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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värmebehandling av segjärn med hög kiselhalt / Heat treatment of ductile iron with high silicon content

Zander, Patrik, Hammarström, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete var att Qumex Materialteknik vid ett flertal tillfällen konstaterat att material av typen SS 0725 har uppvisat bristfälliga härdresultat. Materialet, som är relativt nytt på marknaden, är ett gjutjärn av typen segjärn och utmärker sig gentemot andra segjärn på grund av sitt höga innehåll av kisel. Då segjärn enligt den nu gällande EN-standarden klassificeras efter sina mekaniska egenskaper uppstår ett problem gällande SS 0725. Materialet uppfyller de krav som är ställda för EN-GJS-500-7 och hamnar därmed under samma materialbeteckning som ett segjärn med betydligt lägre kiselhalt. Att två material med olika kemisk sammansättning hamnar under samma beteckning kan innebära problem. Syftet med denna rapport är att fastslå vilken påverkan den höga kiselhalten har på materialet vid värmebehandling av typen släckhärdning med efterföljande anlöpning. I försöken ingick fyra material. Det som skiljde materialen åt var halterna av koppar och kisel. De härdades vid tre olika temperaturer och under tre olika tider för att sedan släckas i olja. Målet med släckhärdningen var att materialen skulle få en helt martensitisk struktur vilket då klassades som ett bra härdresultat. Resultatet utvärderades sedan genom optisk mikroskopi och hårdhetsmätningar. En undersökning av materialens fasomvandlingstemperaturer genomfördes med hjälp av Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Resultatet visar att kiselhalten har stor påverkan på den temperatur som krävs för att erhålla ett bra härdresultat. För material med låg kiselhalt uppnåddes fullständig martensitbildning efter släckhärdning från 840°C. För material med hög kiselhalt uppnåddes liknande strukturella och hårdhetsmässiga resultat först vid en så hög temperatur som 900°C och behandlingstider längre än 1 h. Den relativa skillnad som uppmättes i fasomvandlingstemperatur med hjälp av Differential Scanning Calorimetry mellan högkiselmaterial och lågkiselmaterial var 45°C. Detta resultat kombinerat med analyserna av härdprocesserna visar att det krävs kraftigt ökad temperatur vid värmebehandling av högkiselmaterialet SS 0725. / The background to this thesis was that Qumex Materialteknik at several occasions had received material of type SS 0725 that had shown deficient heat treatment results. The material, which is relatively new, is a cast iron of type ductile iron and differ against other ductile irons because of its high silicon content. According to EN standard ductile irons are classified by their mechanical properties. A problem then occurs with the new material SS 0725 because of this. The material fulfils the requirements for EN-GJS-500-7 and is therefore in the same classification as a ductile iron with much lower silicon content. Two materials having major differences in chemical composition ending up in the same classification can be problematic. The purpose of this report is to determine impact of high silicon content in ductile iron when heat treated and quench hardened. The experiment included four materials, and the major difference between the materials were their content of copper and silicon. The heat treatment process was performed at three different temperatures and three different treatment times. Afterwards the samples were quenched in oil. The ambition of the quench hardening was to obtain a material structure of 100% martensite. By optical microscopy and hardness measurements the results then were evaluated. An investigation of the phase transformation temperature in the materials was made by using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The results show that the amount of silicon content has great influence on the temperature for receiving good hardening results. To achieve 100% martensite after quench hardening in materials with low silicon content the temperature needs to be over 840°C. For material with high level of silicon content the temperature for achieving 100% martensite needs to be 900°C and the treatment time should be over 1 h. The relative difference in phase transformation temperature was measured using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The results of the measurements between the materials with high silicon content and materials with low silicon content was 45°C. This result combined with the analysis of the heat treatment process shows that a major increase of the temperature is needed to heat treat SS 0725.

