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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

服務核心、服務傳送系統與績效關係之研究 : 以台北市服飾零售業為實證對象

魏正元 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 分類是研究的第一步,服務業理必須基於有意義的分類,才 可能提出規範性的結論。此外,服務業的無形產出,必須透過細緻的 服務傳送系統設計來傳遞給顧客。因此服務業的研究首要工作,在從 抽象的層次中提出對服務業無形特性的有效分類。經由文獻檢討及實 務觀察,本文提出三項服務業的產出分類構面:經濟性、社會性及心 理性利益,稱之為服務核心。以此三構面將台北市的服飾零售業分為 四種類型:經濟心理性、心理性、混雜性及經濟性零售店。各類型零 售店中較績優者,相互之間服務傳送系統的差異非常明顯,顯示績效 的殊途同歸性是明顯的。用一類型零售店組內的比較分析中,以類神 經網路求得影響績效最重要的服務傳送系統項目:經濟心理性最重要 的活動與商品無直接的關連;心理性零售店最重要的是人員專業性與 商品風格與品味;經濟性零售店的服務傳送系統則是愈簡單愈好。文 末並提出相關的討論是建議。 / ABSTRACT keywords: service industry, service core, service delivery system, retail industry, neural network Classification is the first step for research. Normative suggestions cannot be provided unless meaningful classification is available in service management. Meanwhile, intangible output in service organizations usually is transferred to customers through delicate service delivery system. Therefore the primary task in service management research is to devise efficacious, theoretical classifications to govern inherent intangibility in service management. Through literature review and field study, this paper proposed three classifying dimensions for fashion retailing, which were termed service cores consisting of economic , social , and psychological benefits. Based on these three dimensions, four types of retailing firms were derived with clustering analysis: eco-psychological, psychological, and economic types. Between groups, better performers were extracted to compare with each other, which demonstrated the significances of equifinality towards performance and differences between these four retailing types. Within groups, neural network analysis was employed to determine important factors in service delivery system. In eco-psychological type, important factors were irrelevant to merchandises. Professional salespersons and special merchandise were critical to psychological stores. Better economic stores were all rated low in most delivery activities. Relevant suggestions and discussions were given to conclude the findings.

Prosthetic Vein Valve: Delivery and In Vitro Evaluation

Farrell, Laura-Lee Amelia Catherine 10 April 2007 (has links)
Venous disease will affect 1-3% of the western world at some point in their lives, yet there are few effective treatments for the venous system [1]. One such disease is chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a painful and debilitating illness that affects the superficial and deep vein valves of the legs. When the valves become incompetent they allow reflux and subsequent pooling of blood. Current clinical therapies are only moderately; and therefore, the need for a better solution remains. Prosthetic venous valves were constructed from a novel hydrogel biomaterial patented by Georgia Tech. The valves had flexible cusps similar to normal, anatomic venous valves. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the thrombotic potential of the GT venous valve in an in vitro study and to design a percutaneous delivery system. In vitro thrombosis model provides an appropriate intermediate step between valve development and in vivo analysis, which is necessary to determine the biocompatibility of the prosthetic device. The flow system was modified from a one-pass, flow-through thrombosis assay using whole blood [2] to mimic pulsatile physiologic conditions. Cessation of flow indicated thrombotic obstruction. Histological analysis was performed using H and E staining and Carstairs stain (specific for platelets). A group of valves were lined with Dacron to confirm the thrombotic potential of the system. All Dacron valves were occluded by thrombus connecting the polymer fibers with adherent platelets. Whole blood perfused through the GT prosthetic valves exhibited no thrombosis or platelet adherence. All GT valves were patent and competent after blood perfusion. H and E staining revealed no thrombus deposition on the GT vein valves. A percutaneous delivery system was designed after evaluating the GT valves for their compressibility and plastic deformation over time. Appropriate stents, catheters and sheaths were selected. As designed, this system will be utilized in an ovine trial of the valve. Due to the low in vitro thrombotic potential and strong history of PVA as a medical implant material, positive trial results are expected. With successful animal and human trials this valve can provide a potential intervention for the 7 million people suffering from CVI.

