Spelling suggestions: "subject:"developments"" "subject:"evelopments""
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Blocos de memórias: habitação social, arquitetura moderna e patrimônio cultural / Memory Blocks: Social Housing, Modern Architecture and PreservationFlávia Brito do Nascimento 02 December 2011 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado estuda a preservação dos conjuntos residenciais modernos empreendidos entre 1930 e 1964 no Brasil. Tais conjuntos residenciais são exemplares importantes da história da arquitetura moderna brasileira e têm sua salvaguarda seriamente ameaçada. Integrando as agendas da preservação e da habitação social, propomos estudá-los e entendê-los como patrimônio cultural, objetivando definir parâmetros conceituais e traçar estratégias de gestão e de preservação. Pretendemos tomar parte no debate sobre a preservação da arquitetura e do urbanismo modernos a partir do tópico da habitação social, enfrentando as questões da atribuição de valor e da atualidade e obsolescência das propostas do morar moderno. Para tanto, estudamos a historicização e a atribuição de valor à arquitetura moderna, suas relações com a historiografia da arquitetura e a construção de memória da arquitetura moderna no Brasil a partir dos anos 80 e as preservações no exterior e no Brasil, feita pelo Iphan, Inepac e Condephaat. Debatemos a habitação social e patrimônio cultural por meio do estudo dos tombamentos de vilas operárias e conjuntos residenciais, com foco no Conjunto Residencial do Pedregulho, estudado em detalhe na sua trajetória desde construção até os desafios do presente. / This doctoral thesis studies the conservation of modern housing developments that was carried out in Brazil between 1930 and 1964. These housing developments are important examples for the history of modern Brazilian architecture and their conservation is under serious threat. Bringing together the preservation and social housing agendas, we propose to study and understand them as cultural heritage in order to define conceptual parameters and set out strategies for their management and conservation. We intend to join the debate about the conservation of modern architecture and urbanism through the lens of social housing, tackling questions of value assignment and the relevance and obsolescence of proposals for modern living. To this end, we study the historicity and values assigned to modern architecture, its relationships with the historiography of architecture and with the construction of a record of modern architecture in Brazil from the 1980s and the conservation undertaken both abroad and in Brazil by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional: Iphan), the State Institute for Cultural Heritage (Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Cultural: Inepac) and the Council for the Defence of Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Touristic Heritage (Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico, Arqueológico, Artístico e Turístico: Condephaat). We debate social housing and cultural heritage through a study of the registered listing of workers\' villages and housing developments as part of Brazil\'s historical heritage, with a focus on the Pedregulho Housing Development (Conjunto Residencial do Pedregulho), studying in detail the course from its construction to its present challenges.
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Climate changes impacts on subtropical urban drainage with low impact developments / Impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre a drenagem urbana subtropical com técnicas compensatóriasCésar Ambrogi Ferreira do Lago 21 March 2018 (has links)
Low impact developments (LID) have been used to mitigate the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle. However, there is a lack of studies on LID performance in subtropical climates and under potential impacts of climate change scenarios. This dissertation evaluated the impacts of two climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) on urban drainage with pollutants and their effect on LID practice efficiency located in a subtropical climate, with Cfa classification according to Köppen and Geiger. First, the inlet quantity and quality parameters were calibrated. The buildup/washoff model was evaluated, comparing load calibration and concentration of pollutants: chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), phosphate (PO4) (NH3), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn). Pollutant washing was studied in the area of the bioretention catchment using historical rainfall data between 2013 and 2017, analyzing the influence of the buildup/washoff parameters of each pollutant in the input mass. Afterwards, Eta5x5km (INPE) climate change scenarios were disaggregated to 5-minute intervals by the modified Bartlett-Lewis method. The disaggregated series was used to estimate the impacts of climate change on urban drainage into the bioretention. Therefore, a simple model, developed specifically for the study bioretention cell, was used to estimate the qualitative-quantitative efficiencies of each period of the climate change scenarios. According to the data acquired from INPE, climate change will result in a fall in the volume of rainfall in São Carlos, resulting in lower volumes of surface runoff. The impacts on pollutant washing, however, vary according to the buildup/washoff parameters, explained by a sensitivity analysis. Climate change does not affect the bioretention quantitative efficiency very much: 81.7% from 1980 to 1999 to 81.4% and 81.3% from 2080 to 2099 for CPR scenarios 4.5 and 8.5. The pollutant removal efficiencies, as well as the washing, depend on buildup/washoff characteristics. One of the main consequences of climate change is a drop in the runoff quality. However, even with quantitative efficiency being maintained, bioretention is capable of mitigating this increase in the concentration of pollutants in urban drainage. Thus, the LID will help preserve the quality of downstream rivers, whose volumes will already have diminished by the decrease in rainfall volume. / Técnicas compensatórias de drenagem (TC) vêm sido utilizadas para mitigar efeitos da urbanização no ciclo hidrológico. Entretanto faltam estudos sobre a performance destas TCs em clima subtropical e sob potenciais impactos de cenários de mudanças climáticas. Esta dissertação avaliou os impactos de dois cenários de mudanças climáticas (RCP 4.5 e 8.5) sobre o escoamento superficial urbano com poluentes e sua afetação na eficiência da TC localizada em clima subtropical, classificação Cfa segundo Köppen e Geiger. Primeiro se calibrou os parâmetros de quantidade e qualidade do escoamento superficial na entrada da biorretenção. O modelo buildup/washoff foi avaliado, comparando-se calibração da carga e concentração de poluentes: demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), carbono orgânico total (TOC), fosfato (PO4), nitrato (NO3), nitrito (NO2) amônia (NH3), ferro (Fe), cadmio (Cd) e zinco (Zn). Então se estudou a lavagem de poluentes na área de contribuição da biorretenção com histórico de precipitação entre 2013 e 2017 e analisando a influência dos parâmetros buildup/washoff de cada poluente na entrada de massa. Em seguida, cenários de mudanças climáticas Eta-5x5km (INPE) foram desagregados em intervalos de 5 minutos, pelo método de Bartlett-Lewis modificado. A série desagregada foi utilizada para se estimar os impactos das mudanças climáticas na drenagem urbana, a incidir na biorretenção. Então um modelo simples desenvolvido especificamente para a biorretenção em estudo foi usado para se estimar as eficiências quali-quantitativas de cada período dos cenários de mudanças climáticas. Os dados adquiridos do Inpe mostram que as mudanças climáticas resultarão em uma queda no volume de chuvas em São Carlos, resultando em menores volumes de escoamento superficial. Os impactos na lavagem de poluentes, entretanto, variam de acordo com os parâmetros buildup/washoff, explicados por uma análise de sensibilidade. As mudanças climáticas pouco afetam a eficiência quantitativa da biorretenção, 81.7% no período 1980-1999 para 81.4% e 81.3% no período 2080-2099 para cenários RCP 4.5 e 8.5. Já as eficiências de remoção de poluentes, assim como a lavagem destes, dependem das características buildup/washoff de lavagem. Uma das principais consequências observadas das mudanças climáticas é uma queda na qualidade do escoamento. Porém, mesmo com eficiência quantitativa sendo mantida, a biorretenção é capaz de amenizar essa o aumento na concentração de poluentes na drenagem urbana. Assim, a técnica ajudará a preservar a qualidade dos rios à jusante, que já terão seus volumes diminuídos pela queda no volume de chuva.