Synthesis and sorption studies of porous metal-organic hosts

Batisai, Eustina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The first part of this study describes the synthesis of new porous materials from basic building blocks. Five structurally related ligands namely: N,N'-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)-naphthalene diimide (L1), N,N'-bis(4-pyridylmethyl)-naphthalene diimide (L2), N,N'-bis(4-pyridylmethyl)- pyromellitic diimide (L3), N,N'-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)-pyromellitic diimide (L4) and 2-(pyridin-4- ylmethyl)-benzene tricarboxylic anhydride (L5) were synthesised. Ligands L1 and L2 were reacted with metal nitrates and carboxylates as co-ligands in a systematic manner with a view to obtaining potentially porous 3–D coordination polymers. Ten structurally diverse coordination polymers were obtained and they were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis. Four of these compounds absorb moderate amounts of CO2 and, in addition, show sorption selectivity towards CO2 over N2. The reaction of L3 and L4 with transition metal halides yielded two 1–D chains, while the reaction of L5 with transition metal nitrates yielded seven coordination polymers of which four are 2–D and three are 1–D. Of the 2–D structures three are isostructural. The second part of this work describes a variable pressure study of a flexible metal-organic framework [Zn2(BDC)2(BPY)] (BPY = 4,4 -bipyridine and BDC = 1,4-benzene dicarboxylic acid). [Zn2(BDC)2(BPY)] is one of the few examples of a flexible metal-organic framework that undergoes phase transformations in response to gas pressure. The high pressure sorption recorded for this metal-organic framework displays two inflection steps in the pressure range 0 to 30 bar, possibly indicating two phase transformations. The gas-loaded structures for each phase transformation were determined by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. High-pressure differential scanning calorimetry was also carried out on the system in order to determine accurate gate-opening pressures, as well as the energies involved with each phase transformation. The results correlate with those obtained from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and high-pressure sorption. The final section reports the mechanochemical synthesis of two Werner complexes [NiCl2(4- PhPy)4] (1), [CoCl2(4-PhPy)4] (2) and their corresponding solid solution [Ni0.5Co0.5Cl2(4-PhPy)4] (3) (PhPy = phenyl pyridine). The solid solution could only be formed by mechanochemical synthesis and not by conventional solution crystallisation methods. The solid solution exhibits sorption properties that differ from those of the pure compounds. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die eerste deel van hierdie studie beskryf die sintese van nuwe poreuse stowwe uit basiese boublokke. Vyf struktureel verwante ligande naamlik: N,N'-bis(3-piridielmetiel)-naftaleen diimied (L1), N,N'-bis(4-piridielmetiel)-naftaleen diimied (L2), N,N'-bis(4-piridielmetiel)- piromellitien diimied (L3), N,N'-bis(3-piridielmetiel)-piromellitien diimied (L4) en 2-(piridiel-4- ielmetiel)benseen trianhidried (L5) is gesintetiseer. Ligande L1 en L2 is gereageer met metaal nitrate en karboksielsure as mede-ligande in 'n sistematiese wyse met 'n oog op die verkryging van potensieel poreuse 3–D koördinasie polimere. Tien struktureel diverse koördinasie polimere is verkry en hulle is gekarakteriseer deur enkel-kristal X-straal-diffraksie, poeier X-straal diffraksie en termo-analise (thermal analysis). Vier van hierdie verbindings het matige hoeveelhede CO2 geabsorbeer en, bykomend, wys sorpsie selektiwiteit van CO2 oor N2. Die reaksie van L3 en L4 met oorgangsmetaalhaliede het twee 1–D kettings gevorm, terwyl die reaksie van L5 met oorgangsmetaal nitrate sewe koördinasie polimere opgelewer het, waarvan vier 2–D en drie 1–D polimere is. Van die 2–D polimere het drie vergelykbare strukture. Die tweede deel van hierdie werk beskryf 'n veranderlike druk studie van 'n buigsame metaalorganiese raamwerk [Zn2(BDC)2(BPY)] (BPY = 4,4-bipiridien en BDC = 1,4-benseen dikarboksielsuur). [Zn2(BDC)2(BPY)] is een van die min voorbeelde van 'n buigsame metaalorganiese raamwerk wat fase transformasies (phase transformations) ondergaan in respons op ‘n verandering in gas druk. Die hoë-druk sorpsie aangeteken vir hierdie metaal-organiese raamwerk vertoon twee infleksie stappe in die gebestudeerde druk gebied (0 tot 30 bar), wat moontlik op twee fase transformasies dui. Die gas-gelaaide strukture vir elke fase transformasie is bepaal deur middel van enkel-kristal X-straal-diffraksie. Hoë-druk differensiële skandeer kalorimetrie (differential scanning calorimetry) is ook uitgevoer op die stelsel ten einde dié akkurate hekopenings druk, sowel as die energie betrokke by elke fase transformasie te bepaal. Die resultate stem ooreen met dié verkry vanaf enkel-kristal X-straal diffraksie en hoë-druk sorpsie. Die finale afdeling bespreek die meganochemiese sintese van twee Werner komplekse [NiCl2(4-PhPy)4] (1) en [COCl2(4-PhPy)4] (2) en hul ooreenstemmende vaste oplossing (solid solution) [Ni0.5Co0.5Cl2(4-PhPy)4] (3). Die vaste oplossing kan slegs gevorm word deur meganochemiese sintese en nie deur konvensionele oplossing kristallisasie metodes. Die vaste oplossing vertoon sorpsie eienskappe wat verskil van dié van die suiwer verbindings.

