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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Voronojaus diagramos ir jų taikymai / Voronoi diagrams and their applications

Žvikaitė, Laura 03 June 2005 (has links)
In these theses are pepresented the Voronoi diagram and Network Voronoi diagram. The shortest path Dijkstra’s algorithm was modified in this way that calculates shortest paths from several Voronoi generators at the same time. The first result - partition of the nodes of the network. The seond result - arcs of the network are attributed to the generators, considering especially their direction and asymmetric costs. Applications allow compare Network Voronoi diagrams to Voronoi diagrams. For this puspose we modified Fortune algorithm. We made particular product for Taxi depot. The user can make his own implementation.

Programinės įrangos su kintamybėmis konfigūravimas / Configuration of software with variabilities

Pačebutaitė, Danutė 09 July 2011 (has links)
Programų sistemų šeima, tai grupė programų sistemų turinčių tarpusavyje daug bendrybių, tačiau besiskiriančių viena nuo kitos tam tikrais iš anksto žinomais skirtumais, kurie yra modeliuojami kintamybėmis. Toks skirstymas į šeimas yra svarbus kalbant apie pakartotinį programų sistemų dalių panaudojimą išnaudojant programų sistemų panašumus. Tačiau kuo didesnė programų sistemų šeima, tuo daugiau joje skirtumų tarp šeimos narių, t.y. labai svarbiu tampa kintamybių suvaldymo klausimas. Konfigūravimas šiuo atveju yra procesas skirtas programų sistemų konstravimui iš turimų ypatybių (bendrybių ir kintamybių). Šiame darbe yra aprašytas konfigūravimo metodas paremtas binarinėmis sprendimų diagramomis (BDD). Pirmiausiai programų sistemų šeima sumodeliuojama pagal Czarnecki-Eisenecker ypatybių modelį su kardinalumais, tada darbe aprašytu būdu verčiama į sumažintą surikiuotą binarinę sprendimų diagramą (ROBDD). Šiame darbe parodyta, kad turint ROBDD galime efektyviai konfigūruoti sumodeliuotą programų sistemų šeimą. Taip pat pateiktas konfigūravimo įrankio prototipas. / Software Systems family is a group of software systems that have great commonality among the systems, but differ from each other in some pre-known differences, which are modeled by variabilities. This distinction is important to families in terms of re-use of software systems by exploiting the similarities between software systems. However, the larger family of software systems, the more there are differences between family members, this means, managing variabilities becomes very important issue. In this case, configuration is a process of constructing new software systems from available features (commonalities and variabilities). This paper describes the configuration method based on binary decision diagrams (BDD). First, the software is modeled according to the Czarnecki- Eisenecker feature model with cardinalities, subsequently in the described way it is transformed into reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). This paper demonstrates effective configuration of modeled software with the use of ROBDD. In addition, the prototype of the configuration tool is presented.

Ranka pieštų eskizų dinaminė analizė ir gražinimas / Dynamic Scene Analysis and Beautification for Hand-drawn Sketches

Gusaitė, Milda 29 May 2006 (has links)
Sketching is an important part of creativity process and is used in the design disciplines, concerned with making physical form: mechanical and civil engineering, graphic design, and architecture and physical planning. Almost all designers still begin the design process by sketching their ideas before transferring them to the computer. This helps designers to express nascent ideas fast and naturally and to speed up visual problem solving. Moreover, the importance of sketching in design has been recognized emphasizing that initial drawing allows creative freedom. The sketches represent a rough semblance and functionality of the system and can be essential to understanding the reasoning behind a design. Furthermore, sketching activity makes designers to interact with their sketches, examine all alternative possibilities and explore design solutions in their minds during drawing. This important part of design, which supports ambiguity, imprecision and incremental formalization of ideas as well as rapid exploration of alternatives, is still performed by engineers with the help of paper and pencil. Despite praxis and fondness of natural interface provided by paper, sketching on paper has its own limitations. The main disadvantage of sketching on paper is that you can easily draw the sketch, but editing and improving of design is more problematic. If designer wants to make changes in the sketch, usually he has to take another sheet of paper and basically redraw the sketch... [to full text]

UML projektavimo įrankių lyginamoji analizė / Comparative Analysis of UML Design Tools

