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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bridging the gap of a professional learning community as a support system in South Africa for multigrade teachers and principals: working together for collective learning and its implementation

Gomes, Martin Luther January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Teacher education for multigrade education in South Africa is poor, since multigrade teachers and principals involved in multigrade education have not received formal training in this form of education, and therefore lack support. Owing to this lacuna in multigrade pedagogy, and teachers' limited knowledge of such pedagogy, multigrade teachers and principals struggle to interpret subject matter and settle for different ways to present and make it accessible to learners. This has a severe impact on the potential of multigrade schools to play an important role as educational units in underserved rural areas. Research shows that pre-service and in-service training does not enable multigrade teachers and principals to develop a knowledge base within the complexities of the actual classroom situation. Such a knowledge base would enable them to solve the endemic problems of multigrade education, thereby enhancing their task as multigrade teachers and principals. Training can have an impact on trainee teachers, but the successful transfer of this newly acquired knowledge to learners in the classroom is questionable. Owing to the extent of the problem experienced at each level of multigrade education in the educational system in South Africa, chances are slight that support to multigrade teachers and principals will emanate from officials and curriculum advisers. It is clear that the problem of supporting multigrade teachers and principals is substantial and daunting, and that a solution to the problem will lead to significant advances in learning, or at least a significant reduction in malfunction in the multigrade educational system. Therefore, bridging the gap between newly-acquired teacher competence and teachers' performance in the classroom is a major concern for the future. This research aims to understand the dilemmas and address the shortcomings as teachers implement new practices within classrooms. There needs to be a transitional process through which multigrade teachers and principals move as they gradually learn, come to understand, and become skilled and competent in novel ways of education. This research introduces a Professional Learning Community (PLC) as a model of support and guidance to multigrade teachers and principals, bridging the gap between knowledge acquired at a workshop, and concomitant support and guidance, in order to understand and address the dilemmas that emerge as they implement new practices within multigrade classrooms. This research employs a design research approach to determine design guidelines and principles to facilitate the process of supporting and guiding multigrade teachers and principals, working together as a network cluster for collective learning and its implementation. The research process in design research encompasses educational design processes and is therefore cyclical in character: analysis, design, evaluation and revision activities are iterated until a satisfying balance between ideals ('the intended') and realisation has been achieved. To develop solutions for this research, a prototyping approach was employed towards a final deliverable. The Prototyping Phase in this research comprised three cycles, and focused during the evolutionary prototyping process on elaborating on the components of the possible support system to multigrade teachers and principals. It was envisaged that this would concretise the situation, and obviate problems before implementation in the day-to-day user setting. Formative evaluation was applied in order to uncover shortcomings during the development process, in order to generate suggestions for improvement. The results of the evaluation of each preceding prototype were used in the development of the next prototype. Design research is an effective method of developing various prototypes in collaboration with multigrade teachers and principals to ensure contextual appropriateness of what works at a given time, as well as solutions to the specific problems of multigrade teachers and principals in South Africa. Keywords: Design research, Educational design processes, Educational design research, Multigrade, Multigrade pedagogy, Network cluster, Professional Learning Community, Support system.

Designing administrative support systems for healthcare organizations / Att designa administrativa stödsystem för sjukvårdsorganisationer