Imperfections in Recycled Aluminium-Silicon Cast Alloys

Bjurenstedt, Anton January 2015 (has links)
In striving to produce high quality cast components from recycled aluminium alloys,imperfections have to be considered, because recycled aluminium usually containsmore of it. However, there are great energy savings to be made by using recycledaluminium; as little as 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminium productionmay be required. High quality castings are dependent on, besides alloy chemistry, bothmelt quality and the casting process; the focus of this work is related to the meltquality.This thesis aims to increase knowledge about imperfections, foremost about Fe-richparticles, oxides/bifilms, and porosity. Experiments were performed at industrialfoundry facilities and in a laboratory environment. Melt quality was evaluated byproducing samples with the reduced pressure test (RPT), from which both densityindex (DI) and bifilm index (BI) could be measured, results that were related to tensiletest properties. Data from tensile test samples were analysed, and fracture surfacesand cross sections were studied in both light microscope and in scanning electronmicroscope (SEM). For the purpose of investigating nucleation of primary Fe-richparticles (sludge) differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used.In the analysis of results, a correlation between the morphology of particles and tensileproperties were found. And elongated Fe-rich β-particles were seen to fracturethrough cleavage towards the centre. However, DI and BI have not been possible torelate to tensile properties.The nucleation temperature of primary Fe-rich particles were found to increase withincreased Fe, Mn, and Cr contents, i.e. the sludge factor (SF), regardless of cooling rate.For a set SF, an increase of cooling rate will decrease the nucleation temperature.

Tratamento térmico pré e pós-cura de diferentes compósitos: análise térmica, reistência à flexão e grau de conversão / Heat treatment pre and post cured of differents composites: thermal analysis, flexural strength and degree of conversion

