Spelling suggestions: "subject:"designprocesses"" "subject:"designprocessen""
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Construíndo diálogos: complexidade e emergência em processos de design / Constructing dialogues: emergence and complexity in design processesNojimoto, Cynthia 28 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga processos de design de objetos que surgem da intersecção entre o mundo físico e o meio digital a partir de construção teórica pautada em conceitos presentes na Cibernética, na Teoria Geral dos Sistemas e no contemporâneo campo dos sistemas complexos. Considerando que tais objetos apresentam algumas peculiaridades inerentes da associação entre a instância física e digital, a hipótese desta pesquisa é, portanto, que os processos de design são sistemas complexos que devem ser analisados por uma abordagem sistêmica e holística para formulação de proposições que possam incorporar complexidade e estimular fenômenos emergentes nos processos de design. Assim, a pesquisa possui como objetivos entender em que aspectos os processos de design de tais objetos podem ser considerados como sistemas complexos; estabelecer relações sistêmicas ao longo do processo; compreender como os atores dialogam entre si, considerando que possuem distintos conhecimentos específicos, experiências e visões de mundo; e refletir sobre o uso do meio digital para o diálogo entre os atores e também como meio instrumental no processo. Para atingir esses objetivos, além de reflexão teórica, a pesquisa alimenta-se de fontes primárias através de entrevistas e visitas a centros de pesquisa, institutos e escritórios que trabalham na interseção de instâncias físicas e digitais, que, associadas aos experimentos realizados, fornecem uma visão ampliada dos processos de design para o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão propositiva. / This research investigates design processes of products that are created from the intersection between physical and digital world, according to theoretical framework basing on concepts from Cybernetics, General System Theory and contemporary complex systems approach. Considering that such products involve some peculiarities regarded to the association between physical and digital instance, the hypothesis of this research is, therefore, that design processes are complex systems that must be analyzed by a systemic and holistic perspective to formulate propositions embracing the complexity and stimulating the emergence in design processes with the support of digital technologies. Thus, the research aims to explore what circumstances design processes can be considered as complex system; establish systemic relationships throughout the process; understand how the actors interact with each other, considering they have different expertise, experiences, worldviews; and reflect on the use of digital media for dialogue between the actors and as instrument in the process. To achieve these objectives, in addition to theoretical analysis, the research seeks to understand design processes from primary sources through interviewing and visiting research centers, institutes and offices that work in the intersection of physical and digital instances, that, associated with the experiments conducted in this research, provide comprehensive view about the subject of study in order to develop propositions for design processes.
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Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems Design ProcessesKushal A. Moolchandani (5930063) 21 December 2018 (has links)
<div>This work proposes a framework for modeling an organization as a network of autonomous design agents who collectively work on the design of a complex system. The research objective is to identify a design process policy which best suits the current organization evaluated on the basis of the value that it provides to the organization. Consequently, the research question is, "How does an organization comprised of autonomous design teams select a design process policy which provides the highest value?" The proposed framework models design teams as agents who adapt their behavior using information on design variables available from other teams and the incentives in form of rewards from a system-level designer.</div><div><br></div><div><div>While extant literature on complex systems design has proposed several models of design processes, there is still a need for models that are versatile enough to represent different types of purposes and scopes of hierarchical levels. Further, models still do not account for the social, cultural, and political aspects of design. Due to the invariably long development times of a complex system, the environment's dynamics such as changing requirements would require all design teams to update their models and decisions during the process. They have to do this while accounting for the decisions of the other teams. The system-level designer, on the other hand, has to ensure that the design teams' decisions are in the best interest of the organization, which is to maximize value. The work proposed in this research addresses these issues by taking a bottom-up approach to modeling this complex, dynamic and uncertain design environment, where organizational-level outcomes are modeled as a result of decisions of individual teams who respond to local incentives.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>The system-level designer and the subsystem design teams, are modeled to interact with other agents with whom they share design variables. The subsystem teams first solve their local design problems, and then exchange the results of these problems with other teams. The proposed modeling is versatile to represent human behaviors such as their adding of margins to design variables during the process of information exchange. In each interaction, the receiving teams make decisions to update their local variable values with the one newly available or to continue to use their own value. They make these decisions on the basis of which decision leads to the highest utility measured by a predened value function. Thus, each team acts in its self-interest and maximizes its local value. In case they do not arrive at a common design, the system-level designer attempts to assign rewards which incentivize the teams to update designs such that they are compatible with the other teams. In such cases, the teams would be willing to forgo a portion of their utility obtained from the design outcome if they are compensated for this loss by the system-level designer. Therefore, the task of a system-level designer is to solve a compatibility problem which trades off between different subsystems outcomes and arrives as the final design while maximizing the organization's value.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>The framework is developed and then described through a series of increasingly complex design cases using a synthetic optimization problem. Following this, an aircraft design problem serves as a demonstration of application of this framework. The results obtained from both the synthetic and the demonstration problem then inform the discussion of various characteristics of a complex systems design process.</div></div>