Berglund, Eric, Danielsson, Olof January 2015 (has links)
In modern healthcare organizations, work is increasingly team-oriented, which puts pressure on information technology to support staff collaborations. Healthcare organizations are lagging behind in the use of IT and often use outdated systems. A reason for this is the long and cumbersome process of IT-procurement. Stand-alone systems can help such organizations be more efficient, and receptive of the latest technologies, while conveying lower risks, and increased chances of successful implementation. Therefore, this study has investigated what problems can be expected, and how to manage them, when designing such systems. The study was conducted at the Department for Reconstructive Surgery at Karolinska University Hospital. Action research was used, and a system supporting the scheduling of doctors was deigned, implemented and evaluated. The study consists of an initial exploratory phase, a design and implementation phase, and an evaluation phase. The findings of this study indicate that the problems that can be expected when developing a stand-alone system at a small specialized healthcare department are: 1) that the hierarchies among staff may lead to failure to accept designs and the designs not taking all stakeholders into account, 2) that the complexity may lead to an inability to identify the real problems and define appropriate design-goals, and 3) that the combination of 1 and 2 hinders a mutual understanding of design-goals, problems, and solutions. To manage the problems, this study suggests the use of participatory design, user centered system design, and a computer supported collaborative work approach, and provides guidelines for using these to reach an effective implementation. / I moderna sjukhus arbetar man allt mer team-orienterat, vilket ställer krav på system och programvara att stödja samarbeten personalen emellan. Inom sjukvården sker anskaffandet av nya tekniker genom om offentlig upphandling, vilka är tungrodda processer som tar lång tid. Detta leder till att många sjukhus har utdaterade system som inte tjänar organisationernas bästa. Genom att anskaffa mindre, fristående system kan mottagligheten för de senaste teknikerna ökas, och med denna kan även en ökad effektivitet av administrativt arbete uppnås, till låg risk och med möjlighet till effektiv implementation. Av dessa anledningar har denna studie undersökt vilka problem som kan förväntas vid utveckling av sådana system, och hur dessa problem kan överbryggas. Studien utfördes på Kliniken för Rekonstruktiv Plastikkirurgi på Karolinska Sjukhuset i Solna. Vi använde oss av aktionsforskning, och utvecklade, implementerade samt utvärderade ett stödsystem för schemaläggningsprocessen på kliniken. Studien består av tre faser: en explorativ fas, en design- och implementationsfas, samt en utvärderingsfas. Resultaten visar på att de problem som kan förväntas när man utvecklar ett fristående system för en specialiserad kirurgklinik är: 1) att hierarkier inom personalstyrkan kan leda till att utformningen av system inte accepteras, och att system inte bistår alla intressenter, 2) att organisationens komplexitet gör det svårt att identifiera de underliggande problemen, och definiera ändamålsenliga målsättningar för utformningen av systemet, och 3) att kombinationen av 1 och 2 hindrar en ömsesidig förståelse för utformningen av systemet, de problem som finns, och hur man kan lösa dem. Vidare visar denna studie att problemen kan överbryggas genom att använda metoder för deltagande design, användarcentrerad design och en modell för synsätt kallad computer supported collaborative work under designprocessen. Vidare tillhandahåller studien riktlinjer för hur dessa metoder och synsätt kan användas för att uppnå en effektiv implementation.

Автоматизация процессов проектирования и моделирования Навесных Вентилируемых Фасадов (НВФ) с использованием среды Autodesk Revit : магистерская диссертация / Automation of the design and modeling of Hinged Ventilated Facades (HVF) using the Autodesk Revit environment

Спасенникова, А. А., Spasennikova, A. A. January 2024 (has links)
В данной работе рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с моделированием навесных вентилируемых фасадов и автоматизацией работы с ними в среде Autodesk Revit. Данная работа проведена с целью разработки скрипта для автоматизации расстановки фасонных элементов навесных вентилируемых фасадов. Для достижения цели были поставлены следующие задачи: рассмотреть степень изученности навесных фасадных систем в ТИМ, описать методику моделирования навесных фасадных систем по классической схеме, создать семейства откосов и отлива, написать скрипт и проверить его работоспособность. Результатом работы является Dynamo-скрипт, размещающий фасонные элементы, позволяющий уменьшить трудозатраты проектировщиков. / This paper discusses the problems associated with the modeling of hinged ventilated facades and automation of work with them in the Autodesk Revit environment. This work was carried out in order to develop a script for automating the placement of shaped elements of hinged ventilated facades. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to consider the degree of knowledge of hinged facade systems in TIM, describe the methodology for modeling hinged facade systems according to the classical scheme, create families of slopes and low tide, write a script and check its operability. The result of the work is a Dynamo script that places shaped elements, which reduces the labor costs of designers.

Разработка методики моделирования и оптимизации проектирования модульных Навесных Фасадных систем (НФС) в среде Autodesk Revit : магистерская диссертация / Development of a methodology for modeling and optimizing the design of modular Hinged facade systems (HFS) in the Autodesk Revit environment

Краснопеев, А. В., Krasnopeev, A. V. January 2024 (has links)
This paper discusses the problems associated with modeling hinged ventilated facades and optimizing work with them in the Autodesk Revit environment. This work was carried out in order to propose a solution to reduce the labor and time costs of designing modular hinged facade systems. The result of the work is the writing of instructions for modeling HFS according to a modular scheme and evaluating the effectiveness of design, taking into account the optimization of the design processes of modular HFS. / В данной работе рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с моделированием навесных вентилируемых фасадов и оптимизацией работы с ними в среде Autodesk Revit. Данная работа проведена с целью предложения решения по сокращению трудовых и временных затрат проектирования модульных навесных фасадных систем. Результатом работы является написание инструкции по моделированию НФС по модульной схеме и оценка эффективности проектирования с учетом оптимизации процессов проектирования модульных НФС.