Gomes, Mauricio Neves 04 June 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é realizar a caracterização térmica, resistência à flexão e o grau de conversão de um compósito nanoparticulado (Filtek Supreme XT: FT) e um microhíbrido (Esthet X: ET), cor A2, submetidos a diferentes tratamentos térmicos. Os grupos experimentais foram: G1: sem tratamento; G2: pré-aquecimento à 68°C com dispositivo Calset; G3: pós-aquecimento em forno MP-130, 10°C/min até 140°C e G4: pré e pós-aquecimento. Depois da fotoativação, foram realizadas análise termogravimétrica e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) para determinar a estabilidade térmica dos compósitos, temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg), pico de exotermia e calor liberado após fotoativação. O ensaio de resistência à flexão foi realizado 24h após armazenagem dos corpos de prova em água destilada a 37°C. A análise do grau de conversão foi realizada com espectrofotômetro FT-Raman. Análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p<0,05) demonstraram que os compósitos FT e ET têm 25,8% e 23,7% de matriz orgânica em peso respectivamente e estabilidade térmica até 200°C. O pico exotérmico do G2 (63,5°C) é maior do que G1 (60,9°C). Os grupos G3 e G4 não apresentaram pico exotérmico e calor liberado. A tg é de aproximadamente 160,5°C para o FT e de 161,4°C para o ET. A resistência à flexão (MPa) e grau de conversão(%) foram respectivamente: G1 (149,1; 60)=G2(152,5; 56,4) e G3 (170,5; 72,6)=G4 (178,2; 71,8) . O compósito ET apresenta maior grau de conversão que FT. À partir da caracterização térmica foi possível observar que o pré-aquecimento em condições não isotérmicas não promoveu maior conversão e resistência à flexão. O tratamento térmico deve ser realizado acima de 160°C. / The aim of this study was to perform the thermal characterization,flexural strength and degree of conversion of two composites, a nanofilled (Filtek Supreme XT: FT) and a microhybrid (Esthet X: ET), shade A2, submitted to different thermal treatments. Methods: The experimental groups were: G1: no treatment; G2: preheated at 68°C with Calset device; G3: post-heated in a MP-130 (EDG) oven, 10 °C/min up to reach 140°C for 20min and G4: pre and post-heated. After curing, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were carried to determine thermal stability of the composites, glass transition temperature (Tg), exothermic peak and heat releasing after photoactivation. Three-point flexural test was performed after stored in water at 37oC for 24 hours. Degree of conversion was determined using a spectrophotometer FT-Raman. Analysis of variance and Tukey\'s test (P<0.05) showed that FT and ET composites have 25.8% and 23.7% of organic matrix in weight respectively and thermal stability at 200°C. The G2 group release more heat (9.9J/g) than G1 (7.3J/g). Exothermic peak of G2 group (63.5°C) is higher than G1 (60.9°C). G3 and G4 groups did not show exothermic peak and heat releasing. ET composite of G2 group presented the highest exothermic peak (65.2°C) of all groups. The Tg is nearly 160.5°C to FT and 161.4°C to ET. Flexural strength (MPa) and degree of conversion (%) were respectively: G1(149.1; 60) = G2(152.5; 56.4) and G3 (170.5; 72.6) = G4 (178,2; 71,8). ET composite presented higher conversion values than FT. Pre-heating at non-isothermal conditions does not promote higher conversion and flexural strength. Heat treatment after cure can be carried through 160°C.

Investigating Thermal Transformations of Ligand-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles: Influence of the Structural Attributes of the Nanoparticle and Its Environment on Thermal Stability

Smith, Beverly 18 August 2015 (has links)
Ligand-stabilized metal nanoparticles (LSNPs) have garnered significant attention for use in applications including sensing, catalysis, and thin film fabrication. Many uses rely on the size-dependent properties of the metal nanoparticle core. Therefore, preservation of nanoparticle core size is of paramount importance. In other uses, the low processing temperatures afforded by metal LSNPs make them attractive as precursors for conductive thin films. In these distinctly different applications, understanding nanoparticle thermal stability is crucial. A key finding of this research is that nanoparticle sintering is dependent upon both core size and ligand functionality. Multi-technique analysis of four types of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with different ligand compositions and core sizes illustrates that more volatile ligands reduce the onset temperature for sintering. Also, AuNPs of larger core size with the same ligand composition exhibit lower sintering onset temperatures. Correlation between measurements reveals that only a small amount of ligand loss is necessary to trigger rapid sintering and that ligands are excluded to the surface of the porous gold films. AuNPs with ligand shells composed of two alkanethiols of different chain length and volatility indicate that the onset temperature of sintering can be tuned further through incorporation of a small amount of more volatile alkanethiol into a ligand shell of lower volatility. Mixed LSNPs further reveal that AuNP thermal stability depends upon the ligand shell composition and its intermolecular interactions, which can result in markedly different sintering behavior for different ligand compositions. Long-chain alkanethiol AuNPs sinter after only a small amount of ligand loss, whereas short-chain alkanethiol AuNPs sinter following complete ligand loss and the formation of metastable bare AuNPs. Heated AuNP films prepared with mixed-ligand AuNPs exhibit ligand-dependent differences in film morphology. To probe AuNP thermal stability in 2D-assemblies, self-assembly using larger ‘marker’ nanoparticles enables the study of small 1.5 nm AuNP arrays with successive TEM monitoring throughout ex situ heating. Monitoring images of the same area shows short-range (1-2 nm) nanoparticle migration/coalescence. In contrast to 3D assemblies, AuNP growth occurs at temperatures as low as 60 °C. This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material. / 10000-01-01

