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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sverigebilden internationellt : En studie inriktad på vilken bild av Sverige som kommuniceras internationellt

Lennefors, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Visit Sweden is a marketing company with the main objective to promote Sweden from a tourism perspective internationally. Visit Sweden’s main office is in Stockholm. Other than that, Visit Sweden has twelve abroad offices which focus on marketing of Sweden in the specific country. To make Visit Sweden’s marketing as efficient as possible, the focus is on marketing to the global traveller. They have also studied how Sweden is perceived internationally.This study aims to understand what the image of Sweden is communicated internationally. It highlights Visit Sweden’s way to market Sweden from a tourism perspective. The study is based on Visit Sweden’s main markets and how Visit Sweden works towards different subgroups within “the global traveller”. To further understand how the image of Sweden is internationally, I have done a survey which people from different countries have answered. The objective of questionnaire survey was to understand how people in other countries look at Sweden.The conclusion of the study; Visit Sweden has focused on a target group “the global traveler” that has the same values that exist in Sweden. Visit Sweden’s marketing is communicated out to their main countries, based on what people in the country is interested in doing on their vacation. The picture of the global traveler in Visit Sweden's main countries is therefore reflected in the person’s own interests. According, to the survey, which was based on a mix of different people in the world, it appears that Sweden has an established image as reminiscent of how it looks in the most northern part of Sweden. Both the global traveler and the people from the survey see Sweden as a country of innovation. The picture of Sweden as a country of innovation goes along with Visit Sweden’s goals to market the country. However, the general knowledge about Sweden needs to get better among potential international visitors.

IKEA, Volvo och Sverige : - Varumärken i samspel

Lundbergh Akbari, Viggo, Engström, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Title: IKEA, Volvo and Sweden – Brands in interaction Authors: Viggo Lundbergh Akbari & Marcus Engström Aim: The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine commercial actors’ use of state- formulated ideas about national attributes. This, by investigating IKEA’s and Volvo’s self- describing websites to see how they contribute to the national marketing of Sweden. These companies have a huge impact on how Sweden is portrayed internationally and the Swedish state wants them to market Sweden. Thus, it is of relevance to investigate how they portray Sweden to see if it corresponds with the ideas formulated by the state for the official branding of Sweden. To do this, two research questions have been formulated: How does Visit Sweden's brand platform come to be expressed on IKEA's and Volvo's self-describing websites?  Does IKEA’s and Volvo's self-describing websites constitute nation branding? Method & Material: Qualitative text analysis and five self-describing websites each from IKEA and Volvo. Main Results: Visit Sweden’s brand platform is expressed on IKEA’s and Volvo’s self- describing websites. All parts of the brand platform can be found and moreover, the results are showing that it constitutes nation branding in the form of commercial nationalism according to the bachelor thesis’ theoretical framework. Number of pages: 56 Course: Media and Communication Studies C Department: Department of Informatics and Media University: Uppsala University Period: Autumn 2017 Tutor: Göran Svensson Keywords: Nation Branding, Commercial Nationalism, Visit Sweden, IKEA, Volvo.

"I wish I was quarantined here" : En netnografi över Visit Swedens aktivitet under COVID-19 / "I wish I was quarantined here" : A netnography of Visit Sweden´s activity during COVID-19

Herrlin Nilsson, Melanie, Sjölin Skog, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar fenomenet destinationsaktivitet på sociala medier genom en fallstudie av Visit Swedens Instagramkonto under COVID-19. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur kommunikationen mellan en destinationsorganisation och användare på Instagram sker under kris. Syftet besvaras genom en netnografisk metod där empiri samlas in via kommentarsfältet på Visit Swedens Instagramkonto. Resultatet som presenteras är att Visit Swedens krishantering på sociala medier frångår traditionella teorier gällande kriskommunikation. Organisationen har valt att ignorera användar-kommentarer kopplade till COVID-19. Istället fokuserar Visit Sweden på ett personligt relationsbyggande med Instagramanvändare, vilket under studiens gång ses ge positiva resultat. Visit Sweden arbetar även med att leverera en bild av Sverige som användare kommenterar positivt på Instagram. Slutsatsen är att den kommunikation som sker på Visit Swedens Instagramkonto är gynnsam för Sverige som destination. Sverige står därmed konkurrenskraftigt gentemot andra turistdestinationer som inte arbetat med liknande profil- och relationsbygge på sociala medier. Studien är högst relevant då den behandlar ett ämne som ännu inte utforskats. Vidare bjuder studien in till framtida forskning inom ämnesfältet.

Visit Swedens marknadsstrategier : En kandidatuppsats om Visit Swedens val av internationella marknader jämfört med de regionala DMO:s prioriteringar / Visit Sweden's market strategies : A bachelor thesis on Visit Sweden's choice of international markets compared to how the regional DMO:s priorities.

