Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design 3methods"" "subject:"design 4methods""
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Critérios recentes de ruptura na estabilidade de lavra a céu aberto. / Sem título em inglêsGiusepone, Felipe 29 November 2010 (has links)
Projetos de estabilidade de escavações mineiras por meio de estudos de caracterização do maciço rochoso com o uso da mecânica de rochas são indispensáveis para otimizar o aproveitamento das jazidas, garantir segurança nas operações de lavra e minimizar os impactos ambientais decorrentes da instabilidade dos taludes da cava. Nesta dissertação utilizou-se de critérios recentes de ruptura em rocha, para obtenção de dados de entrada em métodos já clássicos de análise da estabilidade de taludes em maciços rochosos para a cava de dolomito lavrada a céu aberto. Os critérios utilizados serão avaliados com relação à compatibilidade dos resultados obtidos com sua aplicação e a coerência com a situação atual observada na lavra em desenvolvimento. Análises sobre a paralisação da lavra em decorrência dos problemas de instabilidade também serão avaliadas e discutidas. Para ilustrar esta dissertação foi eleita a jazida de dolomito localizada no Sinclinal do Gandarela em virtude dos problemas de instabilidade encontrados na cava. As conclusões finais são apresentadas nos últimos itens deste trabalho. / The design of stable excavations using rock masses characterization with the tools provided by rock mechanics, are indispensable for optimizing the economic exploitation of ore deposits, to ensure the safety in the mining works and to minimize the environmental impacts deriving of the open pit slopes instability. In this Dissertation, for obtain the input data for classic methods of rocky slopes stability analyses, it is used the most recent criteria of rock mass failure applied for an open pit mine of dolomite. The utilized criteria compatibility will be evaluated by the results obtained with their utilization and the coherence with the real situation verified at the developing mine. Will be evaluated and discussed the analyses about the stoppage of the mine works due to the slope instability problems. To illustrate this Dissertation are elected a dolomite ore deposit situated at the Gandarela Synclinal on account of the instability problems that occurred in the mine pit. The final conclusions are listed in the items presented at the end of this work.
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[pt] O trabalho apresenta um modelo de ensino de métodos de projeto de
produto elaborado de modo a facilitar o trabalho docente nas disciplinas de
metodologia de projeto e projeto de produto. A pesquisa vem ao encontro da
necessidade de, durante o processo projetual, lidar com vários saberes que deverão
estar presentes não apenas na fase de projeto abstrato, como também na
concretização do objeto. Sustenta-se na investigação que cabe ao docente ser um
facilitador da aprendizagem do futuro designer, demonstrando conhecimento
profundo da disciplina a ser ministrada, de forma a ressaltar seus aspectos
fundamentais e esclarecer acerca de suas aplicações práticas. O aporte teórico do
trabalho mostra que a atividade cientifica do design, que estuda métodos e
determina a lógica e processos sequenciais se mostra adequada para tornar o
design uma prática reflexiva. Entre as habilidades e competências, o designer deve
ter capacidade criativa para propor soluções inovadoras, utilizando-se do domínio
de técnicas e do processo de criação, assim como domínio das diferentes etapas do
desenvolvimento de um projeto, a saber: definição de objetivos, técnicas de coleta
e análise de dados, geração e avaliação de alternativas, configuração de solução e
comunicação de resultados. As duas habilidades e competências são básicas, pois
é isso que se deseja do formando. Assim, o ensino de design deve ser de qualidade
e os conhecimentos de métodos projetuais devem ser apreendidos pelo futuro
designer para que possa exercer a sua profissão com segurança. O método não
garante a solução nem a eficácia do projeto e da sua concretização, pois está
relacionado à aproximação com os saberes sendo apenas uma garantia de
consecução da finalidade. Dessa forma, o trabalho aqui apresentado tem como
objetivo propor o Modelo de Ensino de Métodos de Design de Produto (MEM),
apoiado na teoria da aprendizagem significativa. O MEM visa que o professor use estratégias diferenciadas para alcançar a aprendizagem significativa, a partir de
um guia que se apóia nos conhecimentos da pedagogia por meio da metodologia
do ensino superior. O trabalho propõe estratégias de aprendizagem, estratégias de
avaliação e recursos como instrumentos capazes de proporcionar uma
aprendizagem mais eficaz de 40 métodos de projeto de produto. Finalmente, o
trabalho apresenta a aplicação do MEM pelo período de um semestre na disciplina