Síntese, caracterização e estudo do comportamento térmico dos 2-metoxibenzoatos de Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II) no estado sólido /

Carvalho, Cláudio Teodoro de. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Massao Ionashiro / Banca: João Olimpio Tognolli / Banca: Salvador Claro Neto / Resumo: Carbonatos de Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II) foram preparados por adição lenta da solução saturada de hidrogeno carbonato de sódio com gotejamento contínuo às soluções dos respectivos cloretos metálicos, exceto para o cobre, até a total precipitação do íon metálico. Os precipitados foram lavados com água destilada para eliminar os íons cloretos e teste qualitativo com solução de AgNO3/HNO3 foi realizado para confirmar a ausência destes, e após isso, foi mantida em suspensão. Os compostos no estado sólido foram preparados pela mistura dos respectivos carbonatos metálicos com o ácido 2-metoxibenzóico (2-MeO-HBz). A suspensão aquosa foi aquecida lentamente próximo da ebulição até neutralização total dos carbonatos. As soluções resultantes depois de arrefecidas foram mantidas em banho de gelo para recristalizar o ácido em excesso e filtradas. Assim, as soluções aquosas dos metoxibenzoatos metálicos foram concentradas em banho maria e o precipitado seco resultante deste processo colocado em um dessecador contendo cloreto de cálcio. O composto de cobre devido a sua baixa solubilidade foi preparado pela adição lenta com gotejamento contínuo de solução do 2-metoxibenzoato de sódio 0.1 mol L-1 à solução de sulfato de cobre, até a total precipitação do íon cobre e o precipitado lavado com água destilada para eliminação do íon sulfato e teste qualitativo de confirmação realizado com BaCl2 0.1 mol L-1, em seguida filtrada em papel de filtro Whatman 40 e o precipitado após seco foi colocado em dessecador contendo cloreto de cálcio. Os compostos sintetizados foram investigados por meio de espectroscopia de infravermelho, difratometria de raio X pelo método do pó, termogravimetria e análise térmica diferencial simultânea (TG-DTA), termogravimetria, termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e outros métodos de análise. / Abstract: Carbonates of Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) were prepared by adding slowly with continuous stirring saturated sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to the corresponding metal chloride solutions (except copper), until total precipitation of the metal ions. The precipitates were washed with distilled water until elimination of chloride ions (qualitative test with AgNO3/HNO3 solution) and maintained in aqueous suspension. olid state Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II) and Zn (II) compounds were prepared by mixing the respective metal carbonates with 2-methoxybenzoic acid 99% (2-MeO-HBz) obtained from Aldrich, in slight excess. The aqueous suspension was heated slowly up to near ebullition, until total neutralization of the respective carbonates. The resulting solutions after cooled were maintained in an ice bath to recrystallize the acid in excess and filtered through a Whatman nº 40 filter paper. Thus, the aqueous solutions of the respective metal 2-methoxybenzoates were evaporated in a water bath until near dryness and kept in a desiccator over calcium chloride. The copper compound due to its low solubility was prepared by adding slowly, with continuous stirring, the aqueous solution of Na-2-MeO-Bz 0.1 mol L-1 to the respective metal sulphate solution, until total precipitation of the metal ions. The precipitate was washed with distilled water until elimination of the sulphate ion, filtered through and dried on Whatman no42 filter paper, and kept in a desiccator over anhydrous calcium chloride, under reduced pressure to constant mass. The compounds were investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy, X-Ray powder diffractometry, simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Thermogravimetry derivative termogravimetry (TG/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and other methods of analysis. / Mestre

Análise térmica dos biodieseis obtidos por rota enzimática e suas respectivas matérias-primas / Thermal analysis of biodieseis obtained by enzymatic route and their raw materials.