How to order fitting components for looping ribs: Design procedures for the stone members of complex Late Gothic vaults

Wendland, David, Degenève, Frédéric 13 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The ambitious late Gothic vaults created in the 15th and 16th centuries with their complex shape and complicated meshes of ribs soaring along spatial curves, were extremely demanding in their geometric design. This regards both the design of the whole structure, as also the design specifications for the single stone elements which were prefabricated and fit together on the building site with astonishing precision. In consequence, the particular character of these structures and their geometric features are intrinsically linked to the design routines and the geometric concepts used by the Master Builders. At present, these procedures and methods are not well understood, because they are not documented in original drawings, and because they differ in principle from the modern practice. In consequence, necessary works of repairing and restoring cannot recur to any information related to the original design. Moreover, understanding the characteristics of information transfer from the design to the execution, would cast a light on the information society in which these constructions were created. In several case studies, the geometric concepts of the intricate spatial curve systems of late Gothic vaults have been clarified on the basis of detailed surveys and geometrical analyses carried out on the built objects. On this background, also the existing sources such as historical design treatises could be re-interpreted. In a collaboration between the research group working on the design principles of late Gothic vaults at the Technische Universität Dresden, and expert stone masons specialized on historical working techniques and practical stereotomy at the Cathedral Workshop Œuvre Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, the phases of the design process, such as full-scale drawings on the tracing floor and the production of full-scale models and samples of ribs and keystones, are currently investigated in practical experiments. As result, we propose a complete picture of the design process from the general concept to the setting-out of the single stone elements. Further, we are able to drive general considerations on the Late Medieval and Early Modern design practice for stone structures and trace a new interpretation of the early treatises of stereotomy.

Parental involvement in learning at rural multi-grade schools in South Africa: a school, community and family partnership programme

Venter, Nicolaas van Loggenberg January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Parental involvement in rural multigrade schools in South Africa is poor. This is mainly due to a lack of support for and insufficient knowledge regarding the development of a programme that would increase parental involvement at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. The context of multigrade education in South Africa reflects the reality of a lack of parental involvement. South African rural multigrade education is beset by a variety of internal and external challenges which have a detrimental effect on effective parental involvement. However, in the rural multigrade school context, parents have untapped potential that needs to be identified and acted upon in order to empower parents; this could provide the rural marginalised children with meaningful access to quality education. Research has proved that parental involvement has a positive effect on the quality of education. According to research, the six types of parental involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making and collaborating with the community. In this study the focus was on involving parents in learning and allowing them to become active partners in education. To increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa, an intervention was needed. This intervention came in the form of a school, community and family partnership programme. The core elements of a school, community and family partnership programme (SCAF partnership programme) were the creation of partnerships and communication channels between the school, community and family, as well as the utilisation of existing community resources. These core elements had a specific focus on learning. This study used Bourdieu's (1986) theory on capital and Epstein's (1995) theory of overlapping spheres of influence. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of an effective school, community and family partnership programme that would increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. Design-based research was employed in order to design, develop and test the proposed programme. Research was conducted in two phases. During the preliminary phase, a needs and content analysis, review of literature, and the development of a conceptual or theoretical framework for the study were conducted. This was followed by a prototyping phase which is an iterative design phase consisting of iterations, each being a micro-cycle of research with formative evaluation as the most important research activity, and which is aimed at improving and refining the intervention. Summative evaluation was conducted during the prototype phase in order to determine whether the solution or intervention met the pre-determined specifications. Data gathered during this study indicated: 1. The SCAF partnership programme can increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools if certain product and process characteristics are active. 2. The SCAF partnership programme allows utilising school, home and community capital through interaction and collaboration to increase parental involvement in learning. 3. A SCAF partnership programme should focus on learning through creating partnerships and opportunities for communication, and utilising community resources. 4. A SCAF partnership programme should be employed through a specific process. 5. Design research offers an appropriate and powerful approach to design, develop and implement a SCAF partnership programme that increases parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools. Keywords: Parental involvement, Parents, Design Research, Rural multigrade schools, Rural multigrade education