Développement de tensioactifs à base d’acides biliaires pegylés pour des applications pharmaceutiques

Le Dévédec, Frantz 03 1900 (has links)
Les acides biliaires sont reconnus comme des tensioactifs d’origine biologique potentiellement applicables dans le domaine pharmaceutique. Leurs structures en font une plateforme idéale pour l’obtention de nouvelles architectures polymères. Des composés synthétisés par polymérisation anionique de dérivés d’oxirane comme l’oxyde d’éthylène, offre des dérivés amphiphiles pegylés démontrant des propriétés d’agrégation intéressantes en vue d’une amélioration de la biocompatibilité et de la capacité d’encapsulation médicamenteuse. Une large gamme d’acides biliaires pegylés (BA(EGn)x) a été préparée avec comme objectif premier leurs applications dans la formulation de principes actifs problématiques. Pour cela, une caractérisation rigoureuse du comportement de ces dérivés (modulation de la longueur (2 < n < 19) et du nombre de bras (2 < x < 4) de PEG) en solution a été réalisée. Dans le but d’améliorer la biodisponibilité de principes actifs lipophiles (cas de l’itraconazole), des nanoémulsions spontanées, composées de BA(EGn)x et d’acide oléique, ont été développées. L’évaluation in vitro, de la toxicité (cellulaire), et de la capacité de solubilisation des systèmes BA(EGn)x, ainsi que les paramètres pharmacocinétiques in vivo (chez le rat), suggèrent une livraison contrôlée par nos systèmes auto-assemblés lors de l’administration orale et intraveineuse. Aussi, la synthèse de copolymères en blocs en étoile à base d’acide cholique pegylés a été effectuée par polymérisation anionique par addition d’un second bloc au caractère hydrophobe de poly(éther d’allyle et de glycidyle) (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4). Selon le ratio de blocs hydrophiles-hydrophobes CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4, des réponses thermiques en solution (LCST) ont été observées par un point de trouble (Cp) entre 8 oC et 37 oC. Un mécanisme de formation d’agrégats en plusieurs étapes est suggéré. La thiolation des allyles des PAGE permet une fonctionnalisation terminale à haute densité, comparable aux dendrimères. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 et CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 indiquent la formation de structures auto-assemblées en solution, sensibles à la température ou au pH. Cette fonctionnalisation élargie le domaine d’application des dérivés d’acides biliaires pegylés en étoile vers la transfection d’ADN, la livraison de siRNA thérapeutiques ou encore à une sélectivité de livraison médicamenteux (ex. sensibilité au pH, greffage ligands). / Bile acids are natural compounds and may have potential for pharmaceutical applications. Their structures provide an interesting platform for polymerization to obtain well-defined architectures. The anionic polymerization of oxirane derivatives, mainly PEG derivatives, endowed new aggregation properties and improvement of biocompatibility of the new amphiphilic polymers based on bile acids. A library of pegylated bile acids (BA(EGn)x) was prepared for the formulation of lipophilic drugs. The aqueous physicochemical behaviors of these derivatives (modulation of the length (2 < n < 19) and the number (2 < x < 4) of PEG arm) were investigated. In order to improve the bioavailability of insoluble active compounds (itraconazole, an antifungal drug), a binary system based on the association of BA(EGn)x and oleic acid, formed self-emulsifying drug delivery systems. The in vitro evaluation of cell toxicity and solubilization capacities of the BA(EGn)x systems followed by the in vivo evaluation in rats of the pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated the advantages of our self-assembled system for controlled drug delivery for both oral and intravenous administration. Star-shaped block copolymers of pegylated cholic acid (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4) were prepared by the introduction of a second hydrophobic block of PAGE poly(allyl glycidyl ether). They demonstrated thermosensitivity (8 oC < LCST < 37 oC) in aqueous solution, suggesting a mechanism based on the formation of aggregates in two steps. The PAGE block with pendant groups may facilitate futher functionalization. The thiolation of allyl yields a new class of charged PEGylated star polymers (with multiple amines or carboxylic groups). CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 and CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 derivatives showed self-assembled structures in solution with temperature and pH responsiveness, respectively. This functionalization may lead to broader application of pegylated star derivatives in DNA transfection systems, siRNA delivery systems or as selective delivery system (pH-dependent).