Oliveira, Levi Ezequiel de 30 August 2010 (has links)
A maior parte de toda a energia consumida no mundo provém do petróleo, carvão e gás natural (87% da matriz energética mundial). No entanto, essas fontes não renováveis possuem previsão de esgotamento em um futuro próximo. Além disso, são poluidores, afetando o meio ambiente, motivando a sociedade buscar fontes alternativas para mitigar esses problemas. O biodiesel, como alternativa de combustível, começou a ser estudado em 1937, e hoje mostra ser uma alternativa eficiente e não poluidora à utilização do diesel mineral. O estudo presente foi realizado com amostras de biodieseis obtidos utilizando catalisadores enzimáticos. Essa rota vem sendo investigada no país por diversos pesquisadores, e vem mostrando que o uso da enzima como catalisador minimiza os problemas relativos às etapas finais de purificação do biodiesel, pois reduz a ocorrência das reações indesejáveis de saponificação e permite uma simplificação e redução dos custos dos processos pela diminuição do número de operações associadas. Para ser um substituto, o biodiesel precisa se enquadrar em normas, no caso do Brasil, a resolução nº 42 da ANP (Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis) de 2004. Além disso, deve possuir qualidades que viabilize a sua substituição. Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de realizar o estudo térmico utilizando a Termogravimetria (TG) e a Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) dos biodieseis de babaçu, palma e sebo bovino obtidos pela rota enzimática e suas respectivas matérias-primas. Com os resultados da TG em atmosfera Inerte, foi possível analisar a volatilidade desses biodieseis, e também verificar o seu enquadramento no parâmetro de destilação da resolução nº 42 da ANP. A TG em atmosfera oxidativa possibilitou comparar esses biodieseis em relação às suas estabilidades termo-oxidativas. Também foram realizados o Estudo Cinético das curvas TG, visando o valor da energia de ativação das primeiras etapas de cada curva, utilizando o modelo matemático Ozawa. O estudo cinético das curvas TG em atmosfera de nitrogênio mostrou que a energia de ativação e a temperatura de inicio da degradação têm uma relação direta. / Most of all energy consumed worldwide comes from oil, coal and natural gas (87% of global energy production). However, these non-renewable resources are expected to exhaust in the near future. Moreover, they are polluters, affecting the environment, prompting the company to seek alternative sources to mitigate these problems. Biodiesel as alternative fuel, that began to be studied in 1937 and today has proved an efficient and non-polluting alternative to the use of mineral diesel. The present study was performed with babassu, palm and tallow biodiesel obtained using enzymatic catalysts. This route has been investigated by several researchers in the country, and has shown that the use of enzyme as catalyst minimizes the problems related to the final stages of purification of biodiesel, it reduces the occurrence of undesirable reactions of saponification and allows for simplification and cost reduction processes by reducing the number of associated operations. To be a substitute, biodiesel must fit in standards, in the case of Brazil, the resolution No. 42 of the ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels), 2004. Also this biofuel must posses qualities thet might allow the replacement. This work aims to realize the thermal studies using thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) of babassu, palm and tallow biodiesel obtained by enzymatic route and also their raw materials. With the results of TG in an inert atmosphere, it was possible to analyze the volatility of biodieseis, and also check your guidelines on the parameter of the distillation of Resolution No. 42 of the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP). The TG analysis of biodiesel in oxidative atmosphere turns possible to study their thermo-oxidative stabilities. Also, it was performed a kinetic study of the TG curves, seeking the value of activation energy of the first steps of each curve, using the mathematical model Ozawa. The kinetic study of the TG curves in nitrogen atmosphere showed that the activation energy and temperature of the beginning of degradation have a direct relationship.

