Spelling suggestions: "subject:"designprocesses"" "subject:"designprocessen""
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Analytical Target Cascading Framework for Diesel Engine Calibration OptimisationKianifar, Mohammed R., Campean, Felician, Beattie, T., Richardson, D. 13 October 2014 (has links)
No / This paper presents the development and implementation of an Analytical Target Cascading (ATC) Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) framework for the steady state engine calibration optimisation problem. The case is made that the ATC offers a convenient framework for the engine calibration optimisation problem based on steady state engine test data collected at specified engine speed / load points, which is naturally structured on 2 hierarchical levels: the ‘Global’ level, associated with performance over a drive cycle, and ‘Local’ level, relating to engine operation at each speed / load point. The case study of a diesel engine was considered to study the application of the ATC framework to a calibration optimisation problem. The paper describes the analysis and mathematical formulation of the diesel engine calibration optimisation as an ATC framework, and its Matlab implementation with gradient based and evolutionary optimisation algorithms. The results and performance of the ATC are discussed comparatively with the benchmark steady state solution for the engineering calibration of the diesel engine. The main conclusion from this research is that ATC optimisation framework offers an effective approach for engine calibration, with a potential to deliver significant fuel economy benefits. Further advantages of the ATC framework is that it is flexible and scalable to the complexity of the calibration problem, and enables calibrator preference to be incorporated a priori in the optimisation problem formulation, delivering important time saving for the overall calibration development process.
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Entre o físico e o digital. Processos paramétricos, de interação e de fabricação digital aplicados ao design / Between the physical and the digital . Parametric processes , interaction and digital fabrication applied to designAlmeida, Henrique Stabile de 22 May 2015 (has links)
Quais são os limites entre o físico e o digital no design? Esta é a grande questão motivadora das investigações teóricas e práticas realizadas neste trabalho. Entretanto, as razões deste questionamento em si, bem como sua relevância, mostraram-se mais importantes do que a mera busca por respostas. Uma outra questão se impõe: desde quando os limites entre o físico e o digital são relevantes para o design? Existem três áreas do design que contribuem de maneira contundente para a exploração da questão acima: o design paramétrico, o design de interação e a fabricação digital. O presente trabalho é uma busca por um estado da arte dos temas propostos e por um melhor entendimento sobre a crescente separação entre as três áreas, que, apesar de utilizarem termos e definições semelhantes, seguem caminhos diversos na literatura. O que tem sido escrito recentemente sobre design paramétrico, design de interação e fabricação digital nos apresenta discursos variados e até mesmo divergentes. Em virtude desse aspecto multifacetado, fica evidenciada a importância de uma busca histórica e bibliográfica por suas origens e o entendimento dos diversos pontos de vista apresentados por autores da atualidade / W hat are the limits between the physical and the digital in design? This is the big question motivating the theoretical and practical investigations in this work. However, the reasons for this questioning itself as well as its relevance, proved to be more important than the mere search for its answers. Another question arises: since when the boundaries between the physical and the digital became relevant to design? There are three design areas that contribute incisively to the exploration of the question above: parametric design, interaction design and digital fabrication. This thesis is a search for a state of the art on the proposed themes and for a better understanding of the growing separation between the three areas, which, despite the use of similar terms and definitions, follow diverse paths in literature. What has been written recently about parametric design, interaction design and digital fabrication presents various and even divergent speeches. Because of this multifaceted aspect, the importance of historical and bibliographical search for its origins and the understanding of different points of view presented by today\'s authors is evident
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From Design Principles to Principles of Design: Resolving Wicked Problems in Coupled Infrastructure Systems Involving Common-Pool ResourcesJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Design is a fundamental human activity through which we attempt to navigate and manipulate the world around us for our survival, pleasure, and benefit. As human society has evolved, so too has the complexity and impact of our design activities on the environment. Now clearly intertwined as a complex social-ecological system at the global scale, we struggle in our ability to understand, design, implement, and manage solutions to complex global issues such as climate change, water scarcity, food security, and natural disasters. Some have asserted that this is because complex adaptive systems, like these, are moving targets that are only partially designed and