魏正元 Unknown Date (has links)

Vectorisation de molécules biologiques par la protéine ZEBRA du Virus Epstein-Barr : applications en thérapie humaine / Optimization of ZEBRA protein as an innovative delivery system for therapeutic molecules

Marchione, Roberta 04 June 2014 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de différentes pathologies a permis la caractérisation de gènes et de protéines impliqués dans la pathogénèse et l'identification de cibles thérapeutiques intracellulaires. La nature hydrophobique de la membrane cellulaire empêche le passage des médicaments dans les cellules. Les Cell-Penetrating Peptides (CPP) ou domaines de transduction protéiques (PTD) sont des peptides qui permettent l'internalisation de macromolécules hydrophiles in cellulo et in vivo. Un nouveau peptide issu du facteur de transcription ZEBRA du virus Epstein-Barr, et qui possède des propriétés de transduction a été caractérisé récemment dans notre laboratoire. Des études par mutagénèse de délétion de la protéine ZEBRA ont permis d'identifier la région d'acides aminés (nommé ainsi MD) impliquée dans la pénétration cellulaire. Ce peptide traverse les membranes des cellules de mammifères par un mécanisme de translocation directe, même lorsqu'il est fusionné à des molécules telles que la protéine reportrice eGFP. Le mécanisme de pénétration directe représente un grand avantage pour les applications thérapeutiques: les molécules cargos peuvent être internalisées directement dans le cytoplasme cellulaire sans dégradation et sous une forme biologiquement active. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les propriétés de pénétration cellulaire du peptide MD et d'évaluer ses applications thérapeutiques comme système de vectorisation des protéines. Ce travail est structuré en trois parties. La première partie porte sur l'étude de l'optimisation de la séquence peptidique MD par réduction de taille et l'évaluation du rôle de sa composition en acides aminés dans le processus de translocation à travers la membrane cellulaire. Cette étude a conduit à l'identification d'une séquence plus courte MD (MD11) possédant une efficacité et un mécanisme de translocation inchangés. La deuxième partie décrit une approche thérapeutique basée sur MD11 visant à la complémentation protéique d'un dysfonctionnement identifiée dans la plupart des cancers. Les cellules tumorales présentent des altérations dans la machinerie de traduction résultant dans une prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée. Parmi les différents facteurs intervenant dans la régulation de ce processus, le facteur eucaryote d'initiation 3 (eIF3) contribue à l'oncogenèse et au maintien de l'état cancéreux. Ce complexe est composé de 13 sous-unités, désignées eIF3 a-m. L'expression de certaines sous-unités est altérée dans plusieurs cancers, et en particulier la sous-unité f (eIF3f) est significativement diminuée dans le mélanome, les cancers du pancréas, de la vulve, du sein, de l'intestin et de l'ovaire. L'expression ectopique par transfection transitoire du gène eIF3f inhibe la synthèse protéique et induit l'apoptose dans le mélanome et dans les cellules cancéreuses pancréatiques. A partir de ces observations, nous avons développé une approche thérapeutique innovante pour le traitement des cancers dans lesquels la protéine manquante eIF3f est produite sous forme recombinante fusionnée à la séquence de MD11, et ensuite internalisée dans les cellules cibles tumorales. Ces résultats démontrent que le système de transfert de eIF3f basé sur MD11 représente une stratégie efficace pour supprimer la prolifération des cellules tumorales. La dernière partie de cette thèse explore la propriété de pénétration de MD11 dans les cellules de levure, et en particulier dans le champignon pathogène Candida albicans. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la polyvalence de MD11, qui fonctionne comme vecteur de protéines à activité biologique aussi bien dans la levure que dans les cellules de mammifères. Le potentiel de MD11 comme système de transport et de relargage des protéines a donc été établis, toutefois certaines améliorations en ce qui concerne la formulation des protéines de fusion et des études in vivo doivent être réalisées afin de valider son efficacité thérapeutique. / In recent years, the understanding of disease molecular mechanisms has led to the identification of genes and proteins that are altered in disease state and many therapeutic targets have been found located within cells. The protective and hydrophobic nature of plasma membrane prevents therapeutic drugs from entering cells. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) or protein transduction domains (PTDs) have emerged as a group of non-invasive delivery vectors for various hydrophilic macromolecules, and several in vitro and in vivo applications as pharmaceutical carriers have been reported. A novel cell-penetrating peptide deriving from the Epstein-Barr virus ZEBRA transcription factor has been recently characterized in our laboratory. A reductionist study of full-length ZEBRA protein has allowed to identify the amino acid region (named as Minimal Domain, MD) implicated in cellular uptake. This peptide is able to cross the mammalian cell membranes via a direct translocation mechanism even when fused to cargo molecules such as eGFP reporter protein. The direct penetration mechanism represents a great advantage for therapeutic applications as the cargo molecules can be directly delivered into cells cytoplasm in a biological active form. The aim of this thesis is to explore the cell-penetrating properties of the MD peptide and evaluate its applications as therapeutic protein delivery system. This work is structured in three parts.The first part describes the study on the optimization of MD peptide sequence by size-reduction and the evaluation of its amino acid composition role in the translocation process across the cell membrane. This study has led to the identification of a shorter MD sequence (MD11) with unvaried mechanism of translocation. The second section describes a MD11-based therapeutic approach aiming at repair a dysfunction of the protein synthesis identified in most cancers. The regulation of the protein synthesis has a crucial role in governing the eukaryotic cell growth and subtle defects in the translational machinery can alter the cellular physiology and lead to cell malignancy. Among the different factors intervening in the regulation of this process, the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) contributes to oncogenesis and maintenance of the cancer state. This complex is composed of 13 subunits (designated eIF3 a-m). The expression of eIF3 subunits is altered in several cancers, and in particular the f subunit (eIF3f) is significantly down-regulated in pancreas, vulva, breast, melanoma, ovary and small intestine tumors. The eIF3f ectopic expression by transient gene transfection inhibits cellular protein synthesis and induces apoptosis in melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells. Starting from these observations, we developed an innovative therapeutic approach for cancer treatment in which the missing eIF3f protein is produced in vitro in fusion to MD11, and delivered to cells. These results have demonstrated that the MD11- based eIF3f transfer system may represent a powerful strategy to suppress the tumor-cell proliferation. The last part of this thesis explores the cell-penetrating property of MD11 in yeast cells, and in particular in the pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. The presented results demonstrate the versatility of MD11, functioning as vectors in both yeast and mammalian cells and as carrier for proteins with biological activity.The MD11 potential as protein delivery system is evident; however some improvements regarding the fusion protein formulation and in vivo studies should be realized to validate the effectiveness of its therapeutic application.