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Produção em escala da habitação e racionalização de canteiros de obras / Scale production of housing and racionalization in construction sitesJaqueline de Pieri Quaglio 08 June 2018 (has links)
A construção civil frequentemente foi objeto de diversos estudos devido à sua importância no cenário econômico no país. Uma primeira tendência de debate compreendeu o setor da construção sob a chave do atraso, uma vez que suas atividades eram marcadas por condições precárias de trabalho, baixa organização produtiva, altos custos e desperdícios. A industrialização plena da construção representaria, de acordo com esses estudos, o desenvolvimento tecnológico do setor. Uma segunda tendência de debate, mais recente, identificou que, apesar do setor da construção carregar um histórico de precariedades, houve considerável avanço em relação à racionalização da produção nas últimas décadas. A partir dos anos 2000, no Brasil, empreendimentos habitacionais de grande envergadura destinados à baixa renda foram promovidos por construtoras e incorporadoras através de recursos públicos. A questão que se coloca é como se viabilizou tal produção massiva de moradias, em um curto período de tempo, no âmbito dos canteiros de obras? O objetivo principal desta pesquisa, portanto, é identificar e analisar diferentes tendências de industrialização nos canteiros de obras da produção em larga escala da habitação. A partir de três estratégias metodológicas de pesquisa bibliográfica, de campo e documental , analisamos a produção em alguns canteiros de obras de duas empresas construtoras. Identificamos, na produção dos empreendimentos habitacionais de larga escala, a implementação de estratégias de organização, de gestão e de controle que permitiram ganhos expressivos de produtividade. Não se tratava, nos casos analisados, da industrialização plena da construção, mas sim de um processo intenso de racionalização da produção. / Civil construction has often been a subject of several studies due to its importance for the economic scenario in the country. At first, the construction sector was understood as a synonymous of economic backwardness, since its activities were grounded by precarious working conditions, low productive organization, high costs and wasting. According to those studies, only the fully industrialization of the construction would represent the technological development of the sector. A second discussion tendency has identified that despite the insecurity historic of the construction industry, there has been considerable progress related to the production rationalization in the recent decades. From the 2000s in Brazil, large-scale housing projects destined for low-incomes were promoted by construction companies and developers through public resources. At this point, the question that arises is how did such a massive production of housing become possible in a short period of time in the scope of building sites? Therefore, this researchs main goal is to identify and analyze the industrialization trends in the building sites of the large-scale housing production. Based on three methodological research strategie bibliographical, field and documentary this research analyzed the building sites of two construction companies. It was identified at the production of large-scale housing developments, the implementation of organizational, management and control strategies which allowed significant gains on productivity. In the analyzed cases, it was not about the fully industrialization of construction, but an intense process of production rationalization.
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Requirements Engineering Skills Development : A SurveyChiwenda, Madock January 2004 (has links)
Software projects are among the failure prone projects in engineering and software requirements problems have been attributed to be one of main reasons to software project failures. There are many techniques and methodology developed for practitioners to use in working with software requirements, which makes it impossible for one to master them during formal education. In addition, many of the practitioners are coming from different disciplines. Thus they are required to learn in practice. Previous studies have shown informal learning (i.e. not planned or run by institutions or organizations) to be more effective and more used in workplace learning situations. The study investigates how the requirements engineering skills are and can be learned in workplace especially informally. By comparing the results obtained by the literature study and empirical study the recommendations are given on how one can recognise, utilise, and encourage the informal learning activities to develop requirements engineering skills. The study does not rule out the need to have the formal education and training in requirements engineering but identify it as an important prerequisite and/or complement. It provides insight on how informal learning practices are utilised by practitioners who are rather experienced in requirements engineering and how they could try to recognise and/or utilise other learning opportunities presented by previous literature. It furthermore offers general recommendations of how to utilise the informal learning for developing requirements engineering skills and other related disciplines.
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Développements instrumentaux en spectroscopie Raman appliqués aux mesures en conditions extrêmes. / Instrumental developments in Raman spectroscopy applied to extreme conditionsCanizares, Aurélien 19 December 2011 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est le développement de méthodologies et d’équipements Raman performants, permettant d’accéder aux propriétés des matériaux en conditions extrêmes. Nous décrivons la conception d’un spectromètre Raman portable original, dédié aux mesures in situ dont la sonde versatile permet d’obtenir une caractérisation Raman en conditions extrêmes, offrant une large gamme de longueurs d’ondes d’excitation, et des optiques de collections permettant d’obtenir un signal Raman dans un très grand nombre d’environnements sévères aux accès optiques délicats. De plus, la technique Raman est couplée à des mesures de microluminescence (cathodo/iono/photoluminescence), et ce, au même point de l’échantillon. Le système permet également -via un détecteur CCD intensifié- la caractérisation résolue en temps par spectroscopies Raman et de luminescence, associée à un mode pulsé de l’accélérateur, donnant accès à de nombreuses informations complémentaires sur la structure de l’échantillon. Enfin, ce dispositif donne accès à l’étude des propriétés des matériaux en conditions de haute température et d’irradiation. D’autre part, les systèmes d’analyses ex-situ en conditions extrêmes sont détaillés dans ce travail. Les principaux résultats acquis sont également présentés afin d’illustrer le fonctionnement et la qualité des résultats obtenus. Nous exposons notamment les études décrivant le comportement d’interfaces UO2/H2O sous faisceau He2+, l’évolution in situ des propriétés des matériaux soumis aux irradiations ou à des recuits haute température, ainsi que la caractérisation d’états excités de matériaux. / The aim of this work is the development of efficient Raman methodologies and equipments, giving access to material properties in extremes conditions. We describe the conception of an original portable Raman, dedicated to in situ measurements, whose versatile headprobe allows material characterization in extremes conditions, offering a large range of excitation wavelengths, and whose optical collection system permits to obtain Raman information in a large number of delicate optical access severe environments. Moreover, the Raman technique is coupled to micro-luminescence measurements (cathodo/iono/photo- luminescence) at the same point of the sample. The device also allows – by the mean of an intensified CCD detector – the Raman and luminescence time resolved characterization, combined to a pulsed ion beam accelerator. This setup gives access to hard reachable informations concerning the sample structure. Finally, this device allows studies of materials in both high temperature and irradiation hostile conditions. Besides, extremes conditions ex situ analysis systems are described in this work. We additionally present the main results obtained in order to validate that the system works and to show its performances. More precisely, we report studies describing the behavior of UO2/H2O interfaces under He2+ particles beam, the in situ evolution of material properties under irradiation or high temperature annealing process, and finally the excited states characterization of materials.