partially emergent and self-organizing. Furthermore, these types of systems are difficult to understand and control due to the inherent dynamics of "wicked problems", such as: uncertainty, social dilemmas, inequities, and trade-offs involving multiple feedback loops that sometimes cause both the problems and their potential solutions to shift and evolve together. These problems do not, however, negate our collective need to effectively design, produce, and implement strategies that allow us to appropriate, distribute, manage and sustain the resources on which we depend. Design, however, is not well understood in the context of complex adaptive systems involving common-pool resources. In addition, the relationship between our attempts at control and performance at the system-level over time is not well understood either. This research contributes to our understanding of design in common-pool resource systems by using a multi-methods approach to investigate longitudinal data on an innovative participatory design intervention implemented in nineteen small-scale, farmer-managed irrigation systems in the Indrawati River Basin of Nepal over the last three decades. The intervention was intended as an experiment in using participatory planning, design and construction processes to increase food security and strengthen the self-sufficiency and self-governing capacity of resource user groups within the poorest district in Nepal. This work is the first time that theories of participatory design-processes have been empirically tested against longitudinal data on a number of small-scale, locally managed common-pool resource systems. It clarifies and helps to develop a theory of design in this setting for both scientific and practical purposes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Environmental Social Science 2018
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Adaptability Of Generative Algorithms: A Means To Sustaining The Dynamic Design ProcessesDamdere, Ekin 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an investigation focusing on the adaptability of generative systems in a
dynamic design problem, where the problem definition changes according to the
changing conditions of the environment and transforming needs of the architectural
space. This thesis, instead of discussing the dynamicity of the design processes,
investigates the use of an adaptable generative system in a case-specific dynamic
design problem to sustain its changing problem definitions. The research mainly
looks into the potentials of generative systems in terms of adaptability and develops
a generative system that is able to transform its structure in accordance with the
dynamic constraints of a complex design process.
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Proposta de procedimento para realização de reprodução simulada virtual dos fatos (RSF 3D)Denardin, Adriana January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal propor uma sistematização de procedimento para a realização de Reproduções Simuladas Virtuais dos Fatos (RSF 3D). Dentre os objetivos específicos, buscou-se analisar processos criativos do Design de produto quanto à aplicabilidade destes na técnica pericial dos exames de Reprodução Simulada dos Fatos (RSF) e comparar estes processos de Design com técnicas de RSF, juntamente com as de animações forenses. Também se buscou sistematizar um procedimento baseado em análises comparativas de processos de Design, RSF e animações forenses para que fosse possível aplicar o procedimento proposto e comparar os resultados obtidos com o procedimento tradicional de RSF e o de RSF 3D a fim de ser verificada a aplicabilidade deste procedimento. Para tanto, a fundamentação teórica abordou temas como Design e Criminalística. Da área do Design foram estudados os fundamentos de Design contra o crime e suas aplicações em Criminalística bem como foram abordados alguns dos principais processos de projeto de produto. Da Criminalística, as pesquisas foram focadas nos fundamentos da perícia criminal, nos processos existentes para a realização de exames de RSF e de animações forenses. O assunto de animações forenses foi pesquisado, também, quanto as suas origens e recomendações adotadas pela justiça Norte-Americana, tidas como parâmetro de aceitação naquele país para animações computadorizadas em processos judiciais. Foi feito um levantamento das metodologias de animação forense já publicadas juntamente com alguns casos de aplicação realizados pela autora ao longo de oito anos atuando no IGP-RS enquanto perita criminal. A metodologia deste trabalho consistiu na seleção de um processo de Design que melhor atendesse aos fundamentos de perícia criminal aplicados aos exames de reprodução simulada dos fatos. Este método de Design adotado norteou a proposta do procedimento de realização de reproduções simuladas dos fatos tridimensionais, o qual foi criado a partir da sistematização dos processos de RSF e de animações forenses pesquisados. A sistematização de procedimento proposta foi submetida a um teste de verificação de aplicabilidade que consistiu na aplicação das etapas partindo-se de um caso de RSF atendido pela autora. O teste obteve sucesso em sua avaliação, a qual consistiu na comparação do exame realizado com o resultado obtido e, também, no atendimento aos quesitos de avaliação de RSF 3D propostos nesta pesquisa. O procedimento proposto revelou novas possibilidades de exames para os casos de RSF e, consequentemente, novos tipos de conclusões periciais. Com isso, verificou-se