de Metodologia de Projeto da Univille. A partir dos resultados da avaliação
conclui-se sobre a eficácia do modelo, recomendando-se seu uso por outros
docentes das disciplinas de Metodologia de Projeto e Projeto de Produto em
cursos de design. / [en] This study presents a teaching model for product design methods. It was
developed in order to assist the teacher in subjects such as Project Methodology
and Product Design. The research aims to attend the necessity, during the product
design process, in dealing with all kind of information to be considered not only
during the abstract project phase, but also at the moment of the project
achievement. During the study the author affirms that the teacher should be a
facilitator in the learning process of the future designer, while showing thorough
knowledge of the subject to be taught, in a way to emphasize its fundamental
aspects and enlighten its practical applications. The theoretical contribution of this
study shows that the scientific activity of design, which investigates methods and
determines the logic and sequential processes, has demonstrated to be suitable to
transform design into a reflective practice. Beyond abilities and competence, a
designer should possess creative capacities in order to propose innovative
solutions, by means of mastery of the process designing techniques, as well as
mastery of the different development steps of a project, namely: object definition,
data collection and data analysis techniques, generation and evaluation of
alternatives, solution configuration and communication of the results. These two
abilities and competences are fundamental, and are required of a graduate student.
Therefore, education in design should possess quality and the knowledge
regarding project design methods should be learned by the future designer so he
or she will be able to face his profession with confidence. This method neither
guarantees the solution nor the project’s effectiveness and its achievement since it
is related to the approximation of knowledge, being only a guarantee of the
attainment of the project s aim. Thus, this study aims to propose a Teaching
Model for Product Design Methods (TMM), based on the theory of meaningful
learning. The method proposes that the teacher should use differentiated strategies
to achieve meaningful learning, based on a guide, which relies on pedagogic
knowledge by means of the methodologies of higher education. This study
proposes learning strategies, evaluation strategies and 40 product design methods
as tools capable of providing a more effective learning process.
At last, this work presents the application of the method to the subject
Project Methodology during a semester at the Univille University and from the
analysis of the results, the effectiveness of the model is found, thus recommending
its use by other teachers of the subjects Project Methodology and Project Design
of industrial design courses.
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Análise do comportamento a temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos considerando restrição ao alongamento térmico / Analysis on the behaviour of cold formed steel columns under fire conditions with restrained thermal elongationAlmeida, Saulo José de Castro 26 October 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho se desenvolve como proposta principal, uma investigação experimental sobre o comportamento de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos em temperaturas elevadas considerando a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico. Nessa investigação foram avaliadas as distribuições de temperaturas no contorno da seção transversal e ao longo do comprimento dos elementos. Outrossim, avaliou-se a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico sobre o comportamento mecânico dos elementos, em especial sobre o desenvolvimento das forças de restrição que surgem durante a fase de aquecimento dos mesmos. Concernente ao comportamento térmico, os resultados indicam que a temperatura resistente de elementos expostos ao calor por todos os lados deve ser determinada com base nas medições realizadas em seções a meia altura do elemento devido à distribuição não uniforme de temperatura ao longo do comprimento. Com relação ao comportamento mecânico, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a resistência pós-crítica em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos é pequena e nesse sentido é mais coerente considerar como temperatura resistente a temperatura correspondente ao momento da perda de estabilidade dos elementos. Em caráter complementar e exploratório foram realizadas análises numéricas para melhorar o entendimento do comportamento em temperaturas elevadas dos elementos de aço formados a frio investigados experimentalmente no presente trabalho. Nas análises numéricas foi avaliada uma estratégia de modelagem em elementos finitos para simular a restrição