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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vedações verticais e suas interfaces no sistema construtivo de edificações / Vertical Sealings and their interfaces in the constructive system of edifications

Cardoso, Daniel Luis Antonio 21 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1628.pdf: 5186111 bytes, checksum: 9beecab516cc6562d5eee86f68c51fba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-21 / The development of a greater number of projects, besides those traditionally elaborated (foundations, architecture, structure, electrical and sanitary-hydraulic installations), have made the constructive process more complex, demanding the participation of several professionals around the projects of edification to discuss and make compatible the present solutions in the interfaces between the subsystems. Construction companies, which invest in the improvement in the projects quality of their edifications tend to increase better results as to their competitiveness in the market, guaranteeing significant efficiency to the whole enterprise cycle and generating higher rationalization for the production process of their buildings. In that sense, the activities referring to the project and to the production of an edification need to be thought in an integrated way. Because there are several the interferences between the vertical sealings and the rest of subsystems of the building that interact with it, the project elaboration of vertical sealings stands out as the instrument for the compatibility of projects, because it has the property to furnish constructive details that present efficiency and constructively to the services made at the construction site. Despite the importance of project-production integration, it can be perceived a certain precariousness in the definitions of interference of the vertical sealings with the rest of the subsystems, reflection of incomplete or indefiniteness projects, leaving to the construction site the need of adaptations. Thus, through bibliographic review and case study in three building sites of a small size incorporater-constructor, the solutions adopted in the sealing masonry interface and in some subsystems are verified. / O desenvolvimento de um maior número de projetos, além dos tradicionalmente elaborados (fundações, arquitetura, estrutura, instalações elétricas e hidráulico-sanitárias), tem tornado o processo construtivo do edifício mais complexo, exigindo a participação de diferentes profissionais em torno dos projetos da edificação para discutirem e compatibilizarem as soluções presentes nas interfaces entre os subsistemas. Empresas construtoras que investem na melhoria da qualidade dos projetos de suas edificações tendem a potencializar melhores resultados quanto à sua competitividade no mercado, garantindo eficiência significativa para todo o ciclo do empreendimento e gerando maior racionalização para o processo de produção de seus edifícios. Neste sentido, as atividades referentes ao projeto e à produção de uma edificação precisam ser pensadas de forma integrada. Como são várias as interferências entre as vedações verticais e os demais subsistemas do edifício que com ela interagem, a elaboração do projeto de vedações verticais destaca-se como instrumento da compatibilização de projetos, pois tem a propriedade de fornecer detalhes construtivos que apresentem eficiência e construtibilidade aos serviços realizados no canteiro de obras. Apesar da importância da integração projeto-produção, percebe-se certa precariedade nas definições de interferências das vedações verticais com os demais subsistemas, reflexo de projetos incompletos ou com indefinições, deixando para o canteiro a necessidade de adaptações. Assim, mediante revisão bibliográfica e estudo de caso em três canteiros de uma empresa construtora-incorporadora de pequeno porte, são verificadas as soluções adotadas na interface alvenaria de vedações e alguns subsistemas.

Considerações sobre o projeto, cálculo e detalhamento de vigas pré-fabricadas protendidas com aderência inicial em pavimentos de edificações / Considerations on the design, calculation and detailing of precast beams prestressing with pre-tensioning on buildings floors