Švaplys, Tomas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Projektavimas naudojant UML kalbą tampa vis populiaresniu, todėl šios srities įrankių gausa vis didėja. Tampa tikra problema išsirinkti tinkamą UML įrankį. Šiame darbe yra analizuojami UML kalbos projektavimo įrankiai pagal jų galimybes. Yra išnagrinėti 10 pasirinktų UML įrankių, apibūdintos pagrindinės jų charakteristikos, bei palyginti pagal pasirinktus kriterijus. UML įrankių palyginimui buvo sudarytos ir pateiktos lentelės su išvardintais įrankiais bei kriterijais. Remiantis duomenimis iš lentelių, buvo sudaryti UML įrankių palyginimo grafikai. Pateiktas pagrindinių sąvokų detalus aprašymas. Suprojektuota ir sukurta mokomoji svetainė pagal išrinktą UML įrankį. Sukurtas vartotojo vadovas video formatu. Pateiktos rekomendacijos UML įrankio pasirinkimui. / According to the results of the research the design while using UML becomes considerably more popular due to this reason the great variety of tools of this sphere are also increased. Therefore, it goes naturally, that it became a real problem in order a suitable tool of UML to be closen properly. In this work the tools of the projecting of the language are analyzed and also the 10 chosen UML tools are represented while describing their main particularities, they are also compared according to the chosen criteria. In order the comparison of the UML to be carried out properly the tables with mentioned tools and their criterias to be represented. According to the date from the tables the graphs of the comparison of the tools of UML are made and the detailed description of the main conception is presented as well. The educational website according to the chosen appropriate UML tool is projected and created. The guidance of a user is also created in the video format. According to the analysis of UML tools there are given the certain recommendations in order the appropriate tool to be chosen appropriately. Also there are given the aspects with the help of which the choise of a suitable tool of a user can be carried out in the dependency on the desirable project. Acceding to the analysis of the commercial and non-commercial tools the certain recommendations are given.

Savivaldybės administracijos ūkio skyriaus darbo vietos informacinė sistema "Savivaldybės turtas" / Workplace of employee of municipal departament of economy informational system "Savivaldybės turtas"

Beinaras, Ričerdas 09 January 2005 (has links)
Summary Subject of this paper is workplace of employee of municipal department of economy. Main product of this paper is informational system (IS) intended for long term control of property of municipality and is related to preparation of documents concerning use of that property. Analysis and specifications concerning informational needs of municipal department of economy has been carried out. Similar systems (Sistema “BIUDŽETAS”, “Turtas”, “DEBETAS”, “ForFUND/Gov”) and methods of creating IS (creation of IS using cycle of existence of “waterfall”, method of prothotypes, JAD method, creating of IS using means of CASE) were analysed. Product was designed and realized using the following means: 1. MS Visio 2003 – designing 2. ProVision Workbench TM V 3.1 – designing 3. MS Access 2000 – DBMS for keeping data of property and use Product was introduced to employees of municipal department of economy.

Optikos įmonės kompiuterizuotos IS sukūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and Research of the Computerized Information System for an Optical Enterprise

Paičienė, Kristina 20 September 2004 (has links)
Many small enterprises in Lithuania don’t use information systems in their accounting. This is because almost all of already developed accounting software is quite complex, expensive and has many additional features, witch aren’t useful for a small enterprises. This is why it has been decided to develop own specific software for a goods accounting. User interface and data structure should be adapted to the specific functions of the small optical enterprise. The purposes of the developed information system are to increase work and accounting quality, to decrease time needed for accounting, to avoid saving redundant information, to automate and simplify the process of creating analytical reports, to avoid mistakes in accounting and make accounting more efficient. In the process of developing this information system there was analyzed functional and nonfunctional, manage mental and common requirement issues. The models of dataflow, data structure, and applications were used in the requirement specification. Architecture of components and software structure is also provided in this project. The realization of this project was accomplished by means of Microsoft Access 2000. There was created database, graphical user interface, and integrated Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications was used to perform programming tasks. Abilities of this software are fully sufficient for these tasks. Selected design techniques and tools had proved themselves in solving software for small... [to full text]

Organizacijos veiklos žodyno sinchronizacijos su veiklos procesais tyrimas / Research of organizations activity dictionary synchronization with the activity processes