que o Design virtual pode cumprir um importante papel social, contribuindo para a elucidação de crimes. / The main objective of this paper is to propose a procedure systematization to make a simulated virtual reproduction of facts (SRF 3D). As specific objectives, we aimed to analyze the creative processes of the product's Design concerning their applicability in the forensic technique of simulated reproduction of facts (SRF) exams and compare these processes of Design to SRF techniques as well as to forensic animation techniques. We also aimed to systematize a procedure based in comparative analysis of Design processes, SRF and forensic animation to make possible the application of a proposal procedure and the comparison of the obtained results with the traditional procedure of SRF and SRF 3D to finally verify the applicability of this procedure. Therefore, the theoretical foundations have presented topics such as Design and Criminalistics. Concerning Design, the fundamentals of design against crime and its application in criminalistics were studied, as well as some main processes of the product's project. In Criminalistics, the researches focused in the fundamentals of forensics, in the existing processes to perform examination of simulated reproduction of facts and forensic animations. The subject forensic animation was also researched about its origins and the recommendations adopted by the U.S. justice, which are taken as parameter for acceptance in the country for computer animation in lawsuits. A research concerning already published forensic animation methodologies was conducted as well as some application cases made by the author over the eight years working in the IGP-RS as forensic expert. This paper's methodology is based in the selection of a Design process that better attend to the fundamentals of forensics applied to the exams of simulated reproduction of facts. The Design method used has guided the procedure proposal of performing tridimensional simulated reproduction of facts, which was created based on the systematization of the SRF and forensic animation processes researched. The proposed procedure systematization was subjected to a test for verification of applicability, that consisted in the application of the steps from a SRF case in which the author worked as a forensic expert. The test was successful in its evaluation, that consisted in comparing the exam with the result and, also, by the meeting of the requirements of the evaluation SRF 3D proposed in this research. The proposed procedure has revealed new possibilities of exams to the cases of SRF and, consequently, new types of forensics conclusions. With this, it was found that the virtual Design can accomplish an important social role, contributing to the solving of crimes.
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Entre o físico e o digital. Processos paramétricos, de interação e de fabricação digital aplicados ao design / Between the physical and the digital . Parametric processes , interaction and digital fabrication applied to designHenrique Stabile de Almeida 22 May 2015 (has links)
Quais são os limites entre o físico e o digital no design? Esta é a grande questão motivadora das investigações teóricas e práticas realizadas neste trabalho. Entretanto, as razões deste questionamento em si, bem como sua relevância, mostraram-se mais importantes do que a mera busca por respostas. Uma outra questão se impõe: desde quando os limites entre o físico e o digital são relevantes para o design? Existem três áreas do design que contribuem de maneira contundente para a exploração da questão acima: o design paramétrico, o design de interação e a fabricação digital. O presente trabalho é uma busca por um estado da arte dos temas propostos e por um melhor entendimento sobre a crescente separação entre as três áreas, que, apesar de utilizarem termos e definições semelhantes, seguem caminhos diversos na literatura. O que tem sido escrito recentemente sobre design paramétrico, design de interação e fabricação digital nos apresenta discursos variados e até mesmo divergentes. Em virtude desse aspecto multifacetado, fica evidenciada a importância de uma busca histórica e bibliográfica por suas origens e o entendimento dos diversos pontos de vista apresentados por autores da atualidade / W hat are the limits between the physical and the digital in design? This is the big question motivating the theoretical and practical investigations in this work. However, the reasons for this questioning itself as well as its relevance, proved to be more important than the mere search for its answers. Another question arises: since when the boundaries between the physical and the digital became relevant to design? There are three design areas that contribute incisively to the exploration of the question above: parametric design, interaction design and digital fabrication. This thesis is a search for a state of the art on the proposed themes and for a better understanding of the growing separation between the three areas, which, despite the use of similar terms and definitions, follow diverse paths in literature. What has been written recently about parametric design, interaction design and digital fabrication presents various and even divergent speeches. Because of this multifaceted aspect, the importance of historical and bibliographical search for its origins and the understanding of different points of view presented by today\'s authors is evident
