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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifying Determiners from the Distributional Semantics View / Quantifying Determiners from the Distributional Semantics View

Gutiérrez Vasques, María Ximena January 2013 (has links)
Název práce: Quantifying Determiners from the Distributional Semantics View Autor: Maria Ximena Gutierrez Vasques Katedra: Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistiky Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. RNDr. Markéta Lopatková, Ph.D. Abstrakt: Distribuční sémanika představuje moderní přístup k zachycení sémantiky přirozeného jazyka. Jedním z témat, kterým zatím v rámci tohoto přístupu nebyla věnována dostatečná pozornost, je možnost automatické detekce logických relací jako vyplývání. Tato diplomová práce navazuje na práci autorů Baroni, Bernar- di, Do and Shan (2012), kteří se zabývají relací vyplývání mezi kvantifikujícími výrazy. Citovaná práce využívá detekce pomocí SVN klasifikátorů natrénavaných na sémantických vektorech reprezentujících relaci vyplývání. Popisované exper- imenty se nezaměřovaly na nastaveni parametrů SVN klasifikátoru, proto se v této práci vracíme k původním experimentům popisujícím relaci vyplývání mezi kvantifikovanýmo jmennými konstrukcemi, navrhujeme nové konfigurace klasi- fikátoru a optimalizujeme nastavení parametrů. Dosaženou přesnost predikce porovnáváme s původními výsledky a ukazujeme, že SVM klasifikátor s kvadrat- ickým polynomiálním jádrem dosahuje lepších výsledků....

The Syntax of Nafara DP

Baron, Bertille Melaine Marie 01 August 2016 (has links)
This study provides a syntactic analysis of the Senufo Nafara Determiner Phrase. It aims at investigating two major questions that are the status of definite markers, and the underlying structure and derivations leading to the surface word order [N AP Def Dem Num] observed in the language. I argue that the (indefinite) markers occurring in DPs are clitics attaching to the rightmost AP element, and spelling out the fused heads of several functional categories (gender, number, definiteness, and possibly others). In a cartographic approach to DP structure, I argue in favor of multiple Functional Projections occurring above NP. More particularly, I consider AP, DemP, and NumP as their own FPs in which adjectives, demonstratives, and numerals are all functional heads. While A and Dem show overt agreement in definiteness, gender, and number, cardinals do not. I argue that the surfacing word order is the result of roll-up movement with pied-piping, motivated and limited by agreement. Phrasal movement only occurs when required for agreement purposes, and more particularly in order to check uPhi features (and therefore EPP features). For that reason, numerals do not participate in movement, and surface in phrase-final position.

The Emergence of DP in the Partitive Structure

Stickney, Helen 01 September 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is a first look at English-speaking children’s acquisition of the syntax of the partitive. It presents four experiments that contrast three types of structures and examines how they interact with adjectival modification: the partitive, the pseudopartitive and complex nouns with prepositional adjuncts. The experimentation investigates whether children recognize that the Determiner Phrase (DP) in the partitive is a barrier to adjectival modification. The partitive is contrasted with the pseudopartitive –a minimal pair structure that lacks an internal DP. The data shows that children under the age of six do not distinguish between the partitive and the pseudopartitive. They allow adjectives preceding the partitive to modify the second noun; this is standardly considered licit for the pseudopartitive structure, but not the partitive. This result is evidence that children are under-representing the syntax of the partitive and of DP. Syntactic representations of minimal DP and minimal partitive structures are suggested and it is argued that these structures may persist as an option in the adult grammar. Chapter 2 discusses multiple layers in DP, DP’s status as a barrier/phase and how children acquire its syntax (Abney 1987, Cinque 1994, de Villiers & Roeper 1995, Kupisch 2006, Bošković 2008). This chapter also includes evidence for an underrepresented DP in the grammar of some adult English speakers (Schafer & de Villiers 2000, Carlson et al 2006). Chapter 3 presents background literature on the syntax of the partitive (Jackendoff 1977, Hoeksema 1996), introduces the pseudopartitive structure (Selkirk 1977, Stickney 2004 and Alexiadou, Haegeman & Stavrou 2007) and presents acquisition hypotheses. Chapters 4 & 5 present a pilot experiment and three picture choice tasks. The experimental data shows that children and a subset of adults do not distinguish between partitive and pseudopartitive and yet they maintain a clear distinction between pseudopartitive and other similar complex nouns. Chapter 6 presents two syntactic analyses of the data. One uses a split-DP structure (Zamparelli 2000, Laenzlinger 2000) to explain the lack of barrier in children’s partitives. The other suggests a reduced partitive structure (Rutkowski 2007). Both analyses require a reanalysis of the features of DP in children’s partitives.