ao alongamento térmico axial em elementos comprimidos submetidos a temperaturas elevadas. Os resultados apontam que os modelos numéricos foram eficientes para prescrever força de compressão resistente em temperaturas elevadas e o tempo resistente. Por outro lado não foram eficientes para prescrever as temperaturas críticas. No âmbito normativo foram realizadas as avaliações do método de cálculo simplificado proposto na ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) e da possibilidade de adequar o método simplificado de cálculo do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos. Os resultados sugerem que o método de cálculo simplificado da ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) foi capaz de fornecer satisfatoriamente a força de compressão resistente dos elementos investigados que se enquadravam nas exigências do método. Outrossim, sugerem que o uso do método simplificado do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) com redução da resistência ao escoamento e módulo de elasticidade do aço para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio carece de mais investigações. / The main proposal of this work was an experimental investigation on the behavior of cold-formed steel compressed members at elevated temperatures considering the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation. In this investigation, it was evaluated the temperature distributions on the cross section and along the height of the members. Furthermore, it was evaluated the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation on the mechanical behavior of these members, in particular on the development of restraining forces during their heating phase. Concerning the thermal behavior, the results indicate the critical temperature of members exposed to heat from all sides should be determined based on measurements performed on sections located at mid-span of the members due to the non uniform temperature distribution along the height. With regards to mechanical behavior, the experimental results showed that the post-buckling resistance at elevated temperatures of these members is small and the critical temperature should be considered as the temperature corresponding to the buckling temperature. Additionally numerical analyzes were performed to better understand the behavior of the cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures that were experimentally investigated in this study. In the numerical analyzes a modeling strategy was evaluated on finite elements to simulate the axial restraining to the thermal elongation in compressed members subjected to high temperatures. The results show that the numerical models were effective to prescribe the ultimate loads at elevated temperatures and the critical time considering the influence of the axial restraining to the thermal elongation. On the other hand, the numerical models were not effective to prescribe the critical temperature. Within the normative scope, the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was evaluated as well the possibility of adapting the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines to the design of cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures. The results suggest that the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was able to accurately predict the ultimate test loads of the members that were within the requirements of the method. On the other hand, it was found that the use of the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines with reduction of the mechanical properties at elevated temperatures (yield strength and elastic modulus of steel) for design of compressed cold formed steel members at elevated temperature needs further investigations.
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Estudo comparativo entre um novo método de transferência de planos guias no preparo de boca para Próteses Parciais Removíveis e outras duas técnicas / Comparative study between a new method for tranferring guide planes on mouth preparation for Removable Partial Denture and two other techniquesYamaguchi, Cláudio Akira 18 August 2011 (has links)
A confecção de uma prótese parcial removível exige a correta determinação do eixo de inserção e, consequentemente, o preparo cuidadoso de planos guias para satisfazer os princípios de retenção e estabilidade. Entretanto, grande parte dos profissionais negligencia esta etapa, seja por desconhecimento de sua importância, dificuldade técnica, quantidade limitada de opções cientificamente comprovadas de seus resultados, ou pela aparente e ilusória economia de tempo e de trabalho que sua realização possa tomar. Então, em função do número limitado de técnicas eficientes para transferência de planos guias e da necessidade de um método que otimize o tempo dos profissionais de forma prática e didática, o presente estudo buscou introduzir uma nova maneira de transferir os planos