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Proposta de procedimento para realização de reprodução simulada virtual dos fatos (RSF 3D)Denardin, Adriana January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal propor uma sistematização de procedimento para a realização de Reproduções Simuladas Virtuais dos Fatos (RSF 3D). Dentre os objetivos específicos, buscou-se analisar processos criativos do Design de produto quanto à aplicabilidade destes na técnica pericial dos exames de Reprodução Simulada dos Fatos (RSF) e comparar estes processos de Design com técnicas de RSF, juntamente com as de animações forenses. Também se buscou sistematizar um procedimento baseado em análises comparativas de processos de Design, RSF e animações forenses para que fosse possível aplicar o procedimento proposto e comparar os resultados obtidos com o procedimento tradicional de RSF e o de RSF 3D a fim de ser verificada a aplicabilidade deste procedimento. Para tanto, a fundamentação teórica abordou temas como Design e Criminalística. Da área do Design foram estudados os fundamentos de Design contra o crime e suas aplicações em Criminalística bem como foram abordados alguns dos principais processos de projeto de produto. Da Criminalística, as pesquisas foram focadas nos fundamentos da perícia criminal, nos processos existentes para a realização de exames de RSF e de animações forenses. O assunto de animações forenses foi pesquisado, também, quanto as suas origens e recomendações adotadas pela justiça Norte-Americana, tidas como parâmetro de aceitação naquele país para animações computadorizadas em processos judiciais. Foi feito um levantamento das metodologias de animação forense já publicadas juntamente com alguns casos de aplicação realizados pela autora ao longo de oito anos atuando no IGP-RS enquanto perita criminal. A metodologia deste trabalho consistiu na seleção de um processo de Design que melhor atendesse aos fundamentos de perícia criminal aplicados aos exames de reprodução simulada dos fatos. Este método de Design adotado norteou a proposta do procedimento de realização de reproduções simuladas dos fatos tridimensionais, o qual foi criado a partir da sistematização dos processos de RSF e de animações forenses pesquisados. A sistematização de procedimento proposta foi submetida a um teste de verificação de aplicabilidade que consistiu na aplicação das etapas partindo-se de um caso de RSF atendido pela autora. O teste obteve sucesso em sua avaliação, a qual consistiu na comparação do exame realizado com o resultado obtido e, também, no atendimento aos quesitos de avaliação de RSF 3D propostos nesta pesquisa. O procedimento proposto revelou novas possibilidades de exames para os casos de RSF e, consequentemente, novos tipos de conclusões periciais. Com isso, verificou-se que o Design virtual pode cumprir um importante papel social, contribuindo para a elucidação de crimes. / The main objective of this paper is to propose a procedure systematization to make a simulated virtual reproduction of facts (SRF 3D). As specific objectives, we aimed to analyze the creative processes of the product's Design concerning their applicability in the forensic technique of simulated reproduction of facts (SRF) exams and compare these processes of Design to SRF techniques as well as to forensic animation techniques. We also aimed to systematize a procedure based in comparative analysis of Design processes, SRF and forensic animation to make possible the application of a proposal procedure and the comparison of the obtained results with the traditional procedure of SRF and SRF 3D to finally verify the applicability of this procedure. Therefore, the theoretical foundations have presented topics such as Design and Criminalistics. Concerning Design, the fundamentals of design against crime and its application in criminalistics were studied, as well as some main processes of the product's project. In Criminalistics, the researches focused in the fundamentals of forensics, in the existing processes to perform examination of simulated reproduction of facts and forensic animations. The subject forensic animation was also researched about its origins and the recommendations adopted by the U.S. justice, which are taken as parameter for acceptance in the country for computer animation in lawsuits. A research concerning already published forensic animation methodologies was conducted as well as some application cases made by the author over the eight years working in the IGP-RS as forensic expert. This paper's methodology is based in the selection of a Design process that better attend to the fundamentals of forensics applied to the exams of simulated reproduction of facts. The Design method used has guided the procedure proposal of performing tridimensional simulated reproduction of facts, which was created based on the systematization of the SRF and forensic animation processes researched. The proposed procedure systematization was subjected to a test for verification of applicability, that consisted in the application of the steps from a SRF case in which the author worked as a forensic expert. The test was successful in its evaluation, that consisted in comparing the exam with the result and, also, by the meeting of the requirements of the evaluation SRF 3D proposed in this research. The proposed procedure has revealed new possibilities of exams to the cases of SRF and, consequently, new types of forensics conclusions. With this, it was found that the virtual Design can accomplish an important social role, contributing to the solving of crimes.