Les Hydroxydes Doubles Lamellaires au coeur de la biotechnologie : évaluation des applications médicales et environnementales / Layered double hydroxide materials for today's biotechnology : evaluation of medicinal and environnmental applications

Djebbi, Mohamed Amine 27 March 2017 (has links)
Les matériaux hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (HDL) sont une classe d'argiles anioniques synthétiques dont la structure est basée sur celle du brucite Mg(OH)2 dans lesquelles une partie des cations métalliques divalents sont été remplacés par des ions trivalents donnant ainsi des feuillets chargés positive. Cette charge est équilibrée par l'intercalation d'anions dans la région interlamellaire hydratée. Les identités et les rapports des cations di- et trivalents et l'anion interlamellaire peuvent être varié sur une large gamme, donnant lieu à une large classe de matériaux isostructurales. Le matériau d’origine de cette classe est l’hydrotalcite (HT) et les HDL sont par conséquent également connus comme des matériaux de type hydrotalcite. Bien que les caractéristiques de base de la structure soient bien comprises, des aspects structurels détaillés ont fait l'objet de certaine controverse dans la littérature afin de maîtriser leurs propriétés et leurs applications potentielles. Dans ce travail de thèse nous avons retenu deux types de HDL MgAl et ZnAl qui ont été largement introduits dans diverses applications, tels que la sorption des molécules d'intérêt biologique (enzyme et médicament) et l'élaboration d'électrodes. La spécificité de ce travail repose sur l’immobilisation d’une enzyme modèle, la lactate déshydrogénase dans ces deux matrices ainsi qu’un médicament anti-bactérien, la berbérine, afin d’étudier les interactions entre ces deux biomolécules et la phase HDL introduite et de répondre à leurs exigences d'applications dans le domaine médical. Dans un second temps nous avons tenté d’étudier les deux phases mentionnées de plus en plus fine en termes de structure, morphologie et profil électrochimique en vue de les employer en tant que matériaux d’électrode pour le développement de biopile / DHs are a class of synthetic anionic clays whose structure is based on brucite-like layers Mg(OH)2 inwhich some of the divalent cations have been replaced by trivalent ions giving positively-charged sheets.This charge is balanced by intercalation of anions in the hydrated interlayer regions. The identities andratios of the di- and trivalent cations and the interlayer anion may be varied over a wide range, giving rise toa large class of isostructural materials. The parent material of this class is the naturally occurring mineralhydrotalcite and LDHs are consequently also known as hydrotalcite-like materials. Although the basicfeatures of the structure are well understood, detailed structural aspects have been the subject of somecontroversy in the literature. In this thesis, we have selected two types of LDH, MgAl and ZnAl, which havebeen widely introduced in various applications, such as sorption of molecules of biological interest (enzymeand drug) and the development of electrodes. The specificity of this work lies on the immobilization of amodel enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase in both matrices as well as an anti-bacterial drug, berberine, inorder to study the interactions between these two biomolecules and the introduced LDH phase and tobetter address their challenges of applications in the medical field. Second, we have tried to study the twophases mentioned above more and more accurately in terms of structure, morphology and electrochemicalprofile in order to use them as electrode materials for microbial fuel cell device

Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Integration eines Wirkstofffreisetzungssystems in ein textiles Knochenimplantat am Beispiel des Antibiotikums Gentamicin

Breier, Annette 21 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das bei der Sanierung von großen segmentalen Knochendefekten bestehende Risiko einer fremdkörperassoziierten Infektion soll durch die Integration eines Wirkstofffreisetzungssystems in ein bestehendes textiles Knochenimplantat gemindert werden. Durch Immobilisierung des Wirkstoffs in eine degradierbare Polymermatrix wird eine zeitlich verzögerte Freisetzung bewirkt. Als Wirkstofffreisetzungssystem wird die Kombination von Polylactid (PLA) bzw. Poly(Lactid-co-Glycolid) (PLGA) als Matrixpolymer mit dem Antibiotikum Gentamicin als Wirkstoff untersucht, welches durch Beschichtung der textilen Scaffolds mittels Dip-Coating eingebracht werden soll. Es stehen die drei Beschichtungsmethoden „Suspension“, „Emulsion“ und „Schichtaufbau“ zur Auswahl, die jeweils über eigene Parameter zur Beeinflussung des Freisetzungsprofils verfügen. Die Methode „Suspension“ und die damit verbundenen Einflussfaktoren Korngröße, Korngrößenverteilung sowie Masseanteil des Antibiotikums und Schichtdicke der aufgetragenen Polymerschicht wurde als die günstigste herausgearbeitet. Im Teil II dieser Arbeit wird diese soweit optimiert, dass nahezu über den gesamten geforderten Zeitraum die festgelegte notwendige Dosierung aufrechterhalten werden kann. Erste in vitro Versuche weisen auf eine gute Zellverträglichkeit sowie eine ausreichende mikrobielle Wirksamkeit hin. / To reduce the risk of infection in the treatment of long bone defects, a novel embroidered bone implant is to be provided with an antibiotic drug delivery system. Prolonged and controlled drug release can be achieved by coating the thread material with antibiotics incorporated in a degradable polymer matrix. The chosen drug delivery system is composed of polylactide acid (PLA) or poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) as matrix polymer and the antibiotic gentamicin. It is integrated into the textile structure by dip-coating providing the three different methods suspension, emulsion and layered. Each method bears its appropriate parameters to influence the releasing profile. The suspension-method and its parameters grain size and grain size distribution as well as mass fraction of the antibiotic and the coating thickness could be proved as the most feasible. In part II of this essay the chosen coating set-up gets optimized so that a drug release nearly along the whole required term can be achieved. Preliminary in vitro studies show a good cell tolerance besides a sufficient microbial efficacy.

Planificación y Programación para la Construcción de una Estación de Tren Subterránea de la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima y Callao, Aplicando la Metodología Lean Construction para el Control y Ejecución del Proyecto

