004) e com a distância para o núcleo rubro (p = 0,001 e p = 0,003). Houve correlação entre o limiar de voltagem para EA-NC e o ângulo da cápsula interna (p = 0,006), o ângulo coronal do eletrodo (p = 0,02), \"X\" (p = 0,001), \"Y\" (p < 0,001), \"Z\" (p < 0,001) e com as distâncias para a cápsula interna (p = 0,02) e para o núcleo rubro (p = 0,004 e p < 0,001). EA-C estiveram associados com os contatos mais distais do eletrodo e com localização mais profunda, bem como com maior angulação da cápsula interna. EA-NC estiveram associados com os contatos mais distais do eletrodo, localizados mais medial, posterior e inferiormente e mais próximos do núcleo rubro. Ademais, houve associação entre EA-NC e eletrodos implantados com maior ângulo coronal, bem como com maior angulação da cápsula interna. Estes achados poderão ser úteis no desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para o planejamento do implante de eletrodos de estimulação cerebral profunda. / Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a well-established treatment for medically refractory motor symptoms of patients with advanced Parkinson\'s disease. Programming of the device is as relevant to patient outcome as accurate implantation of the electrodes. The first step of DBS programming is to identify the thresholds to side effects. However, the relationship between lead location and the threshold to adverse effects is not fully understood. Anatomical measurements and electrode location were evaluated on a stereotactic surgical planning software, whereas stimulation parameters and side effects were obtained from medical records. Correlations among these variables were tested using univariate and multivariable analyses. Monopolar stimulation elicited capsular side effects (CSEs) in 208 of 316 contacts (65.8%) and noncapsular side effects (NCSEs) in 223 of 316 contacts (70.6%). The occurrence of CSEs was correlated with contact number (p = 0,009) and with the \"Z\" coordinate (p = 0,03), whereas voltage threshold to CSEs exhibited correlation with the internal capsule angle (p = 0,035). The occurrence of NCSEs was correlated with contact number (p = 0,005), \"X\" (p = 0,03), \"Y\" (p = 0,004), and the distance to the red nucleus (p = 0,001 and p = 0,003). There was correlation between voltage threshold to NCSEs and the internal capsule angle (p = 0,006), electrode\'s coronal angle (p = 0,02), \"X\" (p = 0,001), \"Y\" (p < 0,001), \"Z\" (p < 0,001), and the distances to the internal capsule (p = 0,02) and to the red nucleus (p = 0,004 and p < 0,001). CSEs were associated with more distally contacts, with deeper localization, as well as with greater internal capsule angles. NCSEs were associated with more distally contacts, with localization more medial, posterior and inferior, and closer to the red nucleus. Moreover, there was a correlation between NCSEs and electrodes implanted with greater coronal angles, as well as with greater internal capsule angles. These findings can be useful to inform novel targeting strategies for deep brain stimulation lead implantation.

Tratamento da depressão bipolar com estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua: ensaio clínico aleatorizado, duplo-cego, placebo-controlado / Transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of bipolar depression: results from a randomized, sham-controlled, double-blinded trial