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Proposta de procedimento para realização de reprodução simulada virtual dos fatos (RSF 3D)Denardin, Adriana January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal propor uma sistematização de procedimento para a realização de Reproduções Simuladas Virtuais dos Fatos (RSF 3D). Dentre os objetivos específicos, buscou-se analisar processos criativos do Design de produto quanto à aplicabilidade destes na técnica pericial dos exames de Reprodução Simulada dos Fatos (RSF) e comparar estes processos de Design com técnicas de RSF, juntamente com as de animações forenses. Também se buscou sistematizar um procedimento baseado em análises comparativas de processos de Design, RSF e animações forenses para que fosse possível aplicar o procedimento proposto e comparar os resultados obtidos com o procedimento tradicional de RSF e o de RSF 3D a fim de ser verificada a aplicabilidade deste procedimento. Para tanto, a fundamentação teórica abordou temas como Design e Criminalística. Da área do Design foram estudados os fundamentos de Design contra o crime e suas aplicações em Criminalística bem como foram abordados alguns dos principais processos de projeto de produto. Da Criminalística, as pesquisas foram focadas nos fundamentos da perícia criminal, nos processos existentes para a realização de exames de RSF e de animações forenses. O assunto de animações forenses foi pesquisado, também, quanto as suas origens e recomendações adotadas pela justiça Norte-Americana, tidas como parâmetro de aceitação naquele país para animações computadorizadas em processos judiciais. Foi feito um levantamento das metodologias de animação forense já publicadas juntamente com alguns casos de aplicação realizados pela autora ao longo de oito anos atuando no IGP-RS enquanto perita criminal. A metodologia deste trabalho consistiu na seleção de um processo de Design que melhor atendesse aos fundamentos de perícia criminal aplicados aos exames de reprodução simulada dos fatos. Este método de Design adotado norteou a proposta do procedimento de realização de reproduções simuladas dos fatos tridimensionais, o qual foi criado a partir da sistematização dos processos de RSF e de animações forenses pesquisados. A sistematização de procedimento proposta foi submetida a um teste de verificação de aplicabilidade que consistiu na aplicação das etapas partindo-se de um caso de RSF atendido pela autora. O teste obteve sucesso em sua avaliação, a qual consistiu na comparação do exame realizado com o resultado obtido e, também, no atendimento aos quesitos de avaliação de RSF 3D propostos nesta pesquisa. O procedimento proposto revelou novas possibilidades de exames para os casos de RSF e, consequentemente, novos tipos de conclusões periciais. Com isso, verificou-se que o Design virtual pode cumprir um importante papel social, contribuindo para a elucidação de crimes. / The main objective of this paper is to propose a procedure systematization to make a simulated virtual reproduction of facts (SRF 3D). As specific objectives, we aimed to analyze the creative processes of the product's Design concerning their applicability in the forensic technique of simulated reproduction of facts (SRF) exams and compare these processes of Design to SRF techniques as well as to forensic animation techniques. We also aimed to systematize a procedure based in comparative analysis of Design processes, SRF and forensic animation to make possible the application of a proposal procedure and the comparison of the obtained results with the traditional procedure of SRF and SRF 3D to finally verify the applicability of this procedure. Therefore, the theoretical foundations have presented topics such as Design and Criminalistics. Concerning Design, the fundamentals of design against crime and its application in criminalistics were studied, as well as some main processes of the product's project. In Criminalistics, the researches focused in the fundamentals of forensics, in the existing processes to perform examination of simulated reproduction of facts and forensic animations. The subject forensic animation was also researched about its origins and the recommendations adopted by the U.S. justice, which are taken as parameter for acceptance in the country for computer animation in lawsuits. A research concerning already published forensic animation methodologies was conducted as well as some application cases made by the author over the eight years working in the IGP-RS as forensic expert. This paper's methodology is based in the selection of a Design process that better attend to the fundamentals of forensics applied to the exams of simulated reproduction of facts. The Design method used has guided the procedure proposal of performing tridimensional simulated reproduction of facts, which was created based on the systematization of the SRF and forensic animation processes researched. The proposed procedure systematization was subjected to a test for verification of applicability, that consisted in the application of the steps from a SRF case in which the author worked as a forensic expert. The test was successful in its evaluation, that consisted in comparing the exam with the result and, also, by the meeting of the requirements of the evaluation SRF 3D proposed in this research. The proposed procedure has revealed new possibilities of exams to the cases of SRF and, consequently, new types of forensics conclusions. With this, it was found that the virtual Design can accomplish an important social role, contributing to the solving of crimes.
