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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztahy mezi staroseverskými adjektivními výpůjčkami a jejich staroanglickými protějšky ve střední angličtině / Relationships between Old Norse adjectival borrowings and their Old English counterparts in Middle English

Müllerová, Světlana January 2020 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND ELT METHODOLOGY Relationships between the borrowed Old Norse adjectives in English and their Old English counterparts MA THESIS Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Jan Čermák, CSc. Author: Světlana Müllerová Abstract: The aim of this MA thesis is to examine the relationship between six word pairs, each comprising an Old Norse adjectival borrowing in Middle English and its Old English counterpart along with its Middle English reflex for further reference. The inquiry into their relationship involves an analysis of: their (i) formal aspects, (ii) syntactic properties, (iii) semantic fields and (iv) external factors possibly contributing to their obsolescence or survival, such as the restriction to certain text types or geographic localization, as suggested by the individual linguistic profiles in the Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English and Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English. The description of individual semantic fields of the given words is based on their semantic classification within the Historical Thesaurus of English. This analysis is based on the occurrences of the individual words as taken from the dictionaries Middle English Dictionary and Dictionary of Old English, and related corpora Dictionary of Old English Corpus and...

Jokūbo Brodovskio žodyno leksikografinis metodas / The Lexicographical Method of the Dictionary of Jacob Brodowski / Die lexikographische Metode des Wörterbuchs von Jacob Brodowski

Plaušinaitytė, Lina 27 May 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje „Jokūbo Brodovskio žodyno leksikografinis metodas“ tiriamas rankraštinis vokiečių–lietuvių kalbų žodynas Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (prieš 1744, toliau – B). Nors išlikęs nepilnas, šis žodynas laikomas didžiausiu XVIII a. vokiečių–lietuvių kalbų leksikografijos darbu. Disertacijos tikslas yra ištirti ir aprašyti žodyno leksikografinį metodą, kuris suprantamas kaip žodyne pateiktos kalbinės medžiagos atrankos ir pateikimo būdų bei priemonių visuma. Į leksikografinio metodo aprašymą įtrauktas ir žodyno šaltinių tyrimas. Disertacija pradedama įvadu ir dviem apžvalginiais skyriais, skirtais žodyno rankraščio atsiradimo istorijai ir autoriaus gyvenamajam laikotarpiui nušviesti. Ketvirtajame ir penktajame disertacijos skyriuose analizuojama žodyno makrostruktūra ir mikrostruktūra. Čia smulkiai nagrinėjamas B turinys, išskiriami unikalūs jo bruožai ir išsamiai apibūdinama žodyne teikiama leksikografinė informacija bei analizuojamos jos pateikimo formos. Disertacijos šeštasis skyrius skirtas žodyno šaltiniams tirti. Atskiruose skirsniuose aptariami trys pagrindiniai leksikografiniai žodyno šaltiniai ir jų naudojimo pobūdis: Konrado Agricolos Biblijos žodžių konkordancijų Concordantiae Bibliorum, emendatae ac ferè novae […] 1674 m. redakcija, naujai surastas B šaltinis Johanno Jacobo Dentzlerio vokiečių–lotynų kalbų žodynas Clavis Linguae Latinae (1709 m. redakcija) ir paskutiniu žodyno rengimo etapu naudotas anoniminiu laikomas rankraštinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The doctoral thesis „The Lexicographical Method of the Dictionary of Jacob Brodowski“ focuses on the manuscript German-Lithuanian dictionary Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (before 1744, further on – B). Although the manuscript has survived till the present day incomplete, it is considered to be the largest German-Lithuanian dictionary throughout the 18th century. The aim of the thesis is to examine and describe the lexicographical method of Brodovskis’ dictionary which is understood as the whole of means and techniques of selection of linguistic material as well as its presentation in the dictionary. The lexicographical method also covers an analysis of sources of the dictionary. The thesis starts with an introduction, two overviews on the history of the survival of the manuscript and on some special circumstances of author‘s life. The fourth and fifth parts analyse the macrostructure and microstructure of the dictionary. They present a detailed description of the dictionary contents, show its unique characteristics and thoroughly analyse lexicographical information and its presentation forms in B. The sixth part of the thesis focuses on dictionary sources. The most important lexicographical sources of B are discussed in three separate sections: a revised edition of Konrad Agricola‘s concordance to the Bible Concordantiae Bibliorum, emendatae ac ferè novae […] (1674), the German-Latin dictionary Clavis Linguae Latinae by Johann Jacob Dentzler (the... [to full text] / Die Promotionsschrift „Die lexikographische Metode des Wörterbuchs von Jacob Brodowski“ befasst sich mit dem handschriftlichen deutsch-litauischen Wörterbuch Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (vor 1744, nachstehend – B). Obwohl unvollständig überliefert, gilt dieses Wörterbuch als die größte deutsch-litauische lexikographische Arbeit des 18. Jahrhunderts. Das Ziel der Promotionsschrift ist die Untersuchung der lexikographischen Metode des Wörterbuchs, wobei unter lexikographischer Metode die Gesamtheit der Mittel und Vorgehensweisen verstanden wird, die zur Auwahl und Präsentation des sprachlichen Materials im Wörterbuch dienen. Außerdem umfasst die Untersuchung der lexikographischen Methode die Frage der Wörterbuchquellen. Das erste Kapitel der Dissertation bildet die Einleitung, darauf folgen zwei Kapitel, die einen Überblick über die Entstehungs- und Überlieferungsgeschichte des Wörterbuchs sowie die Lebensumstände des Wörterbuchverfassers bieten. Das vierte und fünfte Kapitel sind der Analyse der Makro- und Mikrostruktur des Wörterbuchs gewidmet. Hier werden der Inhalt und die Struktur des Wörterbuchs eingehend analysiert, die einzigartigen Merkmale des Wörterbuchs herausgearbeitet, das sprachliche Material und seine Präsentationsformen im Wörterbuch näher charakterisiert. Das sechste Kapitel der Dissertation befasst sich mit lexikographischen und nicht lexikographischen Wörterbuchquellen, die jeweils in separaten Abschnitten besprochen werden. Zu... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Zpracování latinismů v německo-českém překladovém slovníku / Latinisms in contemporary German language and their lexicographic treatment in a bilingual dictionary