Bernardo de Sampaio Pereira Junior 16 April 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os episódios depressivos são bastante prevalentes e, potencialmente, incapacitantes ao longo do curso do transtorno bipolar (TB). Todavia, ainda não se dispõe de opções terapêuticas com eficácia e tolerabilidade satisfatórias. A estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) é uma nova modalidade de estimulação cerebral não-invasiva com poucos eventos adversos, que mostrou resultados promissores na depressão unipolar. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia e a segurança da ETCC como tratamento aditivo aos psicofármacos na depressão bipolar (DB). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico, duplo-cego, randomizado, em ambiente acadêmico. 59 pacientes com transtorno bipolar (TB) tipos I ou II em episódio depressivo maior, em regime farmacológico estável, com escores Hamilton (HDRS-17) superiores a 17. Os dados foram analisados por intenção de tratamento. A ETCC foi aplicada em 2 mA/25cm2, sendo o ânodo e o cátodo posicionados sobre as áreas correspondentes ao córtex dorsolateral pré-frontal esquerdo e direito, respectivamente, por 30 minutos, diários, por dez dias consecutivos, exceto aos finais de semana. Após este período, duas estimulações adicionais foram aplicadas, em semanas alternadas, até o final do estudo (6a semana). A alteração na escala de HDRS -17, na 6a semana, foi o desfecho primário. RESULTADOS: Cinquenta e nove pacientes (40 mulheres), com média de idade de 45,9 anos participaram; 36 (61%) com transtorno bipolar tipo I e 23 (39%) com tipo II foram randomizados e 52 finalizaram o ensaio. Na análise por intenção de tratamento, os pacientes do grupo ETCC ativa apresentaram melhora estatisticamente significativa relação àqueles que receberam ETCC simulada (número necessário para tratar [NNT], 5,8; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%, 3,3-25,8; p = 0,01). A taxa de resposta cumulativa foi maior no grupo ativo em relação ao simulado (67,6% vs 30,4%, NNT, 2,69; IC 95%, 1,84-4,99; p = 0,01), mas não para taxa de remissão (37,4% vs 19,1%; NNT, 5,46; IC 95%, 3,38-14,2; p = 0,18). Os eventos adversos, incluindo virada maníaca, foram semelhantes entre os grupos; com exceção de vermelhidão na pele, maior no grupo ativo (54% vs 19%; P = 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Nesse estudo, a ETCC foi uma intervenção eficaz, segura e tolerável para esta pequena amostra de pacientes com depressão bipolar. Todavia, outros estudos são necessários para que se possa examinar a eficácia da ETCC em amostras maiores / INTRODUCTION: More effective, tolerable interventions for bipolar depression treatment are needed. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a novel therapeutic modality virtually devoid of severe adverse effects that showed promising results for unipolar depression. OBJECTVE: To determine the efficacy and safety of tDCS as an add-on treatment for bipolar depression. METHODS: A randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind trial was conducted at an academic setting. Participants included 59 adults with type I or II bipolar disorder in a major depressive episode and receiving a stable pharmacologic regimen with 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17) scores higher than 17. Data were analyzed in the intention-to-treat sample. Ten daily 30-minute, 2-mA, anodal-left and cathodal-right prefrontal sessions of active or sham tDCS on weekdays and then 1 session every fortnight until week 6. The main outcome was the change in HDRS-17 scores at week 6. RESULTS: 59 patients (40 women), with a mean age of 45.9 years participated; 36 (61%) with bipolar I and 23 (39%) with bipolar II disorder were randomized and 52 finished the trial. In the intention-to-treat analysis, patients in the active tDCS condition showed significantly superior improvement compared with those receiving sham (number needed to treat [NNT], 5.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3-25.8; p = .01). Cumulative response rates were higher in the active vs sham groups (67.6% vs 30.4%; NNT, 2.69; 95% CI, 1.84-4.99; p = .01), but not remission rates (37.4% vs 19.1%; NNT, 5.46; 95% CI, 3.38-14.2; p = .18). Adverse events, including treatment-emergent affective switches, were similar between groups, except for localized skin redness that was higher in the active group (54% vs 19%; p = .01). CONCLUSION: In this trial, tDCS was an effective, safe, and tolerable add-on intervention for this small bipolar depression sample. Further trials should examine tDCS efficacy in a larger sample

Efeito do treino de marcha em esteira com e sem suporte de peso em pacientes com doença de Parkinson em uso de estimulação cerebral profunda / Effects of treadmill training with and without body weight support in Parkinson\'s Disease patients in use of deep brain stimulation

Natália Mariana Silva Luna 02 July 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A disfunção da marcha é um dos maiores comprometimentos funcionais do paciente com a doença de Parkinson (DP). A estimulação cerebral profunda do núcleo subtalâmico tem mostrado melhora da marcha e equilíbrio. Esse efeito pode ser mantido e potencializado por programas de reabilitação motora específicos, como o treino em esteira sem e com suporte de peso corporal. No entanto, faltam estudos desses treinos em pacientes com a DP em uso desta estimulação. Objetivo: Comparar parâmetros cinemáticos lineares e angulares da marcha de pacientes com a DP em uso de estimulação cerebral profunda bilateral do núcleo subtalâmico, antes e após dois treinamentos: esteira sem e com suporte de peso corporal, associados à cinesioterapia convencional. Métodos: 12 pacientes (60,9 ± 10,6 anos; 20 ± 7 anos de doença e 20 ± 4 meses de tempo de cirurgia) completaram ambos os treinos em estudo cruzado fixo. Os pacientes passaram por 8 semanas de treino de marcha em esteira sem suporte de peso corporal e programa de cinesioterapia convencional, seguidas por 6 semanas de período sem intervenção. Posteriormente, realizaram 8 semanas de treino de marcha em esteira com suporte de peso corporal e o mesmo programa de cinesioterapia regular. As intervenções tiveram frequência de duas vezes por semana e duração de 90 minutos por sessão. A análise cinemática da marcha envolveu oito câmeras infravermelhas que detectaram 19 marcadores reflexivos nos membros inferiores dos pacientes. A análise estatística utilizou o teste Wilcoxon e foi adotado valor de p <= 0,05 como estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Ambos os treinos não mostraram diferenças significativas nos parâmetros lineares. Após o treino com suporte, observou-se aumento significativo dos seguintes parâmetros angulares: amplitude de movimento da pelve (inclinação, obliquidade e rotação); amplitude de movimento do quadril (abduçãoadução e rotação); % da fase de balanço que corresponde à flexão máxima do joelho e amplitude de movimento da progressão do pé. Conclusão: O treino em esteira com suporte de peso corporal mostrou capacidade de promover mudanças em parâmetros cinemáticos angulares da marcha. As implicações do treino em suspensão podem ter sido somadas aos efeitos neurofisiológicos da estimulação cerebral profunda e então desencadeado a melhora da mobilidade dos membros inferiores durante a marcha / Introduction: Gait disturbance is one of the hallmark features of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown improvements in gait and balance, and this effect can be maintained and enhanced by specific motor rehabilitation programs, such treadmill training without and with body weight support. However, at present there is a paucity of research on these combined interventions in PD with of this stimulation. Objective: To compare training-induced changes in gait linear and angular kinematic parameters among patients with PD who have used bilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS, and a combined intervention of conventional physical therapy with either treadmill training with body weight support or without support. Methods: 12 patients (age: 60.9 ± 10.6 years; disease duration: 20 ± 7 years; and time since DBS surgery: 20 ± 4 months) completed both training protocols in a fixed cross-over design. All patients received 8 weeks of treadmill training without body weight support in conjunction with conventional physical therapy, followed by a 6 weeks wash out period of no training. Thereafter, all patients received 8 weeks of body weight support treadmill training, in conjunction with the same conventional physical therapy. Both interventions had a frequency of two times per week, and duration of 90 minutes per session. Gait kinematic analysis involved eight infrared cameras that detected 19 reflective spherical markers attached to the limb lower of patients. Statistical analysis used the Wilcoxon and was adopted the value of p <= 0,05 as statistically significant. Results: Both the training no showed significant differences in linear parameters. After the body weight support training, observed there was a significant increase in following angular parameters: pelvis\' range of motion (tilt, obliquity, rotation); hip\'s range of motion (abduction-adduction and rotation); % Knee maximal flexion on Swing phase and foot progression\' range of motion. Conclusion: Treadmill training with body weight support showed an ability to promote changes in gait angular kinematic parameters. The implications of this training may have been added to the neurophysiological effects of DBS and then triggered the improved of mobility of lower limbs during gait