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Cibersemiótica e processos de projeto: metodologia em revisão / Cibersemiotics and design process: methodology in reviewGilfranco Medeiros Alves 31 October 2014 (has links)
A tese propõe uma abordagem cibersemiótica para processos de projeto a partir da perspectiva da mediação digital e de suas relações com a arquitetura contemporânea. Apresenta uma revisão dos processos digitais de projeto, com base na constatação de que a atuação de arquitetos e designers, em função dos modos de vida contemporâneos, passa a exigir atualmente uma postura diferenciada em relação ao gerenciamento das informações, assim como uma reflexão crítica em relação ao método projetivo utilizado na arquitetura da era digital. A tese utiliza como fundamentação teórica, os principais referenciais que tratam da Cibersemiótica, conforme proposta pelo filósofo dinamarquês Søren Brier, e de suas duas bases conceituais: a Semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce e a Cibernética de Segunda Ordem, proposta por Heinz von Foerster. A tese propõe uma estrutura (framework) para análise de projetos a partir do olhar cibersemiótico, assim como propõe também uma estrutura (framework) para os próprios processos digitais de projeto. O trabalho é dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte, aborda processos de concepção e de produção digitais e as teorias utilizadas como fundamentação. Também define o quadro contextual que compara alguns projetos selecionados no recorte proposto e propõe uma estrutura de análise cibersemiótica destas referências. A segunda parte, apresenta estratégias para projeto digitais e propõe uma estrutura cibersemiótica para processos digitais de projeto. Acredita-se que a relevância da contribuição da tese se dá na direção da expansão do paradigma teórico cibersemiótico assim como na sua capacidade de potencializar processos digitais de projeto. Se outras espacialidades e interconexões deverão surgir a partir da atualização dos níveis de comunicação estabelecidos entre os diferentes sistemas, e de novos desafios sociais e culturais, é imprescindível que os arquitetos estejam atentos à compreensão das teorias e dos processos que estão disponíveis, para a otimização de todo o seu potencial de projeto na busca por ampliar as possibilidades para a Arquitetura e Urbanismo. / The thesis explores the Cibersemiotic approach to design processes from the perspective of digital mediation and its relationship with contemporary architecture. It presents a review of existing digital design processes, based on the assumption that the practice of architects and designers, according to the contemporary modes of life, currently requires a different position in relation to the management of information, as well as a critical reflection on the design methods used in the architecture of the digital age. The thesis\' theoretical foundation is based on the Cibersimiotic work produced by the Danish philosopher Søren Brier, which unifies two important conceptual frameworks: the Semiotics by Charles Sanders Peirce and the Second Order Cybernetics proposed by Heinz von Foerster. The thesis proposes a structure (or framework) to analyze existing designs from the cibersemiotic point of view, as well as a structure (or framework) for the digital design processes themselves. The work is presented in two parts. The first examines the digital processes and production as well as the theories they are based on. This part also presents the theoretical context for the structure (or framework) used to analyse selected existing designs and introduces the framework. The second part presents strategies for digital design and proposes the cibersemiotic framework for digital design processes. It is believed the thesis contributes towards the expansion of the Cibersemiotic theoretical paradigm as well as provides a working framework for the increasingly complex processes of digital design. Assuming other spatialities and interconnections will arise from the update levels established from communication between different systems as well as new social and cultural challenges, it is essential that architects are aware of available theories and processes for optimizing design potential and expand the possibilities for Architecture and Urbanism.
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Analysing Design Processes: A Study On Graduation Projects Of Industrial Design StudentsAcar, Gun 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyses students&rsquo / design processes within a graduation project that is devised as to approximate a real-life design task. It comprises a literature search on developments in design methodology, and two field studies, a participant observation study followed by long interviews with a selection of the observation sample. Through the literature search, a framework representing the nature of the design activity is brought together on the basis of three studies in descriptive design methodology. Together with the field studies equipped with this framework, this study sought to elucidate students&rsquo / design processes in order to provide insights for design education. Analysing students&rsquo / processes, their design problems and the academic scheme within which they operated, pertaining to their respective influences on students&rsquo / projects and progresses, implications to facilitate further developments of educational curriculum and academic schemes are reached.
