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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanocomposites plasmoniques anisotropes à base de copolymères à blocs et de nanoparticules d’or / Plasmonic anisotropic nanocomposite based on block copolymers and gold nanoparticles

Tallet, Clémence 06 December 2012 (has links)
La nanochimie et l’auto-assemblage sont des voies prometteuses de fabrication de matériaux nanostructurés aux propriétés optiques innovantes dans le domaine visible. Dans cette étude, des nanocomposites plasmoniques anisotropes sont formulés en introduisant sélectivement des nanoparticules métalliques dans des phases ordonnées de copolymères diblocs symétriques selon différentes stratégies d’incorporation. Pour la stratégie de post-incorporation, des nanoparticules d’or présynthétisées en milieu aqueux sont introduites sélectivement dans des phases pré-ordonnées d’un copolymère dibloc amphiphile. L’incorporation directe consiste àmélanger des nanoparticules d’or présynthétisées et un copolymère dibloc dans un solvant commun.La synthèse in situ de nanoparticules consiste à réduire des précurseurs métalliques préalablement introduits dans un des deux blocs d’un copolymère via une étape de réduction. Nous étudions, en particulier, comment la taille des nanoparticules d’or et leur fraction volumique influencent la nanostructure et les propriétés optiques de ces films nanocomposites. La morphologie des films macroscopiques est étudiée par microscopie électronique à transmission et diffusion des rayons Xaux petits angles. Les films minces de nanocomposites sont caractérisés structurellement parmicroscopie à force atomique, microscopie électronique à transmission et réflectivité des rayons X. Les indices optiques déterminés par ellipsométrie spectroscopique peuvent être décrits par un modèle de Maxwell-Garnett, prenant éventuellement en compte de façon phénoménologique les effets de couplage entre nanoparticules d’or. / Nanochemistry and self-assembly are promising ways to fabricate nanostructuredmaterials with innovative optical properties for visible light. In this work, anisotropic plasmonicnanocomposites are formulated by selectively introducing metallic nanoparticles in ordered phasesof symmetric dibloc copolymers with different strategies. For the strategy of post-incorporation, presynthesizedgold nanoparticles in aqueous medium are selectively introduced in pre-ordered phasesof an amphiphilic dibloc copolymer. Direct incorporation consists in mixing pre-synthesized goldnanoparticles and dibloc copolymer in a common solvent. In situ synthesis of nanoparticles consistsin reducing metallic precursors previously introduced in one of two blocks of a copolymer via areduction step. The influence of the size and the volume fraction of gold nanoparticles on thenanostructure and the optical properties of the nanocomposite films have been particularly studied.Morphology of macroscopic films is studied by transmission electron microscopy and small angle Xrayscattering. The nanocomposite thin films are structurally characterized by force atomicmicroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray reflectivity. The optical indices obtained byspectroscopic ellipsometry can be described with Maxwell-Garnett models, which can take intoaccount phenomenologically the effects of coupling between gold nanoparticles.

Novel amphiphilic diblock copolymers by RAFT-polymerization, their self-organization and surfactant properties