Contribuições ao ensino de análise térmica / Contributions to thermal analysis education

Denari, Gabriela Bueno 22 March 2013 (has links)
Considerando a importância crescente das técnicas termoanalíticas na indústria e na pesquisa contemporânea, torna-se necessário apresentá-las de forma adequada aos alunos de cursos de graduação, não apenas de química, mas de ciência dos materiais, física, farmácia, das diversas modalidades de engenharia, entre outros. Por outro lado, pode-se notar que isso raramente acontece, por diversos motivos, como falta de equipamentos, falta de experimentos demonstrativos das técnicas e até mesmo de falta de preparo dos docentes, com relação ao conhecimento dos fundamentos das técnicas e normalização de nomenclatura. No sentido de contribuir com o ensino de Análise Térmica em nosso país, este trabalho teve por objetivo buscar informações históricas e compilar e/ou desenvolver experimentos didáticos que possam ser usados na demonstração de conceitos teóricos e aspectos práticos das técnicas termoanalíticas mais usadas no Brasil, como a Termogravimetria (TGA), Termogravimetria Derivada (DTG), Análise Térmica Diferencial (DTA) e Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC). Para avaliar o efeito didático do material desenvolvido foi proposto um curso extracurricular no tema Análise Térmica, chamado \"Princípios e Aplicações de Análise Térmica\", em nível de graduação na forma de curso de Difusão Cultural, apoiado pela Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Participaram 12 alunos de graduação e 3 alunos de pós-graduação, estes últimos como ouvintes. Os participantes receberam material didático escrito, na forma de uma apostila, instruções teóricas e aulas práticas, envolvendo experimentos com problemas práticos contextualizados, em Análise Térmica. A avaliação do curso foi feita com base em questionários sobre expectativas dos alunos em relação ao curso, seus conhecimentos prévios e aqueles obtidos ao final do curso. Os questionários foram aplicados antes e após as atividades. A avaliação de conteúdo foi feita usando questões sobre o tópico abordado e revelou significativo ganho de conhecimento desses alunos em relação às técnicas termoanalíticas. Assim, atingiu-se o esperado, contribuindo de alguma maneira para o ensino de Análise Térmica e sua aplicação nos cursos de graduação, envolvendo Termogravimetria, Termogravimetria Derivada, Análise Térmica Diferencial e Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial. / Considering the increasing relevance of the thermoanalytical techniques in both industry and contemporary research, it becomes interesting to present such techniques in a proper way to undergraduate students, not only in chemistry, but also in materials science, physics, pharmacy, the several areas of engineering, and other potential users of these techniques. Moreover it can be noted that this rarely happens due to many reasons such as unavailability of equipments, to demonstrate the experimental details and even lacking in knowledge of professors regarding the fundamentals of the techniques and standardization in nomenclature. In order to contribute to the Thermal Analysis education in Brazil, this study aimed to seek historical information and compilation and/or development of didactic experiments that can be used in the demonstration of theoretical concepts and practical aspects of the most commonly used thermoanalytical techniques, such as Thermogravimetry (TGA), Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Beyond that, it was necessary to apply these contents with undergraduate volunteer students. Therefore, an extracurricular Thermal Analysis course in this subject, named \"Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis\", supported by the Dean of Culture of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) was offered. Twelve undergraduate and three graduate students from four Universities of São Paulo State attended the course. These students received educational written materials in the form of a handout, instructions in theoretical aspects and practical sessions involving experiments, represented by practical problems in Thermal Analysis. The course evaluation was based on questionnaires about students\' expectations and their previous knowledge and that obtained by the end of the activity. The scope evaluation was made using questions about the topics covered and revealed significant improvement in the knowledge of the students regarding the thermoanalytical techniques covered in the course. Thus the expectations of the dissertation have been satisfied in developing a written material for thermal analysis education covering historical aspects as well as, theoretical and practical concepts of Thermogravimetry, Differential Thermal Analysis, Differential Thermal Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry and their application to undergraduate courses.