Inforsato, Thiago Bindilatti 30 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2580.pdf: 4760065 bytes, checksum: 5236258da515ebb08b8d6b0431607f59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-30 / This work shows a calculation sequence to determine and detail the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of prestesses beams with pre-composed section. All procedures are done in a way that meets all the requirements of NBR6118: 2003 and 9062:2006 Code. It shows how the checks can be made of the ultimate state limit and the cracking service state and determining whether there is need for the isolation of the strand. The prestesses loss are considered taking into account the age of the constituents of the concrete section at the time when each step is performed and the procedure for progressive loss. The assumptions adopted for the calculation as composite section and the respective transverse reinforcement are detailing. It can be done as the detailing of transverse reinforcement with special care for the end of the piece where it is common the use of dapped-end. Four numerical examples are solved showing how the recommended calculation sequence allows the designer immediately realize the best solution, including the need for the use of prestressed strand along the top edge. The results obtained in the examples it can be seen: the advantage of using the section Ibeam, the semi-rigid connection has a limited efficiency even with large amounts of negative reinforcement, because the existence of the dapped-end, that considering the effect of prestressing causes the shear reinforcement required is minimal. Finally we can conclude that in several instances the situation critical for obtaining the longitudinal reinforcement was in service with the decompression. / Este trabalho mostra um roteiro para determinar e detalhar as armaduras longitudinal e transversal de vigas pré-tracionadas com seção composta. Todos os procedimentos são feitos de maneira que atenda a todas as prescrições das normas NBR 6118:2003 e NBR 9062:2006. Apresentam-se como podem ser feitas as verificações do estado limite último assim como em serviço de fissuração e determinando se há necessidade do isolamento das cordoalhas. As perdas de protensão são consideradas levando-se em conta a idade dos concretos constituintes da seção na época em que cada etapa é executada e o procedimento de perdas progressivas. As hipóteses adotadas para o cálculo como seção composta e respectiva armadura de costura são detalhadas. Mostra-se como pode ser feito o detalhamento da armadura transversal com especial cuidado para a extremidade da peça onde é comum o uso de dente Gerber. Quatro exemplos numéricos são resolvidos mostrando como o roteiro recomendado permite ao projetista perceber logo a melhor solução, inclusive da necessidade do uso de protensão junto a borda superior. Pelos resultados obtidos nos exemplos percebe-se: a vantagem do uso da seção em forma de I; que a ligação semi-rígida tem pequena eficiência mesmo com grande quantidade de armadura negativa, devido a existência do dente Gerber; que considerando o efeito da protensão faz com que a armadura de cisalhamento necessária seja a mínima. Finalmente pode-se concluir que nos diversos exemplos a situação determinante para a obtenção da armadura longitudinal foi a em serviço com a descompressão.

Procedimentos de cálculo, verificação e detalhamento de armaduras longitudinais na seção transversal em elementos protendidos / Calculation procedure, verification and detailing of longitudinal reinforcement in the cross section of prestressed elements

Faleiros Junior, José Herbet 24 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3262.pdf: 8603825 bytes, checksum: 51c881687adbb3d6b1750785d0cfee94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-24 / The following paper presents methods of calculation, verification and detailing of prestressed longitudinal reinforcement in cross sections of elements subjected to bending conceptualizing prestressing systems and its constituent elements, as well as the development of practical examples, calculated and detailed in a didactic manner, seeking an easy understanding and learning. The present study chooses to calculate the longitudinal reinforcement at the ultimate limit state and check it out at the serviceability limit state, always following the current standards. To organize the concepts and cohesion of the information, it is necessary to discuss theoretical and conceptual foundation by assembling several authors who derive about the subject matter. In order to ensure the adoption of normative recommendations (NBR6118:2007 e NBR9062:2005), issues such as durability, cover, classes of environmental aggressiveness, combinations of calculating and limiting values of prestress are discussed. As an example, it is presented a calculation discussion from a structure tailored to different classes of environmental aggressiveness, maintaining its main features, such as: the vain, the cross section and loads. With this work we realize that the calculations are needed, since there is not a situation which determines the scaling of the longitudinal reinforcement. Lastly, we present suggestions for future papers. In order to maintain the geometric features needed to the placement of the active armor on the top edge and on the replacement of the active armor by the passive one at any percentage can only be accomplished in partial prestress. The concurrent examinations may prevent the use of certain sections, for example, when examinations on empty are exclusive, or when the moment value relative to the weight itself is small in relation to the total moment. / O presente trabalho apresenta métodos de cálculo, verificação e detalhamento de armaduras longitudinais protendidas nas seções transversais de elementos submetidos à flexão conceituando os sistemas de protensão e seus elementos constituintes, bem como, o desenvolvimento de exemplos práticos, calculados e detalhados de maneira didática, visando um fácil entendimento e aprendizado. Neste trabalho opta-se por calcular a armadura longitudinal no estado limite último e verificá-la no estado limite de serviço, seguindo sempre as normas vigentes. Para a organização dos conceitos e coesão das informações, faz-se necessária a discussão teórica e o embasamento dos conceitos através da reunião de diversos autores que discorrem sobre o assunto abordado. Pretendendo garantir a adoção das recomendações normativas (NBR6118:2007 e NBR9062:2005), são discutidas questões como durabilidade, cobrimentos, classes de agressividade ambiental, combinações de cálculo e valores limites de protensão. Na forma de exemplo, é apresentada uma discussão de cálculo a partir de uma estrutura dimensionada para variadas classes de agressividade ambiental, mantendo suas características principais, como: o vão, a seção transversal e os carregamentos. Com o trabalho percebe-se que são necessários os cálculos, pois não há uma situação determinante para o dimensionamento da armadura longitudinal. Para que se mantenham as características geométricas é necessária a colocação de armadura ativa na borda superior e na substituição da armadura ativa pela passiva em qualquer porcentagem só pode ser realizada na protensão parcial. As verificações simultâneas podem inviabilizar o uso de certas seções, por exemplo, quando as verificações em vazio são excludentes, ou quando, o valor do momento relativo ao peso próprio é pequeno em relação ao momento total. Por fim são apresentadas sugestões para trabalhos futuros.