Garnier, Sébastien January 2005 (has links)
The Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) process using the new RAFT agent benzyldithiophenyl acetate is shown to be a powerful polymerization tool to synthesize novel well-defined amphiphilic diblock copolymers composed of the constant hydrophobic block poly(butyl acrylate) and of 6 different hydrophilic blocks with various polarities, namely a series of non-ionic, non-ionic comb-like, anionic and cationic hydrophilic blocks. The controlled character of the polymerizations was supported by the linear increase of the molar masses with conversion, monomodal molar mass distributions with low polydispersities and high degrees of end-group functionalization. <br><br> The new macro-surfactants form micelles in water, whose size and geometry strongly depend on their composition, according to dynamic and static light scattering measurements. The micellization is shown to be thermodynamically favored, due to the high incompatibility of the blocks as indicated by thermal analysis of the block copolymers in bulk. The thermodynamic state in solution is found to be in the strong or super strong segregation limit. Nevertheless, due to the low glass transition temperature of the core-forming block, unimer exchange occurs between the micelles. Despite the dynamic character of the polymeric micellar systems, the aggregation behavior is strongly dependent on the history of the sample, i.e., on the preparation conditions. The aqueous micelles exhibit high stability upon temperature cycles, except for an irreversibly precipitating block copolymer containing a hydrophilic block exhibiting a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Their exceptional stability upon dilution indicates very low critical micelle concentrations (CMC) (below 4∙10<sup>-4</sup> g∙L<sup>-1</sup>). All non-ionic copolymers with sufficiently long solvophobic blocks aggregated into direct micelles in DMSO, too. Additionally, a new low-toxic highly hydrophilic sulfoxide block enables the formation of inverse micelles in organic solvents. <br><br> The high potential of the new polymeric surfactants for many applications is demonstrated, in comparison to reference surfactants. The diblock copolymers are weakly surface-active, as indicated by the graduate decrease of the surface tension of their aqueous solutions with increasing concentration. No CMC could be detected. Their surface properties at the air/water interface confer anti-foaming properties. The macro-surfactants synthesized are surface-active at the interface between two liquid phases, too, since they are able to stabilize emulsions. The polymeric micelles are shown to exhibit a high ability to solubilize hydrophobic substances in water. / Amphiphile sind Moleküle, die aus einem hydrophilen und einem hydrophoben Molekülteil aufgebaut sind. Beispiele für Amphiphile sind Tenside, deren makromolekulares Pendant amphiphile Block-Copolymere sind, die häufig auch als Makro-Tenside bezeichnet sind. Ihre Lösungseigenschaften in einem selektiven Lösungsmittel, i.e., ein für einen Block gutes und für den anderen schlechtes Lösungsmittel, sind analog zu denen von Tensiden. Die Unverträglichkeit der Polymersegmente führt zu einer von hydrophoben Wechselwirkungen getriebenen Mikrophasenseparation, d.h. zur Selbstorganisation der amphiphilen Makromoleküle zu Mizellen unterschiedlichster Form, während die kovalente Bindung zwischen den Blöcken eine Makrophasenseparation verhindert. Aufgrund ihres besonderen strukturellen Aufbaus adsorbieren Makro-Tenside an Grenzflächen, was zahlreiche Anwendungen, z.B. zur (elektro)sterischen Stabilisierung von Emulsionen und Dispersionen findet. <br><br> Die vorliegende Arbeit demonstriert, dass die neuen kontrollierten radikalischen Polymerisationen wie die RAFT-Methode („Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer“) für die Synthese von neuen wohldefinierten amphiphilen Diblock-Copolymerstrukturen sehr gut geeignet sind. Eine Reihe von neuen amphiphilen Diblock-Copolymeren wurde mittels RAFT synthetisiert, mit einem konstanten hydrophoben Block und verschiedenen hydrophilen Blöcken unterschiedlichster Polaritäten. Die engen Molmassenverteilungen und der lineare Aufstieg der Molmassen mit dem Umsatz belegen den kontrollierten Charakter der Polymerisation. <br><br> Die thermodynamisch favorisierte Selbstorganisation der synthetisierten Blockcopolymere in Wasser führt zur Bildung von Mizellen, deren Eigenschaften aber von der Präparationsmethode stark abhängig sind. Korrelationen zwischen den Mizelleigenschaften und der Blockcopolymerstruktur zeigen, dass die Mizellgröße vor allem von der Länge des hydrophoben Blocks kontrolliert wird, wohindagegen die Natur des hydrophilen Blocks der entscheidende Faktor für die Mizellgeometrie ist. Die gebildeten Mizellen sind besonders stabil gegenüber Verdünnung und Temperaturzyklen, was ein großer Vorteil für eventuelle Anwendungen ist. Wegen der niedrigen Glasübergangstemperatur des hydrophoben Blocks findet ein Austausch von Makromolekülen zwischen den Mizellen statt, d.h. es handelt sich um dynamische Mizellsysteme. <br><br> Das Potential der neuen Makrotenside für Anwendungen wurde untersucht. Die Polymermizellen zeigen eine hohe Kapazität wasserunlösliche Substanzen in Wasser zu solubilisieren. Die Blockcopolymere sind grenzflächenaktiv, d.h. sie adsorbieren an Wasser / Luft oder Wasser / Öl Grenzflächen. Entsprechend sind die Blockcopolymere in der Lage, Emulsionen zu stabilisieren oder als Antischaumsubstanzen zu wirken.