The Influence of Rolling Oil Decomposition Deposits on the Quality of 55Al-43.4Zn-1.6Si Alloy Coatings

Pillar, Rachel Joanne, rachel.pillar@flinders.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
Uncoated defects in hot dip metal-coated steel products result from non-wetting of the steel surface by the molten alloy. The occurrence of uncoated defects is highly detrimental to product quality and production efficiency; uncoated defects compromise the appearance and anti-corrosion performance of hot dip metal-coated steel products and causes time delays in the application of subsequent surface treatments. Although many studies have been directed towards evaluating the effect of steel pre-heat temperature and oxidation on the formation of uncoated defects, fewer investigations have analysed how oil-derived residues remaining on steel surface following the cold rolling and furnace cleaning processes impact upon hot dip metallic coating quality. Furthermore, although a considerable amount of research has focussed on the process of deposit formation in lubricants used in other applications, the composition of oily residues remaining after the continuous annealing process, and the origins of these residues in the original rolling oil formulation, are poorly understood. The primary focus of the present work has been to gain an improved understanding of relationships between cold rolling oil composition, oil residue-formation characteristics and the occurrence of uncoated defects in 55Al-43.4Zn-1.6Si hot dip metallic coatings. Several key classes of rolling oil ingredients which decompose to leave high levels of thermally-stable residue have been identified. The thermal decomposition processes undergone by a variety ingredients within these classes have been studied under both oxidising and reducing conditions using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (PDSC) techniques, with chemical characterisation of the decomposition process and the resultant thermally-stable residue by infrared spectroscopy. Model blends of each ingredient in a typical cold rolling oil base ester have also been evaluated by TGA and PDSC to identify the impact of ingredient concentration and chemical structure on the amount of oily residue formed. The results of these investigations have been related to the impact of the ingredients on 55Al-43.4Zn-1.6Si hot dip metallic coating quality through the performance of industrial-scale hot dipping trials and hot dip simulation studies. In order to translate these results into a context more closely aligned with industrial conditions, the effect of processing variables, including furnace atmosphere and the availability/concentration of iron in contact with the rolling oil at the steel surface, on the decomposition process of a fully-formulated commercial cold rolling oil has also been investigated. The information gained can potentially be used to tailor operating conditions within the cold rolling/continuous hot dip metallic coating processes to enhance steel surface cleanliness. Finally, the deposit-forming tendencies of an array of different commercial cold rolling oils have been evaluated, leading to the development of a thermal analysis-based test for screening cold rolling oils with respect to their likely impact upon 55Al-43.4Zn-1.6Si hot dip metallic coating quality. This test, together with the understanding obtained on the effect of different rolling oil ingredients on hot dip metallic coating quality, can be used within the industry to formulate improved cold rolling oils.

A Study of the Sintering Behaviour of Ni-Ti Powder Compacts Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry

Whitney, Mark Andrew January 2007 (has links)
A primary purpose of the present work was to develop an experimental technique using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) capable of elucidating phase formation during sintering of a 50 atomic percent Ni and 50 atomic percent Ti powder compact in order to increase the understanding of the sintering mechanisms that take place during solid state and reactive sintering. Using a variety of Nickel and Titanium powder sizes, effects due to powder size, peak temperature and hold time were studied in situ using DSC, which allowed for a number of qualitative and quantitative relationships to be developed. In studying the eutectoid decomposition of β-Ti using DSC, a simple model was developed (Eq. 4-7) to relate the measured enthalpy of this reaction to the area fraction observed microstructurally. This allowed for the determination of the standard enthalpy for the β-Ti eutectoid decomposition, which was found to be ΔHf = 64.8 J/g. This value, coupled with the measured eutectoid enthalpy, allowed for the determination of the weight fraction of β-Ti present as a function of hold time at 900°C. It was found that the β-Ti removal followed a two-stage parabolic decay. The rate constant for stage I was found to be kI = -0.0347 fβ/(mins)^1/2 and that for stage II, kII = - 0.0123 fβ/(mins)^1/2. A relationship between the enthalpy observed for the combustion reaction versus the fraction of β-Ti present at the time of combustion was also developed (Eq. 4-15). This represents the first published evidence that combustion actually depends on the β-Ti content, which in turn precipitates a melting event significant enough to initiate combustion.

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