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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Didaktinės kompetencijos raiška keičiantis mokymo paradigmoms praktinėje kūno kultūros mokytojo veikloje / Expression of didactic competence in changing education paradigms in practice of physical education teaching

Slepakovas, Rolandas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: kūno kultūros mokytojų didaktinės kompetencijos raiška. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti kūno kultūros mokytojo didaktinės kompetencijos raišką mokymo paradigmų kontekste. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti mokymo (si) paradigmos kaitos ir didaktinės kompetencijos raiškos tendencijas. 2. Nustatyti Kėdainių miesto mokyklų kūno kultūros mokytojų didaktinės kompetencijos raišką lyties aspektu. 3. Nustatyti Kėdainių miesto mokyklų kūno kultūros mokytojų didaktinės kompetencijos raišką darbo stažo aspektu. Rezultatai ir išvados. Reikalavimai mokytojų didaktinei kompetencijai keičiasi kintant požiūriui į mokymo ir mokymosi prigimtį, santykį bei galimybes, taip pat kintant nacionaliniams švietimo tikslams. Mokytojui nebepakanka atlikti vien tik žinių perteikėjo, vertintojo ir teisėjo vaidmenis. Mokytojo vaidmuo suprantamas kaip pagalbininko, kuris turi rūpintis besimokančiojo žinių kūrimo procesu. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad Kėdainių kūno kultūros mokytojų didaktinės kompetencijos raiška, vertinant jų mokymo (si) tikslus, mokinių vertinimą, mokinių mokymosi motyvaciją lyties aspektu nesiskiria (p > 0,05), o vertinant pagal atskirus teiginius jų darbo stilių, mokymo (si) metodus ir mokymo (si) turinį, lyties aspektu skiriasi statistiškai reikšmingai (p < 0,05). Kėdainių kūno kultūros mokytojų didaktinės kompetencijos raiška, vertinant jų darbo stilių, mokymo (si) tikslus, mokymo (si) turinį, mokymo (si) metodus, mokinių vertinimą darbo stažo aspektu nesiskiria (p > 0,0... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: expression of didactic competence of physical education teachers. Aim of the study: to determine the expression of didactic competence of physical education teachers in the context of teaching paradigms. Objectives: 1. To analyse the trends of changes in teaching (learning) paradigms and of didactic competence expression. 2. To determine the expression of didactic competence of the physical education teachers in the schools of Kėdainiai according to sex. 3. To determine the expression of didactic competence of the physical education teachers in the schools of Kėdainiai according to work experience. Results and conclusions. The requirements to the didactic competence of teachers change as the attitude towards the nature of teaching and learning, relationship and opportunities change, also because the goals of national education change. The teacher in not only the person who shares the knowledge, who evaluates and judges anymore. Now he/she is a person who helps, who is responsible for the process of knowledge creation. The study revealed that the expression of didactic competence of the physical education teachers in the schools of Kėdainiai according to sex in evaluating their aims of teaching and studying, evaluation of students, students‘motivation to learn did not differ (p > 0,05), and in comparing separate statements – style of work, methods of teaching and learning and content – statistically differed significantly according to sex (p < 0,05). The... [to full text]

Barns rätt till inflytande - en didaktisk (o)möjlighet? : En fenomenografisk studie om nyutexaminerade förskollärares uppfattningar av undervisning och inflytande samt följder av en lagstiftad Barnkonvention