guias. A nova técnica consiste na utilização de uma placa de vacuum-form (PV), comparando-a com preparos realizados em delineador e com duas outras técnicas pré-existentes: à mão livre (ML) e coroas-guia (CG), analisando sua eficácia e precisão. Réplicas idênticas (n=44) de um modelo de gesso representativo da arcada inferior foram divididas em 11 grupos, com 4 modelos cada. Cada um dos onze estudantes de Odontologia recebeu 4 modelos - em um deles os planos guias já tinham sido previamente preparados com delineador, os quais serviram apenas de referência para que fossem empregados os outros métodos. As diferenças angulares dos planos guias nos 44 modelos, nos sentidos ântero-posterior, látero-lateral e cruzado foram mensuradas por meio de uma máquina de medição por coordenadas. A análise de variância para medidas repetidas e o Teste de Comparações Múltiplas (método de Tukey) revelaram que tanto no sentido látero-lateral, como na avaliação cruzada, houve diferença significativa na média dos preparos feitos no delineador em relação a todas as outras técnicas. No entanto, não foram identificadas diferenças importantes entre os três métodos. Para a avaliação ântero-posterior, verificou-se diferença relevante somente entre os preparos feitos no delineador e CG, o que não foi detectado entre ML, PV e delineador. Observou-se também, que os preparos obtidos com delineador apresentaram variações angulares próximos de zero, indicando paralelismo quase absoluto e que os planos guias preparados nesse dispositivo demonstraram média e variabilidade menores que os outros métodos. As demais técnicas (ML, CG e PV) se comportaram de forma estatistica semelhante, exceto no sentido ântero-posterior, onde a CG apresentou maior variação angular. Concluiu-se que a técnica proposta apresentou resultados satisfatórios em relação aos padrões adotados neste estudo, quando comparada às demais técnicas e ao delineador. Portanto, a mesma pode ser considerada viável, já que sua utilização oferece uma confecção de próteses removíveis de forma mais criteriosa, atendendo às necessidades profissionais, em termos de facilidade e tempo gasto em sua execução. / The confection of a removable partial denture requires accurate determination of the path of insertion and consequently, the careful preparation of guide planes to meet the principles of retention and stability. However, a great number of professionals neglect this step because of unconsciousness of its importance, or technical difficulty, or limited options of techniques or because of apparent and illusory saving of time and work. Due to the limited number of proven effective techniques for guide planes preparation and the need of an effective method for optimizing time of dental surgeons in a clear and practical way, this present study aimed the introduction of a new technique for transferring guide planes. The new technique consists on the use of a vacuum form splint (VF). To measure its efficiency and accuracy it was compared with the preparations carried out in a dental surveyor and with two other pre-existing techniques: freehand (FH) and acrylic resin guide crown (GC). Identical replicas (n=44) of a gypsum model representing a dental lower arch were divided into 11 groups of four. Each of the eleven dental students received four models - in one of the models, the guide planes were previously prepared with the surveyor to be used as a reference for the application of the three transfer techniques in the other three remaining models. The angular differences of the the prepared guide planes on the 44 models were measured by a coordinate measuring machine in the anteroposterior, laterolateral and crossed views. The Analysis of Variance and Tukey method revealed that, for the laterolateral evaluation and crossed evaluation, significant differences were found in the average of the preparations obtained by the surveyor in relation to all other techniques. There were no significant differences among the three techniques. Anteroposterior evaluation showed significant difference between the average of the preparations made by the surveyor and by the GC, which was not observed between the FH and PV groups compared to the surveyor. It was also found that the angular variation obtained by preparations using the surveyor was close to zero degree, indicating almost absolute parallelism. The FH, GC and VF techniques were statistically similar, except for the anteroposterior evaluation. In the anteroposterior evaluation the GC presented higher angular variation. It was concluded that the proposed technique showed satisfactory results concerning the adopted standards in the present study when compared with the preparations made by other techniques and the surveyor. Thus, the VF technique can be considered viable, since it improves the quality of the Removable Partial Denture and meets the professional needs, saving time in the procedures.