Från idé till gestaltningsförslag : fallstudie från Projekt Konstpaus

Florin, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
Populär sammanfattning I vårt samhälle finns många offentliga konstverk. Dessa verk har kommit till på olika sätt men gemensamt är att konstverken i de allra flesta fall upphandlats med utgångspunkt i någon form av skiss. Skissen föregår det kommande konstverket och tjänar som underlag för beslut om upphandling av verket i full skala. Kunskapen om hur skisser kan tydas varierar och dessutom förekommer flera typer av skisser som var för sig fordrar olika sorters insikter av betraktaren (beslutsfattaren) för att kunna tolkas. Det övergripande temat för avhandlingen är kommunikationsprocesserna i relation till utvecklingen av 12 konstnärers gestaltningsförslag, tävlingsbidrag, samt hur juryns bedömning av dessa ser ut. Studien är baserad på material insamlat från de deltagande konstnärernas processer i Projekt Konstpaus, ett projekt delfinansierat av EU. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur konstnärer utformar sina gestaltningsförslag, samt hur dessa förslag används och värderas. För att göra detta har tävlingsbidragen analyserats och konstnärerna intervjuats. Konstnärliga gestaltningsprocesser har synliggjorts liksom kommunikationen mellan beställare och konstnär.Bland annat har det framkommit att det finns en större potential att förmedla ett komplext gestaltningsinnehåll till en jury med stöd av digitala skisser, än vid användande av traditionella skisser. Det har visat sig att det kommande konstverkets kvaliteter blir synliga, men också att de brister som finns i gestaltningen tydliggörs i 3D- skisserna. Liksom teknologier tidigare i historien haft sin påverkan på bildutvecklingen, tolkningen och seendet har också övergången till digitala skisstekniker denna inverkan. Det har också visat sig att den text som tillhör respektive tävlingsbidrag haft avgörande betydelse för utfallet av jurybedömningen. Muntliga och skriftliga presentationer, bilagor och brev har påverkat juryn i sina beslut.Studien har också visat hur konstnärer kan tolka och förmedla resultat av en inventering och genom sina skisser förmedla dessa tolkningar. Konsten som tolkare av miljö, tid och tanke, kan gestalta information om en plats och i och med detta också fungera värnande för ett samhälles identitet i olika faser av en utveckling.Studien har bidragit med en djupare inblick i konstnärliga gestaltningsprocesser och hur de kan beskrivas samt i och med detta också en fördjupad förståelse i allmänhet av kreativa processer. / Abstract The overall intention of this research project is to increase knowledge regarding design processes in general and artists' design processes specifically. The research is carried out as a case study based on the sketch processes that took place within Projekt Konstpaus (The Art Break Project). The sketches, or suggested designs, are the main objective for analysis and consideration in this study. Projekt Konstpaus (The Art Break Project) is a development pro­ject partially financed by the European Union (EU). The vision of the project embodied equality, multiculturalism and sustainable community development. The municipality of Strängnäs, Sweden was the leading partner in the project and provided the necessary support for the project idea, financing and infrastructure. The innovative aim of the project was to have various groups of people from different backgrounds working together in the same processes. The project team consisted of several artists and people with university educations, such as archaeologists, cultural geographers, biologists and geologists. The main objective of the project team was to provide the basis for the construction of a culturally inspired walking and bicycle path. Several rest spots/rest stops (“konstpauser”) designed with artistic cha­racter and influenced primarily by the municipality’s extensive nature/cul­tural heritage will be found along the path (which has been approved for construction). One initial task of the project team was to make an inventory of the nature and culture artifacts within the project area as a means of promoting na­ture/culture preservation for the benefit of future generations through information sharing. The walking/bicycle path will be accessible to all, with special provision for physically challenged individuals. The intention is to provide an environment for both quietude and physical recreation. The artists within the project embedded their artistic interpretations of the inventory and communicated them by suggesting artistic designs (sketches) related to the planned path. A jury then considered the sketches. Sketch, text, models and jury decisions (regarding the designs) are the objective of this research. The analysis of the material (sketches, texts, models and jury decisions, both oral and written) exposes the artistic processes. It is also the key to understanding the messages the artists intend to convey through their suggested designs. It is important to realize the significance (specific characteristics) of different types of sketches to be able to make decisions based on sketch materials. When sketches are examined, this awareness is central to making the right decision. In this study, three different types of sketches are examined, and the reading of each type is discussed. When studying the suggested designs, insight was gained regarding the differences between using computer-aided design and traditional sketch tools. Knowledge was also increased concerning the development of sketch techniques generally, and when using computers specifically. A dualism of sight and seeing in terms of the visualization of an idea exists, and it is discussed in the light of empirical examples. It is also placed in relation to important technological steps taken earlier in history. The use of Camera Obcura as a helpful tool for composition is one such step. The use of this tool impacted on how the inner view was changed and, with that, manners of expression as well. This is seen in the composition of paintings and the use of language. Our thinking is influenced by what we see, and that, in turn, influences our thoughts. In our contemporary western paradigm, our commonly-held definition of "seeing" is influenced by computer-gained visual representations and the processes used when producing them. The study confirms that while this particular type of sketch exposes the suggested design idea a bit clearer than traditional sketches, it also reveals errors in the suggested designs. I have also found that both written and spoken language routes the interpretation of sketch material. In terms of understanding how the suggested designs are chosen by a jury, this component (the spoken or written language) was seen in the empirical material revealed in this study. It was also theoretically confirmed. Together with an overall insight into the artistic processes, this study confirms the possibility of using artists in a development process. In this project, the process was to promote na­ture and culture preservation. It is valuable to integrate diverse areas of knowledge in the same process. This is true in both a social and an environmental sense. Finally, findings in this analysis confirm that artists are able to convey messages through their suggested designs (sketches). Those messages include interpretations of place, space, history and findings related to the project area.