Bieliauskas, Marius 26 August 2013 (has links)
Šių dienų verslo pasaulis yra konkurencingas kaip niekad. Naujos rinkos, sparčiai besiskverbiančios technologijos į verslo sektorių, internetas, tiesiog priverčia keisti nusistovėjusį požiūri į verslą ir organizavimą bei į visą tai pažvelgti kitu kampu. Šiame darbe pateikiama veiklos procesų, jų modeliavimo galimybių bei notacijų pritaikomumo šių dienų rinkai analizė. Analizuojamos modeliavimo notacijų galimybės ir pajėgumas, pritaikomumas bei efektyvumas projektuojant veiklos procesus. Apžvelgiami veiklos žodyno reikalingumo ir naudingumo aspektai. Analizuojami esami veiklos procesų ir veiklos žodynų sinchronizacijos sprendimai. Atlikus išsamią standartų bei esamų spendimų analize buvo nustatyta jog nėra daugiafunkcinio algoritmo kuris vykdytų šiuos veiksmus: veiklos procesų diagramos formavimas remiantis turimu veiklos žodynu, veiklos žodyno sudarymas remiantis veiklos procesų diagrama bei veiklos procesų diagramos ir veiklos žodyno sinchronizacija tarpusavyje remiantis veiklos žodynu. Darbo tiklsas – veiklos procesų ir veiklos žodyno įvairiapusė sinchronizacija, pateikiamas algoritmo projektas, modeliai, veikimo aprašymai. Siekiamas rezultatas – organizacijos veiklos žodyno su veiklos procesais sinchronizacijos algoritmo prototipas. Suprojektuotas algoritmas paremtas SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules) standartu, BPMN notacija bei sukurtomis taisyklėmis reikalingoms įgyvendinti norimą algoritmo funkcionalumą. Eksperimento metu buvo sukurti atsitiktinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's business world is as competitive as ever. New markets, technology is rapidly penetrating into the business sector, the Internet, just makes the shift in the approach to business and organization as well as the whole is to look at a different angle. This paper presents the operational processes of modeling opportunities and notations applicability of the present day market analysis. Analyzed the possibility of modeling notations and performance, adaptability and efficiency of the design of business processes. An overview of the activities dictionary necessity and utility aspects. Analysis of existing business processes and activities dictionaries synchronization solutions. After a comprehensive standards and existing solutions in the analysis it was found that there is a multi-algorithm has the following steps: business process chart formation on the basis of the available business dictionary dictionary of business processes based on activity diagrams and business process diagrams and activity dictionary sync with each other on the basis of activity dictionary. Work purpose - business processes and performance dictionary versatile synchronization, the algorithm designs, models, operation resumes. To achieve the desired result - the organization's business processes with a dictionary synchronization algorithm prototype. Designed algorithm based on SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules) standard BPMN notation, and developed the rules required to implement... [to full text]

Cracking and stiffness analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete members / Plieno plaušu armuotų gelžbetoninių elementų pleišėtumo ir standumo analizė

Ulbinas, Darius 11 February 2013 (has links)
In last decades, fibre reinforcement is widely used in many countries as ad-ditive for concrete and cement mortar mixture for production of structures. Fibre reinforcement applications in Lithuania are often restricted to production of concrete floor for different purposes. Whereas, in other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and other) application area of fibre reinforcement is much wider, for example: bridge deck, thin-walled structures for special constructions (tunnels, reservoirs, etc), covering of roadway, airport landing strip, pipelines, pile foundation. Application of fibre reinforcement is considered as one of the most important development area of structural construction in the world. Fibre reinforcement significantly improves service properties of concrete. Fibre reinforcement does not have considerable influence on concrete compressive strength, however it significantly changes fracture characteristics of tensile concrete. Fracture of non-reinforced tensile concrete is brittle, whereas with fibre reinforcement–plastic. This is due to restraining of tensile deformations by distributed fibres. Fibre reinforcement influence on concrete member is more effective than bar reinforcement, as tensile deformations are restrained in the whole volume of tensile zone. Whereas, tensile deformations in a RC member are restrained in the specific interaction area of reinforcement and concrete. Main advantages of fibre reinforcement are slow crack propagation, greater tensile and... [to full text] / Jau kelis dešimtmečius plieno plaušas visame pasaulyje plačiai taikomas kaip priedas betono ir cementinio skiedinio mišiniams, naudojamiems statybinių konstrukcijų gamybai. Lietuvoje dispersinis armavimas dažniausiai naudojamas betonuojant įvairios paskirties pastatų grindis. Tuo tarpu, kitose pasaulio šalyse (JAV, Japonijoje, Vokietijoje ir kt.) dispersinė armatūra naudojama daug plačiau, pvz.: tiltų perdangoms, plonasienėms specialiųjų statinių (tunelių, rezervuarų ir t. t.) konstrukcijoms, kelių dangoms, oro uostų pakilimo takams, vamzdynams, poliniams pamatams ir t. t. Dispersinės armatūros taikymas visame pasaulyje laikoma viena iš prioritetinių statybinių konstrukcijų vystymosi sričių. Dispersinis armavimas neturi didesnės įtakos gniuždomajam betono stipriui, tačiau lemia visiškai skirtingą tempiamojo betono suirimo pobūdį. Nearmuoto tempiamojo betono suirimas yra trapus, tuo tarpu dispersiškai armuoto – plastinis. Tai lemia dispersiškai pasiskirsčiusio plaušo sukeliamas tempimo deformacijų suvaržymas. Dispersinio armavimo poveikis betoniniam elementui yra daug efektyvesnis nei strypinės armatūros, kadangi tempimo deformacijos varžomos visame tempiamosios zonos tūryje. Tuo tarpu klasikiniame gelžbetoniniame elemente tempimo deformacijos varžomos tik tam tikrame armatūros ir betono sąveikos plote. Lėtesnis plyšių vystymasis, didesnis atsparumas smūgiams ir nuovargiui bei plastiškumas yra pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys dispersiškai armuotų gelžbetoninių konstrukcijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Elektros energijos apskaitos ir matavimo prietaisų maršrutizavimo kompiuterizuotos informacinės sistemos sukūrimas ir tyrimas / The Creation and Investigation of the Computerized Information System for the Electricity Energy Accounting and Measuring Instruments Routine