Aspects of the Syntax of the Afro-Bolivian Spanish Determiner Phrase

Sessarego, Sandro 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Artigos e possessivos na história do português paulista / Articles and possessives in the history of Paulista Brazilian Portuguese

Galo, Gabriella D\'Auria de Morais 07 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo articular um estudo do determinante diante das formas possessivas com base em um corpus histórico jornalístico composto de anúncios e cartas de leitores e redatores extraídos de jornais paulistas do século XIX. Focalizamos as formas possessivas seu/seus/sua/suas pré-nominais, observando a presença versus ausência do artigo definido e seus diferentes contextos. Nossas hipóteses buscaram resolver algumas questões teóricas relacionadas à estrutura do DP possessivo no PB, entre elas a da opcionalidade aparente do determinante e a da variação na realização de Número no interior da estrutura. Desenvolvemos respostas e análises às questões a partir da associação de dois quadros teóricos: a teoria dos Princípios & Parâmetros (CHOMSKY 1981, 1986) incluindo alguns refinamentos do Programa Minimalista (CHOMSKY 1995, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004), e os pressupostos elaborados dentro da Sociolinguística Variacionista (cf. WEINREICH, LABOV e HERZOG (WLH) (1968); LABOV (1972, 1994, 2000)). Consideramos também estudos posteriores que conciliaram a mudança paramétrica internalista da língua (ROBERTS (2007)) com fatores extragramaticais que determinam o percurso das formas linguísticas no tempo histórico (KROCH (1989, 1994, 2000)). Para o estudo da estrutura do DP possessivo usamos a análise sobre os Bare Nouns de Cyrino & Espinal (2014). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a média geral de ausência do determinante diante de DPs possessivos se manteve a mesma nos dois períodos analisados, configurando uma variação estável. Concluímos que não houve, portanto, indícios de oscilação no uso de uma ou outra variante que pudesse demonstrar o avanço de uma delas em detrimento de outra. / The aim of this thesis is to describe the possessive DP structure and investigate the use of the determiner in possessive noun phrases in Paulista Brazilian Portuguese from the 19th century. For our description and analysis, we use advertisements and letters from readers and writers drawn from a historical and journalistic corpus. This research tries to verify if there is a parametric change and the contexts affected by the change and to propose an analysis for the observed facts. We adopt a minimalist approach based on Chomsky (1995, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004), within the Principles and Parameters Model (CHOMSKY 1981, 1986). We also adopt a variationist sociolinguistical approach (cf. WEINREICH, LABOV and HERZOG (WLH) (1968); LABOV (1972, 1994, 2000)) and studies of internalist parametric change (ROBERTS (2007)) and social factors (KROCH (1989, 1994, 2000)) to determine the way the possible change takes place. In order to explore possessive DP structure we use the Bare Nouns analyses by Cyrino & Espinal (2014). During the period considered, the use of the article was variable, setting a stable variation.

Classifiers and Determiner-less Languages: The Case of Thai

Piriyawiboon, Nattaya 17 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a syntactic and semantic analysis of bare arguments and classifiers in Thai as well as accounting for its nominal word order. Adopting the Nominal Mapping Parameter (Chierchia 1998), it is argued that Thai nouns are names of kinds. Kinds are of type <s,e>, which are allowed to appear without overt determiners in argument position. For this reason, Thai nouns cannot directly combine with a quantifier without the help of a classifier. The study shows that Thai arguments behave like English bare arguments (bare plurals and mass nouns) in that they exhibit scopelessness and can be interpreted with different meanings such as weak indefinite, generic and kind interpretations. Unlike English bare arguments, the Thai counterparts may also have a definite interpretation. This is because Thai lacks an overt definite determiner. In addition, the thesis provides a unified analysis for the occurrence of Thai classifiers in different contexts. It is assumed that a classifier occurs in a quantified context to provide a portion of a kind (Krifka 1995, Chierchia 1998). The thesis further proposes that a classifier occurs in a non-quantified context where there is no overt numeral when the noun phrase is specific. A specific noun phrase includes those appearing with a demonstrative, the numeral ‘one’ or a modifier. As for the word order within the nominal domain, it is proposed that the noun, although merged at the bottom of the Specific Phrase underlyingly, always appears in the initial position to check an uninterpretable nominal feature in the Specific head.