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Critérios recentes de ruptura na estabilidade de lavra a céu aberto. / Sem título em inglêsFelipe Giusepone 29 November 2010 (has links)
Projetos de estabilidade de escavações mineiras por meio de estudos de caracterização do maciço rochoso com o uso da mecânica de rochas são indispensáveis para otimizar o aproveitamento das jazidas, garantir segurança nas operações de lavra e minimizar os impactos ambientais decorrentes da instabilidade dos taludes da cava. Nesta dissertação utilizou-se de critérios recentes de ruptura em rocha, para obtenção de dados de entrada em métodos já clássicos de análise da estabilidade de taludes em maciços rochosos para a cava de dolomito lavrada a céu aberto. Os critérios utilizados serão avaliados com relação à compatibilidade dos resultados obtidos com sua aplicação e a coerência com a situação atual observada na lavra em desenvolvimento. Análises sobre a paralisação da lavra em decorrência dos problemas de instabilidade também serão avaliadas e discutidas. Para ilustrar esta dissertação foi eleita a jazida de dolomito localizada no Sinclinal do Gandarela em virtude dos problemas de instabilidade encontrados na cava. As conclusões finais são apresentadas nos últimos itens deste trabalho. / The design of stable excavations using rock masses characterization with the tools provided by rock mechanics, are indispensable for optimizing the economic exploitation of ore deposits, to ensure the safety in the mining works and to minimize the environmental impacts deriving of the open pit slopes instability. In this Dissertation, for obtain the input data for classic methods of rocky slopes stability analyses, it is used the most recent criteria of rock mass failure applied for an open pit mine of dolomite. The utilized criteria compatibility will be evaluated by the results obtained with their utilization and the coherence with the real situation verified at the developing mine. Will be evaluated and discussed the analyses about the stoppage of the mine works due to the slope instability problems. To illustrate this Dissertation are elected a dolomite ore deposit situated at the Gandarela Synclinal on account of the instability problems that occurred in the mine pit. The final conclusions are listed in the items presented at the end of this work.
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Generate light with wind powerIqbal, Fowad January 2013 (has links)
The report explain the steps taken to improve a product (SOLVINDEN), which uses sun and wind energy to generate light and is used for outdoor decoration. The research involves improvements in both designas well function. As the form follows function in the product functionality of the form is very important in selection of the form. Some of important topics which are considered are different way of using wind to charge batteries, blades profiles and shape, way of optimizing generator, ratio of the optimal solution between of how much wind power is needed tostart charging and charging efficiency. The report also includes differentway of manufacturing, testing and finalizing the right form afteroptimizing. The solar power and the batteries are not in the scope of theproject.
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Understanding Context In DesigningDindayal, Shahare Mahendra 06 1900 (has links)
Everything around us that is not a simple untouched piece of nature has been designed by someone. Human society has found a great refuge in these designed objects or the artefacts, and thus has adapted vociferously to their inclusion into everyday life. From the early conception as art and then lately as scientific activity, now during the last few decades, designing has been understood as a fundamental aspect of human life. This understanding has become a motivating force in the last four decades for design research community. Remarkable theories, methods, models and approaches for designing have been propounded during this period by various active design researchers. Yet a comprehensive design theory remains largely an elusive dream, and usage of proposed methods in practice unimpressive. The dominant paradigms in design theory, though rich in description seem to lack interconnection. The thesis explores and questions the very foundations on which design theories have been built. Theoretical contemplation over designing is sought through asking why question, which brings in context to the forefront. Thus understanding context in designing is the central theme to this dissertation. Incidentally it is the context that holds key to the enhanced usage of design methods in practice. The thesis presents a basis to thaw the development of design theory, and provides a pragmatic approach to augment usage of design methods in practice.
These objectives have been achieved through the approach outlined below.
• An extensive discussion on the notion of context is presented, underpinned by the
detailed survey of definitions and world views held in by various domains of studies
in regard to context. The salient characteristics of context identified through this discussion have been used to articulate a concise definition of context.
• A comprehensive dialogue, supplemented by the literature in design, incorporating dyv
of design, designing, artifacts, and context has been put forth. The theoretical insight obtained has been abstracted into an elemental model of context in designing, that is then elaborated at length.
• Definitions of context in designing, context of designing, and that of designing in context have been formulated, using the definition of context and the elemental model of context in designing.
• The empirical validation of the proposed model of context in designing has been carried out, which runs across six design projects, accounts for academic; controlled; and industrial environment, as well as focuses on both individual and team designing. Four methods for data collection and analysis - Questionnaire survey, design protocol analysis study, replication protocol analysis, and participant observation study were employed in this exercise.
• A detailed prescriptive study for development of aid to designers; in selection process of design methods has been carried out. Based on the issues identified in the literature and survey with designers, a measure to assess contextual usability of design methods (MACUM) was formulated. A web-based software tool based on MACUM has been developed for supporting design method selection process.