Selective Interfacial Interaction between Diblock Copolymers and Cobalt Nanoparticles

David, Kasi 20 November 2006 (has links)
In order to optimize the synthesis of metal nanoparticle-polymer systems, there are certain processes which must be understood. Perhaps the most important one is the selective interfacial interaction between the block copolymer and the growing metal nanoparticles. To investigate this interaction, four different approaches were taken. The first approach looked at the strength of interaction between the competing blocks of the copolymer and the metal nanoparticles surface. The second approach looked at the effect of polymer architecture on the metal nanoclusters. The third approach looked at the polymer composition and solvent effects on the phase behavior of the metal nanocluster-block copolymer nanocomposite. Finally, the influence of the metal precursor on the rate of the decomposition was examined. It was found that adsorbed layers of PS on the cobalt nanoparticles are completely displaced by PMMA when the solvent is a common good solvent. An adsorbed layer of only PMMA is also obtained through competitive adsorption from a common good solvent. However, in a selective solvent that is poor for PS, sequential adsorption leads to the formation of mixed layers. In homopolymer solutions, the cluster size reaches a minimum at a finite chain MW. In the case of diblock copolymers, the only parameter (for a fixed copolymer concentration) controlling the cluster size in suspensions of di-block copolymers is the molecular weight of one block, in this case PMMA, and is indifferent to other parameters including the molecular weight of the other block (PS) or the solvent quality. It was also found that the spatial distribution of the metal clusters synthesized in-situ coincided with the morphology dictated by thermodynamically-driven microdomain structure of the block copolymer. Moreover, the overall final morphology of the nanocomposite is locked into place while in solution, and fast solvent evaporation does not cause this morphology to change. Finally, results showed that the rate of nanocomposite synthesis occurred faster in the PS suspensions compared to PMMA, indicating that chemical bonds between PMMA and the cobalt nanoclusters slowed the thermal decomposition of the metal precursor. So the PMMA chains provided sites for nucleation, but did not necessarily aid particle growth.

Study of the phase behavior of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers and its influence on the wettability of polymer surfaces

