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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Secondary metabolites from benthic organisms: ecological and chemical aspects

Nappo, Michela 16 June 2010 (has links)
This PhD Thesis deals with the study of marine natural products as candidates in either drug discovery and development. In particular, the investigation focused on benthic organisms, i.e. those fixed or in a close relation with the sea bottom. These organisms, many of which are sessile or slow-moving invertebrates, thus unable to escape quickly from their predators, and devoid of physical protection (shell or hard texture), have developed alternative protective strategies as well as the production of chemical weapons. Compounds involved in the chemical defence, besides the ecological function, can display interesting pharmacological activities. Organisms of different phyla (Algae, Molluscs and Cnidarians) and from diverse geographical areas (Mediterranean Sea and China) were investigated. The benthic diatom Cocconeis scutellum is able to affect the sex reversal in the protandric shrimp Hippolyte inermis, inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the crustacean's androgenic gland. Thus, we wondered whether these diatoms could act also in other crustaceans and on human cancer cells, in order to evaluate their applications in aquaculture and medicine. In fact, some commercially important crustaceans show a bimodal pattern of growth, in which males grow faster and are bigger than females. For this reason, the production of all-male populations is more advantageous. The administration of proapoptotic compounds in an early larval phase could be a method to manipulate the sex in these crustaceans. Nevertheless, our study demonstrated that diatom compounds did not induce apoptosis in the androgenic gland of other species, suggesting a targeted and specific action of C. scutellum metabolites. On the other hand, the biological assays on human cancer cell lines showed that solid tumours were more responsive to C. scutellum than haematological tumours and normal cells, suggesting a specific toxic action of the diatom compounds. In addition, we demonstrated that the most active fraction to induce apoptosis in cancer cells was that containing the highest amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), described in the literature for its anticancer and proapoptotic properties. This fraction detained the cell cycle at G2/M phase and the results in terms of apoptosis and reduced cell viability produced by this fraction were comparable with those induced by EPA. Western blotting experiments showed that diatoms triggered apoptosis by the extrinsic pathway, i.e. by means of activation of caspase 8, and confirmed the involvement of effector caspase 3. In addition, C. scutellum was studied for the first time from the chemical point of view. By GC-MC we identified more than 100 compounds, mainly fatty acids, sterols and glycerides, and excluded the presence of short chain aldehydes.In collaboration with the University of Athens, the chemical study on the anaspidean mollusc Aplysia fasciata was carried out. From its digestive and hermaphroditic glands 16 metabolites were isolated by a combination of chromatographic techniques, and they were identified by spectroscopic analysis. Six of them (6-hydroxy-1-brasilene, epibrasilenol acetate, (3Z,9Z)-7-chloro-6-hydroxy-12-oxopentadeca-3,9-dien-1-yne, 6-epi-beta-snyderol, 16-acetoxy-15-bromo-7-hydroxy-9(11)-parguerene), belonging to different classes of sesquiterpene, acetogenin and diterpene compounds, are new and related with metabolites isolated from different species of the red alga Laurencia, the animal's diet. In the Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare (Italy), the chemical and biological investigation on the Chinese soft coral Sinularia sp. was performed. We isolated four new casbene compounds, i.e. bicyclic diterpenes characterized by a cyclopropane fused with a 14-membered macrocycle, which are usually found in Euphorbiaceae plants and rarely in marine organisms. Contrastingly to most natural cis ring-fused casbenes, in Sinularia co-existed cis and trans compounds and this suggested a non-stereospecific biosynthetic mechanism. The 4 casbenes were active against Gram+ bacteria and just casbene 3 also against Gram- bacteria, only hydroxylated casbenes displayed anti-feeding properties, and they did not exhibit antiproliferative activity. / "Metabolitos secundarios de organismos bentónicos: aspectos ecológicos y químicos" Depositada por Michela NappoTEXTO:El