Hlaváčková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
A role of Latinisms in contemporary German language is the subject of this thesis. The thesis has been elaborated on the basis of findings acquired in the course of drafting dictionary entries within a project focused on development of the German-Czech Academic Dictionary. The role of the Latinisms within the German language vocabulary is analysed on the background of a confrontation of entries included in the monolingual dictionary Duden-Deutsches Universalwörterbuch with a structuralist theory of centre and periphery of language. The analyses, elaborated on the data obtained from the Mannheim German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) and the collocation database (CCDB) developed on the basis of the Corpus, are used for the purpose of the confrontation with the above- mentioned premise of the central or peripheral position of Latin loan words.

Lexikální prvky jazyka nacistického období a jejich lexikografické zpracování / Lexical elements of National Socialist language and their lexicographic treatment

Kolář, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with lexical elements of National Socialist language and its aim is to study their lexicographic treatment. The theoretical part first of all sketches the elementary historical connection among language, lexicography and the political regime and it explains the effect of the politics on language through three historical examples, among which the language of the Third Reich is the most important one. As far as the language of the Third Reich is concerned, the attitudes of the NSDAP to language and language maintenance are further explained. The theoretical part is concluded by characterization and overview of the most important lexicographic projects which were implemented during the National Socialism. The practical part focuses on the contemporary lexicographic treatment of certain chosen lexemes which were mostly used during the period of National Socialism. This treatment is mostly based on the comparison of their past and their contemporary meanings and their representation in the contemporary discourse. The various types of discourse are analyzed by the corpus methods developed at the Institute of German Language in Mannheim.