Keska, Renata 27 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis detailed investigations of the phase behavior of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymers and its influence on the wettability of the polymer surfaces were carried out. For this investigation two polymethacrylic systems differing only in the alkyl rest of one block: poly(pentyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) and poly(propyl methacrylate-b-methyl methacrylate) have been chosen in order to prove how this substituent affects the phase behavior of whole system. The PnAlkMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in a wide range of molar masses, and with varied block length ratios were synthesized by living anionic polymerization. The syntheses were carried out in tetrahydrofuran (THF), at –78 °C, by using sec-buthyllithium as initiator, in the presence of lithium chloride (LiCl). Under these conditions highly syndiotactic products, rr ~ 0.82, with very narrow molar mass distribution, Mw/Mn ~ 1.1, were obtained. The phase behavior of PnAlkMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in bulk was investigated by means of DSC and SAXS measurements. The DSC analysis revealed that the PPMA-b-PMMA with weight fractions of PPMA, fPPMA, from 0.28 up to 0.86 showed two separate Tg’s, indicative of a phase separated system. However, by comparing the Tg’s of the diblock copolymers with the Tg’s of the corresponding homopolymers we found that in a few cases, mostly for samples with the high molar masses, they were slightly shifted. This finding pointed out the existence of two mixed phases, and hence partial miscibility between the both blocks was assumed. The SAXS patterns reflected for most diblock copolymers lamellae morphologies even in the case of very asymmetric composition, for instance with volume fraction of PPMA, 0.86 It was assumed that this behavior is caused by the chemical similarity of both blocks as well as by the differences in their molar volumes. The SAXS findings were further confirmed by the AFM measurements on the cutted “bulk” samples. From the solubility concept of Van Krevelen we obtained that the interaction parameter of PPMA-b-PMMA is rather low, 0.065, compared to the other well-known diblock copolymers. The calculated spinodals are characterized by a high asymmetry. The investigation of the phase behavior of PPMA-b-PMMA in thin films showed that the morphology as well as the topography of the thin films were strongly affected by the film thickness, when the films were prepared from a non-selective solvent (THF) onto silicon wafers. Well-recognizable nanostructures with long-range order were mainly found in thin films of diblock copolymers with high molar masses, above 100,000 g/mol, and with a high amount of PPMA. The lateral domain spacing obtained for these films from AFM corresponded well with that found in bulk. The study of the influence of the thermal as well as vapor annealing on the morphology and topography of the thin films provided additional information about the phase behavior of PPMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers in thin films. Finally, the wettability of the investigated PPMA-b-PMMA surfaces was established by means of contact angle measurements. The measured contact angles were in most cases even on nicely nanostructured surfaces very similar to the contact angle of PPMA, indicating preferential segregation of PPMA to the film surface. Additional XPS measurements also showed an enrichment of the PPMA at the surface, independent of the morphology observed by AFM, and thereby confirmed the ADSA finding. In the next part of this work, investigations of the phase behavior of PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers were presented. In the contrary to the previous system the PPrMA-b-PMMA showed mostly a single Tg, which was further found to be depend on the weight fraction of PPrMA, fPPrMA. The SAXS data revealed that the PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers were phase separated in bulk, however the obtained scattering patterns exhibited mostly broad, not-well discernible higher-order peaks. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify the formed morphologies and depending on the volume fraction of PPrMA, hexagonally packed cylinders and lamellae were detected. The PPrMA-b-PMMA is characterized by a significantly lower value of the interaction parameter, 0.022, than the PPMA-b-PMMA system. This difference clearly reflects the weakening of the interactions between the components with decrease of the length of the alkyl side chain. The thin films of PPrMA-b-PMMA diblock copolymers appeared mostly smooth and featureless, independent of the film thickness. From the contact angle and XPS measurements we obtained, that unlike the PPMA-b-PMMA, both components were always present on the top of the surface. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten von Poly(n-alkylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) Diblockcopolymeren und deren Einfluss auf die Benetzbarkeit der Polymeroberflächen dargestellt. Diese Untersuchungen wurden anhand der Poly(pentylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) und Poly(propylmethacrylat-b-methylmethacrylat) durchgeführt. Die Diblockcopolymere in einem weiten Molmassenbereich, mit enger Molmassenverteilung, abgestuften Zusammensetzung wurden erfolgreich mittels anionischer Polymerization synthetisiert. Die Synthese erfolgte in THF bei (-78 °C) in Gegenwart von Lithiumchlorid. Als Initiator wurde sec. Butyllithium genutzt. Das Phasenverhalten der Diblockcopolymere im Festkörper wurde mittels DSC und SAXS untersucht. Für die meiste PPMA-b-PMMA Diblockcopolymere wurden mittels DSC zwei getrennte Tg gefunden, die aber im Vergleich zu den Tg von den entsprechenden Homopolymeren leicht verschoben waren. Es wurde also eine partielle Mischbarkeit der Blöcke festgestellt. Mittels SAXS-Untersuchungen wurde für die Mehrzahl der Diblckcopolymere in einem weiten Zusammensetzungsbereich bis zum 0.86 Volumenanteil von PPMA, eine lamellare Anordnung beobachten. Diese Befunde wurden nachfolgend mit AFM–Untersuchungen an dünnen Polymerfolien bestätigt. Das mit der Mean-Filed-Methode berechnete Phasendiagramm zeigte eine Asymmetrie, die durch die Unterschiede in den molaren Volumina des Blöckes verursacht war. Es wurde aber eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der experimentell erhaltenen Daten gefunden. Der berechnete für das System Wechselwirkungsparameter beträgt 0,065. Die AFM-Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten in dünnen Filmen haben gezeigt, dass die Topographie als auch Morphologie des Films war von der Filmdicke beeinflusst. Die Polymerfilme wurden mittels dipcoating der Si-Wafer präpariert. Dazu wurden Polymerlösungen in THF verwendet. Reguläre Nanostrukturen, deren Abstände mit dem im Festkörper gefundenen sehr gut übereinstimmten, wurden bei den Proben mit höherem Anteil von PPMA erhalten. Es wurden auch der Einfluss der Temperatur und der Dampfbehandlung auf die Morphologie und Topographie des Films untersucht. Die Benetzbarkeit der untersuchte PPMA-b-PMMA Filme wurde mit der Kontaktwinkelmessungen (ADSA) bestimmt. Als Messflüssigkeit wurde Milipore Wasser genutzt. Für die Mehrzahl der Diblockcopolymere wurden Kontaktwinkel im Bereich um 95° ermitteln, unabhängig von der Zusammensetzung der Diblockcopolymere und der vorhandenen Nanostruktur. Dies entspricht dem Kontaktwinkel von PPMA Homopolymer. Die Benetzbarkeit der PPMA-b-PMMA Filme wurde also durch die Oberflächensegregation des Niedrigenergieblocks (PPMA) bestimmt. Dies wurde danach durch zusätzliche XPS Messungen bestätigt. Im Vergleich zu PPMA-b-PMMA, die nachfolgend untersuchte PPrMA-b-PMMA Diblockcopolymere wiesen eine höhere Tendenz zur Mischbarkeit auf. Anhand der DSC–Untersuchungen wurde hier vorübergehend eine Misch-Tg gefunden. Nur bei der Probe mit symmetrischer Zusammensetzung wurden zwei getrennte Tg beobachtet. Die Streukurven von diesem System waren sehr schwach ausgeprägt. Dadurch die Indizierung der vorhandenen Morphologien war nicht eindeutlich. Der berechnete Wechselwirkungsparameter beträgt 0,022. Bei den AFM-Untersuchungen zum Entmischungsverhalten in dünnen PPrMA-b-PMMA Filmen wurden entweder keine oder sehr schwach geordnete Nanostruktur gefunden. Im Gegensatz zu dem vorherigen System, die Benetzbarkeit der PPrMA-b-PMMA Filme war durch die Zusammensetzung der Diblockcopolymere bedingt.