Patko, Adam, Issa, Muhinde, Geralf, Belinda January 2019 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att förstå vad det finns för olika prioriteringar bland Visit Sweden och de regionala DMO:s när det kommer till en inriktning av den inkommande internationella turismen till Sverige. Vidare är vårt delsyfte att ta reda på hur samarbetet mellan Visit Sweden och de regionala destination managementorganisationer, s.k. DMO:s, förhåller sig och hör ihop med varandra. Vi har använt oss utav kvalitativ metod med olika former av intervjuer från de utförda intervjuerna med Visit Sweden och det regionala DMO:s samt även textmaterial från Visit Swedens webbsida. Teorierna är vetenskapliga artiklar som vi anser anknyter till det valda ämnet samt den insamlade empirin.  I resultaten utifrån den insamlade empiri framgår det att Visit Sweden inte ser själva att de väljer specifika marknader, men att de erkänner att de väljer fokusmarknader när det gäller de olika länderna. Visit Swedens val handlar bl.a. om de ser en potential att resenärer i respektive länder vill besöka Sverige. Detta kan ändras över tid beroende på interna och externa faktorer. De utgår främst utifrån deras målgrupp den Globala resenären som enligt deras marknadsanalyser kan appliceras på flera olika länder som inte ingår i deras fokusmarknader. Det som också styr deras val av marknader och marknadssegment är deras ägare svenska staten och svensk turism AB, men också olika turismaktörer såsom små och stora, som t.ex. hotell som efterfrågar att få hjälp med marknadsföring gentemot internationella turister. Gällande hur de regionala DMO:s prioriteringar ser ut i förhållande till Visit Sweden kan vi konstatera att de flesta prioriterar likartat i förhållande till Visit Sweden. Däremot ser vi ett mönster då de regionala DMO:s som inte delar samma val av fokusmarknader väljer att marknadsföra sig på andra sätt. Detta görs trots det finns en möjlighet för samarbete med Visit Sweden även om fokusmarknaden inte är densamma. / Our main purpose with this bachelor thesis is to get an understanding of which different orientations currently exists when it comes to the incoming international tourism to Sweden. Furthermore, we want to find out how the collaboration between Visit Sweden and the regional destinations management organizations, called DMO:s is structured in relation to each other. We have chosen a qualitative method which includes several different types of interviews with Visit Sweden and the regional DMO:s as well as text material from Visit Sweden's website. The theories are scientific articles which we consider are suitable to our chosen subject and empirical data.     The results based on the collected empirical evidence show that Visit Sweden does not see that they have choose specific markets, but they admit that they choose focus markets when it comes to countries. Among other things, Visit Sweden's choice is about when they see a potential that travelers in each country want to visit Sweden. This can change over time depending on internal and external factors. They are based primarily on their target group Global Traveler who according to their market analyzes can be applied to several different countries that are not included in their focus markets. What also controls the selection of markets and market segments are their owners the Swedish state and Swedish tourism AB, but also various tourism stakeholders such as small and large, for example hotels who seek help with marketing towards international tourists. When it comes to how regional DMO:s prioritize compared to Visit Sweden we can conclude that several of them prioritize in the same way as Visit Sweden. However, we see a pattern when regional DMO:s who do not share the same choice of focus markets choose to market themselves in other ways than cooperating with Visit Sweden. This happens despite of the fact that there is an opportunity for collaboration with Visit Sweden still even if their focus market is not the same.

Virtual reality in tourism. Opportunity or pitfall? : Explorative case study of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen / Virtuell verklighet i turismen. Möjlighet eller fallgrop? : En explorativ fallstudie om en platsbaserade virtuell verklighet upplevelse av Mariebergsskogen

Kubitzek, Barbara January 2021 (has links)
To what extent can virtual reality be used to induce real-life tourism? This question becomes even more relevant in these covid-19 times. However, research on virtual reality concerning tourism has not engaged substantively with this question yet and thus this study seeks to address this question. This thesis is an explorative case study of the development of the prototype of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate and show how a place-based virtual reality experience can add value to the experience and promotion of Mariebergsskogen. This thesis goes beyond ocularcentrism highlighting the involvement of senses, the whole body and emotions in experiencing a destination. How can a deeper emotional connection to a destination be evoked through virtual reality revealing the characteristics, uniqueness and rootedness of the place? A geomedia approach is taken that combines a sensitivity to place with media to arrive at a multi-dimensional view of Mariebergsskogen considering place representations, engagements and its roots to history. Place is conceptualized by recourse to Lefebvre’s (2011) spatial triad: lived, perceived and imagined that are in a dialectic relationship. The methodological model created has been informed by the project on place-based digital experiences (PDU) at the University of Karlstad in Sweden. Tourists are considered active agents in creating tourism destinations and this study emphasizes their engagement as co-creators in the prototype development process. A methodological model is proposed that combines a place analysis with workshops consisting of a user study and a co-creation workshop supplemented with insights from interviews with virtual reality developers and stakeholders from Region Värmland and Karlstad Municipality.

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