O dicionário de música de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: introdução, tradução parcial e notas / Jean-Jacques Rousseaus dictionary of music: introduction, partial translation and notes

Yasoshima, Fabio 18 June 2012 (has links)
Tradução parcial (com notas e introdução) do Dictionnaire de musique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. / Rousseaus Dictionary of Music: portuguese translation (partial), introduction and notes.

Caracterização e recuperação de imagens usando dicionários visuais semanticamente enriquecidos / Image characterization and retrieval using visual dictionaries semantically enriched

Pedrosa, Glauco Vitor 24 August 2015 (has links)
A análise automática da similaridade entre imagens depende fortemente de descritores que consigam caracterizar o conteúdo das imagens em dados compactos e discriminativos. Esses dados extraídos e representados em um vetor-de-características tem o objetivo de representar as imagens nos processos de mineração e análise para classificação e/ou recuperação. Neste trabalho foi explorado o uso de dicionários visuais e contexto para representar e recuperar as características locais das imagens utilizando formalismos estendidos com alto poder descritivo. Esta tese apresenta em destaque três novas propostas que contribuem competitivamente com outros trabalhos da literatura no avanço do estado-da-arte, desenvolvendo novas metodologias para a caracterização de imagens e para o processamento de consultas por similaridade. A primeira proposta estende a modelagem Bag-of-Visual-Words, permitindo codificar a interação entre palavras-visuais e suas disposições espaciais na imagem. Para tal fim, três novas abordagem são apresentadas: (i) Weighted Histogram (WE); (ii) Bunch-of-2-grams e (iii) Global Spatial Arrangement (GSA). Cada uma dessas técnicas permitem extrair informações semanticamente complementares, que enriquecem a representação final das imagens descritas em palavras-visuais. A segunda proposta apresenta um novo descritor, chamado de Bag-of-Salience-Points (BoSP), que caracteriza e analisa a dissimilaridade de formas (silhuetas) de objetos explorando seus pontos de saliências. O descritor BoSP se apoia no uso de um dicionário de curvaturas e em histogramas espaciais para representar sucintamente as saliências de um objeto em um único vetor-de-características de tamanho fixo, permitindo recuperar formas usando funções de distâncias computacionalmente rápidas. Por fim, a terceira proposta apresenta um novo modelo de consulta por similaridade, denominada Similarity Based on Dominant Images (SimDIm), baseada no conceito de Imagens Dominantes, que é um conjunto que representa, de uma maneira mais diversificada e reduzida, toda a coleção de imagens da base de dados. Tal conceito permite dar mais eficiência quando se deseja analisar o contexto da coleção, que é o objetivo da proposta. Os experimentos realizados mostram que os métodos propostos contribuem de maneira efetiva para caracterizar e quantificar a similaridade entre imagens por meio de abordagens estendidas baseadas em dicionários visuais e análise contextual, reduzindo a lacuna semântica existente entre a percepção humana e a descrição computacional. / The automatic similarity analysis between images depends heavily on the use of descriptors that should be able to characterize the images\' content in compact and discriminative features. These extracted features are represented by a feature-vector employed to represent the images in the process of mining and analysis for classification and/or retrieval. This work investigated the use of visual dictionaries and context to represent and retrieve the local image features using extended formalism with high descriptive power. This thesis presents three new proposals that contribute in advancing the state-of-the-art by developing new methodologies for characterizing images and for processing similarity queries by content. The first proposal extends the Bag-of-Visual-Words model, by encoding the interaction between the visual words and their spatial arrangements in the image space. For this, three new techniques are presented: (i) Weighted Histogram (WE); (ii) Bunch-of--grams and (iii) Global Spatial Arrangement (GSA). These three techniques allow to extract additional semantically information that enrich the final image representation described in visual-words. The second proposal introduces a new descriptor, called Bag-of-Salience-Points (BoSP), which characterizes and analyzes the dissimilarity of shapes (silhouettes) exploring their salient point. The BoSP descriptor is based on using a dictionary of curvatures and spatial-histograms to represent succinctly the saliences of a shape into a single fixed-length feature-vector, allowing to retrieve shapes using distance functions computationally fast. Finally, the third proposal introduces a new similarity query model, called Similarity based on Dominant Images (SimDIm), based on the concept of dominant images, which is a set of images representing the entire collection of images of the database in a more diversified and reduced manner. This concept allows to efficiently analyze the context of the entire collection, which is the final goal. The experiments showed that the proposed methods effectively contributed to characterize and quantify the similarity between images using extended approaches based on visual dictionaries and contextual analysis, reducing the semantic gap between human perception and computational description.

