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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Counterproliferation strategy the role of preventive war, preventive strikes, and interdiction /

Rak, Claire E. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Naval Postgraduate School, September 2003. / Title from title screen (viewed Jan. 22, 2004). Includes bibliographical references. Also issued in paper format.

Scheme hibride de alimentare cu energie termică a unor ansambluri de clădiri / Schémas hybrides de production et distribution d’énergie thermique pour bâtiments / Hybrid schemes of production and distribution of heat energy for buildings

Untea, Georges Adrian 10 December 2013 (has links)
Le développement scientifique actuel contribue à assurer le confort dans les bâtiments grâce à une grande variété de technologies. Une utilisation rationnelle des ressources énergétiques a un effet bénéfique sur l'économie et la protection de l'environnement. En ce qui concerne l'utilisation de la trigénération, elle devient de plus en plus répandue. La thèse porte sur l'analyse et l'optimisation de schemas hybrides d'alimentation des espaces habitables avec de l’énergie thermique. Pour une analyse cohérente il est nécessaire d'utiliser un outil qui peut égaliser les différents types d'énergie dans le système: chimique, électrique, thermique. L'étude basée sur l'analyse exergétique met en évidence les pertes d'énergie utilisable et les opportunitées de recuperation de l'energie, tout en offrant la possibilité de prendre des décisions fonctionnelles et structurelles pour accroître l'efficacité du système. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont : l'élaboration de différents schémas pour produire simultanément de l’électricité, du froid et de l’eau chaude sanitaire; l’étude et l’optimisation des machines frigorifiques à absorption et à éjection en utilisant l’approche exergétique; l’étude d'un moteur turbo diesel suralimenté; l’étude et l’optimisation du système moteur – machine à froid en utilisant l’analyse exergétique. Deux études de cas ont été développées : bilan thermique d'un bâtiment à rafraîchir, qui a permis d’estimer la puissance frigorifique à installer et bilan global d’un système de cogénération – électricité plus chauffage urbain. / The current scientific development help ensure the comfort in buildings with a large variety of technologies. Rational use of energy resources has a positive effect on the economy and protecting the environment. Concerning the trigeneration, it is becoming more and more widespread. This PhD focuses on the analysis and optimization of hybrid schemes of production and distribution of heat for buildings. For a coherent analysis it is necessary to use a tool that can equalize the different types of energy in the system: chemical, electrical, thermal. The study based on exergy analysis highlights the energy losses and opportunities for the recovery of energy, and provide ability to take functional and structural decisions to increase efficiency.In this thesis, several aspects were examined: the development of a scheme to supply several utilities: electricity, cold and hot water; the study and optimization of absorption and ejection refrigerating machines using exergy analysis; the study of a supercharged turbo diesel engine, the study and optimization of the engine – refrigerating machine system, using exergy analysis.Two case studies were performed: the energy balance of a building, which was used to estimate the cooling capacity to install and the overall performance of a cogeneration - district heating system.

L’œuvre de la destruction dans les romans de Marguerite Duras / The work of the destruction in the novels of Marguerite Duras