Detalhamento de áreas de savana arborizada no bioma Cerrado a partir da análise de séries temporais MODIS EVI para o período de 2004 a 2008 / Details of the savanna woodland in Cerrado based on the analysis of time series MODIS EVI for the period 2004 to 2008

PONTES, Marlon Nemayer Celestino de 12 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:32:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Marlon_Nemayer 2010 parte 1.pdf: 211750 bytes, checksum: 2ae9523ca5b4a7d59ae5875af36c7b44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-12 / Land cover and land use maps are essentials for the effective territorial governance, environmental monitoring, and proper understanding of the structure and functioning of the ecosystems. In relation to the Cerrado biome, an important step in this direction was obtained with the PROBIO mapping (Projeto de Conservação e Utilização Sustentável da Diversidade Biológica Brasileira do Ministério do Meio Ambiente), which, based on the interpretation of high spatial resolution imagery (Landsat TM), acquired in 2001 and 2002, mapped the entire biome at the scale of 1:250.000, accorging to the 30 natural and 5 anthropic classes. Although this mapping allowed to know, at high accuracy and precision, the extension and distribution of the major land cover types, its updating and further detailing are necessary. A particular example of such need is the Arboreous Savanna class, which, according to the PROBIO map, occupies an area of about 415.642,58 km² (33,72% of all Cerrado remnant vegetation) and presents an marked variability, 20 to 70% in its arborescent layer. Assuming that the phytophisiognomic variations within this class yield distinct seasonal patterns, in this study we evaluated the potential of the MODIS EVI (enhanced vegetation index) imagery, enhanced in the temporal domain, to futher discriminate among this class sub-types. Based on seasonal contrast images of May and September, it was possible to identify three sub-classes, whose spatial distribution patterns corresponded to the major seasonal domains. On the other hand, and based on the primary productivity concept, it was possible to distinguish five domains, in which (large productivity values were associated to the occurrence of denser typologies, close to ecotones). Our results suggest the use of MODIS or similar images (as the ones to be provided soon to be launched VIIRS sensor onboard the NPP and NPOESS series) for improved differentiation of the Cerrado physiognomies. However, field validation is necessary in order to better understand the biophysical meaning of the intraclass physiognomies identified, as well as a better understanding of the inter-annual patterns are necessary. / Mapeamentos de cobertura e uso da terra são de fundamental importância para a efetiva gestão territorial, monitoramento ambiental e para o correto entendimento quanto à estrutura e funcionamento dos ecossistemas. No caso do bioma Cerrado, importante avanço neste sentido foi o mapeamento realizado no âmbito da iniciativa PROBIO (Projeto de Conservação e Utilização Sustentável da Diversidade Biológica Brasileira do Ministério do Meio Ambiente), o qual, com base em imagens de alta resolução espacial (Landsat TM) obtidas em 2001/ 2002, mapeou a totalidade dobioma à escala de 1:250.000, segundo 30 classes naturais e 5 classes antrópicas. Ainda que este mapeamento tenha possibilitado conhecer com elevada exatidão a extensão e distribuição das principais fitofisionomias nativas e antrópicas, a suaatualização e detalhamento se fazem cada vez mais necessários. Em particular, chama atenção a classe Savana Arborizada, a qual, segundo o mapa PROBIO, ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 415.642,58 km² (33,72% de toda a vegetação remanescente no bioma) e que apresenta acentuada variabilidade em termos de cobertura arbórea (de 20 a 70%). Assumindo que as variações fitofisionômicas no âmbito desta classe resultam em diferentes padrões sazonais, neste trabalho avaliamos o potencial das imagens MODIS EVI, realçadas no domínio temporal, para a classe Savana Arborizada. Através do contraste sazonal das imagens EVI, de maio e setembro, foi possível diferenciar três sub-classes, cujos padrões de distribuição espacial correspondem aos principais domínios sazonais. Por outro lado, e com base no conceito de produtividade primária, foi possível diferenciar cinco domínios, em que os maiores valores de produtividade estiveram associados às tipologias mais densas, próximos a ecótonos. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem o uso de imagens de resolução espacial moderada (hectométrica) e alta resoluçãotemporal, para o detalhamento das várias fitofisionomias do bioma Cerrado. Contudo, validações em campo, com vistas a melhor se caracterizar o significado biofísico das fitofisionomias intraclasse identificadas, bem como melhorentendimento dos padrões inter-anuais se fazem necessários. Eventualmente, a variabilidade inter-anual observada pode vir a ser normalizada através dos valoresde precipitação acumulados anualmente.