Classifiers and Determiner-less Languages: The Case of Thai

Piriyawiboon, Nattaya 17 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a syntactic and semantic analysis of bare arguments and classifiers in Thai as well as accounting for its nominal word order. Adopting the Nominal Mapping Parameter (Chierchia 1998), it is argued that Thai nouns are names of kinds. Kinds are of type <s,e>, which are allowed to appear without overt determiners in argument position. For this reason, Thai nouns cannot directly combine with a quantifier without the help of a classifier. The study shows that Thai arguments behave like English bare arguments (bare plurals and mass nouns) in that they exhibit scopelessness and can be interpreted with different meanings such as weak indefinite, generic and kind interpretations. Unlike English bare arguments, the Thai counterparts may also have a definite interpretation. This is because Thai lacks an overt definite determiner. In addition, the thesis provides a unified analysis for the occurrence of Thai classifiers in different contexts. It is assumed that a classifier occurs in a quantified context to provide a portion of a kind (Krifka 1995, Chierchia 1998). The thesis further proposes that a classifier occurs in a non-quantified context where there is no overt numeral when the noun phrase is specific. A specific noun phrase includes those appearing with a demonstrative, the numeral ‘one’ or a modifier. As for the word order within the nominal domain, it is proposed that the noun, although merged at the bottom of the Specific Phrase underlyingly, always appears in the initial position to check an uninterpretable nominal feature in the Specific head.

Substantivische Bindestrichkomposita in der deutschen Mediensprache / Brūkšneliais jungiami daiktavardiniai dūriniai vokiečių informacijos priemonių kalboje / Hyphenated substantival compounds in Germann mass media language

Balandytė, Dovilė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Die Magisterarbeit besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen: I- theoretischer Teil; II- praktischer Teil. Das Thema der Arbeit ist mit der Erweiterung und Erneuerung des Wortschatzes der deutschen Sprache verbunden. Die Magisterarbeit ist dem Bereich Wortbildung gewidmet. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand der Arbeit sind Bindestrichkomposita in der Mediensprache. Die wichtigsten Ziele und Aufgaben der Arbeit sind: 1. Die wichtigsten Wortbildungsarten der deutschen Sprache kurz zu beschreiben. 2. Die theoretischen Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Bindestrichkomposita in der deutschen Sprache vorzustellen. 3. Die Bindestrichfunktion zu behandeln. 4. Die gesammelten Belege in Gruppen zu klassifizieren und zu analysieren. In dem theoretischen Teil berufe ich mich meistens auf solche Autoren wie J. Erben, E. Donalies, M. Lohde u.a. In dem empirischen Teil berufe ich mich auf solche Quellen: die Zeitung "Die Zeit", die Zeitschrift "Der Spiegel" und Internet. / Darbas susideda iš dviejų pagrindinių dalių: teorinės ir praktinės. Darbo tema susijusi su naujų žodžių atsiradimu vokiečių kalboje. Tyrinėjimo objektas- sudurtiniai žodžiai jungiami brūkšneliais vokiečių informacijos priemonių kalboje. Pagrindiniai darbo tikslai ir uždaviniai yra tokie: 1. Trumpai aprašyti svarbiausias žodžių darybos rūšis vokiečių kalboje. 2. Pateikti teorinių žinių apie sudurtinius žodžius, kurie jungiami brūkšneliais vokiečių kalboje, panagrinėti brūkšnelio funkciją. 3. Suklasifikuoti ir išanalizuoti surinktus pavyzdžius. Praktinėje darbo dalyje naudojami šaltiniai: laikraštis "Die Zeit", žurnalas"Der Spiegel" ir internetas. / The paper consists of two main parts: theoretical and practical. The topic of the thesis concerns the appearance of new words in German. The purpose of the reaserch is hyphenated nominal compounds in the language of German media. The main objectives of the paper include: 1. A short description of the main word formation methods in German. 2. Theoretical overview of hyphenated German compuonds and the function of a hyphen. 3. Classification and analysis of examples collected. Sources used in the practical part of the paper are newspaper "Die Zeit", magazine "Der Spiegel", the Internet.

Le nom fois et les expressions dérivées : étude sémantique et pragmatique dans la phrase et dans le discours / The Name Fois and Derived Expressions Semantic and Pragmatic Study in Sentence and Discurse