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Construíndo diálogos: complexidade e emergência em processos de design / Constructing dialogues: emergence and complexity in design processesCynthia Nojimoto 28 November 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga processos de design de objetos que surgem da intersecção entre o mundo físico e o meio digital a partir de construção teórica pautada em conceitos presentes na Cibernética, na Teoria Geral dos Sistemas e no contemporâneo campo dos sistemas complexos. Considerando que tais objetos apresentam algumas peculiaridades inerentes da associação entre a instância física e digital, a hipótese desta pesquisa é, portanto, que os processos de design são sistemas complexos que devem ser analisados por uma abordagem sistêmica e holística para formulação de proposições que possam incorporar complexidade e estimular fenômenos emergentes nos processos de design. Assim, a pesquisa possui como objetivos entender em que aspectos os processos de design de tais objetos podem ser considerados como sistemas complexos; estabelecer relações sistêmicas ao longo do processo; compreender como os atores dialogam entre si, considerando que possuem distintos conhecimentos específicos, experiências e visões de mundo; e refletir sobre o uso do meio digital para o diálogo entre os atores e também como meio instrumental no processo. Para atingir esses objetivos, além de reflexão teórica, a pesquisa alimenta-se de fontes primárias através de entrevistas e visitas a centros de pesquisa, institutos e escritórios que trabalham na interseção de instâncias físicas e digitais, que, associadas aos experimentos realizados, fornecem uma visão ampliada dos processos de design para o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão propositiva. / This research investigates design processes of products that are created from the intersection between physical and digital world, according to theoretical framework basing on concepts from Cybernetics, General System Theory and contemporary complex systems approach. Considering that such products involve some peculiarities regarded to the association between physical and digital instance, the hypothesis of this research is, therefore, that design processes are complex systems that must be analyzed by a systemic and holistic perspective to formulate propositions embracing the complexity and stimulating the emergence in design processes with the support of digital technologies. Thus, the research aims to explore what circumstances design processes can be considered as complex system; establish systemic relationships throughout the process; understand how the actors interact with each other, considering they have different expertise, experiences, worldviews; and reflect on the use of digital media for dialogue between the actors and as instrument in the process. To achieve these objectives, in addition to theoretical analysis, the research seeks to understand design processes from primary sources through interviewing and visiting research centers, institutes and offices that work in the intersection of physical and digital instances, that, associated with the experiments conducted in this research, provide comprehensive view about the subject of study in order to develop propositions for design processes.
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Entre e através: complexidade e processos de design em arquitetura / In-between and through: complexity and architectural design processesClarissa Ribeiro Pereira de Almeida 08 September 2006 (has links)
Partindo da hipótese de que as tecnologias digitais são simultaneamente meios e ambientes capazes de influenciar e viabilizar a emergência de um pensamento arquitetônico pronto a incorporar a complexidade, o objetivo do presente trabalho é ampliar a compreensão acerca das interfaces entre complexidade e processos de design em arquitetura. No percurso de construção dessa abordagem, buscamos entender a abrangência da mudança colocada pela complexidade, seu histórico, e seus princípios fundamentais, obtendo subsídios para definir critérios de seleção e análise de exemplos da emergência da complexidade em arquitetura, focalizando os processos de design. Utilizamos um recorte temporal em dois períodos décadas de 1960 e 1970, e décadas de 1990 e 2000 , distinguindo dois momentos específicos intrinsecamente conectados. A intenção é contribuir para uma compreensão efetiva da arquitetura não apenas, ou principalmente, como objeto, mas como um sistema complexoorganizado e, sobretudo, organizante. / Assuming digital technologies simultaneously as media and environment that influence and make feasible the emergence of an architectural thought ready to incorporate the complexity, the goal of this work is to increase the understanding circa interfaces between complexity and architectural design processes. This approach draws on understanding the scope of the change brought by complexity, its historical, and its fundamental principia, aiming to achieve subsides for defining criteria to analyze and select examples of complexity emergence in architecture, focusing on design process. Two periods of time were selected from 1960s to 1970s and, from 1990s to 2000s , distinguishing two specific moments closed related. The intention is to contribute for an effective understanding of architecture not merely or specifically as object, but as a complex system, simultaneously organized and organizer.