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Problematika dostupnosti předškolního a základního vzdělání na Praze západ 2015 - 2016 / The issue of accessibility of pre-school and primary education in Praha-západ 2015-2016Jarolímek, Roman January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the development and current situation in the market of preschool care and basic education in the district Praha-západ. The thesis solves whether this is a national or regional problem. For further investigation is elected the district Praha-západ, in which it is decided whether there is a problem with insufficient capacity in educational establishments. By analysing the development and the current situation together with structured interviews with staff of municipal and municipal authorities and questionnaire surveys of the inhabitants living in this region, it proves this problem. At the end of the thesis several proposals of solutions are provided, which are inspired by specific municipalities or towns of this district.
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The role of the African Union as a vehicle for investment initiatives and regional cooperation : a critical overview of the new partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD)Ngoatje, Mmamautswa Fawcett 03 April 2007 (has links)
Africa is facing many challenges which range from underdevelopment to high poverty levels. Although Africa is richly endowed with natural resources, the continent continues to be a source of raw material for the North. This state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely. The high level of debt owed to multilateral organisations compounds the challenge by limiting investment inflows. Through the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), the African Union (AU) has the potential to stimulate growth and development on the continent in pursuit of the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Undoubtedly, the African Union’s NEPAD faces many challenges itself. The benefits of the multilateral trade regime will only become freely available if factors such as the negative multiplier effects associated with the accomplishment of the ideal of African integration and market access, could be mitigated. The success of NEPAD is not a given for Africa and necessitates visionary leadership. It has to be earned and as a matter of course will involve some sacrifices. Africa will have to mobilise intra-continental investment to leverage Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The point of departure of this research study is that the NEPAD initiative is an African programme which must be led by Africans themselves, especially the intelligentsia. The Africans in the diaspora also constitute a valuable source of capacity to implement NEPAD. NEPAD promotes the participation of Africa in global affairs in pursuit of the African Renaissance. It is imperative that the architects of NEPAD listen to the concerns being raised by its opponents and continuously engage the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the intended beneficiary society. It should be noted that the private sector can partner with governments in supporting the objectives of NEPAD. There is a need to harmonise policies of different AU member states to give effect to regional cooperation and integration. Regional integration can enhance the mobilisation of resources through economies of scale that will position Africa to penetrate global markets and to attract direct foreign investment. Globalisation itself should not be viewed as a threat, but as presenting new economic challenges and potential opportunities for regional integration. It is time that the Africans their own agenda within Africa. Africans must rise jointly to this occasion and emancipate themselves from dependence associated with underdevelopment and poverty. Africa has the potential and the capacity to succeed through the effective implementation of NEPAD. The time for Africa is now. / Thesis (PhD (Public Affairs))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted
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A Comparative study of some issues relating to Corporate Insolvency Law in Nigeria and South AfricaHabi, Halita Mafo January 2013 (has links)
No abstract available / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Mercantile Law / unrestricted
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Challenges facing Shikundu community with regard to participation in the development projects in Vhembe District, Limpopo ProvinceMahole, Ephraim 19 December 2012 (has links)
MAdmin / Department of Public and Development Administration
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A study of normal and abnormal motor development in infants (An approach to muscle testing of infants)Zausmer, Elizabeth January 1952 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University
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