Avaliação quantitativa dos efeitos da levodopa e da estimulação do núcleo subtalâmico sobre o equilíbrio em pacientes com doença de Parkinson / Quantitative evaluation of the effects of levodopa and bilateral subthalamic stimulation on postural control in patients with Parkinson´s disease

Rachael Brant Machado Rodrigues 23 March 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os efeitos da levodopa (LD) e da estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP) de núcleo subtalâmico (STN) sobre o equilíbrio e sintomas axiais são até o momento controversos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar quantitativamente os efeitos da ECP de STN e da LD sobre o equilíbrio estático em pacientes com DP operados, em comparação com a LD em pacientes não operados. MÉTODOS: Trinta e um pacientes submetidos a ECP de STN entre 3 meses e 1 ano e meio antes da avaliação e 26 controles portadores de DP não operados, estágios Hoehn e Yahr 2 a 4 foram avaliados usando UPDRS para avaliação clínica e plataforma de força para avaliar oscilações posturais. O primeiro grupo foi avaliado com ECP e sem medicação, com ECP e com medicação e sem ECP e sem medicação. O segundo grupo foi avaliado com e sem medicação. Cada paciente foi avaliado com os olhos abertos e fechados. O deslocamento do centro de pressão anteroposterior, laterolateral, a área, velocidade e deslocamento total linear foram medidos pela plataforma de força. Os dados paramétricos foram comparados usando o teste t de Student e os dados não-paramétricos foram comparados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. A avaliação clínica consistiu na parte 3 da escala UPDRS e na escala Hoehn e Yahr. Nível de significância estatística considerada foi p=0,05. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes não operados oscilaram mais quando sob efeito da levodopa do que sem medicação. No grupo operado, a maior oscilação é no grupo com ECP desligada e sem medicação. Tende a reduzir sob efeito da ECP apresenta redução significativa sob efeito simultâneo de ECP e levodopa. CONCLUSÃO: A associação da ECP de NST com medicação tem impacto positivo sobre o controle postural. O efeito da ECP de NST reverte o efeito negativo da levodopa sobre as oscilações observadas em pacientes não operados / INTRODUCTION: The effects of bilateral subthalamic (STN) DBS and medication on balance and on axial symptoms in PD have been so far inconsistent. OBJECTIVE: To assess quantitatively the effects of DBS on static balance in PD. METHODS: Thirty-one patients submitted to STN DBS over 3 months before and 26 non-operated controls with PD on Hoehn & Yahr stage \"on\" 2 to 4 were evaluated using UPDRS and a force plate to measure sway. The first group was evaluated on-DBS/off-medication, on-DBS/on-medication and off-DBS/off-medication. The second group was evaluated on and off medication. Each group was assessed with eyes open and then closed. Antero-posterior, laterolateral postural displacements of the center of pressure (COP), as well as 95% sway area, path length and speed of oscillation were analyzed and compared using t-Student test for parametrical data and Kruskal-Wallis test for non-parametrical data. Level of significance was set to p < 0.05. Clinical assessment consisted of UPDRS part 3 and Hoehn & Yahr scores for each of the conditions. RESULTS: Control patients tended to oscillate more in the on medication condition than off medication. DBS patients tended to oscillate more in the off-DBS/off medication condition, with a tendency to decrease the sway when on DBS/off medication with additional decrease when on DBS/on medication. CONCLUSION: Association of bilateral STN DBS and medication positively influences postural control in PD and surgery reverses the tendency of medication to increase body sway in non-operated patients

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