The thesis concludes that the dominating paradigms in design theory only represent
the partial perspective of designing. It is argued that, the proposed model of context in designing provides a sound basis to coherently redress the disjunctions between paradigms of design and progress towards a holistic design theory. And further on the practical end, the thesis underlines the contribution of MACUM towards sustained usage of design methods in practice.
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Planning and Design Methods in Architecture / Planungs- und Entwurfsmethoden in der ArchitekturFendl, Monika, Schmieg, Heinzpeter 01 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Εργαλεία σχεδίασης χωρο-ευαίσθητων παιχνιδιών για άτυπη μάθησηΣιντόρης, Χρήστος 17 July 2014 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή μελετά τη σχεδίαση χώρο-ευαίσθητων φορητών παιχνιδιών για πολλούς παίχτες. Τα παιχνίδια αυτά παίζονται χρησιμοποιώντας συσκευές όπως PDAs και πιο πρόσφατα έξυπνα τηλέφωνα. Οι συσκευές δίνουν τη δυνατότητα στους παίχτες να έχουν πρόσβαση σε ψηφιακή πληροφορία κατά την ώρα του παιχνιδιού. Σημαντική είναι η δυνατότητα η πληροφορία αυτή να έχει σχέση με τη θέση και κατάσταση του παίχτη. Η πλαισιογνωστική αυτή πληροφορία καθώς και η δυνατότητα παιξίματος σε χώρους πολιτισμού και χώρους με μεγάλη πυκνότητα πληροφορίας, δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιηθούν τα παιχνίδια αυτά στην άτυπη μάθηση (π.χ. από τάξεις μαθητών που επισκέπτονται μουσεία, αρχαιολογικά πάρκα κλπ.).
Ο στόχος της μελέτης αυτής διατυπώθηκε ως «η υποστήριξη της σχεδίασης χώρο-ευαίσθητων φορητών παιχνιδιών σε χώρους άτυπης μάθησης». Ακολουθήσαμε μεθολογία βασισμένη στη σχεδιαστική έρευνα και εξετάσαμε τη διαδικασία σχεδίασης, υλοποίησης και αξιολόγησης τέτοιων παιχνιδιών. Ακολουθήθηκε μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση με τρία στάδια.
1. Αποσαφήνιση της έρευνας: εξετάστηκαν τα χαρακτηριστικά των παιχνιδιών και του περιβάλλοντος διάχυτου υπολογισμού τα οποία έχουν σημασία στην ανάπτυξη χώρο-ευαίσθητων παιχνιδιών.
2. Ανάπτυξη εργαλείων σχεδιαστικής στήριξης: αναπτύχθηκε μια λύση σε ένα σχεδιαστικό πρόβλημα, ένα παιχνίδι μάθησης για ένα μουσείο. Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν το MuseumScrabble, που απευθύνεται σε τάξεις μαθητών. Στη συνέχεια μελετήθηκαν οι σχεδιαστικές πρακτικές άλλων ομάδων σχεδιαστών.
Μελέτη σχεδιαστικών πρακτικών, με τη μέθοδο της εθνογραφικής ανάλυσης περιεχομένου. Αναλύθηκαν έξι δημοσιεύσεις που αφορούσαν τρεις περιπτώσεις σχεδίασης, υλοποίησης και αξιολόγησης τέτοιων παιχνιδιών.
Εργαστήρια σχεδίασης, όπου σχεδιάστηκαν και εκτελέστηκαν εργαστήρια με τη συμμετοχή σχεδιαστών με ποικίλο τεχνικό και επιστημονικό υπόβαθρο.
Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν τρία εργαλεία σχεδιαστικής στήριξης. Το πλαίσιο σχεδίασης που περιγράφει σε αδρές γραμμές το χώρο σχεδιασμού, οι οδηγίες σχεδίασης και τα πρότυπα σχεδίσης που παρέχουν οδηγίες για τη στήριξη των σχεδιαστών.