Ignace, Geneviève 08 September 2015 (has links)
Le texte ne pouvant s'achever doit être détruit par le cinéma : tel est notamment l'un des grands principes créateurs de l'œuvre durassienne. Aussi, notre dessein est-il d’étudier l’œuvre de la destruction dans les romans de Marguerite Duras à travers un corpus choisi relativement à des critères explicités, allant de 1943 à 1991 : Moderato Cantabile, Détruire, dit-elle, Le Square, Le Vice-consul… D'abord, nous chercherons s'il existe une véritable entreprise de destruction dans la fiction en déterminant les caractéristiques stylistiques du texte, les grands traits du personnage semblant condamné à la douleur ou au désastre. Mais nous montrerons que la couleur du texte durassien n'est pas aussi sombre qu'elle paraît l'être : le personnage - vu à travers un prisme kojévien et Kierkegaardien - se hissant jusqu'à une certaine transcendance. Puis nous examinerons si l'écriture durassienne est métaphorique de la destruction car accidentée, traversée par la trace pascalienne, très marquée par la répétition, révélant une large empreinte de la perte et du doute. Cela nous interrogera quant à l'écrit durassien qui attenterait à toute littérarité. Enfin, nous étudierons comment s'est opéré le passage du texte au cinéma, en quoi ce texte est métaphorique de la technique cinématographique en général, du signifiant filmique durassien en particulier ; s'il est représentatif du signifié cinématographique durassien et en quoi la fiction est allégorique de l'écriture selon Marguerite Duras. Nous achèverons en questionnant la véritable nature de cette écriture : une simple destruction ? Une œuvre élevant au niveau de l'art un texte que son auteur a voulu "massacrer" ? / The text cannot be completed must be destroyed by the cinema: this is notably one of the great creators of the work durassian principles. Also, it is our intention to study the work of destruction in the novels of Marguerite Duras through a corpus chosen in relation to explicit criteria, ranging from 1943 to 1991: Moderato Cantabile, Destroy, she said, The Square , The Vice-consul ... First, we look for signs of a real extermination will in fiction by determining the stylistic features of the text, the main features of semblance character condemned to pain or disaster. But we will show that the color of durassian text is not as bleak as it seems to be: the character - seen through a prism kojévien and Kierkegaardien - moving up to a certain transcendence. Then we will examine whether the durassian writing is metaphorical destruction as rugged, crossed by Pascal's trace, very marked by repetition, revealing a wide footprint of loss and doubt. This will question us about the writing that durassian attenterait any literariness. Finally, we will study how the transition took place in the cinema of text, how this text is metaphorical film technique in general, the film durassian meaning in particular; it is representative of durassian film meant and what fiction is allegorical writing by Marguerite Duras. We will finish by questioning the true nature of this writing: a simple destruction? A work raising to the level of art a text that the author wanted to "kill" ?

Recherches sur les ruines dans le monde romain : gestion et perception des bâtiments détruits dans la cité romaine (Ier siècle av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.)

Davoine, Charles 03 December 2015 (has links)
Bâtiments partiellement détruits mais dont les vestiges n’ont pas disparu, les ruines étaient une réalité présente dans les villes du monde romain. Ce travail de recherche se propose d’étudier la manière dont les populations de l’empire, les autorités municipales ou le pouvoir romain percevaient et géraient les édifices vétustes aussi bien que les amas de décombres résultant des destructions. On s’intéressera au quotidien des villes confrontées au délabrement du bâti ainsi qu’aux dévastations exceptionnelles entraînées par des catastrophes, de l’époque augustéenne jusqu’à la fin du IVe siècle. À travers un examen approfondi des sources littéraires et de la documentation juridique et épigraphique, l’objectif est d’analyser les pratiques liées aux ruines, les normes qui les encadraient et les représentations qui permettent de les comprendre. On montrera que les ruines n’ont pas leur place dans la cité : les démolitions doivent toujours être évitées tandis que les bâtiments dégradés doivent être restaurés. L’esthétique des ruines mais aussi leur valorisation comme objet de mémoire sont absentes des textes littéraires et documentaires latins. Au contraire, les bâtiments délabrés et les villes détruites sont associés à la laideur et à la mort et donnent l’image d’un temps de troubles. Les ruines forment alors un contre-modèle, qui permet de révéler, par contraste, l’idéal d’une architecture qui participe à l’ornementation de la cité et contribue à l’âge d’or garanti par l’empereur. / : Partially destroyed buildings, the remains of which persist in time, ruins were part of the reality of Ancient Rome. This research aims at investigating the way the populations of the Empire, the local magistrates or the Roman central power perceived and managed dilapidated buildings as well as the piles of debris resulting from destructions. This study will focus on the everyday life of cities faced with the dilapidation of buildings as well as with exceptional devastations caused by catastrophes, from the Augustinian age to the end of the fourth century A.D. Through a thorough study of literary, legal and epigraphic sources, the purpose is to analyze how ruins were dealt with, taking into account the rules and norms which applied to them, as well as the mental representations which enabled their understanding. We shall demonstrate that ruins have no place in the city. Demolitions should always be avoided, and dilapidated building should be restored. Any aesthetic aspect of the ruins, or their use as places of memory, are absent from Latin texts. On the contrary, dilapidated buildings and destroyed cities are associated with death and unsightliness and reflect a troubled era. Ruins constitute a counter-model which enables the revelation, by contrast, of an ideal architecture which contributes to the ornamentation of the city and to the elaboration of the Golden Age announced by the Emperor.