Apprentissage avec la parcimonie et sur des données incertaines par la programmation DC et DCA / Learning with sparsity and uncertainty by Difference of Convex functions optimization

Vo, Xuan Thanh 15 October 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur le développement des méthodes d'optimisation pour résoudre certaines classes de problèmes d'apprentissage avec la parcimonie et/ou avec l'incertitude des données. Nos méthodes sont basées sur la programmation DC (Difference of Convex functions) et DCA (DC Algorithms) étant reconnues comme des outils puissants d'optimisation. La thèse se compose de deux parties : La première partie concerne la parcimonie tandis que la deuxième partie traite l'incertitude des données. Dans la première partie, une étude approfondie pour la minimisation de la norme zéro a été réalisée tant sur le plan théorique qu'algorithmique. Nous considérons une approximation DC commune de la norme zéro et développons quatre algorithmes basées sur la programmation DC et DCA pour résoudre le problème approché. Nous prouvons que nos algorithmes couvrent tous les algorithmes standards existants dans le domaine. Ensuite, nous étudions le problème de la factorisation en matrices non-négatives (NMF) et fournissons des algorithmes appropriés basés sur la programmation DC et DCA. Nous étudions également le problème de NMF parcimonieuse. Poursuivant cette étude, nous étudions le problème d'apprentissage de dictionnaire où la représentation parcimonieuse joue un rôle crucial. Dans la deuxième partie, nous exploitons la technique d'optimisation robuste pour traiter l'incertitude des données pour les deux problèmes importants dans l'apprentissage : la sélection de variables dans SVM (Support Vector Machines) et le clustering. Différents modèles d'incertitude sont étudiés. Les algorithmes basés sur DCA sont développés pour résoudre ces problèmes. / In this thesis, we focus on developing optimization approaches for solving some classes of optimization problems in sparsity and robust optimization for data uncertainty. Our methods are based on DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming and DCA (DC Algorithms) which are well-known as powerful tools in optimization. This thesis is composed of two parts: the first part concerns with sparsity while the second part deals with uncertainty. In the first part, a unified DC approximation approach to optimization problem involving the zero-norm in objective is thoroughly studied on both theoretical and computational aspects. We consider a common DC approximation of zero-norm that includes all standard sparse inducing penalty functions, and develop general DCA schemes that cover all standard algorithms in the field. Next, the thesis turns to the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) problem. We investigate the structure of the considered problem and provide appropriate DCA based algorithms. To enhance the performance of NMF, the sparse NMF formulations are proposed. Continuing this topic, we study the dictionary learning problem where sparse representation plays a crucial role. In the second part, we exploit robust optimization technique to deal with data uncertainty for two important problems in machine learning: feature selection in linear Support Vector Machines and clustering. In this context, individual data point is uncertain but varies in a bounded uncertainty set. Different models (box/spherical/ellipsoidal) related to uncertain data are studied. DCA based algorithms are developed to solve the robust problems

Frames e multilingualidade: equivalentes de tradução no dicionário bilíngue do futebol da Copa de 2014