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Design And Body : Exploring Conceptions Of The Body In Fashion Design ProcessesSaleem, Faseeh January 2022 (has links)
The human body has been considered to be an active element and is a common starting point of fashion design processes. However, during these processes, understanding of the body and how it is used to design is often confined by the body’s standard spatial and structural characteristics. The research presented in this thesis aimed to examine body alternatives in fashion design processes in order to explore and open up for alternative body expressions for developing silhouettes for clothing. Alternative aesthetic approaches and understandings of the body as a design tool were researched through experimental explorations, reflections, dialogue, and discussions. These created an embodied dialogue between thought and execution which was further developed and informed by the EDI (Embodied Design Ideation) framework for analysing and refining understandings of the interactions between the body, materials, and movement. These explorations and their outcomes bridge the theory of research for the art and research for art and design. The explorations were based on the varied ways in which the body is perceived during body-material interactions, and were explored through movement, human-technology interfaces, and an exploratory workshop conducted at the Swedish School of Textiles. These explorations expanded our understanding of the body’s aesthetics in relation to material interactions and embodied experiences. The explorations questioned our preconceived conceptions of the body and facilitated a process of re-learning these through fashion design. The results of the explorations were alternative methods and tools that use the body as a central variable in fashion design. The research culminated in the development of conceptions of the body in design processes that increase the design possibilities by introducing new concepts, tools, and methods. The body alternatives developed provide an openness in terms of design thinking and introduce conceptions of the body that can facilitate or improve design practice. The results have implications for design methods and contribute to methods in general and fashion design education programmes in terms of how they facilitate design processes.
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Greening the thread : A comparative study of design processes to reduce microplastic shedding in Swedish textile companiesVictorsson, Stina, Reynolds, Sonya January 2023 (has links)
Purpose – This study aims to gain an increased understanding of how textile companies perceive opportunities and challenges in reducing microplastic shedding in the design process. Specifically, the thesis compares and analyses two distinct textile companies with diverse business approaches. Methodology – A qualitative research method was chosen to gain in-depth knowledge through semi-structured interviews, while a deductive approach was used to connect existing theories to practical implications. A thematic analysis was employed to systematically analyse the empirical data, aligning with the developed analysis model in the thesis. Findings – Based on the results, it indicates that the design process in the textile industry plays a crucial role in reducing microplastic emissions by enabling sustainable product design through material selection and considering the product's life cycle. However, challenges arise in selecting sustainable materials and implementing sustainable practices due to limited awareness, availability, and standardised measurement methods. Through a comparative analysis of two distinct companies, the study generates valuable insights and knowledge on how organisations can re-evaluate their methods, processes, and material selections to foster more sustainable design practices. Originality/value – This study enhances originality by examining and analysing the perspectives of Swedish textile companies regarding the opportunities and challenges associated with reducing microplastic emissions in the design process. By emphasising a pre-consumer stage in the textile value chain, the study departs from the traditional focus on post-consumer phases, thus addressing the microplastic issue from a new perspective. The findings of this study hold significance for both theoretical and practical realms by advancing an increased understanding of sustainable policies and practices aimed at reducing microplastic emissions in the textile industry.
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