3. Αξιολόγηση της σχεδιαστικής στήριξης:
Με την εφαρμογή της στην ανάπτυξη ενός νέου παιχνιδιού, του «Αόρατη πόλη: Επαναστάτες εναντίον κατασκόπων», όπου χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα εργαλεία σχεδιαστικής στήριξης σε κάποιες από τις φάσεις σχεδίασης.
Με τη μελέτη των εργαλείων στο πλαίσιο χρήσης τους, όπου ζητήθηκε από σχεδιαστές να χρησιμοποιήσουν τα εργαλεία που αναπτύχθηκαν σε αυτή τη διατριβή για να σχεδιάσουν ένα παιχνίδι. / This dissertation studies the design of location-based multi-player mobile games. These are games which are played using devices such as PDAs or, more recently, smartphones. The devices allow the players to have access to digital information during the game. An important aspect is that this information is related to the location and state of the player. This context-sensitive information as well as the possibility to play at places of cultural importance or other places of high information density offers the opportunity to use this games for informal learning (e.g. by pupils who visit museums, archaeological parks etc.)
The aim of this dissertation has been formulated as "to support the design of location-based mobile games in places of informal learning". We followed a methodology based on design research and we examined the processes of designing, implementing and evaluating of these games. The methodological approach that we followed consisted of three stages.
1. Research clarification: the characteristics of location-based mobile games and of pervasive computing environments were examined, which play a significant role in the development of location-based games.
2. Development of design support, which was conducted in three stages. First, a solution for a real-world design problem was developed, a location-based mobile game for pupils who visit a museum. The result was the game MuseumScrabble. Additionally, the design practices of other design teams were studied.
Study of design practices, applying an ethnographic content analysis approach. Six publications were analyzed which concerned three cases of designing, implementing and evaluating games of this kind.
Design workshops were conducted where the participating designers, of varying and multi-disciplinary background, designed game concepts which were subsequently analyzed to extract game design patterns.
The results of these studies were three design support tools. A design framework, which describes the design space, a set of heuristic design guidelines and a number of game design patters which can support the task of designers.
3. Evaluation of the design support tools.
By applying the design support in the development of a new game, «Invisible City: Rebels Vs. Spies», where the tools were employed at stages of the design.
By studying the tools using a contextual inquiry technique, where it was asked of designers to use the design support tools in order to design a new game.
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Raiškiųjų interneto programų technologijos ir jų panaudojimas kuriant interaktyvias paskirstytas sistemas / Rich internet application technology and its usage in interactive distributed systemsMalinauskas, Kęstutis 31 August 2009 (has links)
Raiškiųjų interneto programų technologijos įgyja vis didesnę reikšmę interneto ir verslo sistemų kūrime. Jos leidžia sukurti sklandžią vartotojo sąsają, kuri išnaudoja naujas grafikos, skaičiavimų bei komunikacijos galimybes. Technologija yra aktyviai vystoma ir gauna vis daugiau dėmesio iš programinės įrangos kūrėjų. Šiame darbe pristatomos raiškiųjų interneto programų technologijos ir jų panaudojimas. Pristatomi nauji duomenų, verslo ir vaizdavimo logikos modeliavimo būdai. Aprašomos šių technologijų charakteristikos. Raiškiųjų interneto programų savybės palyginamos su darbastalio ir tradicinėmis interneto programų savybėmis. Sukurta pavyzdinė interaktyvi paskirstyta sistema ir parodomi galimi technologijos pritaikymo ir problemų sprendimo būdai. Galiausiai atliekami našumo ir apkrovimo testai, kurie parodo šių technologijų pritaikymo tikslingumą. / Internet technologies are being developed ever faster, and new ways for representing information are emerging. One such technology is Rich Internet Applications (RIA). This technology allows better and more responsive UI‘s, overwhelming graphic support, new computational, communication and interoperability capabilities. This technology is getting more and more support from key technology developers. In this work you will be presented with RIA technologies and their usage. New ways for working with data, business and presentation layers will be presented. RIA technology characteristics will be thoroughly analyzed and compared with desktop and traditional web applications. An example interactive distributed system will be presented to show possible technology choices and solutions. Finally performance and stress tests will be conducted to show RIA technology feasibility.
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