objetivo de esta Tesis es el estudio de los productos naturales marinos y su posible relevancia en el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos. La investigación se enfocó sobre los organismos bentónicos, i.e. los que viven en contacto con el fondo marino y que, a pesar de la falta de protección física y la escasa movilidad de la mayoría de las especies, han desarrollado mecanismos de defensa alternativos, como la producción de armas químicas. Estos compuestos, dotados de propiedades ecológicas, a menudo exhiben también importantes actividades farmacológicas. Se consideraron organismos pertenecientes a diferentes phyla (algas, moluscos y cnidarios) y áreas geográficas. Las diatomeas Cocconeis scutellum afectan la reversión sexual del decápodo proterándrico Hippolyte inermis, induciendo apoptosis (muerte celular programada) en la glándula androgénica del crustáceo. En esta Tesis evaluamos también la capacidad de dichas diatomeas en afectar el cambio de sexo de otros crustáceos, en particular los de interés comercial, y de actuar sobre las células tumorales humanas, a fin de encontrar posibles aplicaciones en acuicultura y medicina. También se valoró el patrón metabólico de las diatomeas mediante cromatografía de gases/espectrometría de masas, identificando más de 100 compuestos (ácidos grasos, esteroles y glicéridos), no constatándose la presencia de aldéhidos de cadena corta.En la Universidad de Atenas, se realizó el estudio químico del molusco anaspídeo Aplysia fasciata. Mediante diferentes técnicas cromatográficas y espectroscópicas, se aislaron 16 metabolitos, de los cuales seis eran nuevos (6-hidroxi-1-brasileno, epibrasilenol acetato, (3Z,9Z)-7-cloro-6-hidroxi-12-oxopentadeca-3,9-dien-1-ino, 6-epi-beta-snyderol, 16-acetoxi-15-bromo-7-hidroxi-9(11)-parguereno), relacionados con metabolitos de algas rojas del género Laurencia, que constituyen la dieta del animal.En el Instituto de Química Biomolecular (Pozzuoli, Italia) se realizó tanto el estudio químico como los experimentos biológicos con el coral blando Sinularia sp. procedente de China. De esta especie se aislaron 4 nuevos compuestos casbénicos (diterpenos bicíclicos formados por un anillo ciclopropánico fusionado a un macrociclo de 14 átomos) cuya estructura es frecuente en plantas de la familia Euphorbiaceae y bastante más rara en los organismos marinos. Los casbenos hidroxilados eran repelentes alimenticios; todos son activos frente a las bacterias Gram+ y sólo el casbeno 3 es también activo frente a las bacterias Gram- .

Ecología química en el bentos marino de la Antártida: productos naturales y defensa química en esponjas hexactinélidas, corales blandos y ascidias coloniales

Núñez Pons, Laura 06 November 2012 (has links)
The inhabitants of marine benthos must combat the ecological pressure caused by predation, competition and fouling through a series of mechanisms, one of which is chemical defense. This type of protection is particularly extended among sessile and/or sluggish organisms, such as sponges, soft corals or ascidians. The strategies to prevent predation are related to bad taste rather than to toxicity. Moreover, they must be considered along with nutritional quality, since the more nutritious the prey, higher quantities or more potent repellents are needed to gain protection. The production of defensive secondary metabolites is energetically expensive. For this reason, the Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) predicts that defenses must be allocated in the most valuable or more exposed structures or body-regions. In Antarctic communities, the main predators are asteroids, and defensive agents are hence expected to accumulate in superficial layers of potential prey. But dense populations of amphipods, which associate opportunistically with biosubtrata, obtaining both refuge and direct or indirect sources of nutrition, are also very influencing on these bottoms. It has been reported that chemical defenses are very common in Antarctic organisms, in accordance with our results. However, the research effort has not been the same for all the groups, and there are still many aspects to learn on the chemical ecology, like the identification of the implicated products, their mode of functioning or their localization and origin. This PhD has focused on three relevant groups of the Antarctic benthos, quite understudied: hexactinellid sponges, soft corals and colonial ascidians. Two influencing sympatric predators were selected, the sea star Odontaster validus, which is a known model predator, and for the first time, the amphipod Cheirimedon