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Anwenderintegration in strategische Designprozesse von IndustriegüternGärtner, Frank Thomas 19 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das laufende Forschungsvorhaben gliedert sich in drei Untersuchungsbereiche. In der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung werden die Ergebnisse der bereits durchgeführten, ersten qualitativen Befragung mit Designmanagern, Designern und Entwicklungsfachleuten dargestellt. Befragt wurden hierbei sowohl Unternehmen als auch Designagenturen, die für diese Unternehmen als externe Dienstleister arbeiten.
Es wird gezeigt, welche internen und externen Anwender im Designprozess eingebunden werden und welche Methoden dazu verwendet werden. Auch der Zeitpunkt, wann Anwender im Designprozess integriert werden, ist Teil der Auswertung. Ergänzt werden diese Daten durch die Darstellung der möglichen Chancen und Risiken, die in Bezug auf eine Anwenderintegration
gesehen werden Einer strategischen Anwenderintegration werden generell große Chancen
eingeräumt, es ist jedoch nicht klar, wie man diese sinnvoll und ergebnisorientiert in einen Designprozess implementiert. Die Auswertung der Anwenderdaten stellt bislang die größte Hürde für eine Anwenderintegration dar.
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Anwenderintegration in strategische Designprozesse von IndustriegüternGärtner, Frank Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Das laufende Forschungsvorhaben gliedert sich in drei Untersuchungsbereiche. In der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung werden die Ergebnisse der bereits durchgeführten, ersten qualitativen Befragung mit Designmanagern, Designern und Entwicklungsfachleuten dargestellt. Befragt wurden hierbei sowohl Unternehmen als auch Designagenturen, die für diese Unternehmen als externe Dienstleister arbeiten.
Es wird gezeigt, welche internen und externen Anwender im Designprozess eingebunden werden und welche Methoden dazu verwendet werden. Auch der Zeitpunkt, wann Anwender im Designprozess integriert werden, ist Teil der Auswertung. Ergänzt werden diese Daten durch die Darstellung der möglichen Chancen und Risiken, die in Bezug auf eine Anwenderintegration
gesehen werden Einer strategischen Anwenderintegration werden generell große Chancen
eingeräumt, es ist jedoch nicht klar, wie man diese sinnvoll und ergebnisorientiert in einen Designprozess implementiert. Die Auswertung der Anwenderdaten stellt bislang die größte Hürde für eine Anwenderintegration dar.
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Evaluation of camshaft control strategies for a GCI engine using a multidisciplinary optimisation frameworkKianifar, Mohammed R., Campean, Felician, Richardson, D. January 2014 (has links)
No / This paper presents a calibration optimization study for a Gasoline Direct Injection engine based on a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) framework. The paper presents the experimental framework used for the GDI engine mapping, followed by an analysis of the calibration optimization problem. The merits of the MDO approach to calibration optimization are discussed in comparison with a conventional two-stage approach based on local trade-off optimization analysis, focused on a representative emissions drive cycle (NEDC) and limited part load engine operation.
The benefits from using the MDO optimisation framework are further illustrated with a study of relative effectiveness of different camshaft timing control strategies (twin independent Versus fixed timing, exhaust only, inlet only and fixed overlap / dual equal) for the reference GDI engine based on the part load test data.
The main conclusion is that the MDO structure offers an effective framework for the GDI steady state calibration optimization analysis.
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Effektivitet genom kollaboration: En studie i hur metoder för kollaboration kan användas i agila designprocesserFredlund, Isak January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats utforskar hur en agil designprocess kan effektiviseras i form av tid genom att applicera metoder för kollaboration. Kraven i form av tidsåtgång, kostnad och kvalité på vad som framställs är påtagliga och mäts på olika sätt. För att möta kraven förlitar sig det agila arbetssättet, framförallt inom design, ofta på en expertis hos utövaren. Det kräver en ingående kunskap och som medför att involveringen av slutanvändare och kunder i fall kan blir lidande. Min teoretiska efterforskning gav mig en bild av att agila designprocesser idag är och tillåts vara väldigt utdragna. För att skapa en förståelse för hur en modern designprocess praktiseras har jag utfört undersökande fältstudier i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med företagen Cybercom och TOPP. Dessa intervjuer gav mig insikten av vad som finns och vad som efterfrågas av brukande designers, vilka har format min designprocess och mitt praktiska utformande som består av två prototyper i form av två olika arbetssätt, ett agilt och ett kollaborativt. Genom att ha utformat arbetssätten på ett specifikt sätt har jag lyckats jämföra resultaten av de båda och kunnat argumentera och presentera ett förslag på ett mer effektivt arbetssätt i form av tid, kostnad och kvalité där de positiva aspekterna från de olika arbetssätten applicerats.
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