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. January 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Reducing Thermal Bridging and Understanding Second-Order Effects in Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels

Sorensen, Taylor J. 01 December 2019 (has links)
Structural engineers have traditionally detailed structures with structural and fabrication efficiency in mind, but often based on a limited understanding of thermal efficiency. Some connection designs can create significant thermal bridging, leading to unnecessary heat transfer and even premature degradation through condensation. Thermal bridging occurs when heat transfer is given a path through a more conductive material like concrete or steel rather than insulation. Concrete sandwich wall panels (SWP) tend to be highly efficient at preventing heat transfer in the middle of panels, with greatest heat transfer occurring at connections. This project identified thermally efficient details for future SWP construction to reduce heat transfer, lessen environmental impact, and increase sustainability of SWP structures. It can be particularly difficult to avoid thermal bridging at corbel connections, so 12 corbel specimens were created and tested to provide alternative corbel design options for engineers. Nine details were successfully created and are presented. Corbel specimens were modeled using the Beam-Spring Method with good agreement. After validating the Beam-Spring Model, a parametric study investigated effectiveness of the PCI Second Order Analysis and the effect of length, panel stiffness, and wythe configuration on SWP behavior under axial and flexural loads.

Comprehensive Evaluation of Composite Core Walls for Low-Seismic Force and Wind Load Applications

Kunwar, Sushil January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

3D-modellering av en plattrambro i Tekla Structures : Arbetsmetod av en fallstudie / 3D modeling of a slab-fram bridge in Tekla Structures : Methodology of a case-study