The Destruction of Statues in Late Antique Egypt: A Widespread Phenomenon or Christian Polemic?

Perera, Nichole January 2017 (has links)
The topic of violence in Late Antiquity is a heavily debated subject and many scholars have focused on this issue, as evidenced by the many studies published within the last ten years. The perception of Late Antiquity as a period of widespread religious violence is mainly influenced by Christian literary sources, who document accounts of violence against temples, statuary, and people alike. Egypt, in particular, has often been used as an example to demonstrate the destructive nature of religious violence that existed in the ancient world. However, the concept of religious violence is a complicated and nuanced topic. In Egypt, the many accounts by the Christian sources were written with specific intentions and the events documented in the texts were often exaggerated. The objective of this thesis is to provide a study of statue destruction by Christians between the fourth to seventh centuries CE in Egypt, and determine whether these destructions were acts of religious violence or were carried out for another reason in order to provide a more nuanced understanding of violence in Late Antiquity. By juxtaposing accounts from literary sources and archaeological evidence, the study seeks to determine whether the literary sources are accurate in their documentation of widespread statue destruction, or whether the violent discourse present in the literary sources is the result of Christian polemical purposes.

L'union des contraires dans l'univers de Marguerite Duras : une tentative désespérée jusqu'au bout de l'échec : Proposition d'analyse archétypale de l'imaginaire durassien / The union of opposites in the writing of Marguerite Duras : a desperate attempt to the extreme failure : Proposition of archetypal analysis of the Durassian imaginary

Tasselli, Vincent 21 May 2019 (has links)
L’écriture de Marguerite Duras est foncièrement mythique ; son imaginaire puise dans les schémas les plus fondamentaux et les plus primitifs de la psyché humaine, puis les redispose dans l’athanor créatif intérieur, engendrant des œuvres protéiformes, à la fois extrêmement novatrices et nourries d’images archaïques fidèlement reprises ou revisitées, voire déformées ou renversées totalement. A la croisée de l’exégèse littéraire et phénoménologique (à l’image de l’herméneutique de Gaston Bachelard), de l’anthropologie (les travaux de Mircea Eliade), de la mythodologie développée par Gilbert Durand et de la psychologie des profondeurs (Carl Gustav Jung et Marie-Louise von Franz), nous proposons une étude précise et la plus complète possible des archétypes qui constellent cet imaginaire ainsi que de leur résonnance symbolique dans les textes ou les films durassiens. Cette analyse nous permettra de présenter une lecture nouvelle de l’univers scriptural, avec des outils efficaces et efficients. Il s’agira de repérer au fil des livres les symboles, de les confronter au plus grand nombre d’occurrences dans les pensées, les rites et les récits de toute culture, afin de laisser affleurer leur spécificité dans les œuvres. Si la quête de Marguerite Duras peut être assimilée à une tentative désespérée d’unir les contraires et résorber tout antagonisme, nous verrons que le style et l’univers se tournent progressivement vers un appel radical à la destruction absolue, qui modifie profondément la vision interne et la forme de l’écrit. Par l’analyse minutieuse des images dans un double corpus (le cycle indien puis la trilogie politique), nous souhaitons laisser remonter ces images fondatrices, observer leur signification tout en repérant leurs modifications essentielles au long de la production littéraire, théâtrale et cinématographique de l’artiste. / Marguerite Duras’s writing is deeply mythical; her imaginary world is rooted in the most fundamental and primitive patterns of the human psyche. She reorganizes it in the inner crucible of her creation, thus creating multifaceted works, simultaneously extremely innovative and filled with archaic images that the author uses faithfully, rewrites, twists or completely flips over. In between literary and phenomenological exegesis (like Gaston Bachelard’s hermeneutics), anthropology (Mircea Eliade’s works), Gilbert Durand’s mythodology and Carl Gustav Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz’s depth psychology, we offer a precise study, as thorough as possible, of the archetypes scattered throughout Marguerite Duras’s imaginary world as well as their symbolical echo in her texts and filmography.This analysis will enable us to present a new interpretation of her writing with efficient and effective tools. Book after book, we will spot the symbols and confront them with as many cultural rituals, thoughts and tales as possible in order to grasp their meaning in each of her works. If Marguerite Duras’s quest can be considered as a desperate attempt to bring together opposites and absorb any antagonisms, her style and her artistic world gradually turn to a radical call for complete destruction that deeply changes the inner vision and the nature of her writing. Through the careful analysis of the images in a double corpus (the Indian cycle then the political trilogy), we wish to let these founding images reach the surface, examine their meaning while underlining their crucial modifications during the author’s production in literature, theatre and cinema.