Guiraud, Anne-Marie 12 June 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette recherche est de définir les significations du N (nom) fois au travers des principales constructions qui l'utilisent en français contemporain, et d‟expliquer la formation des expressions dérivées autrefois, des fois (que), parfois, quelquefois, toutefois, une fois (que). Examiné sous l'angle du lexique, le mot fois est un substantif féminin, qui, précédé d'un déterminant, se constitue en groupe nominal (GN). Le N fois dénote un comptage d'occurrences, c'est-à-dire d'unités de discours, qui sont le plus souvent des processus verbaux ou des prédicats. Il s'agit donc d‟unités linguistiques ce qui explique que fois apparaît dans des contextes divers. Nous avons classé les principales constructions en fonction des déterminants relevés dans le GN fois. D'une part, les GN composés des adjectifs cardinaux ou quantificateurs + fois permettent de compter des occurrences du langage et ont une fonction adverbiale de quantification ; si les occurrences comptées sont des processus verbaux, ils portent en sus une notion temporelle à valeur itérative ou fréquentielle. Avec les autres déterminants (article défini et indéfini, adjectif démonstratif, quantificateurs universels tous les et chaque), fois est un nom temporel qui tend à se standardiser. Les expressions dérivées évoluent sémantiquement et produisent une forme adverbiale préalable à d'autres transformations. Nous pouvons ainsi identifier le groupe des adverbiaux de quantification, le plus ancien, qui a facilité l'apparition des expressions dérivées, et un groupe plus récent où fois apparaît comme un nom temporel au même titre que jour, instant ou moment. / We aim in this search to define the significations of N (name) fois through the main constructions using it in modern French, and to explain how it helped in forming the derived expressions autrefois, des fois (que), parfois, quelquefois, toutefois, une fois (que). From a lexical point of view, the word fois is a feminine substantive, and, built with a determiner, it forms a nominal group (NG). The N fois denotes an occurrences counting, that means discurse units counting, mostly verbal process or predicates. Therefore it concerns liunguistic units and that's why fois is used in several contexts. We organized the main constructions according to the determiner used in NG fois. Firstly, NG built with cardinal adjectives or quantifiers + fois allow counting language occurrences and function as a quantification adverb ; if the occurrences are verbal process, they bring besides a temporal notion with iterative or frequential value. With other déterminers (definite and indefinite article, demonstrative adjective, universal quantifiers tous les and chaque), fois is a temporal name on the way to standardisation. The derived expressions change semantically and come to an adverbial form prior other transformations. This concludes to identify the group of quantification adverbs, the former one, which helped the formation of derived expressions, and a newer group in which fois is a temporal name as jour, instant or moment.

Artigos e possessivos na história do português paulista / Articles and possessives in the history of Paulista Brazilian Portuguese

Gabriella D\'Auria de Morais Galo 07 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo articular um estudo do determinante diante das formas possessivas com base em um corpus histórico jornalístico composto de anúncios e cartas de leitores e redatores extraídos de jornais paulistas do século XIX. Focalizamos as formas possessivas seu/seus/sua/suas pré-nominais, observando a presença versus ausência do artigo definido e seus diferentes contextos. Nossas hipóteses buscaram resolver algumas questões teóricas relacionadas à estrutura do DP possessivo no PB, entre elas a da opcionalidade aparente do determinante e a da variação na realização de Número no interior da estrutura. Desenvolvemos respostas e análises às questões a partir da associação de dois quadros teóricos: a teoria dos Princípios & Parâmetros (CHOMSKY 1981, 1986) incluindo alguns refinamentos do Programa Minimalista (CHOMSKY 1995, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004), e os pressupostos elaborados dentro da Sociolinguística Variacionista (cf. WEINREICH, LABOV e HERZOG (WLH) (1968); LABOV (1972, 1994, 2000)). Consideramos também estudos posteriores que conciliaram a mudança paramétrica internalista da língua (ROBERTS (2007)) com fatores extragramaticais que determinam o percurso das formas linguísticas no tempo histórico (KROCH (1989, 1994, 2000)). Para o estudo da estrutura do DP possessivo usamos a análise sobre os Bare Nouns de Cyrino & Espinal (2014). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a média geral de ausência do determinante diante de DPs possessivos se manteve a mesma nos dois períodos analisados, configurando uma variação estável. Concluímos que não houve, portanto, indícios de oscilação no uso de uma ou outra variante que pudesse demonstrar o avanço de uma delas em detrimento de outra. / The aim of this thesis is to describe the possessive DP structure and investigate the use of the determiner in possessive noun phrases in Paulista Brazilian Portuguese from the 19th century. For our description and analysis, we use advertisements and letters from readers and writers drawn from a historical and journalistic corpus. This research tries to verify if there is a parametric change and the contexts affected by the change and to propose an analysis for the observed facts. We adopt a minimalist approach based on Chomsky (1995, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004), within the Principles and Parameters Model (CHOMSKY 1981, 1986). We also adopt a variationist sociolinguistical approach (cf. WEINREICH, LABOV and HERZOG (WLH) (1968); LABOV (1972, 1994, 2000)) and studies of internalist parametric change (ROBERTS (2007)) and social factors (KROCH (1989, 1994, 2000)) to determine the way the possible change takes place. In order to explore possessive DP structure we use the Bare Nouns analyses by Cyrino & Espinal (2014). During the period considered, the use of the article was variable, setting a stable variation.

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