Namdar, Sahar, Hernodh, Olle January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete ämnar besvara huruvida Tekla Structures kan fungera som ett lämpligt 3D-modelleringsprogram för konstruktionsgruppen Nyanläggning och Bro inom Grontmij Sverige. Med goda erfarenheter av Building Information Modeling, s.k. BIM, och 3D-modellering inom andra delar av Grontmij så fanns en önskan att optimera gruppens arbetsprocesser med den senaste kunskapen inom området. Arbetet har fokuserat på att praktiskt modellera en fallstudie baserat på ett av Grontmij tidigare genomfört anläggningsprojekt. För att säkerställa fallstudiens representativitet valdes en plattrambro med stor mängd armering som ansågs ha en komplex geometri vilket potentiellt skulle fördelaktigt kunna representeras i 3D. Vid skapandet av 3D-modellen och tillhörande ritningar delades processen in i tre steg; modellering, detaljering samt visualisering. Uppbyggandet av 3D- modellen påvisade unika för- och nackdelar i varje steg där också nedlagd arbetstid jämfördes med fallstudieprojektets tidplan. Resultaten visade att stegen modellering och detaljering (armering) uppvisade stora fördelar i relation till tidsåtgång. För steget visualisering, skapandet av 2D-ritningar enligt rapportens nomenklatur, var slutsatsen den omvända. Grontmij Nyanläggning och Bro rekommenderas därför att selektivt integrera Tekla Structures fördelar i sin framtida arbetsprocess samt fortsätta utvärdera programmet inom andra relaterade områden. / This thesis intends to answer whether Tekla Structures can function as a suitable 3D modeling software for the department of Transportation & Mobility within Grontmij Sweden. Given positive experiences from Building Information Modeling, so called BIM, and 3D modeling in other areas of Grontmij there was a desire to optimize the work processes of the department with the latest knowledge in the field. This report focuses on practical modeling of a case study, based on one of Grontmij’s previously conducted construction projects. To ensure a representative case study, a heavily reinforced slab-frame bridge was selected which was considered to have a complex geometry that potentially would be advantageously represented in 3D. The process of creating the 3D model and associated drawings was divided into three stages; modeling, detailing, and visualization. The construction of the 3D model demonstrated unique advantages and disadvantages in each stage where also this thesis’ work plan was compared with the case study’s time plan. The results showed that the steps modeling and detailing (reinforcing) showed benefits in relation to the time spent. For the visualization step, i.e. the creation of 2D drawings according to the terminology of this report, the conclusion was the opposite. Grontmij’s Transportation & Mobility department is therefore recommended to selectively integrate Tekla Structures’ advantages into their future work process and continue to evaluate the program in other related fields.

Extendable ladder cover solution for swedish fire vehicles

Molbeck Blyth, Marco Aurelio, Acosta Vega, María Isabel January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis project has been done in direct collaboration with Autokaross i Floby AB Rescue Vehicle Department, in Sweden.  The report contains the design development of a protective cover against weather conditions for the extendable ladder in a fire vehicle.   The aim of the report has been to develop a functional and low cost solution cover for the FEL on a fire truck, which is allocated on the roof, with the express intention of providing adequate access and protection against weather conditions in Nordic countries, so as to prevent premature deterioration of the FEL unit. The company has set the technical and conceptual boundaries, with the help of the two previous concepts currently used, the BMC and the ACP.   The initial requirements laid out by the company were expressed through a number of specific demands which can be categorized in two main points:   Cost: Designing a solution keeping in mind cost limits, assembly cost and time, and space optimization. This was done by taking into account the two existing solutions, particularly the BMC, which represents the lowest, cost wise and function wise. Therefore it was used as the basis on which to apply improvements, rather than trying to lower the high cost on the overqualified function of the ACP.   Function: Providing the adequate protection and access to the FEL. In this case, the problem was solved by establishing the correct degree of protection relevant to the Nordic weather conditions and FEL needs, and regarding the access, this was assured by fully automating the opening/closing process with the existing extraction operating system of the FEL.     The result of this report is a concept solution which meets the company’s demands, obtained by creative detailing, together with an analysis regarding possible considerations that could improve the creative detailing result in this report in the form of future work.     The report documents the process that has taken place in exploration, concept generation, concept evaluation, concept selection, and detailed CAD development. Each section shows the requirements and adjustments taken to fulfil the company’s needs.

Montovaná skeletová konstrukce nákupního centra / Precast concrete frame building of shopping centre

Břeňová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the design and review of selected load-bearing elements of the precast hall. Girder is dimensioned in two variants: reinforced and prestressed concrete. Design and assessment of prestressed girder was carried out using the simplified method and the IDEA statica. Column and footing was also dimensioned. All calculations are done in accordance with Eurocode 2.

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