femoratus, used to perform feeding experiments for the detection of repellent chemical defenses. We designed a new protocol which provided numerous methodological profits, as well as a remarkable discriminatory potential for unpalatable activities. In a survey with 31 species of Antarctic organisms, a larger incidence of unpalatable activities was recorded towards C. femoratus than against the asteroid, especially in algae and sponges, in which amphipods may particularly influence defenses distribution for representing potential host-preys. Some organisms instead, seemed to exploit alternative defensive strategies. The ecological success of the three studied groups is probably related to the presence of chemical defenses. In hexactinellid sponges these are weak, yet compensated with a low energetic content, and derive from primary metabolites, such as steroid derivates. Some glucosphingolipids instead, could have a chemotaxonomical value as chemical markers in rossellid sponges. In soft corals, chemical protection is obtained from products originating from both, primary (wax esters) and secondary metabolism (sesquiterpenoids), which seem to cooperate in an additive way, and are likely exuded within the coral mucus in living specimens. The use of primary metabolites for defense represents an effective energy saving strategy. In colonial ascidians, defensive secondary metabolites of terpenoid and alkaloid nature with potent bioactivities predominate, and in some species these are accumulated in internal tissues. Presumably, this distribution is related to the production of chemically defended lavae. Some bioactive secondary metabolites isolated from various sources, like the meridianins, may suggest a broad evolutionary retention, or a symbiotic origin. Regarding bacterial antifouling, ascidians exhibited poor activity, while some soft corals did display inhibition. With this work we provide the identification, localization, and possible origin of several defensive agents in three relevant groups of Antarctic benthic invertebrates. / Los habitantes del bentos antártico combaten la depredación, la competencia y el recubrimiento desarrollando mecanismos como la defensa química. Ésta estrategia está particularmente extendida entre organismos sésiles y organismos de cuerpo blando. Las defensas repelentes contra depredadores han de considerarse junto con la calidad nutricional, pues las dietas muy energéticas enmascaran la repelencia. La producción de metabolitos secundarios defensivos es costosa. Por ello, la Teoría de Defensa Optimizada (ODT) prevé que han de localizarse en las regiones corporales más valiosas o expuestas. En las comunidades antárticas los principales depredadores son las estrellas de mar y se postula la concentración de defensas en áreas superficiales en las presas. Pero también influyen las poblaciones de anfípodos asociados a los biosustratos, obteniendo en ellos refugio y fuente de alimentación. Esta tesis se centra en las defensas químicas de tres grupos relevantes del bentos antártico relativamente poco estudiados: esponjas hexactinélidas, corales blandos y ascidias coloniales. Se seleccionaron dos depredadores simpátricos, la estrella Odontaster validus y, por primera vez, fue utilizado el anfípodo Cheirimedon femoratus. Diseñamos un nuevo protocolo con numerosas ventajas metodológicas además de un gran potencial discriminatorio, y observamos que en 31 especies hubo mayor repelencia hacia el anfípodo que hacia la estrella, sobretodo en algas y esponjas, que podrían representar potenciales huéspedes-presa. A partir de aquí estudiamos muestras de los tres grupos seleccionados. En hexactinélidas, las defensas químicas son más débiles y derivadas del metabolismo primario, pero compensadas con un bajo valor nutricional. Algunos glucoesfingolípidos, podrían tener valor quimiotaxonómico como marcadores de la familia Rossellidae. En corales blandos existen metabolitos de defensa primarios y secundarios operando sinérgicamente, y probablemente forman parte del mucus superficial. En ascidias coloniales, los metabolitos defensivos son secundarios y muy potentes; además, en algunas especies éstos tienden a acumularse en tejidos internos, presumiblemente para producir larvas protegidas químicamente. Las ascidias mostraron poca actividad antibacteriana, pero algunos corales exhibieron respuestas inhibitorias. Esta Tesis proporciona la estructura, distribución y posible origen de los metabolitos responsables de las actividades defensivas en tres grupos relevantes de invertebrados antárticos.

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