Velásquez Luque, Humberto Martín Ernesto 23 November 2020 (has links)
La filosofía Lean Construction (LC) o la construcción sin pérdida se da en la década de 1990, siendo este una adaptación del modelo automovilístico del Toyota Production System o Lean Production a la industria de la construcción, la introducción o el nuevo enfoque de la gestión de proyectos de construcción fue propuesta por el profesor Lauri Koskela, donde nos dice que veamos a la producción en la construcción como un proceso de transformación, de flujo y generador de valor, en consecuencia el objetivo de LC es crear buenos sistemas de producción que permitan optimizar, reducir o eliminar los flujos para mejorar los tiempos de entrega. El sector construcción uno de los más importantes gestores de la economía del país por su participación del PBI necesita la aplicación de metodologías en la gestión de proyectos como LC para generar valor sin pérdidas, sin embargo, su aplicación o su correcta aplicación es reducida, resultando con indicadores óptimos para un grupo selecto de empresas de construcción. En este trabajo de investigación se va a proponer la aplicación de la filosofía Lean Construction como herramienta para la planificación, ejecución y control para la construcción de una estación subterránea de pasajeros para la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima y Callao, vamos a detallar los conceptos y herramientas del LC que, nos sirvan como base para su aplicación y desarrollo para el cumplimiento de los objetivos del proyecto. Así también, se determinará la secuencia, división y sectorización de trabajo para la elaboración del plan de trabajo, se identificarán las actividades que no agregan valor o no productivas, atacando así las perdidas más visibles, reduciendo los ciclos y proponiendo actividades en paralelo. Aplicaremos las teorías Last Planner, Lookahead y Week Planning para el control del proyecto a fin de evaluar restricciones y determinar los que podemos hacer en la planificación diaria, con lo cual buscamos generar una guía para la ejecución del resto de estaciones que comprenden el proyecto. Finalmente se analizará los resultados del proyecto mediante herramientas de medición como el PAC (Porcentaje de Actividades Cumplidas), TC (trabajos contributorios) y otros para las conclusiones y recomendaciones para futuras estaciones aplicando la mejora continua. / The Lean Construction (LC) philosophy or construction without loss occurred in the 1990s, this being an adaptation of the automotive model of Lean Production to the construction industry, the introduction or the new approach to construction project management It was proposed by Professor Lauri Koskela, where he tells us to see production in construction as a process of transformation, flow and value generator, therefore the objective of LC is to create good production systems that allow optimizing, reducing or eliminate flows to improve delivery times. The construction sector, one of the most important managers of the country's economy due to its participation in GDP, needs the application of project management methodologies such as LC to generate value without losses, however its application or its correct application is reduced, resulting in Optimal indicators for a select group of construction companies. In this thesis, the application of the Lean Construction philosophy will be proposed as a tool for planning, executing and controlling the construction of an underground passenger station for Line 2 of the Lima and Callao Metro, we will detail the concepts and tools of the LC that serve as a basis for its application and development for the fulfillment of the project's objectives. Also, the sequence, division and sectorization of work for the preparation of the work plan will be determined, activities that do not add value or are not productive will be identified, thus attacking the most visible losses, reducing cycles and proposing activities in parallel. We will apply Last Planner, Lookahead and Week Planning theories for project control in order to evaluate restrictions and determine what we can do in daily planning, with which we seek to generate a guide for the execution of the rest of the stations that comprise the project. Finally, the results of the project will be analyzed using measurement tools such as the PAC (Percentage of Completed Activities), TC (contributory works) and others for the conclusions and recommendations for future stations applying continuous improvement. / Tesis

Metoda Design-Build a její použití pro zadávání v ČR / Design-Build Delivery Method and its Respective Application in the Czech Republic

Paníček, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis follows up the award of public contracts using the Design-Build method. The first part focuses on the description of individual procurement methods and their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the basic types of FIDIC terms and connditions are compared here. The second part describes and evaluates the terms of reference for specific projects commissioned by Design-Build in the Czech Republic. There is also a questionnaire survey that examines the viewpoints, knowledge and experience of contracting authorities with this method.

Nativní hyaluronan jako nosič hydrofobních molekul / Native hyaluronan as delivery agent for hydrophobic molecules

Michalicová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Hyaluronan is a chemical, which can be qualified as essential for vertebrates. It is a part of the extracellular matrix in most of tissues and also a major component of some other tissues. Besides of the mechanical functions this compound is important for many biological processes such as growth of tumor cells. The objective of this thesis was development of carrier systems containing native hyaluronan and hydrophobic drugs. For purposes of this work fluorescence probes (pyrene, prodan, perylene, DPH, mereocynine 540) instead of drugs were used. By using further mentioned sophisticated methods the properties of these systems were studied. The systems were prepared by freeze-drying. The effect of freeze-drying on support of interactions was observed by fluorescence spectrometry (steady-state and time-resolved). The stability of freeze-dried systems was determined by zeta potential, which was measured by electrophoretic light scattering. Cakes obtained by freeze-drying were analyzed by several methods. First one was effluence gas chromatography connected with FT-IR spectrometry. In this method the present of tertiary butyl alcohol in product was observed. The cakes were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, which can provide the information about the surface and elemental constitution of the material. The results of this work can shed light on the area of developing of drugs with targeted distribution of active compound.

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