Ogliari, Cassiane 13 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-03-27T11:41:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cassiane Ogliari.pdf: 3383228 bytes, checksum: 38db90b3bb51b121a548802be80947ca (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-27T11:41:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cassiane Ogliari.pdf: 3383228 bytes, checksum: 38db90b3bb51b121a548802be80947ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-13 / Nenhuma / O objetivo desta pesquisa é refletir sobre os equivalentes de tradução do domínio do futebol no âmbito de um projeto multilíngue baseado nos preceitos da Semântica de Frames (Fillmore, 1982; 1985). Tal proposta fundamenta-se na hipótese de que, ao tratar-se de um domínio específico, como o do futebol, no qual o plano conceitual de dois idiomas seja comparável, as equivalências lexicais podem ser abordadas de forma a privilegiar a relação da unidade lexical com o frame ao qual ela pertence, que seria relacionável em ambos os idiomas. Para verificar a procedência desta hipótese, o trabalho está subdividido em três capítulos principais: 1) Tradução, Língua e Cultura, que aborda o tema das equivalências de tradução, dos diferentes tipos de equivalência e das estratégias para definição de equivalências; 2) Semântica de Frames e Linguística Cognitiva, que aborda os preceitos da Semântica de Frames e exemplifica seu emprego no desenvolvimento de bases de dados lexicais; e 3) Frames e multilingualidade, que aborda a forma como o conceito de frames pode influenciar em trabalhos em mais de um idioma e apresenta os Dicionários Kicktionary e Kicktionary_Br Copa 2014 (projeto ao qual a presente pesquisa está vinculada). A parte aplicada da pesquisa prevê dois diferentes momentos: 1) Análise de uma amostra de 100 unidades lexicais em inglês e português com o intuito de verificar os tipos de equivalências predominantes no corpus; e 2) Reflexão específica sobre cada um dos três tipos de equivalência encontrados no corpus da pesquisa. Finaliza-se apresentando casos de equivalência exata de conteúdos, intersecção de conteúdos e de equivalência por superioridade e faz-se uma reflexão sobre as entradas lexicográficas destas equivalências no dicionário do futebol, Kicktionary_Br Copa 2014. / This research aims at reflecting about the translation equivalents on the soccer domain regarding to a multilingual project based on the fundamentals of Frame Semantics (Fillmore, 1982; 1985). This proposition underlies on the hypothesis that, when dealing with a specific domain, as soccer, in which the conceptual plan of both language is comparable, the lexical equivalences can be observed in a way to privilege the relation between the lexical unit and its frame, which would also be comparable in both languages. To be able to test this hypothesis, this study is subdivided in three chapters: 1) Translation, Language and Culture, that deals with translation equivalence, the different kinds of equivalence and the strategies to define equivalences; 2) Frame Semantics and Cognitive Linguistics, that talks about the principles of Frame Semantics and exemplifies their use when developing a lexical database; and 3) Frames and Multilingualism, that approaches the way in which the concept of frame can influence in multilingual studies and presents the dictionaries Kicktionary and Kickionary_Br 2014 World Cup (project which this dissertation in linked to). The applied part of this research mentions two moments: 1) The analysis of a sample composed by 100 lexical units in English and Portuguese with the objective of verifying the dominant kinds of equivalence with more frequency in our corpus; and 2) The specific reflection about each of the three kinds of equivalence found in corpus. In its last part, this study presents cases of exact equivalence of content, intersection of content and superiority equivalents and ponders about the lexical entries of such equivalences in the soccer dictionary, Kickionary_Br 2014 World Cup.

Dictionnaire des hapax dans la poésie archaïque, d'Homère à Eschyle / Dictionary of hapax legomena in early Greek poetry, from Homer to Aeschylus

