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Chicha, Guaman Poma y el tejido : Om visuellt arv och motståndNordling Blanco, Sissela January 2023 (has links)
I en tid där den politiska retoriken alltmer öppet polariserar och stöter ut det som inte anses vara svenskt nog, utgår jag från min egen mixade bakgrund och viljan att omfamna det oönskade. Med avstamp i Guaman Pomas bokstavsformer, Chicha-affischens gradienter och väven som format utforskar jag visuella referenser som arv och nutida motstånd. / In a political time that incressingly polarizes and rejects what is not considered Swedish enough, I dive into my own mixed background, embracing the unwanted. Trough a visual mixture inspired by Guaman Poma's lettershapes, the Chicha posters' gradients, and the weave as a grid, I explore visual references as heritage and resistance.
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Negotiating Knowledge on Wikipedia : A mixed method study on the participation and engagement towards Wikipedia among Swedish scholars' through a cultural approach / Att överväga kunskap på WikipediaArvidsson, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify certain experiences among Swedish scholars towards their use of Wikipedia. The goal was to create a deeper understanding of how audiences with academic professions experience Wikipedia as a place to share knowledge with other individuals. This study was done through the perspectives of the ANT theory (Latour, 2005) and the User-Gratification theory (Katz et al., 1973). The method of choice was a mixed method research where the primary choice of method was qualitative interviews with seven Swedish scholars and one expert interview consisting of an employee at the Swedish Wikimedia foundation. This material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. Some of the findings from the interview was also analyzed through a computational network analysis to provide deeper insight into the concept of Wikipedia. The research showed that there is a variated view on the scholar’s role on Wikipedia. While some of the participants criticized the structure in which the information was produced, some raised awareness into the importance to provide society with reliable and scientific knowledge in which important decisions can be based on. Different actors within the network of Wikipedia were identified which provided a deeper insight into the variety of individuals and non-human elements that work together to generate content on Wikipedia. A few of these actors and their relationships between one another was also visualized during the study. This provided even further analytical insight to Wikipedia as a platform. The overall view among the participants showed that there is a lack of incitement on how and why scholars should contribute to Wikipedia in Sweden. The results also showed that there are a variety of ways in which the platform of Wikipedia can be viewed depending on personal use the website. The cultural approach to Wikipedia was discussed in the context to how Wikipedia can provide society with information and how this might act as a form of cultural heritage online. / Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera vissa erfarenheter bland svenska forskares användning av Wikipedia. Målet med studien var att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur mediepubliker med akademiska yrken upplever Wikipedia som en plats att dela kunskap med andra individer. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av de olika perspektiven som de teoretiska utgångspunkterna ANT teorin (Latour, 2005) och användare-belönings teorin (Katz et al., 1973) bidrog med. Valet av metod blev en blandad metodforskning där det primära metodvalet var kvalitativa intervjuer med sju olika svenska akademiker och en expertintervju med en anställd på Wikimedia Sverige. Det insamlande materialet blev sedan analyserat genom en tematisk analys. Vissa delar av det insamlade materialet blev senare också analyserat genom en nätverksanalys av data för att bidra med djupare kunskap kring konceptet Wikipedia. Studien visade att det finns en varierad syn på forskarens roll på Wikipedia. Medan vissa deltagare kritiserade strukturen som informationen produceras i, utryckte sig andra kring vikten av att bidra med trovärdig kunskap till samhället som sedan kan ligga till grund för olika beslut. Olika aktörer inom Wikipedia identifierades vilket också bidrog till en djupare insikt i den variation av individer och icke-mänskliga element som jobbar tillsammans för att skapa material på Wikipedia. Vissa av dessa aktörers relationer med varandra identifierades också genom olika typer av visuella element som framställdes under studien. Detta bidrog således också med en djupare analytisk insikt kring Wikipedia som plattform. Den allmänna synen bidrog också med insikt i den bristen på incitament kring hur och varför forskare bör bidra med sin forskning på Wikipedia i Sverige. Resultaten visade också att det finns en mängd olika sätt individer kan skapa sin bild av Wikipedia genom sitt personliga bruk av plattformen. Den kulturella approachen till Wikipedia diskuterades också genom kontexten hur plattformen kan bidra samhället med information och hur detta kan uppfattas som ett kulturellt arv online.
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Virtual reality in tourism. Opportunity or pitfall? : Explorative case study of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen / Virtuell verklighet i turismen. Möjlighet eller fallgrop? : En explorativ fallstudie om en platsbaserade virtuell verklighet upplevelse av MariebergsskogenKubitzek, Barbara January 2021 (has links)
To what extent can virtual reality be used to induce real-life tourism? This question becomes even more relevant in these covid-19 times. However, research on virtual reality concerning tourism has not engaged substantively with this question yet and thus this study seeks to address this question. This thesis is an explorative case study of the development of the prototype of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate and show how a place-based virtual reality experience can add value to the experience and promotion of Mariebergsskogen. This thesis goes beyond ocularcentrism highlighting the involvement of senses, the whole body and emotions in experiencing a destination. How can a deeper emotional connection to a destination be evoked through virtual reality revealing the characteristics, uniqueness and rootedness of the place? A geomedia approach is taken that combines a sensitivity to place with media to arrive at a multi-dimensional view of Mariebergsskogen considering place representations, engagements and its roots to history. Place is conceptualized by recourse to Lefebvre’s (2011) spatial triad: lived, perceived and imagined that are in a dialectic relationship. The methodological model created has been informed by the project on place-based digital experiences (PDU) at the University of Karlstad in Sweden. Tourists are considered active agents in creating tourism destinations and this study emphasizes their engagement as co-creators in the prototype development process. A methodological model is proposed that combines a place analysis with workshops consisting of a user study and a co-creation workshop supplemented with insights from interviews with virtual reality developers and stakeholders from Region Värmland and Karlstad Municipality.
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