Phase behavior of diblock copolymers under an external electric field /

Lin, Chin-Yet, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-121).

Fabrication, structural and optical study of self-assembled hyperbolic metamaterial / Fabrication et étude structurale et optique de métamatériaux hyperboliques auto-assemblés

Wang, Xuan 29 September 2017 (has links)
Des propriétés optiques inédites sont prédites si des nanorésonateurs optiques sont organisés dans un matériau, ce qui peut être réalisé par l’auto-assemblage de nanoparticules plasmoniques synthétisées chimiquement. Dans ce travail de doctorat, nous utilisons des structures ordonnées de copolymères à blocs pour organiser des nanoparticules plasmoniques. Nous étudions le lien entre la structure des nanocomposites en films minces, et en particulier la nature, la densité et l’organisation des nanoparticules, et leurs propriétés optiques. Pour cela, nous avons tout d’abord produit des phases lamellaires de copolymères diblocs poly(styrène)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) en films minces d’épaisseur (100nm-700nm) et de période lamellaire (17nm-70nm) contrôlées, et dont l’alignement et l’homogénéité sont optimisés. Nous avons développé une synthèse in situ, au sein de ces films lamellaires, qui permet de produire de façon contrôlée et reproductible, des nanoparticules plasmoniques de diamètre 7-10nm sélectivement dans les domaines P2VP. Nous avons montré que la taille et la forme des particules d’or formées in situ peuvent être modifiées en jouant sur le solvant et le réducteur chimique mis en jeu. Nous avons étudié en détail la structure des nanocomposites formulés, ce qui est en particulier nécessaire à la bonne exploitation des données d’ellipsométrie spectroscopique afin de déterminer les réponses optiques. La structure des échantillons a été étudiée par différentes méthodes de microscopie (électronique en transmission ou à balayage, à force atomique), ainsi que de la diffusion des rayons X. Nous avons utilisé une microbalance à Quartz pour étudier la quantité d’or introduite dans les matrices lamellaires de manière « cinétique » au fil de son augmentation progressive. La quantité d’or atteint des valeurs de 40 % en volume. Les propriétés optiques des films nanocomposites sont déterminées par ellipsométrie spectroscopique à angle variable et analysées à l’aide de modèles de milieux effectifs. Les films sont homogènes et anisotropes uniaxes, et on peut définir leur tenseur de permittivité diélectrique avec une composante ordinaire εo (parallèle au substrat) et une composante extraordinaire εe (perpendiculaire au substrat). L’analyse permet de montrer que les deux composantes εo and εe présentent une résonance proche de la longueur d’onde =540nm, avec une amplitude très supérieure pour εo. Lorsque la quantité d’or dans la structure lamellaire est suffisante, εo devient négatif au voisinage de la résonance et le matériau atteint le régime appelé hyperbolique, ce qui constitue un jalon essentiel pour le développement de matériaux pour des applications en imagerie hyper-résolue. / Novel optical properties in the visible range are foreseen when organizing nanoresonators, which can be performed by the self-assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles prepared by wet chemistry. In this project, we use templating block copolymers structures to organize plasmonic particles. Our goal is to relate the structure of the prepared nanocomposites thin films, and in particular the nature, density and spatial organization of the nanoparticles, with their optical index.For this purpose, we first fabricate lamellar superlattices of diblock copolymers (poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) of controlled thickness (100nm-700nm), controlled lamellar period size(17 nm-70 nm) and optimized alignment and homogeneity. Following the fabrication of the multilayer templates, an in situ and reproducible synthesis of metallic nanoparticles was developed in order to generate nanocomposites selectively inside the P2VP layers. The size of Au nanoparticles can be well controlled around 7-10 nm. We also found that the reduction process could influence the shape (sphere, triangle or cylinder) and size by using different solvents or reducing agents. Because the extraction of accurate optical responses from the spectroscopic ellipsometry data, which will come in the last part, critically relies on the precise knowledge of the sample structure. We have used several experimental techniques to access a precise description of the produced materials. In particular, we used a Quartz Crystal Microbalance as a measurement tool to ‘kinetically’ study the volume fraction of Au loading. We find that the amount of gold in the composite layers can be varied up to typically 40 volume%. The optical properties of the nanocomposite films are determined by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and analyzed by appropriately developed effective medium models. The films are structurally uniaxial and homogeneous, and we can define their dielectric permittivity tensor with the ordinary (parallel to the substrate) and extraordinary (normal to the substrate) components. The analysis of the lamellar structures allows the extraction of the components εo and εe, both presenting a resonance close to =540nm, with a significantly stronger amplitude for εo. When the gold load is high enough and the couplings between particles are strong enough, the values of εo become negative close to the resonance, and the material reaches the so-called hyperbolic regime, which constitutes a step towards applications in hyper-resolution imaging.

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers Poly (2-Ethyl-2-Oxazoline)-b-Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride)

Aljeban, Norah 06 1900 (has links)
Poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-based amphiphilic diblock copolymer has the potential to form promising membrane materials for water purification due to the thermal stability and good solubility in aqueous solution and also for gas separation because of the presence of polar amide group along the polymer backbone. Moreover, their self-assembly into micelles renders them candidate materials as nanocarriers for drug delivery applications. In this study, a novel well-defined linear PEtOx-based amphiphilic diblock copolymer with a hydrophobic fluoropolymer, i.e., PVDF, have been successfully synthesized by implementing a synthesis methodology that involves the following four steps. In the first step, poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEtOx) was synthesized via living cationic ring-opening polymerization (LCROP) of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline (EtOx) monomer. The “living” nature of LCROP allows the desirable termination to occur by using the proper termination agent, namely, water, to achieve the polymer with a terminal hydroxyl group, i.e., PEtOx-OH. The hydroxyl end group in PEtOx-OH was converted to PEtOx-Br using 2-bromopropionyl bromide via an esterification reaction. In the third step, the PEtOx-Br macro-CTA was subsequently reacted with potassium ethyl xanthate to insert the necessary RAFT agent via nucleophilic substitution reaction to obtain PEtOx-Xanthate. It s worth mentioning that this step is vital for the sequential addition of the second block via the RAFT polymerization reaction of fluorinated monomer, i.e., VDF, to finally obtain the well-defined amphiphilic diblock copolymer with variable controlled chain lengths. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) confirmed the structure of the macroinitiator and final copolymer, respectively. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) determined the number-average molecular weight (Mn) and the polydispersity index (PDI) of the obtained copolymer. Furthermore, the polymorphism of the diblock copolymer characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) indicated that the copolymer displays the electroactive α-phase. The resultant amphiphilic diblock copolymer exhibits spherical micelles morphology, as confirmed by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Moreover, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) investigated the thermal decomposition behavior of the copolymer and determined the glass transition temperature (Tg ≈ 70 °C), melting temperature (Tm ≈ 160-170 °C), and crystallization temperature (Tc ≈ 135-143 °C) of the diblock copolymer, respectively.