Complex Destruction: Near Eastern Antiquities and the ISIS Spectacle

Bearden, Lauren 07 May 2016 (has links)
Throughout 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) was a major news story for its destruction of Ancient Near Eastern collections and heritage sites, which created a spectacle across media. The focus of ISIS’s infamous video uploaded in February of 2015 was the colossal statue of a Lamassu, which was an ancient Assyrian guard deity. By focusing on the Lamassu, this thesis aims to address the Western concept of a “cradle of civilization” and ISIS’s motivation for destroying the sculpture. I utilize Kwame Appiah’s philosophy of cosmopolitanism in order to flesh out the language in which ISIS is communicating, namely through its destruction. What becomes apparent is a complex relationship with Near Eastern antiquities, which is best understood by analyzing the motivations of local looters. To conclude, I use ISIS’s destruction in order to offer thoughts on the concept of destruction with an aim to open dialogue regarding differing cultural value systems.

Carrots or sticks? Libya and U.S. efforts to influence rogue states

Calabrese, Jamie Ann. 09 1900 (has links)
Dramatic changes in the international system since the early nineties, namely the end of the Cold War and the post-9/11 ascendancy of the Bush Doctrine, have left many to wonder whether Cold War era influence strategies such as deterrence, compellence, and engagement are viable against new U.S. threats-rogue states. This thesis will examine U.S. efforts between 1986 and 2004 to convince Libya to cease its support for international terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). U.S. influence strategy towards Libya was a short term failure and a long term success. The compellence and deterrence policies established by President Reagan and strengthened by later administrations served to isolate Libya economically and diplomatically and set the conditions for successful conditional engagement. Positive behavior change by Libya began first with the Clinton Administration's introduction of conditional engagement. The Bush Administration, benefiting from years of Libyan isolation and the positive response to conditional engagement, continued to engage Libya in an incremental fashion. Libya renounced its terrorist ties in August 2003 and weapons of mass destruction in December 2003. Since then Tripoli has taken actionable steps to verify this change of policy and both governments are currently on course for reconciliation.

Dirty bombs : the technical aspects of radiological dispersion devices

Visger, Benjamin Felix 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. / Considering the ever-rising threat of terrorist attack and disruption of the economy and of daily activity, the potential strength of a radiological dispersion device must be evaluated. A "dirty bomb" is a weapon in the terrorist arsenal that is highly effective in creating chaos, panic and disruption. All of the immediate deaths caused by a "dirty bomb" are due to blast effects, however the public association with radiation and nuclear devices is one of fear and hyperbole. The individuals and agencies that respond to this type of event will have the greatest impact on the general public. By looking at case studies and potential scenarios or exercises the first responder can appreciate the nature of radiation as well as its impact on response. The goal of this paper is to provide first responders with basic information on nuclear physics and expose relevant issues in responding to a radiological dispersion device. An understandable link between nuclear physics and radiation response does exist. / Ensign, United States Navy

NATO's global role: to what extent will NATO pursue a global orientation?

Svejda, Miroslav 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The geopolitical change and emergence of new threats, notably terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, forced a reappraisal of the political and security roles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The Alliance's post- Cold War development, operations in the Balkans, and differences across the Atlantic also provided grounds for a revision of NATO's purely self-defense dimension. The Alliance, after having permanent out-of-area debates, has realized that it can no longer be circumscribed by artificial geographic boundaries to meet the future. At its Summit in Prague 2002, NATO initiated a new concept transforming itself into an effective organization with a global approach. By establishing the NATO Response Force, balancing the burden-shifting, and opening the security dialog among likeminded allies, NATO renewed the essence of common transatlantic values. By analyzing NATO's role and its prevailing tendencies, this thesis contends that NATO is no longer a regional security organization but a collective security instrument with its first front abroad, in the Greater Middle East and Northern Africa. However, if NATO is to contribute profoundly to international peace, it needs an institutional framework with global legitimacy. / Lieutenant Colonel, Czech Armed Forces

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