Kozak, Alexandra 07 April 2018 (has links)
Le Dictionnaire des hapax dans la poésie grecque archaïque, d'Homère à Eschyle vise à inventorier les hapax absolus (mots uniques) de la poésie archaïque. Chaque entrée du dictionnaire offre une traduction du lemme, son analyse morphologique et lexicale ainsi que sa situation en contexte, pour expliquer son sémantisme et son étiologie. Des remarques métriques viennent compléter ces explications. Ce dictionnaire peut servir de référence ouverte à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la création lexicale de près ou de loin, à la fois pour des travaux stylistiques et métriques, mais aussi des travaux de traduction, de papyrologie ou d’épigraphie. Il représente un outil précieux pour favoriser la recherche sur la création lexicale pour tous les linguistes. Il peut être utile aux spécialistes de littérature dans toutes les langues car il constitue une base de travail pour une véritable réflexion sur la création poétique. Un volume de commentaire au dictionnaire, Hapax legomena dans la poésie archaïque, offre une définition précise et une réflexion sur la notion d’hapax absolu, une analyse des caractéristiques majeures de la création deshapax chez les auteurs archaïques, un inventaire thématique des principaux morphèmes préfixaux et suffixaux mais aussi des lexèmes les plus récurrents en composition. Enfin, la question de la réception des hapax en synchronie, par les spectateurs ou auditeurs anciens mais aussi par les scholiastes et lexicographes, comme en diachronie, à cause des difficultés d’interprétation de certaines leçons dans les manuscrits, est traitée. / The Dictionary of hapax legomena in early Greek poetry, from Homer to Aeschylus, aims to inventory the absolute hapax unique words) in archaic poetry. Each entry in the dictionary offers a translation of the lemma, its morphological and lexical analysis as well as its situation in context, to explain its semantics and etiology. Metric remarks complete these explanations. This dictionary can serve as an open reference for all those interested in lexical creation from near and far, both for stylistic and metrical work, but also works of translation, papyrology or epigraphy. It is a valuable tool for promoting lexical creation research for all linguists. It can be useful to literary specialists in all languages as it provides a basis for a real reflection on poetic creation. A volume of commentary on the dictionary, Hapax legomena in early poetry, offers a precise definition and a reflection about the notion of absolute hapax, an analysis of the major features of hapax creation in archaic authors, a thematic inventory of the main prefix and suffixal morphemes, but also the most recurrent lexemes in composition. Finally, the question of the reception of the hapax is treated, first in synchrony, by the spectators or listeners but also by scholiasts and lexicographers, then in diachronic, because of the difficulties of interpretation of some lessons in the manuscripts.

Dicionário multilíngue de regência verbal: equivalentes em francês

Sao, Mayara Stringhetta [UNESP] 27 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:48:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 sao_ms_me_sjrp.pdf: 869338 bytes, checksum: b0db7a87cc227ab381c15debf7dfff9e (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho vincula-se a uma pesquisa maior que está sendo desenvolvida simultaneamente por pesquisadores do GP “Lexicologia e Lexicografia contrastiva”. Tratamos da elaboração de uma obra de referência multilíngüe especial e inédita: o Dicionário Multilíngüe de Regência Verbal: verbos preposicionados, na direção português-alemão / espanhol / francês / inglês / italiano / japonês. Com base no levantamento já realizado dos verbos transitivos indiretos ou transitivos diretos e indiretos mais usuais da língua portuguesa do Brasil, elaboramos a microestrutura em língua francesa, propondo equivalentes a cada acepção dos verbos elencados na nomenclatura, ou seja, uma tradução (mesmo parafrásica) que corresponda ao significado indicado e, se for o caso, as preposições adequadas. Os resultados obtidos contribuem de modo efetivo para o desenvolvimento da lexicografia especial no país, atendendo a uma necessidade específica e central de diversos tipos de consulentes, sobretudo na produção textual em língua estrangeira e na tradução. / This work is attached to a larger survey which is being developed at the same time by researchers of GP Contrastive Lexicology and Lexicography. It is a drafting of a special and unique multilingual reference, the: Dicionário Multilíngue de Regência Verbal: verbos preposicionados, toward Portuguese-German / Spanish / French / English / Italian / Japanese. Based on the survey available about the most usual indirect transitive verbs or transitive direct and indirect verbs in Portuguese, as a Brazilian language, we developed a microstructure in the French language that offers the equivalent word for each meaning of the verbs listed in the nomenclature or a translation (also paraphrases) which corresponds to the meaning, followed by the indication of the appropriate prepositions, in the necessary cases. We believe that the results to be achieved with this work may effectively contribute to the development of a special lexicography in the country, given to the central and specific needs of different users, mainly in foreign language textual output and translations.

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