Griškėnienė, Edita 24 September 2004 (has links)
The computerize information systems are widely used in the companies of Lithuania now. A lot of them are universal enough and fit to solve the various administrative problems in the companies. These systems excel in large complexity and high price. So develops the need to create more simple and cheap information systems. An aim of the project is to create system which are accomulating the information about received and given flows of the electricity energy instruments, are doing the namesake and guantity account of the accounting instruments, are formating analysis reports for the directed period. The client of the project is Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB branch Alytus electricity network Elekctricity energy realization division. The need of the project to the client may be given an outline: · to boost the guality of work and account results; · to reduce expenditure of time to do account works; · to eliminate the information duplicate; · to ease analysis reports composing; · to escape mistakes; · to effective account work. The project is realized by MS Access data base with integrated Microsoft Visual Basic for Aplication. The posibilities of this base complete enough to accomplish those project. Also this packet helps to realize grafic users link (GUL). There are realized those functions to help users work in this project: buttons, the facilitation of the repetitive information installing, help. The project was created to satisfy the users all needs and to diminish the use... [to full text]

Matematikos žinių vaizdavimas / Representation of Mathematical Knowledge

Skerniškytė, Jolita 04 March 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe išnagrinėti matematikos žinių vaizdavimo klausimai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėti žinių ir pažinimo vystymosi teorijos elementai, antrojoje – žinių vaizdavimo schemos ir būdai. Išnagrinėjus bendrus žinių vaizdavimo modelius, tie modeliai pritaikyti matematinėms žinioms. Sukurti žinių gyvavimo ciklo ir stangrių žinių modeliai nagrinėjant funkcijos sąvokos raidą. Taip pat išnagrinėjus bendrojo žinių vaizdavimo schemas ir būdus, sukurti metakognityviniai įrankiai (Vee schemos, sąvokos apskritiminės diagramos, sąvokų žemėlapiai, semantiniai tinklai) funkcijos ir diferencialinės lygties sąvokoms. Tiek sukurtąjį funkcijos modelį, tiek funkcijos bei diferencialinės lygties sąvokų vaizdavimo schemas galima pritaikyti mokymui. Jas galima panaudoti aiškinant funkcijos ir diferencialinės lygties sąvokas. Taip pat schemos padeda mokantis savarankiškai. / This work focuses on questions concerned with representation of mathematical knowledge. In the first part there are pointed out knowledge and cognitive development theory elements, while the other part of the work deals with schemes and techniques of knowledge representation. Futher general models of knowledge representation are applied for mathematical knowledge. In addition, according to development of function concept there are discovered both cycles of knowledge existence and resilient knowledge models. Apart from this, there are discovered metacognitive tools, such as Vee diagrams, concept circle diagrams, concept maps, semantic networks for function and differential equation concepts, based on general ways of knowledge representation ways. Functional models either schemes of function or differential equation concepts representation might be applied for teaching. Besides schemes are useful while learning by own.

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