Akgun, Bulent 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Hierarchical Multiple Bit Clusters and Patterned Media Enabled by Novel Nanofabrication Techniques - High Resolution Electron Beam Lithography and Block Polymer Self Assembly

Xiao, Qijun 01 February 2010 (has links)
This thesis discusses the full scope of a project exploring the physics of hierarchical clusters of interacting nanomagnets. These clusters may be relevant for novel applications such as multilevel data storage devices. The work can be grouped into three main activities: micromagnetic simulation, fabrication and characterization of proof-ofconcept prototype devices, and efforts to scale down the structures by creating the hierarchical structures with the aid of diblock copolymer self assembly. Theoretical micromagnetic studies and simulations based on Landau-Lifshitz- Gilbert (LLG) equation were conducted on nanoscale single domain magnetic entities. For the simulated nanomagnet clusters with perpendicular uniaxial anisotropy, the simulation showed the switching field distributions, the stability of the magnetostatic states with distinctive total cluster perpendicular moments, and the stepwise magnetic switching curves. For simulated nanomagnet clusters with in-plane shape anisotropy, the simulation showed the stepwise switching behaviors governed by thermal agitation and cluster configurations. Proof-of-concept cluster devices with three interacting Co nanomagnets were fabricated by e-beam lithography (EBL) and pulse-reverse electrochemical deposition (PRECD). EBL patterning on a suspended 100 nm SiN membrane showed improved lateral lithography resolution to 30 nm. The Co nanomagnets deposited using the PRECD method showed perpendicular anisotropy. The switching experiments with external applied fields were able to switch the Co nanomagnets through the four magnetostatic states with distinctive total perpendicular cluster magnetization, and proved the feasibility of multilevel data storage devices based on the cluster concept. Shrinking the structures size was experimented by the aid of diblock copolymer. Thick poly(styrene)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymer templates aligned with external electrical field were used to fabricate long Ni/Fe magnetic nanowire array, dominant shape anisotropy was observed and compared to the result from previously reported Co nanowire array with strong crystalline anisotropy. Guided diblock copolymer poly(styrene)-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) self assembly was performed to generate clustered microdomains. Direct e-beam patterning on PS-b-P4VP thin film showed precise and arbitrary patterning on the lateral ordering of the self assembly. Graphoepitaxy of self-assembled PS-b-P4VP copolymers on isolated SiN triangular plateaus successfully resulted in the exact clusters of three microdomains. Theoretical consideration and system modeling based on the micellar configuration of the microdomains were done, and the distribution of the cluster’s size and number of elements were explained qualitatively.

Nanofabrication Techniques for Nanophotonics

Yavuzcetin, Ozgur 01 September 2009 (has links)
This thesis reports the fabrication of nanophotonic structures by using electron beam lithography and using pattern transfer via self assembly with the aid of block copolymers. A theoretical and experimental basis was developed for fabricating anti-reflective coatings using block-copolymer pattern transfer. Block-copolymers were also used to fabricate plasmonic pattern arrays which form gold dots on glass surface. Electron-beam lithography was utilized to fabricate holey plasmonic structures from gold and silver films. Electron-beam exposure was used in block-copolymer lithography in selected regions. The exposure effects were studied for both thin and thick block-copolymer films. Reactive and ion beam etching techniques were used and optimized to fabricate those structures. This research required a great deal of development of new fabrication methods and key information is included in the body of the thesis.

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