Olsson, Malin January 2020 (has links)
This study has a two-fold purpose; to examine the conceptions of newly qualified preschool teachers concerning preschool teaching and children’s right to participation, as well as their conceptions of professional implications of the legislation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in January 2020. A lack of professional competence regarding CRC has been noticed in Sweden by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish government has both published strategies to strengthen the rights of the child and introduced further training concerning CRC to preschool teachers. Previous research shows that preschool teaching is a complex phenomenon, but a number of didactics has been developed to adapt the concept of teaching to preschool context. A study about research in education about human rights (EHR) shows that EHR tend to focus primarily on participation and agency in early childhood education, whereas other areas such as children’s awareness about their own rights and respect towards the rights seem to be connected to primary school. The study’s theoretical framework is phenomenography and concerns qualitatively different ways to experience different phenomenon in the surrounding world, in this case the conceptions of newly qualified preschool teachers. For this purpose, data was collected in a total of ten semi-structured interviews; nine of them via telephone and sound recorded for later transcription, and one through writing. A phenomenographic analysis of the data collection resulted in a total of six categories of description based on the conceptions referential meaning and limitation towards the context and other conceptions.  The categories in the first part, relating to conceptions about the relation between teaching and participation are: Participation as a base for preschool education, Participation through experience-based teaching and The child’s awareness about its right to Participation by reflection. The qualitative differences resided in the level of didactic perception and reasoning about participation. The categories in the second part, relating to conceptions about one’s own didactic competence regarding CRC as well as professional implications of the legislation of the CRC, are: The need for didactic competence regarding the CRC; The mission to actualize the CRC and The need to reflect upon contradictions.  The following conclusions are drawn: participation can be viewed from a preschool didactics perspective in order for the child to develop its participation as well as an awareness about its right to participation; further didactic discussions in relation to education about CRC are needed in both preschool teacher education and preschools in order to actualize CRC in a preschool context. There is also a need for discussions about the implications of the legislation of CRC in relation to individual preschools.

Konsten att arbeta med flerspråkiga barn : En fenomenologiskt-hermeneutisk studie om förskollärares upplevelser av kompetens i arbete med flerspråkiga barn

Sundström, Linnéa, Papadopoulou, Anthoula January 2022 (has links)
Flerspråkig didaktisk kompetens är ett ämne som diskuteras i forskning för förskolor och grundskolor på grund av att flerspråkiga barn har ökats i Sverige. Resultat från tidigare forskning visar exempelvis att lärare upplever att de inte har den nödvändiga kompetensen för att undervisa flerspråkiga barn. Av denna anledning undersöker vi i denna kvalitativa studie hur förskollärare upplever sitt arbete med flerspråkiga barn och vad förskollärare upplever som kompetens med flerspråkiga barn i förskolan. Studien behandlar frågorna: Hur upplever förskollärare sitt arbete med flerspråkiga barn i förskolan och vilka kompetenser upplever förskollärare i flerspråkigt arbete? För att besvara frågorna genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem förskollärare som arbetar eller har arbetat aktivt med flerspråkiga barn. Studien utgår från en fenomenologisk och hermeneutisk ansats för att analysera förskollärares flerspråkiga didaktiska kompetens. Resultatet visar att förskollärares upplevelser av sitt arbete med flerspråkiga barn och vad som anses vara kompetens grundar sig i två former av erfarenheter: 1) Erfarenheten som förskollärare: hur länge en förskollärare har arbetat med flerspråkig undervisning, 2) Erfarenhet som människa: vilka upplevelser individen har av sin egen historia av språkutveckling som kan användas i lärarprofessionen. Resultat visar även att deras upplevelser är nära förknippade med vilka krav på kompetenser samhället ställer i relation till lärarprofession. / Previous scientific research has discussed the topic of multilingual didacticcompetence for preschools and primary schools, due to the fact that thenumber of multilingual children has increased in Sweden. For example,results from previous research shows that teachers feel that they do not havethe necessary competence to teach multilingual children. Because of this, inthis qualitative study we investigate how preschool teachers experience theirwork with multilingual children and what preschool teachers experience ascompetence in working with multilingual children in the preschool. Thestudy addresses the questions: How do preschool teachers experience theirwork with multilingual children in preschool and what competencies dopreschool teachers experience in multilingual work? To answer thequestions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five preschoolteachers who were working or have been working actively with multilingualchildren. The study takes a phenomenological and hermeneutical approachto analyze preschool teachers' multilingual didactic competence. The resultsshow that preschool teachers' experiences of their work with multilingualchildren and what is considered competence in the work are based on twoforms of experience: 1) Experience as a preschool teacher: how long apreschool teacher has worked with multilingual education, 2) Experience asa human being: what experiences the individual has of their own history oflanguage development that can be used in the teaching profession. Theresults also show that preschool teachers' experiences are linked to thedemands from the society on competence in relation to the teachingprofession.

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