How to order fitting components for looping ribs: Design procedures for the stone members of complex Late Gothic vaults

Wendland, David, Degenève, Frédéric January 2017 (has links)
The ambitious late Gothic vaults created in the 15th and 16th centuries with their complex shape and complicated meshes of ribs soaring along spatial curves, were extremely demanding in their geometric design. This regards both the design of the whole structure, as also the design specifications for the single stone elements which were prefabricated and fit together on the building site with astonishing precision. In consequence, the particular character of these structures and their geometric features are intrinsically linked to the design routines and the geometric concepts used by the Master Builders. At present, these procedures and methods are not well understood, because they are not documented in original drawings, and because they differ in principle from the modern practice. In consequence, necessary works of repairing and restoring cannot recur to any information related to the original design. Moreover, understanding the characteristics of information transfer from the design to the execution, would cast a light on the information society in which these constructions were created. In several case studies, the geometric concepts of the intricate spatial curve systems of late Gothic vaults have been clarified on the basis of detailed surveys and geometrical analyses carried out on the built objects. On this background, also the existing sources such as historical design treatises could be re-interpreted. In a collaboration between the research group working on the design principles of late Gothic vaults at the Technische Universität Dresden, and expert stone masons specialized on historical working techniques and practical stereotomy at the Cathedral Workshop Œuvre Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, the phases of the design process, such as full-scale drawings on the tracing floor and the production of full-scale models and samples of ribs and keystones, are currently investigated in practical experiments. As result, we propose a complete picture of the design process from the general concept to the setting-out of the single stone elements. Further, we are able to drive general considerations on the Late Medieval and Early Modern design practice for stone structures and trace a new interpretation of the early treatises of stereotomy.

Virtual reality in tourism. Opportunity or pitfall? : Explorative case study of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen / Virtuell verklighet i turismen. Möjlighet eller fallgrop? : En explorativ fallstudie om en platsbaserade virtuell verklighet upplevelse av Mariebergsskogen

Kubitzek, Barbara January 2021 (has links)
To what extent can virtual reality be used to induce real-life tourism? This question becomes even more relevant in these covid-19 times. However, research on virtual reality concerning tourism has not engaged substantively with this question yet and thus this study seeks to address this question. This thesis is an explorative case study of the development of the prototype of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate and show how a place-based virtual reality experience can add value to the experience and promotion of Mariebergsskogen. This thesis goes beyond ocularcentrism highlighting the involvement of senses, the whole body and emotions in experiencing a destination. How can a deeper emotional connection to a destination be evoked through virtual reality revealing the characteristics, uniqueness and rootedness of the place? A geomedia approach is taken that combines a sensitivity to place with media to arrive at a multi-dimensional view of Mariebergsskogen considering place representations, engagements and its roots to history. Place is conceptualized by recourse to Lefebvre’s (2011) spatial triad: lived, perceived and imagined that are in a dialectic relationship. The methodological model created has been informed by the project on place-based digital experiences (PDU) at the University of Karlstad in Sweden. Tourists are considered active agents in creating tourism destinations and this study emphasizes their engagement as co-creators in the prototype development process. A methodological model is proposed that combines a place analysis with workshops consisting of a user study and a co-creation workshop supplemented with insights from interviews with virtual reality developers and stakeholders from Region Värmland and Karlstad Municipality.

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